Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.Harford County Alumnae ChapterP.O. Box 315Aberdeen, MD 21001info@dst- POLICIES AND PROCEDURESChapter #636, serving Harford and Cecil CountiesApproved by: Dated: June 2017 A chapter vote is required to change these Policies and Procedures, and any changes to National policy will supersede the affected sections in these Policies and Procedures POLICIES AND PROCEDURESARTICLE I: CHAPTER OFFICERS AND RESPONSIBILITIES Section A: Terms of OfficeThe term of office for officers of the Chapter shall be two (2) years. No member may hold more than one (1) elected office at one time. No member may serve more than two (2) consecutive terms in the same office/position. The Chair and members of the Nominating Committee may only serve one (1) term and shall not be a candidate for any elected Chapter office while serving on the Nominating committee.* The Chair and members of the Nominating Committee must resign prior to the call for nominations to be eligible to run for a Chapter office or position.**Any member filling more than one-half (?) of a term shall be considered to have served a full term in that office.Section B: Filling VacanciesChapter Officers:When a vacancy occurs in the office of President, the First Vice President shall become President to complete the unexpired termOther Positions:When vacancies occur in other offices or committees they shall be appointed by the President within thirty (30) days.The President can only appoint chapter members to elected offices or positions when (1) the office or position is vacant due to a member not being elected during the chapter elections: or (2) because of an unexpected vacancy. In both scenarios, the office or position would be filled per HCAC’s policies and procedures. Only chapter members who meet eligibility requirements for elected offices or position can be appointed to fill vacancies.In the event the chapter President cannot fill the vacant office or position due to chapter member(s) not meeting eligibility requirements, or when no member is willing to serve, she shall contact the Regional Director and request special dispensation to make an appointment.Minerva Circle:When a vacancy occurs on the Minerva Circle, the vacancy will be filled by Presidential appointment from a pool of eligible members;Section C: Removal From OfficeThe formal process used to charge, conduct hearings and remove elected chapter officers from office for misconduct while in office;The impeachment process shall be carried out in accordance with the National Scholarship and Standards Committee’s revision to the Chapter Management Handbook, (Section 1700 – Member/Chapter Discipline) Procedure for impeachment of and Elected Chapter Officer, dated 04-25-2011;Appointed chapter officers are removed by the Chapter President, not by impeachment;Any officer who has been impeached shall be ineligible for election to any other chapter office;Section D: Elected and Appointed LeadersElected Officers: President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, Financial Secretary;Other elected positions as required: Audit Chair, Nominating Chair, Nominating Committee Members, Leader of Minerva Circle, Jewels, Convener of the Odyssey Experience, and Keeper of Muses and Graces;Appointed Leaders: Parliamentarian, Sergeant at Arms, Custodian, Chaplain, and Chairs of all standing, special, and ad-hoc committees;Section E: PresidentPresides over the Chapter, Executive Board, Executive Committee, and Call/Special meetings; Leads the ritualistic ceremonies;Ensures that the Chapter complies with the Constitution and Bylaws, the Chapter’s Rules of Order, Policies and Procedures, and any other special orders set forth by Grand Chapter;Reads and is familiar with the Fiscal Officers Manual and Chapter’s Financial Policies and Procedures;Serves as the official spokesperson for the Chapter;Appoints the Chairpersons of all committees except the Nominating and Audit Committees and the Minerva Circle;Appoints an officer to fill a vacancy; Reviews and approves, in advance, all Chapter communications and commitments;Responsible for the management and collection of revenue;Reviews all bank statements and fiscal officers reports monthly using the guide as outlined in the Fiscal Officers Manual;Ensures she and fiscal officers attend financial workshops at least once a year;Ensures the Annual Financial Report/Federal Group Authorization Return is completed;Ensure that internal/external audits are completedCompletes the Acceptance of Fiduciary Responsibility FormEnsures all fiscal officers are bonded and provide separate written reports;Signs all contracts, co-signs checks presented with an authorized voucher (except her own), and initials all deposit slips that contain cash;Is accountable to the chapter for the expenditure of funds, approves expenditure of funds, and ensures that all checks have two signatures;Under no circumstances should the President pre-sign checksDevelops a Presidential theme and calendar of public service programs and activities;Submits names of appointees or Chairs of special committees to the Executive Board for notification only;Recommends to the Executive Committee the removal of any elected officer, appointed officer, or Chair who fails to perform the duties of her office or committee; Retrieves and opens Chapter’s mail for distribution, forwards general correspondence to the Corresponding Secretary, and activates the email and/or telephone tree as needed;Serves as a member of the Minerva Circle; Represents the Chapter on all occasions unless a special representative has been designated;Notes opportunities for Delta participation in community activities and presents to the Chapter suggestions for Delta leadership in the community;Serves as the liaison or appoints Chapter representatives to support other organizations such as Maryland Council of Deltas Serves as a member of the Finance and the Program Planning Committees;Serves as an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating, Internal Audit, and Elections (when she is a candidate) Committees;Appoints the Chapter’s Sergeant-at-Arms, Parliamentarian, Custodian, and Chaplain;Appoints Assistant Sergeants-at-Arms, as needed;Appoints members for Elections committee;Serves as the Chapter’s Voting Delegate at the National Convention and Regional Conference and provides the Chapter with a written report to be presented at the first meeting of the sorority year;Notifies members of returned check(s) along with the Treasurer; Coordinates the notification of the members for Regular, Executive Board, and Special call meetings;Approves all correspondence sent to the public on behalf of the Chapter, including articles and publications; Assists in the coordination of the Chapter’s Annual Retreat coordinated by Membership Services; Maintains a file of correspondence to and from Grand Chapter;Coordinates the transition meeting and ensures that the outgoing and incoming fiscal officers conduct an effective transition;Submits the report of deceased sorors to the National Headquarters on or before the designated date prior to National Convention or Regional Conference andOther duties as determined by Grand Chapter, Constitution and Bylaws, Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised, Fiscal Officers Manual, and/or the Chapter Management Handbook.Section C: First Vice PresidentPerforms the duties of the President in her absence or at her request, except for serving as a member of the Minerva Circle or fiscal duties;Member of the Social Action, Heritage and Archives, and Hospitalities and Courtesies CommitteesServes as Chair of the Scholarship Committee;Serves as Chair of the Policies and Procedures Committee;Assists with the development and implementation of Reclamation;Provides a process for Chapter members and committees to submit proposed changes to the Policies and Procedures;Prepares the Chapter’s recommended response to be submitted to the National Constitution and Bylaws Committee in preparation for Regional and National Convention;Reviews the Chapter's Rules of Order and Policies and