Resource Room: Free-Spirited Structured, Multisensory Learning

“Vowel Pairs” (“Type 6”) -- - This is the last syllable type in the sequence. Some of these may have been introduced as “special categories” earlier. Many of these follow patterns that are just fun to know. The vowl pair words are challenging — they have the most exceptions, and are the hardest words. Some notes: OY, OI OY at end of syllable (toy, employ, royal)OI in the middle of a syllable (oil, purloin, cloister)Very few exceptions to the spelling pattern with this combination Almost all words with this sound are spelled with OY or OI. That’s why it’s often taught first. OO Two common sounds ooze, scoot, toohood, woods a few exceptions: BLOOD and FLOOD (pronounced with “short u” rhyming with “mud,” BROOCH (often pronounced with “long o” to rhyme w/ “coach”)Local pronunciations will vary (“roof” can rhyme with “hoof” or “poof”). AU, AW has more exceptions (e.g. “bauble”) Causal and Casual easily confusedMany words where “au” is not pronounced as “aw”: words with –eau (Bureau, beautiful, plateau)gauge, gauche, haute, laugh, etc. Avoid saying “droor” for draw-er, “Loyer” for law-yer and “Soyer” for sawyer. Other notes: Usually ai in middle of syllable, ay at the end. A noun ending in “E” is probably spelled –ey (Monkey, turkey); adjectivs, “y” (silly, funny The letter before TUTE or TUDE is i, except in QUIETUDE and DESUETUDE. e is again learned last, Has more possible ways to spell it“silent e” option fairly rare (-ee- more likely) WORDS! WORDS! GET TO THE WORDS! OY and OI Often OY appears at the end of a word or syllable and OI appears within a syllable; exceptions are marked with an asterisk OY ahoy alloy annoy arroyo bellboy boy boycott boyish boysenberry carboy clairvoyant cloying convoy corduroy cowboy coy decoy deploy destroy disloyal employee enjoy envoy flamboyantfoyer gargoyle* highboy hoyden joy loyal newsboy overjoy oyster paperboy playboy ploy royal soy soya tomboy toy troy viceroy voyage voyeurOI adenoid adjoin adroit alkaloid android anoint appoint asteroid avoid boil boisterous broil celluloid charbroil checkpoint choice cloister coil coin colloid conjoin counterpoise counterpoint despoildevoid diploid disappoint disjoin disjoint doily ellipsoid embroider embroil enjoin exploit foible* foisted goiter groin hemorrhoid hoi polloi* hoist humanoid hydrofoil introit invoice join joint joistloin loiter mademoiselle maladroit mastoid meteoroids midpoint moiety* moil moist mongoloid needlepoint noise noisome oiloink ointment ovoid paranoid parboil poignant poinsettia point poise poison potboiler purloin quoins quoit recoilreconnoiter rejoice rejoin rejoinder rhomboid roister roil schizoid sequoia sirloin soil solenoid spheroid spoil spoiltsteroid tabloid tenderloin thyroid toil toilet trapezoid troika turmoil turquoise typhoid voice voidOW/OU Words OU abound account accountability accountant aloud amount announce announcement around arouse astound avouch background blackout blouse bough bounce bouncer bound bounder bounty bountiful bout burnout carouse carousingcatamount cloud cloudy cloudiness clout co-founder compound confound couch council counsel count countenance counteract countermand counterpart counterpoint countess crouch delouse demount denounce devout discount dismount doubt doughtydour douse dropout drought dumfound encounter enshroud espouse expound flounce flounder flour flout foul found founder foundling foundry fount fountain gadabout gouge gout grouch ground grouse grouthandout holdout hour house hound impound insurmountable joust jounce knout loud lounge louse lousy lout miscount pronounce mispronounce mound mount mountain mouse mouth noun ounce ours oust ouster out paramount plough pounce pound pout pouch profound pronoun pronounce propound proud rebound recount redoundrenounce resound round roustabout rouse rout route scoundrel scour scoutscrounge shout shroud slouch snout sound sour souse south spouse spout sprout stout surmount surround tantamount