Battery tender vs trickle charger


Battery tender vs trickle charger

A lot of factors come into play when trying to determine the right battery. More importantly, once you have chosen the right battery for your application, you need to know the right way to it. Does the battery need to be charged quickly? Should the battery be stored for a while? Does it just need to be kept loaded until its next use? Questions like these help determine if you need a regular battery or a trickle charger. Here we have broken down the difference between the two. Standard battery charger A standard battery charger is designed to charge a battery as quickly and as safely as possible. Did you know that? Charging a battery too quickly can damage the battery, reducing its performance, shortening its life cycle, and even causing it to catch fire. For these reasons, it is important not to rush the process. A common battery charger purpose is to send a constant voltage to the battery until it is turned off. This means that you need to check the battery and make sure not to let the charger stay in touch past the point of a full charge. That helps you avoid mistakes many battery owners make. Is that right for you? This type of charger is ideal if you are trying to charge your battery for immediate use. Trickle Charger A trickle charger is a battery charger that delivers a very low voltage. This means that the battery is charging slowly over a period of time. Did you know that? When preparing to store a battery for a certain period of time, it is best to make sure that the battery is fully charged at the storage time and that it receives periodic charging during its time in stock. That way when you're ready to use it for your application, you're ready to go. A trickle charger removes the need to charge regularly, as it feeds a constant low charge to the battery without the pronounced risk of overcharging. It is important to note that a trickle charger and a maintenance charger are not the same things. A trickle charger will deliver a charge equal to the batteries degree of self-discharge and should be disconnected once a full charge has been established to avoid overcharging. A maintenance charger is designed to stay connected to the battery. When a charge level is set, the charger will automatically turn off and on to maintain the specified charging range. Regular Chargers vs. Trickle Chargers A trickle charger's primary purpose is to slowly charge a battery and prevent overcharging ? however, the same result can be achieved through the use of a standard charger. If storing batteries for some time is a common activity, then it's safe to say a trickle charger can be a good investment. On the other hand, if your primary battery charging activities require a fast charge for immediate use with the occasional need to store a battery, you would be better off investing in a regular charger, and just planning on charging the stored battery every 30 to 45 days. Just make sure the battery is fully charged before putting it away you should be able to keep your charge without problems. Fast vs. Slow Charging a battery as fast as you can isn't always the best solution ? here's why: When a battery is charged, the process of discharge is reversed. This means that the chemical process that allowed the battery to provide power must go back to its original state. The heat from the charging process causes this chemical reversal to happen ? however, too much heat, or power supply can create a negative effect called off-fumigation. The gas emitted is extremely flammable and unsafe to breathe. When charging any battery, be in a well-ventilated area and pay attention to avoid overcharging. Every type of vehicle needs power to start the engine and power any electronics, and it derives that power from the battery. Just starting the car on a regular basis can keep the battery charged, so it should come as no surprise that a car that the owner rarely drives ? such as a vehicle in stock ? can end up with a battery problem. Fortunately, this issue can be avoided, as battery managers can keep all car battery charged at all times. Here's how battery stators work. Battery maintainer vs battery charger Many people are not sure what makes a battery maintainer ? which is also called a battery maintainer ? different from a charger. The most important detail to remember is that a battery charger usually sends a constant charge to the battery, regardless of whether it actually needs to continue charging. This means that it is possible to overcharge the battery with a charger ? which can lead to damage to the battery. On the other hand, a battery holder can feel how much of a charge the battery needs, so it slowly sends a trickle charge to it over a period of several hours. It stops sending a charge when the battery is full. The result is that a battery preloader will not overcharge the battery as a charger can, which can help extend the life of the battery overall. The best time to use a battery holder Clearly, the main advantage of battery holders is that they will not overcharge the vehicle's battery. This makes them perfect for keeping car batteries charged while the vehicle is in stock. After all, leaving a battery charger connected to a car for months will overcharge the battery, but leaving a battery maintainer connected for so long is fine because the charge will simply stop when the battery is full. This way, car owners can be sure that their battery will be fully charged and ready to start the car even after spending months in stock. Whether you're about to put your car in stock or have noticed any signs of a bad battery in your vehicle, it may be time to give your car the extra attention it needs. Questions about how we spend our money and our time - consumer goods and services, home and vehicle, leisure and leisure activities Author HueyLD Post: 7959 Joined: Mon Jan 14, 2008 10:30 Am Post by HueyLD ? Thu 24, 24, 11:42 am Costco has a battery tender 3.0 AMP on sale for $29.99 and reviews are excellent. I also saw battery trickle chargers elsewhere. Some online comments indicate that a battery tender has no malicious side effect of a trickle charger. What harmful