Real Estate Investing - Rehab Hard Money Loans | Real ...



Real Estate Investing With Private Hard Money and

Bridge Lender Funding

By Gary Zaccaria

Copyright 2015 ? Gary Zaccaria

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except in the case of a reviewer, who may quote brief passages embodied in critical articles or in a review.

Trademarked names appear throughout this book. Rather than use a trademark symbol with every occurrence of a trademarked name, names are used in an editorial fashion, with no intention of infringement of the respective owner's trademark.

The information in this book is distributed on an "as is" basis, without warranty. Although every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this work, neither the author nor the publisher shall have any liability to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by the information contained in this book. Before making any type of investment or working with any type of lender, an individual should consult with a financial advisor, CPA or lawyer.

Publisher: Pixel Productions, Inc. 869 E. 4500 S. #370 Salt Lake City, Utah 84107 garyzac@


Table of Contents

Introduction Chapter 1

Attitude for Hard Money Investing Chapter 2

Real Estate Market Conditions and Hard Money Chapter 3

Targeting Your Investing Area Chapter 4

Residential and Commercial REO Properties Chapter 5

Building Your Deal Pipeline

Chapter 6

Structuring Deals for Up To 100% Purchase Funding Chapter 7

Determining Property Value Chapter 8

Your Exit Strategy Chapter 9

Getting Deals Done Chapter 10

Getting More Deals Funded and Closed Chapter 11

Resources for Real Estate Investing Chapter 12

Internet Marketing for Investors, Brokers, and Agents



"90% of millionaires became so through owning real estate." ? Andrew Carnegie

I wrote this book to help real estate investors learn how to do deals with private hard money and bridge lender funding. After years of helping thousands of beginner and advanced students get the right type of real estate coaching, mentoring and training from the programs of experts such as Dolf De Roos, Robert Allen, Donald Trump, the late A.D. Kessler, and others, I learned that there was a "knowledge gap" related to getting funding for investor deals. To bridge that gap, was launched in 2006, featuring the Private Money Lenders Source with hundreds of detailed residential and commercial loan options for investors, offered by direct residential and commercial lenders, nationally, regionally, and locally

Real estate markets change, but there is one constant. There are always excellent commercial and residential deals that can be funded by private hard money lenders and bridge lenders, whether the real estate market is up, down, or sideways, whether it is a "buyers market" or a "sellers market, whether the deal is residential or commercial and whether it your investing strategy is buy and sell, fix and flip, or buy and hold. The key is to know your lender program options, where to source deals for pennies-on-the dollar, and how to work with lenders to get deals funded and closed. All to often, real estate investors try to do deals with one arm tied behind the back, lacking the key resources that can enable them to succeed.

Of course, every real estate deal needs funding. You can fund the purchase yourself, if you have the financial means to do so, or you can have a private hard money lender or bridge lender fund the deal for you. Most real estate investors choose the latter approach for a number of reasons.

One of the main advantages of working with private hard money lenders and bridge lenders is that if you have chosen the right type of residential or commercial investment property, your deal can be funded without worrying about your personal credit, income, or assets. Private hard money lenders and bridge lenders are "asset lenders" rather than "credit lenders". Banks, on the other hand, are credit lenders and they expect near perfect credit, a large down


payment and verifiable income and assets. Not so with private hard money lenders and bridge lenders because they look at the strength of your deal and your exit strategy, first and foremost. You can get a deal funded even if you have terrible credit or if you have had a bankruptcy or even foreclosures. Is every deal fundable by a private hard money lender or bridge lender? No, and that is exactly why it is so important to know all of your available lender program options, where to source the right types of deals, and how to match your deals to the right lender programs. Is it possible to structure funding for your deals for up to 100% of purchase? Yes, by choosing the right deal for the right lender program you can do deals with little or no money out of pocket.

For the past ten years I have authored a daily newsletter and provided resources for over 10,000 investor subscribers across the country, on the topic of doing deals with private hard money and bridge lender funding. Every day, real estate investors write to me with questions and I have learned a great deal about the how real estate investors are approaching their deals and some of the common pitfalls in their approach. This book is to help shed some light on these pitfalls by offering tips, techniques, and strategies for working with private hard money lenders and bridge lenders and how to source the types of deals that lenders can fund for you.

