

Bangalore Region

Class : III ENGLISH Lesson : Good Morning [Poem]

Competency: Vocabulary

Look at the following words taken from the poem : creep, trees, bees

Underline the vowels in the words : creep, trees, bees

You have noticed that the vowels are same in the words and also their sounds :


Now, put a ( in the box which has the words with the same vowel sounds and × for different vowel sounds .

Add more words with the same vowel sounds in the rung of these ladders :

1. meet heal seek teak




We understand

Most of the words have ee or ea to give long vowel sounds :

1. weed reach week leech





Bangalore Region

Class : III ENGLISH Lesson : The Magic Garden


Write the words with the ending [suffix] – ful :

[an example is given]


1. ___________________________

2. ___________________________

3. ___________________________

4. ___________________________

5. ___________________________

6. ___________________________

7. ___________________________

8. ___________________________

9. ___________________________

10. ___________________________

Join -ly and write the words :

A. ___________________________

B. ___________________________

C. ___________________________

D. ___________________________

E. ___________________________

F. ___________________________

G. ___________________________

H. ___________________________

I. ___________________________

J. ___________________________


Bangalore Region

Class : III ENGLISH Lesson: Nina And The Baby Sparrow

Competency: Vocabulary

I. Arrange the following words from your text in alphabetical order :

[Your dictionary may help you]

celebration, cradle, ceremony, courtyard, cruel,

confident, chocolate, centre, colourful, camel

1. __________________________ 6. __________________________

2. __________________________ 7. __________________________

3. __________________________ 8. __________________________

4. __________________________ 9. __________________________

5. __________________________ 10. __________________________

II. Use the clues and write the words :

1. To bang at a door, we say k n __ __

2. To make woolen things, we say k n __ __

3. Part of the body below our thigh, we say k n __ __

4. The joint of our fingers, we say k n __ __ __ __

5. To tie up something, we put k n __ __

[Note : The first letter K is silent in all the words]

III. Circle the silent letters in the following words :

1. plumber 4. hymn

2. psychology 5. butter

3. wrong 6. knight


Bangalore Region

Class : III ENGLISH Lesson: The Magic Garden

Competency : Spellings

I. Write name of flowers. The first and last letter has been given as a hint :

1. p ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ s

2. s ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ r

3. m ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ d

4. r ___ ___ e

5. l ___ ___ ___ s

II. Give three names of the following you see in / near a garden :

1. birds - ……………….. , ……………….. , ………………..

2. insects - ……………….. , ……………….. , ………………..

3. flowers - ……………….. , ……………….. , ………………..

4. fruits - ……………….. , ……………….. , ………………..

5. trees - ……………….. , ……………….. , ………………..


Bangalore Region

Class : III ENGLISH Lesson : Bird Talk

Competency: Vocabulary

I. Match the animals to their sound : II. Draw the bird from the clues :

a] My colour is green.

My beak is red.

I eat chillies.

b] I have beautiful feathers.

I am the national bird of India.

I dance in rain.

