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My Dream House

A WebQuest for 5th Grade (Math)

Designed by

Alison J. Maliszewski



 Image Retrieved from

Introduction | The Task | The Process |Resources| Evaluation | Conclusion | Credits


You are about to enter a journey as a professional architect and home designer, whose job is to design and budget for your perfect home. Have you ever thought of building your very own mansion? Ever wanted to design a place with a bedroom for each of your best friends? Ever dreamt of having your own bowling alley at home? You are free to be as creative as you want—the sky is the limit. Build a mansion or a modest house, add your own basketball court, swimming pool, or library. Let your imagination set you free and design to your heart’s content.

Remember, you can build anything you want, but know that you will need to research the prices of whatever features you would like to add. You will be graded using a rubric based on your dimensions and budget for each room.

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The Task

Your job is to design and budget for your dream home. Your home must include at least one bathroom, one bedroom, and a kitchen. Otherwise, the design, type, and number of rooms you create is up to you! The only limitation to your imagination is that you must be able to research a price for each item that you put in your home to be included on your final budget sheet.

Your project will include:

• An online floorplan using

• An item pricelist including the source where you found the price of each item.

• An area and perimeter page detailing the area and perimeter of each room.

• A Room-By-Room Budget sheet for each room

• A Final Budget Sheet for the TOTAL cost of your home.

Remember, you can build anything you want, but know that you will need to research the prices of whatever features you would like to add. You will be graded using a rubric based on your dimensions, calculations, and budget for each room, and for your entire house.

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The Process

To accomplish this task, you should complete the process below.

1. Look at some example designs from blueprints or on websites such as to get a feel for dimensions of rooms in houses. For example, all doors should be standard 3-feet wide, etc.

2. Use graph paper to create a rough draft of your dream house. You can print your own graph paper by using the website: .

3. Once your rough draft is completed, go to and create a login. It is FREE, but you do need a login to save your work.

4. While on , use the outline features to create the outlines of your room including doors and windows. Make sure the dimensions of your rooms are dimensions that could actually be created (for example, do not accidentally create a 2-square-foot bathroom).

5. Use the features provided on to add furniture and appliances to each room.

6. Print out your house design and use it to complete your area and perimeter worksheet, giving the length, width, area, and perimeter of each room. Remember to include your units!

7. Then begins your room-by-room research. For each room in your house, you must include some type of flooring, wall-covering (paint, wallpaper, etc.), as well as a list and price estimate for each item in your home (furniture, appliances, etc.). To find these prices, you will use retail websites from the list provided below (such as Lowe’s, Home Depot, Target, etc.).

8. As you research, add each item to your item pricelist, remembering to list the website where you found that price. This will help you when you need more than one of each item—for example, when you need more than one bath tub, you will have the price of one on your sheet and will thus not need to research its price again.

9. Fill out a Room-By-Room budget sheet for EACH room in your house (including bathrooms!). Remember to put the FINAL price of that room at the bottom of each sheet. You will use this total in your final budget page.

10. When you have finished researching and creating a room-by-room budget for EACH room in your house, use a Final Budget Sheet to total the cost of each room. This will give you an approximate budget for building your entire dream house!

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Links to View Previously-Created Blueprints for Design Ideas:

1. This website allows you to select the number of bedrooms, floors, bathrooms, etc. and to view different floor plans for your needs.

2. This website also allows you to plug in requests, as well as dimensions of the house.

3. This website gives you general dimensions of different features that you might want to include in a room, such as countertops, to help you plan out the dimensions of each room.

