ViewPlus EmBraille 25SN Service Manual

ViewPlus EmBraille 25SN Service Manual49339502498725ViewPlus Technologies1965 SW Airport Ave Corvallis, OR 97333 U.S.A.1-541-754-4002Revision 25/11/2015Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u General Notes PAGEREF _Toc419115907 \h 21. Service Preparation PAGEREF _Toc419115908 \h 31.1 Software PAGEREF _Toc419115909 \h 31.2 Inspection PAGEREF _Toc419115910 \h 31.3 General maintenance PAGEREF _Toc419115911 \h 42. Printer Settings and Adjustments PAGEREF _Toc419115912 \h 42.1 Solenoid calibration PAGEREF _Toc419115913 \h 42.2 Skew PAGEREF _Toc419115914 \h 52.3 Sensor values PAGEREF _Toc419115915 \h 52.4 Legacy settings PAGEREF _Toc419115916 \h 72.5 Media Type Settings PAGEREF _Toc419115917 \h 93. Diagnosing and Troubleshooting a Problem PAGEREF _Toc419115918 \h 103.1 Printing test page PAGEREF _Toc419115919 \h 103.2 Printer not powering on PAGEREF _Toc419115920 \h 103.3 Front panel not responding PAGEREF _Toc419115921 \h 103.4 Paper not advancing PAGEREF _Toc419115922 \h 113.5 Poor dot quality or missing dots PAGEREF _Toc419115923 \h 113.6 Paper tearing PAGEREF _Toc419115924 \h 123.7 Incorrect carriage movement PAGEREF _Toc419115925 \h 134. Case Removal and Replacement PAGEREF _Toc419115926 \h 144.1 Removing the case PAGEREF _Toc419115927 \h 144.2 Replacing the case PAGEREF _Toc419115928 \h 165. Platen Removal and Replacement PAGEREF _Toc419115929 \h 185.1 Removing the platen PAGEREF _Toc419115930 \h 185.2 Replacing the platen PAGEREF _Toc419115931 \h 2510. Installing firmware PAGEREF _Toc419115932 \h 3411. Changing/Resetting Serial Number PAGEREF _Toc419115933 \h 35General NotesIf a technical training course has not been completed, do not attempt to service the printer. This manual is to be used in conjunction with the ViewPlus EmBraille user’s manual, including its outlined safety precautions.Unless noted otherwise, the terms front, back, left and right will be from the perspective of a user at the Operator Panel of the embosser. The screw length used in an individual embosser may vary from that indicated in this manual. The length of some screws is critical. If a screw is to be replaced, use a screw of equivalent type and length. Torque specifications for any location, regardless of length, are as indicated in appendix A.Dangerous voltages are present in the power supply area if the embosser is connected to an AC power source. When working with the printer case removed, ensure that the printer is not connected to a power source unless instructed. In this instance, use extreme care. Always make sure that the embosser is connected to the appropriate voltage, as marked on the serial label. 1. Service Preparation1.1 SoftwareThe preferred software for servicing is the Tiger Toolbox. This software is not available from the website, ViewPlus support must be contacted. A picture of the "main" tab of the toolbox is shown below. Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 1: ViewPlus EmBraille Toolbox1.2 InspectionInspect the exterior of the printer and note any damage that may have occurred during shipping.Note the serial number of the embosser. This number is located on the back of the printer, and is used by ViewPlus to keep a service history of each individual unit. Determine the firmware version currently loaded on the embosser by opening the ViewPlus EmBraille Toolbox and looking on the “main” tab. Verify that the serial number listed below the firmware version number matches the number listed on the back of the printer. 1.3 General maintenance After inspecting the printer there are a couple routine service tasks that should be performed:Clean all paper dust out of the printer, using a vacuumPlace a small dab of lithium grease on the carriage and rotation rail Inspect the platen for any damage, and remove any debris 2. Printer Settings and Adjustments2.1 Solenoid calibrationSolenoid calibration should be performed if half of a page produces higher dots than the other half. Solenoid calibration is used by the printer to compensate for manufacturing tolerances associated with the electronics of the solenoids. The unit for calibration is the percentage of available power to fire the solenoid at. For example, a value of 90 equals 90 percent of the available power. The solenoid calibration values are found on the "Calibrate" tab in the toolbox with the labels "Solenoid 1" and "Solenoid 2." To correct a difference in solenoid calibration, turn the available power down on the harder punching solenoid in increments of 2%. Solenoid 1 and 2 are labeled on the carriage interconnect board. For example, if solenoid 1 is punching harder than solenoid 2 (producing taller dots), and solenoid 1 has a value of 98, switch the value to 96. Print out another document to see if the solenoid calibration is equal. Repeat this process if necessary. 