Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

School of Architecture and Planning Personnel Record

Department: Urban Studies and Planning Name: Terry Susan Szold

Date of Birth: April 14, 1960

Citizenship: U.S.


School Degree Date

Bard College BA, Writing and Literature June, 1980

University of Massachusetts, Master of Regional Planning February, 1983


Title of Thesis for Most Advanced Degree:

Toward a New Procedure for Assessing the Economic Impacts of Tourism on Rural Regions

Principal Fields of Interest:

Land use planning; land use regulation and growth management

Name and Rank of Other Departmental Faculty in Same Field:


Name and Rank of Faculty in Other Departments in Same Field:


Non-MIT Experience:

Employer Position Beginning Ending

City of Nashua, NH Long Range Planner 1983 1986

City of Chicopee, MA Development Manager 1986 1987

Town of Burlington, MA Director of Planning 1988 1994

Community Planning Solutions, Founder and Principal 1994 Present

Andover, MA

History of MIT Appointments:

Rank Beginning Ending

Lecturer (50% time appointment) Sept. 1994 May 2000

Adjunct Associate Professor (50% time appointment) Sept. 2000 May 2009

Adjunct Professor (50% time appointment) Sept. 2009 Present

Consulting Record:

Record of Terry Szold as Principal of Community Planning Solutions,

Andover, Massachusetts, 1994-Present:

Consulting to Municipalities and Public Agencies

Local Partnership Program/Economic Development Initiatives,

Rockport, Salisbury, and Methuen, MA (1994)

Under contract with the Executive Office of Communities and Development (EOCD), and working with local partnership advisory committees, helped to inaugurate the procurement and organization process for the initiation of the economic development planning program in each of the above communities.

Fiscal Impact/Pre-Development Analysis, Westford, MA (1994)

Compared the fiscal impact of a proposed 115-lot subdivision to the potential preservation of the property as open space. Reviewed financing options for the Town in the event of acquisition by the Town.

Growth Management Plan, Rowley, MA (1995)

Made a comprehensive assessment and review of the Town's growth management system, zoning bylaws, and other land use regulations. Major consideration in the plan was given to protection and enhancement of the Town's treasured rural setting and character. Alternative land use scenarios were examined for the Town's commercial and industrial districts. New zoning bylaws and amendments to the Town's subdivision regulations were prepared. A “Growth Management Handbook” was prepared and published for use by all elected boards and Town Meeting.

Fletcher's Pond Estates Subdivision Review, Ayer, MA (1996)

Conducted detailed review of a subdivision plan proposed adjacent to critical wetland resource areas. A comprehensive assessment of plan designs and filings was conducted for the Planning Board.

Zoning Diagnostic, Carlisle, MA (1996)

Performed a detailed analysis and review of the Town's zoning and subdivision regulations to evaluate the degree to which such regulations met Town objectives for the preservation of open space and community character. A technical memorandum with recommendations was submitted to the Planning Board, and major findings were presented to the Board for discussion at a public meeting.

Pilot Planning Program, Maynard, MA (1996)

Prepared community development action plan and downtown revitalization strategies. Assisted the Town with preparation of site development and reuse concepts for various downtown properties, and the identification of civic space enhancements at pivotal locations. Economic development initiatives and regulatory incentives for downtown businesses and properties were also identified.

Consulting to Municipalities and Public Agencies, (continued)

Comprehensive Plan - Phase II Zoning and Regulatory Assessment,

Ayer, MA (1996)

Following the adoption of goals and objectives in Phase I of the Comprehensive Plan, and working with a multidisciplinary consulting team and municipal committee,

assisted the Town with a detailed evaluation of present zoning and regulatory deficiencies and weaknesses. Proposed strategic amendments to enhance the Town's regulatory framework were recommended for consistency with established planning objectives.

Planning and Development Goals and Objectives - Phase I, Master Plan

Georgetown, MA (1996)

Assisted the Master Plan Committee in generating planning and development goals, objectives, and strategies, and provided guidance in determining project initiation steps to begin a Master Plan process. A regulatory and zoning assessment was also conducted in support of accomplishing housing and economic development goals, objectives, and strategies. Facilitated three successful public forums and workshops during the project.

Zoning Revision Program, Georgetown, MA (1997)

Working with Town Officials and the Master Plan Committee, prepared major revisions to the Zoning Bylaw, inclusive of the introduction of new use and density requirements and design standards. A new cluster housing provision and a variety of other long-range planning and growth management program recommendations were prepared. Most amendments proposed were adopted by Town Meeting.

Naval Air Station Reuse Plan and Zoning Controls, South Weymouth, MA (1997)

Working with a multidisciplinary consulting team, the Town of Weymouth, and abutting communities, developed consensus on zoning strategies for this military base closure site. Strategies attempted to balance residential quality of life and environmental issues with community needs for enhancement of the tax base and employment opportunities.

Housing Element, Town of Burlington Master Plan, Burlington, MA (1997)

In conjunction with Connery Associates, assisted the Master Plan Committee in preparation of the Housing Element of the Town's Master Plan. Specific regulatory barriers to creating additional housing diversity were identified, and new proposals to accomplish Master Plan goals were advanced. Non-zoning strategies were also identified; these included new funding sources for an expanded housing program initiative by Town government, and the pursuit of housing opportunities on municipally owned land.