Links to Online Retail Stores for Pricing

1. Great resource for prices of appliances, flooring, and wall coverings.

2. Another great resource for pricing of anything hardware related.

3. Great resource for inexpensive furniture, accessories, and miscellaneous goods.

4. Great resource for inexpensive furniture, accessories, and miscellaneous goods.

5. Great website featuring bedroom, dining room, and living room furniture.

6. Great website for furniture and home décor accessories.

7. Great site for any courts/sporting arenas you want to add to your house—basketball, football, etc. Indoor or outdoor.

8. Great site for pricing the cost of different types of pools.

9. Lighting for any room in your home can be found here!

10. Hardwood flooring styles and selections.

**NOTE: Flooring must be a price per square foot!

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Your project will be evaluated using the rubric below.

|  |Beginning |Developing |Accomplished |Exemplary |Score |

| |1 |2 |3 |4 | |

|  |Many rooms and/or |Some rooms are missing and there |All rooms are |All rooms have area and |  |

|Area & Perimeter |measurements are |are some mistakes in calculations |accounted for, but |perimeter calculated | |

|Page |unaccounted for or |of area and perimeter. |there are some |correctly with units. | |

|  |missing information. | |mistakes in | | |

| | | |calculations of area | | |

| | | |and perimeter. | | |

|  |More than 2 |One or more room-by-room budget |All room-by-room |All room-by-room budget |  |

|Room-By-Room Budget|room-by-room budget |sheets are missing or incomplete. |budget sheets are |sheets are completed and are| |

|Sheets |sheets are missing or | |included, but there |free from errors. | |

|  |incomplete. | |are some major | | |

|  | | |errors. | | |

|  |Final budget sheet is |Final budget sheet is incomplete. |Final budget sheet |Final budget sheet includes |  |

|Final Budget Sheet |missing. | |includes all rooms |all rooms and is free from | |

| | | |but has some errors. |errors. | |

|  | | | | | |

|  | | | | | |

|  |House design has major | |House design is |House design is complete, |  |

|House Design |flaws and/or is missing|House design is complete but has |complete but very |neat, organized, and easy to| |

|  |one of the 3 required |some flaws with dimensions. |disorganized. |read. | |

| |elements: bathroom, |. | | | |

| |bedroom, and kitchen. | | | | |

| | | | | |  |



This task should give you an idea of how much it costs to build your own house, and what life as a designer and architect is all about. It also should give you lots of practice with area and perimeter, as well as with calculating prices. On this project, your imagination was the only limit, but in reality, most designers have a budget. What items would you leave out? What luxuries would you include or remove from your design? What are some more inexpensive options?


Credits & References

(Blueprint Image)

(free printable graph paper)


Last updated on October 7, 2010. Based on a template from The WebQuest Page

Name: _____________________________________ AREA & PERIMETER WORKSHEET

For each of the rooms in your dream house, list their dimensions (sizes). Don’t forget to include the correct units!!

|Rooms |Width |Length |Perimeter |Area |

|1. | | | | |

|2. | | | | |

|3. | | | | |

|4. | | | | |

|5. | | | | |

|6. | | | | |

|7. | | | | |

|8. | | | | |

|9. | | | | |

|10. | | | | |

|11. | | | | |

|12. | | | | |

Name: _______________________________________ PRICE LIST WORKSHEET

|Item |Price per Quantity |Website/Resource |

|(What is it? Recliner, lamp, dishwasher, etc.) |(For example, flooring will be the cost per square|(Where did you find this price?) |

| |foot) | |

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Name: _______________________________ ROOM-BY-ROOM BUDGET WORKSHEET

Directions: For each room in your dream house, determine how much it will cost to furnish it the way you would like. EACH ROOM should have one of these worksheets.

Room: _______________________________

|Characteristics of room |Item Price |Quantity |Total Cost: |

|(floor type, paint or wall | | |(Price x Quantity = Total Cost) |

|paper, window treatments, | | | |

|appliances, furniture, etc.) | | | |

| | | | |

|Flooring | | | |

| | | | |

|Wall Covering | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

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Name: ________________________ DREAM HOUSE FINAL BUDGET SHEET

|Room: |Total Cost to Furnish It: |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Total Cost for Entire House: | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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