Residence Hall Association

Residence Hall Association

Monday, January 24, 2005

CUB Cascade Room 123-125

I. Call to Order—7:00 pm

A. Rules of Order

B. Roll Call/Programming Round Table

i. Community 2

ii. Duncan Dunn 2

iii. Gannon Goldsworthy 2

iv. Honors 2

v. McCroskey 2

vi. McEachern 2; had government retreat and staff retreat

vii. Orton 1

viii. Regents 2

ix. Rogers 2

x. Scott-Coman 2

xi. Stephenson East 2

xii. Stephenson North 2; had government retreat, they went ice skating in Moscow

xiii. Stephenson South 2

xiv. Stevens 2

xv. Stimson 2

xvi. Streit-Perham 2

xvii. Waller 2

xviii. Wilmer-Davis 2

C. Additions/Changes to the Agenda

i. Please add to guests: vi: Judi with Recylcling, vii: Allison from YMCA, viii: Sarah with the Chinook Yearbook. Also add E to New Business, Budget.

D. Approval of the minutes

i. Stephenson North moves to approve the minutes, second with McEachern. Both yield. Consent called, minutes approved.

E. Media Introductions

F. Guests

i. Residence Life

1. Michael Serephin—Welcome back!


1. Executives

a. Coug Day at the Capitol Applications available tomorrow.

b. “Damn Right I’m a Coug” sweatshirts are $15.

c. CUB renovation presentation and website with information and FAQs. Questions answered from experts in each field.

d. Multicultural Fundraiser dinner, please save the date, opportunity to sponsor a table. Last year we raised over $30,000. President’s Commission meets 3rd Thursday of every month at 7 pm. On the 4th Thursday of the month Student Leadership Forum.

e. ASWSU Elections are coming up. Four open vacancies in Senate, having special elections for districts 1, 2, and 7. More info will be posted on the ASWSU website soon. March 8 and 9 general election will take place. Packets will be out in several weeks. Need election board members as well.

f. Student Recognition—nominations due this week, applications are on the ASWSU web site.

2. Senate

a. Joint council meeting with ASWSU and Pullman City Council. Discussed bringing new businesses to Pullman such as restaurants and stores.

b. Confirmed Jessica Rabitoy to the Judicial Board.

c. Holding a special election for the remaining 4 vacant district seats in districts 1, 2, and 7.

d. Resolution 11-29-04 passed, dealing with the renovation of the CUB.

e. Questions concerning ASWSU budgetary process should be directed to Jennifer Woodward.

f. Bill 34-16 passed, giving $1600 to ISC for the Tsunami Disaster Relief. Tsunami Disaster Relief Week starts January 30th 2005.

3. SEB

a. Norris from SEB, associate director and concert programmer. Joyce’s Lunchtime Lectures—band members wanted! Battle of the Bands is coming up, bigger and better than last year. Submissions due soon, concert is April 15th. Open Mic 8 pm at Flix this Wednesday. Dating Dr. this Friday at the Up All Night. Thursday at 9:30 PM. The Incredibles will be showing this weekend. Tsunami benefit concert happening during Tsunami Disaster Relief Week.

iii. Dining Services, Lamar Patterson

1. Wanting to get feedback regarding operating hours for the next year. Flix will be shut down for Rotunda remodel. Hillside is open to 11 pm, looking to cut hours to 9 at Hillside and 11 at Northside.

a. Stimson—Would go somewhere else, but there is a need for the late night eaters.

b. PR—Most people would rather walk to Hillside than Northside at 11pm. Would we be able to open a part of the CUB for late night?

i. No revenue for late night at the CUB, Northside has a stage for entertainment, which is why they would want to have it open later.

c. McEachern—Hillside would be a better place to have open later, as there are many women who would have to walk at night to get food if they wanted it. 11pm is a fine time to have Hillside open.

d. Andrea—Would it be possible to have the grill open later?

i. That is a possibility.

iv. Experience Leadership Conference, Allison

v. Greek Life, Melissa Pietila

1. Here to introduce herself, newly elected into public relations position. Sharing contact information. Excited to be working with RHA this semester. Will be upstairs in the Greek Life office.

