LANGCLIFFE PARISH COUNCILMinutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Monday 8th October 2018Present:Cllr Graham Cross, Helen Jarvis, Barbara Fiorato, Ian Johnson, Judith Sugden, Beverly Croft, DC David Staveley, County Councillor Richard Welch, Abigail Horsfall (Clerk). Apologies: Cllr Joycelyn Bagnall, DC Wendy Hull. MIN 310/2018: Declaration of Interest: No.MIN 311/2018: To approve the Minutes of last meeting held on 10th September 2018. The minutes where signed as a true copy Helen Jarvis and Judith Bagnall.MIN 312/2018: County Councillor Richard Welch: Fixed Plastic Bollards, map of the layby. The Council discussed with County Councillor Richard Welch where the Langcliffe sign should go. The Langcliffe sign used to be by the layby but Langcliffe does start at Barrel Sykes, so really the sign should be down there. Fairhurst Stoneyard – The Clerk asked Carl Lis and the enforcement officer Nicola Dinsdale to come to a meeting, but they said there wasn’t much point in coming to discuss the matters that the Council had concerns with. The Council discussed all the issues with Fairhurst Stoneyard with County Councillor Richard Welch again. District Councillor David Staveley; Advised the Council that he is Vice Chair of a special planning committee, discussing the local plan and the implications for housing. Part of the local plan has Barrel Sykes marked for development. District Councillor David Staveley also said that loneliness has been identified in Settle and the surrounding area. DC DS had forwarded an email regarding the Blue Recycle Bins and plant pots. Plant pots can’t be recycled. The New Industrial estate: there is a detailed plan and outlined access. Detailed submission into next year. 18 house development and low-cost housing. It is a legal requirement for low cost housing. MIN 313/2018: Matters arising:Fountain/War Memorial: The Clerk received the report from the Surveyor. The Clerk has sent the report round to all the Councillors for them to read through. The Surveyor said that he has some Roman sets that he would be willing for the Council to have. The Roman sets will need fitting in the ground, they may not fit properly and may not be able to be resized. The Chairman has asked for 3 quotes for the work from the Surveyor’s report. Fairhurst Stone Yard: Fairhurst Stoneyard was discussed earlier with the County Councillor and District Councillor. Cllr Helen Jarvis has collated all the evidence about Fairhurst Stoneyard and has written a letter to Mr Fairhurst. Cllr HJ has sent the report and letter to all the Councillors to check and when the Councillors are happy with it then the Clerk will send the letter and wait for a reply and then send the report to all the authorities. Paving Stones round Stocks Tree: The paving stones are done and have been put in. A resident has commented that they look very new. The wall round Stocks Tree may need repointing in the future and should be budgeted for next year. There is a hole in front on the Tree on the road that needs fixing by the Highways. The Clerk is to report it to the Highways. Light on the Main Road at Bowerley: The Clerk has not heard why the light has not been switched on yet. The Clerk will email and get an update. Layby by the Railway Bridge: This was discussed earlier with County Councillor Richard Welch.Parking round Village: The Clerk is going to get some prices for chain link fence for the Green that people keep parking their cars on. The Clerk received the register for village Green in Langcliffe and it looks like the Green In front of The Old Vicarage is Village Green and this is where the chain link fence would be put. School Site: The Clerk has received the information back on the Green and has now sent it to the YLCA for them to pass on to their legal team. GDPA & Policies: The Clerk is going through all the General Data Protection information and policies, she will send them out and get Cllr HJ to put them on the website. Buxton Park: The Clerk has received the Village Green information back so has sent it to YLCA and explained everything and is waiting for their advice. Signs – The Clerk said that she has been looking at maps of the Village to put in the notice board, the Clerk is going to look in to prices and styles for Village Signs. WW1 - Cllr HJ ran through some of the events that will happen on the 17th November. The Remembrance service is on 11th November 2018.MIN 314/2018: Financial Report: The Clerk explained the monthly accounts and showed them to the Councillors. The cheques were authorised for payment, the cheques were for Eon, Helen Jarvis Website and centenary things, Harrison & Cross Street Light repairs, Horton Landscaping, Playsafety Inspection, Paul Bainbridge and the Clerk’s wages and expenses. The cheques totalled ?1606.02.MIN 315/2018: Planning: Cllr BC planning got passed for the stables.MIN 316/2018: Correspondence: The correspondence was distributed to the Councillors to read.MIN 317/2018: Any Other Business: Grass Cutting – Cllr IJ asked if the Grass cutters can cut below the trees where the wet patch is. The Clerk will let the Grass cutters know. Dry Rigg Quarry – Cllr Helen Jarvis went to the Open event regarding the new planning. The quarry can help with things that the village may need like stone for the Car Park which they gave the Council last time. Eco Friendly House – Cllr HJ mentioned the planning for the new eco friendly house down by Bowerly; no planning has come forward yet. The New Clerk appointment– The Council discussed the interviews for the new Clerk but the deadline for applicants is not until 15th October. Caravan parking on the pavement – Cllr GC has been approached about the Caravan parking on the pavement at Willow Wood. The Clerk will ask County Councillor Richard Welch if there is anything that can be done. MIN 318/2018: Next meeting of the Parish Council is Monday, 12th November 2018. Meeting closed at 20.44pm ................

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