The stranger book netflix harlan coben


The stranger book netflix harlan coben

2020 ? 8 episode British crime drama. Adam Price seems to be living the perfect life -- two great sons, a watertight marriage -- until a stranger approaches him at a bar and reveals a shocking secret about Price's wife Corinne. Stars: Richard Armitage, Siobhan Finneran, Hannah John-Kamen, Jennifer Saunders and Stephen Rea Netflix Info. Netflix, the undisputed kings of binge-able TV, gave viewers a brand new show to obsess over at the start of 2020 with the release of eight-part series The Stranger.The psychological thriller tells the story of Adam Price (Richard Armitage) whose orderly family life is thrown into disarray when an unknown woman (Hannah John-Kamen) tells him a secret about his wife and children.We don't know who she is or what she wants, and the further Adam takes the path The Stranger has set him on, the darker things get.Adapted from Harlan Coben's 2015 novel of the same name, the Netflix series makes a few key changes to bring the book to the screen. Here's what you need to know.Read more: Where was The Stranger filmed? Filming locations in Manchester for the Netflix drama seriesA strange woman comes along to whisper in Adam's ear, and his world collapses. Picture: NetflixGender-swappingIn the book, The Stranger is ultimately revealed to be a man named Chris Taylor.Having been traumatised by the revelation that the man who raised him was not actually his biological father, Chris devoted himself to exposing the secrets of others and punishing them for their deception.Using the data he acquired while working for a company that helps women fake pregnancies, he bands together with a group of other people who possess similar stores of personal data, and they begin finding targets to blackmail.Read More: New on Netflix UK in February 2020: best TV series, movies and Netflix Originals released this monthWhile the others are in it for the money, Chris sees himself as an instrument of justice.In the Netflix show, however, the stranger is actually a woman. The change was suggested by the novel's author, who expressed his dislike for adaptations that are exact re-treads of the source material.Ultimately, he claimed that the decision to gender-swap the character was made due to the sheer, overwhelming power of actress Hannah John-Kamen's audition.Re-locationUnsurprisingly given that it was written by an American writer, the novel takes place in the States.It covers a huge amount of ground, too ? hopping from New Jersey to Ohio and Pennsylvania.By moving the action to Manchester, the series shrinks the whole geography of the story to make it more easily manageable.The switch from the US to UK also leads to a few other noticeable changes ? there are far fewer guns present in the Netflix version thanks to how much harder they are to come by in the UK, while a lacrosse club in the book is swapped out for a football ground.Griffin is given a partner to help lighten things up a little. Picture: NetflixNew charactersDC Wesley Ross ? the policeman played by Kadiff Kirwan, who works the case alongside DC Johanna Griffin ? was created specifically for the show and does not appear in the book at all.He was introduced to give Griffin someone to banter with, offering a little comic relief to an otherwise dark and mysterious series. In the book, she works with a rookie named Norbert PrendergastSimilarly, Adam's estranged father Ed Price doesn't exist in the book ? he died of a heart attack when Adam was a teenager. This becomes important when we eventually find out that Ed is also Chris's biological father. In the novel, his identity is never revealed.On the flip-side, some characters from the book were axed on the story's way to the screen.In the novel, Chris teams up with four others to execute his karmic schemes ? Eduardo, Merton, Ingrid and Gabrielle.However, his Netflix counterpart works with her partner, Ingrid, who does sometimes use the name Gabrielle as an alias. The two are a couple trying to scam together the money to buy a beach bar in Hawaii.Corrupt ex-policeman John Kuntz does make it into the Netflix version but, perhaps unsurprisingly, they saw fit to change his surname to "Katz".Katz really does have a sick childJohn Kuntz/Katz's sick child becomes a major plot point in both versions, although the specifics are a little different.In the novel, one of his three sons has bone cancer and Katz is forced to become a criminal to pay the hospital bills.However, in the TV show, he has just one child ? a daughter named Olivia. While she is initially believed to be sick, it actually turns out that her mother has been poisoning her.The endingIn both versions of the story, Adam ultimately ends up trailing Tripp to the place where his wife, Corrine has been buried and shooting him dead. However, how things pan out from there varies a little.The Netflix version ends with Griffin helping Adam to frame Katz for the murder of Tripp and Corrine to prevent him from going to prison.No-one else finds out the true identity of the killer and Bob, who was in on the scheme to frame Corrine, gets away clean.In the book, Adam admits to killing Tripp but claims it was self-defence.Griffin helps him falsify DNA evidence to back his claim and also supports his assertion that Tripp confessed to killing Corrine.Adam is cleared of any wrongdoing, while Tripp's family receives a huge insurance payout.The book then seems to close things off with the stranger vanishing afterwards, while the TV series has Chris re-appear at a football match attended by Adam and their father ? potentially suggesting that there will be a second season to come. The Stranger on Netflix is an adaptation of Harlan Coben's 2015 novel of the same name, but some big changes have been made on the way from page to streaming service. Most noticeably, The Stranger has been turned from a male character into a female one, played by Ant-Man and the Wasp's Hannah John-Kamen, and the story has been moved from New Jersey to a British town (the series was filmed in and around Manchester in the north of England).At a press screening of The Stranger, Coben said of the process of adapting his book to a 10-episode TV show: "I don't like an adaptation that keeps slavishly devoted to the text. I think that's boring and weird, just read the f***ing book if you want the experience of the book."I love the idea that we changed things around and modernized it and had different characters, so for me moving it to a new destination is fun and it was exhilarating and gives me extra energy to help retell the story."According to the thriller writer, the decision to change the gender of The Stranger was down to the power of Kamen's audition: "I first had the idea of making The Stranger in this case female... as soon as we realized Hannah could do it. She's just The Stranger. I can't believe I ever wrote it for someone other than Hannah now. The Stranger (right) is female in the Netflix version of the Harlan Coben story Netflix "We did have a lot of auditions and it wasn't really working, we tried with guys and then Hannah was there and it was like 'bam.'"As to why he decided to change the location, Coben spoke of his desire to change up his stories when they get made into series and films. He said, "I've had stuff made in other countries, the first I did we took a real New Jersey story and set it in Paris and I like that hybrid thing." However, the location change may also be partly down to the fact that The Stranger is made by British production company Red, which has filmed many of its series, like HBO's Years and Years, Logo's Cucumber and the original Queer as Folk, in Manchester. Compared to the book, Netflix's The Stranger is more condensed in its location, which may have also been a cost-cutting decision on the part of the production company. Coben said: "We condensed the world. In the book, The Stranger is dropping bombs all over the country, here The Stranger is dropping the bombs in one community."Producer Danny Brocklehurst revealed that this location change led to a few more plot changes from the novel, like the lack of guns in the U.K. compared to in the U.S. He said: "Culturally it's difficult as people have got access to weapons much more easily in America than in the U.K., so we're forever having this discussion. As the plot moves through Harlan's books, inevitably someone pulls out a gun, which is not, even now, that common for people to have in the U.K., so it does become tricky."The cultural differences between the two countries also had to be worked out over the course of the writing process. Coben said of this, "There were a few things like that but we usually discuss those. Every once in a while I say 'that may be too British' and they'll tease me, and [they'll say] 'that may be too American' and we figure it out."This is something that is even referenced in the series. In Episode 7, Wesley (Kadiff Kirwan), a character who was invented for the Netflix show, offers Johanna (Siobhan Finneran) a hug during an emotional time and she replies: "Let's not get all American."The Stranger is streaming now on Netflix.

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