thou thousand tousle tout trounce trousers trout vouch vouchsafe woundOW allow allowallowance anyhow avow tower bow bowel bower bowery bowsprit brow browbeat brown brownie brownout browse chowder cauliflower chow clown cornflower countdown cow coward cowardicecowardly cowboy cower cowhand cowherd cowhide cowing cowl cowlick cowling cowpox cowpoke cowpuncher cowrie cowry cowslip crowd crown disallow disavow disembowel dowager dowdy dowel dower down downbeat downgrade downy downspout downturn dowse dowser drown drowsy drowse eiderdown empower endow eyebrow flower fowl fowler frown frowsyglower gown growl gunpowder Howard however howitzer howl jowl jowly Kowloon kowtow mayflower meow Moscow knowhow now owlplow plowshare pow powder power powerful powwow prow prowl prowler prowess Powell renown row rowdy rowel safflower scowscowl shower somehow sundown superpower tower towel town trowel vow vowel wallflower waterfowl watchtower wow yowlAU / AW wordsdaunt daunted dauntless dauphin debauch default defraud distraught epaulet exhaust exhaustion exhaustible exhaustive faucet fault faulty faultless fraudulent fraught gaudy Gaul gaunt gauntlet gauze glaucoma haughty haulhaunch haunt holocaust hydraulic implausible inaudible inaugurate inauspicious jaundice jaunt jaunty juggernaut keelhaul laud laudable laudatory launch launder laundry laundress Laura laureate laurel leprechaun manslaughter marauder maraudmaul maudlin maunder Mauritania mausoleum menopause Milwaukee monaural Nassau* naught naughty nauseous nautical nautilus onslaught overhaul overslaugh paucity Paul paunch paunchy pauper pauperize pause plaudit plausible Port-au-Princeprecaution raucous raunchy sauce saunter saurians sausage sauterne sautéslaughter somersault staunch staunchly taught taunt taught tautology thesaurus trauma traumatize traumatic vaudeville vault vauntAw wordsawe awesome awestruck awful awkward awl awning bawdy bawl brawl brawn bucksaw bylaw caw claw coleslaw crawdad crawfish dawn dawdle draw drawer* drawl drawn fawn flawflawless foresaw forepaw gawk gawky gawkish gewgaws gnaw goshawk guffaw hacksaw haw hawk hawsers hawthorn in-law jackstraw jaw jawbone jigsaw law lawful lawless lawman lawmaker lawn Lawrence lawsuit lawyer* lockjaw macaw mackinaw Malawi maw mawkish nighthawk night crawler outlaw overdraw paw pawl pawn Pawnee pawnshop prawn quartersaw raw rawhide rickshaw ripsaw saw sawdust sawhorse sawmillsawyer* scrawl scrawn scrawny seesaw shawl slaw southpaw spawn sprawl squawk squaw straw taw tawdry tawny thaw tomahawk trawl Warsaw whipsaw withdraw withdrawal withdrawn yaw yawl yawnOO as in “hood” adulthood afoot bachelorhood backwoods bankbook barefoot basswood book bookcase bookend bookie bookkeeper booklet bookmark bookmobile bookshelf bookplate bookstore bookworm boxwood boyhood brookcheckbook childhood cook cookie cookout cottonwood crook crooked dogwood donnybrook driftwood falsehood fatherhood foot football foothill foothold footnote footpath footstep foresook girlhoodgobbledygook good goodness goodwill handbook hardwood hood hoodlum hoof hook inglenook look manhood mistook misunderstood monkshood motherhood neighborhood nook notebook onlookeroutlook overlook parenthood priesthood pussyfoot redwood rook rookie sainthood scrapbook shook soot stood tenterhooks textbook took wood woodcutter wooden woodlands woodpecker woofOO as in soonarrowroot baboon balloon ballroom ballyhoo bamboo bamboozle barroom bassoon bathroom bazooka bedroom behoove bloom blooper boardroom bombproof boo booby boodle boom boomerang boon boondocks boondoggle boost boosterboot booth bootleg booze bridegroom brood broom buffoon bugaboo burnoose bulletproof caboose cahoots calaboose cartoon cesspool cheroot choose classroom cockatoo cocoon coo coolant cool coon coonskin coopcoot courtroom croon cuckoo darkroom doodle doom doubloon dragoon drool droop festoon fireproof floozy food fool foolhardy foolproof gloom goo goof googol goose gooseneck groom groove harpoonheirloom honeymoon hooligan hoop