Hanscom Area Towns Master Plan,

Bedford, Concord, Lexington, and Lincoln, MA (1997)

Assisted multi-disciplinary planning team in developing Master Plan recommendations for Hanscom Field and other Massport properties. Assisted in the coordination of major outreach initiatives between the adjoining towns, interest groups, and municipal officials.

Consulting to Municipalities and Public Agencies, (continued)

Boston College v. City of Newton Zoning Litigation,

Chestnut Hill, MA (1997-1998)

Served as an expert witness in legal proceedings to uphold selected density, design, and dimensional requirements in the City’s zoning ordinance that were challenged by Boston College in Massachusetts Land Court. The litigation involved testing the limits of the “Dover Amendment,” and its application to the College’s proposed 500,000 square foot student center project.

Cost of Development Study, Leominster Land Trust

Leominster, MA (1999)

Reviewed and helped prepare an analysis of municipal fiscal consequences related to projected build out under existing and revised zoning scenarios.

Cedar Street Vision Statement and Area Plan, Wellesley, MA (1999)

Strategies for this mixed-use corridor involved building a consensus on a future vision for the area; proposing landscape amenities and related actions to improve pedestrian movement; increasing the perception of neighborhood environments by softening the impact of roadway infrastructure; and, reviewing potential access from the neighborhoods to the Charles River.

Large Impact Home Bylaw, Lincoln, MA (1999)

Assisted citizen committee to prepare and review a zoning provision to address the “mansionization” trend on residential lots and properties subject to teardown pressure. This provision, adopted by the Town, and approved by the Assistant Attorney General, is designed to ensure that site and massing considerations are evaluated prior to construction of large-scale homes.

Route 1 East Zoning and Design Guidelines, Guilford, CT (1999-2000)

Prepared anti-sprawl zoning and design guidelines for a strip commercial corridor located close to the Town’s historic center. Strategies included proposed revisions to zoning density and dimensional requirements and use regulations. Opportunities to enhance the design quality of infrastructure were also identified.

Fenway Special Study Areas Project

Boston Redevelopment Authority, Boston, MA (2000-2001)

Conducted a land use and zoning analysis of the Fenway Special Studies area, including review of the existing IPOD. Recommended zoning changes to meet city and neighborhood objectives and to reinforce design guidelines being prepared by Icon Architecture.

Route 101A Corridor Master Plan, Nashua Regional Planning Commission (2000-2001)

Working in conjunction with VHB, Inc., prepared recommendations and a regulatory diagnostic for the 101A Corridor in Nashua, Amherst, and Merrimack, N.H.

Consulting to Municipalities and Public Agencies, (continued)

Master Plan, Newburyport, MA (2001)

Conducted zoning diagnostic evaluation of the City’s zoning ordinance, and connected emerging land use goals to zoning interventions that will foster Master Plan objectives.

Rate of Development Bylaw, Bolton, MA (2001)

Assisted Long-Range Planning Committee with drafting and review of newly proposed residential building permit limitations.

Zoning Update Project, Brookline, MA (2001-2002)

Conducted zoning diagnostic evaluation of the Town’s zoning bylaw, and submitted findings and recommendations to the Zoning Bylaw Commission for review. Reviewed and prepared zoning amendments for adoption at the annual Town Meeting.

Master Plan, Harvard, MA (2001-2002)

Working in conjunction with Community Opportunities Group (COG), Inc., prepared recommendations, a regulatory diagnostic, and future land use recommendations for the new Master Plan.

Clock Tower Square Parking Structure Review, Maynard, MA (2001-2002)

Advised Planning Board on parking structure proposal and urban design consequences related to Clock Tower Site Plan.

Route 101 Corridor Study, Bedford, NH (2001-2002)

Working in conjunction with the Wallace Floyd Design Group, prepared recommendations, and a regulatory diagnostic for the 101 Corridor in Bedford.

Master Plan, Tewksbury, MA (2002-2003)

Working in conjunction with COG, Inc., prepared future land use recommendations for the new Master Plan and helped facilitate discussion and consensus at public forums related to the plan’s development and approval.

Cluster Housing and Commercial Overlay District Bylaw, Harvard, MA (2003-2004)

Assisted the Master Plan Implementation Committee prepare a new Open Space and Conservation PRD Bylaw and associated commercial district zoning guidelines.

Growth Management Strategies, Guilford, CT (2003-2004)

Working in conjunction with Planimetrics, Inc., prepared elements of a Growth Management Strategies program as a first step in implementing “smart growth” regulatory initiatives. This plan received the “2004 Public Program Award” from the Connecticut Chapter of the American Planning Association.

Consulting to Municipalities and Public Agencies, (continued)

Concord-Alewife Plan, Cambridge, MA (2003-2004)

Working with conjunction with Goody Clancy Associates, advised project team principals and City officials on regulatory options related to new district zoning guidelines for the Concord-Alewife study area.

Zoning/Civil Rights Complaint, Freetown, MA (2004)

Served as an expert witness and conducted research related to a discriminatory zoning complaint filed in U.S. District Court in Boston.

Project Review of Cornerstone Square Development, Town of Westford, MA (2006-2007)

Conducted review of 200,000+ square foot “lifestyle center” development at the intersection of Boston Road, Route 110 and Interstate Route 495 in Westford. Major work involved preparation of three alternative plans in response to developer’s submission, to help guide Town’s Planning Board decision on proposed development.