III. Let us have rhyming fun with these words :

1. jay 3. link

2. grow 4. sunny

IV. You see different kinds of birds in the surroundings. Name any five of them :

a] _________________________

b] _________________________

c] _________________________

d] _________________________

e] _________________________

V. Write a suitable describer from the box for the pictures :

tall, thin, Big, Red, fast, ugly, ripe, beautiful

VI. Name a few things you eat or drink in a party.

1. ________________________

2. ________________________

3. ________________________

4. ________________________

5. ________________________


Bangalore Region

Class : III ENGLISH Lesson : Revision

I. Give one word :

1. a person who takes care of a garden - ____________________________

2. the fruit of an oak tree - ____________________________

3. drops of water found on flowers early in the morning - ______________

4. very small - ____________________________

5. to drink little at a time - ____________________________

6. a baby plant - ____________________________

7. very thin and weak - ____________________________

8. very fat - ____________________________

9. very big and strong - ____________________________

10. insects which birds eat - ____________________________

11. very big, huge - ____________________________

12. to move in twists - ____________________________

II. Write the past tense :

1. spring - _________________ 7. feed - _________________

2. swim - _________________ 8. grow - _________________

3. hold - _________________ 9. catch - _________________

4. dance - _________________ 10. believe - _________________

5. say - _________________ 11. fly - _________________

6. pull - _________________ 12. eat - _________________

III. Write the plural :

1. potato - _________________ 7. bird - _________________

2. leaf - _________________ 8. net - _________________

3. baby - _________________ 9. shell - _________________

4. branch - _________________ 10. tomato - _________________

5. man - _________________ 11. onion - _________________

6. child - _________________ 12. flower - _________________

IV. Write two words each starting with :

1. sk - _________________ , _________________

2. fl - _________________ , _________________

3. th - _________________ , _________________

4. cl - _________________ , _________________

5. dr - _________________ , _________________

6. gr - _________________ , _________________

V. Write the opposites :

1. pull x _________________ 7. happy x _________________

2. huge x _________________ 8. mighty x _________________

3. tall x _________________ 9. new x _________________

4. curly x _________________ 10. true x _________________

5. hot x _________________ 11. found x _________________

6. hard x _________________ 12. inside x _________________

VI. Make sentences :

1. flowers - ________________________________________________________

2. garden - ________________________________________________________

3. net - ________________________________________________________

4. happy - ________________________________________________________

5. upset - ________________________________________________________

Complete the story using in, to, over, on, into, of wherever suitable :

There were many fish ________ a pond. They were swimming and enjoying themselves ________ the water. They never came out of the water. One day, I went there ________ give some food ________ them. Surprisingly, one small fish camp up ________ the surface of water. She had tears ________ her eyes. She advised me, “Don’t throw garbage ________ this pond. Keep it clean. Tell this ________ your friends, also, otherwise water will become polluted. Think ________ it seriously.

Make a new word using the last two letters of the previous word :

|mouth |third |date | |

|store | |game | |

|laugh | |first | |

|started | |chase | |

|pole | |escape | |

|eat | |sail | |

|stop | |watch | |

Complete the story using suitable words :

There ________ a hunter in a forest. ________ wanted to shoot a pigeon. He aimed ________ gun at the ________. An ant saw ________. She bit ________ on his hand. The ________ dropped his ________ and ran ________. “Thank you, ant”, said the pigeon.

Add ‘er’ or ‘r’ to these words :

1. farm __________ 6. garden __________

2. teach __________ 7. field __________

3. rule __________ 8. play __________

4. ride __________ 9. photograph __________

5. drive __________ 10. time __________


Bangalore Region

Class : III ENGLISH Lesson: Nina & the Baby Sparrows

I. Help Nina to reach the baby sparrows by following the grains :





II. Do you have a pet at home ? Write a few sentences about it.





III. Pick out the words from the lesson to match these descriptions :

1. a young one :

2. place where birds live :

3. birds are covered with these :

4. a place with more shops :

IV. Fill in the blanks with the double letters :

1. s p a __ __ o w s

2. b e g i __ __ i n g

3. c h __ __ k s

4. t h r i __ __ e d

5. r a __ __ i t

V. Fill in suitable describing words in the blanks :

beautiful, black, red, happy, tall, fat

A ................... woman A ................... rose A ................... boy

A ................... peacock A ................... board A ................... man


Bangalore Region

Class : III ENGLISH Lesson: The Enormous Turnip

Competency : Creative Writing

I. Search the vegetables in this maze with the help of picture clues. Circle them with green if it grows above the ground and with red if it grows under the ground.

|P |A |P |

|Veena |: |And I’ll sit in their shade and read a book. |

|Dev |: |And then they will give us fruits. |

|Father |: |Also, they will make the place green and beautiful. You know, we get wood from them. |

|Veena |: |And we make bats, pencils, tables, chairs etc., out of wood. |

|Dev |: |Our teacher told that the paper of a book was once a tree. They also cause rainfall and make the place cool. |

|Father |: |They take in carbon-di-oxide and give out oxygen which is important for us. |

|Dev |: |We get rubber too from them. |

|Father |: |So, you understand that they are very useful to us. |

Now repeat this line after me :

‘One who loves trees, loves himself besides others. So love trees.’

1. What are Dev, Veena and their father talking about ?



2. What had Dev’s teacher told about trees ?



3. Pick out the plural form of the word from the passage :

1] table -

2] branch -

3] tyre -

4. Which line did father ask Dev and Veena to repeat ?



5. What did you understand from this passage ?



6. Pick out two words from the passage which have double letters in their spelling.

____________________________ , ____________________________

7. Fill in the blanks with words from the passage :

1] Trees cause _________________ and make the place ________________

2] Trees give us _________________ to rest on a sunny day.