hoopla hooray hoot hootenanny hullabaloo igloo kangaroo kazoo kooky lagoon lampoon loom loon loony loop loophole loose loot macaroon maroon mongoose monsoon moomooch mood moon moonstruck moose moot mothproof mushroom nincompoop noodle noon noose offshoot ooze pantaloons papoose paratrooper partook platoon poltroon pontoon pooch poodle pool poop proof quadroonraccoon reproof roof room roommate root roost rooster rustproof saloon school schooner scoop scoot seafood shampoo sharpshooter shockproof shoo shoot sloop smooth snoop snooze soon soothsayer soothesoundproof spittoon spoof spook spoon spool stooge stool stoop swoop swoon taboo taproot tattoo teaspoon toadstool tollbooth tomfoolery too tool tooth toothpick toot troop trooper troubleshoot tycoontyphoon uproot voodoo watercooler waterproof whirlpool whooping woo wool woozy zoo zoom-OOR boor door floor hooray indoor moor Moore outdoor poor spoor whippoorwill “Long A” soundHigh frequency words and words often found in textbookswait contain explain paint rain train main raise sail remains plains straighttail afraid waived claim obtain entertain chain aid grain hail mainland brain terrain cocaine trait strait campaign laissez faire traitors trail aim frail pain drainmaintenance curtail prevail acquaint complain failure praise paid available disclaimer moraine MaineAI words – extensive list abstain acclaim acquaint aid aide ail ailment aim aimless appertain appraisal arraign ascertain assail assailant attain avail available await bail bailiff bailiwick bait bobtail bouillabaisse braid brainbraise braille caisson caitiff campaign chain chaise chatelaine chilblain claim cocaine complain complaisant constrain constraint contain contrail Craig curtail daily dainty daisy declaim derail detail detain disclaimerdisdain domain drain Elaine entail entertain entrails exclaim explain fail failure fain faint faith flail frail frailty gaiety Gail gain gait grain hail Haiti ingrain jail Jamaica painstaking paint paisley parfait pertain plain plaint plaintiff plaintive praise prevail proclaim ptomaine quail quaint quatrain raidrail raiment rain rainbow raise raisin reclaim refrain regain remain restrain retain retail sail saint slain snailSpain sprain staid stain straight strain strait sustain swain tail tailor taint terrain trail train traipse traittraitor travail twain upbraid vain waif wail wain wainscot waist wait waive wassail wraithKuwait lackadaisical laid lain legerdemain liaison maid mail maim main Maine mainstream maintenance maintain maize malaise mayonnaise mermaid migraine mislaid moraine nail obtain ordain paid pail painair and aire wordsaffair air cairn clairvoyant concessionaire corsair dairydebonair despair doctrinaire stair fair flair hairimpair lair laissez-faire legionnaire millionaire mohair pairprairie questionnaire repair solitaire stairAY words: High frequency words and words often found in textbooks way day may say play away always today staylay pay maybe runaway array birthday decay Sunday MondayTuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday ray mayor bay displayrelay prayer delay layer player crayonay extensive list affray airway allay always anyway array ashtray assay astray away bay bayonet baysbelay betray betrayal birthday Bombay bray bricklayer byplay byway caraway castaway chambray claycrayon crayfish crossways cutaway day daydream daylight daytime Dayton decay defray delay disarraydismay display doomsday Dwayne essay everyday expressway fairway faraway fay flay foray fray freeway Friday gainsay gangway gay gray halfway hallway hay hayloft headway hearsay heyday highwayman Himalaya holiday hooray horseplay inlay interplay jay jaywalk lay layer layettelayman layoff layover layperson leeway mainstay Malay Malaysia may maybe mayfly mayflower mayhem mayonnaise mayor maypole mislay moray nay Norway nosegay nowadays okay outlay overlayoverpay Paraguay parkway parlay pathway pay payment payoff play playful playground playhouse playpen playwright portray pray prayer ray rayon