Associate Pastor for Worship & Administration: Dr. Jay ...

Volunteers needed Friday morning or

afternoon & Saturday, anytime between 8:00 am &

11:30 am

Help kids discover the Invisible Wonders of God! You are wanted and appreciated. Volunteers are still needed, so please call Beverly Neal at 256-504-6761 or the church office.

The WSBC bus is taking a ride during the week of June 11. It will be full of Galactic Starveyors and they need a captain (BUS DRIVER) with a CDL license. If you can fill this spot, please contact the church office. Searching the Visible, Discovering the Invisible.

Day One: The Act of Worship Pray today that your church and the churches of your association will worship God in Spirit and in truth, yielded to Him as you gather together, united in praise. Pray this not only for your association, but for associations across America this Sunday. (Acts 2:1, 43)

Day Two: The Act of Fellowship Pray today that God will prompt His people in the churches of your association to connect with one another in meaningful spiritual relationships, encouraging one another to live and serve in Jesus' name, accountable to one another in prayer. (Acts 2:42, 46)

Day Three: The Act of Evangelism Ask God today to open the eyes of every Christian in your church and association to see the harvest field around them, and also ask that He will place at least one person in the life of each Christian so that this day the story of Jesus might be shared with those who need Him. (Acts 2:37-38)

Day Four: The Act of Discipleship Pray today that Christians will realize the importance of helping one another grow in their relationships with the Lord, becoming the disciples of Jesus He has called us to be. Evangelism and discipleship go together, so pray that those who are led to the Lord will have a person or a group they can connect with and learn from as a new follower of Jesus. (Acts 2:46-47)

Day Five: The Act of Ministry We talk about Christians being the hands and feet of Jesus...pray today that Christians in your association will discover anew the importance of being Jesus to those around them by caring for others in His name, meeting needs, making a difference for God's glory. (Acts 2:44-45)

Day Six: The Act of Missions So many people across the street and around the world need to know Christ...pray today that your church and association will take the Great Commission of Jesus more seriously than ever before, going and making disciples everywhere He sends us. (Acts 2:7-21)

Day Seven: The Act of Prayer We talk about prayer, but how much do we practice it? Ask the Lord to prompt His people, including you, to pray with a new fervency. As you look toward tomorrow, another Sunday, ask God to move in a dramatic way in your church and association to mobilize His people to be the healthy, outreaching followers of Jesus we must be for such a time as this. (Acts 2:42-43)

Day Eight: What Might God Do? What could happen in your community and across our nation if churches became healthy, if churches focused on

trusting and obeying God like never before? Ask the Lord to move among His people in your church and association today so that our nation might

know the Way, the Truth, and the Life: Jesus.

Written by Dr. Bob Lowman, DoM ? Metrolina Baptist Association, CharlotteNC

Associate Pastor for Worship & Administration: Dr. Jay Hodges (c) 256.459.8110 / worship@ Interim Youth Director: Joel Haney - joel.haney95@, Ministry Assistant: Belinda Seahorn (c) 256.328.1969 / info@, Financial Secretary: Cynthia Bradfield (o) 256.442.2638 / cynthia@

Children's Ministry Director: Mary Couch (c) 256.441.9876 ? Child Care Coordinator: Elaine Gray (c) 256.490.1169

4411 Rainbow Drive, Rainbow City, AL 35906 256.442.2638


We exist as a family of believers UNITED to SHARE our faith in Christ, to EQUIP believers to live their faith, and to EXPRESS our genuine love to God and all people so that GOD will be GLORIFIED.

Church Happenings at White Springs

May 28 - June 3, 2017

Getting Away But I'll Be Back In Mark 6:31, Jesus told the disciples after a long, busy day of ministry, "Come away by yourselves to a secluded place and rest a while" (ESV). Next week, May 29-June 3, my family and I will be in Mississippi to spend time with Karen's parents after her mom's recent knee surgery and to take Ann Marie to her college orientation at USM. I am calling on the deacons to be available to meet the needs of the church members while I'm out. And I know they will do a fine job of keeping things rolling along.


9:15 am - LifeSprings Sunday School 10:30 am - Morning Worship

Guest Speaker: Dr. Jeff Fairchild (Honduras Dental Mission Team) 6:00 pm - NO EVENING SERVICE

MONDAY Church Office Closed

Pray for the Pastor Search Committee Last Sunday night, the deacons presented their recommendations for the pastor search committee, and the church voted unanimously to approve the members selected: Abby Adams, Reggie Arledge, Angie Mabrey, Jim New, Glennell Ramsey, Roberts Sessions, & Brett Watts. We asked the church to pray ahead for the right people to say yes when they were contacted, and I believe this committee is a very good representative cross-section of who we are as a church currently. So thank you for your prayer support so far. Please keep the prayers coming for this search committee as they begin this process. And in the coming weeks when you are approached by the committee to answer surveys about the ministries and ministry needs of WSBC, the future direction of the church, and what we need in a pastor, let's do so cheerfully and expediently to help them along in the process. BRO. JAY


6:00 pm-- Adult Prayer & Bible Study, "The Rock" Student Worship Gathering (6th-12th grade)

7:05 pm - Choir Practice 7:40 pm - Worship Team & Choir Practice


7:00 am - Benefit Yard Sale for Samaritan's Shoeboxes - corner of Rainbow Drive & Peteet St.

Etowah Baptist Association Summer Kid's Camp 2017 Registration is STILL OPEN! The date is June 27-29 and deadline to register is June 1. The Camp Pastor is Randy Smith and Worship Leader is Mason Aldridge. For more info you may call the church office.

All ladies are invited to a Baby Shower celebrating Mrs. Natali Holt Sunday, May 28, 2017 at 3:00 pm. The shower will be held at the home of the Fairchild's 321 Peninsula Drive, Gadsden, AL 35901. Natali is registered at Amazon & Buy Buy Baby.

Helping Hands Food Ministry will be Saturday, May 27. This is Memorial Day weekend, and many of you will be busy or out of town, so please remember that all volunteers are greatly appreciated. Also, we are still in need of boxes but have a good supply of plastic grocery bags.

NEXT SUNDAY, June 4, 2017 Dr. Robert Netterville (Caseyviille, MS)


Deacon on Call

Extended Child Care @ 10:30 AM

Matt Mabrey 256-442-3468

Gala Mynatt & Florence Watts

A monetary donation has been given in memory of Blake Winningham by Art & Jan Middleton

Here's What's Coming Up in Worship @ White Springs

05/28 - Dr. Jeff Fairchild (Honduras Baptist Dental Mission) 06/04 - Richard Bradfield (EBA) 06/11 - Dr. Robert Netterville (Caseyviille, MS)

06/18 - Dr. Chris Crain (SCBA)

RECORD FOR May 21, 2017 Sunday School: 125

Budget Requirements Tithes & Offerings Helping Hands Etowah Baptist Mission Center VBS T-Shirts CTB

YTD Budget Required YTD Receipts

$6,928.00 8,287.18

60.00 50.00 50.00 40.00

$145,488.00 $159,399.63


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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