Comprehensive Plan, Town of Westford, MA (2006-2008)

As part of a multi-disciplinary team, worked to prepare a diagnostic evaluation of the Town’s prime commercial district and growth management tools. Participated in public forums to build consensus on Plan recommendations.

Chapter 43D Permitting Process, Town of Burlington, MA (2008)

Researched and proposed Concept Plan process. Drafted Site Plan waiver amendments for the Town’s Zoning Bylaw and Rules and Regulations.

Master Plan, Town of Clinton, MA (2006-2009)

Prepared analysis of regulatory tools to enhance the Town’s built environment and image. Special emphasis was upon the Town’s downtown zoning districts; drafted language to establish new overlay districts.

Zoning Matter and Litigation, Town of Westford, MA (2011 – 2013)

Retained as an expert witness related to a commercial/industrial use challenge (asphalt batch plant) against the Town.

Zoning Matter and Litigation, Town of Acton, MA (2011 – present)

Conducted zoning/planning research and have been retained as an expert witness related to an educational use/size of development challenge against the Town.

Consulting to Private and Non-Profit Institutions

North Attleborough Spot Zoning Complaint,

Hale and Dorr; Sinsheimer and Associates, Boston, MA (1995-1996)

Served as an expert witness and conducted research related to a spot and contract zoning complaint filed in Massachusetts Land Court.

Consulting to Private and Non-Profit Institutions, (continued)

Boston College Master Plan Changes and Project Expansion

Chestnut Hill Association, Newton, MA (1995-1996)

Reviewed Notice of Project Change filing with the MEPA unit of the Executive Office of Environmental Affairs and the Boston Redevelopment Authority, related to a major change in the Boston College Campus Center project, a 500,000 square foot student and academic center. Review conducted on behalf of the Chestnut Hill Association, a local neighborhood organization.

Southwest Industrial Park Zoning Analysis, Nordblom Company

Westwood, MA (1996)

Conducted assessment of the impact of new zoning regulations on the Southwest Industrial Park property, and a degree to which these regulations would impact proposed hotel possibilities on the premises.

Comprehensive Permit Review, Sheridan Hills Association

Wellesley, MA (1997)

Reviewed a comprehensive permit development proposed adjacent to the Sheridan Hills neighborhood in Wellesley, MA. Testified before the State Housing Appeals Committee in relation to the impact of density and site concerns associated with the proposed project.

Zoning Issues, Simplex Technologies, Inc. Property, Newington, NH (1997)

Reviewed build out possibilities and potential arguments for variances from zoning regulations associated with the preservation of a historic property and the redevelopment of waterfront property in the Town.

Master Plan, Berklee College of Music, Boston, MA (1998)

Coordinated preparation of an Institutional Master Plan filing with the Boston Redevelopment Authority for a music practice facility in the Allston neighborhood in Boston. Prepared a program to address neighborhood issues and concerns, and reviewed documentation of mitigation commitments to be presented to the city.

Mountain Road Planned Development, Burlington, MA (2000-2001)

Assisted developer in the preparation of zoning provisions to enable a mixed income rental housing development. Addressed neighborhood concerns about project design and density.

Draft MOU, Hanover Neighborhood Alliance (HNA), Hanover, NH (2003)

Prepared draft Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for review by HNA and Dartmouth College to help guide future discussions about development and growth of the Dartmouth campus and its impact on surrounding Hanover Neighborhoods.

Planned Village Development Bylaw, Upton Development, Upton, MA (2004)

Assisted developer to prepare a new zoning provision designed to enable mixed use redevelopment on a former industrial site in Upton. This unique development strategy promotes implementation of diverse housing types, civic and commercial uses.

Consulting to Private and Non-Profit Institutions, (continued)

Citizens for Dedham Neighborhoods Alliance, Dedham, MA (2005)

Prepared interim development control recommendations related to institutional land use impacting adjacent residential neighborhoods. Prepared draft development moratoria provisions, language related to inaugurating a new master planning process for the Town, and other development shaping recommendations.

Criterion at Bedford, Bedford, MA (2005)

Advised developer of mixed-income, mixed use project proposed for a former industrial site, which required a “smart growth” special permit from the Town’s Planning Board to move forward. Testified before the Board on the relevant smart growth aspects of the proposal and the overall advantages of the re-use plan.

New Cancer Center, Yale New Haven Hospital, New Haven, CT (2005-2006)

Participated in presentations before the City Council and Planning Commission regarding the hospital’s plans for a new cancer center. Testimony covered zoning compliance and design amenities within the project. Advised hospital legal counsel and administration on strategies and tactics to enhance the benefits of the project to neighborhood groups and city officials in opposition, which lead to the project’s eventual approval.

Smart Growth Zoning and Reuse Plan – Lucent Property, North Andover, MA (2005-2006)

Assisted developer in the preparation of new 40R zoning provisions to enable mixed-use redevelopment of former Lucent company industrial site. The redevelopment strategy promoted implementation of market rate and affordable housing, and various civic, transit, and commercial uses.