side effect? I'm at a loss here. Teague Post: 2122 Joined: Wed Nov 04, 2015 6:15 pm Post by Teague ? Twentieth Nov 24, 2016 11:57 Am These two terms are not well defined and may refer to the same thing. The important thing is that, whatever the device is called, it has a way to prevent overcharging, which is a harmful effect. Semper Augustus Swansea Post: 1012 Joined: Sat Feb 13, 2016 05:16 Post by Swansea ? Thu Nov 24, 2016 12:04 PM A trickle charger is constant, and stays on even when the battery if it is full charge. With a trickle charger, you need to unplug it when the battery reaches full charge. A battery offer will stop charging when the battery is fully charged. If the battery then falls below a certain limit, the tender will come on again and stay on until the battery is fully charged again. Therefore, the tender can simply be attached and left on the vehicle until one is ready to drive. I use a Deltran tender. BIGal Post: 145 Joined: Fri Oct 26, 2012 9:34 am post by BIGal ? Twentieth Nov 24, 2016 13:36 A second on Deltran tender. I have two that I connect to two vehicle batteries while we are away for three months over the winter.... They work fine and I think extend the life of the battery. btenny Post: 5499 Went: Sun 16 Oct 2007 06:47 Post by btenny ? Twentieth 24 Nov 2016 14:07 What is the application? In most cases, if the vehicle is not used for long periods of time, it is better to just unhook the battery and let it set instead of constantly having it at full charge. The issue is cheap chargers over charging the battery and damaging them. I have been unhooking boat batteries in the fall ever year to let them set all winter for 4-8 months for decades. Every spring I re-hook them up and they work fine. Yes they are a bit discharged but drunk enough to start the boat several times. Likewise I unhook my car battery when we leave for the summer and let it set. I hook it up again in the fall and it starts the car well. I've never had a problem. But if you have one of these new cars with lots of parasite battery drain the battery can run down in a few days or a week. Like when you leave your car at the airport or in your garage during a long journey. This is a common problem with some Lexus cars. Only for this case you should use a one battery tender but for not lots of long periods. Good luck to you. Jack FFR1846 Post: 13005 Joined: Tis Dec 31, 2013 7:05 am Location: 26 miles, 385 meters west of Copley Square Post by Jack FFR1846 ? Tussle 24 Nov 2016 02:28 A battery tender has a state machine that charges at a high current rate that narrows when the battery reaches the voltage target. It then regulates at the voltage level forever and can go to zero current. So you can submit the tender at Forever. Some algorithms pulse charge (the high current then of repeatably) or do other things to condition the battery. Most are controlled with a microprocessor these days where older systems used specific load control chips. A trickle charger can be a number of things. Cheapo chargers are just current regulated departed line voltage that can overcharge. Some use a current limited linear regulator that mimics the tender but is cheaper and more crude. Bogle: Smart Beta's Stupid Munemaker Posts: 4174 Joined: Sat Jan 18, 2014 6:14 pm Post by munemaker ? Thu Nov 24, 2016 2:30 pm A tender is intelligent and is the better choice for long-term storage. It is far superior to the old-fashioned trickle charger. I use a Battery Tender on my two motorcycles in the off-season. When I'm not riding, I always plug in the tender. This really extends the battery life. Deltran is a really good brand that is well respected. There are probably others. That being said, I have a cheap trickle charger from Harbor Freight that I use on my lawn tractor during the winter, and it works fine. In conclusion, I would say that the trickle charger is ok, but the tender is much better. Last edited by munemaker on Tusscan 24 Nov 2016 14:58, edited 1 time in total. Elena Post: 383 Joined: Mon Nov 21, 2016 5:42 pm post by Elena ? Thu Nov 24, 2016 2:43 pm I can only speak for my scooter battery. I use a battery tender during the winter and the small battery has been fine for some 4 years. Now. At some times the cells will deteriorate, but only because of it is chemistry, not the fee. Before I used the tender, I left for three months and the battery was dead and irreversible. I use the 12-Volt 750mA Battery Tender Junior, for $20. I've never tried mine on the car, and I think there's a car version available. random_walker_77 Post: 1261 Went: Tis, May 21, 2013 20:49 Post by random_walker_77 ? Twentieth Nov 24, 2016 3:25 Am you looking for a battery charger or something to keep an unused car's battery topped over winter? The costco 3 amp is strong enough to actually charge a battery in a reasonable amount of time and will not overcharge. As others have said, it's also great for preserving a battery during winter w/o overcharging like some cheap trickle chargers. To maintain the charge on an unused car, I would get a battery tender but recently bought a battery Minder on sale for $25 (on northerntool about a month ago). The Battery Minder had really good reviews about its ability to desulte and restore batteries. So far, everything's fine. ... pcomp-wm-1 Subject Author HueyLD Post: 7959 Went: Mon Jan 14, 2008 10:30 Am Post by HueyLD ? Thu Nov 24, 2016 10:47 pm I should have ordered mine this morning, but eating got in the way. This product is now in stock and the offer was too while deliveries lasted. Thanks everyone for the helpful response. DSInvestor Post: 11407 Joined: Sat Oct 2008 11:42 Post by DSInvestor ?TforNov 24, 2016 11:45 am 11:45 am HueyLD wrote:I should have ordered mine this morning, but eating got in the way. This product is now in stock and the offer was too while deliveries lasted. Thanks everyone for the helpful response. You can check if the local costco store(s) have any. It might be a little crazy this weekend though. Subject Author HueyLD Post: 7959 Attended: Mon Jan 14, 2008 10:30 am Post by HueyLD ? Fri Nov 25, 2016 9:29 AM Good idea, DSInvestor. It's worth a try. Shot.

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