Procedures to ensure compliance after each National Convention;Serves as the Alternate Voting Delegate at the National Convention and the Regional Conference and provides the Chapter with a written report to be presented at the first meeting of the sorority year; Assists with the development and implementation of the Chapter’s Annual Retreat;Attends the transition meeting; andPerforms other duties assigned in the HCAC Policies and Procedures or by the President.Section D: Second Vice PresidentIn the absence or at the request of the First Vice President and President, performs the duties of the President, except for serving as a member of the Minerva Circle or fiscal duties; Serves as Chair of the Program Planning and Development Committee;Maintains the list of all committees and their members;Member of the Budget (Finance) Committee;Assists with the development and implementation of the Chapter’s Annual Retreat;Plans the Chapter Program and Planning Meeting;Coordinates with Membership Services to plan the Chapter's Rededication Ceremony;Attends the transition meeting; andPerforms other duties as assigned in the HCAC Policies and Procedures or by the President.Section E: Recording Secretary Records accurate minutes and proceedings of all Chapter, Executive Committee, Executive Board, and Call/Special meetings for distribution;Maintains record books, including: Rules of Order/Parliamentary Procedures, Policies and Procedures, records of Chapter attendance, and minutes for the meetings with all books available at every meeting;Keeps an accurate record of attendance at all meetings;With the approval of the President, ensures that the meeting minutes and reports are uploaded to the Chapter’s Members Only section of the Chapter website no later than three (3) business days prior to the upcoming Chapter meeting;The Recording Secretary, or her designee, must provide all meeting minutes to the President within five (5) business days of the meeting;Assists the President in compiling special and periodic reports;Receives and maintains all written reports from committee Chairs;Provides Executive Board meeting minutes to the Board members via the Chapter’s Members Only section of the Chapter website;Signs all recorded Chapter, Executive Board, and/or Call/Special meeting minutes and provides copies of all minutes to the Heritage and Archives Committee;Completes June Chapter meeting minutes within seven (7) to ten (10) business days after the conclusion of the meeting and provides the document to the President, First President, and Second Vice President for review and approval. A copy will be provided to Chapter members by the first Chapter meeting of the new sorority year via the Chapter’s Members Only section of the Chapter website; Upon approval of the June meeting minutes, binds all documents, including: Executive Board meeting minutes, Chapter meeting minutes, all committee reports presented at each Chapter meeting, and attendance rosters. This should occur prior to the official handoff to the incoming Recording Secretary; Serves as the Corresponding Secretary in her absence;Attends the transition meeting; andPerforms other duties as assigned in the HCAC Policies and Procedures or by the President. Section F: Corresponding SecretaryAt the President’s request, notifies members of Chapter, Executive Board and/or Call Meetings, at least ten (10) days prior, via U.S. mail and/or electronic mail;Prepares correspondences for review, edits, and presents to the President for approval and signature;Retrieves the mail from the Chapter post office box in advance of Chapter and executive board meetings or at the President’s request;Maintains copies of all correspondences for Chapter files;Maintains a roster of all members of HCAC;Serves as a member of the Membership Services and Technology Committees;Provides information to the membership, via electronic and/or U.S. mail, as directed by the President;Performs the duties of the Recording Secretary in her absence;Attends the transition meeting; and(10) Performs other duties as assigned in the HCAC Policies and Procedures or by the President. Section G: Financial SecretaryRecords all monies received by the Chapter;Keeps an accurate record of all receipts, showing their source and purpose;Provides receipts to Chapter members for all received funds at chapter meetings; Receives funds from the membership for financial obligations, such as dues and fundraising revenue, at Executive Board and Chapter meetings, and Chapter-designated collection meetings only;Maintains a current roster of all financial members;Remits all funds received to the Treasurer to ensure the two (2) business days’ deposit is met, and receives a receipt from the Treasurer for funds received;Assists the Treasurer in compiling financial reports for Grand Chapter and Internal Audit Committee;Co-signs checks on rare occasions (only in the absence of the Chapter President or Treasurer or when checks are issued to another fiscal officer);Serves as a member of the Budget (Finance) Committee and the Minerva Circle;Provides the President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Treasurer, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, and the Sergeant-at-Arms an accurate list of members monthly to be used as a sign-in sheet at chapter meetings, highlighting any changes from the previous month;Transfers all books to the Audit Committee to perform quarterly audits by the 15th day following the end of each quarter;Transfers all books to the Audit Committee to perform the annual audit by the 15th day following the end of the sorority year;Provides Chapter members with a detailed, written summary of receipts at each Executive Board and Chapter meeting;Attends financial training workshops (Fiscal Officers Manual);Attends the transition meeting; Completes the Acceptance of Fiduciary Responsibility Form; Reads and is familiar with the Fiscal Officers Manual and Chapter’s Financial Policies and Procedures; andPerforms other duties as assigned in the HCAC Policies and Procedures or by the President.Section H: TreasurerDeposits all monies received by the Financial Secretary within two (2) business days of receipt and reconciles deposits with the Financial Secretary;Upon receiving the authorized voucher, disburses funds allocated for the current sorority year and maintains a file of such requests;Co-signs checks, except for checks payable to her, and ensures all checks have two (2) signatures;Monitors expenditures of the chapter budgetSubmits a report of:Chapter’s financial condition at each Chapter meeting; The monthly reconciled bank statements; The Chapter’s full-year reconciled budget at the June Chapter meeting; andAn Annual Financial Report and Federal Income Tax Group Return Authorization Form (IRS form 990) by August 31 of each year (Constitution and Bylaws Article X – Dues and Fees, Section 5, Annual Financial Report and Federal Income Tax Group Return Authorization Form).Compiles financial reports for Grand Chapter;Submits Grand Chapter funds within thirty (30) days of receipt (Fiscal Officers Manual and Chapter Management Handbook);Serves as Chair of the Budget (Finance) Committee;Transfers all books to the Audit Committee to perform quarterly audits by the 15th day following the end of each quarter;Transfers all books to the Audit Committee to perform the annual audit by the 15th day following the end of the sorority year;Maintains copies of the check logs;Requests budgets from Committee Chairs at least ten (10) days in advance of the annual budget meeting to allow for:The preparation of the budget for the next fiscal year; and The preparation for the Chapter approval (vote) of the budget at the May Chapter meeting;Serves on the Program Planning and Development Committee;Attends financial training workshops (Fiscal Officers Manual);Maintains a monthly list of returned checks and shares this detail with the respective committee chair(s), as needed Follows fiscal procedures in accordance with the Fiscal Officers Manual; Attends the transition meeting; Completes the Acceptance of Fiduciary Responsibility Form; Reads