Week of:

Week of: Teacher:

Study: Music Making Exploring the Topic: What do we know about music making? What do we want to find out?

| |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

|Interest |Music and Movement: collection of |Music and Movement: collection |Music and Movement: listening station |Music and Movement: collection of |Library: pictures of instruments |

|Areas |homemade and standard instruments |of homemade and standard |with CDs representing a variety of |homemade and standard instruments |and people engaged in musical |

| | |instruments; chart paper and |musical styles | |experiences |

| | |markers | | |Music and Movement: collection of |

| | | | | |homemade and standard instruments |

|Large Group |Movement: Bounce, Bounce, Bounce |Movement: The Kids Go Marching |Movement: My Body Jumps |Movement: Let’s All Follow |Song: “Old MacDonald” |

| |Discussion and Shared Writing: |In |Discussion and Shared Writing: |Discussion and Shared Writing: What Do|Discussion and Shared Writing: |

| |Responding to Music |Discussion and Shared Writing: |Describing Sounds |We Know About Music Making? |What Do We Want to Find Out About |

| |Materials: Mighty Minutes 30, |Describing Instrumental Music |Materials: Mighty Minutes 72, “My Body |Materials: Mighty Minutes 99, “Let’s |Music Making? |

| |“Bounce, Bounce, Bounce”; various |Materials: Mighty Minutes 70, |Jumps”; collection of instruments and |All Follow”; audio clips of |Materials: Mighty Minutes 94, “Old|

| |audio clips of instrumental and |“The Kids Go Marching In”; |other sound-producing objects (e.g., |instrumental and vocal music; |MacDonald”; video clip of a |

| |vocal music |collection of instruments; audio|keys, washboard, cellophane paper) |collection of instruments; list of |musician playing spoons or comb; |

| | |clip of instrumental music | |words from earlier in the week that |Intentional Teaching Card LL54, |

| | | | |described the music children heard |“Asking Questions” |

|Read-Aloud |Nonfiction selection from the |Selection from the “Children’s |Chrysanthemum |Reread the book from Day 2 that |Selection from the “Children’s |

| |“Children’s Books” list that uses |Books” list that explores the |Book Discussion Card 26 (first |explores the many ways that people |Books” list that explores |

| |descriptive words for instruments,|many ways that people play |read-aloud) |play musical instruments |friendship and the ways that |

| |music, or sounds |musical instruments | | |friends work together |

|Small Group|Option 1: Tongue Twisters |Option 1: Rhyming Chart |Option 1: Seek & Find |Option 1: Counting & Comparing |Option 1: Counting & Comparing |

| |Intentional Teaching Card LL16, |Intentional Teaching Card LL10, |Intentional Teaching Card M03, “Seek & |Instruments |Instruments |

| |“Tongue Twisters”; chart paper and|“Rhyming Chart”; chart paper and|Find”; collection of objects or |Intentional Teaching Card M02, |Intentional Teaching Card M02, |

| |markers |marker; poem or song with |pictures to be categorized; large |“Counting & Comparing”; instruments |“Counting & Comparing”; instruments to|

| |Option 2: Same Sound Sort |rhyming words; prop that |basket; chart paper and marker |to sort and compare; |sort and compare; card stock folded in|

| |Intentional Teaching Card LL12, |illustrates the poem or song |Option 2: Sorting & Classifying |card stock folded in half to make |half to make stand-up cards |

| |“Same Sound Sort”; variety of |Option 2: Rhyming Chart |Intentional Teaching Card M05, “Sorting|stand-up cards |Option 2: Counting & Comparing |

| |objects, including some that begin|Intentional Teaching Card LL10, |& Classifying”; various instruments or |Option 2: Counting & Comparing |Instruments |

| |with the same sound; instruments |“Rhyming Chart”; chart paper and|pictures of them; objects that define |Instruments |Intentional Teaching Card M02, |

| |and other music materials |marker; poem or song with |boundaries for sorting the instruments |Intentional Teaching Card M02, |“Counting & Comparing”; instruments to|

| | |rhyming words; prop that |by size, color shape, material, etc. |“Counting & Comparing”; instruments |sort and compare; card stock folded in|

| | |illustrates the poem or song; | |to sort and compare; card stock |half to make stand-up cards; photos or|

