
Board Meeting 3Monday, 20th April Via ZoomAttendeesRoger Williams (Chair) (RW)Richard Jones, Selections Gift Shop (RJ)Jo Morgan, Peacocks (JM) Nia Hall, Pump Supplies Ltd (NHall)Ray Oglesby, Baristas (RO)Nigel Hunt, San Portablo 1901 (NH)Cllr Steffan Ap Dafydd, NPTBC (SD)Peter Williams, The means (PW)Mandy Jenkins, The means (MJ)Apologies ItemDetailAction1.0Welcome and apologies RW welcomed everyone to the meeting. No apologies given. 2.0Minutes of the last meeting and matters arising 2.1 Confirmation of approval Those present agreed the minutes were a true reflection of the meeting. 2.2 Matters arising2.2.1 Recruitment Some board members had contacted The means on whether their management proposal for the first year remained viable given the emerging crisis since the last board meeting was held. The means contract commenced on 1st April. Assurances were sought and given that the contract could be terminated with immediate effect should that be necessary due to e.g. impact on levy collection. The board agreed the tabled work plan was essential to progress in preparation for emerging from lockdown. 2.2.2 Office spaceCoastal Housing had made two desks available at their offices for use by the means. Meeting room space could also be used if there was a need. 2.2.3 Insurance Quick Quote had provided quotes of ?236 for Directors and Officers Liability Insurance and ?1043 for public liability insurance. However, they had pointed out that the public liability was current being affected by COVID-19 and it might be best to wait until the BID could hold its first event. The board accepted the quote for ?236. 2.2.4 Council board representativeNTPBC has nominated (SD) as their official representative. The board welcomed Steffan. 2.2.5 Blanco’s board representativeOngoing. NH had been unable to speak to anyone as Blanco’s was not open.2.2.6 Baseline agreement RJ had signed this on behalf of the BID and it had been passed to the Legal Department at NPTBC for the Council to sign.3.0Bank account RJ and OD had filled in the necessary forms and returned them to Barclays. New accounts has been on hold but MJ had received an update from the bank who hoped the account would be open by Wednesday, 22nd April. 4.0Update on levies paid So far ?19.5k had been received (including payment from Tesco). MJ was waiting for a further update from the Rates Department at NPTBC.NPTBC had not yet paid their levy contribution. SD to chase. SD: To chase up payment of NPTBC’s levy contribution 5.0Director registration Once the bank account had been opened, MJ would register all Directors at Companies House. 6.0The means workplanThe proposed workplan had been circulated to the board who confirmed they were happy with it. 6.1 Progress to date Three newsletters had been sent out so far:Open rates:73 subscribers total14 of those are new subscribers from sharing signup page media platforms created:Facebook @VivaPortTalbot284 likesTwitter @VivaPortTalbot44 followersInstagram @VivaPortTalbot46 followersViva Port Talbot website being updated weekly.6.2 Future eventsDetailed planning has commenced for threre eventsSuperhero Day – Tuesday 27th OctoberSuperhero characters and replica of 1989 BatmobileReindeer Parade – Saturday 12th DecemberCairngorm reindeer with characters and local community groupsChristmas. lights switch - 29th NovemberRW, NHall and MJ had met with Chris at Aberavon RFC to discuss how the BID could strengthen the event further through funding some bands etc for the parade. MJ has also spoken to Steve Redmore who had not yet planned his Christmas event.6.2 Food FestivalWG planned to open the next funding round on 26th April. The board discussed a Chocolate Festival but decided to go ahead with a complete Food Festival as it would be easier to source traders. The date of 6th March 2021 was chosen as this would be far enough away from Neath’s Food Festival, did not clash with any other festivals or any six nations games. MJ would apply for the funding once the round opened. 6.2 Coastal Communities grant – project ideasMJ tried to speak to the person responsible but had been unable to do so so far. The board discussed idea:Digital signage – around the town centre and next to the train station including a wayfinder and business directory. NH suggested using Black Box AV. MY to contact them. The board also discussed asking public transport companies and NPTBC to offer match funding. Festivals – the board discussed the possibility of a historical / heritage festival or literary festival as suggested by Sally JonesMJ: To speak to Pam Wood about the paradeMJ: To apply for the Food Festival funding MJ: To contact Black Box AV7.0AOBRW was elected Chair and RJ Vice Chair. RW would look into offering the space in the Coastal Housing units on Station Road for pop-up events. RW to ask his Business Wales contact about governance training for the board. Including, if it had to be delivered virtually potentially doing so in 15 minute chunks at board meetings. RW to speak to Pobl about getting involved in the BID. Meetings – list of dates given out at the last meeting were now out of date, and a new version would be issued for the duration of the crisis. Date of next meeting – Monday, 18th May. RW: To look into the use of the Coastal Units for pop-up marketsTo speak to Business Wales about governance training To speak to Pobl about getting involved in the BID ................

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