and is familiar with the Fiscal Officers Manual and Chapter’s Financial Policies and Procedures; and(18) Performs other duties as assigned in the HCAC Policies and Procedures or by the President. Section I: ParliamentarianAdvises the President, other Officers, committees, and members on matters of Parliamentary Procedures (per Grand Chapter’s Constitution and Bylaws, the HCAC’s Policies and Procedures, and Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised);Calls the attention of the President to any error in the proceedings that may affect the substantive rights of any member or may otherwise do harm;Sits next to the President for convenient consultation; andPerforms other duties as assigned in the HCAC Policies and Procedures or by the President.Section J: Sergeant-at-ArmsAssists the Chapter President with maintaining order so that meetings and other designated Chapter activities may proceed in an atmosphere conducive to efficiency and productivity;Submits the attendance reports to the Recording Secretary for the roll call and the determination of a quorum; Verifies sorority membership;Ensures that only duly-initiated members of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. can participate in closed activities of the Chapter; Ensures all visiting sorors provide proof of membership at the first meeting they attend by reviewing membership card or by having a Chapter member attest to the veracity of visitors’ initiation or past activities with Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.; Takes the count of each vote at meetings and monitors the presence of a quorum throughout the meeting; Performs other duties as assigned in the HCAC Policies and Procedures or by the President. Section K: CustodianKeeps a monthly inventory of all Chapter properties and submits a written annual inventory report to the Chapter President with a copy to the Recording Secretary by June 30; Submits request to the Executive Board for the replenishment of properties as needed; Arranges the preparation of the presiding table for Chapter meetings and other ritualistic ceremonies; Assumes the responsibility for transporting and securing properties used for ritualistic services and other special activities; Checks equipment regularly for proper operation and maintains a safe and central repository for the Chapter’s properties; andPerforms other duties as assigned in the HCAC Policies and Procedures or by the President. Section L: ChaplainSets the spiritual tone for all meetings;Keeps an accurate record of deceased sorors and submits the same to the President for transmission to the National Headquarters for the Regional Conference or National Convention; Serves as the Spiritual Advisor to the Chapter by rendering services when requested; Serves as a member of the Membership Services Committee; andPerforms other duties as assigned in the HCAC Policies and Procedures or by the President. ARTICLE II: EXECUTIVE BOARD Section A: Members of the Executive BoardElected Officers and the Immediate Past President;All Chairs of Standing, Elected, Appointed and Special Committees; andChaplain, Sergeant-at-Arms, and Parliamentarian. Section B: Duties of the Executive BoardMeets at the call of the Chapter President; Conducts the business of and acts on behalf of the Chapter in the period between meetings, acting on discretionary matters, emergencies, and unscheduled Chapter business, such emergency actions to be ratified by the Chapter;Receives, reviews, and evaluates committee actions;Facilitates action on the Chapter’s policies and administrative matters in the interim of the Chapter meetings, to be ratified by the Chapter; Recommends changes for the time, date, and place of Chapter meetings for Chapter vote; Takes no action that conflicts with an action previously approved by the membership; Shall meet monthly on the 1st Thursday at 7:00pm; andShall not obligate the Chapter to any activity without Chapter approval.ARTICLE III: RESPONSIBILITIES AND MEMBERS OF COMMITTEES Section A: Committee Reports Committee Chairs must submit recommendations (e.g., action items and/or new business) in written format using the committee report template to the Executive Board prior to presentation to the membership. (See Appendix A: Committee Report Template). The Committee Activity/Event Checklist shall be used as a guide for all committee activity (See Appendix C: Committee Activity/Event Checklist). Using the Event Demographics Tool (Appendix D), each committee chair shall compile a written summary of each program and/or activity for submission for regional and other awards within fifteen (15) calendar days (if applicable)Types of CommitteesStanding Committees: Art and Letters, Audit, Budget and Finance, Delta Academy, Delta GEMS, EMBODI, Emergency Response Team, Financial Fortitude, Fundraising, Healthy Lifestyles, Heritage and Archives, Hospitalities and Courtesies, International Awareness and Involvement, Membership Services, Nominating, Policies and Procedures, Program Planning and Development, Protocols and Traditions, Public Relations, Scholarships, Social Action, Risk Management, Rituals and Ceremonies, and TechnologySpecial Committees: Elections, Regional Day of Service, Minerva Circle, Founders Day;Ad-Hoc Committees: One-time only committees, appointed for special assignments;Section B: Arts and Letters The Chair of this committee shall be appointed by the President; Fosters Chapter interest in cultural events; andEncourages and involves the membership in the arts and humanities. Section C: Audit(1) . The Audit Chairperson is elected by the Chapter and the two to four members are appointed by the President. The members shall not be the current financial officers or serve on the Budget and Finance Committee, but shall have some knowledge of the chapter fiscal operations and general accounting procedures (i.e., past financial officers and members with an accounting or financial background). Immediate past fiscal officers may serve as either chair or member if they avoid reviewing transactions which they may have been party to.(2) The Audit Committee shall: ???????????? The Internal Audit Committee shall conduct an internal audit of the chapter financial records on a quarterly basis and complete the Annual IAR-1 form by the required due date.? Duties of the ChairpersonThe chairperson shall secure a location for the meeting and contact members to attend.The chairperson shall collect the required financial records from the financial officers in accordance with the schedule recommended by the National Internal Audit Committee. The financial records should be returned to the fiscal officers before the next scheduled Executive Board meeting. A draft of the audit report should be discussed with the fiscal officers before the Audit report is finalized. The chairperson shall make a report to the chapter of the audit findings and recommendations for improvements, if any. The Summary Audit report is to be read at the Executive Board meeting before it is read at the Chapter meeting in the following months: November February May September The Detailed Audit report is to be given to the Recording Secretary and made available for review at the Executive Board and Chapter meetings. The chairperson of the audit committee will submit the quarterly Internal Audit Report on-line in the Red Zone by the following dates:1st quarter - December 1 2nd quarter - March 1 3rd quarter - June 1 4th quarter - August 1 The chairperson shall secure the books for the committee’s audit of the 4th quarter transactions by?July 15?and upon completion of the audit return the books to the Treasurer. If the services of a CPA are required, the Treasurer will then provide the books to the CPA for the external Review or Audit.The chapter president will review and sign the submissions in the Red Zone prior to the above-stated due dates.The treasurer shall obtain the following items from the CPA by?August 15:CPA report or opinion letter on the CPA’s letterhead, including CPA signature and license numberCPA prepared financial statements for the chapter for the year ended June 30th.Any