8. Pick out the opposites from the passage :

1] ugly × _________________

2] warm × _________________


Bangalore Region

Class : III ENGLISH Lesson : Sea Song

Competency: Creative Writing

I. Look at the picture of the beach and write five sentences .












Bangalore Region

Class : III ENGLISH Lesson : Sea Song

Competency : Vocabulary

I. Write out three words which rhyme with the following words :

|cold |………………….. , |………………….. , |……………………. |

|sound |………………….. , |………………….. , |……………………. |

|hand |………………….. , |………………….. , |……………………. |

|shook |………………….. , |………………….. , |……………………. |

|harm |………………….. , |………………….. , |……………………. |

II. Pick out the suitable words denoting groups from the help box :

gang, swarm, chain, group, army, pair, bundle

1. a ………………………………… of mountains.

2. a ………………………………… of bees.

3. a ………………………………… of robbers.

4. a ………………………………… of sticks.

5. a ………………………………… of islands.

6. an ………………………………… of soldiers.

7. a ………………………………… of shoes.

I. Pick out five items from the help box which you can find lying on sea beaches.

|boat |lion |sand |ship |water |

|tiger |coconut |crab |net |snail |

II. Different animals produce different types of sounds. Match the animals to their sound.

Animals Sound

crows bray

birds crow

bees neigh

flies croak

cocks caw

frogs chirp

donkeys hum

horses buzz

III. Use the same colour to mark the present tense and the past tense of the verbs :

For E.g., : say and said with same colour.

IV. Colour this :

Write what it is ?

Where do you find it?


Bangalore Region

Class : III ENGLISH Lesson : A Little Fish Story

Competency : Grammar

I. Complete the sentences :

1. If I were a butterfly, I would



2. If I were a fish, I



3. If I were a peacock, I



4. If I were a duck, I



5. If I were a dolphin, I



6. If I were a millionaire, I




Bangalore Region

Class : III ENGLISH Lesson : A Little Fish Story

Competency : Grammar

I. Look at the picture and fill I the blanks :

1. A dog is sitting ____________ the basket.

2. A dog is sitting ____________ the basket.

3. A dog is sitting ____________ the basket.

4. A dog is sitting ____________ the basket.

5. A dog is sitting ____________ the basket.

6. A dog is sitting ____________ the basket.


Bangalore Region

Class : III ENGLISH Lesson : The Balloon Man

Competency : Vocabulary

I. Write the words which are similar to the words given in these balloons. One is done for you :

II. Write three rhyming words for these words :

day …………………. …………………. ………………….

bunch …………………. …………………. ………………….

stay …………………. …………………. ………………….

high …………………. …………………. ………………….

sky …………………. …………………. ………………….

all …………………. …………………. ………………….

III. Name the colour of :

your hair your uniform your parrot

1. ……………….. 2. ……………….. 3. ………………..

milk carrot sky

4. ……………….. 5. ……………….. 6. ………………..

IV. Circle the names of ten colours in this grid. One has been done for you.

|B |L |A |

|1. | | |

|2. | | |

|3. | | |

|4. | | |

|5. | | |


Bangalore Region

Class : III ENGLISH Topic : The story of the road

Competency :Creative Writing

I. Look at the picture and write five sentences on ‘My School Bus’. Use the

given words.










Bangalore Region

Class : III ENGLISH Topic : The story of the road

Competency : Vocabulary

I. Mention a few relatives in your home. The hints are given for each :

1. s i __ __ __ r 2. c o __ __ __ n 3. n e __ __ __ w

4. u n __ __ __ 5. a __ __ __

II. Solve the puzzle about the people who help us.


1. He looks after our teeth.

2. She looks after the passengers on an aeroplane

3. He repairs water pipes and taps

4. He plans the design of our home


5. She looks after the patients

6. He repairs electrical equipments

7. Carries our luggage


Bangalore Region

Class : III ENGLISH Topic : Train

Competency : Vocabulary

I. Encircle the correct spelling :

1. presious pretious precious

2. mounten mountain mountan

3. carring carrying carying

4. freight fraight frighet

5. rivar river rivur

II. Match the following :

‘A’ ‘B’

