Synonym, Vocabulary/Grammar Warm-up

[Pages:163]12th Grade


Synonym, Vocabulary/Grammar Warm-up

Caught `ya!:

this is the story of a battle of the sexes of 2 love affairs fraught with obstacles and of chicanery.

Word of the Day chicanery

Definition, Synonym

noun the use of clever but tricky talk or action to deceive or evade

Example, Image, Showing sentence The conman was eventually jailed for his chicanery.

Word of the day:

The word of the day is chicanery. Say the word with me: chicanery. The word chicanery refers to the use of clever but tricky talk or action to deceive or evade.

Caught `ya! Key

This is the story of a battle of the sexes, of two love affairs, fraught with obstacles, and of chicanery.

Grammar/punctuation highlights: ? Paragraph ? beginning of story ? Comma ? series of prepositional phrases ? Plural rule ? if a word ends in "s", "x", "ch", or "sh", add "es" to make it plural ? Numbers ? write out one or two-word numbers ? Notice parallel structure of series

12th Grade


Vocabulary/Grammar Warm-up

Caught `ya!:

its a romantic comedy set in messina italy centuries ago when men held all of the power and women were subjugated to there will

Word of the Day subjugated

Definition, Synonym

verb to force a person to obey you

Example, Image, Showing sentence Hilda, an aggressive woman, subjugated her husband by forcing him to do all of the housework.

Word of the day:

The word of the day is subjugated. Say the word with me: subjugated The word "subjugated" means to force a person to obey you.

Caught `ya! Key

It's a romantic comedy set in Messina, Italy, centuries ago when men held all of the power and women were subjugated to their will.

Grammar/punctuation highlights: ? Apostrophe ? Use an apostrophe in the word "it's" when it indicates a contraction ? Commas ? separating city and country, complex sentence with two independent clauses ? Capitalize names of cities and countries ? Homophone ? their indicates possessive pronoun

? Note present tense of narrator introducing the story.

12th Grade


Vocabulary/Grammar Warm-up

Caught `ya!:

the convoluted soap opera of piece battles began at the end of a foiled rebellion. don pedro, prince of aragon, spain, had just defeated his amoral half-brother don john. The latter had been the malefactor who had staged the rebellion

Word of Definition, Synonym

Example, Image,

the Day

Showing sentence



The technician had to

complicated and

untangle a convoluted

difficult to understand mess of cords before he

could work on the computer.



Some malefactors receive

an evildoer or criminal capital punishment for their


Words of the day:

The first word of the day is convoluted. Say the word with me: convoluted.

The word convoluted means complicated and difficult to understand.

The next word of the day is malefactor. Say the word with me: malefactor.

The word malefactor means criminal or evildoer.

The malefactor fell into a life of crime because he had a convoluted set of


Caught `ya! Key

The convoluted soap opera of peace battles began at the end of a foiled

rebellion. Don Pedro, Prince of Aragon, Spain, had just defeated his amoral

half-brother, Don John. The latter had been the malefactor who had staged

the rebellion.

Grammar/punctuation highlights:

? No paragraph ? continuation

? Commas ? appositive; around name of country after city;

non-restrictive modifier

? Homophone ? piece/peace

? Notice oxymoron ? "peace battles"

? Hyphen ? two words acting as one

? Note: The narrator uses present tense to introduce the

story, but the story itself is in past tense.

12th Grade


Vocabulary/Grammar Warm-up

Caught `ya!:

don pedro and 2 of his gallants claudio a stalwart stripling from florence italy and benedick of padua italy were returning home from the war.

Word of the Day stalwart

Definition, Synonym

adjective someone who strongly supports a particular organization or set of ideas

Example, Image, Showing sentence Mary was a stalwart supporter of breast cancer research.

Word of the day:

The word of the day is stalwart. Say the word with me: stalwart. The word stalwart refers to someone who strongly supports a particular organization or set of ideas.

Caught `ya! Key

Don Pedro and two of his gallants, Claudio, a stalwart stripling from Florence, Italy and Benedick of Padua, Italy, were returning home from the war.

Grammar/punctuation/literary device highlights: ? Alliteration: "stalwart stripling" ? Commas ? appositives; city, county/state ? Numbers - write out 1- 99

12th Grade


Vocabulary/Grammar Warm-up

Caught `ya!: when they reached messina italy they were too become the guests of Leonato, the governor of Messina. After long days of conflict a few days' of rest at Leonato's estate would be a welcome highlight to an otherwise difficult journey.