books, records or documents given to the CPA for the Review or Audit.The chairperson will complete the Annual Internal Audit Report (IAR-1) in the Red Zone and upload the documents obtained from the CPA and the Signature Pages (signed by the audit committee members) into the Red Zone by?August 31. The chapter president will then review and sign the submission in the Red Zone to complete the process.The chairperson shall review the CPAs report with the president and financial officers, then the Executive Board and finally the chapter.?Duties of the CommitteeThe committee shall review the chapter’s financial records quarterlyThe committee shall verify the existence of and chapter adherence to the internal controls. The review of the controls consists of, but is not limited to, the following:Verification of receipts for the period;Verification of expenditures for the period;Verification of 100% of member dues;Verification of savings and checkbook balances;Verification that accounts balances has been reconciled;Assurance of the presence of expenditure documentation (receipts, vouchers, invoices, etc.);Assurance of the adherence to budget line items; andAssurance of the adherence to separation of fiduciary responsibilities.Audit PayPal and all other electronic payments and receipts in accordance with mandates set forth in the National Internal Audit ManualThe committee will document and recommend improvements to the internal controls to address any weaknesses.The audit committee shall complete Form IAR-1 audit worksheets as part of the quarterly review process.II.??????? Independent Audit or Review- If based on the total or expected total Gross Receipts, an Audit or Review is required, the committee shall recommend a certified public accountant (CPA) for the chapter approval based on the stipulations below.If this is the first year a CPA’s service is required, the committee shall obtain three bids from Certified Public Accountants.The committee shall recommend a licensed CPA with an active license in good standing The CPA cannot be a member of the Harford County Alumnae Chapter.The liaison for the independent Audit or Review with the CPA shall be the Treasurer.Section D: Budget (Finance) Chaired by the Treasurer and comprised of the following members: Financial Secretary, President, Second Vice-President, Fundraising Chair, and Committee Chair(s). Any member of the current Audit Committee cannot be a member of the Budget (Finance) committee;Considers the financial needs and programs of the Chapter and develops a zero-balanced budget, based upon those needs;Makes recommendations on Chapter dues, fees, financial policies, fiscal responsibilities, investment opportunities, and other means of generating income; andPrepares the operating budget for the ensuing fiscal year to be presented by the Treasurer to the Chapter for approval by May of each Sorority year.Shall meet by February of each year for a mid-year review to evaluate if any modifications are needed during the year;Online payment systems such as PayPal may be used to accept credit and debit card changes for fundraisers and dues, in accordance with the Fiscal Officers Manual.Evaluates and recommends the annual operating and public service budgets to the Executive Board and the Chapter;Recommends any proposed dues increase at the Executive Board meeting and Chapter meeting for a vote;Section E: Delta AcademyThis committee is responsible for coordinating and implementing local Delta Academy related activities, in accordance with National program guidelines. Delta Academy provides an opportunity to work?with girls from the ages of 11 to 14. All program participants should reside in the Chapter’s service area.Section F: Delta GEMSThis committee is responsible for coordinating and implementing local Delta GEMS related programs and activities, in accordance with National program guidelines. Delta GEMS provides an opportunity to work with at-risk girls from the ages of 14 to 18. All program participants should reside in the Chapter’s service area.Section G: ElectionsConsists of three (3) members in addition to the chair, who are appointed by the President, shall be members of the Chapter, and are not running for an office; Prepares and distributes the ballots for election;Re-ballots (runoff election) if necessary; andReports results of all elections.Section H: EMBODIThis committee is responsible for coordinating and implementing local EMBODI- related programs and activities, in accordance with National program guidelines. EMBODI provides an opportunity to work with young African-American males from the ages of 11-17. All program participants should reside in the Chapter’s service area.Section I: Emergency Response TeamThis committee is responsible for providing awareness, structured training, effective and immediate communication, and resources to facilitate and aid in early recovery and long-term support and guidance for members and communities impacted by natural and/or man-made disasters.Section J: Financial FortitudeThis committee is responsible for providing workshops and seminars to the community on such topics as financial planning, money management, consumer education, employment opportunity training, or other issues affecting the local and national communities, in accordance with economic development initiatives put forth by the Grand Chapter. Section K: Founders DayThis special committee is responsible for coordinating and implementing local Founders Day activities to honor and commemorate our Founders. This annual event shall be held between January and March.Section L: FundraisingThis committee is responsible for recommending and coordinating Chapter-approved activities to generate funds to support scholarships and public service endeavors of the Chapter.Secures vendors for fundraising activities; All vendors, including Chapter members/sorors, are subject to specified vendor fees.All vendors selling Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. items must be certified through National Headquarters.Section M: Healthy LifestylesThis committee is responsible for coordinating the Chapter’s physical and mental health programs and initiatives, implementing the programs set forth by Grand Chapter and the Eastern Region.Section N: Heritage and ArchivesThis committee is responsible for documenting and maintaining the Chapter’s history via scrapbooks, files, etc. The committee displays archival materials upon request by Chapter members and follows National Heritage & Archives guidelines. ?Section O: Hospitalities and Courtesies (1) Chair is appointed by the President; and (2) This committee is responsible for providing courtesies to Chapter members in the following circumstances:Birthday of a member: card and acknowledgement at Chapter meeting;Death of a soror: Omega Omega service shall be held upon the consent of the deceased member’s family. Omega Omega floral design shall be purchased at the Chapter’s expense, with expenditures not to exceed $75; With approval of the chapter, additional funds may be taken from the contingency line item if a soror dies after committee’s budget has been exhausted;At the request of the family, the Chapter can coordinate donations to cover the repast.Death of an immediate family member (spouse, child, mother, and father): Sympathy card and $35 donation shall be provided; sorors or designated representative(s) should notify the chapter president by phone, text message, or email. The soror should provide the following information:Relationship to the deceasedName of the deceasedService details to include date, time, and addressSoror's contact information to include address and phone number along with any specific information that should be noted in the eBlast to all members.Death of a sibling: Sympathy card; Hospitalization: Members hospitalized for one (1) calendar week or longer shall receive a love token, with expenditures not to exceed $25; Confined illness: Get well card; andRelocation: Card and HCAC love token, with expenditures not to exceed $25. Section P: International Awareness and InvolvementThis committee is responsible