1. mountain a raised area of land

2. plain a small area of still water

3. hill a large area of flowing water

4. river very big hills

5. pond flat and even land

III. Find the answers hidden in the jumbled up words :

1. The train that is called as the lifeline of Delhi -

o m e t r - _________________________

2. Name the place where the trains stop and go –

ywarali tionsta - ____________________________

3. Trains are a means of -

ptorranst - ____________________

4. The fastest train of our country -

b s h a a t d i - ________________________

IV. Give three examples of the following means of transport :

Land Water Air

________________ ________________ ________________

________________ ________________ ________________

________________ ________________ ________________

V. Write a paragraph about your travel experience in a train.












VI. Write the other number [plural] of :

1. carrot ______________________

2. story ______________________

3. mango ______________________

4. tomato ______________________

5. lady ______________________


Bangalore Region

Class : III ENGLISH Lesson: Puppy And I

Competency : Vocabulary

I. Solve the following puzzle about the animal homes.

II. Choose the correct word from the box.

donkey, train, dog, cat

1. whistling of a ________________

2. mewing of a ________________

3. braying of a ________________

4. barking of a ________________

III. Name any 5 vegetables and fruits your mother buys for the family.

Vegetables Fruits

______________________ ______________________

______________________ ______________________

______________________ ______________________

______________________ ______________________

______________________ ______________________


Bangalore Region

Class : III ENGLISH Lesson: Puppy And I

Competency : Vocabulary

I. Complete the sentences :

1. Give me some ____________ to eat. [food/clothes]

2. I want to ____________ across the river. [swim/walk]

3. The Aeroplane flies in the ____________ [sky/road]

4. Cauliflower is a ____________ [fruit/vegetable]

5. The birds ____________ [mew/chirrup]

II. Name any five things that you happened to see on the way to school.

________________ ________________ ________________

________________ ________________ ________________

III. Make questions using can :

1. I can drive a car ?

Ans. ___________________________________________________________________

2. I cannot touch the sky ?

Ans. ___________________________________________________________________

3. I hear the sound of feet ?

Ans. ___________________________________________________________________

IV. Join and make phrases of the following :

1. a cluster of bees

2. a grew of robbers

3. a gang of stars

4. a shower of trees

5. a swarm of rain


Bangalore Region

Class : III ENGLISH Lesson: My Silly Sister

Competency : Grammar

I. Fill in the blanks with the correct words :

walked talked showed played looked

walking talking showing playing looking

1. I was ___________________ with my grandfather over the phone.

2. My brother and I ___________________ on the ground yesterday.

3. My friends and I ___________________ to school last week.

4. The children are ___________________ on the stage.

5. Jack ___________________ on the phone last night.

6. I ___________________ my dad what I found last week.

7. Megan is ___________________ on the stairs right now.

8. My grandpa is ___________________ in the garden.

9. Asha ___________________ with the music yesterday.

10. Tom is ___________________ me where to put my books.

II. Encircle the correct word in the given sentences :

1. Marty [blow, blew] out the candles last night.

2. The teacher [speak, spoke] to my yesterday before school.

3. We [take, took] the bus to school last week.

4. The police dog [come, came] into my classroom today.

5. A big yellow bird [fly, flew] over my head.


Bangalore Region

Class : III ENGLISH Lesson: Don’t Tell

Competency : Vocabulary

I. Underline the pair of rhyming words in the following sentences.

E.g., : 1. Our ball bounced over the wall.

2. My pet is wet

3. The pig is big.

4. The dog is sitting on the log.

5. The bat likes to wear a hat.

6. A fish is dancing in the dish.

7. I see a bee in the tree.

8. The mouse is in the house.

II. Read the clues and encircle the words related to people who help us in the

crossword puzzle.

|c |g |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

Visit a post office situated nearby and find out the following :

1. Cost of a post card ________________________________________________

2. Cost of an inland letter _____________________________________________

3. Cost of an envelope ________________________________________________

4. Where is the main office in Bangalore ? _______________________________

5. Who is the head of the post office ? ___________________________________


Bangalore Region

Class : III ENGLISH Lesson : What’s in the mail box?

Competency : Spelling

I. Identify and name the following :


Bangalore Region

Class : III ENGLISH Lesson : My Silly Sister

Competency : Grammar

I. Fill in the blanks seeing the given pictures :

1. Hands are for ____________________________

2. Feet are for ____________________________

3. Hips are for ____________________________

4. Arms are for ____________________________

5. Eyes are for ____________________________

6. Heads are for ____________________________

7. Mouths are for ____________________________

II. Match the words with their opposites :

silly dull

difference close

bright intelligent

real sorrow

open similarity

joy artificial

III. Correct the spellings of these words :

1. childish _________________________________

2. angar _________________________________

3. pleyful _________________________________

4. washarman _________________________________

5. peple _________________________________

6. nauty _________________________________

IV. Use the letters of this word and make as many words as you can :


Bangalore Region

Class : III ENGLISH Lesson:

Competency : Vocabulary

I. Make four words each from the given words :


1. ____________________ 2. ____________________

3. ____________________ 4. ____________________


1. ____________________ 2. ____________________

3. ____________________ 4. ____________________

II. Complete the sentences using the correct word :

1. The weather ____________ beautiful today.

2. All the children ____________ in the playground.

3. Nobody in my class ____________ interested in football.

4. Sally ____________ my best friend.

5. Mum and dad ____________ downstairs watching television.


Bangalore Region

Class : III ENGLISH Lesson:

Competency : Vocabulary

I. Add vowels to the given letters and rewrite the names of the animals.

a, e, i, o, u

Example : m s -- mouse

1. b r d - __________________ 8. l m b - ________________

2. l n - __________________ 9. i z r d - ________________

3. b t - __________________ 10. h r s - ________________

4. c t - __________________ 11. b l l - ________________

5. g t - __________________ 12. t r t l - ________________

6. d g - __________________ 13. p n g n - ________________

7. g r f f - __________________ 14. s n k - ________________


Bangalore Region

Class : III ENGLISH Lesson : Don’t Tell

Competency : Vocabulary

I. List 3 actions which the students should do and which they should not do

in the school :

II. It is rhyme time now. Copy a suitable word on the blank from the cloud.


Bangalore Region

Class : III ENGLISH Lesson : Revision

I. Fill in with suitable words :

big, beautiful, new, hot, clean, unhappy, plump,

tiny, curly, sweet

1. She sang a _______________ song.

2. Our school playground is very _______________

3. The shell was _______________

4. Nina saw two _______________ sparrows.

5. Butterflies are very _______________ insects.

6. We keep our classroom _______________

7. I bought a _______________ dress for the wedding.

8. A _______________ shoot sprang out of the seed.

9. I like to drink _______________ tea.

10. The little fish was _______________

II. Read the passage and answer the questions :

Humming birds are tiny birds that can fly forward and backward. They are called humming birds because when they fly, their wings often make a humming sound. Their tiny wings beat about 55 to 75 times each second. The biggest hummingbird is the Giant Hummingbird. The smallest hummingbird is the Bee Hummingbird, which is about the size of a bee. They live for 3-4 years.

1. Name the bird in the passage.


2. Why are hummingbirds called so ?


3. Which is the biggest hummingbird ?


III. State ‘True’ or ‘False’ :

1. Hummingbirds are very small birds _________

2. The hummingbirds cannot fly ____________

IV. Write their opposites :

1. smallest × ________________ 2. forward × ________________

V. Nina and Radha are talking about their school. Imagine what they are

talking :

Nina : ______________________________


Radha : ____________________________


Nina : ______________________________


Radha : _________________________________________________________________


Radha : _________________________________________________________________



Bangalore Region

Class : III ENGLISH Lesson : Don’t Tell

Competency : Vocabulary

I. Write the missing letters and complete the word :

1. s i __ __ __ r 5. a __ __ t

2. c o __ __ __ n 6. f __ t __ e r

3. n e __ __ __ w 7. b r __ t __ e r

4. u n __ __ __ e 8. g r __ n d m o t __ e r

II. Write the full form of :

1. don’t _________________ 4. can’t _____________________

2. I’m ___________________ 5. It’s _______________________

3. I’ll ____________________ 6. that’s _____________________

III. Write two sentences using the following :

patiently ______________________________________________________________


tried ______________________________________________________________


IV. Write two rhyming words for the following :

grown __________ , __________ chance __________ , __________

really __________ , __________ big __________ , __________

enough __________ , __________ yet __________ , __________

V. Write two things you would like to do when you grow up.




Bangalore Region

Class : III ENGLISH Lesson: Don’t Tell

Competency : Vocabulary

I. Make new words using the letters from the given words :

wholesome ____________ , ____________ , ____________

ancestors ____________ , ____________ , ____________

vegetables ____________ , ____________ , ____________

checklist ____________ , ____________ , ____________

course book ____________ , ____________ , ____________

II. Give the words of comparison for these.

E.g., :

|thick |thicker |thickest |

|big | | |

|young | | |

|large | | |

|fine | | |

|wise | | |

iii. Give the past tense for these :

|do | |

|say | |

|try | |

|grow | |

|give | |

IV. Write any three things that grown –ups won’t let the child do.





Bangalore Region

Class : III ENGLISH Lesson : Don’t Tell

Competency : Vocabulary

I. Find the 7 words ending with _ful hidden in the maze and write them in

the given space :

