The Top 250 Most Difficult SAT Words - Barrington High School


Junior English [HN]

Mr. Sanders

Overview: We spend Monday and Friday of each 5-day week working on vocabulary and the first few minutes of every day of every five-day week working on grammar, so bring this booklet with you everyday.

Pop Quiz

Instructions: Match the word to its definition below.

_____ 1. Pseudoantidisestablishmentarianism

_____ 2. Aequeosalinocalcalinosetaceoaluminosocupreovitriolic

_____ 3. Bababadalgharaghtakamminapronnkonnbronntonnepronntuonnthun-ntrovarrhounawnskawntoohoohoordeenenthurnuk

a. Spa waters at Bath, England

b. This word is on the first page of Finnegans Wake by James Joyce, and is a symbolic thunderclap representing the fall of Adam and Eve.

c. False opposition to the withdrawal of State support from a church


Answers: 1. c; 2. a; 3. b

The Top 250 Most Difficult SAT Words◦ Week 1 Starting Monday, ___/___/______

Instructions: By the last day of the week, study the list of vocabulary words for that week and prepare for a quiz. In order to prepare, be sure to look up and study denotations, connotations, and uses of the terms. You may be tested on denotation, connotation, and use by identifying correct and incorrect uses, matching terms and definitions or connotations, and writing your own sentences. We’ll review the day before the quiz.


gallimaufry n. hodgepodge, jumble If you’re looking for organization among these lists, you’ll likely only find a gallimaufry.

Word Part of Synonyms Use


1.1. abjure v.

2. cogent adj.

3. enervate v.

4. harangue 1. n.

2. v.

5. jubilant adj.

6. largess n.

7. magnanimous adj.

8. nadir n.

9. obdurate adj.

10. palliate v.

(SparkNote on The Top 250 Most Difficult SAT Words. 29 Jun. 2009 .

The Top 250 Most Difficult SAT Words◦ Week 2 Starting Monday, ___/___/______

Instructions: By the last day of the week, study the list of vocabulary words for that week and prepare for a quiz. In order to prepare, be sure to look up and study denotations, connotations, and uses of the terms. You may be tested on denotation, connotation, and use by identifying correct and incorrect uses, matching terms and definitions or connotations, and writing your own sentences. We’ll review the day before the quiz.


gallimaufry n. hodgepodge, jumble If you’re looking for organization among these lists, you’ll likely only find a gallimaufry.

Word Part of Synonyms Use


2.1. abrogate v.

2. concomitant adj.

3. ephemeral adj.

4. hegemony n.

5. juxtaposition n.

6. languid adj.

7. maelstrom n.

8. nascent adj.

9. obfuscate v.

10. pallid adj.

(SparkNote on The Top 250 Most Difficult SAT Words. 29 Jun. 2009 .

The Top 250 Most Difficult SAT Words◦ Week 3 Starting Monday, ___/___/______

Instructions: By the last day of the week, study the list of vocabulary words for that week and prepare for a quiz. In order to prepare, be sure to look up and study denotations, connotations, and uses of the terms. You may be tested on denotation, connotation, and use by identifying correct and incorrect uses, matching terms and definitions or connotations, and writing your own sentences. We’ll review the day before the quiz.


gallimaufry n. hodgepodge, jumble If you’re looking for organization among these lists, you’ll likely only find a gallimaufry.

Word Part of Synonyms Use


3.1. acerbic adj.

2. conflagration n.

3. eschew v.

4. iconoclast n.

5. laconic adj.

6. malediction n.

7. mendacious adj.

8. nefarious adj.

9. oblique adj.

10. panacea n.

(SparkNote on The Top 250 Most Difficult SAT Words. 29 Jun. 2009 .

The Top 250 Most Difficult SAT Words◦ Week 4 Starting Monday, ___/___/______

Instructions: By the last day of the week, study the list of vocabulary words for that week and prepare for a quiz. In order to prepare, be sure to look up and study denotations, connotations, and uses of the terms. You may be tested on denotation, connotation, and use by identifying correct and incorrect uses, matching terms and definitions or connotations, and writing your own sentences. We’ll review the day before the quiz.


gallimaufry n. hodgepodge, jumble If you’re looking for organization among these lists, you’ll likely only find a gallimaufry.

Word Part of Synonyms Use


4.1. acrimony n.

2. contrite adj.

3. evanescent adj.

4. ignominious adj.

5. latent adj.

6. malevolent adj.

7. maudlin adj.

8. neophyte n.

9. obsequious adj.

10. paragon n.

(SparkNote on The Top 250 Most Difficult SAT Words. 29 Jun. 2009 .

The Top 250 Most Difficult SAT Words◦ Week 5 Starting Monday, ___/___/______

Instructions: By the last day of the week, study the list of vocabulary words for that week and prepare for a quiz. In order to prepare, be sure to look up and study denotations, connotations, and uses of the terms. You may be tested on denotation, connotation, and use by identifying correct and incorrect uses, matching terms and definitions or connotations, and writing your own sentences. We’ll review the day before the quiz.


gallimaufry n. hodgepodge, jumble If you’re looking for organization among these lists, you’ll likely only find a gallimaufry.

Word Part of Synonyms Use


5.1. acumen n.

2. conundrum n.

3. evince v.

4. impassive adj.

5. legerdemain n.

6. manifold adj.

7. obstreperous adj.

8. pariah n.

9. paucity adj.

10. proscribe v.

(SparkNote on The Top 250 Most Difficult SAT Words. 29 Jun. 2009 .

The Top 250 Most Difficult SAT Words◦ Week 6 Starting Monday, ___/___/______

Instructions: By the last day of the week, study the list of vocabulary words for that week and prepare for a quiz. In order to prepare, be sure to look up and study denotations, connotations, and uses of the terms. You may be tested on denotation, connotation, and use by identifying correct and incorrect uses, matching terms and definitions or connotations, and writing your own sentences. We’ll review the day before the quiz.


gallimaufry n. hodgepodge, jumble If you’re looking for organization among these lists, you’ll likely only find a gallimaufry.

Word Part of Synonyms Use


6.1. adumbrate v.

2. credulity n.

3. exculpate v.

4. imperious adj.

5. licentious adj.

6. mawkish adj.

7. obtuse adj.

8. parsimony n.

9. perspicacity adj.

10. probity n.

(SparkNote on The Top 250 Most Difficult SAT Words. 29 Jun. 2009 .

The Top 250 Most Difficult SAT Words◦ Week 7 Starting Monday, ___/___/______

Instructions: By the last day of the week, study the list of vocabulary words for that week and prepare for a quiz. In order to prepare, be sure to look up and study denotations, connotations, and uses of the terms. You may be tested on denotation, connotation, and use by identifying correct and incorrect uses, matching terms and definitions or connotations, and writing your own sentences. We’ll review the day before the quiz.


gallimaufry n. hodgepodge, jumble If you’re looking for organization among these lists, you’ll likely only find a gallimaufry.

Word Part of Synonyms Use


7.1. alacrity n.

2. cupidity n.

3. execrable adj.

4. impertinent adj.

5. limpid adj.

6. mercurial adj.

7. odious adj.

8. pathos n.

9. prosaic adj.

10. quagmire n.

(SparkNote on The Top 250 Most Difficult SAT Words. 29 Jun. 2009 .

The Top 250 Most Difficult SAT Words◦ Week 8 Starting Monday, ___/___/______

Instructions: By the last day of the week, study the list of vocabulary words for that week and prepare for a quiz. In order to prepare, be sure to look up and study denotations, connotations, and uses of the terms. You may be tested on denotation, connotation, and use by identifying correct and incorrect uses, matching terms and definitions or connotations, and writing your own sentences. We’ll review the day before the quiz.


gallimaufry n. hodgepodge, jumble If you’re looking for organization among these lists, you’ll likely only find a gallimaufry.

Word Part of Synonyms Use


8.1. anathema n.

2. cursory adj.

3. exigent adj.

4. impervious adj.

5. modicum n.

6. officious adj.

7. pejorative adj.

8. platitude n.

9. punctilious adj.

10. querulous adj.

(SparkNote on The Top 250 Most Difficult SAT Words. 29 Jun. 2009 .

The Top 250 Most Difficult SAT Words◦ Week 9 Starting Monday, ___/___/______

Instructions: By the last day of the week, study the list of vocabulary words for that week and prepare for a quiz. In order to prepare, be sure to look up and study denotations, connotations, and uses of the terms. You may be tested on denotation, connotation, and use by identifying correct and incorrect uses, matching terms and definitions or connotations, and writing your own sentences. We’ll review the day before the quiz.


gallimaufry n. hodgepodge, jumble If you’re looking for organization among these lists, you’ll likely only find a gallimaufry.

Word Part of Synonyms Use


9.1. antipathy n.

2. decry v.

3. expiate v.

4. impetuous adj.

5. morass n.

6. vituperate v.

7. pellucid adj.

8. protean adj.

9. pulchritude n.