for coordinating the Chapter’s efforts in addressing international issues to support international initiatives established by Grand Chapter and the Eastern Region.Section Q: Membership ServicesThis committee is responsible for developing and promoting continuous programs for the retention and reclamation of sorors;Chaplain must be a member of this committee;Plans and schedules bonding activities, including the Chapter’s Annual Retreat.Section R: The Minerva CircleMembership Intake will be strictly governed by the Constitution and Bylaws of Grand Chapter, the Administrative Procedures for Membership Intake and the Membership Intake Program of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. The Minerva Circle is charged with the responsibility of planning and implementing all phases of the Membership Intake Process (as found in the Membership Intake Program document). The Leader of the Minerva Circle, the Convener of the Odyssey Experience, and the Keeper of the Muses and Graces are the only positions elected by position and in accordance with the Administrative Procedures for Membership Intake. The Nine Jewels of the Minerva Circle shall be elected as a group (the actual Jewel positions are determined later during a Minerva Circle meeting) When a member of the Minerva Circle resigns her position, the vacancy will be filled by Presidential appointment from a pool of eligible members;If a member is on the Minerva Circle and her family member applies for membership to HCAC, the member must refrain from screening that family member’s application packet; andA ten (10) day notification must be given when voting to proceed or not proceed with Membership Intake and candidates for membership into the organization. The vote must pass by two-thirds (2/3) of those members present and voting.Section S: NominatingThe four committee members and Chair shall be elected by a majority vote at the May Chapter meeting as part of the slate of officers for the upcoming sorority biennium; Receives and verifies candidate eligibility in accordance with Chapter Policies & Procedures;Contacts each person nominated to obtain acceptance of the nomination; andPrepares and presents a final slate of eligible candidates to the Executive Board and Chapter members by April Chapter meeting in preparation for May election; Determines the process of campaigning, and maximum amount allowed to spend;The chairs and members of the Chapter’s Nominating Committee must resign prior to the call for nominations to be eligible to run for a chapter office or position. Section T: Policies & ProceduresChaired by the First Vice President;Reviews and recommends amendments to the HCAC Rules of Orders and Policies & Procedures, including those received from the Chapter body;Conducts a review and proposes changes to the Constitution and Bylaws of Grand Chapter prior to each National Convention; andEnsures Chapter members are provided a copy of the changes to the HCAC Rules of Orders and Policies and Procedures thirty (30) days prior to vote.Section U: Program Planning and DevelopmentChaired by the Second Vice President and comprised of all committee Chairs and President;Develops the Chapter’s annual planning calendar by the October Chapter meeting; andSurveys community needs, evaluates findings, and makes recommendations to the Chapter for projects and programs which support Grand Chapter’s Five-Point Programmatic Thrust; in accordance with the Chapter’s resources.The Chapter Program and Planning Meeting must be held no later than March to support the successful development of planning guides for Chapter programs and activities which will be implemented in the next sorority year.Section V: Protocol and TraditionsChair is appointed by the President; Consists of the Standing Committee Members and other interested members;Provides clear and authentic descriptions of the traditions and protocol of the Sorority to the Chapter members;Conveys the established code of protocol and behavior within the organization; andPreserves the forms of ceremony and etiquette observed by the Sorority.Section W: Public RelationsThis committee is responsible for sending information about Chapter programs, activities, and meetings to the local media and other community organizations, with the approval of the President.Develops and/or collects materials (to include awards) to submit for publication to official National and Regional Sorority Publications with approval of the President; andCoordinates efforts with the Chair of the Technology Committee (ICC) and serves as a member of that committee.Section X: Regional Day of ServiceThe committee is responsible for coordinating and implementing local support for a Chapter-wide regional service effort, in accordance with Grand Chapter and the Eastern Region.Section Y: Risk ManagementThe chair is appointed by the President and is the RM Coordinator for the chapter;This committee is responsible for ensuring training is conducted by a certified Risk Management trainer on the policies, procedures, and guidelines of Risk Management to all members and volunteers seeking to work with the Chapter’s youth initiative programs; andConducts screening (interviews and background checks) of volunteers as needed.Section Z: Ritual & CeremoniesThis committee is responsible for ensuring the Chapter follows guidelines provided by Grand Chapter for rituals, ceremonies, protocols, and traditions; and Gives clear and authentic descriptions of the traditions and protocol of the sorority; andServes as experts that can be called upon by the Chapter to assist in the preparation of ritualistic ceremonies.Section AA: ScholarshipThe First Vice President chairs this committee;This committee is responsible for reviewing and updating the Chapter’s scholarship application yearly; Sends out applications to high schools and community organizations in Harford and Cecil Counties no later than October of each year; Notifies the community of the scholarship availability; Reviews the applications of students, interviews applicants, and recommends to the Executive Board and the Chapter, recipients for the Chapter's annual scholarship award(s); Manages the facilitation of funds by verifying the matriculation forms to award scholarship(s) and notifying the Treasurer of all unclaimed scholarship funds by March 1 of each Sorority year; and Section AB: Social Action This committee is responsible for promoting interest in social action, and educating the Chapter and community on local, national, and international issues, and areas of political awareness and involvement; andDevelops and coordinates programs in support of local and national programs and projects, as approved by the Chapter.Section AC: TechnologyThe Chair is appointed by the President;Consists of the Standing Committee Members and other interested members; Manages the electronic information communication system; and (5) Maintains and updates the Chapter’s website in accordance with Grand Chapter.ARTICLE IV: MEETINGS Section A: Meeting DefinitionsExecutive Board and all chapter committees and subcommittees shall be authorized to meet by telephone conference or through other electronic communication media so long as all members can simultaneously hear others and participate during the meeting. All communication may be sent electronically in accordance with the Delta Internet Guidelines;Chapter Meeting refers to the regularly scheduled monthly business meetings of Chapter members and/or invited guests (refer to Admittance to Meeting, Article IV, section B) Executive Board Meeting refers to the regularly scheduled monthly meeting of the Executive Board members to review committee reports, discuss Chapter issues or problems, and plan Chapter business:Executive Board shall meet monthly at a location designated by the President;All Executive Board recommendations shall come to the Chapter for approval; Special or Call Meeting refers to a meeting called by the President that is held at a time different from that of any Chapter or Executive Board meeting to discuss urgent Chapter business. Notification with the stated purpose of the