Unit 8 – Grammar Review – Answer Key (pages 310 …

Unit 8 – Grammar Review – Answer Key (pages 310-314)

Review: Exercise 2 – Identifying Subjects and Predicates in Questions

1. Francie has read the book before.

2. Francie and the librarian like the book.

3. The girl chooses a book for Sunday.

4. Francie read the book quickly.

5. The girl’s parents have encouraged her.

6. Francie can read more than one book a day.

7. Francie reads many books a day.

8. Those books are the most interesting.

9. Francie prefers adventure.

10. She is in the library this afternoon.

Review: Exercise 3 – Identifying Kinds of Sentences

1. Interrogative

2. Declarative

3. Declarative

4. Declarative

5. Exclamatory

6. Declarative

7. Interrogative

8. Declarative

9. Declarative

10. Imperative

Review: Exercise 4 – Identifying the Subject of a Sentence

1. Avi

2. great-grandparents

3. Avi

4. disability

5. teachers

6. Avi

7. book

8. Avi

9. writing

10. (You)

Review: Exercise 5 – Rewriting Sentence Fragments

Answers will vary, but some suggestions are given below.

1. Read adventure books for young readers.

2. Does he face great danger?

3. What an exciting life we’ll have on the high seas!

4. The crew climbs the rigging.

Review: Exercise 6 – Identifying Simple and Complete Subjects and Predicates

1. Louisa May Alcott’s father ran schools unlike most others of the time.

2. Mr. Alcott used his liberal ideas in teaching his four daughters.

3. Louisa May Alcott wrote “rubbishy novels” under the name A. N. Barnard.

4. She published her famous novel Little Women in 1869.

5. Alcott based the story of the March girls on her own family.

Review: Exercise 7 – Identifying Compound Subjects and Predicates

1. Painters in Paris in the late-nineteenth century experimented with color and developed new techniques.

2. Rapid brushstrokes and dabs of color created the style of painting called impressionism.

3. Light and color give Impressionist paintings their brilliance.

4. Impressionist artists escaped from the studio and captured the life of the streets and open air.

5. Monet, Degas, Pissarro, and Renoir were all important Impressionist painters.

Review: Exercise 8 – Writing Compound and Complex Sentences

Answers may vary, but some suggestions are given below.

1. Francie’s father works as a singing waiter, but he can’t always find work.

2. Her mother cleans houses for a living, and she also cooks the family’s meals.

3. On Saturdays the family eats a big dinner, and they even have dessert.

4. Francie’s parents don’t have very much money, but they work hard to provide for their children.

5. The family must save every spare penny, or they won’t have enough money for their daily food.

Review: Exercise 9 – Correcting Run-on Sentences

Answers may vary, but some suggestions are given below.

1. Beatrix Potter wrote in the early twentieth century. Her books for young children are now considered classics.

2. She spent her summers in the country, but she spent her winters in London.

3. Potter’s summer experiences sparked her imagination. She found life in the country exciting and vital.

4. The Tale of Peter Rabbit was originally written as a letter to a child who was ill; Potter added to the letter and sent it to a publisher.

5. The Beatrix Potter books are strong because of their common sense and humor. They are exciting because of their action and adventure.

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