relay replay roundelay say slaysoothsay spay splay spray stay stowaway stray subway sway Taylor today tray underway unsay Uruguay way wayfarer waylaid waylay wayside wayward yesterdayLong A words spelled ei, ea and ey EI: COMMON WORDS vein weight eight freightEI: COMPREHENSIVE LIST aweigh beige (chow) mein heir deign reign eight eighteen eighty feint feign peignor rein sleigh surveillance their vein veil weighBeirut freight geisha height heinous heiress heirloom inveigh inveigle lei neigh neighborhoodEA: COMMON WORDS great break greater steak yea in some dialects: measure treasureEY: COMMON WORDS theyobeyEY: COMPREHENSIVE LIST abeyance conveyance convey conveyor disobey fey grey greyhound hey heyday lamprey obey osprey peyote prey purvey purveyor purveyance survey they trey whey MonterreyLong I sound at the ond of a word -- iedie hie lie pie tie vieLong 0 spelled -ow (where “w” is acting as a vowel ) know show own below growlow slow slowly shown knownwindow snow row flow blowyellow unknown tomorrowLong 0 spelled -oa – COMMON WORDS : road boatCOMPREHENSIVE LIST approach bemoan goat bloat boast boat broach charcoal cloak coach coalcoast coat cockroach cocoa croak croaker encroach float foal foam freeload gloat goad goal goatee goalie groan coaxhoax irreproachable load loaf loam loan loath loathe loaves moan moat oaf oak oakum oath oat petticoat poachrailroad reproach roach road roan roast roam scapegoat shoal shoat soak soap stoat throat toad toady toast toastmasterLong U spelled ew (can sound like “huge” or “truth”)anew askew blew brew brewery cashew chew crew crewel curfew curlew dew dewlap drew eschew ewe ewer few flew gewgaws grew hewhewn interview jewel new lewd mew mildew nephew new newel news newt pew pewter preview purview renew renewal review screw sewer shrewshrewd sinew skew skewer slew spew stew steward stewardess strew strewn thews threw view yew Hebrew Jew Matthew Newfoundland SaskatchewanLong u spelled eueucalyptus euchre eugenic eulogy eunuch eupeptic euphemism euphony euphonium euphoria eurhythmics euthanasia Eucharist Euclidean Euphrates Europe Eurasiaadieu aneurism chanteuse chartreuse deuce deuterium feud lieu leukemia lieutenant maneuver masseuse milieu neuter neutral neutralize neutronneutrino non-euclidean pharmaceutical pneumonia pneumatic pseudo pseudonym purlieu rheum rheumatism sleuth streusel therapeutic AleutianLong u spelled ue accrue ague argue avenue barbecue blue bluegrass blueprint bluenose clue construe continuecue curlique value due ensue flue fondue glue grueling gruesome hue imbrueimbue ingenue issue misconstrue miscue puerile pursue rescue residue retinue revenue ruerueful slue statue subdue sue tissue true value venue virtue TuesdayLong u spelled ou accouterment acoustic ampoule bayou bivouac boudoir bouffant boutique boutonniere brougham brouhaha through cariboucougar coulee coulombs coup coupon croup crouton ghoul goulash group insouciant joule louvermoulage mousse nougat nouveau rendezvous rouge roulette routine soubrette souffle soup sousaphone souvenirtoucan touche through toupee troubadour troupe trousseau youth uncouth vermouth woundLong E Long E spelled eeabsentee addressee agree agreed agreement amputee antifreeze apogee appellee appointee asleep assignee baleen banshee barkeep bee beech beef beehive beeline beep beeper beet beetle beseech between bittersweetbleed bootee breed breeze canteen cartwheel cheek cheese cheetah chimpanzee coffee colleen committee conferee consignee creed creek creel creep decree decreed deed deem deep degree deportee designeedetainee devotee disagree discreet draftee dungaree eel eighteen eleemosynary employee enlistee enrolee escapee esteem evacuee evictee exceed fee feeble feed feel feet fifteen filigree flee fleece fleetforesee free freedom freeborn freehand freewill freeway freeze fricassee gee geese geezer genteel glee goatee greed greedy green greet guarantee heed heedless heel honoree indeed indiscreet inductee innkeeper jamboree jeep jubilee keel keep keen