meeting must be given to the membership at least ten (10) days in advance. Only business related to the stated purpose may be transacted; Call meetings shall be held at the discretion of the President or the Regional Director when she determines that a matter requires immediate attention prior to the next regularly scheduled meeting;Call meetings may also be held at the discretion of the Executive Board or at the request of one-third of the Chapter’s members;Notification of the time, place, and exact purpose of the call meeting shall be given to all Chapter members at least ten (10) days prior to the scheduled meeting date; Committee Meeting refers to a meeting called by the committee Chairs to address items assigned to that committee;Adjourned Meeting refers to a continuation of the session immediately preceding a Chapter meeting, if a Chapter, Executive Board, or Special meeting is unable to complete its work. An adjourned meeting can be scheduled for later the same day or some other convenient time prior to the next scheduled meeting; and Transitional Meeting refers to the meeting between outgoing and incoming officers. The transitional meeting for new officers shall be conducted no later than June 30 of the current sorority year and hosted by the outgoing President.Section B: Admittance to Meetings (1) Chapter members should notify the President in advance of visiting sorors;(2) Proof of membership is required (photo I.D. with membership card or President/Chapter member verification) prior to the meeting; The Verification Form should be received at least seven (7) days prior to the Chapter meeting to allow for presidential verification (See Appendix B);Attire for all Chapter meetings shall be business attire; andThe time and attire for Chapter meetings may be changed for special purposes with the consent of a majority of Chapter members present and voting.NOTE: Sorors dressed inappropriately will be denied access to the Sorority meeting.Section C: Order of BusinessAll meetings should be conducted in accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws, Chapter Policy and Procedures, Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, and other Delta governing documents; The chapter’s quorum is 22% of Chapter members and represents the minimum number of members who must be present at the meeting for business to be transacted; All committee reports shall be provided in writing to the Recording Secretary for the official Chapter records and provided to Chapter members;No refreshments (except water as required) shall be consumed during meetings while business is being conducted; andChapter minutes will be taken by the Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, or a designated member in their absence. Upon Chapter approval, copies of the signed monthly minutes and financial statements will be provided to the President.Section D: Handling of a Motion Motions shall be done in accordance with the Chapter Management Handbook and Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised. ARTICLE V: NOMINATIONS, ELECTIONS, AND VOTING Section A: Nomination ProcessNominees must meet all requirements specified in Article V, Section B of this document;All candidates for elected positions must submit a brief biographical sketch no later than March 15 of the election year; andThe biographical sketch shall include: Office soughtChapter of initiationEducationProfessional titleDelta experience (Local, Regional, and National)Community involvementRegional Conferences and National Conventions (registered and attended) All nominations shall take place no later than the April chapter meeting. The slate is presented by the Nominating Committee after which time the Presiding Officer opens the floor for nominations. The nomination of candidates and the presentation of the slate of candidates shall be a confidential process. Nominations may come from the floor, by email, or mail to the Nominating Committee for slating candidates for Chapter offices;Section B: Candidate EligibilityThe candidate must be a member of the Chapter in the current fiscal year in which the election takes place and must continue throughout her term of office (if elected); andCandidates for President and Vice President shall have registered and attended one of the last two (2) National Conventions and one of the last two (2) Regional Conferences prior to nomination.Section C: Election ProceduresThe election of officers/positions will be held in May with the installation in June. Voting for officers, elected committee chairs, and committee members shall be by secret ballot;In the event a special election is required, the Regional Director must be consulted and provide approval for the special election.The election of Officers, elected Committee Chairs and members shall be by a majority vote of all members present and voting. A majority vote is more than half of the votes cast by members entitled to vote, excluding blanks or abstentions at a properly called meeting. NOTE: If a candidate fails to receive a majority of the votes cast for an office(a majority vote is more than half of the votes cast by members entitled to vote, excluding blanks) the two (2) candidates receiving the highest number of votes shall stand in a run-off election, immediately upon receipt of the election committee’s report. (Example 19 X 1/2 = 9 1/2. 10 votes needed for majority)Voting shall be by ballot, machine or electronic voting devices.Election results will be reported by the Elections committee chair after the votes are tallied;The election of officers/positions of the Minerva Circle shall be by majority vote. Chapter members must be given at least a ten (10) day written notification of the election of officers/positions, the vote to proceed or not proceed with membership intake, and voting on the acceptance of candidates for membership into the Sorority. Voting whether to proceed or not proceed with the Membership Intake Process shall be by a two-thirds (2/3) vote. Section E: Voting ProceduresOnly members of HCAC shall be permitted to vote; All Chapter members shall be given written notice of at least ten (10) days for:Election of OfficersAcceptance to MembershipVoting to proceed or not proceed with Membership IntakeAdoption of proposed changes to Policies and Procedures;Ballots shall be used when voting for election of officers, Elected Committee Chairs and members and acceptance of candidates to membership. Voting on all other issues will be by the raising of the “vote card” When there are two or more candidates (and the office remains unfilled after the first ballot), the two candidates who receive the highest number of votes will remain eligible for election. All other candidates will be dropped and are ineligible for election. All subsequent votes cast for ineligible candidates shall be treated as an illegal vote.Write-in candidates are prohibited and provisions for write-in candidates shall not be included on the ballet;Absentee voting is not recognized in Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. ARTICLE VI: FISCAL POLICIES AND PROCEDURES Section A: National and Local DuesThe local and national dues for all members shall be payable January 1 through March 25 of each year. This is to allow adequate time for fees to be processed and forwarded to National Headquarters by the due date of March 31;All dues submitted after March 25 must be received in the form of cash or certified funds and by no later than March 27th to avoid the assessment of a late fee; and Dues received after the specified, final due date will be considered late and will be assessed a late fee. Members who were not financial in the current year must also pay a reinstatement fee if applicable per Grand Chapter. Section B: Fiscal Control(1) All bank statements must be mailed to the Chapter post office box, online bank statements are also acceptable;A member is not a member of the Chapter unless she pays National dues or is a paid-in- full life member and pays local Chapter dues, as well as the per capita fee. Certified checks, personal checks, and money orders are the preferred method of