10. quixotic adj.

(SparkNote on The Top 250 Most Difficult SAT Words. 29 Jun. 2009 .

The Top 250 Most Difficult SAT Words◦ Week 10 Starting Monday, ___/___/______

Instructions: By the last day of the week, study the list of vocabulary words for that week and prepare for a quiz. In order to prepare, be sure to look up and study denotations, connotations, and uses of the terms. You may be tested on denotation, connotation, and use by identifying correct and incorrect uses, matching terms and definitions or connotations, and writing your own sentences. We’ll review the day before the quiz.


gallimaufry n. hodgepodge, jumble If you’re looking for organization among these lists, you’ll likely only find a gallimaufry.

Word Part of Synonyms Use


10.1. approbation n.

2. defile v.

3. expunge v.

4. impinge 1. v.

2. v.

5. multifarious adj.

6. opulent adj.

7. penurious adj.

8. prescient adj.

9. pugnacious adj.

10. rancor n.

(SparkNote on The Top 250 Most Difficult SAT Words. 29 Jun. 2009 .

The Top 250 Most Difficult SAT Words◦ Week 11 Starting Monday, ___/___/______

Instructions: By the last day of the week, study the list of vocabulary words for that week and prepare for a quiz. In order to prepare, be sure to look up and study denotations, connotations, and uses of the terms. You may be tested on denotation, connotation, and use by identifying correct and incorrect uses, matching terms and definitions or connotations, and writing your own sentences. We’ll review the day before the quiz.


gallimaufry n. hodgepodge, jumble If you’re looking for organization among these lists, you’ll likely only find a gallimaufry.

Word Part of Synonyms Use


11.1. arrogate v.

2. deleterious adj.

3. extant adj.

4. implacable adj.

5. munificence n.

6. ostensible adj.

7. perfidious adj.

8. perfunctory adj.

9. puerile adj.

10. rebuke v.

(SparkNote on The Top 250 Most Difficult SAT Words. 29 Jun. 2009 .

The Top 250 Most Difficult SAT Words◦ Week 12 Starting Monday, ___/___/______

Instructions: By the last day of the week, study the list of vocabulary words for that week and prepare for a quiz. In order to prepare, be sure to look up and study denotations, connotations, and uses of the terms. You may be tested on denotation, connotation, and use by identifying correct and incorrect uses, matching terms and definitions or connotations, and writing your own sentences. We’ll review the day before the quiz.


gallimaufry n. hodgepodge, jumble If you’re looking for organization among these lists, you’ll likely only find a gallimaufry.

Word Part of Synonyms Use


12.1. ascetic adj.

2. demure adj.

3. extol v.

4. impudent adj.

5. myriad adj.

6. pernicious adj.

7. plethora n.

8. pertinacious adj.

9. recalcitrant adj.

10. sacrosanct adj.

(SparkNote on The Top 250 Most Difficult SAT Words. 29 Jun. 2009 .

The Top 250 Most Difficult SAT Words◦ Week 13 Starting Monday, ___/___/______

Instructions: By the last day of the week, study the list of vocabulary words for that week and prepare for a quiz. In order to prepare, be sure to look up and study denotations, connotations, and uses of the terms. You may be tested on denotation, connotation, and use by identifying correct and incorrect uses, matching terms and definitions or connotations, and writing your own sentences. We’ll review the day before the quiz.


gallimaufry n. hodgepodge, jumble If you’re looking for organization among these lists, you’ll likely only find a gallimaufry.

Word Part of Synonyms Use


13.1. aspersion n.

2. deprecate v.

3. fallacious adj.

4. inchoate adj.

5. petulance n.

6. pithy adj.

7. polemic n.

8. rectitude n.

9. sagacity n.

10. tacit adj.

(SparkNote on The Top 250 Most Difficult SAT Words. 29 Jun. 2009 .

The Top 250 Most Difficult SAT Words◦ Week 14 Starting Monday, ___/___/______

Instructions: By the last day of the week, study the list of vocabulary words for that week and prepare for a quiz. In order to prepare, be sure to look up and study denotations, connotations, and uses of the terms. You may be tested on denotation, connotation, and use by identifying correct and incorrect uses, matching terms and definitions or connotations, and writing your own sentences. We’ll review the day before the quiz.


gallimaufry n. hodgepodge, jumble If you’re looking for organization among these lists, you’ll likely only find a gallimaufry.

Word Part of Synonyms Use


14.1. assiduous adj.

2. deride v.

3. fastidious adj.

4. incontrovertible adj.

5. portent n.

6. precocious adj.

7. primeval adj.

8. proclivity n.

9. replete adj.

10. salient adj.

(SparkNote on The Top 250 Most Difficult SAT Words. 29 Jun. 2009 .

The Top 250 Most Difficult SAT Words◦ Week 15 Starting Monday, ___/___/______

Instructions: By the last day of the week, study the list of vocabulary words for that week and prepare for a quiz. In order to prepare, be sure to look up and study denotations, connotations, and uses of the terms. You may be tested on denotation, connotation, and use by identifying correct and incorrect uses, matching terms and definitions or connotations, and writing your own sentences. We’ll review the day before the quiz.


gallimaufry n. hodgepodge, jumble If you’re looking for organization among these lists, you’ll likely only find a gallimaufry.

Word Part of Synonyms Use


15.1. blandish v.

2. desecrate v.

3. fatuous adj.

4. indefatigable adj.

5. promulgate v.

6. reprobate adj.

7. sanctimonious adj.

8. taciturn adj.

9. ubiquitous adj.

10. vacillate v.

(SparkNote on The Top 250 Most Difficult SAT Words. 29 Jun. 2009 .

The Top 250 Most Difficult SAT Words◦ Week 16 Starting Monday, ___/___/______

Instructions: By the last day of the week, study the list of vocabulary words for that week and prepare for a quiz. In order to prepare, be sure to look up and study denotations, connotations, and uses of the terms. You may be tested on denotation, connotation, and use by identifying correct and incorrect uses, matching terms and definitions or connotations, and writing your own sentences. We’ll review the day before the quiz.


gallimaufry n. hodgepodge, jumble If you’re looking for organization among these lists, you’ll likely only find a gallimaufry.

Word Part of Synonyms Use


16.1. boon n.

2. desiccated adj.

3. fecund adj.

4. ineffable adj.

5. propensity n.

6. propitious adj.

7. reprove v.

8. sanguine adj.

9. tantamount adj.

10. umbrage n.

(SparkNote on The Top 250 Most Difficult SAT Words. 29 Jun. 2009 .

The Top 250 Most Difficult SAT Words◦ Week 17 Starting Monday, ___/___/______

Instructions: By the last day of the week, study the list of vocabulary words for that week and prepare for a quiz. In order to prepare, be sure to look up and study denotations, connotations, and uses of the terms. You may be tested on denotation, connotation, and use by identifying correct and incorrect uses, matching terms and definitions or connotations, and writing your own sentences. We’ll review the day before the quiz.


gallimaufry n. hodgepodge, jumble If you’re looking for organization among these lists, you’ll likely only find a gallimaufry.

Word Part of Synonyms Use


17.1. brusque adj.

2. diaphanous adj.

3. feral adj.

4. inexorable adj.

5. prurient adj.

6. repudiate v.

7. scurrilous adj.

8. temerity n.

9. unctuous adj.

10. vacuous adj.

(SparkNote on The Top 250 Most Difficult SAT Words. 29 Jun. 2009 .

The Top 250 Most Difficult SAT Words◦ Week 18 Starting Monday, ___/___/______

Instructions: By the last day of the week, study the list of vocabulary words for that week and prepare for a quiz. In order to prepare, be sure to look up and study denotations, connotations, and uses of the terms. You may be tested on denotation, connotation, and use by identifying correct and incorrect uses, matching terms and definitions or connotations, and writing your own sentences. We’ll review the day before the quiz.


gallimaufry n. hodgepodge, jumble If you’re looking for organization among these lists, you’ll likely only find a gallimaufry.

Word Part of Synonyms Use


18.1. buffet 1. v.

2. n.

2. diffident adj.

3. fetid adj.

4. ingenuous adj.

5. rescind v.

6. serendipity n.

7. tenuous adj.

8. undulate v.

9. vapid adj.

10. wanton adj.

(SparkNote on The Top 250 Most Difficult SAT Words. 29 Jun. 2009 .

The Top 250 Most Difficult SAT Words◦ Week 19 Starting Monday, ___/___/______

Instructions: By the last day of the week, study the list of vocabulary words for that week and prepare for a quiz. In order to prepare, be sure to look up and study denotations, connotations, and uses of the terms. You may be tested on denotation, connotation, and use by identifying correct and incorrect uses, matching terms and definitions or connotations, and writing your own sentences. We’ll review the day before the quiz.


gallimaufry n. hodgepodge, jumble If you’re looking for organization among these lists, you’ll likely only find a gallimaufry.

Word Part of Synonyms Use


19.1. burnish v.