Ive also included the latest Internet marketing techniques that you can use to help you easily source deals and sell your deals to end-buyers. By mastering these techniques, you can create an effective system for building your pipeline of deals as well as your buyers list of mortgage qualified end-buyers whether they are home-buyers or investors seeking wholesale deals.

Real estate investing is a process. To be successful, you create a system that works for you by duplicating those successful techniques and strategies that have been used by other real estate investors to invest in residential non-owner occupied investment property or commercial income property. Having access to the right resources for investing can streamline the process and help you become a more successful real estate investor, whether you are finding lender program options, sourcing deals, choosing deals, learning how to prepare "deal scenarios" for lenders, submitting deals to lenders, or preparing loan packages.

With patience and the right attitude, you can succeed in getting your deals funded by private hard money lenders and bridge lenders. It is really a matter of mindset. If you are open-minded and willing to learn about the methods and strategies that real estate investors are using successfully and you are willing to


duplicate these methods and equip yourself with the proper resources you can not only succeed, but also prosper. So, whether you are an experienced investor, or just starting out, I hope this book can help you to take your real estate investing to the next level. Feel free to direct any questions or comments to me by e-mail and you are also welcome to subscribe to my free daily newsletter at .

Best success,

Gary Zaccaria garyzac@


Chapter 1

Attitude for Hard Money Investing

"Don't wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles and less than

perfect conditions. So what. Get started now. With each step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger, more and more

skilled, more and more self-confident and more and more successful. "

--Mark Victor Hansen

Your attitude will determine your success in real estate investing regardless of what type of funding method you use for your deals. However, working with lenders requires that you, as an investor, always maintain a positive mental attitude. Nothing turns lenders off more than an investor with a bad attitude.

If you feel that you have a perfect "10" mindset and attitude, feel free to skip ahead to the next chapter. If you have anything less than a "10", it might be a good time to re-evaluate your mindset and attitude and think about how it can positively or negatively affect your success in real estate investing so you dont undermine your efforts.

Investors who experience frustration sometimes direct their frustrations at lenders, sellers, or others. The bad attitude does nothing create additional obstacles to getting deals funded and closed. Often times having a bad attitude results in "burning bridges" with valuable lenders who could have otherwise helped you develop your real estate investing business.

Attitude begins with the very first step you make when you are working on putting a deal together. You can have a "win-win" attitude or you can have a "win lose" attitude. No one wants to be the "loser" in a real estate deal, whether it is buyers, sellers, lenders, agents, or anyone else involved in the deal.


Here are some examples of real estate investors with self-defeating attitudes:

An investor constantly complaining about everything to anyone who will lend an ear.

An investor who is "unrealistic" about the type of deals they can do.

An investor who tries to blame someone for deals that don't work out.

An investor who tries to get "something" for "nothing" whether it is from a seller, lender, agent or anyone who is directly involved in the deal or support.

An investor who demands that the lenders provide "100%" funding regardless of the type of deal submitted and whether or not the deal meets the lender program requirements.

An investor who gets angry because a deal doesn't work out and makes statements that he/she will later regret.

You can do better than that.

You can have a positive attitude and build relationships with everyone you do business with.

You can build your business and get more deals funded and closed by being REALISTIC about your deals and by patiently and persistently doing the work that it takes to succeed.

Your positive attitude can be contagious and inspire others who are involved in the deal to do their very best to help the deal come together.

Remember, your long term success in investing depends on your methods of doing business and your attitude. If you want to experience long term success, it all begins in your attitude and willingness to learn and to receive feedback from lenders who are trying to educate you about their lender programs.

Lenders are genuinely interested in funding deals for real estate investors. However, it is important to understand that lenders ONLY want to loan money on excellent deals. Lenders want to know that they are working with investors who are willing to go the extra mile to put together solid deals that work.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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