F/C and F/R Districts Group, Meredith, NH (2007-2008)

Working with landowners seeking to understand and realistically modify the Town’s pending changes to its subdivision development regulations, gave a public presentation to enable them to understand land use concepts and options. Reviewed Town’s ordinance affecting the group and suggested revisions. Supported group’s subsequent proposal to Town for a “Forest Farms” district, designed to balance residential development with preservation of open space and “view sheds,” and generating revenue from active agriculture use (tree farms).

Players Choice Sports Complex, Upton, MA (2008)

Helped developers of a proposed multi-purpose sports and recreational facility refine their approach to negotiating zoning issues with Town. Researched applicable sections of Upton Zoning Bylaw and drafted zoning amendment options.

Department and Institute Committees, Other Assigned Duties:

Activity Beginning Ending

Organizer/Moderator, MIT, American Planning Association, FT 95 ST 99

Massachusetts Chapter, Planners’ Forum Series

Member, Faculty Search Committee, FT 96 ST 97

Landscape Planner/Designer

Instructor, AICP Exam Preparation Seminar ST 96 ST 98

Member, Master in City Planning Committee FT 97 ST 99

Design Certificate Program Review Planning Committee ST 99 ST 99

Chair, Mid-Career Program Committee FT 2000 ST 2001

Chair, CDD Admissions Committee ST 2002 ST 2002

Member, Faculty Search Committee, CRE FT 2002 ST 2003

Member, Kevin Lynch Award Selection Committee FT 2006 ST 2007

Government and Outside Committees, Service, etc:

Committee Beginning Ending

Community Representative, 1987 1988

Pioneer Valley Planning Council

Planning Board Designee, 1989 1994

North Suburban Planning Council of

Metropolitan Area Planning Council

North Suburban Chamber of Commerce, 1992 1994

Economic Development Committee

Government and Outside Committees, Service, etc: (continued)

Vice President, Legislation and Policy, 1995 1997

American Planning Association, Massachusetts Chapter*

Trainer, Citizen Planner Training Collaborative 1996 1996

Advisory Member – Host Committee, 1997 1998

1998 American Planning Association,

National Planning Conference, Boston

Northeast Area Regional Representative, 1997 1999

American Planning Association, Massachusetts Chapter*

*Terry Szold and fellow board members received an “Outstanding Chapter Achievement Award,”

at the 1998 Planning Awards Ceremony in Boston in 1998

Lincoln Institute of Land Policy 1999 2004

Faculty Associate

Member, Continuing Education Committee, 2000 2001

American Institute of Certified Planners

Research Advisory Committee, 2004 2005

Lincoln Institute of Land Policy

I-93 Interchange Advisory Committee, 2006 2006

Andover, MA

Awards Received: Date

Young Career-Woman of Western Massachusetts 1987

National Federation of Business and Professional

Women's Clubs, Western Massachusetts District

(For distinguished career accomplishment and public service)

Outstanding Community Leadership Award 1994

North Suburban Chamber of Commerce

(For leadership in accomplishing regional economic

development objectives)

Faye Seigfriedt Award 1996

American Planning Association, Massachusetts Chapter

(For distinguished leadership and contributions to the

advancement of women in the planning profession)

Awards Received: (continued) Date

Distinguished Alumnae Award 2003

University of Massachusetts, Amherst

(Awarded by the Department of Landscape Architecture

and Regional Planning for achievement and leadership in

Regional Planning)

Excellence in Teaching Award 2008

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

(Awarded by the DUSP Class of 2008 / DUSP Student Council)

Student Planning Award, Best Neighborhood Plan: Lower 2010

Highlands, Lowell, MA

American Planning Association, Massachusetts Chapter

(Faculty advisor to the MIT student team)

Charles E. Downe Memorial Award 2011

American Planning Association, Massachusetts Chapter

(Distinguished Service award, recognizing individuals

who devote their lives to planning as well as teaching

and mentoring future generations of planners)

Student Planning Award: “Envisioning Needham Street” 2011

Newton, MA

American Planning Association, Massachusetts Chapter

(Faculty advisor to the MIT student team)

Current Organization Membership:

Offices Held Dates

American Planning Association

American Planning Association, Vice President, 1995-1997

Massachusetts Chapter Legislation and Policy

Northeast Area 1997-1999

Regional Representative

Urban Land Institute

Massachusetts Association of Consulting Planners

Patents and Patent Applications Pending: None

Professional Registration: None

Teaching Experience of Terry S. Szold:

Term Sub. No. Title Role Enrollment

FT 94 11.360 Community Growth & Land Use Lecturer 15


IAP 95 11.957 Edge City Planning Co-Instructor 8

ST 95 11.367 Law & Politics of Land Use Lecturer 12

FT 95 11.360 Community Growth & Land Use Lecturer 14


ST 96 11.367 Law & Politics of Land Use Lecturer 14

FT 96 11.360 Community Growth & Land Use Lecturer 17


ST 97 11.367 Law & Politics of Land Use Lecturer 10

FT 97 11.360 Community Growth & Land Use Lecturer 21


ST 98 11.367 Law & Politics of Land Use Lecturer 18

FT 98 11.360 Community Growth & Land Use Lecturer 18


ST 99 11.367 Law & Politics of Land Use Lecturer 14

FT 99 11.360 Community Growth & Land Use Lecturer 18


ST 2000 11.367 Law & Politics of Land Use Lecturer 14

FT 2000 11.360 Community Growth & Land Use Professor 18


ST 2001 11.367 Law & Politics of Land Use Professor 15

Teaching Experience of Terry S. Szold (continued)