| | |rhythm sticks or other small | |folded in half to make stand-up |video from Day 4 sorting activity |

| | |instruments | |cards; camera or video camera | |

|Outdoor Experiences: Invite children to walk around the school or outdoor area and listen for music. |

| |

|Encourage children to think of ways to make music with outdoor materials. |

| |

|Physical Fun: Intentional Teaching Card P21, “Hopping” |

|Family Partnerships: Send home a letter that introduces the study to families. |

|Invite families to contribute photos of family members experiencing music (playing an instrument, dancing at a wedding, singing “Happy Birthday,” etc.). |

|Wow! Experiences: Consider inviting a high school band member to join in any of the investigations by talking about his or her instrument, demonstrating the instrument, or playing music with |

|children. |

| |

Week of: Teacher:

Study: Music Making Investigation 1: What instruments can we play by hitting, tapping, or shaking them?

| |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

|Interest Areas |Music and Movement: percussion |Library: books involving music and |Art: found items for making |Discovery: materials for |Art: water bottles; |

| |instruments; pictures of people playing |music making |percussion instruments |experimenting with different |beads, sand, rice, beans,|

| |percussion instruments for different | | |sounds such as string, metal |etc. |

| |purposes (across cultures) | | |and plastic coat hangers, | |

| | | | |rubber bands, etc. | |

|Large Group |Song: “Musical Junk” |Song: “Move to the Beat” |Song: “Move to the Beat” |Song: “Clap the Missing Word” |Song: “Ticky Ricky” |

| |Discussion and Shared Writing: Making |Discussion and Shared Writing: |Discussion and Shared Writing:|Discussion and Shared Writing: |Discussion and Shared |

| |Music |Visiting Percussionist |Making Instruments |Instrument Sounds |Writing: Musical Patterns|

| |Materials: Mighty Minutes 66, “Musical |Materials: Mighty Minutes 91, “Move |Materials: Mighty Minutes 91, |Materials: Mighty Minutes 08, |Materials: Mighty Minutes|

| |Junk”; collection of percussion |to the Beat”; drum |“Move to the Beat”; photos of |“Clap the Missing Word”; |12, “Ticky Ricky”; chart |

| |instruments | |instruments being made; |collection of percussion |paper and markers; rhythm|

| | | |teacher-made instrument from |instruments |sticks; basket of items |

| | | |discarded items; variety of | | |

| | | |discarded items for instrument| | |

| | | |making | | |

|Read-Aloud |Chrysanthemum |Selection from the “Children’s Books”|Selection from the |Chrysanthemum |Reread the book from Day |

| |Book Discussion Card 26 (second |list that explores dance and movement|“Children’s Books” list that |Book Discussion Card 26 |3 |

| |read-aloud) |concepts |highlights sights and sounds |(third read-aloud) |that highlights sights |

| | | |in nature | |and sounds |

| | | | | |in nature |

|Small Group |Option 1: Shared Writing on Percussion |Option 1: Rhythm and Tempo |Option 1: Letters Galore |Option 1: Action Patterns |Option 1: Musical Water |

| |Instruments |Intentional Teaching Card M14, |Intentional Teaching Card |Intentional Teaching Card M35, |Intentional Teaching Card|

| |Intentional Teaching Card LL01, “Shared |“Patterns”; rhythm sticks |LL07, “Letters, Letters, |“Action Patterns”; action |M44, “Musical Water”; |

| |Writing”; chart paper; markers; |Option 2: Rhythm and Tempo |Letters”; alphabet rubber |cards, pocket chart |five tall drinking |

| |percussion instruments |Intentional Teaching Card M14, |stamps; colored inkpads and |Option 2: Action Patterns |glasses, glass jars, or |

| |Option 2: Shared Writing on Percussion |“Patterns”; collection of percussion |construction paper, or |Intentional Teaching Card M35, |glass bottles of the same|

| |Instruments |instruments |magnetic letters and magnetic |“Action Patterns”; cards with |size; water; spoon or |

| |Intentional Teaching Card LL01, “Shared | |board |percussion instrument photos; |pencil; measuring cup; |

| |Writing”; chart paper; markers; | |Option 2: Jumping Beans |percussion instruments to match|funnel; food coloring |

