January 2, 2007 - Burlington

January 2, 2007

A regular meeting of the Burlington City Council was held January 2, 2007. Present were Jerome Gruenberg, Mayor, Diane Fugere, Auditor, Councilmen Wayne Walter, Tim Hoff, Jack Anderson & Guy Smestad. Also present were Delvin Stemen, Keith Crabb, Jesse Perkins, Clint Cogdill & Glen Stevens.

Smestad moved to approve the minutes of the December 4 & 12, 2006 meetings, Walter seconded and motion carried unanimously.

Smestad questioned a bill for overtime hours to Officer Crabb. Hoff moved to approve all bills and payroll, Walter seconded and motion carried on a roll-call vote: Hoff – yes; Walter – yes; Smestad – no; Anderson – yes.

Smestad moved on 2nd reading to amend Section 6-103 as follows: Application For, How Made: Any person desiring a license or permit under any ordinance of the city shall make written application to the City Council therefore upon application blanks furnished by the City Auditor and filed with the City Auditor, stating the purpose for which the same is desired, for what length of time, and specifying the place where his business is to be carried on; if required to file a bond before being licensed he shall also name his proposed sureties on his bond on his application. LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATIONS ARE REQUIRED ANNUALLY FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL AT THE REGULAR DECEMBER MEETING, Hoff seconded and motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote, with Anderson abstaining.

Hoff moved on 2nd reading to amend Section 4-110 to read as follows: SECTION 4-110 Compensation of Officers and Employees: The compensation of all officers and employees of the City of Burlington whose compensation is not otherwise fixed by law or by this ordinance shall be fixed by resolution adopted by the City Council. Council President, chairing council meetings in the capacity of Acting Mayor, shall receive the same compensation as mayor, Anderson seconded and motion carried on a roll-call vote: Hoff – yes; Anderson – yes; Walter – yes; Smestad – no.

Mayor Gruenberg opened bids from Des Lacs Valley Nursery and Lowe’s Garden for the 2006-2007 ND Forest Service CTE Grant: Bids were received as follows:

Lowe’s Garden $10,802.50

Des Lacs Valley Nursery $ 7,270.00

Smestad moved to award the bid to Des Lacs Valley Nursery, Walter seconded and motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote.


Diane reported that the budgeted $13,000.00 transfer from Enterprise Fund to General Fund was not necessary.

Smestad moved to transfer $26,000.00 from the Enterprise Fund to Enterprise Reserve Fund, Hoff seconded and motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote.

Smestad moved to transfer $3,600.00 from the Highway Fund to Highway Equipment Reserve, Anderson seconded and motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote.

Diane reported review of the city’s Disaster Emergency Plan is scheduled for January 15th at 7 p.m.

There being no further business to come before the board, Smestad moved to adjourn, Walter seconded, motion carried.


|10796 |Home of Economy |38.16 |

|10797 |Service Master |101.73 |

|10798 |Pringle & Herigstad |705.00 |

|10799 |UCB |550.85 |

|10800 |BCBS |282.90 |

|10801 |Burlington Post Office |48.00 |

|10802 |Galls |51.25 |

|10803 |General Equipment |299.87 |

|10804 |General Trading |21.51 |

|10805 |Niess Repair |23.25 |

|10806 |Office Max |290.27 |

|10807 |One Call |9.92 |

|10808 |Behms |45.24 |

|10809 |Dakota Fence |358.80 |

|10810 |Galls |38.71 |

|10811 |Visa |581.95 |

|10812 |Minot Daily News |78.40 |

|10813 |Souris Valley Humane Society |50.00 |

|10814 |Cindy Bader |594.00 |

|10815 |Clint Cogdill |691.26 |

|10816 |Diane Fugere |928.26 |

|10817 |Keith Crabb |936.01 |

|10818 |Jesse Perkins |968.46 |

|10819 |Linda Schwandt |200.00 |

|10820 |Rod Schwandt |25.00 |

|10821 |State Disbursement Unit |414.00 |

|10822 |C & C Plumbing |290.65 |

|10823 |Xcel |2,336.03 |

|10824 |Ackerman Estvold |3,880.00 |

|10825 |Western Steel |3.10 |

|10826 |Ward County Treasurer |154.10 |

|10827 |Alltel |108.51 |

|10828 |Burlington Post Office |4.64 |

|10829 |Balco |1,000.00 |

|10830 |NDLC |320.00 |

|10831 |SRT |555.78 |

|10832 |Hawkins |1,273.00 |

|10833 |Klean Co |23.76 |

|10834 |General Trading |154.28 |

|10835 |Coca Cola |79.50 |

|10836 |Northwest Tire |1,363.08 |

|10837 |Galls |221.96 |

|10838 |ND Chiefs of Police Association |50.00 |

|10839 |ND Envelope Co. |105.00 |

|10840 |Aggregate Construction, Inc |120.00 |

|10841 |Circle Sanitation |3,157.50 |

|10842 |Cindy Bader |545.27 |

|10843 |Clint Cogdill |691.26 |

|10844 |Keith Crabb |936.01 |

|10845 |Diane Fugere |928.26 |

|10846 |Cari Olson |168.38 |

|10847 |Jesse Perkins |872.46 |

|10848 |Delvin Stemen |430.68 |

|10849 |Jerome Gruenberg |369.40 |

|10850 |Wayne Walter |152.38 |

|10851 |Tim Hoff |203.17 |

|10852 |Jack Anderson |203.17 |

|10853 |Guy Smestad |83.17 |

|10854 |State Disbursement Unit |414.00 |

|10855 |AFLAC |70.40 |

|10856 |Prudential |151.58 |

|10857 |NDPERS |1,071.91 |

|10858 |UCB |2,995.88 |

|10859 |ND Tax Commissioner |404.00 |

|10860 |Blue Cross/Blue Shield |889.75 |

|10861 |First District Health Unit |30.00 |

|10862 |Flower Box |27.25 |

|10863 |Home of Economy |11.42 |

|10864 |Keith Crabb |453.41 |

|10865 |MDU |767.65 |

|10866 |Mehlhoff, Craig |6.10 |

|10867 |Office Max |23.98 |

|10868 |Joe Schmit |9.20 |

|10869 |Behms |25.51 |

Respectfully submitted,

_______________________________ _______________________________

Diane Fugere, Auditor Jerome Gruenberg, Mayor

January 15, 2007

A special meeting of the Burlington City Council was held January 15, 2007 to review the Disaster Emergency Plan. Present: Jerome Gruenberg, Wayne Walter, Guy Smestad, Jack Anderson, Clint Cogdill, Diane Fugere, Keith Crabb, Jesse Perkins, Rocky Yale, Darlene Schnaible and representatives of the Burlington Fire Department.

Rocky Yale presented a plat of Lots 1-5, Parkway 3rd Addition, which was approved in September 1997, but never recorded. Wayne Walter moved to approve the final plat, Jack Anderson seconded and motion carried unanimously.

Tim Hoff joined the meeting at 7:05 p.m.

Officer Crabb discussed adding more phone lines in the event of an emergency. After discussion, Officer Crabb was asked to get estimates from SRT.

The Idle Hour Bar basement was added as a location for short term shelter.

Security for the reservoir was discussed. Other updates included names, phone numbers and addresses.

Respectfully submitted,

__________________________________ _____________________________

Diane Fugere, Auditor Jerome Gruenberg, Mayor

February 5, 2007

A regular meeting of the Burlington City Council was held February 5, 2007. Present were Jerome Gruenberg, Mayor, Diane Fugere, Auditor, Councilmen Wayne Walter, Tim Hoff, Jack Anderson & Guy Smestad. Also present were Delvin Stemen, Keith Crabb, Clint Cogdill, Ryan Ackerman and Alex Cogdill.

Smestad moved to approve the minutes of the January 2 & 15 meetings, Walter seconded and motion carried unanimously.

Hoff moved to approve all bills and payroll, Anderson seconded and motion carried unanimously.

Chief Crabb reported Officer Perkins has completed training and has begun working solo.

Clint reported on meter change outs and discussed the number of meters left to purchase. Anderson moved to approve ordering these meters, Hoff seconded and motion carried unanimously.

Discussion followed regarding West River’s past due water bill and their questions regarding their sewer charge. Mayor Gruenberg and Councilmember Anderson will meet with West River’s board to discuss these items.

Engineer Ackerman discussed media replacement and potential repairs needed in the water treatment plant within the next 5 years. After reviewing information on an Enterprise Maintenance Reserve charge to be added to water bills, Anderson moved to remove the $1.00 per month maintenance fee and add .90¢ per 1000 gallons maintenance fee, effective 4/1/07. Walter seconded and the motion carried on a roll-call vote: Anderson – yes; Walter – yes; Hoff – yes; Smestad – no.

Diane reported on City Government Week, March 5 – 9. Mrs. Sharbono, the art teacher at Burlington Elementary agreed to have students make a “Handprint American Flag” and possibly hold a coloring contest for younger students.

The city received a letter from American Family Insurance asking for an estimate of damage done to a fence at the time of an auto accident involving their insured. Mayor Gruenberg asked Diane to inform the insurance company that the fence was property of the State Highway Department.

Engineer Ackerman reported Minot/NAWS plans to run a water line to Des Lacs and Berthold this year. Burlington may have the option of hooking on to this water system. Ackerman had no report on price structure yet.

Ryan also reported a NAWS Advisory Committee meeting scheduled later this month. Clint and council members Anderson and Hoff are interested in attending.

