Satanic Hand Signs from New Underworld Order


ADDENDUM 9: Satanic Signals from on High

ADDENDUM NINE: Global Analyst 2,1: February 2005



In the following sequence of pictures, first published in Global Analyst, Volume 2, Number 1 [2005], the

Author reviews the prevalence of open salutes to the Devil. President George W. Bush's wife and the

President himself [see page 23], former US Vice-President Dan Quayle, General Tommy Franks, Silvio

Berlusconi, Prince Edward and King Abdullah of Jordan are all shown saluting the Evil One -just like the

Satanic rock band, the album cover and the participants at a Satanic event, also illustrated here.

Numbered pictures above and right: 1: Mrs Laura Bush displays the Satanic hand-signal, known as the

'horned hand', or 'Devil's Salute' signal, at the Inauguration on 20th January 2005; 2: Ex-Vice President Dan

Quayle joins in the chorus of salutations to 'that old serpent, the Devil, and Satan, that deceiveth the whole world';

3: General Tommy Franks, who inflicted mass deaths in Iraq, stands close [continued on page 733]:



to his President at a briefing in the Texas countryside, exhibiting the 'Devil's Salute', which comes naturally to

him, it seems; 4: Silvio Berlusconi, ex-Prime Minister of Italy, caught in the act. He should know what this hand

signal means: it's a 'Devil's Salute' used in Sicily to 'cast out evil spells'; 5: Prince William seems to think that the

contrived salute he is delivering is amusing. The point is that it actually takes a moment's thought to extend the

two fingers in question, which means that this salute cannot be delivered casually: it has to be a conscious act.

ft is not known whether Prince William, pictured here by Reuters, knew what he was doing, or whether this

was just an instance of youthful silliness. The picture was not understood when first published: now we have

the context; 6: Members of the (Satanic) Rock Band Metallica display the old 'Devil Salute', and a related 'inyour-face' acknowledgement of whom they worship and revere. They are an appropriately nasty-looking

bunch; 7: The Devil's Salute, or diablo symbol, being displayed en masse at an incantation during a Satanic

ritual; 8: Detail from an album cover by a Rock Band called Dio, meaning God. The diabolical graphics of this

album cover are not fully shown here: but the rest of the cover displays the word Dio in demonic lettering

which, when reversed in the mirror, spells Devil. This reflects the fact that the Devil turns everything back to

front, and upside down. The llluminati have no solution to anything, and their only product is death, procured

via open-ended confusion - the Devil being the author of all confusion; 9: King Abdullah of Jordan finds it

necessary to display the 'horned hand', or 'Devil's Salute' signal as he greets GRU-President Vladimir

Putin; 10: The 'mano figo' a.k.a. 'fica gesture', is both a crude insult called the diablo symbol, and a satanic

signal, an imagined defence against the evil eye (of Lucifer, also called the 'All-Seeing Eye'), and

additionally, a sexual signal; 11: The 'mano comuto', a.k.a. the Devil's triad, 'ilcomuto', 'cornuto', the horn, the

horned Devil, the twin-homed salute, the horned hand, the 'Devil's Salute', and the 'Devil Horn Salute'. When

the 'mainstream' US media actually noticed that the President of the United States, his wife and a daughter

had seen fit to display these Satanic hand gestures during the Inauguration on 20th January 2005, a cover story

was retailed for public consumption to the effect that the hand signal represents the 'Hook 'em Horns' gesture

used by the fans of the University of Texas Longhorns. This 'line' was disseminated by Associated Press (which

acts more or less as a US state news agency nowadays) and CNN - despite conclusive evidence, supported by

academic authorities, that this gesture represents a celebration of, and a sign of obeisance to, the Devil, Satan,

the Evil One. Beyond that, if the Texas University Longhoms perform this signal routinely, they salute the Devil

routinely, too. Whether fans do this wittingly or not is irrelevant: that's what they are doing.

In his Inauguration speech, President Bush proclaimed: 'By our efforts, we have lit... a fire in the minds of

men. It warms those who feel its power, it burns those who fight its progress, and one day this untamed fire of

freedom will reach the darkest corners of our world'. What does this Luciferian statement mean in translation

from the language of the hof-Illuminati? It rejoices in setting fires, which is a central preoccupation of the

possessed and those in thrall to Lucifer - who, as the Author's late and dear friend Malachi Martin confirmed

[page 7] 'have all passed through [initiation] that involves three things: the infliction of pain without flinching,

the infliction of death without flinching, and the use of fire'. For initiates, the deaths in Iraq and those in New

Orleans are just 'collateral damage'. ¡ö


ADDENDUM 10: Geomasonic Illuminati handshakes

ADDENDUM TEN: Global Analyst 1,5: May 2004



In the following sequence of pictures, taken from old press clippings (as reflected in their quality), some

conspicuous geomasonic handshakes ('grips') are identified. A graphic summary of these 'grips' (labelled

A-E) is given, with commentary, on page 737. Due to the relative imprecision of a few of these pictures, it is

possible that one or more grips may be imperfectly identified: but the message of this presentation should be

clear: the Illuminati inhabit their own secret synarchical world apart from the rest of us.

Numbered pictures above and at right: 1: The former US Ambassador to the United Nations, Mr Richard

Holbrooke (Skull & Bones; left), greeting UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, pictured at a benefit event held on the

6th May 2004 for Refugees International, in Washington DC, as Queen Noor of Jordan looks on. Holbrooke and

Annan perform the Lion's Paw grip; 2: Kim Jong-ll and Kim De-Jung [continued on page 736]:




ADDENDUM 10: Geomasonic Illuminati handshakes

[Continued from page 734]: (of the two Koreas), on 12th September 2000, display a Lion's Paw grip; 3: Tony Blair

and Colonel Qaddhafi demonstrate a somewhat lukewarm Pass Grip of a Master Mason, also known as the

'Shibboleth' friendship handshake, on 25th March 2004: this grip is used by Masons who are strangers to each other,

to demonstrate their membership of the Illuminati 'Brotherhood'. This picture was accompanied by no less than three

handshake close-ups on the front page of 'The Times' of London, as though Rupert Murdoch, owner of the

newspaper, wished to make it clear to those whom Lenin referred to as 'the interested' that 'The Brotherhood' is in

the driving seat, and orchestrates such rapprochements in accordance with its own agenda (depending on priorities

and the 'correlation of forces'); 4: Tony Blair, a 'high' Mason, demonstrating to Mr Nastase of Romania, that he is a

Master Mason, with Nastase basically remonstrating with the strength of his grip that he is really 'Mr Nasty'; 5: This

extremely revealing picture shows the high-ranking Masonic status of both President Clinton and of the Lenin lookalike, Gerry Adams. This may be a Pass Grip of the Master Mason, or Tubal Cain. In the United States, Master

Masons often wear a tie-pin with the image of a cane (walking stick) with two balls, which is a typically cynical

Masonic play on words, with obscene overtones: such people routinely wear such tie-pins to church, since they are

'double-minded'. Masonry and llluminism are wholly incompatible with True Christianity (though not, of course, with

paganised Christianity/Churchianity as purveyed, regrettably, by most of the churches); 6: Nelson Mandela and F W

De Klerk, 8th August 1990. The handshake-grip used here would appear to be the Strong Grip of


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