A |O |Q |M |H |F |L |U |C |O |L |O |U |R |F |U |L | |H |A |R |M |F |U |L |B |Q |N |G |V |A |P |Z |D |D | |Q |D |E |R |N |H |K |L |D |G |E |Q |W |R |T |T |Y | |V |G |W |O |N |D |E |R |F |U |L |S |R |J |P |E |J | |Z |H |Z |X |U |B |H |B |S |G |F |T |S |T |A |B |O | |Q |W |E |M |H |J |E |J |B |E |A |U |T |I |F |U |Y | |R |J |K |N |V |G |L |U |P |B |L |F |J |K |O |L |F | |Y |V |T |T |T |L |P |V |P |B |S |T |W |A |N |G |U | |X |D |F |H |K |U |F |Y |C |H |E |E |R |F |U |L |L | |C |C |Z |U |V |F |U |E |L |E |S |S |K |L |O |P |Y | |X |S |D |C |U |O |L |R |M |E |C |L |E |A |R |L |Z | |F |D |E |C |Q |X |C |A |R |E |F |U |L |X |C |E |X | |

1. _________________________ 5. _________________________

2. _________________________ 6. _________________________

3. _________________________ 7. _________________________

4. _________________________ 8. _________________________

II. Answer the following in one word using -ly words.

1. The boy ran quickly. How did the boy run ?

Ans. ___________________________________________________________________

2. The girl talked loudly. How did the girl talk ?

Ans. ___________________________________________________________________

3. The wind blew softly. How did the wind blow ?

Ans. ___________________________________________________________________

4. He easily lifted the ball. How did he lift the ball ?

Ans. ___________________________________________________________________

5. The stars twinkled brightly. How did the star twinkle ?

Ans. ___________________________________________________________________

III. Add -ish to the following and make new words.

1. self - ____________ 6. style - ____________

2. grey - ____________ 7. black - ____________

3. devil - ____________ 8. ban - ____________

4. boy - ____________ 9. kid - ____________

5. girl - ____________ 10. book - ____________


Bangalore Region

Class : III ENGLISH Lesson : He is My Brother

Competency : Grammar

I. Complete this family tree with the names of your relatives [like brother].

The first letter is given as a hint :

II. Here are a few signs for children who cannot hear. Write the words from

the clue-box for these signs :


write, dance, lose, win, sing, read

1. _____________ 2. _____________ 3. _____________

4. _____________ 5. _____________ 6. _____________

III. Write the present / Paste Tense of these words :

Present Tense Past Tense

1. go ____________________

2. ____________________ climbed

3. carry ____________________

4. ____________________ looked

5. ask ____________________

IV. Write the opposite Gender :

1. cock ___________________________

2. author ___________________________

3. aunt ___________________________

4. nephew ___________________________

5. master ___________________________


Bangalore Region

Class : III ENGLISH Lesson :

Competency : Creative Writing

I. Write a few sentences about the pictures given :

1. Clues : clouds, umbrella, paper boats, friends, enjoy






2. Clues : grand parents, love and care, play, stories, gift






3. Clues : garden, girl, watering, flowers, beautiful








4. Clues : dining table, food, water, health, nutritious








Encircle young ones of animals :

a |s |d |f |h |j |k |l |p |o |k |n | |f |c |u |b |p |n |h |p |h |k |i |o | |k |r |o |a |k |c |b |i |h |o |t |o | |i |i |z |y |t |n |m |g |w |y |t |t | |d |g |a |c |f |k |k |l |r |l |e |p | |k |f |c |a |l |f |y |e |q |p |n |z | |m |o |d |w |s |g |s |t |o |q |o |l | |l |n |r |k |z |w |r |m |d |n |r |a | |c |o |l |t |o |p |u |p |p |y |t |m | |p |y |t |s |q |z |o |c |b |k |y |b | |m |k |n |r |q |t |y |z |o |p |n |x | |a |d |u |c |k |l |i |n |g |t |x |f | |