There being no further business to come before the board, Tim Hoff moved to adjourn, Jack Anderson seconded, motion carried.


|10870 |Burlington Post Office |78.00 |

|10871 |Burlington Fire Dept |14,000.00 |

|10872 |Verendrye Electric |187.00 |

|10873 |Burlington Fire Dept |1,000.00 |

|10874 |Cindy Bader |597.40 |

|10875 |Clint Cogdill |733.30 |

|10876 |Keith Crabb |981.03 |

|10877 |Diane Fugere |973.39 |

|10878 |Jesse Perkins |873.46 |

|10879 |Linda Schwandt |200.00 |

|10880 |Rod Schwandt |25.00 |

|10881 |State Disbursement Unit |414.00 |

|10882 |Richard Cogdill |82.66 |

|10883 |Visa |778.53 |

|10884 |ND Rural Water Systems Assoc. |180.00 |

|10885 |Alltel |107.29 |

|10886 |Xcel Energy |2,529.71 |

|10887 |Burlington Post Office |195.00 |

|10888 |Cindy Bader |635.63 |

|10889 |Clint Cogdill |733.30 |

|10890 |Dick Cogdill |41.33 |

|10891 |Keith Crabb |981.03 |

|10892 |Diane Fugere |973.39 |

|10893 |Cari Olson |168.38 |

|10894 |Jesse Perkins |872.46 |

|10895 |Delvin Stemen |549.40 |

|10896 |State Disbursement Unit |414.00 |

|10897 |NDPERS |1,079.92 |

|10898 |Prudential |168.22 |

|10899 |AFLAC |70.40 |

|10900 |UCB |2,969.98 |

|10901 |Balco |320.00 |

|10902 |Behms |65.96 |

|10903 |BCBS |889.75 |

|10904 |Cenex |46.96 |

|10905 |Circle Sanitation |3,157.50 |

|10906 |First District Health Unit |30.00 |

|10907 |Galls |90.97 |

|10908 |General Trading Co. |59.58 |

|10909 |Hach |109.31 |

|10910 |Hawkins |1,488.33 |

|10911 |Service Master |201.73 |

|10912 |Magic City Garage Door |75.00 |

|10913 |MDU |974.07 |

|10914 |Menards |62.49 |

|10915 |Minot Daily News |47.53 |

|10916 |Minot Restaurant Supply |100.65 |

|10917 |MFOA |30.00 |

|10918 |NAPA |39.77 |

|10919 |NDPOA |20.00 |

|10920 |ND Rural Water Systems Assoc. |125.00 |

|10921 |Northwest Tire |49.85 |

|10922 |Office Max |85.67 |

|10923 |One Call Concepts |1.24 |

|10924 |Pringle & Herigstad |210.00 |

|10925 |Psychological Resources |160.00 |

|10926 |Rod Schwandt |271.30 |

|10927 |Share Corp |1,125.12 |

|10928 |SRT |370.72 |

|10929 |Team Electronics |105.00 |

|10930 |Tractor Supply |11.74 |

|10931 |Trinity Health |20.00 |

|10932 |Ultramax |548.00 |

|10933 |Verendrye Electric |188.00 |

|10934 |Ward County Auditor |93.87 |

|10935 |Ward County Treasurer |10.64 |

|10936 |Western Steel |56.39 |

Respectfully submitted,

_______________________________ _______________________________

Diane Fugere, Auditor Jerome Gruenberg, Mayor

February 21, 2007

Diane and Clint called Mayor Gruenberg and council members Guy Smestad, Wayne Walter, Tim Hoff and Jack Anderson for approval to pay Don Bessette Motors $2408.82 for transmission repair to the 2000 Ford pickup. Approval was given by Mayor Gruenberg and all council members.

Respectfully submitted,

________________________________ _____________________________

Diane Fugere, Auditor Jerome Gruenberg, Mayor

March 5, 2007

A regular meeting of the Burlington City Council was held March 5, 2007. Present were Wayne Walter, Council President, Diane Fugere, Auditor, Councilmen Tim Hoff, Jack Anderson & Guy Smestad. Also present were Delvin Stemen, Keith Crabb, Clint Cogdill, Ryan Ackerman, Kevin Martin, Michelle Klose, and Jeremy & Jessica Holter

Hoff moved to approve the minutes of the February 5 & 21, 2007 meetings, Smestad seconded and motion carried unanimously.

Smestad moved to approve all bills and payroll, Anderson seconded and motion carried unanimously.

Clint informed council the furnace in the shop quit working and repairs were made. However, due to the age of the furnace and inability to find parts, it may need to be replaced the next time it quits.

Hoff asked Officer Crabb about daily logs from the police department. Officer Crabb stated a daily log report is presently being given to Mayor Gruenberg and Police Commissioner Smestad.

NAWS representatives, Kevin Martin and Michelle Klose, appeared before council to inform them the line to Berthold will run past Burlington this year and we have the option to hook on. Council agreed to leave the option open to hook on to the NAWS project.

Jessica Holter approached council regarding Water Tank Specials assessed against her property at 3 Colton Avenue. The home sits on two lots and was assessed a special on each lot. Jessica is asking to have one of the special assessments forgiven. Smestad moved to forgive one water tank special assessment, Anderson seconded and motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote.

Engineer Ryan Ackerman gave council estimates on street improvements. After discussion, council decided to wait until spring and get firm estimates.

Diane presented the ND Department of Health lab contract for renewal. Smestad moved to approve the renewal, Hoff seconded and motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote.

Anderson moved to adjourn, Hoff seconded and motion carried.



|10937 |Burlington Post Office |4.64 |

|10938 |Cindy Bader |587.84 |

|10939 |Clint Cogdill |902.05 |

|10940 |Keith Crabb |981.03 |

|10941 |Diane Fugere |973.39 |

|10942 |Jesse Perkins |923.46 |

|10943 |Linda Schwandt |200.00 |

|10944 |Rod Schwandt |25.00 |

|10945 |State Disbursement Unit |414.00 |

|10946 |Alltel |137.17 |

|10947 |Visa |1,111.74 |

|10948 |Burlington Post Office |76.64 |

|10949 |Don Bessette Motors |2,408.82 |

|10950 |NDWPCC |20.00 |

|10951 |Cindy Bader |492.25 |

|10952 |Clint Cogdill |740.80 |

|10953 |Keith Crabb |981.03 |

|10954 |Diane Fugere |973.39 |

|10955 |Cari Olson |168.38 |

|10956 |Jesse Perkins |872.46 |

|10957 |Delvin Stemen |457.38 |

|10958 |State Disbursement Unit |414.00 |

|10959 |NDPERS |1,079.92 |

|10960 |Prudential |143.69 |

|10961 |AFLAC |70.40 |

|10962 |UCB |2,811.22 |

|10963 |Allen, Travis |50.00 |

|10964 |BCBS |891.65 |

|10965 |Bank of ND |1,200.00 |

|10966 |C & C Plumbing |96.75 |

|10967 |Circle Sanitation |3,157.50 |

|10968 |Dakota Emergency Apparatus |255.00 |

|10969 |Document Conversion |425.00 |

|10970 |First District Health Unit |30.00 |

|10971 |General Trading Co |34.75 |

|10972 |Hach |125.00 |

|10973 |Hawkins |2,234.98 |

|10974 |Jenkins, Jim |230.67 |

|10975 |Kevins Plumbing |117.93 |

|10976 |Kinney, Kathy |5.35 |

|10977 |LDL Clean (ServiceMaster) |101.73 |

|10978 |MDU |765.95 |

|10979 |Minot Daily News |51.45 |

|10980 |National Arbor Day Foundation |15.00 |

|10981 |Niess Repair |158.51 |

|10982 |Northern Water Works |2,936.80 |

|10983 |Office Max |305.55 |

|10984 |SRT |367.04 |

|10985 |Souris Basin Planning Council |84.00 |

|10986 |Sundre Sand & Gravel |220.55 |

|10987 |US Bank |40,830.00 |

|10988 |Ward County |580.00 |

|10989 |Workforce Safety |1,086.68 |

|10990 |Xcel Energy |2,319.54 |

Respectfully submitted,

___________________________________ _________________________________

Diane Fugere, Auditor Wayne Walter, Council President

April 2, 2007

A regular meeting of the Burlington City Council was held April 2, 2007. Present were Jerome Gruenberg, Mayor, Diane Fugere, Auditor, Councilmen Wayne Walter, Tim Hoff, Jack Anderson & Guy Smestad. Also present were Keith Crabb, Clint Cogdill, and Jesse Perkins.

Also present were Rod Schwandt, John Lochthowe, Detective Paul Metz and Rick Gruenberg.

Smestad moved to approve the minutes of the March 5, 2007 meetings, Anderson seconded and motion carried unanimously.

Hoff moved to approve all bills and payroll, Anderson seconded and motion carried unanimously.

Officer Crabb informed council he hurt his shoulder again and has an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon April 16. Smestad suggested putting Crabb on light duty with no patrolling until further notice; Mayor Gruenberg disagreed and asked Officer Crabb to bring test results to the next meeting.

Clint reported one of the sewer lines to the Fire Hall was plugged, upon digging it up he discovered part of the line was frozen in the street, due to shallow bury depth, and broken on Fire Department side.

Clint requested permission to purchase a cold-water pressure washer for approximately $400.00. Walter moved to approved purchase, Anderson seconded and motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote.

Rod Schwandt appeared before council to request pre-approval of a plat he is having prepared on Lots 1, 2, & 3, Block 2, Coltons 4th Addition. His home at 106 Grace and his rental unit at 407 1st Ave sit on all three lots. He is replatting into two lots due to pending sale of the rental unit. Walter moved to approve contingent on plat being presented to us, Anderson seconded and motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote.

Mr. Schwandt then informed council of a vehicle left on the Hacienda parking lot since June 2006. He would like it declared abandoned. Officer Crabb stated he would assist in the matter.

Devra Smestad appeared before council to request that a curb stop be installed on Lot 6 Block 1, Colton’s 4th Addition. She stated it was paid for by special assessment in 1986, but never installed. Mayor Gruenberg instructed Clint to have Engineer Ackerman inspect and give council a recommendation and estimate.

Detective Paul Metz appeared as liaison to the Ward County Sheriff’s office to address any issues the city may have.

Clint asked about chip sealing the city streets. He was instructed to ask Ackerman Engineering to get an estimate.

Hoff presented the following building permits to council:

#521 Timbers Construction Single Family Home $358.00

Smestad moved to approve the permit, Anderson seconded and motion carried unanimously.

Rick Gruenberg appeared to discuss problems with his neighbor’s dog. After much discussion, he was invited to appear before the municipal judge to state his case.

Council then reviewed a citizen’s report regarding the poor condition of a neighbor’s back yard. Officer Crabb indicated he would be taking photos and speaking with the resident.

Council will meet with West River Water and Sewer regarding their bill at 8 p.m. after the Tax Equalization meeting scheduled for April 17.