a. Our meetings are Feb 10th for public relations meetings. Exec board is Mondays at 3 pm.

vi. Judi-Recycling

1. RecylceMania! Competition between 49 different Universities. Challenge to students, faculty, and staff. We will weigh how much we recycle per person. Start Jan 30th and ends April 9th. Will have a kickoff event in Lightly on Monday from 3-4pm, bring your own mug! The Daily Evergreen will have a hidden question; first person to call in wins a prize, name into bigger prize for that week. Challenge people on campus like professors, other students, and supervisors to recycle or conserve more. Check the website for RecycleMania on kickoff dates and more information.

a. Wilmer David—what is the web site?


vii. Allison-YMCA

1. Program coordinator for Alternative Spring Break in Reno, Nevada. Community service project from March 12-18. Focusing on homelessness and poverty, working in shelters and food kitchens. Price is around $175/person. Applications in YMCA office.

viii. Sarah-Chinook

1. Contracts handed out, spreads still available for residence halls. Please contact Sarah at the Chinook for more information. Deadline in Feb 2nd, extensions are available as well.

a. McEachern—When will be contacted if we have already bought a spread?

i. Spring semester we work on contracts, should be hearing from us in the next few weeks.

II. Public Testimony

A. Neil Uhrig—Was running for RHA president, will be running for state office with the College Republicans. Supports Brandon Brackett in his bid for president. Please consider dining as an issue for this semester, like establishing a food quality committee that would focus on higher quality cooking staff, recipe selection, and reading comment cards. RHA should also look into a Residence Life staff decision committee, overseeing decisions made about RA and RED selection. Please feel free to contact him at

i. Brandon—Suggesting that students input to dining?

1. Yes, students need to be involved.

B. Mike King—Palouse Wave Web design, Tsunami Relief Week website should be up in the next couple of days. wsu.wsu/~isctr

C. Jennifer Clark—Scott Coman’s Second Annual Valentine’s Swing Dance. Live band from Seattle. Upstairs in Ballroom. Offering swing dance lessons for anyone who wants them. Teaching for free! Please come! Contact Jen at 3-1331, jen4934@.

III. On the Ball Award

A. Programming Committee for RHA! Great job guys!

IV. Open Forum

A. Andrea—Letter bombs! Please fill them out.

B. Kristin—Email her if interested in internships.

C. Brandon—working on resolution for getting ISBN numbers provided by the University.

V. Elections

A. RHA President

i. Brandon Brackett

1. Three reasons he wants to run: fun, concise, run meeting that way. Knows parli-pro. Provide opportunities for leadership. New positions help him to grow in different leadership positions, will diversify his leadership responsibilities. Can adequately balance RHA and Residence Life issues.

a. Stimson—Why did you make fun of Neil in high school?

i. Neil deserved it, we were fellow band nerds.

2. Discussion

a. Stevens—Will the other offices still be open?

i. Yes, we need to fill them as soon as possible. Applications for the remaining positions due this Friday at 5. Applications are outside the office (CUB B-20) and on our web site (

3. Brandon Brackett is our new RHA president.

VI. New Business

A. WSU Men’s Rowing Funding Proposal

i. WSU Men’s rowing has 45 rowers who train 9 times a weeks to compete with other Pac-10 varsity and club teams. Total cost to attend regatta is $9,066.20, which breaks down to around $400 per athlete. Have been actively fundraising, participating in programs like Rent a Rower, taking down tables in field house after football games, selling programs at football games, and feel that they deserve chance to be in the competition.

ii. Chris from Gannon Goldsworthy—crew creates great leaders. He is a mentor in Gannon Goldsworthy, leads study sessions and other forms of academic assistance. Average varsity GPA is 3.3, those who live in residence halls have a 3.6 average. Rowing teaches the value of time management.

iii. Hal Iverson, Stephenson East—as a freshman, there is a lot to deal with; rowing helped him adjust to this really well. Rowing is hard work, learned discipline and work ethic. Team puts school first and enforces same policies with alcohol and drug use as campus. Rowing is keeping students out of trouble.