payment for Chapter dues and fees (Fiscal Officers Manual). If a transferring member was a member of an undergraduate Chapter immediately prior to her transfer to HCAC, her Chapter dues will be waived for the first year; HCAC Chapter may not secure or issue credit or debit cards. (Fiscal Officers Manual);All receipts for funds collected shall be made available within thirty (30) business days and provided at Chapter meetings (Fiscal Officers Manual); Advertisements must be paid in full prior to printing of the journal or ads (where applicable); andThe positions of President, Treasurer, and Financial Secretary must be bonded (Fiscal Officers Manual). Section C: Handling of Chapter Funds The Treasurer prepares the explanation of deposit forms and deposit slips. The Financial Secretary shall maintain a copy of the respective receipt book for funds received;The Financial Secretary shall submit funds received to the Treasurer as soon as possible so that the Treasurer can deposit within the two (2) business days allotted after receipt;The Treasurer verifies the deposit and initials the deposit slip. The Treasurer shall deposit all funds within two (2) business days of receipt by the Financial Secretary; The Treasurer shall submit Grand Chapter funds to National Headquarters within thirty (30) days of receipt; and (5) The Treasurer must reconcile the bank statements monthly. Section D: Procedures for Handling Returned ChecksAll checks written by the Chapter will be voided if not presented (cashed) within 120 days from the date of issuance. If the check is lost, the recipient will be responsible for any incurred cost. If the timeframe expires, sorors must submit for a new check; A member who submits a check that is returned for insufficient funds will be notified of the returned check by the Treasurer along with the President by telephone, email, or US mail. The member will have ten (10) days from the date of the notification to contact the Treasurer regarding settlement of the debt;Any person who writes a check that is returned for insufficient funds will be charged the bank’s fee for returned checks;The amount of the check and the bank’s fee must be paid, in the form of cash, certified check, or a money order, before check writing privileges are restored;The Financial Secretary and Treasurer shall maintain a list of all returned checks;If the debt is not paid in full by the end of ten (10) calendar days, a letter will be sent to the member by the Chapter President;If the member does not pay the outstanding debt and the bank fees, the member's name will be given to the Financial Secretary and the Finance Committee. No checks will be accepted from the member until said debt has been cleared. After two (2) returned checks from a member, no checks will be accepted from that member for a three (3) year period from the date of the last returned check; and If a person outside of the Chapter writes a check that is returned for insufficient funds, the remitting member will be contacted and shall assist the Treasurer in obtaining payment for the returned check.Section E: Scholarships(1) Scholarships are issued on a one-time basis;(2) Applicants must complete the application by the specified deadline;(3) Scholarship funds shall be used to cover any costs associated with attending school at a four-year or two-year undergraduate college or university;(4) Before receiving the award, the recipient shall submit the required proof of enrollment form to the Scholarship Committee (mailed to the Sorority’s P.O. Box); and(5) All qualified students, shall be eligible to apply for the HCAC scholarship. Relatives of HCAC members will not be given preferential consideration. Children of HCAC sorors are not eligible if the funds were raised from the public. Members of the scholarship committee who are relatives of scholarship applicants for any given year shall not participate in the review of those respective applications. Notifies scholarship winners about their selection. Section F: Ticket Collection/DistributionA member of the Fundraising Committee shall provide the Financial Secretary (or Assistant Financial Secretary) with a list of: The number of tickets distributed to each member;The dates the tickets were distributed;The number of tickets outstanding;The number of tickets printed;The Financial Secretary must be present at each ticket collection and will provide the Fundraising Committee a list of the number of tickets paid every three (3) days after a ticket collection;A report detailing the revenues and expenses for each fundraising activity shall be submitted to the Treasurer within forty-five (45) days after the conclusion of the activity (Fiscal Officers Manual); (4) For a soror to receive tickets to sell to a Chapter event, she must be a member of the Chapter; andAll financial transactions (collecting funds and writing checks) shall be conducted in Chapter meetings, executive board, or any time or place designated by the President and Fiscal Officers. Section G: VouchersThe Committee Chair shall prepare and submit vouchers authorizing payment of expenditures to ensure expenses have been budgeted;Properly submitted vouchers must include original sales slips, invoices, or receipts as proof of the incurred expenses. Any supporting documentation for advances should be submitted within fourteen (14) days of the vouchers being approved;The President must review and approve vouchers authorizing the payment of expenditures to ensure the expense has been budgeted. The President signs and dates the voucher authorizing the Treasurer to write the check for the expenditure;The voucher and signed check is then given to the President for review and signature. All checks require two signatures;At no time, may the President, Treasurer, or Financial Secretary authorize (sign) a check where she is also the payee (Fiscal Officers Manual);The Treasurer may request estimates from different vendors for any expenses that are not adequately supported.ARTICLE IX: CHAPTER PROPERTIES AND RECORDS All essential properties that are ritualistic, financial, and/or parliamentarian shall be available at all Chapter meetings; and The Harford County Alumnae Chapter will adhere to the guidelines of the Sorority’s Record Retention and Destruction Policy with acknowledgement that no records are to be destroyed when the Sorority is in litigation.Record Retention and Destruction This policy is intended to provide guidance regarding the retention and destruction of records. This policy covers records incurred in the daily transaction of business, the documenting of events and history and all other records not governed by other Delta doctrine, such as Membership Intake related documents.Records should always be stored in a secure location in cabinets, containers or other air tight storage spaces that will preserve the quality of the records. Records containing confidential information, such as member records, financial data, and credit card information for example should be kept under lock and key or in a restricted area with limited access.Paper records should be scanned and converted to electronic records, whenever possible. Electronic records require less storage space and are readily accessible. Electronic records should be backed up to external drives (unless otherwise specified) to ensure a minimal loss of data in the event of hard drive failure, theft or other loss of the original data. The recommended back-up timing is provided in the Record/Destruction Schedule found on the next page.The retention timeframe will depend on the record type. Records designated as permanent should not be destroyed. The timeframes will be re-evaluated yearly to determine if adjustments need to be made based on the format and need for each record type. The table below provides guidance on the retention timeframe, storage medium and destruction method.Destruction of Records*Records which are not designated as permanent should be destroyed based on the method appropriate for the record medium.Types of Records (Paper/Electronic) Retention Timeframe Medium Convert to Electronic Record Back-up