Smestad moved to adjourn, Anderson seconded and motion carried.


|10991 |Melissa Houston |10.00 |

|10992 |Verendrye Electric |190.00 |

|10993 |Burlington Post Office |156.00 |

|10994 |Cindy Bader |559.17 |

|10995 |Clint Cogdill |827.05 |

|10996 |Keith Crabb |968.53 |

|10997 |Diane Fugere |973.39 |

|10998 |Jesse Perkins |873.46 |

|10999 |Rod Schwandt |25.00 |

|11000 |Linda Schwandt |200.00 |

|11001 |State Disbursement Unit |414.00 |

|11002 |Visa |980.93 |

|11003 |ND Dept of Health |20.00 |

|11004 |Alltel |110.35 |

|11005 |Burlington Post Office |4.64 |

|11006 |Cindy Bader |575.89 |

|11007 |Clint Cogdill |820.80 |

|11008 |Keith Crabb |968.53 |

|11009 |Diane Fugere |973.39 |

|11010 |Cari Olson |168.38 |

|11011 |Jesse Perkins |873.46 |

|11012 |Delvin Stemen |477.84 |

|11013 |Jerome Gruenberg |277.05 |

|11014 |Wayne Walter |244.73 |

|11015 |Tim Hoff |203.17 |

|11016 |Jack Anderson |203.17 |

|11017 |Guy Smestad |203.17 |

|11018 |AFLAC |70.40 |

|11019 |State Disbursement Unit |414.00 |

|11020 |NDPERS |1,079.92 |

|11021 |Prudential |152.06 |

|11022 |UCB |3,137.82 |

|11023 |Anderson, Jay |21.60 |

|11024 |Behms |69.99 |

|11025 |Black Mt Software |1,517.00 |

|11026 |BCBS |891.65 |

|11027 |C & C Plumbing |285.00 |

|11028 |Circle Sanitation |3,167.25 |

|11029 |Dakota Pipe & Steel |7.09 |

|11030 |Economy Auto Glass |283.80 |

|11031 |First District Health Unit |30.00 |

|11032 |Froseth, Tony |50.00 |

|11033 |Galls |48.98 |

|11034 |Hach |91.75 |

|11035 |Hawkins |2,110.93 |

|11036 |Kustom Signals |133.01 |

|11037 |LDL Clean |203.46 |

|11038 |MDU |632.13 |

|11039 |MARC |360.34 |

|11040 |Minot Daily News |16.17 |

|11041 |Minot Restaurant Supply |21.06 |

|11042 |ND Dept of Health |932.80 |

|11043 |ND Dept of Health-Microb |16.00 |

|11044 |ND State Tax Comm |497.00 |

|11045 |Office Max |16.07 |

|11046 |One Call Concepts |1.24 |

|11047 |Rayburn, Dave |34.58 |

|11048 |Roto-Rooter Service |75.00 |

|11049 |SRT |413.13 |

|11050 |Tractor Supply |18.38 |

|11051 |Trinity Medical Group |92.00 |

|11052 |US Bank |87,070.00 |

|11053 |Xcel Energy |2,308.77 |

Respectfully submitted,

_______________________________ _______________________________

Diane Fugere, Auditor Jerome Gruenberg, Mayor

April 17, 2007

A special meeting of the Burlington City Council was held 4/17/07. Present were: Jerome Gruenberg, Mayor, Diane Fugere, Auditor, Councilmen, Wayne Walter, Tim Hoff, Jack Anderson and Guy Smestad, Don Siebert, Ward County Tax Assessors, Officer Keith Crabb, Clint Cogdill, Rod Schwandt and Jessica Holter.

Siebert explained the valuation to sales ratio is at 94.8% and recommended raising the residential valuation by 2%. Their office mailed six letters adding 15% or more in value to homes.

Jessica Holter appeared before council to question the $150,000 valuation of her home as it was purchased for $126,000.00. Upon checking current records, Siebert indicated it had been reassessed at $130,200.00.

Rod Schwandt discussed his concern with the 2006 increase by the county. Much discussion followed.

After hearing protests, Wayne Walter moved to approve a 1.2% increase to 96.0%. Jack Anderson seconded and motion carried on a roll-call vote: Walter-yes; Anderson – yes; Smestad - no; Hoff - yes.

Smestad moved to approve the assessor’s book as presented, Walter seconded and motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote.

At this time, the meeting recessed until 8 p.m.

At 8 p.m. Mayor Gruenberg called the special meeting to order. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss West River’s sewer charges and past due water bill. Present: Jerome Gruenberg, Diane Fugere, Wayne Walter, Jack Anderson, Tim Hoff, Guy Smestad, Clint Cogdill, Keith Crabb, Roger Kluck, Nancy Ali, Alan Henning, John Lochtowe, Tim Keller & Dick Lokken.

Roger Kluck discussed a time-line of events, which determined the sewer charges to 1993. Kluck expressed the need to meet annually to review any proposed increase in water and/or sewer fees and city expenses for providing these services.

Kluck provided the following information on West River’s sewer hookups:

Single Family Units 156

Minot Country Club 14

Country Club Condos 21

Speedway 5

Boys Ranch 18

Businesses* 4 *Jessen Roofing; Northern Safe; Main Electric & Speedway Barber TOTAL 218

Kluck recommended comparing readings from both Burlington and West River’s lift stations in order to obtain accurate flows into the lagoon. He is willing to do the computation for both parties and will need monthly readings to determine each party’s percentage.

Discussion then turned to West River water bill past due status. Dick Lokken stated they’d had a good winter and expected a good summer as well and their hopes to be current soon.

Council members expressed their concerns about how far past due the account is at this point and their desire to see the account current as soon as possible.

Both parties decided to meet annually in mid-May. Mayor Gruenberg appointed a committee consisting of Roger Kluck, Dick Lokken, Jerome Gruenberg, Diane Fugere and Jack Anderson to meet May 21st at 8 p.m. to review information.

There being no further business to come before the board, Tim Hoff moved to adjourn, Guy Smestad seconded and motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

_____________________________ ______________________________

Diane Fugere, Auditor Jerome Gruenberg, Mayor

May 7, 2007

A regular meeting of the Burlington City Council was held May 7, 2007. Present were Jerome Gruenberg, Mayor, Diane Fugere, Auditor, Councilmen Wayne Walter, Tim Hoff, Jack Anderson & Guy Smestad. Also present were Delvin Stemen, Keith Crabb, Clint Cogdill, Ryan Ackerman, Jesse Perkins & Steve Brunelle.

Walter moved to approve the minutes of the April 2 & 17, 2007 meetings, Hoff seconded and motion carried unanimously.

Hoff moved to approve all bills and payroll, Walter seconded and motion carried unanimously.

Chief Crabb informed council Officer Perkins six-month probation period ends June 1st. After discussion, Walter moved to increase Officer Perkins salary by 3% and end her probation period effective 6/1/07, Smestad seconded and motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote.

Officer Crabb asked about passing a new ordinance for a no parking zone on the corner of Durango Drive from 15 Durango to 17 Durango for a children’s walkway right of way. No action was taken.

Clint informed council he has taken and passed all water and sewer tests and is certified Class 1.

Clint asked about part-time summer help for mowing. Council approval was given.

Because Delvin Stemen has sold his truck and water tank, the Sports Complex will need to get their water from city hall. Diane informed council that Clint has a 1-ton truck and water tank. Walter moved to contract with Cogdill for hauling water to the Sports Complex, Hoff seconded and motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote.

Darla Jost’s amended plat of Valley Meadows Addition was presented to council for approval. The original plat, which included Outlot 5, was approved at a previous meeting. Because Outlot 5 is a county right-of-way, it is excluded on the amended plat. After review, Mayor Gruenberg signed the amended plat.

Council reviewed estimates for chip sealing the city streets presented by Engineer Ryan Ackerman. Anderson moved to adopt a RESOLUTION CREATING STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 3, Hoff seconded and motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote.

Smestad moved to adopt A RESOLUTION DIRECTING PREPARATION OF THE ENGINEERS REPORT AND COST ESTIMATE FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 3, Anderson seconded and motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote.

Regarding county roads located within the city limits, Ryan will contact Ward County Engineer Roger Kluck to discuss the possibility of the county repairing these streets at the same time.

Ryan reported our last quarter of THM results were high due to chlorine feed system problems.

We did second round testing through the City of Fargo Lab for THM’s, but not HAA5’s, therefore, we received a violation for incomplete testing as THM’s and HAA5’s are supposed to be tested in pairs. System is presently working properly.

Gaming Licenses from the Minot Hockey Boosters for the Hacienda and Idle Hour Bar were presented for renewal. Walter moved to approve licenses, Hoff seconded and motion carried unanimously.

Hoff presented the following building permits to council:

#522 Russell Haugeberg 40x40 Storage Shed $87.00

Walter moved to approve, Anderson seconded and motion carried unanimously.

Diane presented a thank you card from the Burlington-Des Lacs Elementary students for city employee’s participation (fingerprinting) in the Health Fair in April.

There being no further business to come before the board, Walter moved to adjourn, Smestad seconded, motion carried.



|11054 |Verendrye Electric |187.00 |

|11055 |Cindy Bader |554.38 |

|11056 |Clint Cogdill |733.30 |

|11057 |Keith Crabb |968.53 |

|11058 |Diane Fugere |973.39 |

|11059 |Jesse Perkins |873.46 |

|11060 |Rod Schwandt |45.00 |

|11061 |Linda Schwandt |200.00 |

|11062 |State Disbursement Unit |414.00 |

|11063 |Visa |733.48 |

|11064 |Alltel |107.97 |

|11065 |Xcel |2,316.49 |

|11066 |Burlington Post Office |9.28 |

|11067 |SRT |574.39 |

|11068 |Burlington Post Office |39.00 |

|11069 |Cindy Bader |563.95 |

|11070 |Clint Cogdill |905.55 |

|11071 |Richard Cogdill |165.31 |

|11072 |Keith Crabb |968.53 |

|11073 |Diane Fugere |973.39 |

|11074 |Jesse Perkins |1,045.46 |

|11075 |Cari Olson |168.38 |

|11076 |Delvin Stemen |713.89 |

|11077 |NDPERS |1,079.92 |

|11078 |Prudential |157.64 |

|11079 |AFLAC |70.40 |

|11080 |State Disbursement Unit |414.00 |

|11081 |UCB |2,887.44 |

|11082 |Burner, Lucas |50.00 |

|11083 |A-1 Evans Septic Tank |250.00 |

|11084 |Acme |15.00 |

|11085 |American Water Works Assoc. |62.00 |

|11086 |American Welding Supplies |16.50 |

|11087 |Blue Cross/Blue Shield |891.65 |

|11088 |Circle Sanitation |3,147.75 |

|11089 |City of Fargo |240.00 |

|11090 |Days Inn |106.20 |

|11091 |First District Health Unit |30.00 |

|11092 |Frueh, Bruce & Dianne |22.60 |

|11093 |General Equipment |211.06 |

|11094 |General Trading |81.01 |

|11095 |Great Northern American Co. |110.74 |

|11096 |Hach |126.75 |

|11097 |Hawkins |1,695.50 |

|11098 |Home of Economy |387.02 |

|11099 |LDL Clean - ServiceMaster |101.73 |

|11100 |MDU |519.65 |

|11101 |MSU - Center for Ext Learning |135.00 |

|11102 |Menards |31.64 |

|11103 |Minot Vet Clinic |85.61 |

|11104 |NDWPCC |20.00 |

|11105 |Northwest Shrine Circus |105.00 |

|11106 |Office Max |93.26 |

|11107 |One Call |3.72 |

|11108 |Pringle & Herigstad |300.00 |

|11109 |Rough Rider Industries |81.62 |

|11110 |Steen Construction |849.58 |

|11111 |Tractor Supply |83.24 |

|11112 |Ulrickson, Paul/ Gunville, Lyns |56.40 |

|11113 |Verendrye Electric |186.00 |

|11114 |Ward County Auditors Office |40.00 |

|  |  |  |

Respectfully submitted,

_______________________________ _______________________________

Diane Fugere, Auditor Jerome Gruenberg, Mayor

May 14, 2007

A special meeting of the Burlington City Council was held May 14, 2007. Present were Jerome Gruenberg, Mayor; Diane Fugere, Auditor, and council members Wayne Walter, Tim Hoff, Jack Anderson and Guy Smestad. Also present were Ryan Ackerman & Clint Cogdill. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss Street Improvement District No. 3.

