Tareas Semanales


1. After completing one of the following activities, write a brief paragraph in English (minimum of six complete sentences) in which you reflect upon the activity you have chosen.

2. You must choose a different activity every week.

• Take a Latin-style dance class. Take photos or teach the class a few steps.

• Visit Mexican Town’s La Gloria Bakery. Buy a pastry and take a photo. Speak Spanish to the cashier.

• Visit one of Mexican Town’s restaurants. My recommendations are: Mi Pueblo, Lupita’s Taquería and Los Galanes. Order in Spanish!

• Visit the Cuban restaurant, Vicente’s, in Detroit.

• Visit a Mexican grocer. Choose a product and eat it! The large one in Mexican Town is called La Comena (The Honeybee). Speak Spanish to the cashier!

• Research a Hispanic athlete from a Detroit team.

• Visit El Guanaco, a restaurant of cuisine from El Salvador in Troy/Clawson. Order a papusa. Speak Spanish!

• Have a Spanish conversation with a faculty member on a topic of your choice for at least five minutes.

• Have a Spanish conversation with a native speaker on a topic of your choice for at least five minutes.

• Visit the DIA and ask to see the Hispanic art pieces. Find-out what the meanings of five of them and write a reaction of at least five sentences, in Spanish.

• Visit the DIA and view the murals of Diego Rivera in the courtyard. Get a pamphlet from a docent in order to understand the meaning behind them. Write a reaction of at least five sentences, in Spanish.

• Read a children’s book in Spanish. Create a Voicethread or other audio-visual application with your voice narrating to illustrations.

• Prepare a dish from a Spanish-speaking country. Make sure to choose something that you are unfamiliar with and check with me to make sure it is authentic.

• Listen to a Spanish-language radio station for the day. You can use Pandora, , or one of your choice.

• Watch a television show or a telenovela in Spanish.

• Watch one of your favorite movies dubbed to Spanish. Put the subtitles in English.

• Watch a Spanish-speaking film with English subtitles.

• Change your Facebook language to Spanish and play on Facebook for 30 minutes.

• Analyze the “Why it pays to be bilingual” infographic on

and write about some of the most surprising facts that you discovered.

• Change your cell phone/iPod or other electronic device’s language to Spanish for two days.

• Find three household items (laundry detergent, Windex, etc.) and read the instructions/warning labels found on the back aloud to someone.

• Download the free iPhone app, “Learn Spanish Mindsnacks” and complete three challenges or master at least twenty items.

• Discover a new song in Spanish. Find the lyrics and sing-along to them. Can you memorize them?

• Draw something that represents at least four words or phrases from our current vocabulary. It must be a neat and colorful full-page illustration.

• Create a full-page illustration that represents your favorite phrase in Spanish. Make sure it is neat and colorful.

• Watch three episodes of Spanish (for beginners) Mystery Drama at

• Teach at least five Spanish phrases or a song in Spanish to someone else of any age. In your paragraph, tell me who you taught, what you taught and whether or not your lesson was a success.

• Complete a song in Spanish on and bring me the results.

• On YouTube, look up five Latino music artists you may have heard about. Watch one music video per artist and write about which songs you liked and disliked.

• Analyze the “What are the hardest languages to learn?” info graphic at

and write about some of the most surprising facts that you discovered.

• Complete a conjugation activity. Ask me for a worksheet.

• Using Post-It-Notes and a dictionary, label fifteen items in your house that you don’t already know how to say. Leave the Post-It Notes on for a week. Then, from memory, recite the words to me in Spanish.

• Go to the class blog and spend thirty minutes practicing grammar or vocabulary.

• Volunteer for a Hispanic organization.

• Create and do a crossword puzzle with vocabulary that we are currently studying. Use at least twenty-five words.

• Watch a soccer match between two Hispanic countries. Write a reaction to the style of play, the cultural nuances and the words you recognized and learned through watching the game.

• Research a Hispanic scientist. Write a reaction to the work he/she did and how it impacts our world in at least five sentences.

• Research a Hispanic artist. Look at his/her work. Create a slide-show of three of your favorite works and one that you liked the least. Explain why in text or audio along with your images.

• **NEW** Look through these videos, read the questions, choose a few that interest you and listen to three of these videos and write a summary about what you heard.

• **NEW** Explore Twitter Trends Map. Focus on the Spanish speaking countries. Read some of the popular #s or @ people and write about what you see. 

• *NEW** Play this online game Mundo Gaturro. You will have to create an account (use your school email). Write about what you did in the game, what you learned, if you liked it or not.

• "Like" this Facebook page: 1001 Reasons to learn Spanish . Read some of the posts throughout the week and write about some of the ones that interested you the most. Try to link pictures and/or links.

• Look at some of the Memes en Español (click here). Answer the questions for three of the memes. Look under the pictures to find the questions. Post the answers and a picture of the memes on your blog.

• Read a Spanish-language magazine for 30 minutes (may be online). Suggestions:

o El Gancho

o Tú en línea 

o Caras México

o Veinte Mundos

o People en español 

• Read/listen to Spanish news on line.  Suggestions:

o BBC Mundo 

o CNN México

o Univisión Noticias

• Play on one or more corporate Spanish-language websites for 45 minutes, such as:

o McDonald's

o Harry Potter 

o Major League Baseball 

• Read the last 50 tweets using a Twitter hashtag (#) for a Latin-American country or city. Make sure you Twitter settings are to Spanish for this. 

• Read the last 30 tweets using a Twitter hashtag and a word in Spanish. Make sure you Twitter settings are to Spanish for this. 

• Read the last 30 Spanish-language tweets by one or more Spanish-speaking artists or politicians on Twitter, such as Natalia Lafourcade, Juanes, Chocquibtown or Julieta Venegas. Make sure you Twitter settings are to Spanish for this. 

• Watch 3 videoclips on sports and 3 videoclips on current news on Univisión.

• Compile a list of 30 words involving the profession you hope to have, on 3×5 cards for your review.

• Do one of the activities having to do with commercials in Spanish here.

Ideas adapted from Ana Urian, Sara Cottrell, Sharon Birch


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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