2. discursive adj.

3. florid adj.

4. inimical adj.

5. restive adj.

6. servile adj.

7. timorous adj.

8. upbraid v.

9. variegated adj.

10. winsome adj.

(SparkNote on The Top 250 Most Difficult SAT Words. 29 Jun. 2009 .

The Top 250 Most Difficult SAT Words◦ Week 20 Starting Monday, ___/___/______

Instructions: By the last day of the week, study the list of vocabulary words for that week and prepare for a quiz. In order to prepare, be sure to look up and study denotations, connotations, and uses of the terms. You may be tested on denotation, connotation, and use by identifying correct and incorrect uses, matching terms and definitions or connotations, and writing your own sentences. We’ll review the day before the quiz.


gallimaufry n. hodgepodge, jumble If you’re looking for organization among these lists, you’ll likely only find a gallimaufry.

Word Part of Synonyms Use


20.1. buttress 1. v.

2. n.

2. dissemble v.

3. fractious adj.

4. iniquity n.

5. ribald adj.

6. solicitous adj.

7. torpid adj.

8. usurp v.

9. venerate v.

10. wistful adj.

(SparkNote on The Top 250 Most Difficult SAT Words. 29 Jun. 2009 .

The Top 250 Most Difficult SAT Words◦ Week 21 Starting Monday, ___/___/______

Instructions: By the last day of the week, study the list of vocabulary words for that week and prepare for a quiz. In order to prepare, be sure to look up and study denotations, connotations, and uses of the terms. You may be tested on denotation, connotation, and use by identifying correct and incorrect uses, matching terms and definitions or connotations, and writing your own sentences. We’ll review the day before the quiz.


gallimaufry n. hodgepodge, jumble If you’re looking for organization among these lists, you’ll likely only find a gallimaufry.

Word Part of Synonyms Use


21.1. cacophony n.

2. dither v.

3. garrulous adj.

4. insidious adj.

5. rife adj.

6. solipsistic adj.

7. somnolent adj.

8. tractable adj.

9. veracity v.

10. vicissitude n.

(SparkNote on The Top 250 Most Difficult SAT Words. 29 Jun. 2009 .

The Top 250 Most Difficult SAT Words◦ Week 22 Starting Monday, ___/___/______

Instructions: By the last day of the week, study the list of vocabulary words for that week and prepare for a quiz. In order to prepare, be sure to look up and study denotations, connotations, and uses of the terms. You may be tested on denotation, connotation, and use by identifying correct and incorrect uses, matching terms and definitions or connotations, and writing your own sentences. We’ll review the day before the quiz.


gallimaufry n. hodgepodge, jumble If you’re looking for organization among these lists, you’ll likely only find a gallimaufry.

Word Part of Synonyms Use


22.1. cajole v.

2. ebullient adj.

3. grandiloquence n.

4. intransigent adj.

5. ruse n.

6. spurious adj.

7. staid adj.

8. transient adj.

9. turpitude n.

10. verdant adj.

(SparkNote on The Top 250 Most Difficult SAT Words. 29 Jun. 2009 .

The Top 250 Most Difficult SAT Words◦ Week 23 Starting Monday, ___/___/______

Instructions: By the last day of the week, study the list of vocabulary words for that week and prepare for a quiz. In order to prepare, be sure to look up and study denotations, connotations, and uses of the terms. You may be tested on denotation, connotation, and use by identifying correct and incorrect uses, matching terms and definitions or connotations, and writing your own sentences. We’ll review the day before the quiz.


gallimaufry n. hodgepodge, jumble If you’re looking for organization among these lists, you’ll likely only find a gallimaufry.

Word Part of Synonyms Use


23.1. calumny n.

2. effrontery n.

3. gregarious adj.

4. inure v.

5. stolid adj.

6. surfeit n.

7. transmute v.

8. turgid adj.

9. vex v.

10. vicarious adj.

(SparkNote on The Top 250 Most Difficult SAT Words. 29 Jun. 2009 .

The Top 250 Most Difficult SAT Words◦ Week 24 Starting Monday, ___/___/______

Instructions: By the last day of the week, study the list of vocabulary words for that week and prepare for a quiz. In order to prepare, be sure to look up and study denotations, connotations, and uses of the terms. You may be tested on denotation, connotation, and use by identifying correct and incorrect uses, matching terms and definitions or connotations, and writing your own sentences. We’ll review the day before the quiz.


gallimaufry n. hodgepodge, jumble If you’re looking for organization among these lists, you’ll likely only find a gallimaufry.

Word Part of Synonyms Use


24.1. capricious adj.

2. effulgent adj.

3. hackneyed adj.

4. invective n.

5. stupefy v.

6. surmise v.

7. trenchant adj.

8. vilify v.

9. wizened adj.

10. zenith n.

(SparkNote on The Top 250 Most Difficult SAT Words. 29 Jun. 2009 .

The Top 250 Most Difficult SAT Words◦ Week 25 Starting Monday, ___/___/______

Instructions: By the last day of the week, study the list of vocabulary words for that week and prepare for a quiz. In order to prepare, be sure to look up and study denotations, connotations, and uses of the terms. You may be tested on denotation, connotation, and use by identifying correct and incorrect uses, matching terms and definitions or connotations, and writing your own sentences. We’ll review the day before the quiz.


gallimaufry n. hodgepodge, jumble If you’re looking for organization among these lists, you’ll likely only find a gallimaufry.

Word Part of Synonyms Use


25.1. clemency n.

2. egregious adj.

3. hapless adj.

4. inveterate adj.

5. surreptitious adj.

6. sycophant n.

7. truculent adj.

8. viscous adj.

9. vitriolic adj.

10. zephyr n.

(SparkNote on The Top 250 Most Difficult SAT Words. 29 Jun. 2009 .

Daily Grammar Practice Marking Guide

Instructions: Use these abbreviations to mark sentences Monday-Thursday.

Monday Abbreviations:

n: common noun

N: proper noun

pos n: possessive noun

pro: personal pronoun

1: first person

2: second person

3: third person

nom: nominative case

obj: objective case

pos: possessive case

ref pro: reflexive pronoun

rp: relative pronoun

ind pro: indefinite pronoun

int pro: interrogative pronoun

dem pro: demonstrative pronoun

adj: adjective

Adj: proper adjective

art: article

av: action verb

lv: linking verb

hv: helping verb

pres: present tense

past: past tense

f: future tense

per: perfect tense

prog: progressive tense

adv: adverb

prep: preposition

cc: coordinating conjunction

sc: subordinating conjunction

cor conj: correlative conjunction

nci: noun clause identifier

conj adv: conjunctive adverb

inf: infinitive

ger: gerund

part: participle

Tuesday Abbreviations:

S: simple subject

__: complete subject

vt: transitive verb

vi: intransitive verb

: complete predicate

do: direct object

io: indirect object

pn: predicate nominative

pa: predicate adjective

op: object of preposition

( ): phrase

adj prep ph: adjective prepositional phrase

adv prep ph: adverb prepositional phrase

obj per: object of gerund

ger ph: gerund phrase

part ph: participle phrase

obj part: object of participle

inf ph: infinitive phrase

obj inf: object of infinitive

app: appositive

app ph: appositive phrase

nda: noun of direct address

Wednesday Abbreviations:

[ ]: clause

ind cl: independent clause

adv dep cl: adverb dependent clause

adj dep cl: adjective dependent clause

n dep cl: noun dependent clause

ss: simple sentence

cd: compound sentence

cx: complex sentence

cd-cx: compound-complex sentence

dec: declarative

imp: imperative

exc: exclamatory

int: interrogative

Thursday Proofreading Marks:

Write in each symbol as I go over it in class.


insert apostrophe:

insert quotation marks:

insert semicolon:

insert hyphen:

insert comma:

insert end punctuation:


Monday Lesson

Parts of Speech

Instructions: Use these notes to help you mark sentences on Monday.


• person, place, thing, idea

• common (n): names a general, begins with lower case letter (city)

• proper (N): names a specific noun; begins with a capital letter (Chicago)

• possessive (pos n, pos N): shows ownership (girl’s, Roger’s)


• takes the place of a noun

o personal (1st person: pronouns having to do with the writer/speaker; 2nd person: pronouns having to do with you; 3rd person: pronouns having to do with everyone else)

▪ singular nominative (nom): I, you, he, she, it

▪ plural nominative (nom): we, you, they

▪ singular objective (obj): me, you, him, her it

▪ plural objective (obj): us, you, them

▪ singular possessive (pos): my, your, his, her, its, mine, yours

▪ plural possessive (pos): our, your, their, ours, yours, theirs

o reflexive (ref): reflects back to self

▪ myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves

▪ not words: hisself, ourself; theirselves

o relative (rp): starts adjective dependent clauses

▪ that, which, who, whom, whose

o interrogative (int): asks a question

▪ which, whose, what, whom, who

o demonstrative (dem): demonstrates which one

▪ this, that, these, those

o indefinite (ind): doesn’t refer to a person or thing

▪ each, either, neither, few, some, all, most, several, many, none, one, someone, no one, everyone, anyone, somebody, nobody, everybody, anybody, more, much, another, both, any, other, etc.