| |percussion instruments | |Intentional Teaching Card |the cards; pocket chart |Option 2: Reading Music |

| | | |LL05, “Jumping Beans”; | |Intentional Teaching Card|

| | | |construction paper; marker; | |M44, “Musical Water”; |

| | | |scissors; lamination supplies | |five tall drinking |

| | | |or clear contact paper; coffee| |glasses, glass jars, or |

| | | |can (with smooth top edge) | |glass bottles of the same|

| | | | | |size; water; spoon or |

| | | | | |pencil; measuring cup; |

| | | | | |funnel; food coloring; |

| | | | | |audio recorder |

|Outdoor Experiences: Create a “musical wall” by attaching various materials to a fence or wall. Encourage children to use the materials as percussion instruments and compare the sounds they can make |

|with each object. |

|Physical Fun: Intentional Teaching Card P09, “Up and Away” |

|Family Partnerships: Invite a family member who plays a percussion instrument to play it for the class. |

|Invite families to share their favorite songs, musical styles, performances, etc., with their child. |

|Wow! Experiences: Tuesday—Classroom visitor who shares a percussion instrument |

|If your school has a piano, arrange a time to have children look inside the piano to watch the hammers strike the strings. |

Week of: Teacher:

Study: Music Making Investigation 2: What other musical instruments are there? How do people play them?

| |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

|Interest Areas |Music and Movement: collection of|Library: music books |Art: rubber bands; string; cans; |Sand and Water: materials for |Music and Movement: listening station with |

| |instruments other than percussion|Music and Movement: sheet |cartons; shoe boxes, etc., for making |making sounds |music from different cultures |

| |instruments |music; blank sheet music |stringed instruments |Art: rubber bands; string; cans;|Art: rubber bands; string; cans; cartons; |

| | | | |cartons; shoe boxes, etc., for |shoe boxes, etc., for making stringed |

| | | | |making stringed instruments |instruments |

|Large Group |Song: “A-Hunting We Will Go” |Poem: “Here Is the Beehive” |Poem: “Riddle Dee Dee” |Movement: High in the Tree |Movement: The Wave |

| |Discussion and Shared Writing: |Discussion and Shared |Discussion and Shared Writing: Making a|Discussion and Shared Writing: |Discussion and Shared Writing: Music-Making|

| |Making Music With Stringed |Writing: Exploring Sheet |Stringed Instrument |Visiting Musician |Traditions |

| |Instruments |Music |Materials: Mighty Minutes 04, “Riddle |Materials: Mighty Minutes 51, |Materials: Mighty Minutes 34, “The Wave”; |

| |Materials: Mighty Minutes 58, |Materials: Mighty Minutes |Dee Dee”; rubber bands; string; cans; |“High in the Tree” |audio clip of instrumental music; globe; |

| |“A-Hunting We Will Go”; letter |79, “Here Is the Beehive”; |cartons; shoe boxes; photos of | |pictures of people from different parts of |

| |cards; stringed instrument |pieces of sheet music |different instruments | |the world playing instruments |

|Read-Aloud |Nonfiction selection from the |My Name Is Celia/Me llamo |Selection from the “Children’s Books” |Selection from the “Children’s |My Name Is Celia/Me llamo Celia |

| |“Children’s Books” list that |Celia |list that focuses on musical vocabulary|Books” list that highlights |Book Discussion Card 27 |

| |points out shapes found on |Book Discussion Card 27 | |characters with vivid |(second read-aloud) |

| |musical instruments |(first read-aloud) | |imaginations | |

|Small Group |Option 1: Fences for Farmers |Option 1: Puzzles |Option 1: Geoboard Music |Option 1: Observational Drawing |Option 1: Observational Drawing |

| |Intentional Teaching Card M50, “The |Intentional Teaching Card M23, |Intentional Teaching Card M21, |of Instruments |of Instruments |

| |Farmer Builds a Fence”; elastic band |“Putting Puzzles Together”; puzzles |“Geoboards”; geoboards; geobands; |Intentional Teaching Card LL45, |Intentional Teaching Card LL45, |

| |or rope (about 8 feet long) with ends |or puzzle cards |shape cards with one shape on each |“Observational Drawing”; |“Observational Drawing”; |

