Services - Weebly


|Babysitting for Holidays (Christmas Shopping|Gift wrapping (particularly great around |Children’s Christmas Shopping (Older |

|or New Years Eve. .Have parents sign a |the holidays) |girls can take young children out to shop|

|release form and notify you of any | |for their parents) |

|medical/health concerns. Provide snacks and | | |

|entertainment). | | |

|Car Wash (find a spot that can be seen from |House, yard or window cleaning (Work Day - |Dog walking, washing or sitting |

|the street. Most fast food or pizza |girls are hired out for a day/hourly fee | |

|restaurants will allow you to use their |(i.e. rake leaves. Make sure that the | |

|parking lots and water. You will need to |houses they go to are people that they know| |

|bring all the supplies including hoses). |and they are always accompanied by | |

| |chaperones) | |

|Tutoring |Typing |Singing Telegrams |

|Letters from Santa (write letters from |Meals ( prepare and serve a meal for a |Bag groceries (Ask a local grocery store |

|Santa to children of parents who give their |group or at an event – some ideas might be |if the girls can bag people’s groceries |

|name, including a special something in each |Breakfast with Santa or Take Home Meals for|for donations – they should NOT take them|

|one about that child’s wishes) |customers on the run) |out to the cars. Be certain to put up a |

| | |sign saying what the donation is for) |

|Care Packages (sent to college students as |Working a concession stand (sometimes a |Clean tables for tips at fast food |

|ordered by Parents during finals) |stand will allow the girls to work it and |restaurants |

| |keep some of the profits) | |

Activities and Products

|Craft Sale (products offered must be handmade) |Bake Sale (products offered must be |Garage or White Elephant Sale |

| |homemade) | |

|Plant sale (Organize a plant sale with plants donated |Cookbooks (They must be made by the |Recycling (cans, newspapers, etc) |

|by local nurseries) |girls) | |

|Carnivals or Pet Fairs for children (One event can be |From Your Kitchen – (special things |Homemade Candy Sale |

| |made in your kitchen and packaged to| |

| |sell) | |

|Silent Auction |Penny Drive |Fun-Run |

|No Bake Sale (cookie ingredients in a jar) |Cake Walk (afterwards the cakes can |Pie or other food eating contest |

| |be auctioned off) |(charge for entry – winner gets |

| | |donated prize) |

|Balloon pop (Before filling a balloon with air or |Christmas ornament sale (Sell |Make a gingerbread house and auction |

|helium, put a note inside. Have a certain number of the|handmade Christmas ornaments during |it off |

|notes worth a prize. Have people buy balloons and pop |the Christmas season) | |

|them in the hope of getting the prize. Be sure to pick | | |

|up the broken balloons afterwards) | | |

|Create and sell a coupon book (with deals from local |Bike Rodeo (for younger children) |Workshops (Craft or Music) |

|businesses) | | |

|Kite Flying Contest |Art Shows and Workshops |Cooking Classes |

|Sewing Classes |Painting house numbers on curbs |Face painting |

|Haunted Houses |Dunk tank |Father-Daughter Dance (for younger |

| | |children) |

Some Ideas from Others

The Burger King in our area has "benefits" to support area groups like Girl Scouts, M.O.P.S., etc.. All you do is arrange with the Burger King the date and time for example Friday the 5th from 3-5pm and they donate a percent of the sales during that time! You just need to get as many people as possible to eat there during that time so that you get the most money possible. The Burger King here says they did one for the Girl Scouts last month and the girls made $500 in those couple hours!!

For a great fundraiser: Make 2 or 3 dozen sugar cookies. If there is a holiday that is close by, you could make the cookies out of a certain shape, such as a heart for Valentine's or a tree for Christmas. Then give the kids a plastic knife or spoon and some icing and let them decorate away. Very fun and easy to do!!


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