• modifies nouns (I have a green pen.) and pronouns (They are happy.)

• tells which one, how many, what kind

• articles (art): a, an, the

• proper adjective (Adj): proper noun used as an adjective (American flag)

ADVERB (adv)

• modifies adjectives (really cute), verbs (extremely fast), and other adverbs (very easily)

• tells how, when, where, to what extent

• Not and never are always adverbs.


• shows relationship between a noun or pronoun and some other word in the sentence

• across, after, against, around, at, before, below, between, by, during, except, for, from, in, of, off, on, over, since, through, to, under, until, with, according to, because of, instead of, etc.

• We went to school. We went up the stairs.


• joins words, phrases, and clauses

o coordinating (cc)

▪ for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so (Mnemonic: FANBOYS)

o subordinating (sc)

▪ starts adv. dependent clauses (and therefore must be followed by subject and verb)

▪ after, since, before, while, because, although, so that, if, when, whenever, as, even though, until, unless, as if, etc.

o correlative (cor conj)

▪ not only … but also, neither … nor, either … or, both … and

o noun clause identifier (nci)

▪ starts noun dependent clauses

▪ may or may not function as part of the noun dependent clause

▪ that, who, whether, why, what, how, when, where, whom, whoever, etc.

o conjunctive adverb (con adv)

▪ adverb that helps connect two clauses

▪ must be used with a semicolon (It’s cold; however, it’s not snowing.)

▪ however, then, therefore, also, furthermore, nevertheless, thus, etc.


• expresses emotion but has no real connection with the rest of the sentence

• set apart from sentence by a comma or exclamation point

• No, I’m not finished with my homework. Wow! What a great new car.


• show action or helps to make a statement

o action (av)

▪ shows action

▪ She wrote a note.

o linking (lv)

▪ links two words together

▪ can be linking: is, am, are, was, were, been, being, appear, become, feel, grow, look, remain, seem, sound, stay, taste, etc.

▪ English is fun.

▪ The flower smells (lv) pretty. The dog smells (ac) the flower.

o helping verb (hv)

▪ helps an action verb or linking verb

▪ If a verb phrase has four verbs, the first three are helping. If it has three verbs, the first two are helping. And so on.

▪ can be helping: is, be, am, are, was, were, been, being, will, would, can, could, shall, should, may, might, must, have, has, had, do, does, did

▪ We have been taking notes all day. (Taking is action.)

▪ She will be cold without a jacket. (Be is linking.)

• tenses

o present (pres): happening now (jump, talk, eat)

o past (past): happened previously (jumped, talked, ate, fell)

o future (f): will happen in the future (will jump, shall talk)

o present perfect (pres per): have or has + past participle (have jumped, has talked)

o past perfect (past per): had + past participle (had jumped, had talked)

o future perfect (f per): will have or shall have + past participle (will have jumped, shall have talked)

o present progressive (pre prog): is, are, or am + present participle (am jumping, is jumping, are jumping)

o past progressive (past prog): was or were + present participle (was jumping, were jumping)

o future progressive (f prog): will be or shall be + present participle (will be jumping, shall be jumping)

o present perfect progressive (pres per prog): have or has + been + present participle (have been jumping, has been jumping)

o past perfect progressive (past per prog): had + been + present participle (had been jumping)

o future perfect progressive (f per prog): will have or shall have + been + present participle (will have been jumping, shall have been jumping)


• word formed from a verb but acting as a noun, adjective, or adverb

o gerund (ger)

▪ verb acting like a noun

▪ ends in –ing

▪ Reading is fun. (subject) I enjoy writing. (direct object) Use pens for writing. (object of preposition)

o participle (part)

▪ verb acting like an adjective

▪ ends in –ing or –ed (or other past tense ending in the case of irregular verbs)

▪ I have running shoes. Frightened, I ran down the street. It’s an unspoken rule.

o infinitive (inf)

▪ to + verb

▪ can act like a noun (I like to eat), adjective (It’s the best place to eat), or adverb (I need a pen to write a letter)

Tuesday Lesson

Sentence Parts and Phrases

Instructions: Use these notes to help you mark sentences on Tuesday.


• the who or what of the verb

• example: The dog with spots likes to bark loudly.

• must be noun, pronoun, gerund, or infinitive

• is never in a prepositional phrase

• There and here are never the subject of a sentence

• The subject can be the understood you. (Bring me the remote, please. (You bring it.)


• simple subject + its modifiers

• example: The dog with spots likes to bark loudly.

• Dependent clauses modifying the subject are part of the complete subject of the independent clause. (The dog that has spots likes to bark.)


• transitive verb (vt): takes a direct object (We love English.)

• intransitive verb (vi): does not take a direct object (Please sit down.)

• All linking verbs are intransitive. All passive voice verbs are transitive.


• verb + its modifiers

• The dog with spots likes to bark loudly.

• Dependent clauses modifying the verb are part of the complete predicate of the independent clause. (The dog likes to bark loudly when I’m asleep.)


• completes the meaning of the subject and verb

o direct object (do)

• is a noun or pronoun and never in a prepositional phrase

• follows an action verb

• To find it say, “subject + verb what? or subject + verb whom?” (I like English. Say, “I like what?” English (direct object)

o indirect object (io)

• is a noun or pronoun and is never in a prepositional phrase

• comes before a direct object and after the verb

• to find it, say “subject + verb + direct object + to or for whom or what?” (He gave me the paper. Say, “He gave paper to whom? me (indirect object)

o predicate nominative (pn)

• is a noun or pronoun

• follows linking verb and renames subject

• To find it, say “subject + linking verb + what or who?” (He is a nice guy. Say, “He is what? guy (predicate nominative)

o predicate adjective

• is an adjective

• follows liking verb and describes subject

• To find it, say “subject + linking verb + what?” (He is nice. Say, “He is what? nice (predicate adjective)


• noun or pronoun that follows and renames another noun or pronoun

• My son Beck loves trains.


• noun or pronoun (along with modifiers) that follows and renames another noun or pronoun

• Ansley, my daughter, loves to dance.


• group of words beginning with preposition and ending with noun or pronoun

• can act as adjective (I want a room with a view.) or adverb (His house is on the lake.)


• follows preposition and tells what or whom

• The key is under the rug. “Under what? rug (object or preposition)

• If there is no object, it’s not a preposition. (Please stand up. Up is an adverb.)


• person being spoken to in a sentence

• Mom, I’m hungry. Go clean your room, Rebekah.


• infinitive + its modifiers and objects

• He likes to eat pepperoni pizza.


• follows infinitive and tells what

• I want to eat pizza. “to eat what?” pizza (object of infinitive)


• gerund + its modifiers and objects

• Writing long essays can be fun.


• follows gerund and tells what

• I like eating pizza. “eating what?” pizza (object of gerund)


• participle + its modifiers and objects

• Running down the hall, he bumped into the principal.


• follows participle and tells what

• Riding his bike, he struggled up the hill. “riding what?” bike (object of participle)

Wednesday Lesson

Clauses and Sentence Type

Instructions: Use these notes to help you mark sentences on Wednesday.


• Each clause must have a subject and verb.

• types

o independent (ind cl): also called main clause

▪ Every sentence must have at least one independent clause.

▪ The independent clause can usually stand alone.

▪ An independent clause does not start with a relative pronoun, subordinating conjunction, or noun clause identifier.

o dependent (dep cl): also called a subordinate clause

▪ The dependent clause can never stand alone.

▪ A dependent clause starts with a relative pronoun, a subordinating conjunction, or a noun clause identifier.

• adverb (adv dep cl)

o usually starts with a subordinating conjunction

o acts like an adverb

o We will eat when the bell rings. (modifies eat)

o We will eat is independent.

o adjective (adj dep cl)

o usually starts with a relative pronoun

o acts like and adjective

o She likes the guy who sits beside her. (modifies guy)

o She likes the guy is independent.

• noun (n dep cl)

o usually starts with a noun clause identifier

o acts like a noun

o I hope that you like the examples. (acts as direct object)

o I hope is independent.


• simple sentence (ss): one independent clause

• compound sentence (cs): two or more independent clauses

• complex sentence (cx): one independent clause + one or more dependent clauses

• compound-complex sentence (cd-cx): two or more independent clauses + two or more dependent clauses


• A declarative sentence makes a statement and ends with a period. (dec)

• An interrogative sentence asks a question and ends with a question mark. (int)

• An imperative sentence gives a command and ends with a period. (imp)

• An exclamatory sentence expresses strong feelings and ends with an exclamation point. (exc)

• A declarative, interrogative, or imperative sentence can be exclamatory if it expresses strong feelings and ends with an exclamation point.