FT 2001 11.360 Community Growth & Land Use Professor 18


ST 2002 11.367 Law & Politics of Land Use Professor 15

FT 2002 11.943 Regulating Place: Standards and Professor 8

The Shaping of Urban America

ST 2003 11.367 Law & Politics of Land Use Professor 12

FT 2003 11.360 Community Growth & Land Use Professor 18


ST 2004 11.367 Law & Politics of Land Use Professor 17

FT 2004 11.360 Community Growth & Land Use Professor 26


ST 2005 11.367 Law & Politics of Land Use Professor 22

FT 2005 11.360 Community Growth & Land Use Professor 27


ST 2006 11.367 Law & Politics of Land Use Professor 19

FT 2006 11.360 Community Growth & Land Use Professor 15


ST 2007 on Academic / Research Leave

FT 2007 11.360 Community Growth & Land Use Professor 19


ST 2008 11.367 Law & Politics of Land Use Professor 18

FT 2008 11.360 Community Growth & Land Use Professor 17


ST 2009 11.367 Law & Politics of Land Use Professor 10

FT 2009 11.360 Community Growth & Land Use Professor 12


Teaching Experience of Terry S. Szold (continued)

ST 2010 11.367 Law & Politics of Land Use Professor 9

FT 2010 11.360 Community Growth & Land Use Professor 10


ST 2011 11.367 Law & Politics of Land Use Professor 14

FT 2011 11.360 Community Growth & Land Use Professor 17


ST 2012 11.367 Law & Politics of Land Use Professor 12

FT 2012 11.360 Community Growth & Land Use Professor 16


ST 2013 11.367 Law & Politics of Land Use Professor 2

FT 2013 11.360 Community Growth & Land Use Professor 10


Publications and Seminars of Terry S. Szold

1. Books:

Smart Growth: Form and Consequences, (with Armando Carbonell), Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, Cambridge, MA, 2002.

Regulating Place: Standards and the Shaping of Urban America, (with Eran Ben-Joseph), Routledge Press, New York, NY, 2005.

2. Papers in Refereed Journals:

“Mansionization and Its Discontents: Planners and the Challenge of Regulating Monster Homes,” Journal of the American Planning Association, Vol. 71, No. 2, Spring, 2005.

3. Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings:

“Imaging the City,” (with Lawrence J. Vale), Proceedings of the 1998 National Planning Conference, American Planning Association, April, 1998.

4. Other Major Publications (Book Chapters, Papers, Consulting Reports)

“Unlocking Horns: Planners, Developers, and Attorneys in the Site Development Process,” Landlaw Seminar Series and Massachusetts Land Use Conference, 1989.

“Development Agreements: Time to Make the Concept a Reality in Massachusetts,” Landplanner Magazine, Vol. 5, No. 1, Spring, 1995.

“Planning to Develop,” (with David Begelfer), Landplanner Magazine,

Vol. 6, No. 2, Fall, 1996.

Review of “Planners on Planning,” by Bruce W. McClendon and Anthony James Catanese, eds., Jossey-Bass, 1996, Journal of Planning Education and Research,

Vol. 16, No. 4, Summer, 1997.

“Look Before You Leap,” in “Cutting Monster Homes Down to Size,” Planning,

Vol. 65, No. 10, October, 1999.

Review of “What your Planning Professors Forgot to Tell You: 117 Lessons Every Planner Should Know,” by Paul Zucker, Planners Press, 1999, Journal of Planning Education and Research, Vol. 19, No. 4, Summer, 2000.

4. Other Major Publications (Book Chapters, Papers, Consulting Reports) (continued)

“Merging Place-Making and Process in Local Practice,” Chapter 4, in Lloyd Rodwin and Bishwapriya Sanyal, eds., The Profession of City Planning: Changes, Images and Challenges, Center for Urban Policy Research, New Brunswick, NJ., January, 2000.

“An Edge City Uses a Plan to Define and Sharpen its Edge,” in Making Places Special: Stories of Real Places Made Better by Planning, Gene Bunnell, ed., Planners Press, Chicago, IL, 2002.

“What Difference has the ADA Made?” Planning, Vol. 68, No. 4, April, 2002.

“Without Planning Vision is Out of Sight,” Newsday, June 6, 2004.

“The Local Arena: Changing Regulations and Standards to Address Sprawl,” Chapter 20, in David C. Soule, ed., Urban Sprawl: A Comprehensive Reference Guide, Greenwood Press, Westport, CT, 2006.

“Planned Unit Development,” Planning and Urban Design Standards, American Planning Association, ed., John T. Wiley & Sons, New York, NY, 2006.

Review of “True Urbanism: Living In and Near the Center,” by Mark L. Hinshaw, Planners Press, 2007, Journal of the American Planning Association, Vol. 74, No. 2, Spring, 2008.

Major Plans, Plan Elements, Consulting Reports, Development/Zoning Regulations principally authored or prepared by Terry Szold, except as noted.

• Growth Management Handbook, prepared for Town of Rowley, MA and

Massachusetts Executive Office and Communities Development, 1995.

• Planning and Development Goals and Objectives Phase I, Master Plan, Georgetown, MA, 1996.

