Bell Ringer Response Sheet: Monday PICTURE PROMPTS - Weebly

Bell Ringer Response Sheet: WEEK 1



your choice

1.Use the image

to spark a

fictional story.

2. Describe the

image using

vivid detail.

3. Write about a personal

memory that this image

brings to mind.















Tuesday TEXT


Correct the spelling,

punctuation, and grammar

errors in the text conversation.

Explain your corrections.










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Wednesday Word Choice

Rewrite the following

sentences to improve the

vocabulary / word choice.

1. When Josh came downstairs on Christmas morning, he was very happy to see that Santa had brought him what he asked

for, a red bike.




2. Even though they made her sick, Sara loved riding big rollercoasters. She liked them all, but her favorite was The





Thursday Persuasive position

With a partner, have a short debate.

- 2 Minutes: Brainstorming

- 2 Minutes: Affirmative Position

- 2 Minutes: Negative Position

People who download movies and music

illegally should have harsher punishments.


After watching the video clip, respond in writing by

proving your thoughts on the following question:

How do you react to failure or defeat?















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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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