Encircle young ones of animals :

a |s |d |f |h |j |k |l |p |o |k |n | |f |c |u |b |p |n |h |p |h |k |i |o | |k |r |o |a |k |c |b |i |h |o |t |o | |i |i |z |y |t |n |m |g |w |y |t |t | |d |g |a |c |f |k |k |l |r |l |e |p | |k |f |c |a |l |f |y |e |q |p |n |z | |m |o |d |w |s |g |s |t |o |q |o |l | |l |n |r |k |z |w |r |m |d |n |r |a | |c |o |l |t |o |p |u |p |p |y |t |m | |p |y |t |s |q |z |o |c |b |k |y |b | |m |k |n |r |q |t |y |z |o |p |n |x | |a |d |u |c |k |l |i |n |g |t |x |f | |

Encircle young ones of animals :

a |s |d |f |h |j |k |l |p |o |k |n | |f |c |u |b |p |n |h |p |h |k |i |o | |k |r |o |a |k |c |b |i |h |o |t |o | |i |i |z |y |t |n |m |g |w |y |t |t | |d |g |a |c |f |k |k |l |r |l |e |p | |k |f |c |a |l |f |y |e |q |p |n |z | |m |o |d |w |s |g |s |t |o |q |o |l | |l |n |r |k |z |w |r |m |d |n |r |a | |c |o |l |t |o |p |u |p |p |y |t |m | |p |y |t |s |q |z |o |c |b |k |y |b | |m |k |n |r |q |t |y |z |o |p |n |x | |a |d |u |c |k |l |i |n |g |t |x |f | |


Bangalore Region

Class : III ENGLISH Lesson: How Creatures Move

Competency : Vocabulary

I. How do these creatures move ? Match them suitably.

1. [a] crawls up a wall

a lion

2. [b] wiggles all around

a squirrel

3. [c] walks on padded paws

a fly

4. [d] dives and swims

a seal

5. [e] leaps

a worm

6. [f] hops on the ground

a monkey

7. [g] swings its tail

a bird

II. Colour these pictures and write five action words related to the pictures:

III. List the hobbies you perform during your free time ? Write them down

in the boxes.

M |O |N |K |E |Y |X |Y |U | |V |B |K |M |M |L |O |S |R | |N |S |Q |U |I |R |R |E |L | |M |Q |L |P |S |B |C |A |Q | |F |D |I |R |Y |Z |N |L |N | |L |W |O |R |M |S |I |J |Z | |I |U |N |R |T |D |J |K |I | |E |P |S |N |O |B |I |R |D | |S |H |C |R |Q |A |Q |G |T | | IV. Search the names of the animals and the birds in the grid.(How creatures move! Poem)


Bangalore Region

Class : III ENGLISH Lesson : How Creatures Move

Competency : Vocabulary/Creative Writing

I. A Language Game

Find all the words for the given clues from the letters of A R I T H M E T I C

1. a female horse mare

2. the clock shows this _________________________________

3. you sit on it _________________________________

4. not wild _________________________________

5. a group of players _________________________________

6. the organ that pumps blood _________________________________

7. the fat of milk _________________________________

8. small rodent _________________________________

9. drop of liquid from eye _________________________________

2. What do you do when you are bored ? Write 5 sentences.










Bangalore Region

Class : III ENGLISH Lesson : How Creatures Move

I. Make meaningful word by adding ‘e’ at the appropriate places. Clues are given in the bracket. The first one is done for you.

1. agl [bird] eagle

2. jwl [precious stone] _________________

3. fnc [barrier] _________________

4. gnrl [army rank] _________________

5. nmy [foe] _________________

6. vivt [soft cloth] _________________

7. prfct [ideal] _________________

8. coff [beverage] _________________

II. Missing vowels.

The following occupations have had their vowels removed. Write the words correctly. The first one is done for you.

1. chmst chemist

2. bldr _________________

3. tchr _________________

4. frmr _________________

5. plmbr _________________

6. crpntr _________________


Bangalore Region

Class : III ENGLISH Lesson 19 : How Creatures Move

Competency : Vocabulary

I. Fill in the blanks with the correct word from the box :

flying, running, hopping, swinging, walking

Some animals at the zoo have escaped from their cages and are causing a lot of trouble for the zoo-keepers. The parrots are __________ around in the trees and the monkeys are __________ from branch to branch. The horses are __________ Quickly around the zoo while the baby kangaroo is __________ away from a zoo-keeper who is trying to catch it. The slow old rabbit is __________ under a leafy tree to rest in the shade.