Thursday Lesson

Punctuation and Capitalization

Instructions: Use these notes to help you mark sentences on Thursday.


• Capitalize proper nouns:

o days of the week, months, holidays, historical events, etc.

o names of people, companies, organizations, etc.

o names of states, countries, cities, islands, bodies of water, mountains, streets, parks, stores, etc.

o nationalities, races, religions

o brand names of products

o titles of books, magazines, stories, poems, songs, etc.

• Always capitalize the word I.

• Capitalize the first word of each sentence.


• joins two clauses without a coordinating conjunction

o He likes apples; she likes oranges.

o He goes to Harvard; however, she goes to Yale.

• can be used in a series with commas for clarity

o We went to London, England; Paris, France; Madrid, Spain; and Rome, Italy.

o can be used in a compound-complex sentence that already contains other commas

o If you understand this rule, you can use it; and you’ll seem very smart.


• Use apostrophes to make words possessive and to make contractions

• Don’t use apostrophes to make words plural.

• Possessive pronouns don’t use apostrophes. (hers, its, ours, yours, etc)

• Be sure to have a real word before your apostrophe: children’s toys, not childrens’ toys.

• If the word is plural and ends in s, add an apostrophe only: dogs’ owners.

• Treat singular nouns ending in s just like any other singular noun: boss’s, Brutus’s.


• Underlining and italicizing are the same thing.

• Underline or italicize titles of long things: newspapers, magazines, CDs, movies, novels, plays, musical compositions, etc.

• Underline or italicize names of ships, planes, trains, and artwork.

• Underline or italicize foreign expressions.


• used to make two words into one (blue-green)

• created by hitting the hyphen key once (no spaces before or after hyphen)


• Quote titles of short things: short stories, poems, songs, articles, episodes of TV shows, etc.

• Quote dialogue and words copied from sources.

• Commas and periods that follow quoted words always go inside quotation marks. (I said, “Go home.”)

• Colons and semicolons that follow quoted words always go outside closing quotation marks. (We’re “friends”; we don’t date.)

• Use apostrophes to enclose quotes within quotes. (He said, “Joe encouraged me to ‘go along with’ the joke.”)

• Used quotation marks in all other situations. (He’s a real “team player.”)


NOTE: The rule numbers are for reference purposes only.

1. adverb dependent clause,[1] independent clause (If it rains, we’ll go inside.)

2. independent clause (no comma) adverb dependent clause (We’ll go inside if it rains.)

3. independent clause, cc[2] independent clause (Joe likes pizza, but Fred likes tacos.)

4. subject verb (no comma) cc verb (Joe likes pizza but does not like vegetables.)

5. independent clause; independent clause (Joe likes pizza; Fred likes tacos. NOTE: Don’t use a comma to join independent clauses.)

6. introductory participial phrase, (Running down the hall, he tripped and fell.)

7. introductory prepositional phrase, (After English class, we go to lunch.)

8. , nonessential appositive, (We read The Great Gatsby, a novel, in class. NOTE: We read the novel The Great Gatsby in class. essential)

9. , nonessential adjective clause,[3] (Jane, who drives a car, is nice. NOTE: All students who skip school should be suspended. essential)

10. items, in, series (Please buy apples, oranges, and bananas. I like the warm, fuzzy blanket.)

11. , noun of direct address, (Tom, would you please hand me the phone? Would you please hand me the phone, Tom? Would you please, Tom, hand me the phone?)

12. day of the week, month date, year, (The baby is expected in Sunday, January 27, 2010, in Illinois.)

13. city, state, (We moved to Barrington, Illinois, in 1993.)

14. introductory word, (Well, I hope these rules come in handy.)

15. , interrupter, (These rules, I think, will help you if you use them.)

Friday Lesson

Sentence Mastery

Instructions: Compose a sentence that follows the same grammatical structures established in the sentence of the week. Be sure to apply correctly all the rules that are covered by the sentence of the week. Use this example to guide you in the composition of your mastery sentence on Friday.

Sample Sentence of the Week

arthur miller who was born on october 17 1915 in new york city new york wrote the play the crucible

Mastery Sentence

Alan Sanders, who was born on July 20, 1960, in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, wrote the poem “After Seeing a Day Lily.”

Sample of a Week’s Work

Sentence of the Week: many of our students like cafeteria food

Monday: Identify parts of speech including noun (type), pronoun (type, case, person), verb (type and tense), adverb, adjective, article, preposition, conjunction (type), interjection, infinitive, gerund, participle.

ind pro prep 1 pos pro n av/pres adj n

many of our students like cafeteria food

Tuesday: Identify sentence parts including simple and complete subject, simple and complete predicate (transitive or intransitive verb), direct object, indirect object, predicate nominative, predicate adjective, appositive or appositive phrase, prepositional phrase (adjective or adverb), object of preposition, noun of direct address, infinitive phrase, object of infinitive, participial phrase, object of participle, gerund phrase, object of gerund.

S op vt do

many (of our students) like cafeteria food

adj prep ph

Wednesday: Identify clauses (independent, adverb dependent, adjective dependent, noun dependent), sentence type (simple, compound, complex, compound-complex), and purpose (declarative, interrogative, exclamatory, imperative).

ind cl

[many of our students like cafeteria food]


Thursday: Add capitalization and punctuation including end punctuation, commas, semicolons, apostrophes, underlining, and quotation marks.

Many of our students like cafeteria food.

Friday: Compose a sentence that follows the same grammatical structures established in the sentence of the week, including similar parts of speech, sentence parts and phrases, clauses and sentence type, punctuation and capitalization.

Most of their employees wear business suits.



Week 1 Starting Monday, ___/___/______

Sentence of the Week: o what have i done to be blessed with such friends

Monday: Identify parts of speech including noun (type), pronoun (type, case, person), verb (type and tense), adverb, adjective, article, preposition, conjunction (type), interjection, infinitive, gerund, participle.



Tuesday: Identify sentence parts including simple and complete subject, simple and complete predicate (transitive or intransitive verb), direct object, indirect object, predicate nominative, predicate adjective, appositive or appositive phrase, prepositional phrase (adjective or adverb), object of preposition, noun of direct address, infinitive phrase, object of infinitive, participial phrase, object of participle, gerund phrase, object of gerund.


Wednesday: Identify clauses (independent, adverb dependent, adjective dependent, noun dependent), sentence type (simple, compound, complex, compound-complex), and purpose (declarative, interrogative, exclamatory, imperative).


Thursday: Add capitalization and punctuation including end punctuation, commas, semicolons, apostrophes, underlining, and quotation marks.


Friday: Compose a sentence that follows the same grammatical structures established in the sentence of the week, including similar parts of speech, sentence parts and phrases, clauses and sentence type, punctuation and capitalization.




Week 2 Starting Monday, ___/___/______

Sentence of the Week: phileas fogg got up took his hat in his left hand put it on his head with an automatic motion and went off without a word

Monday: Identify parts of speech including noun (type), pronoun (type, case, person), verb (type and tense), adverb, adjective, article, preposition, conjunction (type), interjection, infinitive, gerund, participle.


Tuesday: Identify sentence parts including simple and complete subject, simple and complete predicate (transitive or intransitive verb), direct object, indirect object, predicate nominative, predicate adjective, appositive or appositive phrase, prepositional phrase (adjective or adverb), object of preposition, noun of direct address, infinitive phrase, object of infinitive, participial phrase, object of participle, gerund phrase, object of gerund.


Wednesday: Identify clauses (independent, adverb dependent, adjective dependent, noun dependent), sentence type (simple, compound, complex, compound-complex), and purpose (declarative, interrogative, exclamatory, imperative).


Thursday: Add capitalization and punctuation including end punctuation, commas, semicolons, apostrophes, underlining, and quotation marks.


Friday: Compose a sentence that follows the same grammatical structures established in the sentence of the week, including similar parts of speech, sentence parts and phrases, clauses and sentence type, punctuation and capitalization.




Week 3 Starting Monday, ___/___/______

Sentence of the Week: ferdinand cried mercedes i believed you were good hearted and i was mistaken

Monday: Identify parts of speech including noun (type), pronoun (type, case, person), verb (type and tense), adverb, adjective, article, preposition, conjunction (type), interjection, infinitive, gerund, participle.


Tuesday: Identify sentence parts including simple and complete subject, simple and complete predicate (transitive or intransitive verb), direct object, indirect object, predicate nominative, predicate adjective, appositive or appositive phrase, prepositional phrase (adjective or adverb), object of preposition, noun of direct address, infinitive phrase, object of infinitive, participial phrase, object of participle, gerund phrase, object of gerund.


Wednesday: Identify clauses (independent, adverb dependent, adjective dependent, noun dependent), sentence type (simple, compound, complex, compound-complex), and purpose (declarative, interrogative, exclamatory, imperative).


Thursday: Add capitalization and punctuation including end punctuation, commas, semicolons, apostrophes, underlining, and quotation marks.