2.2 SkewThe skew setting should be used to help eliminate zigzag patterns in printouts. Skew is used by the printer to account for the time delay between triggering a solenoid punch, and the solenoid pin producing a dot. Since the carriage fires while traveling both directions, this time delay causes dots to be placed to the left or to the right of its ideal placement, depending on the direction of travel. By accounting for the time delay correctly, dots are placed properly. The skew calibration page uses different time delays to select from, with the goal being to find the best delay to create a vertical line of dots. To print the skew calibration page, navigate to the "Calibrate" tab in the toolbox. Load paper into the printer, and then click the "Skew Calibration" button. The top section of the document shows different time delays to choose from. Start on the left side of the document, and count columns until the most vertical column of dots. Enter the value for this column back into the toolbox and click the "apply" button. If needed interim values can be used, for example, if column 9 is skewed in one direction, and column 10 is skewed in the other direction, a value of 9.5 can be used. The lower portion of the skew calibration page displays the result of the currently entered value. The calibration page should be printed again if a new value is entered, so the new setting can be verified as creating vertical lines. 2.3 Sensor valuesTo read the sensor values navigate to the "sensors" tab in the Toolbox. While the printer is on and connected to the computer press the "Read Sensors" button. Following is an explanation of each reading and a picture of the "sensors" tab from the Toolbox. Home Flag: This is the sensor that detects the home position for the carriage. A value of "1" means that the carriage is in the home position (the left side of its travel), a value of "0" means that the carriage is at any other location. Paper Flag: This sensor is used to determine whether or not paper is in the printer. A value of "1" indicates that there is paper in the printer; a value of "0" indicates that no paper is in the printer.Gap Flag: This sensor determines the gap between the carriage and platen, it is not intended to be adjusted, and should read "0."Paper: This sensor determines whether or not the printer is in single sheet mode, or tractor mode. A value of "0" is registered for tractor feed mode, a value of "1" is registered for single sheet mode. Panel: This value indicates which buttons are engaged on the control panel. A value of "0" should be registered when all buttons are released. Solenoid Temperature 1: This is an estimated value, in degrees Celsius, for the coil temperature of solenoid 1. Solenoid Temperature 2: This is an estimated value, in degrees Celsius, for the coil temperature of solenoid 2. PCB Temperature: This is a sensor reading in degrees Celsius of the interconnect circuit board located on the carriage. This sensor is used to determine when to slow the printer down due to overheating. Figure 3: Toolbox sensors tab2.4 Legacy settingsThe printer's legacy settings can be accessed via the toolbox on the "Legacy" tab. This can be useful to verify that the settings are set as expected. Following is a picture of the "Legacy" tab, along with an explanation of the functions. Paper: This section characterizes the overall width and height of the paper, in inches. If using continuous tractor paper, the width of the tractor strips should not be included. Margins: This section characterizes the 3 different margins on printouts, in inches. The top margin represents a blank row across the top of the page. The left and right margins represent blank columns on either side of the page.Emboss Quality: The choices for emboss quality function are standard and best. Standard is the default setting. Best mode slows the print speed down to produce higher quality dots. # of Braille Dots: This function selects the number of dots in each braille cell. The choices are 6 or 8. 6 is the default setting. Extra line spacing: This value will add more space between consecutive lines of braille than the standard. The unit for this value is inches.Braille Force: The braille force function changes the height of the braille dots. There are 3 options to choose from: high, normal and low. Normal is the default setting. Current Braille Table: This value shows which number braille table from this list is currently selected. To view the list, click on the "Braille Tables…" button. A new window will appear with a drop down list of the braille tables. Count down from the top of the list starting with 1, and enter the value of the desired table. Custom tables can also be loaded from this window.Text mode: This function chooses how to treat characters sent to the printer. The options are text, graphics or microbraille. Text is the default selection. Selecting microbraile will change the spacing between characters to microbraille standard spacing. Selecting graphics reduces the gap between characters from the standard 0.15 inches to 0.05 inches both horizontally and vertically. Word wrap: This function allows words to continue from one line to the next. If the function is not checked, words that can't fit on a line, will always be kept whole, and placed on the next line. Figure 4: Toolbox Legacy tab2.5 Media Type SettingsThe punch force to form the dots on different print