knee kneel leech leek leeway lessee levee manatee marquee meek meet need needle needless nineteen nominee parakeet parolee payee pedigreepeek peel peen peep peeve peevish perigee pharisee preen preteen proceed queen redeem reed reef reek reel refugee referee retiree screech screen seed seek seem seep seeseethe seen seventeen sheensheep sheepish sheet sixteen skeet sleek sleep sleet sleeve sneeze speech speed spleen spree squeegee squeeze standee steed steel steep steeple streetsucceed sweep sweet tee teen teeter teeth teethe teem tepee thirteen three toffee townee trainee tree trustee tweed tweet tweeze tweezer umpteen unfeeling unseemly upkeep veep velveteen wee weed week weep weevilwheel wheeze wheedle whoopee wintergreenGalilee Greek Halloween Tennessee YankeeLong e spelled ie at the end of words aerie beanie birdie boccie bonhomie bookie bootie bourgeoisie browniebudgie calorie camaraderie collie cookie coterie cowrie curie eerie eyrie freebiegenie goalie hippie jalousie junkie Lake Erie lassie menagerie movie oldie pixieprairie reverie rookie rotisserie sortie stymie sweetie talkie walkie-talkie zombieLong e spelled “ie” (the “I before e” rule”) chief thief brief grief belief relief grieve believerelieve achieve retrieve reprieve niece piece pierce fiercefield shield wield yield pier tier cashier frontierfiend priest shriek siege besiege hygiene dieselLong e spelled ey end of words abbey alley attorney baloney barley blarney bogey chantey chimneychutney cockney covey curtseydickey donkey galley guernsey hackney hockey honey jersey jitney jockey journey key keynotekeystone kidney lackey latchkey malarkey medley money monkey mosey motley odyssey paisley palfreyparley parsley pulley surrey trolley turkey turnkey valley volley whiskey SydneyLong e spelled ei EXCEPT AFTER C RULE ceiling conceive conceit deceive deceit transceive perceive receive receiptOTHER caffeine codeine either Holstein leisure neither nonpareils onomatopoeia protein seizeseizure sheik Keith SheilaLong e spelled ea A anteater eavesdrop appeal appeaseB beach beacon bead beadle beaglebean beam beast beat beatnik beaver beak beaker beleaguer beneath bequeath bereavebleak bleat bleach breach breatheC cease cheap cheapskate cheat cleancleat cleave cleaver colleague commonweal conceal congeal cornmeal creak cream crease creature D deacon deal dean decease decrease defeat demean demeanor disease displease dreamE each eager eagle ease easel easement easy east eat eaves entreatF fealty feasible feast feat feature flea freakG gleam glean grease grosbeak guineaH heal heap heat heathen heaveI ideal idealist impeach increase inseamJ jeansK kneadL leach lead leaf leaflet leak lean leap lease leash least leave leagueM mainstream malfeasance maltreat mead meager meal mean measles measly meat mislead mistreatN neatO ordeal outreach overseas P pea peace peach peacock peahen peak peal peanut peat pipsqueak plea plead please pleat preachQ queasyR reach read real ream reap reason release repeal repeat retreat revealS scream sea seal seam season seat sheaf sheath sheathe sheave sleazy sneak speaksqueak squeal squeamish steal steam streak stream streamline surceaseT tea teach teak teal team tease teasel teat treason treat treatise treaty tweakU uneasy unleash upheavalV vealW weak weal wean weasel weave wheat wreathe wreath wreakY yeastZ zealLong e spelled y at end of words (Just common ones!) every city lady study body family usually finally quickly slowly heavy suddenly ready energy baby hurry marryalready carefully community everybody friendly beauty hungry laundry century industry company empty silly democracy ecology necessary juryartery battery scurvy sensory literacy confederacy seniority monarchy missionary amnesty eventually mystery literary treachery theory elementary boundarymachinery imaginary satisfactory observatory ceremony sympathy consistency accessory ability frenzy January February ordinary dairy monopoly ................

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