XXXXX Sunday in Ordinary Time - St Michael Cary Music …

|16 April 2017 St Michael Music Ministry ~ EASTER SUNDAY |

|Prelude |10:30 Risen Alleluia— Pote Octavo Bells and choir |

| |12:15 Song of the Cross |

|Entrance Chant |Jesus Christ is Risen Today JS 401 Choir Masses Sheet Three Easter song |

|Penitential Rite |Mass of Renewal |

|Readings |Mass of Renewal - Gloria with repeats (booklet) |

|Resp. Psalm |Ps 118 This is the day the Lord has made JS 98 Michael Joncas |

|Gospel Acclamation |Easter Alleluia |

| |10:30 Festival Alleluia Octavo |

|Rite of Sprinkling |Water of Life JS 254 |

|General Intercession |7am – Baptized in Water JS 516 |

| |Mass of Renewal |

|Prep. Of Gifts |10:30 This day of days with Joy we Claim Octavo Organ Choir Brass |

| |Alleluia let the Holy Anthem Rise JS 411 verses 1,2 and 4 |

| |12:30 Alleluia Love is Alive S&S 177 Sarah Hart and Jesse Manibusan |

|Holy |Mass of Renewal – booklet |

|Mystery of Faith | |

|Great Amen | |

|Lamb of God | |

|Communion Antiphon |Christ our Passover has been sacrificed, alleluia: therefore let us keep the feast with the unleavened bread of purity and |

| |truth, Alleluia, alleluia. |

|Communion Processional | |

| |All - I am the Bread of Life SUP 30 |

| |7:00 Taste and See Moore SUP 34 |

| |10:30 Festival Canticle Worthy is Christ JS 424 & Octavo |

| |12:30 Rise up With Him SSII 322 Janet Vogt |

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| |Alleluia, Alleluia Hymn to Joy JS 415 |

|Song of Praise |12:30 Join in the Dance SSII 322 & JS 410 |

| |Brass and Organ |

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|Recessional | |

Happy Birthday to Ron L (Wednesday)


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