| |attached; two-dimensional shapes |Option 2: Geoboards |card |instruments; paper; markers |instruments; paper; markers |

| |Option 2: My Shadow and I |Intentional Teaching Card M21, |Option 2: Straw Shapes |Option 2: Observational Drawing |Option 2: Observational Drawing |

| |Intentional Teaching Card M47, “My |“Geoboards”; geoboards; geobands; |Intentional Teaching Card M42, “Straw |of Instruments |of Instruments |

| |Shadow and I”; overhead projector or |instruments or images of instruments|Shapes”; geometric shapes; drinking |Intentional Teaching Card LL45, |Intentional Teaching Card LL45, |

| |flashlights; instruments of different |of different shapes |straws cut to different lengths; pipe |“Observational Drawing”; |“Observational Drawing”; |

| |shapes | |cleaners; paper; pencils or crayons |instruments; paper; markers; |instruments; paper; markers; |

| | | | |camera |camera |

|Outdoor Experiences: Play a louder/softer game in which you use loud or quiet voices as clues to help children find a hidden object or location on the playground. |

|Physical Fun: Intentional Teaching Card P17, “Balance on a Beam” |

|Family Partnerships: Thursday–Invite families to come and listen to the visiting musician. |

|Wow! Experiences: Thursday–Classroom visitor who plays an instrument |

Week of: Teacher:

Study: Music Making Investigation 3: How can we make music with our voices?

| |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

|Interest |Library: poetry books |Library: books that feature people of |Art: materials for making a |Computer: Web sites that show how|Music and Movement: listening station |

|Areas | |different cultures singing and sharing|thank-you card |vocal cords work to make sound |with audio clips of vocal music; |

| | |music | | |writing materials |

|Large Group |Song: “This Old Man” |Poem: “Come Play With Me” |Song: “Clap a Friend’s Name” |Game: Hippity, Hoppity, |Song: “The People in Your Neighborhood”|

| |Discussion and Shared Writing: |Discussion and Shared Writing: |Discussion and Shared Writing: |How Many? |Discussion and Shared Writing: Changing|

| |Favorite Songs |Listening to Music From Other Cultures|Visiting Musician |Discussion and Shared Writing: |Our Voices When We Sing |

| |Materials: Mighty Minutes 96, |Materials: Mighty Minutes 42, “Come |Materials: Mighty Minutes 40, “Clap|Vibrating Vocal Chords |Materials: Mighty Minutes 01, |

| |“This Old Man”; a sticker for |Play With Me”; audio clips of music |a Friend’s Name”; Intentional |Materials: Mighty Minutes 07, |“The People in Your Neighborhood”; |

| |each child |from different parts of the world |Teaching Card SE11, “Great Groups” |“Hippity, Hoppity, How Many?”; |xylophone or other barred instrument; |

| | | | |kazoo; rubber bands |pitch pipe |

|Read-Aloud |Selection from the “Children’s |My Name Is Celia/Me llamo Celia |Selection from the “Children’s |Selection from the “Children’s |Selection from the “Children’s Books” |

| |Books” list that explores dance |Book Discussion Card 27 (third |Books” list that focuses on using |Books” list that explores a |list that talks about feelings |

| |and movement |read-aloud) |your imagination |variety of dances or other | |

| | | | |movements | |

|Small Group |Option 1: Writing Poems |Option 1: Rhyming Chart |Option 1: Writing Lyrics |Option 1: Writing Lyrics |Option 1: Tallying |

| |Intentional Teaching Card LL27, |Intentional Teaching Card LL10, |Intentional Teaching Card LL27, |Intentional Teaching Card LL27, |Intentional Teaching Card M06, |

| |“Writing Poems”; paper; pencils; |“Rhyming Chart”; chart paper and |“Writing Poems”; paper; pencils; |“Writing Poems”; paper; pencils; |“Tallying”; clipboard; paper; pencils |

| |markers; chart paper |marker; song from the class’s favorite|chart paper |chart paper |or crayons |

| |Option 2: Writing Poems |list |Option 2: Writing Lyrics |Option 2: Writing Lyrics |Option 2: Graphing |