Zoning Diagnostic Report, Carlisle, MA, 1996.

• A Legislative Briefing: The Municipal Incentive Grants Program - Projects that Have Made a Difference in Massachusetts,” American Planning Association, Massachusetts Chapter, 1996.*

• Phase II Zoning and Regulatory Assessment - Comprehensive Plan, Ayer, MA, 1997

• Pilot Planning Program Report, (Prepared with E. Zupancic), Maynard, MA, 1997.

• Site Plan and Master Planned Development Regulations, Unified Permit Regulations and Reuse Plan Implementation, Fort Devens, MA, 1995-1997.

Major Plans, Plan Elements, Consulting Reports, Development/Zoning Regulations principally authored or prepared by Terry Szold, except as noted. (continued)

• Cluster and Related Bulk and Site Design Regulations, Zoning Revision Program, Georgetown, MA, 1997.

• Housing Element - Town of Burlington Master Plan,

(Prepared with Connery Associates), Burlington, MA, 1997.

• Statewide Planning Principles Framework, American Planning Association, Massachusetts Chapter, 1998. *

• Cedar Street Vision Statement and Area Plan,

(Plan prepared with Connery Associates), Wellesley, MA, 1999.

• Design Guidelines and Zoning Regulations for Route 1 East, (Guidelines prepared with Icon Architecture, Inc.) Guilford, CT, 2000.

• Rate of Development Bylaw, Bolton, MA, 2001.

• Fenway Special Study Areas Plan, (Prepared for Boston Redevelopment Authority in association with Icon Architecture, Inc., Boston, MA), 2001.

• Zoning Amendments, Brookline, MA, 2003.

• Cluster Housing and Commercial Overlay District Bylaw, Harvard, MA, 2004.

• Growth Management Strategies, (Prepared for the Town of Guilford, CT with Planimetrics, Inc.), 2004.

• Planned Village Development Bylaw, Upton Development, Upton, MA, 2004.

• Chapter 43D Permitting Process Plan, Burlington, MA, 2008.

*These documents were recognized by the American Planning Association in its designation of the Massachusetts Chapter as the recipient of the “Overall Chapter Achievement Award” given at the 1998 National Awards for Planning Ceremony.

5. Papers in Preparation

Disabled Like Me: Confronting Inaccessible America (book proposal and manuscript)

6. Invited Lectures, Seminars, and Conference Presentations, Since 1994

• “Edge City: The Challenge of Planning for Diversity in the New Frontier,” University of Massachusetts, Amherst, November, 1994.

• “When Do Land Use Regulations Go Too Far?” National Association of Industrial and Office Properties, Boston, Massachusetts, November, 1995.

Speaker/Participant, Gender in Planning Seminar, MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Fall, 1995.

• “The Planning Process and Rezoning,” Massachusetts Continuing Legal Education, Inc, Boston, Massachusetts, February, 1996.

• “Permitting Considerations Affecting Subdivisions,” Massachusetts Association of Land Surveyors and Civil Engineers, Boston, Massachusetts, April, 1996.

• “Unified Permitting at Fort Devens,” American Planning Association, National Conference, Orlando Florida, April, 1996.

• “Growth Management Module,” Citizen Planner Training Collaborative, Middlesex Community College, Bedford, Massachusetts, May, 1996.

• “Zoning and Land Use Matters - Trial Practice Session,” Annual Convention, City Solicitors and Town Counsel Association, Williamstown, Massachusetts, October, 1996.

• “Does Statewide Planning Legislation have a Future in Massachusetts?”Annual Conference, Massachusetts Chapter, American Planning Association, Springfield, Massachusetts, October, 1996.

• “Recent Developments in Land Use: Special Permits and Site Plan Approvals,” Metrowest Center for Continuing Education, Framingham, Massachusetts, March 1997.

• “Profession of City Planning Seminar,” MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1997.

• “Imaging the City Seminar,” MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1998.

• “Imaging the City,” American Planning Association, National Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, April, 1998.

6. Invited Lectures, Seminars, and Conference Presentations, Since 1994 (continued)

• “Planning in the Next Millennium,” Annual Meeting, Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission, Worcester, Massachusetts, Summer, 1998.

• “Planning Ethics for the New Millennium,” American Planning Association,

National Conference, Seattle, Washington, April, 1999.

• “Affordable Housing Issues: Municipal Liability or Opportunity,” City Solicitors and Town Counsel Association, Holyoke, Massachusetts, August, 1999.

• “Regulating Monster Homes,” American Planning Association, National Conference, New York, NY, April, 2000.

• “Ethical Planning,” American Planning Association, National Conference, New York, NY, April, 2000.

• “Citizen Participation in Planning for Smart Growth: Ten Modest Proposals,”

National League of Cities Annual Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, December, 2000.

• “Planning Ethics,” American Planning Association, National Conference, New Orleans, LA, March, 2001.

• “Smart Growth Skirmishes,” American Planning Association, National Conference, Chicago, IL, March, 2002.

• Panelist/Presenter on Local Community Initiatives, Sustainable Development Conference, MIT, Cambridge, MA, September, 2002.

• “Smart Growth Skirmishes,” American Planning Association, Northeast Regional Conference, Providence, RI, October, 2002.