1. Executive Recommendation: $900, with stipulation that you could bring us information regarding rowing.

B. WSU Pah-Loots-Pu Funding Proposal

C. Tsunami Relief Funding Proposal

i. Coordinated effort with SEB, ISC, ASWSU execs and senate and International Student Center. All week will have a clothing drive that CSLC is in charge of. Saturday at the SRC will have a rummage sale of donated clothing, money raised will go to World Vision and Red Cross. Dining Out promotes individual restaurants in town to donate percentage Rico’s. Mall tables on the week, soc club ribbon campaign, light blue ribbons. Coin drive (penny wars). Combined fund allows faculty and staff to contribute through payroll deduction. Faculty forum on economic relief efforts. Tuesday will cultural potluck, Gladish View Room.

ii. McEachern moves to extend time 3 more minutes, second with Waller, consent called, presentation extended.

iii. Volunteers needed for clothing drive, sit at tables, collect coins, service auctions. Requesting $1,500 comes to less than $1 a student. Planning meetings Thursday at 5 in the CUB basement, phone number 5-4223.

1. Stevens—Where is the $1,500 coming form?

a. Unallocated.

2. Honors—What is the $1500 going to?

a. You can stipulate where that goes. Need money for the benefit dinner most of all. Sponsoring Red Cross and World Vision.

3. Andrea—What is the cost of the benefit dinner?

a. $20 a person, $5 a dinner.

D. Leadership Conference

i. Leadership Conference—paying for anyone on council to go if they want. $10 person to be able to go. Can make it so that money goes to sponsor anyone.

1. McEachern—How many people applied for the NRHH scholarship?

a. Three.

ii. Orton—Move to table until after we approve the budget. Gannon Goldsworthy seconds. Consent called, no objections.

E. Budget

i. $107,515 this semester.

ii. Waller—moves to pass budget as written. Duncan Dunn seconds. Both yield, consent called.

iii. Stevens—friendly amend to change programming to $2,500; change unallocated accordingly.

iv. Roll call vote, budget passes.

F. Waller—moves Leadership Conference Funding Proposal to second reading, Duncan Dunn, both yield. Motion carries.

i. Waller—move to pass full funding. Second with Community, both yield.

ii. Stevens—Are we passing with any stipulations?

1. Any money not used will back to us.

iii. Roll call vote

1. Orton—send delegates in place of others?

2. Duncan Dunn—friendly amend to a first come first serve basis.

a. Waller—accepts.

3. DAA—What if we give the conference a check, anyone who says they are with the residence halls at check-in would get in for free.

4. Roll call vote, motion carries.

VII. Trumble Trivia

A. How many grams does a can of Copenhagen weigh, erictrumble@.

VIII. Position/Committee Reports

A. President—brief meeting after this one. Met with Sho-po, campus dietician. Able to answer any questions about Northside. Dining services apologizes for not keeping Northside until 1am, lobby must be locked at 11pm.

B. DAA—contact list, 10 day count will update voting numbers.

C. Finance/NCC—finance committee meeting. Applications for NACURH will be out by Wednesday outside of office, conference will be at Syracuse NY. No Frills next month.

D. Programming—Got thank you from community action center. Snowball was good. Ski trip is still kind of on, due to no snow. If you paid, you will be refunded. Next week is her last meeting, position needs to be filled. Need to meet with programming.

E. PR—First come first serve for conference, see him after meeting.

F. DSCR—Sunday Seattle Times is still being considered. Please pick up finals kits in the RHA office.

G. NRHH—Liter of the Week-Sam! NRHH meeting this Thursday, constitutional review, looking for a programming and involvement chairs. Please send nomination

IX. Advisor’s Moment: Letter Bombs! Cougar Pride Days, improving campus. Search WSU web site for Cougar Pride Days 2005 for more information. Submit projects online. Residence Hall work day, with RHA BBQ will be the Saturday of the Cougar Pride Days week. You should all go to the Leadership conference, it will be a great experience for you all.

X. Announcements

XI. Adjournment 8:49pm


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