Recommended Indiana Hospital Records Retention and Disposition Schedule

Table of Contents

Section Title

Page Number(s)

Administrative Records


Admitting Office Records


Business Office and Financial Records


Cardiology Cardiac Rehabilitation Records 3

Clinic Records


Dietary Records


Engineering/Plant Operations Records


Laboratory, Therapy, and Radiology Records 5-6

Hospital Records


Medical Staff Records


Nursing Records


Miscellaneous Records


Pharmacy Records


Physical Therapy Records


Public Relations Records


Purchasing and Receiving Records


Endnote Explanations


Basic Payroll and Personnel Records and Information

Employee History Records and Information

OSHA Records

ERISA Records Union/Employment Contracts and Walsh Healey Public Contracts

13 14-17 17 18


Administrative Records


Accident/Incident Reports (subject to civil/legal action) Annual Reports to Board

Appraisal Reports

CPA/State Board of Accounts/Audit Reports Daily Census

Communicable Disease Report to State and Local Departments of Health Constitution and Bylaws


Death Records

Physician Files

Endowments, Trusts, Bequests Financial Reports

Expired Insurance Policies

Environmental Liability, and Real Estate Title Insurance Licenses, Permits, Contracts Public Bid Materials

Alcohol and Narcotics Permits Hospital Policies and Procedures

Property Records (Deeds, Title, Leases, etc.) Departmental Reports

Admission and Services Statistics

Joint Commission, State Board of Health and other Inspection Reports

Recommended Retention 10 years

Permanent Permanent

7 years

Permanent 3 years

Permanent 5 years

Permanent Permanent Permanent Permanent

10 years Permanent

Permanent Permanent Permanent Permanent Permanent

5 years Permanent

10 years


See Legal Proceedings endnote 7

See Corporate Records endnote 4 See Business/Accounting Records endnote 3

See Business/Accounting Records endnote 3 See Industry Standard endnote 5 See Industry Standard endnote 5

See Corporate Records endnote 4 See Industry Standard endnote 5 See Industry Standard endnote 5 See Industry Standard endnote 5 See Duration endnote 6 See Industry Standard endnote 5 See Legal Proceedings endnote 7 See Industry Standard, Duration, endnotes 5, 6

See Duration endnote 6 See Industry Standard endnote 5 See Duration endnote 6 See Industry Standard endnote 5 See Industry Standard endnote 5

See Industry Standard endnote 5 See Industry Standard endnote 5 See Legal Proceedings endnote 5

1 ? Hall, Render, Killian, Heath & Lyman, P.C. 2012

Admitting Office Records


Admission and Discharge Logs

Admission and Discharge Reports

Patient Admission Records (Not Part of Medical Report)

Recommended Retention

1 year plus current year

1 year plus current year

1 year plus current year


See Industry Standard endnote 5 See Industry Standard endnote 5 See Industry Standard endnote 5

Business Office and Financial Records

Record Annual Audit Reports

Annual Report of Operations Budgets Cash Receipts Cashiers Tapes Charge Tickets (To patients) Canceled Checks (All funds) Vouchers

Recommended Retention 7 yrs

Permanent 5 years 10 years 7 years

1 year plus current year 10 years 10 years


Sarbanes Oxley ? 802(a)(1) requires 5 year retention of securities audit records, however 17 C.F.R. ? 210.2-06 requires retention for 7 years. Such information should include memoranda, correspondence, communications, other documents, and any records, including electronic records, that are used in connection with any audit or review of financial statements and that include any conclusions, opinions, analyses, or financial data related to the audit or review. See Industry Standard endnote 5 See Industry Standard endnote 5 See Industry Standard endnote 5 See Business/Accounting Records endnote 3

See Industry Standard endnote 5 See Legal Proceedings, Business Accounting Records endnotes 7, 3 See Industry Standard endnote 5

2 ? Hall, Render, Killian, Heath & Lyman, P.C. 2012

Capital Expenditure Claim Voucher Check Registers

Credit and Collection Correspondence Current Insurance Policies Environmental Liability and Real Estate Title Insurance Bank Deposits

Depreciation Records-Equipment

Income Daily Summary



Ledger Cards-Patients

Posting Audits

Medicare Cost Report and Working Papers Medicare Records Operating Fund Claim Vouchers

Welfare Agency Record

Permanent 10 years 5 years

Permanent Permanent

10 years Permanent

7 years Permanent Permanent

5 years 7 years

Permanent 5 years

1 year plus current year 7 years

See Industry Standard endnote 5 See Legal Proceedings endnote 7 See Industry Standard endnote 5

See Duration endnote 6 See Industry Standard, Duration, endnotes 5, 6

See Industry Standard endnote 5 See Business/Accounting Records endnote 3

See Business/Accounting Records endnote 3

See Industry Standard endnote 5 See Industry Standard endnote 5 See Industry Standard endnote 5 See Business/Accounting Records endnote 3

See Industry Standard endnote 5

42 C.F.R. ? 482.24 See Industry Standard endnote 5 See Medicaid Records endnote 9

Cardiology Cardiac Rehabilitation Records


Echocardiograms (Consider as part of Medical Record) Electrocardiograms (Not Part of Medical Record) Holter Monitor Strips (Not Part of Medical Record) Rehabilitation Reports (Not Part of Medical Record) Stress Tests (Not Part of Medical Record)

Recommended Retention 8 1/2 years

8 1/2 years

8 1/2 years

8 1/2 years

8 1/2 years


See Medical Records endnote 1

See Industry Standard endnote 5 See Industry Standard endnote 5

See Industry Standard endnote 5 See Industry Standard endnote 5

3 ? Hall, Render, Killian, Heath & Lyman, P.C. 2012

Clinic Records


Appointment Books Attendance Reports-Summary Medical Records

Patients Name Index Social Service (Consider as Confidential Case Histories) Welfare Agency Records

Recommended Retention 3 years


8 1/2 years 10 years for Medicare Advantage patients


8 1/2 years

7 years


See Industry Standard endnote 5 See Industry Standard endnote 5 See Medical Records endnote 1

See Industry Standard endnote 5 See Medical Records endnote 1

See Medicaid Records endnote 9

Dietary Records

Record Food Costs Meal Counts Menus Meal Pattern Cards Diet Instruction Records Diabetic and Cardiac Class Records

Recommended Retention 5 years

1 year plus current year

2 years

2 years

5 years

5 years


See Industry Standard endnote 5 See Industry Standard endnote 5 See Industry Standard endnote 5 See Industry Standard endnote 5 See Industry Standard endnote 5 See Industry Standard endnote 5

Engineering/Plant Operations Records

Record Blue Prints Equipment Operating Instructions

Environmental Items Regarding Equipment Equipment Records by Location

Recommended Retention Permanent

Until 12 years after purchase or after equipment is disposed

of Permanent



See Industry Standard endnote 5 I.C. ? 34-20-3-1

See Industry Standard endnote 5 See Industry Standard endnote 5

4 ? Hall, Render, Killian, Heath & Lyman, P.C. 2012


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