| |Intentional Teaching Card LL27, |Option 2: Rhyming Chart |Intentional Teaching Card LL27, |Intentional Teaching Card LL27, |Intentional Teaching Card M11, |

| |“Writing Poems”; paper; pencils; |Intentional Teaching Card LL10, |“Writing Poems”; paper; pencils; |“Writing Poems”; paper; pencils; |“Graphing”; large graph paper or chart |

| |markers; chart paper; instruments;|“Rhyming Chart”; chart paper and |chart paper; audio or video |chart paper; audio or video |paper with lines drawn for graphing; |

| |audio recorder |marker; song from the class’s favorite|recorder |recorder |markers; stickers |

| | |list | | | |

|Outdoor Experiences: Create one or more megaphones by cutting a hole in the center of a paper plate and bending the plate into a cone shape. Invite children to experiment outdoors with the sounds|

|they can make using a megaphone. |

|Physical Fun: Use Intentional Teaching Card P22, “Follow the Leader.” Follow the guidance on the card. Invite the leader to use a megaphone to call out directions as he or she goes. |

|Family Partnerships: Invite families to look for or create opportunities to sing with their children. |

|Wow! Experiences: Wednesday—Visiting musician who creates music with his or her voice. |

Week of: Teacher:

Study: Music Making Investigation 4: What different styles of music are there? How do they make us feel?

| |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |

|Interest |Music and Movement: CDs representing a variety of musical|Art: audio clips of instrumental and vocal music; painting |Art: audio clips of instrumental and vocal music; |

|Areas |styles |materials |painting materials |

|Large Group |Song: Let’s Make Letters |Rhyme: Disappearing Rhymes |Song: “This Old Man” |

| |Discussion and Shared Writing: |Discussion and Shared Writing: Describing Styles |Discussion and Shared Writing: How Does Music Make Us |

| |Music and Feelings |of Music |Feel? |

| |Materials: Mighty Minutes 84, |Materials: Mighty Minutes 88, “Disappearing Rhymes”; dry erase |Materials: Mighty Minutes 96, |

| |“Let’s Make Letters” |board or chalkboard |“This Old Man” |

|Read-Aloud |Book chosen from the question of the day |Whistle for Willie |Selection from the “Children’s Books” list that |

| | |Book Discussion Card 28 (first read-aloud) |illustrates how music can bring people together |

|Small Group |Option 1: Stepping Stones |Option 1: I’ll Give You a Clue |Option 1: Character Feelings |

| |Intentional Teaching Card M55, “Stepping Stones”; masking|Intentional Teaching Card M51, “Can You Find It?”; small objects |Intentional Teaching Card SE05, “Character Feelings”; |

| |tape or chalk |typically found in a classroom |books in which characters experience a range of emotions |

| |Option 2: Where’s the Beanbag? |Option 2: Do You Want To Go on an Adventure? |while engaged in a musical experience |

| |Intentional Teaching Card M56, “Where’s the Beanbag?”; |Intentional Teaching Card M36, “We’re Going on an Adventure”; box|Option 2: Feelings |

| |beanbags; basket or tub; masking tape; chart paper; |or overturned wastebasket; sheet or long piece of cloth; table; |Intentional Teaching Card SE06, “Talk About Feelings”; |

| |marker |stool; two large cardboard boxes; large plant; photographs with |pictures of people expressing a variety of emotions while|

| | |geographic features |interacting with instruments or participating in musical |

| | | |experiences |

|Outdoor Experiences (Physical Fun): Intentional Teaching Card P12, “Exploring Pathways” |

|Family Partnerships: Ask families to send in lyrics to a favorite family song to be included in a class songbook. |

Week of: Teacher:

Study: Music Making Investigation 5: Who works with music for their job? What tools do they use?