Ryan reported Ward County Engineer Roger Kluck is looking into the possibility of the county doing street improvements on Colton, Johnson and Old Settlers Road. Council was asked to review the proposed Street Improvement District No. 3 Boundary map.

Smestad moved to pass a RESOLUTION APPROVING ENGINEER’S REPORT AND DIRECTING PREPARATION OF DETAILED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 3, including all alternates at this time, Anderson seconded and motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote.

Walter moved to pass a RESOLUTION DECLARING THE NECESSITY OF AN IMPROVEMENT IN AND FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 3, Hoff seconded and motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote.

With no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

____________________________________ ____________________________________

Diane Fugere, Auditor Jerome Gruenberg, Mayor

5/21/07 7:00 p.m.

A special meeting of the Burlington City Council was held May 21, 2007. Present were Jerome Gruenberg, Tim Hoff, Wayne Walter, Jack Anderson, Guy Smestad, Ryan Ackerman and Clint Cogdill. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the Street Improvement District No. 3 and meet with the West River Water and Sewer District Board.

Smested moved to pass a resolution APPROVING THE ENGINEER’S PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND ESTIMATES FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 3, Walter seconded and motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote.

Walter moved to pass a resolution DIRECTING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 3, Hoff seconded and motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote.

With no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

8:00 p.m.

Present: Jerome Gruenberg, Tim Hoff, Wayne Walter, Jack Anderson, Guy Smestad, Ryan Ackerman, Clint Cogdill, members of the West River Sewer and Water District board.

Roger Kluck reviewed compiled information regarding sewer usage/charges between West River and the City for the past several years.

West River feels the current sewer charge of $850.00/month is too high and should be $650.00, according to the number of connections they have. Dick Lokken, West River board president, stated that when the sewer rate increased to $850/month six years ago the current board members did not agree with the increase.

They feel they have been paying 60% of lagoon costs continually and as a result, been overcharged for 13 years. Dick Lokken stated the city could not profit from West River on wastewater treatment and collection, as they are a non-profit organization.

West River informed council they are in the process of filing a request for connection and hookup to NAWS with a two-way meter installed at the base of Speedway Hill with one connection for the City and one for West River. Engineer Ackerman stated this is not feasible due to complex water flow problems. Ackerman feels the best connection to NAWS for the City would be on top of Snake Road. Mayor Gruenberg instructed Ackerman to make this request to NAWS.

Hoff asked West River about their past due bill and when we may expect payment. Lokken informed council the West River Board voted not to pay the past due bill until they met with the City and water and sewer issues were resolved.

Mayor Gruenberg suggested another meeting with West River in mid-June.

Walter moved to adjourn, Hoff seconded, motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

___________________________ _____________________________

Clint Cogdill Jerome Gruenberg, Mayor

June 4, 2007

A regular meeting of the Burlington City Council was held June 4, 2007. Present were Jerome Gruenberg, Mayor, Diane Fugere, Auditor, Councilmen Wayne Walter, Tim Hoff, Jack Anderson & Guy Smestad. Also present were Delvin Stemen, Keith Crabb, Clint Cogdill, Ryan Ackerman, Darlene Schnaible, Glen Stevens, Ryan Schwandt.

Smestad moved to approve the minutes of the May 7, 14 & 21, 2007 meetings, Hoff seconded and motion carried unanimously.

Walter moved to approve all bills and payroll, Anderson seconded and motion carried unanimously.

Officer Crabb informed council that the transmission went out on the Crown Vic and the estimate to repair is approximately $1800. He was instructed by council to get additional estimates. Anderson moved to approve transmission repair if estimates come in at $1500 or less, Hoff seconded and motion carried on a roll-call vote:

Anderson – yes; Hoff – yes; Smestad – no; Walter – yes.

Darlene Schnaible and Glen Stevens, on behalf of the Economic Development Corporation asked about getting an easement from the city on Outlot 19 for development purposes. Discussion followed regarding having the utility poles moved and the possibility of contacting the NDSU Landscape Architect Engineering department to do a concept drawing for future development of the property. Further investigation will be made into whether or not Xcel Energy has an easement for their utility poles.

Ryan Schwandt, dba Hacienda and Jack Anderson, dba Idle Hour Bar attended the meeting and paid the remainder of their liquor license fees.

Guy Smestad asked council again about the city installing a curb stop on his property at Lot 6, Block 1, Colton’s 4th Addition. It was paid for by special assessment many years ago, but not installed by Myron Stemen, contractor of the project and owner of the property. Smestad stated he was unaware there was not a curb stop on the property at the time of the purchase. He asked about getting a refund on the water tank specials, as there is no water supply to the property. Diane informed council that Water Tank specials were determined “per kitchen unit or buildable lot” and that the two lots Smestad purchased from Stemens were assessed only one special and should have been two, as they are both “buildable lots”. Smestad stated that the Stemen shop building straddled the two lots, however, after discussion, it was determined that the building was situated on only one of the lots at the time the specials were spread. Smestad also indicated to council that he did not feel he should have to pay the $1000 tap on fee. After much discussion, Walter moved to approve the city paying for installation of a curb stop with Smestad paying the $1000 tap on fee, Anderson seconded and motion passed on a roll-call vote with Smestad abstaining: Walter – yes; Anderson – yes; Hoff – no.

Diane presented Darla Jost’s amended plat of Hacienda Acres 3rd Addn, Lots 8-9-10 & 14, Block 2. The only change from the original plat was the access easement was removed from Lots 15A and 15 B. After review by council, Walter moved to approve the plat as presented, Anderson seconded and motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote.

Engineer Ackerman reported the Street Sealing project is on track with the public hearing scheduled for June 19 and 7:00 p.m.

An excavation permit from Down Under Excavating for Lot 3, Kimballs Addition for basement water and sewer was presented for the mayor’s signature.

Smestad informed council that the Clerk of Court is still getting in extra hours to catch up on scanning old tickets from several years ago. He mentioned getting the position back to 10 hours per month.

Hoff presented the following building permits to council:

#523 Scott Pease 28x60 garage $130.00*

Walter moved to approve, Anderson seconded and motion carried unanimously.

*note: fee collected should have been $100; Diane informed council $30 will be refunded to Pease.

Discussion turned to the ongoing past due water bill with West River Water & Sewer District. Diane was instructed to contact city attorney Jim Nostdahl regarding this matter. Hoff moved to send a letter to West River, as advised by city attorney) demanding payment of one-half the past due amount within 30 days with the balance due in the next 30 days or water will be shut off, Anderson seconded and motion carried on a roll-call vote: Hoff – yes; Anderson – yes; Smestad – yes; Walter – no.

There being no further business to come before the board, Smestad moved to adjourn, Walter seconded, motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

_______________________________ _______________________________

Diane Fugere, Auditor Jerome Gruenberg, Mayor



|11115 |J's |200.00 |

|11116 |Burlington Post Office |204.00 |

|11117 |Cindy Bader |640.41 |

|11118 |Clint Cogdill |733.30 |

|11119 |Richard Cogdill |458.73 |

|11120 |Keith Crabb |968.53 |

|11121 |Diane Fugere |973.39 |

|11122 |Jesse Perkins |873.46 |

|11123 |Rod Schwandt |45.00 |

|11124 |Linda Schwandt |200.00 |

|11125 |State Disbursement Unit |414.00 |

|11126 |Alltel |107.97 |

|11127 |Visa |1,126.74 |

|11128 |Xcel Energy |2,247.44 |

|11129 |Cindy Bader |606.95 |

|11130 |Clint Cogdill |733.30 |

|11131 |Richard Cogdill |237.96 |

|11132 |Keith Crabb |968.53 |

|11133 |Diane Fugere |973.39 |

|11134 |Jesse Perkins |873.46 |

|11135 |Cari Olson |168.38 |

|11136 |Delvin Stemen |717.24 |

|11137 |State Disbursement Unit |414.00 |

|11138 |AFLAC |70.40 |

|11139 |NDPERS |1,079.92 |

|11140 |Prudential |184.63 |

|11141 |void |0.00 |

|11142 |United Community Bank |3,022.86 |

|11143 |Acme Electric |72.93 |

|11144 |Blue Cross/Blue Shield |891.65 |

|11145 |Burlington Electric |274.39 |

|11146 |C & C Plumbing |508.32 |

|11147 |Carls Radiator |88.00 |

|11148 |Circle Sanitation |3,157.50 |

|11149 |Cogdill Trucking |250.00 |

|11150 |Cree, Joe |7.60 |

|11151 |Fastenal |40.16 |

|11152 |First District Health Unit |30.00 |

|11153 |General Trading |99.34 |

|11154 |Gilbertson, Josh |30.14 |

|11155 |Grad, Terry |50.00 |

|11156 |Hawkins |1,617.01 |

|11157 |Home of Economy |11.00 |

|11158 |MDU |172.50 |

|11159 |Minot Chrysler |21.40 |

|11160 |Minot Daily News |671.59 |

|11161 |National League of Cities |243.00 |

|11162 |Northern Water Works Supply |14.88 |

|11163 |Office Max |21.65 |

|11164 |One Call |18.60 |

|11165 |Pringle & Herigstad |590.00 |

|11166 |Rainbow Photo Lab |24.95 |

|11167 |Share Corp |157.59 |

|11168 |SRT |553.79 |

|11169 |Steen Construction |3,542.28 |

|11170 |Sweeney Controls Company |1,678.20 |

|11171 |Tractor Supply |78.01 |

|11172 |US Bank Corporate Trust |431.25 |

|11173 |Verendrye Electric |182.00 |

|11174 |Western Steel |594.07 |

|11175 |Schonstedt Instrument Company |629.09 |

|  |Bremer Insurance |8,855.06 |

June 15, 2007

12:00 noon

Bid opening for Street Improvement District #3. Present: Cindy Bader, Clint Cogdill, Ryan Ackerman, Representative of Keller Paving and Minot Paving.

Bids received:

Keller Paving 942,723.50

Minot Paving 842,147.55

Bituminous Paving 1,194,097.50

______________________________ _______________________________

Cindy Bader, Deputy Auditor

June 19, 2007

A special meeting of the Burlington City Council was held June 19, 2007. Present were Jerome Gruenberg, Mayor; Diane Fugere, Auditor, and council members Wayne Walter, Tim Hoff, Jack Anderson and Guy Smestad. Also present were Ryan Ackerman, Clint Cogdill, John Lund and Jerry Moberg. The purpose of the meeting was to hear any protests on the necessity of the street improvements and to award the contract for street improvement.

