Cercul Pedagogic

286131029210INSPECTORATUL ?COLAR JUDE?EAN MURE?edums.roOLIMPIADA DE LIMBA ENGLEZ?CLASA a VII-aFAZA JUDE?EAN?- 15 aprilie 2016Varianta........... WRITE ONLY THE ANSWERS ON YOUR ANSWER SHEET.USE OF ENGLISH (60 points)Subject 1 Celebrities are everywhere nowadays: on TV, in magazines, online. Is this preoccupation harmless fun or is it bad for us? How many people are truly obsessed with modern media idols? And on the other side of the coin, can fame be harmful to the celebrities?Read the paragraphs and answer the tasks below:A. Four kinds of celebrity were included in the sample. The most narcissistic were the ones who had become famous through reality TV shows - they scored highest on vanity and willingness to exploit other people. Next came comedians, who scored highest on feelings of superiority. Then came actors, and the least narcissistic were musicians. One interesting result was that there was no connection between narcissism and the length of time the celebrity had been famous. This means that becoming famous probably did not make the celebrities narcissistic- they already were beforehand. So, what can we learn from this? People who are very successful or famous tend to be narcissists and are liable to ruthless, self-seeking workaholics. As we can see from celebrity magazines, they are also often desperate and lonely. They make disastrous role models.B. That leaves 2% of young people with a ’borderline-pathological’ interest. They might say, for example, they would spend several thousand pounds on a paper plate the celebrity had used, or that they would do something illegal if the celebrity asked them to. These people are in most danger of being seriously disturbed. C. Studies suggest that the vast majority of teenagers do not really worship celebrities. Researchers have identified three kinds of fans. About 15% of young people have an ’entertainment- social’interest. They love chatting about their favourite celebrities with friends and this does not appear to do any harm.D. What about the celebrities themselves? A study in the USA tried to measure narcissism or extreme self-centredness, when feelings of worthlessness and invisibility are compensated for by turning into the opposite: excessive showing off. Researchers looked at 200 celebrities, 200 young adults with Masters in Business Administration (a group known for being narcissistic) and a nationally representative sample using the same questionnaire. As was expected, the celebrities were significantly more narcissistic than the MBAs and both groups were a lot more narcissistic than the general population. E. Another 5% feel that they have an ’intense - personal’ relationship with a celebrity. Sometimes they see them as their soulmate and find that they are often thinking about them, even when they do not want to. These people are more at risk from depression and anxiety. If girls in this group idolise a female star with a body they consider to be perfect, they are more likely to be unhappy with their own bodies. 1. a) Find the correct order of the five paragraphs above: 1______________ 2___________ 3______________ 4____________ 5_____________ b) Check your understanding and choose True or False for these sentences:1. The article is about whether celebrity culture is harmful, for either the public or the T/F celebrities themselves. 2. Fifteen per cent of teenagers have an interest in celebrities that probably isn’t a cause T/Ffor concern. 3. Young people who feel they have an ‘intense-personal’ relationship with a celebrity do T/F not experience any negative consequences related to it. 4. A study found out that celebrities were more self-centred than business administration T/Fmasters students.5. The author says that celebrities tend to exhibit negative qualities and are therefore not T/Fgood role models. (10 points)Subject 2 Find the equivalents of these definitions in the text from exercise 1, between the words in bold. There are more than it is necessary.have or show feelings of profound devotion =excessive interest in or admiration of oneself =behaving in a way that is intended to attract attention =excessive pride or interest in your own attractiveness =damage or injury = (5 points)Subject 3 Read the text below and complete each gap with only one word:Young people who choose professions such as singing or acting invariably sacrifice a great deal if they are to achieve their…………(1). Their parents often organize for them to have special coaching in singing, acting, and so on in addition to their conventional schooling. This way of life is similar to that of the young athletes. Their school grades may suffer as a ………(2) of the drive to become stars.When they reach their late teens and early 20s, these youngsters travel from audition to audition in the hope of………..(3) spotted by some famous director or producer. And a few become mega-stars, some make a decent living out of their profession and others may give ……..