Friday: Compose a sentence that follows the same grammatical structures established in the sentence of the week, including similar parts of speech, sentence parts and phrases, clauses and sentence type, punctuation and capitalization.




Week 4 Starting Monday, ___/___/______

Sentence of the Week: ernest hemingway author of a farewell to arms died in ketchum Idaho on july 2 1961 at the age of 61

Monday: Identify parts of speech including noun (type), pronoun (type, case, person), verb (type and tense), adverb, adjective, article, preposition, conjunction (type), interjection, infinitive, gerund, participle.


Tuesday: Identify sentence parts including simple and complete subject, simple and complete predicate (transitive or intransitive verb), direct object, indirect object, predicate nominative, predicate adjective, appositive or appositive phrase, prepositional phrase (adjective or adverb), object of preposition, noun of direct address, infinitive phrase, object of infinitive, participial phrase, object of participle, gerund phrase, object of gerund.


Wednesday: Identify clauses (independent, adverb dependent, adjective dependent, noun dependent), sentence type (simple, compound, complex, compound-complex), and purpose (declarative, interrogative, exclamatory, imperative).


Thursday: Add capitalization and punctuation including end punctuation, commas, semicolons, apostrophes, underlining, and quotation marks.


Friday: Compose a sentence that follows the same grammatical structures established in the sentence of the week, including similar parts of speech, sentence parts and phrases, clauses and sentence type, punctuation and capitalization.




Week 5 Starting Monday, ___/___/______

Sentence of the Week: the involuntary start everyone gave proved how much morcerfs narrative had impressed them and albert himself could not wholly refrain from manifesting sudden emotion

Monday: Identify parts of speech including noun (type), pronoun (type, case, person), verb (type and tense), adverb, adjective, article, preposition, conjunction (type), interjection, infinitive, gerund, participle.


Tuesday: Identify sentence parts including simple and complete subject, simple and complete predicate (transitive or intransitive verb), direct object, indirect object, predicate nominative, predicate adjective, appositive or appositive phrase, prepositional phrase (adjective or adverb), object of preposition, noun of direct address, infinitive phrase, object of infinitive, participial phrase, object of participle, gerund phrase, object of gerund.


Wednesday: Identify clauses (independent, adverb dependent, adjective dependent, noun dependent), sentence type (simple, compound, complex, compound-complex), and purpose (declarative, interrogative, exclamatory, imperative).


Thursday: Add capitalization and punctuation including end punctuation, commas, semicolons, apostrophes, underlining, and quotation marks.


Friday: Compose a sentence that follows the same grammatical structures established in the sentence of the week, including similar parts of speech, sentence parts and phrases, clauses and sentence type, punctuation and capitalization.




Week 6 Starting Monday, ___/___/______

Sentence of the Week: neither yours nor any mans death is needed to consummate the series of my being and accomplish that which must be done but it requires my own

Monday: Identify parts of speech including noun (type), pronoun (type, case, person), verb (type and tense), adverb, adjective, article, preposition, conjunction (type), interjection, infinitive, gerund, participle.


Tuesday: Identify sentence parts including simple and complete subject, simple and complete predicate (transitive or intransitive verb), direct object, indirect object, predicate nominative, predicate adjective, appositive or appositive phrase, prepositional phrase (adjective or adverb), object of preposition, noun of direct address, infinitive phrase, object of infinitive, participial phrase, object of participle, gerund phrase, object of gerund.


Wednesday: Identify clauses (independent, adverb dependent, adjective dependent, noun dependent), sentence type (simple, compound, complex, compound-complex), and purpose (declarative, interrogative, exclamatory, imperative).


Thursday: Add capitalization and punctuation including end punctuation, commas, semicolons, apostrophes, underlining, and quotation marks.


Friday: Compose a sentence that follows the same grammatical structures established in the sentence of the week, including similar parts of speech, sentence parts and phrases, clauses and sentence type, punctuation and capitalization.




Week 7 Starting Monday, ___/___/______

Sentence of the Week: give me your tired your poor your huddled masses yearning to breathe free the wretched refuse of your teeming shore

Monday: Identify parts of speech including noun (type), pronoun (type, case, person), verb (type and tense), adverb, adjective, article, preposition, conjunction (type), interjection, infinitive, gerund, participle.


Tuesday: Identify sentence parts including simple and complete subject, simple and complete predicate (transitive or intransitive verb), direct object, indirect object, predicate nominative, predicate adjective, appositive or appositive phrase, prepositional phrase (adjective or adverb), object of preposition, noun of direct address, infinitive phrase, object of infinitive, participial phrase, object of participle, gerund phrase, object of gerund.


Wednesday: Identify clauses (independent, adverb dependent, adjective dependent, noun dependent), sentence type (simple, compound, complex, compound-complex), and purpose (declarative, interrogative, exclamatory, imperative).


Thursday: Add capitalization and punctuation including end punctuation, commas, semicolons, apostrophes, underlining, and quotation marks.


Friday: Compose a sentence that follows the same grammatical structures established in the sentence of the week, including similar parts of speech, sentence parts and phrases, clauses and sentence type, punctuation and capitalization.




Week 8 Starting Monday, ___/___/______

Sentence of the Week: i enjoyed reading the crucible however our town made me sad

Monday: Identify parts of speech including noun (type), pronoun (type, case, person), verb (type and tense), adverb, adjective, article, preposition, conjunction (type), interjection, infinitive, gerund, participle.


Tuesday: Identify sentence parts including simple and complete subject, simple and complete predicate (transitive or intransitive verb), direct object, indirect object, predicate nominative, predicate adjective, appositive or appositive phrase, prepositional phrase (adjective or adverb), object of preposition, noun of direct address, infinitive phrase, object of infinitive, participial phrase, object of participle, gerund phrase, object of gerund.


Wednesday: Identify clauses (independent, adverb dependent, adjective dependent, noun dependent), sentence type (simple, compound, complex, compound-complex), and purpose (declarative, interrogative, exclamatory, imperative).


Thursday: Add capitalization and punctuation including end punctuation, commas, semicolons, apostrophes, underlining, and quotation marks.


Friday: Compose a sentence that follows the same grammatical structures established in the sentence of the week, including similar parts of speech, sentence parts and phrases, clauses and sentence type, punctuation and capitalization.




Week 9 Starting Monday, ___/___/______

Sentence of the Week: may would certainly have called him common looking

Monday: Identify parts of speech including noun (type), pronoun (type, case, person), verb (type and tense), adverb, adjective, article, preposition, conjunction (type), interjection, infinitive, gerund, participle.


Tuesday: Identify sentence parts including simple and complete subject, simple and complete predicate (transitive or intransitive verb), direct object, indirect object, predicate nominative, predicate adjective, appositive or appositive phrase, prepositional phrase (adjective or adverb), object of preposition, noun of direct address, infinitive phrase, object of infinitive, participial phrase, object of participle, gerund phrase, object of gerund.


Wednesday: Identify clauses (independent, adverb dependent, adjective dependent, noun dependent), sentence type (simple, compound, complex, compound-complex), and purpose (declarative, interrogative, exclamatory, imperative).


Thursday: Add capitalization and punctuation including end punctuation, commas, semicolons, apostrophes, underlining, and quotation marks.


Friday: Compose a sentence that follows the same grammatical structures established in the sentence of the week, including similar parts of speech, sentence parts and phrases, clauses and sentence type, punctuation and capitalization.




Week 10 Starting Monday, ___/___/______

Sentence of the Week: she gave him credit for stationing himself where he might gaze and gaze again without offense

Monday: Identify parts of speech including noun (type), pronoun (type, case, person), verb (type and tense), adverb, adjective, article, preposition, conjunction (type), interjection, infinitive, gerund, participle.


Tuesday: Identify sentence parts including simple and complete subject, simple and complete predicate (transitive or intransitive verb), direct object, indirect object, predicate nominative, predicate adjective, appositive or appositive phrase, prepositional phrase (adjective or adverb), object of preposition, noun of direct address, infinitive phrase, object of infinitive, participial phrase, object of participle, gerund phrase, object of gerund.


Wednesday: Identify clauses (independent, adverb dependent, adjective dependent, noun dependent), sentence type (simple, compound, complex, compound-complex), and purpose (declarative, interrogative, exclamatory, imperative).


Thursday: Add capitalization and punctuation including end punctuation, commas, semicolons, apostrophes, underlining, and quotation marks.


Friday: Compose a sentence that follows the same grammatical structures established in the sentence of the week, including similar parts of speech, sentence parts and phrases, clauses and sentence type, punctuation and capitalization.




Week 11 Starting Monday, ___/___/______

Sentence of the Week: if he had indeed left london intending to reach the new world he would naturally take the route via india which was less watched and more difficult to watch than that of the atlantic

Monday: Identify parts of speech including noun (type), pronoun (type, case, person), verb (type and tense), adverb, adjective, article, preposition, conjunction (type), interjection, infinitive, gerund, participle.