of Electronic Records Destruction Method Financial Records (receipt logs, 990's, receipt books, check registers)*Bank Reconciliations 5 years Paper/Electronic Monthly Weekly Shred/Erase *Bank Statements 5 years Paper/Electronic Monthly Weekly Shred/Erase *Checks 5 years Paper Monthly Weekly Shred *Check Registers 5 years Paper Monthly Weekly Shred *Expense Purchases 5 years Paper Monthly Weekly Shred *Form 990 5 years Paper/Electronic Monthly Weekly Shred/Erase *IAR-1 Form 5 years Electronic Quarterly Quarterly Erase *Receipt Logs 5 years Paper/Electronic Monthly Weekly Shred/Erase *Receipt Books 5 years Paper When book completed Monthly Shred *Vouchers 5 years Paper/Electronic Monthly Weekly Shred/Erase *Year-end Financial Statements 7 years Paper/Electronic End of Year Yearly Shred/Erase Audit Reports 7 years Paper/Electronic Quarterly Quarterly Shred/Erase Audit Work Papers 7 years Paper/Electronic Quarterly Quarterly Shred/Erase Meeting minutes Permanent Paper/Electronic Monthly Weekly N/A Member records 5 years Paper/Electronic Monthly Weekly Shred/Erase Contracts and legal documents 4 years after expiration Paper/Electronic Upon Receipt Weekly Shred/Erase Membership Intake Documents: Chapter 6 months after Initiation Paper N/A N/A Shred Training/Guidance Material*** 4 Years Paper/Electronic Monthly Quarterly Shred/Erase Original Application for Membership*** 4 Yrs, If Accepted Paper Monthly Quarterly Shred/Erase Original Application for Membership*** 2 Yrs, If Rejected Paper Monthly Quarterly Shred/Erase Correspondence*** 4 Years Paper/Electronic Quarterly Quarterly Shred/Erase Complaints*** 2 Years Paper/Electronic Quarterly Quarterly Shred/Erase Court Orders and Settlements*** Permanent Paper/Electronic Monthly Monthly N/A Scholarship information 5 years Paper Yearly Yearly Shred Chapter Rules of Order Until newly revised & approved Paper/Electronic When approved by S&S Yearly Shred/Erase Chapter Policies & Procedures Until newly revised & approved Paper/Electronic When approved by S&S Yearly Shred/Erase Charter Records Permanent Electronic Upon approval Yearly N/A Correspondence (actionable)** 3 years Paper Monthly Monthly Shred/Erase Correspondence (informational) 3 years Paper N/A N/A Shred Chapter Histories Permanent Paper N/A Monthly N/A Event Programs 5 years Paper After each event Monthly Shred Photographs Permanent Paper/Electronic After each event Monthly N/A ARTICLE X: REGIONAL AND NATIONAL MEETINGS The President shall be the voting delegate and the First Vice President shall be the alternate at the National Convention and Regional Conference. In the event the President is unable to attend either the National Convention or the Regional Conference, the First Vice President shall be the voting delegate, and the Second Vice President shall be the alternate delegate. If the aforementioned officers are unable to attend, the voting and alternate delegates will be elected from the Executive Board by a majority vote of the Chapter membership in a Chapter meeting or special call meeting before the mandatory meeting; The Chapter will pay all authorized expenses for the voting and alternate delegate to attend National Convention and/or Regional Conference as required by National Headquarters, which shall be limited to registration fees, subscription ticket to Social Action Luncheon, transportation via the most cost effective and reasonable means possible, applicable mileage (in accordance with current government rates), tolls, airport parking (for the duration of the specified meeting; not to exceed $12 per day), a $40 meal per diem, and 50% of lodging expenses for each of the voting and alternate delegate. All expenditures must be accounted for as outlined in financial operations, disbursements, and receipts sections. Expenditures must be accompanied by receipts as with any other disbursement and submitted within thirty (30) days of return of the trip to receive reimbursement; The Chapter will pay authorized expenses for the Social Action Chair or presidential appointee (if she cannot attend) to attend Delta Days in the Nation’s Capital which shall be limited to registration fees, applicable mileage (in accordance with current government rates), tolls, hotel parking, a $40 meal per diem, and lodging expenses up to the approved budgeted line item. Expenditures must be accompanied by receipts as with any other disbursement and submitted within thirty (30) days of return of the trip to receive reimbursement; The Chapter will pay authorized expenses for the Social Action Chair or presidential appointee (if she cannot attend) to attend Delta Days in Annapolis which shall be limited to registration fees, applicable mileage (in accordance with the current government rates), tolls, and parking up to the approved budgeted line item. Expenditures must be accompanied by receipts as with any other disbursement and submitted within thirty (30) days of return of the trip to receive reimbursement; Expenses to send the President (or her designee) to any other regional or national Delta meeting (such as Cluster Meetings, Summits, etc.) must be approved by the chapter first. ARTICLE VII: PARLIAMENTARY AUTHORITYAll matters not covered by the Constitution and Bylaws and other governing documents of the Sorority shall be governed by the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised.ARTICLE VII: AMENDING THE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES These Policies and Procedures may be amended by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Chapter members present and voting;Chapter members may submit proposals for changing these Policies and Procedures to the Chair of the Policies and Procedures Committee any time during the regular operating year of the Chapter;Chapter members shall be provided the opportunity to review proposed revisions at least thirty (30) calendar days prior to the meeting in which the vote is scheduled;Chapter members shall be given at least ten (10) calendar days’ notice for amending the Rules of Order; andThe amended document must be submitted to the Regional Member of the National Scholarship and Standards Committee and approval received prior to the implementation of any amendments. A copy of the Chapter’s Policies and Procedures, after approval by National Scholarship and Standards Committee by, shall be made available to each member within sixty (60) calendar days.Appendix ACommittee Report TemplateHCAC – Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.INSERT COMMITTEE NAMECommittee ReportINSERT MEETING DATE Called to Order: INSERT TIMELocation: INSERT LOCATIONAttendees: INSERT NAMES Old Business INSERT MAJOR DISCUSSION POINTS & COMMITTEE PROPOSALS New Business INSERT MAJOR DISCUSSION POINTS & COMMITTEE PROPOSALS Program Status and/or Sub-Committee Reports INSERT MAJOR DISCUSSION POINTS & COMMITTEE PROPOSALS Budget (Finance) INSERT PROPOSED BUDGET, UPDATES TO BUDGET AND/OR FINANCIAL REPORT FOR ACTIVITIES Unfinished Business INSERT MAJOR DISCUSSION POINTS & COMMITTEE PROPOSALS Summary of Actions/Recommendations INSERT ALL RECOMMENDATIONS/ACTIONS TO BE PRESENTED TO THE EXECUTIVE BOARD AND CHAPTER AdjournmentINSERT NEXT COMMITTEE MEETING DATE, TIME, LOCATION AND TIME OF ADJOURNMENT Respectfully Submitted by:Soror INSERT COMMITTEE CHAIR NAMEChair, INSERT COMMITTEEAppendix B: Membership Verification FormAppendix C: Committee Activity/Event ChecklistAppendix D: Event Demographics ToolDelta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Harford County Alumnae ChapterEvent Demographics ToolNote the goal/purpose of the program or eventNote the outcome of the program or eventList the number of HCAC participants present for the eventList the number of committee members present for the eventList the total number of participants present for the event (include all participants)List the total number of Greek organizations present for the event (with each organization’s name)List the total number of other organizations present for the event (with each organization’s name)Respectfully Submitted By: Date: ................

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