(4) their ambition, because they never get a lucky break.Taking all these into……………(5), it is hard to imagine that anyone who does become a celebrity could possibly resent media attention and the adulation of their fans. This is why I believe superstars’ complaints about media harassment are just another publicity stunt. (5 points)Subject 4 Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first, using from two to five words, including the word in bold at the end of the line:There are no good films on this week. cinema There is nothing ……………………………………………… It is difficult to discover what is true. truth The…………………………………………………………………I haven’t been here before. firstThis is ………………………………………………I’ve been here. Jack Nicholson has got a brother who is older than him. elderHe………………………………………………………brother.If you drive faster, it is more dangerous. lessIt is……………………………………………………….drive slower.Are you a good pianist? pianoCan you…………………………………………………………..well?Fish and meat are the same price in some countries. costs Fish………………………………………………meat in some countries.I talked to neither of Harry’s sisters. eitherI didn’t……………………………………………………..Harry’s sisters.Can’t you rehearse faster than that? fastest Is……………………………………………………………..can rehearse? That’s strange! My script is not here! disappeared That’s strange! My ………………………………………………….! (10 points)Subject 5 Use the word given in brackets to form a word that fits in the space:‘Battle for your heart’ is the new film starring Hugh Grade. I’m afraid that my first 1………(IMPRESS)was not very favourable. The scenes of violence are 2………….(HARM) and the main character, Tony is simply 3……………(IRRITATE).The audience is supposed to feel great 4……………(ADMIRE) forTony, an army officer who is accused of 5……………(COWARD) because he fails to attack the village where the 6……………(ADORE) Miranda lives with her old father. Tony saves their lives, and although the idea of marrying Tony has little 7………………(ATTRACT) for her, Miranda agrees to it out of 8…………..(GRATEFUL). However, she is still in love with Alex, one of the enemy army, and wants to remain 9………………(FAITH) to him. The dialogue and acting are just as bad as the plot. At the end, I breathed a sign of 10……………(RELIEVE). (10 points)Subject 6 Look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct, and some have a word which should not be there. Tick each correct line. If a line has a word which should not be there, write the word in the space.Dear Brad Pitt,Do you remember me? We have met last year when you were on holiday in Brighton. 1)……...I’m sorry I haven’t been written to you since then. I have been working abroad and I 2)……...have only just come back home to England. Next week I am planning to be in Bristol, 3)……...and I was thinking about that we could meet. Do you remember Justin B., the artist we met 4)……...We are getting married next month, and we are want you to come to the wedding. I have lost 5)………your phone number, but when I have get to Bristol, I’ll try to contact you. It will be great to 6)……...see you again. Are you still acting or I have you found another job? You won’t recognize 7)………me when you will see me! I had my hair cut last week, and now I look completely different. 8)……...Justin doesn’t like women with long hair, you see! How is Angelina? Is she going to deliver 9)……...another baby? I have seen her in Maleficent and I really think she should stay away from kids. 10)…….Hoping to see you soon,Jennifer Aniston (10 points) Subject 7 Write a wh- question for each answer:……………………………………………………………….Get up? At about 7.30 usually.………………………………………………………………. I went there to buy some food.………………………………………………………I’m washing my hair. I can’t talk, sorry. ………………………………………………………………So far I’ve only eaten breakfast.………………………………………………She was reading Zoe’s article when you called her.……………………………………………………The director has been here since early morning.………………………………………...I think you should ask for a second opinion about the film.……………………………………………………..If you see a black cat you will have good luck.……………………………………………………………….Love is more important than money.……………………………………………………The fastest animal in the world is the cheetah. (10 points)II. WRITING (30 POINTS) One day, you wake up as usual, at 7.00 a.m. You look in the mirror and, to your amazement, you discover the pretty/ handsome face of Angelina Jolie/ Brad Pitt. Write a narrative paragraph, between 100-150 words, in which you explain how you deal with the ’new role’ of your life. Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii.Timp de lucru 2 ore. Se acord? 10 puncte din oficiu.286131029210INSPECTORATUL ?COLAR JUDE?EAN MURE?edums.roOLIMPIADA DE LIMBA ENGLEZ?CLASA a VII-aFAZA JUDE?EAN?- 15 aprilie 2016Varianta .............BAREM DE CORECTAREUSE OF ENGLISH (60 points)Subject 1. 10 points (1p x 10)a) 1. C 2. E 3. B 4. D 5. Ab) 1. T 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. TSubject 2. 5 points (1p x 5)1) worship 2) narcissism 3) showing off 4) vanity 5) harm Subject 3. 5 points (1p x 5) 1. goal/purpose 2. consequence/result 3. being 4.up 5. consideration/accountSubject 4. 10 points (1p x 10)1...........good on at the cinema this week; 2. .........truth is difficult to discover; 3........the first time...;.4. ......has got an elder .............; 5. .......less dangerous if you......; 6........play the piano.......;7. .........costs as much as..........; 8.........talk to either of.............; 9.............that the fastest you.......; 10..................script has disappeared!; Subject 5. 10 points (1p x 10)1. impression 6. adorable2. harmless 7. attraction3. irritating 8. gratefulness4. admiration 9. faithful5. cowardice 10. reliefSubject 6. 10 points (1p x 10) 1. have; 2.been; 3.only; 4. about; 5. are; 6. have; 7. I; 8. will; 9. ; 10.;Subject 7. 10 points (1p x 10) What time do you usually get up?Why did you go there?What are you doing now?What have you eaten so far today?Whose article was she reading when I called her?/What was she doing when I called her?How long has the director been here for?What should I do?/ What do you think I should do?What will happen if I see a black cat?What is more important: love or money?Which is the fastest animal in the world? WRITING (30 points) 2p - Spelling2p - Vocabulary2p - Grammar2p - Target achievement (content)2p - Layout20p - Coherence and organization of ideasToate subiectele sunt obligatorii.Timp de lucru 2 ore.Se acord? 10 puncte din oficiu. ................

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