media is preset within the printer. These values can be accessed through the "Calibrate" tab in the toolbox. In section "Media Types" numbers are given for each of the media types that indicate the force of the punch. Higher numbers will form higher dots. The default values are as in the picture below. If values need to be adjusted for certain media types, change it within the entry field and click apply.Figure 5: Toolbox Calibrate tab3. Diagnosing and Troubleshooting a ProblemIt is important to talk with the end user prior to troubleshooting, to help pinpoint their problem.3.1 Printing test pageThe test page is an overall check of the motors, solenoids and sensors located in the printer. To print the onboard test page hold the "online" button while turning the printer on.Examine the test page for the following:Paper advance functions work properly (lines are normally and consistently spaced)Appropriate and consistent punch force, see section 3.1Correct skew setting, see section 3.2Embossed pattern is registered to the left and top of the pageThe test page pattern is complete (no incomplete graphics)3.2 Printer not powering onFollowing is a table describing scenarios that could lead to the printer not turning on. Causes are listed in order they should be investigated. ProblemCauseActionPrinter not powering onPrinter is unpluggedPlug power cord into power source and back of printerIncorrect supply voltageVerify the listed printer voltage range matches the power sourceAC power cable is unpluggedPlug AC power cable into power module, power switch and power supplyDC power cable is unpluggedPlug DC power cable into power supply and main circuit boardPower supply is damagedReplace power supplyMain circuit board is damagedReplace main circuit board3.3 Front panel not respondingFollowing is a table describing scenarios that could cause the front panel to not respond. Causes are listed in order they should be investigated.ProblemCauseActionControl panel not respondingPrinter is turned offMove power switch back to on or "I" positionUnexpected error has occurredPower cycle the printer off and on againControl panel cable unpluggedPlug cable back into control panel and main circuit boardControl panel cable is damagedReplace control panel cable3.4 Paper not advancing Following is a table describing scenarios that could cause paper not to advance. Causes are listed in order they should be investigated.ProblemCauseActionPaper doesn't advancePaper path selection lever set to incorrect positionMove paper path selection lever to whichever paper path has paper installedTractor feeders not clamped down on paperEngage tractor feeder clampsTractor feeders located to close together causing paper bowingMove tractor feeders apart until paper is taut Paper is jammedClear jammed paper out of printerPaper motor is unpluggedPlug motor back into main circuit boardPlastic gears are damaged or wornReplace damaged gear(s)3.5 Poor dot quality or missing dotsFollowing is a table describing possible scenarios that could lead to poor dot quality or missing dots. Causes are listed in order they should be investigated. ProblemCauseActionAll dots are missingDocument contains no dataVerify document contains either braille or graphicsCopy paper media type selected while printing with thicker paperChange media type setting to appropriate paper typeBase force setting turned down too farTurn base force setting upBoth solenoids are unplugged from interconnect board on carriagePlug solenoid connectors back into interconnect boardBoth ribbon cables are unplugged Plug ribbon cables back into interconnect board and main circuit boardBoth solenoids are very loose in the carriageTighten both solenoid's brass nut using a ?" wrenchRibbon cables are damagedReplace ribbon cablesBoth solenoids are damagedReplace both solenoidsHalf of the page is missing dotsSolenoid calibration has been turned down too lowCompare calibration value against other solenoid Solenoid is unplugged from interconnect board on carriagePlug solenoid connector back into interconnect boardRibbon cable is unplugged Plug ribbon cable back into interconnect board and main circuit boardSolenoid is very loose in carriageTighten solenoid's brass nut using a ?" wrench Ribbon cables are damagedReplace ribbon cablesSolenoid is damagedReplace solenoidPoor quality dotsWrong media type selectedChange media type to appropriate paper typeOne or both solenoids are loose in carriageTighten solenoid's brass nut using a ?" wrenchRibbon cables are damagedReplace ribbon cablesCarriage is looseTighten screws attaching the carriage to the sled Carriage paper guide is looseTighten screws attaching paper guide to carriageOne or both solenoids are damagedReplace solenoidPlaten is worn outReplace platen 3.6 Paper tearingFollowing is a table describing scenarios that could be causing paper tearing. Causes are listed in order they should be investigated.ProblemCauseActionPaper tearingBraille paper media type selected while printing on lighter paperChange media type setting to appropriate paper typeBase force setting turned up too highTurn base force setting downCarriage paper