• “What’s New with Inclusionary Zoning? American Planning Association, Northeast Regional Conference, Hartford, CT, October, 2003.

• “Local Smart Growth Strategies,” Building Better Communities Symposium, Rockfall Foundation, Middletown, CT, October, 2003.

• “Updating Aging Zoning Codes in Mid-Size Cities,” American Planning Association, National Conference, Washington, DC, April, 2004.

6. Invited Lectures, Seminars, and Conference Presentations, Since 1994 (continued)

• “Smart Growth Zoning Interventions to Improve Development Outcomes,” National Park Service, Endless Summer: Preserving Character in Coastal Communities Conference, Provincetown, MA, October, 2004.

• “Mansionization and Its Discontents,” CDD City Design and Development Forum, Faculty Practice and Research, Cutting Edge Issues in Urbanism, MIT, Cambridge, MA, October, 2004.

• “The Massachusetts Legislative Response,” First Annual Tufts/MIT/Harvard/ Massachusetts Chapter of the APA Planning Symposium, Eminent Domain After the Kelo Decision, (also, Moderator of session-ending Q/A Panel Discussion), Tufts University, Medford, MA, December, 2005.

• “Regulating Monster Homes,” Citizens Planner Training Collaborative, Annual Conference, Worchester, MA, March, 2006.

• “Mixed-Use in the Exurbs: Considerations and Challenges,” EPA National Brownfields Conference, Boston, MA, December, 2006.

• “Planning the Accessible Community,” American Planning Association, National Conference, Philadelphia, PA, April, 2007.

Other Panels and Presentations:

Boston Bar Association

Boston Society of Civil Engineers

Build Boston

Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission

City Solicitors and Town Counsel Association

Joint Regional Transportation Committee

Land Use Committee, National Industrial Office Park

National Association of Industrial and Office Properties

Record of Research Funding

The following was provided by outside agencies to fund student work in practice-based research projects and workshops:

Title Sponsor Dates Amount

Statewide Planning American Planning Assoc., 9/96-12/96 $2,200

Framework Initiative Massachusetts Chapter

Lowell Street Corridor Town of Wilmington, MA 9/97-12/97 $3,500


Town Center Vision Town of Burlington, MA 9/98-12/98 $7,000


Chestnut Hill Village Chestnut Hill Alliance 9/99-12/99 $7,500

Plan Brookline/Newton, MA

Planners’ Forum American Planning Assoc., 1/95-4/99 $5,000

Series Massachusetts Chapter

Smart Growth: Form MIT/ Lincoln Institute 6/99-4/00 $21,000

and Consequences of Land Policy

Andover Triangle Plan Town of Andover, MA 9/00-12/00 $8,000

Newton Village Plans City of Newton, MA 9/01-12/01 $8,000

Planner’s Forum American Planning Assoc. 10/03 $1,000

Massachusetts Chapter

Needham Center Plan Town of Needham, MA 9/03-12/03 $1,000

Trapelo Road Plan Town of Belmont, MA 9/04-12/04 $2,000

Centralville Plan City of Lowell, MA 9/05-12/05 $1,000

Medford Square and City of Medford, MA 9/06-12/06 $5,000 Mystic River Plan

Upper Merrimack City of Lowell, MA 9/07-12/07 $4,975

Neighborhood Plan

Back Central City of Lowell, MA 9/08-12/08 $4,975

Neighborhood Plan

Record of Research Funding (continued)

Lower Highlands City of Lowell, MA 9/09-12/09 $4,975

Neighborhood Plan

Needham Street City of Newton, MA 9/10-12/10 $5,000

Corridor Plan

West Newton Village City of Newton, MA 9/11-12/11 $5,000


Winter Hill Neighborhood City of Somerville, MA 9/12-12/12 $4,975


Theses Record

M.C.P. Total Completed

As Supervisor 26 26

As Reader 20 20

Ph.D. Total Completed

As Supervisor 0 0

As Reader 0 0

M.C.P. Theses Supervised

Heen, Stacy, “Development of a Planning Process Model for Implementation of Neotraditional Town Planning Principles in Existing Communities.” (1996)

Morelli, Claude, “Suburban Non-Motorized Access to Transit: A Framework for Evaluation.” (1998)

Zimmerman, Jason, “The Use of ‘Visioning’ in the Preservation of Small

Town Character.” (1998)

Moldenke, Kelsey, “Importing Growth Management Strategies to Curb Urban Sprawl in the Pearl River Delta, China.” (2000)

Schonberger, Benjamin, “Locally Grown: Statewide Land Use Planning in Northern New England.” (2000)

Jacobson, Alexandra, “The Effectiveness of Zoning in Solidifying Downtown Retail.” (2001)

Varat, Adam, “Redeveloping Vacant Big Box Sites: Toward a More Sustainable Land Use.” (2001)

Curtis, Elizabeth, “Park it Over There, Buddy: An Inquiry into Station-Area Parking and Transit-Oriented Development.” (2002)

Looney, Michael, “Knowing No Boundaries: Stemming the Tide of Urban Sprawl in Several Southern Connecticut Towns and the Lessons for Other Strong Home Rule Areas.” (2002)

Leheny, Elizabeth, “Separate but Equal? A Comparison of Land Conservation and Affordable Housing Nonprofits in Three Towns on Cape Cod, MA.” (2003)