There were no written or verbal protests to the special assessments.

Smestad moved to pass a RESOLUTION DETERMINING PROTESTS INSUFFICIENT FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 3, Walter seconded and motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote.

Smestad moved to close the public hearing, Walter seconded and motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote.

Smestad moved to pass a RESOLUTION AWARDING CONTRACT TO LOW BIDDER, MINOT PAVING, FOR BASE BID AND ALTERNATE #1, 2 5, 6 & 7 FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 3, Hoff seconded and motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote.

Walter moved to pass a RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING MAYOR GRUENBERG TO SIGN ON BEHALF OF THE CITY, THE NOTICE OF AWARD, THE AGREEMENT AND NOTICE TO PROCEED, Walter seconded and motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote.

Walter moved to adjourn, Anderson seconded.

Respectfully submitted,

____________________________________ ____________________________________

Diane Fugere, Auditor Jerome Gruenberg, Mayor

June 25, 2007



Present: Rod Schwandt, Paula Bachmeier, JD Karhoff and Diane Fugere

Members reviewed Ackerman-Estvold letter summarizing the project costs and speculative assessment figures. The committee reviewed the entire assessment roll and recommended to council to assess specials by “buildable lot or residence.”


Diane Fugere, Auditor

July 2, 2007

A regular meeting of the Burlington City Council was held July 2, 2007. Present were Jerome Gruenberg, Mayor, Diane Fugere, Auditor, Councilmen Wayne Walter, Tim Hoff, Jack Anderson & Guy Smestad. Also present were Delvin Stemen, Jesse Perkins, Clint Cogdill & Ryan Ackerman.

Smestad moved to approve the minutes of the June 4, 15 & 19, 2007 meetings, Hoff seconded and motion carried unanimously.

Hoff moved to approve all bills and payroll, Walter seconded and motion carried unanimously.

Mayor Gruenberg reported receiving a phone call from Attorney Brian Hankla regarding West River’s account. West River plans to bill us for what they feel they have been overcharged over a period of years. Mayor Gruenberg also spoke with Max Weppler, who asked if the city really expects payment of the past due bill. Upon an affirmative response from Mayor Gruenberg, Weppler indicated the city has overcharged West River $198,000 over a period of many years. He then indicated if the city charges interest on the West River account, West River will charge interest on the $198,000 they feel the city owes them. Weppler informed Gruenberg West River does have the funds on hand to pay the bill in full. Attorney Nostdahl and NDIRF will be contacted regarding this matter.

Officer Perkins reported getting calls regarding the “no parking between signs” area at the sports complex and the fact that there is only one sign. She cannot issue fines without proper signage. After discussion, Clint was instructed to contact Ward County about the cost of another sign and report back at the next meeting.

Clint asked about mowing Outlot 15. He was instructed to notify the property owners to mow or the city will do it and bill the owner.

Neil Iverson, of Agri Industries, Inc., approached council about using Greg Bryantt’s property at Sec 1-155N-84W as a base for their operations. Their contract with North Prairie Rural Water begins July 2007 through November 30, 2007 and they would like to store pipe/pallets/ dumpster/trailers and vehicles on that site for the duration of the contract. Anderson moved to give temporary approval upon consent by each adjacent property owner, Hoff seconded and motion carried on a roll-call vote: Anderson – yes; Hoff – yes; Smestad – no; Walter – yes.

Leslie Getzlaff asked council to consider putting the 1st Responders on the city Work Force Safety Insurance.

Council approval was given.

Council instructed Diane to see about budgeting $1000 for the 1st Responders in the 2008 budget.

Smestad moved to pass a RESOLUTION APPROVING CONTRACT AND CONTRACTORS BOND FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 3, Walter seconded and motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote.

The Special Assessment Committee met June 25, 2007 on the Street Improvement District No. 3 They recommended to council to assess specials by “buildable lot or residence”. After much discussion, council asked the Special Assessment Committee to meet again to define “buildable lot”.

Michelle Klose from NAWS wants to meet with council again. Decision was to meet as soon as NAWS can give us firm numbers.

A special meeting will be held Wednesday, July 11th at 5:30 p.m. at the city hall to approve the bond sale for Street Improvement District No 3.

Diane asked about giving the EDC an easement on their property as requested at the previous meeting, Mayor Gruenberg asked that they attend the next regular meeting.

Diane asked council to consider budget needs for 2008, equipment purchases, etc.

The ND League of Cities convention is scheduled for September 13-15 in Bismarck. Council members are to let Diane know if they plan to attend.

Council reviewed correspondence from Service Master, dba LDL Clean, regarding increasing their fee for hall maintenance. Walter moved to approve the increase, Anderson seconded and motion carried unanimously.

Hoff presented the following building permits to council:

#524 Don Cree 28x32 garage $60.00

#525 Wildwood Golf Course 20x20 storage shed + $64.00

#526 Brian Haman 12x24 deck $36.00

Smestad moved to approve both permits, Walter seconded and motion carried unanimously.

There being no further business to come before the board, Smestad moved to adjourn, Hoff seconded, motion carried.


|11176 |Burlington Post Office |119.00 |

|11177 |Cindy Bader |530.49 |

|11178 |Clint Cogdill |733.30 |

|11179 |Richard Cogdill |450.46 |

|11180 |Keith Crabb |968.53 |

|11181 |Diane Fugere |973.39 |

|11182 |Jesse Perkins |900.47 |

|11183 |Rod Schwandt |45.00 |

|11184 |Linda Schwandt |200.00 |

|11185 |State Disbursement Unit |414.00 |

|11186 |NDPHA |20.00 |

|11187 |Visa |1,103.09 |

|11188 |void |0.00 |

|11189 |void |0.00 |

|11190 |void |0.00 |

|11191 |J's Stop -n- Go |200.00 |

|11192 |Alltel |117.36 |

|11193 |Cindy Bader |489.86 |

|11194 |Clint Cogdill |952.55 |

|11195 |Richard Cogdill |247.97 |

|11196 |Keith Crabb |968.53 |

|11197 |Diane Fugere |973.39 |

|11198 |Cari Olson |168.38 |

|11199 |Jesse Perkins |1,202.47 |

|11200 |Dustin Person |90.05 |

|11201 |Delvin Stemen |609.38 |

|11202 |Jerome Gruenberg |646.45 |

|11203 |Tim Hoff |355.55 |

|11204 |Jack Anderson |355.55 |

|11205 |Wayne Walter |355.55 |

|11206 |Guy Smestad |235.55 |

|11207 |NDPERS |1,088.57 |

|11208 |Prudential |147.90 |

|11209 |AFLAC |70.40 |

|11210 |State Disbursement Unit |194.75 |

|11211 |United Community Bank |3,441.28 |

|11212 |Blue Cross/Blue Shield |891.65 |

|11213 |Burlington Rec |5,022.25 |

|11214 |Cenex |756.16 |

|11215 |Center for Education & Employment |124.95 |

| |Law | |

|11216 |Circle Sanitation |3,157.50 |

|11217 |General Trading |69.01 |

|11218 |Hach |89.12 |

|11219 |Hauser Farm Supply |44.16 |

|11220 |Hawkins |3,102.43 |

|11221 |LDL Clean (Service Master) |208.54 |

|11222 |Menards |5.98 |

|11223 |Minot Daily News |119.56 |

|11224 |ND Dept of Health |5.00 |

|11225 |ND League of Cities |860.00 |

|11226 |ND State Tax Commissioner |494.00 |

|11227 |NDIRF |797.76 |

|11228 |Office Max |33.05 |

|11229 |One Call |17.36 |

|11230 |Pease, Scott |30.00 |

|11231 |Ron's Transmission |1,400.00 |

|11232 |Schmutzler, Shawn |13.30 |

|11233 |SRT |374.09 |

|11234 |Tractor Supply |29.92 |

|11235 |United Rentals |257.58 |

|11236 |Verendrye Electric |182.00 |

|11237 |Ward County Auditor |100.00 |

|11238 |Xcel Energy |2,410.51 |

Respectfully submitted,

_______________________________ _______________________________

Diane Fugere, Auditor Jerome Gruenberg, Mayor

July 11, 2007

A special meeting of the Burlington City Council was held July 11, 2007. Present: Jerome Gruenberg, Mayor, Diane Fugere, Auditor, Council members Wayne Walter, Tim Hoff, Jack Anderson, Guy Smestad. The purpose of the meeting was to award the sale of warrant and bonds for Street Improvement District No. 3.

Guy Smestad moved by RESOLUTION TO AWARD SALE OF WARRANT AND BONDS, Wayne Walter seconded and motion passed on a unanimous roll-call vote.

Respectfully submitted,

________________________________ ________________________________

Diane Fugere, Auditor Jerome Gruenberg, Mayor

August 6, 2007

A regular meeting of the Burlington City Council was held August 6, 2007. Present were Jerome Gruenberg, Mayor, Diane Fugere, Auditor, Councilmen Wayne Walter, Tim Hoff, Jack Anderson & Guy Smestad. Also present were Delvin Stemen, Jesse Perkins, Clint Cogdill & Ryan Ackerman, Char Nickels and Jay Johnson.

Smestad moved to approve the minutes of the July 2 & 11, 2007 meetings, Walter seconded and motion carried unanimously.

Smestad moved to approve bills and payroll with the exception of Galls, $29.98, Walter seconded and motion carried unanimously.

Clint asked council about selling black dirt to the contractor for landscaping the hill behind city hall. Council approval was given.

Discussion followed regarding the condition of the loader and possible repairs needed during the 2008 budget. Clint discussed the following options:

- leasing a new grader from Krider Equipment (winter months only) for snow removal for $3000/month

- purchasing a 1990 JD Mod. 770 for $40,000.00

- leasing a skidsteer at 250 hours for $3000/year.

The loader trade in value is $13,000 - $18,000. Clint was asked to get more information for the next meeting and budget review.

Diane informed council it has been 2 years since water, sewer and garbage rates were increased. After discussion, no action was taken.

Diane reported purchasing a $100,000.00 certificate of deposit from United Community Bank at a rate of 5.2%.

Jay Johnson appeared before council to report on the new fire hall construction to begin this month. Jay asked if the city would be able to help with the expense of the sewer hookup. Engineer Ackerman informed council he could work the cost of replacing pavement into the paving project. Mayor Gruenberg discussed the possibility of the RV dump being located directly along Johnson Street directly across from the new fire hall lot and the possibility of the Water Resource Board assisting in the project expense. Ryan Ackerman will follow up with the Water Resource Board on this matter. Smestad moved to waive the tap on fee, Hoff seconded and motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote.

Char Nickels asked council about having the city mow the weeds around the Rec commission grass collection site (Well #3 location) and also that a different location be designated for grass clippings next summer.