Find the movement / action words from the word – maze

W |I |G |G |L |I |N |G |B |S | |R |S |Y |G |E |B |C |Q |S |W | |I |P |H |M |A |R |R |L |I |I | |G |R |O |O |P |E |A |C |N |N | |G |E |P |T |I |A |W |D |G |G | |L |A |P |Y |N |D |L |N |R |I | |I |D |I |J |G |I |E |D |Y |N | |N |R |N |D |A |N |C |I |N |G | |G |F |G |E |R |G |Z |V |W |Q | |W |D |T |F |L |Y |Q |E |C |P | |


Bangalore Region

Class : III ENGLISH Lesson :

Competency : Creative Writing

I. Write about this picture :









II. Fill with can / cannot :

1. I ____________ climb the stairs.

2. I ____________ sing a song.

3. I ____________ drive a car.

4. I ____________ earn money now.

5. I ____________ read a story book.

6. I ____________ cook like my mother.

III. Read the poem and answer the questions given :

Tibloo is my friend

Tibloo has four legs

Tibloo has a long tail

Who is Tibloo ?

Tibloo barks

Tibloo wags his tail

Tibloo is happy

Who is Tibloo ?

Tibloo is my dog!

1. Use the word ‘friend’ in a sentence :


2. A cat mews, A dog _____________

3. Write the opposite of -sad × _____________

4. Write a rhyming word for -pail - _____________

5. Fill in : A dog _____________ his tail.

IV. Write about your ‘pet dog’.




Bangalore Region

Class : III ENGLISH Lesson : The Ship of the Desert

Competency : Vocabulary

I. Match the following :

1. [a] whiskers

2. [b] horns

3. [c] paws

4. [d] fins

5. [e] beak

6. [f] hoofs

II. Complete these idioms :

1. as fast as a ______________________

2. as proud as a ______________________

3. as busy as a ______________________

4. as tall as a ______________________

5. as nimble as a ______________________

III. Write the sentences keeping the code of numbers for the letters :

A |B |C |D |E |F |G |H |I |J |K |L |M | |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |8 |9 |10 |11 |12 |13 | |

N |O |P |Q |R |S |T |U |V |W |X |Y |Z | |14 |15 |16 |17 |18 |19 |20 |21 |22 |23 |24 |25 |26 | |

a] the camel said,

“ 9 1 13 20 8 5 19 8 9 16 15 6 20 8 5

4 5 19 5 18 20 ‘’

b] The lion said,

“ 9 1 13 20 8 5 11 9 14 7 15 6 20 8 5

6 15 18 5 19 20 ‘’




Bangalore Region

Class : III ENGLISH Lesson: The Ship of the Desert

Competency : Creative Writing

I. Look at the picture and write a few lines on what these animals will speak

to each other.











Bangalore Region

Class : II ENGLISH Lesson : The Ship of the Desert

Competency : Creative Writing

I. Look at the goats in the pictures and write about them.




II. Answer the following :

1. People call me the ship of the desert. I live in desert. I store food in my hump. Who am I ?


2. I am the national bird of India. I have long beautiful tail. My feathers are famous are its beautiful colours. Who am I ?


3. I am the king of the forest. I cat only meat. I have padded paws. Who am I ?


4. I am the national animal of India. I have yellow and black stripes on my body. I belong to cat’s family. Who am I ?


5. I am the biggest animal on land. I have trunk and tusk. I like to eat leaves and fruits. Who am I ?


III. Put the punctuation marks in appropriate places :

1. sun gives us light and energy


2. oh what a beautiful flower


3. are you going to school


4. Pakistan, Nepal, Srilanka, Myanmar, Afghanistan, Butan and China

are our neighbouring countries.



Bangalore Region

Class : III ENGLISH Lesson : The Yellow Butterfly

Competency : Vocabulary

I. Join the two words to make a new word :

1. break + fast _____________________

2. news + paper _____________________

3. pine + apple _____________________

4. out + side _____________________

5. some + thing _____________________

II. Join the give words using “And”:

Sweet, butter, cold, thick, hot, bread, thirsty, hungry, thin, sour

Example : Eat and drink

1. ____________ and ____________

2. ____________ and ____________

3. ____________ and ____________

4. ____________ and ____________

5. ____________ and ____________

III. Choose the correct word from the box :

donkey, train, dog, cat

1. whistling of a

2. mewing of a

3. braying of a

4. barking of a

IV. Name any 5 vegetables and fruits your mother buys for the family.

Vegetables Fruits

____________________ ____________________

____________________ ____________________

____________________ ____________________

____________________ ____________________

____________________ ____________________

V. Make sentences using the given words :

1. weak ___________________________________________________________

2. week ___________________________________________________________

3. sea ___________________________________________________________

4. see ___________________________________________________________











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