Word of Definition, Synonym

Example, Image,

the Day

Showing sentence


noun 1. all of one's property or

The millionaire surprised his children by leaving the bulk of his

money, especially everything estate to charity.

left after he dies.

2. a large area of land in the

country, usually with a large



verb 1. to make something easy to The teacher highlighted important

notice so people will pay

words to help her students study

attention to it.

for the test.


a positive part of something

Words of the day:

The first word of the day is estate. Say the word with me: estate.

The word estate refers to all of one's property or money, especially

everything left after he dies.

The next word is highlight. Say the word with me: highlight. To highlight

something is to call attention to it so that it will be noticed.

Caught `ya! Key

When they reached Messina, Italy, they were to become the guests of Leonato, the governor of Messina. After long days of conflict, a few days of rest at Leonato's estate would be a welcome highlight to an otherwise difficult journey.

Grammar/punctuation highlights: ? Comma ? subordinating clauses at the beginning of sentences, city, country/state, adjective phrase ? Homophone ? to, two, too

12th Grade


Vocabulary/Grammar Warm-up

Caught `ya!:

now leonato had a comely daughter who was named hero. not only was Hero beautiful but she was dulcet and virtuous as well.

Word of the Day comely


Definition, Synonym

adjective pleasant to look at, attractive adjective sweet

Example, Image, Showing sentence Some young teens now find it hard to believe that the head-shaven partier Brittney Spears was once both comely and dulcet.

Wordsof the day:

The first word of the day is comely. Say the word with me: comely.

The word "comely" means attractive, pleasant to look at.

The next word of the day is dulcet. Say the word with me: dulcet.

If a young girl is sweet and well-mannered, she's ____________.

Caught `ya! Key

Now Leonato had a comely daughter who was named Hero. Not only was Hero beautiful, but she was dulcet and virtuous as well.

Grammar/punctuation highlights: ? Paragraph ? new subject ? Commas ? compound sentence, precede coordinating conjunctions ? Who/Whom ? Who serves as a subject in the sentence, rather than object ? Correlative conjunction: "not only . . . but also"

12th Grade


Vocabulary/Grammar Warm-up

Caught `ya!:

in addition to his dulcet virtuous daughter leonato also was rearing his only neice the witty Beatrice. she was as caustic as her cousin hero was dulcet.

Word of Definition, Synonym

Example, Image,

the Day

Showing sentence



Jay Leno's fans love his

smart and funny

witty monologues, but



Rosie's not-so-funny,

something you say caustic remarks eventually

that is extremely

led to her resignation from

unkind or full of

"The View."


Word of the day:

The first word of the day is witty. Say the word with me: witty.

Something that is witty is both smart and funny.

The first word of the day is caustic. Say the word with me: caustic.

A caustic remark can be witty, but it is also hurtful in that it is extremely unkind or


Caught `ya! Key

In addition to his dulcet, virtuous daughter, Leonato also was rearing his only niece, the witty Beatrice. She was as caustic as her cousin Hero was dulcet.

Grammar/punctuation highlights: ? No paragraph

? Commas ? two consecutive adjectives, long introductory

phrase, appositive, non-restrictive modifier ("his only niece")

? Spelling rule: "i" before "e," except after "c"

12th Grade


Vocabulary/Grammar Warm-up

Caught `ya!:

on the momentous day when are tail commences leonato received a letter from don pedros messenger.

Word of the Day commence

Definition, Synonym

verb to begin

Example, Image, Showing sentence "It's time you commenced cleaning your room," Mom nagged.

Word of the day:

The word of the day is commence. Say the word with me: commence. The word "commence" means to begin. In May, most of you will attend the "Commencement Ceremony," when you formally graduate from high school. You will be finished with high school and ready to commence, or begin, your new lives as young adults.

Caught `ya! Key

On the momentous day when our tale commences, Leonato received a letter from Don Pedro's messenger.

Grammar/punctuation highlights: ? Paragraph ? subject change ? Comma ? introductory subordinate clause of sentence (long introductory adverbial phrase) ? Homophones ? are/our, tail/tale ? Run on sentence ? Verb tense switch is correct in this sentence ? Apostrophe ? possession singular


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