Tuesday: Identify sentence parts including simple and complete subject, simple and complete predicate (transitive or intransitive verb), direct object, indirect object, predicate nominative, predicate adjective, appositive or appositive phrase, prepositional phrase (adjective or adverb), object of preposition, noun of direct address, infinitive phrase, object of infinitive, participial phrase, object of participle, gerund phrase, object of gerund.


Wednesday: Identify clauses (independent, adverb dependent, adjective dependent, noun dependent), sentence type (simple, compound, complex, compound-complex), and purpose (declarative, interrogative, exclamatory, imperative).


Thursday: Add capitalization and punctuation including end punctuation, commas, semicolons, apostrophes, underlining, and quotation marks.


Friday: Compose a sentence that follows the same grammatical structures established in the sentence of the week, including similar parts of speech, sentence parts and phrases, clauses and sentence type, punctuation and capitalization.




Week 12 Starting Monday, ___/___/______

Sentence of the Week: when i asked him if he knew count dracula and could tell me anything of his castle both he and his wife crossed themselves

Monday: Identify parts of speech including noun (type), pronoun (type, case, person), verb (type and tense), adverb, adjective, article, preposition, conjunction (type), interjection, infinitive, gerund, participle.


Tuesday: Identify sentence parts including simple and complete subject, simple and complete predicate (transitive or intransitive verb), direct object, indirect object, predicate nominative, predicate adjective, appositive or appositive phrase, prepositional phrase (adjective or adverb), object of preposition, noun of direct address, infinitive phrase, object of infinitive, participial phrase, object of participle, gerund phrase, object of gerund.


Wednesday: Identify clauses (independent, adverb dependent, adjective dependent, noun dependent), sentence type (simple, compound, complex, compound-complex), and purpose (declarative, interrogative, exclamatory, imperative).


Thursday: Add capitalization and punctuation including end punctuation, commas, semicolons, apostrophes, underlining, and quotation marks.


Friday: Compose a sentence that follows the same grammatical structures established in the sentence of the week, including similar parts of speech, sentence parts and phrases, clauses and sentence type, punctuation and capitalization.




Week 13 Starting Monday, ___/___/______

Sentence of the Week: one night there was a heavy snowfall and in the morning pike the malingerer did not appear

Monday: Identify parts of speech including noun (type), pronoun (type, case, person), verb (type and tense), adverb, adjective, article, preposition, conjunction (type), interjection, infinitive, gerund, participle.


Tuesday: Identify sentence parts including simple and complete subject, simple and complete predicate (transitive or intransitive verb), direct object, indirect object, predicate nominative, predicate adjective, appositive or appositive phrase, prepositional phrase (adjective or adverb), object of preposition, noun of direct address, infinitive phrase, object of infinitive, participial phrase, object of participle, gerund phrase, object of gerund.


Wednesday: Identify clauses (independent, adverb dependent, adjective dependent, noun dependent), sentence type (simple, compound, complex, compound-complex), and purpose (declarative, interrogative, exclamatory, imperative).


Thursday: Add capitalization and punctuation including end punctuation, commas, semicolons, apostrophes, underlining, and quotation marks.


Friday: Compose a sentence that follows the same grammatical structures established in the sentence of the week, including similar parts of speech, sentence parts and phrases, clauses and sentence type, punctuation and capitalization.




Week 14 Starting Monday, ___/___/______

Sentence of the Week: could he allude to an object on whom i dared not even think

Monday: Identify parts of speech including noun (type), pronoun (type, case, person), verb (type and tense), adverb, adjective, article, preposition, conjunction (type), interjection, infinitive, gerund, participle.


Tuesday: Identify sentence parts including simple and complete subject, simple and complete predicate (transitive or intransitive verb), direct object, indirect object, predicate nominative, predicate adjective, appositive or appositive phrase, prepositional phrase (adjective or adverb), object of preposition, noun of direct address, infinitive phrase, object of infinitive, participial phrase, object of participle, gerund phrase, object of gerund.


Wednesday: Identify clauses (independent, adverb dependent, adjective dependent, noun dependent), sentence type (simple, compound, complex, compound-complex), and purpose (declarative, interrogative, exclamatory, imperative).


Thursday: Add capitalization and punctuation including end punctuation, commas, semicolons, apostrophes, underlining, and quotation marks.


Friday: Compose a sentence that follows the same grammatical structures established in the sentence of the week, including similar parts of speech, sentence parts and phrases, clauses and sentence type, punctuation and capitalization.




Week 15 Starting Monday, ___/___/______

Sentence of the Week: but more than all the others he was loved by govinda his friend the son of a brahman

Monday: Identify parts of speech including noun (type), pronoun (type, case, person), verb (type and tense), adverb, adjective, article, preposition, conjunction (type), interjection, infinitive, gerund, participle.


Tuesday: Identify sentence parts including simple and complete subject, simple and complete predicate (transitive or intransitive verb), direct object, indirect object, predicate nominative, predicate adjective, appositive or appositive phrase, prepositional phrase (adjective or adverb), object of preposition, noun of direct address, infinitive phrase, object of infinitive, participial phrase, object of participle, gerund phrase, object of gerund.


Wednesday: Identify clauses (independent, adverb dependent, adjective dependent, noun dependent), sentence type (simple, compound, complex, compound-complex), and purpose (declarative, interrogative, exclamatory, imperative).


Thursday: Add capitalization and punctuation including end punctuation, commas, semicolons, apostrophes, underlining, and quotation marks.


Friday: Compose a sentence that follows the same grammatical structures established in the sentence of the week, including similar parts of speech, sentence parts and phrases, clauses and sentence type, punctuation and capitalization.




Week 16 Starting Monday, ___/___/______

Sentence of the Week: i wish she were with me again for i feel so unhappy

Monday: Identify parts of speech including noun (type), pronoun (type, case, person), verb (type and tense), adverb, adjective, article, preposition, conjunction (type), interjection, infinitive, gerund, participle.


Tuesday: Identify sentence parts including simple and complete subject, simple and complete predicate (transitive or intransitive verb), direct object, indirect object, predicate nominative, predicate adjective, appositive or appositive phrase, prepositional phrase (adjective or adverb), object of preposition, noun of direct address, infinitive phrase, object of infinitive, participial phrase, object of participle, gerund phrase, object of gerund.


Wednesday: Identify clauses (independent, adverb dependent, adjective dependent, noun dependent), sentence type (simple, compound, complex, compound-complex), and purpose (declarative, interrogative, exclamatory, imperative).


Thursday: Add capitalization and punctuation including end punctuation, commas, semicolons, apostrophes, underlining, and quotation marks.


Friday: Compose a sentence that follows the same grammatical structures established in the sentence of the week, including similar parts of speech, sentence parts and phrases, clauses and sentence type, punctuation and capitalization.




Week 17 Starting Monday, ___/___/______

Sentence of the Week: alas Siddhartha i see you suffering but youre suffering in a pain at which one would laugh at which youll soon laugh yourself

Monday: Identify parts of speech including noun (type), pronoun (type, case, person), verb (type and tense), adverb, adjective, article, preposition, conjunction (type), interjection, infinitive, gerund, participle.


Tuesday: Identify sentence parts including simple and complete subject, simple and complete predicate (transitive or intransitive verb), direct object, indirect object, predicate nominative, predicate adjective, appositive or appositive phrase, prepositional phrase (adjective or adverb), object of preposition, noun of direct address, infinitive phrase, object of infinitive, participial phrase, object of participle, gerund phrase, object of gerund.


Wednesday: Identify clauses (independent, adverb dependent, adjective dependent, noun dependent), sentence type (simple, compound, complex, compound-complex), and purpose (declarative, interrogative, exclamatory, imperative).


Thursday: Add capitalization and punctuation including end punctuation, commas, semicolons, apostrophes, underlining, and quotation marks.


Friday: Compose a sentence that follows the same grammatical structures established in the sentence of the week, including similar parts of speech, sentence parts and phrases, clauses and sentence type, punctuation and capitalization.




Week 18 Starting Monday, ___/___/______

Sentence of the Week: issue each of the students his own copy of maya angelous poem still i rise then well read it in small groups

Monday: Identify parts of speech including noun (type), pronoun (type, case, person), verb (type and tense), adverb, adjective, article, preposition, conjunction (type), interjection, infinitive, gerund, participle.


Tuesday: Identify sentence parts including simple and complete subject, simple and complete predicate (transitive or intransitive verb), direct object, indirect object, predicate nominative, predicate adjective, appositive or appositive phrase, prepositional phrase (adjective or adverb), object of preposition, noun of direct address, infinitive phrase, object of infinitive, participial phrase, object of participle, gerund phrase, object of gerund.


Wednesday: Identify clauses (independent, adverb dependent, adjective dependent, noun dependent), sentence type (simple, compound, complex, compound-complex), and purpose (declarative, interrogative, exclamatory, imperative).


Thursday: Add capitalization and punctuation including end punctuation, commas, semicolons, apostrophes, underlining, and quotation marks.