Walter moved to pass a FINANCING RESOLUTION FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 3, Hoff seconded and motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote.

Hoff moved to pass a RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE OF $970,000 REFUNDING IMPROVEMENT BONDS, SERIES 2007, Walter seconded and motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote.

Council reviewed the Special Assessment Committee’s definition of “buildable lot”.

Also reviewed was Attorney Nostdahl’s opinion regarding city council’s power to change assessments:

“In my opinion, the only power the city council has with regard to changing special assessments

is for protests or appeals. If there is neither of those, I think the amount specified by the special

Assessment commission would have to stand.” Jim Nostdahl

An application for excavation permit from Buechler Excavating for Lots 1 & 2, Bryantt Addition, was presented to council, Smestad moved to accept application, Walter seconded and motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote.

Diane presented Clarence Cramer’s lease of Township 155 N, Range 84 W, Sec 12, Olt 13 of the SE1/4NE1/4 for renewal. Walter moved to renew for one year, Smestad seconded and motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote.

Walter moved to approve the lab contract for the ND Dept. of Health Division of Microbiology, Smestad seconded and motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote.

A report of Pledged securities from United Community Bank was reviewed and determined adequate to cover our investments.

Discussion followed regarding Clerk of Court hours. Smestad moved to decrease the Clerk of Court position to 10 hours, per month unless she attends the next regular meeting to discuss the status of court paperwork, Anderson seconded and motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote.

The transcriber is not working properly and the Clerk cannot understand the dictation. Three estimates for a new transcriber were reviewed, Walter moved to approve purchase from Dell, Anderson seconded and motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote.

Engineer Ackerman briefly discussed the status of the paving project.

Officer Perkins computer crashed and Diane presented council with an estimate from Martronics. She was instructed to get three estimates, total. Hoff moved to approve replacing the computer with the best estimate, Walter seconded and motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote.

Hoff presented the following building permits to council:

#527 Modular Home Tim Ripplinger $373

#528 11.5 x 20 Building Kelly Schroeder $ 45

#529 Single Family Home Jack Anderson $297

Walter moved to approve permits, Smestad seconded and motion carried with Anderson abstaining.

There being no further business to come before the board, Walter moved to adjourn, Hoff seconded, motion carried.



|11239 |Burlington Post Office |165.21 |

|11240 |Behms |94.56 |

|11241 |MDU |194.12 |

|11242 |Wiggins, Kathy |5.35 |

|11243 |Cindy Bader |477.92 |

|11244 |Clint Cogdill |966.30 |

|11245 |Richard Cogdill |541.38 |

|11246 |Keith Crabb |968.53 |

|11247 |Diane Fugere |973.39 |

|11248 |Jesse Perkins |900.47 |

|11249 |Dustin Person |60.03 |

|11250 |Rod Schwandt |85.00 |

|11251 |Linda Schwandt |200.00 |

|11252 |State Disbursement Unit |181.00 |

|11253 |Alltel |109.18 |

|11254 |Bremer Insurance |8,847.06 |

|11255 |Visa |1,061.72 |

|11256 |ND Dept of Agriculture |200.00 |

|11257 |Burlington Post Office |123.00 |

|11258 |Cindy Bader |592.62 |

|11259 |Clint Cogdill |966.30 |

|11260 |Richard Cogdill |173.58 |

|11261 |Keith Crabb |968.53 |

|11262 |Diane Fugere |973.39 |

|11263 |Cari Olson |168.38 |

|11264 |Jesse Perkins |900.47 |

|11265 |Delvin Stemen |638.06 |

|11266 |AFLAC |70.40 |

|11267 |NDPERS |1,088.57 |

|11268 |Prudential |160.18 |

|11269 |UCB |3,008.56 |

|11270 |State Disbursement Unit |181.00 |

|11271 |Burlington Post Office |82.00 |

|11272 |Acme Electric |36.43 |

|11273 |Blue Cross/Blue Shield |891.65 |

|11274 |Burlington Electric |60.25 |

|11275 |Chief |120.77 |

|11276 |Circle Sanitation |3,157.50 |

|11277 |Clerk of District Court |48.00 |

|11278 |Dacotah Insurance |3,452.00 |

|11279 |Des Lacs Valley Nursery |7,468.00 |

|11280 |Ecolab Pest Elimination |140.00 |

|11281 |First District Health Unit |60.00 |

|11282 |General Trading |93.03 |

|11283 |Gravel Products |142.81 |

|11284 |Hawkins |2,137.50 |

|11285 |LDL Clean (Service Master) |106.81 |

|11286 |Leavey, Don |50.00 |

|11287 |Matthew Bender Co. |208.65 |

|11288 |MDU |99.15 |

|11289 |Menards |189.83 |

|11290 |Minot Chrysler |293.86 |

|11291 |Minot Daily News |145.04 |

|11292 |ND Div of Community Service |12,929.37 |

|11293 |North Country Sportswear |79.00 |

|11294 |Office Max |37.99 |

|11295 |One Call |12.40 |

|11296 |Pringle & Herigstad |465.00 |

|11297 |Rath & Mehrer |3,300.00 |

|11298 |SRT |380.06 |

|11299 |Streitchers |41.98 |

|11300 |Verendrye Electric |182.00 |

|11301 |Ward County Auditor |2,324.80 |

|11302 |Webcom US Comm |174.00 |

|11303 |Workforce Safety |250.00 |

|11304 |Xcel Energy |2,512.65 |

|11305 |J's |100.00 |

|11306 |Ackerman-Estvold |47,155.44 |

|11307 |Minot Paving |158,524.95 |

Respectfully submitted,

_______________________________ _______________________________

Diane Fugere, Auditor Jerome Gruenberg, Mayor


Special Assessment Commission Hearing

On Objections to Assessments and Confirmation of Assessments

Present: Rod Schwandt and J.D. Karhoff Absent: Paula Bachmeier

Auditor Diane Fugere reported that publication of the Notice of Hearing on the Assessment List had been completed by publication in the Minot Daily News, on August 16 and 23, 2007 and that the first publication was more than 15 days prior to this hearing date.

Commissioner Schwandt opened the hearing for consideration of objections filed prior to the hearing and objections made by interested parties present. The following action was taken thereon by unanimous vote of all Commission members present:




Wayne Walter Lots 10-12 lots replatted into remove 1 assessment

one parcel if replatted into one


City of Burlington Lot 9 & 10 needs to be add 1 assessment

Johnsons 1st assessed

City of Burlington Lot D, Olt 26 needs to be add 1 assessment

S1-155-84 assessed

City of Burlington Olt 20 needs to be add 1 assessment

S2-155-84 assessed

City of Burlington Olt 23 of 19 needs to be add 1 assessment

S2-155-84 assessed

City of Burlington S2-155-84 needs to be add 1 assessment

Por SESE, E assessed

Hwy 2&52

Commissioner Schwandt called for confirmation of the Assessment List as published and as corrected from the adjustments noted above.

Commissioner Karhoff moved to approve the following resolution:

WHEREAS, special assessments for Street Improvement District No. 3 have been assessed against the benefited properties; and

WHEREAS, the statutory notice has been published and provided to property owners as required by law providing an opportunity for all interested parties, their agents or attorneys to appear on September 4, 2007 at 7 p.m. for the purpose of objecting to assessments to the lost or tracts of lands to be assessed; and

WHEREAS, unanimous action has been taken in correcting the Assessment List as authorized by Section 40-23-11 of the North Dakota Century Code

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Special Assessment Commission that the Assessment List as published and corrected, be hereby in all things confirmed subject to the right of appeal by aggrieved parties and further action thereon by the City Council at its meeting scheduled for October 1, 2007, at 8 p.m. to be held at the City Hall, Burlington, North Dakota.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Assessment List, be filed in the office of the City Auditor; such List to remain open for inspection by the public pending the meeting thereon by the City Council, seconded by Commissioner Schwandt. Motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote.


A regular meeting of the Burlington City Council was held on September 4, 2007. Present were Jerome Gruenberg, Wayne Walter, Tim Hoff, Jack Anderson, Guy Smestad, Diane Fugere, Clint Cogdill, Keith Crabb, Cindy Bader, Delvin Stemen & Ryan Ackerman.

Walter moved to approve the minutes of the August 6, 2007 meeting, Anderson seconded and motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote.

Officer Crabb stated that he would be paying the $29.98 bill to Galls for the pepper spray case. Smestad moved to approve all remaining payroll and bills, Walter seconded and motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote.

ND Sewage & Pump did an inspection on the main lift station and determined #2 pump has water in the oil and recommends getting it rebuilt at a cost of $1947.00. Anderson moved to approve repairs to the pump, Hoff seconded and motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote.

Clint reported to council he has only about 40 meters left to replace and that about 15 other meters will not be replaced due to inaccessibility and extensive plumbing at the city’s expense.

During a routine inspection, it was discovered the box on the truck is rusted badly and needs to be replaced. Clint was asked to check on the cost to replace.

Diane asked about replacing dead trees on Railway Street. As Glen Stevens was present at the meeting, he was asked for an estimate.

Glen Stevens and Andy Fimrite approached council once again about getting an easement on the EDC property, Olt 19, 22 & 23, S2-155-84. After discussion, Smestad moved to have Engineer Ackerman check on the process needed to grant this easement and report to council, Walter seconded and motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote.

Fimrite then asked council if the city would be willing to sign a letter of support for the EDC in asking Xcel Energy to move their utility poles. Council approval was given.

Katrina Bonness presented a plat of the S1/2SW1/4 of Olt 9, Section 25, Twp 156N, Rg 84W, subdividing into 5 lots. The plat was approved on 8/20/07 by the Planning Commission with a recommendation to rezone to R-1. Smestad moved to approve the plat pending determination of jurisdiction and rezoning to R-1, Walter seconded and motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote.

Brian Horinka asked council about reducing the 25 mph speed on the corner of Avenue A and Grace Street near his home. With the large number of children living in the area he feels it is too fast for a corner street and would like to see it at 15 mph. Horinka will get a petition signed by residents in the area showing support for a speed limit reduction and bring to the next council meeting.

Cindy Bader attended and answered questions regarding Clerk of Court hours for the budget.

Engineer Ackerman reported on the progress of the paving project.

The preliminary budget was presented and reviewed with the following changes:

∞ Police Department:

• equipment purchase reduced to $1500

• auto expense reduced to $10,000

• auto transfer increased to $3500

∞ General Fund:

• Attorney fees – increased to $8000

∞ Highway Fund:

• Street Repairs - $3500

∞ OASIS – reduced to $30,450

∞ Emergency Fund – reduced to $3280

Anderson moved to approve the preliminary budget with these changes, Tim Hoff seconded and motion carried on a roll-call vote: Anderson – yes; Hoff – yes; Smestad – no; Walter – yes.