| |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

|Interest |Blocks: photos of music venues |Dramatic Play: concert hall |Dramatic Play: concert hall |Discovery: materials for repairing |Dramatic Play: concert hall |

|Areas |(local and famous ones from |Library: invitations to the end-of-study|Library: invitations to the |instruments; collection of |Music and Movement: record songs |

| |around the world) |celebration |end-of-study celebration |instruments; polishing rags |for |

| | | | |Dramatic Play: concert hall |the celebration |

|Large Group |Movement: Shape Hunt |Game: Feely Box (follow the guidance on |Movement: Jack in the Box (follow |Game: I’m Thinking Of…” (use |Movement: Paper Towel Rap |

| |Discussion and Shared Writing: |the card using |the guidance on the card using a |different instruments from the |Discussion and Shared Writing: |

| |Jobs With Music |a baton) |baton to signal instead of a |classroom collection as the |Recording Artists |

| |Materials: Mighty Minutes 97, |Discussion and Shared Writing: What Does|whistle) |objects) |Materials: Mighty Minutes 64, |

| |“Shape Hunt”; three-dimensional |a Conductor Do? |Discussion and Shared Writing: |Discussion and Shared Writing: |“Paper Towel Rap”; an empty paper |

| |shapes or shape cards; photo of |Materials: Mighty Minutes 48, “Feely |Preparing for Our Site Visit |Repairing Instruments |towel roll for each child labeled |

| |a DJ or other person working |Box”; baton; box or bag for a baton; |Materials: Mighty Minutes 74, “Jack|Materials: Mighty Minutes 18, “I’m |with his or her name; clipboard; |

| |with music; clipboards; book |video clip of a conductor in action; |in the Box”; baton; chart from |Thinking Of…”; classroom collection|paper; markers; clip of people |

| |about jobs in music |collection of instruments; audio clip of|yesterday’s large-group roundup; |of instruments; broken homemade |working in a recording studio |

| | |an orchestra not playing in unison; |clipboard; paper; markers |instrument; clipboard; chart; | |

| | |clipboard; paper; markers | |markers; video clip or photograph | |

| | | | |of someone repairing an instrument | |

| | | | |at work | |

|Read-Aloud |Selection from the “Children’s |Whistle for Willie |Selection from the “Children’s |Selection from the “Children’s |Whistle for Willie |

| |Books” list that features people|Book Discussion Card 28 (second |Books” list that features people |Books” list that features people |Book Discussion Card 28 |

| |who work with music |read-aloud) |who work with music |using their imaginations |(third read-aloud) |

|Small Group |Option 1: Board Games |Option 1: Story Problems |Option 1: Rhyming Chart |Option 1: Did You Ever See…? |Option 1: Same Sound Sort |

| |Intentional Teaching Card M77, |Intentional Teaching Card M22, “Story |Intentional Teaching Card LL10, |Intentional Teaching Card LL14, |Intentional Teaching Card LL12, |

| |“Board Games”; board games with |Problems”; collection of manipulatives |“Rhyming Chart”; chart paper and |“Did You Ever See…?”; pictures of |“Same Sound Sort”; a variety of |

| |dice and playing pieces |Option 2: More or Fewer Towers |marker; poem or song with rhyming |familiar animals; audio recorder |objects, including some that begin |

| |Option 2: Let’s Go Fishing |Intentional Teaching Card M59, “More or |words; prop that illustrates the |Option 2: Rhyming Riddles |with the same sound; cardboard box |

| |Intentional Teaching Card M39, |Fewer Towers”; interlocking cubes; |poem or song. |Intentional Teaching Card LL11, |or bag to store objects |

| |“Let’s Go Fishing”; child-size |More/Fewer spinner; numeral–quantity |Option 2: Rhyming Tubs |“Rhyming Riddles”; chart paper and |Option 2: Rhyming Tubs |

| |fishing poles made from a stick |cards or die |Intentional Teaching Card LL44, |markers; pictures of objects that |Intentional Teaching Card LL44, |

| |or dowel, string, and magnet | |“Rhyming Tubs”; plastic tub; bag or|represent two-phoneme words; props |“Rhyming Tubs”; plastic tub; bag or|

| |(attached to the end of the | |small box; pairs of small objects |that rhyme with chosen words |small box; pairs of small toys or |

| |string); set of fish cards; | |with names that rhyme | |other objects with names that rhyme|

| |paper clips | | | | |

|Outdoor Experiences (Physical Fun): Use Intentional Teaching Card P24, “Swing & Jump Rope.” Follow the guidance on the card. Encourage children to sing, rhyme, or chant as they jump rope. |

|Family Partnerships: Send a letter home inviting families to the end-of-study celebration. |

|Wow! Experiences: Wednesday— Site visit to a place where people work with music. |


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