Friday: Compose a sentence that follows the same grammatical structures established in the sentence of the week, including similar parts of speech, sentence parts and phrases, clauses and sentence type, punctuation and capitalization.




Week 19 Starting Monday, ___/___/______

Sentence of the Week: this was worse than a thousand whippings and toms heart was sorer now than his body

Monday: Identify parts of speech including noun (type), pronoun (type, case, person), verb (type and tense), adverb, adjective, article, preposition, conjunction (type), interjection, infinitive, gerund, participle.


Tuesday: Identify sentence parts including simple and complete subject, simple and complete predicate (transitive or intransitive verb), direct object, indirect object, predicate nominative, predicate adjective, appositive or appositive phrase, prepositional phrase (adjective or adverb), object of preposition, noun of direct address, infinitive phrase, object of infinitive, participial phrase, object of participle, gerund phrase, object of gerund.


Wednesday: Identify clauses (independent, adverb dependent, adjective dependent, noun dependent), sentence type (simple, compound, complex, compound-complex), and purpose (declarative, interrogative, exclamatory, imperative).


Thursday: Add capitalization and punctuation including end punctuation, commas, semicolons, apostrophes, underlining, and quotation marks.


Friday: Compose a sentence that follows the same grammatical structures established in the sentence of the week, including similar parts of speech, sentence parts and phrases, clauses and sentence type, punctuation and capitalization.




Week 20 Starting Monday, ___/___/______

Sentence of the Week: i am sure there is nobodys praise that could give us so much pleasure as miss woodhouses

Monday: Identify parts of speech including noun (type), pronoun (type, case, person), verb (type and tense), adverb, adjective, article, preposition, conjunction (type), interjection, infinitive, gerund, participle.


Tuesday: Identify sentence parts including simple and complete subject, simple and complete predicate (transitive or intransitive verb), direct object, indirect object, predicate nominative, predicate adjective, appositive or appositive phrase, prepositional phrase (adjective or adverb), object of preposition, noun of direct address, infinitive phrase, object of infinitive, participial phrase, object of participle, gerund phrase, object of gerund.


Wednesday: Identify clauses (independent, adverb dependent, adjective dependent, noun dependent), sentence type (simple, compound, complex, compound-complex), and purpose (declarative, interrogative, exclamatory, imperative).


Thursday: Add capitalization and punctuation including end punctuation, commas, semicolons, apostrophes, underlining, and quotation marks.


Friday: Compose a sentence that follows the same grammatical structures established in the sentence of the week, including similar parts of speech, sentence parts and phrases, clauses and sentence type, punctuation and capitalization.




Week 21 Starting Monday, ___/___/______

Sentence of the Week: the business of her life was to get her daughters married its solace was visiting and news

Monday: Identify parts of speech including noun (type), pronoun (type, case, person), verb (type and tense), adverb, adjective, article, preposition, conjunction (type), interjection, infinitive, gerund, participle.


Tuesday: Identify sentence parts including simple and complete subject, simple and complete predicate (transitive or intransitive verb), direct object, indirect object, predicate nominative, predicate adjective, appositive or appositive phrase, prepositional phrase (adjective or adverb), object of preposition, noun of direct address, infinitive phrase, object of infinitive, participial phrase, object of participle, gerund phrase, object of gerund.


Wednesday: Identify clauses (independent, adverb dependent, adjective dependent, noun dependent), sentence type (simple, compound, complex, compound-complex), and purpose (declarative, interrogative, exclamatory, imperative).


Thursday: Add capitalization and punctuation including end punctuation, commas, semicolons, apostrophes, underlining, and quotation marks.


Friday: Compose a sentence that follows the same grammatical structures established in the sentence of the week, including similar parts of speech, sentence parts and phrases, clauses and sentence type, punctuation and capitalization.




Week 22 Starting Monday, ___/___/______

Sentence of the Week: politics has made you laugh at everything and political men have made you disbelieve everything

Monday: Identify parts of speech including noun (type), pronoun (type, case, person), verb (type and tense), adverb, adjective, article, preposition, conjunction (type), interjection, infinitive, gerund, participle.


Tuesday: Identify sentence parts including simple and complete subject, simple and complete predicate (transitive or intransitive verb), direct object, indirect object, predicate nominative, predicate adjective, appositive or appositive phrase, prepositional phrase (adjective or adverb), object of preposition, noun of direct address, infinitive phrase, object of infinitive, participial phrase, object of participle, gerund phrase, object of gerund.


Wednesday: Identify clauses (independent, adverb dependent, adjective dependent, noun dependent), sentence type (simple, compound, complex, compound-complex), and purpose (declarative, interrogative, exclamatory, imperative).


Thursday: Add capitalization and punctuation including end punctuation, commas, semicolons, apostrophes, underlining, and quotation marks.


Friday: Compose a sentence that follows the same grammatical structures established in the sentence of the week, including similar parts of speech, sentence parts and phrases, clauses and sentence type, punctuation and capitalization.




Week 23 Starting Monday, ___/___/______

Sentence of the Week: this was among the ferrymans virtues one of the greatest like only a few he knew how to listen

Monday: Identify parts of speech including noun (type), pronoun (type, case, person), verb (type and tense), adverb, adjective, article, preposition, conjunction (type), interjection, infinitive, gerund, participle.


Tuesday: Identify sentence parts including simple and complete subject, simple and complete predicate (transitive or intransitive verb), direct object, indirect object, predicate nominative, predicate adjective, appositive or appositive phrase, prepositional phrase (adjective or adverb), object of preposition, noun of direct address, infinitive phrase, object of infinitive, participial phrase, object of participle, gerund phrase, object of gerund.


Wednesday: Identify clauses (independent, adverb dependent, adjective dependent, noun dependent), sentence type (simple, compound, complex, compound-complex), and purpose (declarative, interrogative, exclamatory, imperative).


Thursday: Add capitalization and punctuation including end punctuation, commas, semicolons, apostrophes, underlining, and quotation marks.


Friday: Compose a sentence that follows the same grammatical structures established in the sentence of the week, including similar parts of speech, sentence parts and phrases, clauses and sentence type, punctuation and capitalization.




Week 24 Starting Monday, ___/___/______

Sentence of the Week: he had of course dreamed of battles all his life of vague and bloody conflicts that had thrilled him with their sweep and fire

Monday: Identify parts of speech including noun (type), pronoun (type, case, person), verb (type and tense), adverb, adjective, article, preposition, conjunction (type), interjection, infinitive, gerund, participle.


Tuesday: Identify sentence parts including simple and complete subject, simple and complete predicate (transitive or intransitive verb), direct object, indirect object, predicate nominative, predicate adjective, appositive or appositive phrase, prepositional phrase (adjective or adverb), object of preposition, noun of direct address, infinitive phrase, object of infinitive, participial phrase, object of participle, gerund phrase, object of gerund.


Wednesday: Identify clauses (independent, adverb dependent, adjective dependent, noun dependent), sentence type (simple, compound, complex, compound-complex), and purpose (declarative, interrogative, exclamatory, imperative).


Thursday: Add capitalization and punctuation including end punctuation, commas, semicolons, apostrophes, underlining, and quotation marks.


Friday: Compose a sentence that follows the same grammatical structures established in the sentence of the week, including similar parts of speech, sentence parts and phrases, clauses and sentence type, punctuation and capitalization.




Week 25 Starting Monday, ___/___/______

Sentence of the Week: thats just the way a person does a low down thing and then he dont want to take no consequences of it

Monday: Identify parts of speech including noun (type), pronoun (type, case, person), verb (type and tense), adverb, adjective, article, preposition, conjunction (type), interjection, infinitive, gerund, participle.


Tuesday: Identify sentence parts including simple and complete subject, simple and complete predicate (transitive or intransitive verb), direct object, indirect object, predicate nominative, predicate adjective, appositive or appositive phrase, prepositional phrase (adjective or adverb), object of preposition, noun of direct address, infinitive phrase, object of infinitive, participial phrase, object of participle, gerund phrase, object of gerund.


Wednesday: Identify clauses (independent, adverb dependent, adjective dependent, noun dependent), sentence type (simple, compound, complex, compound-complex), and purpose (declarative, interrogative, exclamatory, imperative).


Thursday: Add capitalization and punctuation including end punctuation, commas, semicolons, apostrophes, underlining, and quotation marks.


Friday: Compose a sentence that follows the same grammatical structures established in the sentence of the week, including similar parts of speech, sentence parts and phrases, clauses and sentence type, punctuation and capitalization.



[1] adverb dependent clause: subordinating conjunction + subject + verb. Common Subordinating Conjunctions: because, after, until, as, though, so that, since, whenever, before, if, even, unless, while, as if, when, although, even though

[2] coordinating conjunctions (FANBOYS): for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so. Not then, however, therefore.

[3] adjective dependent clause: relative pronoun + subject + verb. Relative Pronouns: that, which, who, whom, whose


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