Hoff presented the following building permit:

#530 Guy Smestad 12 x 15 shed $23.00

Walter moved to approved building permit #530, Anderson seconded and motion carried with Smestad abstaining.

Walter moved to adjourn, Hoff seconded and motion carried.


|11308 |Cindy Bader |516.16 |

|11309 |Clint Cogdill |966.30 |

|11310 |Richard Cogdill |132.25 |

|11311 |Keith Crabb |968.53 |

|11312 |Diane Fugere |973.39 |

|11313 |Jesse Perkins |900.47 |

|11314 |Linda Schwandt |200.00 |

|11315 |Rod Schwandt |85.00 |

|11316 |State Disbursement Unit |181.00 |

|11317 |Alltel |112.76 |

|11318 |Xcel Energy |2,760.26 |

|11319 |Visa |1,232.09 |

|11320 |Burlington Post Office |8.95 |

|11321 |Burlington Post Office |5.21 |

|11322 |Cindy Bader |556.77 |

|11323 |Clint Cogdill |966.30 |

|11324 |Richard Cogdill |252.09 |

|11325 |Keith Crabb |1,018.53 |

|11326 |Diane Fugere |973.39 |

|11327 |Cari Olson |168.38 |

|11328 |Jesse Perkins |900.47 |

|11329 |Delvin Stemen |542.47 |

|11330 |State Disbursement Unit |181.00 |

|11331 |AFLAC |70.40 |

|11332 |Prudential |157.42 |

|11333 |NDPERS |1,088.57 |

|11334 |UCB |2,939.14 |

|11335 |BND |11,175.00 |

|11336 |Bengston, John |50.00 |

|11337 |Blue Cross/Blue Shield |891.65 |

|11338 |Bremer Insurance |284.00 |

|11339 |Chief |42.39 |

|11340 |The Computer Store |149.00 |

|11341 |Dakota Fire & Emergency Inc |80.00 |

|11342 |Desour Valley EDC |1,903.48 |

|11343 |First District Health Unit |30.00 |

|11344 |Frazier, Arlys |450.00 |

|11345 |Gaffaneys |645.48 |

|11346 |Galls |326.90 |

|11347 |General Trading |207.57 |

|11348 |Gilje, Brent |35.85 |

|11349 |Gravel Products |142.47 |

|11350 |Hanenberg, Steve |1.41 |

|11351 |Harleys Auto Service |63.95 |

|11352 |Hawkins |2,804.78 |

|11353 |Martronics |759.99 |

|11354 |MDU |34.76 |

|11355 |Minot Daily News |1,390.19 |

|11356 |Minot Paving |531,287.83 |

|11357 |Minot Restaurant Supply |186.21 |

|11358 |ND Assoc of Oil & Gas Prod Co |25.00 |

|11359 |ND Sewage Pump Station Co |381.90 |

|11360 |Northern Water Works |9,815.37 |

|11361 |Olson's Towing |275.50 |

|11362 |One Call |29.76 |

|11363 |Service Master |213.62 |

|11364 |SRT |409.58 |

|11365 |State Treasurer's Office |165.00 |

|11366 |Steve Vogelpohl |3,252.13 |

|11367 |US Bank Corp. Trust |606.25 |

|11368 |Verendrye Electric |185.00 |

|11369 |Ward County Auditor |60.00 |

Respectfully submitted,

____________________________ _____________________________

Diane Fugere, Auditor Jerome Gruenberg, Mayor

October 1, 2007

A regular meeting of the Burlington City Council was held October 1, 2007. Present were Jerome Gruenberg, Mayor, Diane Fugere, Auditor, Councilmen Wayne Walter, Tim Hoff, Jack Anderson & Guy Smestad. Also present were Delvin Stemen, Jesse Perkins, Clint Cogdill, Keith Crabb & Ryan Ackerman, along with several community members.

Hoff moved to approve the minutes of the September 4, 2007 meetings, Smestad seconded and motion carried unanimously.

Walter moved to approve all bills and payroll, Hoff seconded and motion carried unanimously.

Clint reported our THM’s are within guidelines and we passed 4th quarter testing.

Keith Crabb passed out a statement with some concerns. Due to ongoing concerns with his hours, he requested a time clock be installed in the hall to be used by all employees. No action was taken.

The next statement was with regard to a charge Crabb made to Galls on the city account for a pepper spray case, on which council did not approve payment at the August 6, 2007 meeting. Crabb was disputing the charge being taken out of his paycheck. Diane explained; before the September 4, 2007 regular meeting, Crabb, in the presence of Councilmember Smestad, indicated to Diane that he would pay for the pepper spray case. Because Crabb had not paid the city by the payroll date of September 15th, the amount owed was taken off his paycheck, as had been requested in the past by Crabb.

The next statement read as follows: “I do not believe the Police Department will make the budgeted $25,000.00 in fines this year. I am sorry about this but our traffic related crime is down. I did tell the City Council at the last years Budget Hearing that I did not believe $25,000.00 in fines was feasible. Any requirement regarding a Police Department to make a minimal requirement in fines is considered to be an illegal quota.”

Diane reported Rocky Yale’s plat dividing Lots 1 & 4, Parkway Third Addition, which was approved in January 2007, was not recorded at that time, but was in the process of being recorded. A representative of Ackerman-Estvold attended with a revised plat of Lots 1-5, Parkway Fifth Addition. He reported the plat was not recorded in January 2007 because taxes were owed on the property and it was then overlooked. In addition, the plat was revised to read Fifth Addition as the county stated there was already a Fourth Addition with the same description. Discussion followed regarding Street Improvement Special Assessments. This property was assessed 2 specials, however, if the plat had been recorded in January, they would have been assessed 5 specials. Wayne Walter moved to approve a RESOLUTION CONFIRMING ASSESSMENTS AND DIRECTING CERTIFICATIONS AND LEVY, WITH AN INTEREST RATE OF 4.5% AND ADDING 3 ASSESSMENTS TO RC NODAK PROPERTY LOCATED AT PARKWAY FIFTH ADDITION ON ADVICE OF LEGAL COUNCIL, Jack Anderson seconded and motion carried on a roll-call vote: Walter-yes; Anderson-yes; Smestad-no; Hoff-no; Gruenberg-yes.

Hoff moved to approve revised plat of Lots 1-5, Parkway Fifth Addition, Walter seconded and motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote.

At 7:45 p.m., Mayor Gruenberg opened the public hearing on Katrina Bonness’ rezoning of Lots 1-5, Wildwood Glen from Ag to R-1. Paul Goldschmidt appeared to question whether all adjacent landowners had been notified of the public hearing. Diane reported that Ward County had given only two names; Wildwood Golf Course and Paul Goldschmidt. Discussion followed regarding the need to get written permission from Ward County for road access. Walter moved to approve rezoning request from Ag to R-1, after notifying other adjacent landowners, and getting written permission on road access from Ward County, Anderson seconded and motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote. Smestad moved to close the Public Hearing, Walter seconded, motion carried unanimously.

Theresa Meyers approached council with a request to form a committee to study and address a concern with recent crimes involving Burlington youths. Council expressed interest in being part of this committee and Mayor Gruenberg offered the access channel as a way of advertising.

Meyers then handed out a questionnaire to council regarding Officer Keith Crabb’s court disposition. After review by council, Mayor Gruenberg informed Meyers that council was aware of the situation, had discussed it and it was being taken care of.

At 8:30 p.m. Mayor Gruenberg opened the public hearing on the final budget. After review, Smestad moved to approve the final budget as presented, Walter seconded and motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote. Smestad moved to close the public hearing, Walter seconded and motion carried unanimously.

Brian Horinka presented a petition requesting the speed limit on the corner of Ave A and Grace St from Colton Ave to 1st Ave be reduced from 25 miles per hour to 15 miles per hour. Smestad moved on 1ST READING TO CHANGE THE SPEED LIMIT ON THE CORNER OF AVENUE A AND GRACE STREET FROM COLTON AVENUE TO 1ST AVENUE BE REDUCED FROM 25 MILES PER HOUR TO 15 MILES PER HOUR, Walter seconded and motion passed 1st reading on a roll-call vote: Smestad-yes; Walter-yes; Anderson-no; Hoff-no; Gruenberg-yes.

Diane reported receiving excellent references for grant writer Kelly Bengston for the Workforce Safety Hazard Elimination Learning Program (HELP) grant funds. Anderson moved to go forward with the grant for a loader with the fee to Bengston being paid out of the Enterprise Fund, Walter seconded and motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote.

Council reviewed correspondence from the Ward County Water Resource Board approving funding of up to $8,000.00 at 50% cost share for an RV dump in the city. Smestad moved to proceed on acquisition of RV dump at a maximum cost of $16,000.00, Hoff seconded and motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote.

Diane informed council about a “Safe Routes to School” grant available through the ND Department. of Transportation for possible use for a walking/bike path from Soo Street to Wallace continuing on to the school. Council approved going forward with the application.

Hoff presented the following building permit to council:

#531 Janell Fleming 42x42 Pole Barn $81.00

Smestad moved to approve, Walter seconded and motion carried unanimously.

Discussion followed regarding employee issues, recording conversations, schedules and answering the police phone line when an officer is not on duty. Council strongly discouraged recording conversations and Officer Crabb indicated the officer on duty would forward police line phone calls to his/her cell phone.