Healey, Jane, “Regulating Residential Development on Barrier Beaches: Inadequacies, Opportunities, and the Case of Plum Island.” (2003)

Theses Record (continued)

M.C.P. Theses Supervised (continued)

Port, Andrew, “Application of Selected New Urbanist Principles to Residential Infill Development in Mature Suburbs in Greater Boston.” (2004)

Houston, Kelly, “A Place for Us: The Territory of the Quotidian in Suburban Downtown Redevelopment - Needham, Waltham, Watertown.” (2004)

Shorett, Mark, “Hedge Cities: Gambling on Regional Futures.” (2004)

Frantz, Anna, “Doing Their Part?: Proactive Planning and Deliberative Avoidance of Affordable Housing by Massachusetts Communities in Response to Chapter 40B.” (2005)

Carry, Will, “Balancing People, Place, and the Automobile: Recommendations for the Redesign of Belmont’s Trapelo Road.” (2005)

Pollans, Lily, “Case Studies on Route 1: How the Perceived Identity of Local Commercial Strips Affects Zoning.” (2005)

Novak, Alison, “The Ambivalence of Gentrifiers.” (2006)

Gingrich, Valerie, “Balance: Lancaster County’s Tragedy.” (2007)

Mercier, Rachel, “Coding AuthentiCity.” (2008)

Tan, Bryant, “New Housing in Old Chinatown: Barriers and Incentives to Affordable Housing Development.” (2008)

Stege, Hope, “Accessory Dwelling Units for Addressing Future Housing Needs.” (2009)

Kanson-Benanav, Jesse, “Developing Density in Boston’s Inner-Ring Suburbs.” (2009)

Simonson, Kristin, “Advancing TOD in Boston’s Suburbs: Advantages and Obstacles in the Entitlement Process.” (2010)

Edwards, Caroline, “Does Mix Matter? Comparing the Performance of Mixed-Use and Single Use Retail Clusters During an Economic Downturn.” (2011)

Blatt, Rachel, “Obstructing the Path? Designing Sidewalks Through Object Placement.” (2012)

Kaplan, Michael, “Balancing the Scales: The Impact of the Built Environment on the Socioeconomic Diversity of Metropolitan Boston.” (2014)

Theses Record (continued)

M.C.P. Theses, Reader

Bradford, Jennifer, “The Future of the Industrial Community: A Case Study of Williamsburg's Northside.” (1996)

Mangle, Katherine, “Growth Management Strategies in the American West - A Case Study of Intergovernmental Cooperation in Colorado.” (1996)

Varady, Julia, “Contemporary Perspectives and Strategies for Transforming the

Industrial Landscape.” (1996)

Eusebio, Maria Luisa, “Transforming the Urban Landscape: An Analysis of Patterns, Problems, and Prospects of Metro Manila.” (1997)

Amundsen, Ole, “Evaluating the Use of Mediation in Land Use Decision-Making.” (1998)

Harrington, Ruth, “Planning in America's National Parks: Opportunities and Challenges

for the Boston Harbor Islands.” (1998)

Tsao, Camille, “Transit as a Catalyst for Urban Revitalization: A sSudy of the Fourth

and Hill Area at Pershing Square Station in Downtown Los Angeles.” (1998)

Pfeiffer, Amy, “Participating as Amicus Curiae in Exclusionary Zoning Litigation:

Developing the Court’s Understanding of the Principles of Environmental

Justice.” (1999)

Super, Margaret, “Neighborhood Perspectives on Suburbia: An Exploration of Form,

Identity and Meaning in the Contemporary Suburban Landscape.” (1999)

Donham, Thayer, “Passing Judgment: The Interaction Between Local and Federal Design Review.” (2000)

Chaung, Tami, “Understanding Residential Density: The Relationship Between Policy, Measurement, and Perception.” (2001)

Proakis, George, “Strategies for Design: Shaping Private Development Adjacent to Transit Stations.” (2002)

Tucker, Carol, “Remediation of Place: The Role of the United States Environmental Protection Agency in Designing Reuse at Superfund Sites.” (2002)

Theses Record (continued)

M.C.P. Theses, Reader (continued)

Maneval, Gretchen, “Including Inclusionary Zoning: The Case of New York City.” (2003)

Tai, Martha, “Building Voice: A Comparative Analysis of Neighborhood Influence in Effectuating Changes to Large-Scale Developments in Three Boston Neighborhoods.” (2004)

Kohr, Todd, “From Form to Function: An Evaluation of the Effectiveness and Potential of Form-Based Zoning Codes.” (2004)

Mammen, Taylor, “Between Hot Opposition and Lukewarm Support: Innovation and Community in Land Planning and Development.” (2006)

Martin, Sophie, “Old Standbys, New Standards: Evaluating LEED-ND Through Existing Models of Green Urbanism.” (2008)

Lassiter, Allison, “Assessing Land Conservation Methods in the Florida Everglades.” (2009)

Durso, Bellocchio Holly, “Subway Spaces as Public Places: Politics and Perceptions of Boston’s T.” (2011)

Ph.D. General Exam Committees

Raj Singh ST 1999 First Field: Information Systems

Second Field: Plan-making

Jennifer Hrabchak ST 2001 First Field: Public Policy

Second Field: Land Use Planning/Growth Management


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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