guide is bentReplace carriage paper guideSolenoid is damagedReplace solenoid3.7 Incorrect carriage movementFollowing is a table describing scenarios that could be causing incorrect carriage movement. Causes are listed in order they should be investigate. ProblemCauseActionCarriage not movingError with home positionPower the printer off and then on again, it will calculated home position againDebris jammed in carriage pathClean out any debris around the carriageCarriage motor unpluggedPlug motor cable back into motor and main circuit boardCarriage bentMove carriage by hand while printer is off, if carriage won't move or binds, replace carriageCarriage moving into side frameCarriage moved by hand while printer is onPower the printer off and then on again, it will calculate home position againHome position sensor is falsely triggered by debrisClean out any debris in or around home position sensorHome position sensor is damagedReplace home position sensor4. Case Removal and Replacement4.1 Removing the caseTo remove the top cover, pull out on the sides and rotate forward.Pull and lift here to remove the top cover.Remove knob and 4 case screws. Lift and rotate the case toward the front of the printer then unplug the ribbon cable.4.2 Replacing the casePlug in the ribbon cable to the control panel.Set the case back into place and fasten it with 4 screws.Snap the lid back on right side first then left side.Put the knob on and close the lid. 5. Platen Removal and Replacement5.1 Removing the platenRemove the case. See section 4.1Use a small flat head screwdriver to carefully pry off the clear cover. Remove the 2 screws holding the carriage.Lift off the carriage and unplug the ribbon cables.Remove the 2 gears. Use a small flathead screwdriver to pry back the clip.3054350163766531751637665Remove the screws from both sides of the roller assembly.Pull out on the detents and rotate the cam clockwise to remove it.308927520955031750209550The other side needs to be unlocked not removed. Pull out on the detents and rotate the cam clockwise.285753441703092450344170Use a flat head screwdriver to gently pry out the left side of the roller assembly. Pull the tab on the right a little to release the roller assembly. 02025653099435202565Pull out the roller assembly.Remove the E-Ring and set aside. To remove the bushing pull out on the detents then rotate toward the front of the printer.304800052070317552070Remove the E-Ring from the other side also. -3175-1270Pull out on the detents and rotate the bushing clockwise. Pull the platen gear out a little.2994025185420-25400187325Slide the carriage all the way to the right. Pull the left side of the platen out of the side frame. Remove the spring washer and set aside. Rest the platen back in the side frame.2994025161290-28575161290The platen can now be removed. Pull out the side with the gears first.5.2 Replacing the platen Slide the bushing and gear on the long end of the shaft. Be sure they are facing the right direction. Rest the shaft into the right frame between the bushing and gear.3086100127001270Slide the right bushing into the side frame.Slide the spring washer on to the left side of the shaft. Push the shaft into place.30391102425700242570Slide the left bushing into the side frame and rotate so that the detent locks in place. Put the large E-ring on this side.3042920234950-25400234950Slide the Right Bushing into the side frame and rotate so that the detent locks in place. Push the gear up against the bushing.299402560325-2540058420Put the smaller E-Ring on the other side.Place a cam on the shorter side of the roller assembly shaft as shown. Place the longer side of the roller assembly shaft into the right frame. 3009900231140-28575231140Slide the left side of the shaft into place. Rotate the cam to the front of the printer to lock in in place. 3009900316230-22225316230Slide the right side of the shaft into place. Rotate the cam to the front of the printer to lock in in place. 30270452540-95256985Put the gears on. Be sure the top gear is locked in place correctly. Reinstall the screws holding the assembly on each side.3051175290195-6350290195Set the carriage back in place. Screw it down and plug in the ribbon cables.Press the ends of the clear cover into the cam on each side.Be sure the plastic tabs are in place correctly.Fold down the clear cover and snap it into place.Put the case back on. See section 4.2 for instructions.10. Installing firmwareMake sure the EmBraille is properly connected via power cord and USBRun the firmware EXE file, which is named "EmBrailleFirmware_9_1_22.exe" for example for firmware version 9.1.22The firmware download application will open Choose the appropriate EmBraille printer from the drop-down list and click Start DownloadFollow the on-screen instructions to successfully download the firmware11. Changing/Resetting Serial NumberOpen EmBraille toolboxClick on the Service tabEnter in the Serial numberClick update then okOpen the toolbox again and make sure it was saved. The Serial number is listed under the main tab. Ignore the T on the end. ................

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