There being no further business to come before the board, Hoff moved to adjourn, Anderson seconded, motion carried.



|11370 |Circle Sanitation |3,157.50 |

|11371 |Burlington Post Office |88.42 |

|11372 |Cindy Bader |506.60 |

|11373 |Clint Cogdill |966.30 |

|11374 |Richard Cogdill |107.45 |

|11375 |Keith Crabb |968.53 |

|11376 |Diane Fugere |973.39 |

|11377 |Jesse Perkins |900.47 |

|11378 |Linda Schwandt |200.00 |

|11379 |Rod Schwandt |45.00 |

|11380 |State Disbursement Unit |181.00 |

|11381 |Alltel |118.64 |

|11382 |Visa |1,173.47 |

|11383 |Cindy Bader |511.37 |

|11384 |Clint Cogdill |966.30 |

|11385 |Richard Cogdill |115.72 |

|11386 |Keith Crabb |968.53 |

|11387 |Diane Fugere |1,080.04 |

|11388 |Cari Olson |168.38 |

|11389 |Jesse Perkins |900.47 |

|11390 |Delvin Stemen |635.15 |

|11391 |Jerome Gruenberg |476.50 |

|11392 |Tim Hoff |203.17 |

|11393 |Wayne Walter |203.17 |

|11394 |Jack Anderson |203.17 |

|11395 |Guy Smestad |83.17 |

|11396 |State Disbursement Unit |181.00 |

|11397 |AFLAC |70.40 |

|11398 |NDPERS |1,088.57 |

|11399 |Prudential |144.20 |

|11400 |UCB |3,201.38 |

|11401 |Acme Electric |34.39 |

|11402 |BCBS |894.25 |

|11403 |Burlington Post Office |160.00 |

|11404 |Circle Sanitation |3,167.25 |

|11405 |City of Minot Landfill |20.00 |

|11406 |First District Health Unit |30.00 |

|11407 |void |0.00 |

|11408 |Hach |118.55 |

|11409 |Hawkins |1,992.25 |

|11410 |Hunter Construction |1,470.00 |

|11411 |Larsco |93.00 |

|11412 |Martronics |666.39 |

|11413 |MAS Modern Mkting |218.89 |

|11414 |Minot Daily News |372.00 |

|11415 |Minot Paving Co. |52,816.05 |

|11416 |Minot Vet Clinic |227.50 |

|11417 |Office Max |230.41 |

|11418 |One Call |13.64 |

|11419 |Pringle & Herigstad |1,201.14 |

|11420 |PFM |10,022.86 |

|11421 |Ramkota Hotel |220.00 |

|11422 |Service Master |206.81 |

|11423 |SRT |389.19 |

|11424 |Tractor Supply |40.96 |

|11425 |US Bank Corp. Trust |21,046.25 |

|11426 |Verendrye Electric |186.00 |

|11427 |Xcel Energy |2,761.68 |

Respectfully submitted,

_______________________________ _______________________________

Diane Fugere, Auditor Jerome Gruenberg, Mayor

November 5, 2007

A regular meeting of the Burlington City Council was held November 5, 2007. Present were Jerome Gruenberg, Mayor, Diane Fugere, Auditor, Councilmen Wayne Walter, Tim Hoff, & Guy Smestad. Also present were Delvin Stemen, Jesse Perkins, Clint Cogdill, Ryan Ackerman and several area residents.

Walter moved to approve the minutes of the October 1, 2007 meeting, Smestad seconded and motion carried unanimously.

Diane informed council of a change in a water refund check to E. Guerra from $22.60 to $62.59.

Hoff moved to approve all bills and payroll with the reported change, Walter seconded and motion carried unanimously.

Council reviewed the employee policy and ND Century Code with regard to meal reimbursement. Smestad moved to add the NDCC language defining First, Second and Third Quarter to the employee policy, Walter seconded and motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote.

Kathy Aas and Dan Olson from Xcel Energy appeared before council asking if the city has any concerns or issues. Terry Zeltinger, representing Desour Valley EDC asked about the possibility of moving the poles on the EDC lots to make them more attractive to a potential buyer. After discussion, Dan Olson indicated they will work on options for EDC to aid in the sale of this property and a meeting will be arranged with EDC for further discussion on this matter.

At 7:45 p.m., Mayor Gruenberg opened the public hearing on Katrina Bonness’ rezoning of Lots 1-5, Wildwood Glen from Ag to R-1. Council reviewed an email from Dana Larsen, Ward County Highway Department, giving approval on proposed approaches to the property. Hearing no objections to the rezoning, Walter moved to approve the rezoning request from Ag to R-1, Hoff seconded and motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote.

Josh and Juanita Stone approached council about getting a waiver from the city to keep their two pit bulls in town. After discussion, the consensus of the council was to uphold the ordinance and deny the waiver.

Walter moved on 2nd READING TO CHANGE THE SPEED LIMIT ON THE CORNER OF AVENUE A AND GRACE STREET FROM COLTON AVENUE TO 1ST AVENUE BE REDUCED FROM 25 MILES PER HOUR TO 15 MILES PER HOUR, Smestad seconded and motion failed 2nd reading on a roll-call vote: Smestad-no; Walter-yes; Hoff-no.

Brian Horinka discussed his concerns about the speed limit and safety of young children in the area. Smestad reported he would rather see a stop sign than a speed limit reduction. Horinka asked to go on record as extremely disappointed.

Diane reported to council that meter reader, Linda Schwandt agreed to a reduction in her monthly fee to $100 as most meters have been installed. Rod Schwandt requested an increase in his monthly fee for building inspector to $50. Walter moved to decrease the meter reader fee to $100/month and increase the building inspector monthly fee to $50.00, Smestad seconded and motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote.

A letter regarding the proposed walk/bike path from Soo Street to Wallace Street is being sent to all residents of Soo Street to determine need and community support. Engineer Ackerman will be getting an estimate on the project.

Council reviewed an estimate from Webcom US Communications to fix and repair duplicated databases in the Super-File-It program. Consensus was to get an estimate from Martronics.

Engineer Ackerman informed council that the Street Improvement Project was complete and asked if anyone had any issues or concerns. Being none, Walter moved to accept the project as complete, Hoff seconded and motion carried on a roll-call vote. Ackerman presented a copy of a letter sent to Roger Kluck, Ward County Highway Department outlining the county’s share of work done on Old Settler’s Park Entrance and Colton Avenue West totaling $36,450.44. Smestad moved to approve closing the Street Improvement District #3 project, Hoff seconded and motion carried on a roll-call vote.

Terry Zeltinger addressed council regarding the sale of the old fire hall building. An appraisal of the building totaled $83,000. Zeltinger asked about the process involved in the sale of a public building and requested permission to contact the city’s attorney for legal advice. Council approval was given.

Hoff presented the following building permits:

#534 Burlington Rural Fire Dist. 106x60 Fire Hall

Smestad moved to waive the building permit application and inspection fee for the Burlington Rural Fire Dist, Hoff seconded, motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote.

#532 Andrew Clouse 24x24 Garage

#523 Reid Opland 28x45 Single Family Dwelling

Smestad moved to approve all building permits, Walter seconded and motion carried unanimously.

There being no further business to come before the board, Smestad moved to adjourn, Walter seconded, motion carried.


|11429 |void |0.00 |

|11430 |ND State Tax Comm |494.00 |

|11431 |General Trading |146.25 |

|11432 |Burlington Post Office |31.26 |

|11433 |Post Board |45.00 |

|11434 |NDWPCC |50.00 |

|11435 |Cindy Bader |573.51 |

|11436 |Clint Cogdill |966.30 |

|11437 |Keith Crabb |968.53 |

|11438 |Diane Fugere |973.39 |

|11439 |Jesse Perkins |900.47 |

|11440 |Linda Schwandt |200.00 |

|11441 |Rod Schwandt |45.00 |

|11442 |State Disbursement Unit |181.00 |

|11443 |Richard Cogdill |66.13 |

|11444 |MDU |108.69 |

|11445 |Xcel Energy |2,277.41 |

|11446 |Alltel |113.36 |

|11447 |Visa |879.01 |

|11448 |Burlington Post Office |15.63 |

|11449 |R D Yale |116.66 |

|11450 |Delvin Stemen |400.00 |

|11451 |Cindy Bader |597.39 |

|11452 |Clint Cogdill |1,271.50 |

|11453 |Keith Crabb |968.53 |

|11454 |Diane Fugere |973.39 |

|11455 |Cari Olson |271.28 |

|11456 |Jesse Perkins |900.47 |

|11457 |Delvin Stemen |626.67 |

|11458 |State Disbursement Unit |181.00 |

|11459 |AFLAC |70.40 |

|11460 |NDPERS |1,088.57 |

|11461 |Prudential |167.22 |

|11462 |UCB |2,904.86 |

|11463 |Ackerman Estvold Engineering |47,049.42 |

|11464 |Acme Electric |10.99 |

|11465 |American Welding |26.97 |

|11466 |Behms |73.08 |

|11467 |Best Western Seven Seas |110.00 |

|11468 |BCBS |894.25 |

|11469 |Burlington Electric |1,440.81 |

|11470 |Cenex of Minot |9.51 |

|11471 |Circle Sanitation |3,196.50 |

|11472 |Cogdill Construction |5,250.00 |

|11473 |First District Health Unit |30.00 |

|11474 |Gaffaneys |252.33 |

|11475 |General Scrap |51.65 |

|11476 |General Trading |34.32 |

|11477 |Guerra, Edgar |62.59 |

|11478 |Hawkins |4,336.81 |

|11479 |Home of Economy |19.96 |

|11480 |Kevins Plumbing & Heating |274.56 |

|11481 |Lovell, Jackie |13.32 |

|11482 |Matthew Bender - Lexis Nexis |87.15 |

|11483 |MDU |191.67 |

|11484 |Meadows, David |32.76 |

|11485 |Menards |62.16 |

|11486 |Minot Chrysler |40.95 |

|11487 |Minot Daily News |69.43 |

|11488 |Minot Paving Co. |42,926.63 |

|11489 |NAPA |154.25 |

|11490 |ND League of Cities |370.00 |

|11491 |ND Sewage Pump Lift Station |2,125.00 |

|11492 |Northern Water Works |379.90 |

|11493 |Northwest Tire |105.00 |

|11494 |Office Max |128.15 |

|11495 |Olsons Towing |109.00 |

|11496 |One Call |12.40 |

|11497 |Pringle & Herigstad |1,050.00 |

|11498 |Rough Riders Ind |38.72 |

|11499 |Schocks |95.70 |

|11500 |Service Master |106.81 |

|11501 |SRT |370.16 |

|11502 |Tractor Supply |2.50 |

|11503 |Trinity Health |20.00 |

|11504 |Verendrye Electric |190.00 |

|11505 |Volbrecht, Melissa |50.00 |

|11506 |Ward County |80.00 |

|11507 |Webcom |70.00 |

|11508 |Western Steel |207.47 |

December 3, 2007

A regular meeting of the Burlington City Council was held December 3, 2007. Present were Jerome Gruenberg, Mayor, Diane Fugere, Auditor, Councilmen Wayne Walter, Tim Hoff, Jack Anderson & Guy Smestad. Also present were Keith Crabb, Clint Cogdill, Ryan Schwandt & Roger Kluck.

Smestad moved to approve the minutes of the November 5, 2007 meeting, Hoff seconded and motion carried unanimously.

Hoff moved to approve all bills and payroll, Walter seconded and motion carried unanimously.

Due to Jesse Perkin’s resignation from the Police Department, Officer Crabb asked permission to advertise the position in the newspaper. Smestad moved to approve publication of employment ad, Walter seconded and motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote.

Council reviewed the application for the Hacienda’s liquor license renewal. Walter moved to approve, Hoff seconded and motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote.

Council reviewed the application for the Idle Hour liquor license renewal. Smestad moved to approve, Walter seconded and motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote with Anderson abstaining.

Roger Kluck appeared before council to discuss the county’s participation in the paving of Park Road to Old Settlers Park. Due to budget issues, Kluck asked for approval to pay a portion of the bill in December 2007 with the balance being paid in January 2008. Walter moved to accept this proposal, Anderson seconded and motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote.

Diane informed council that Martronics can not repair the database for Super-File-It. Council reviewed a quote from Webcom for $390.00. Smestad moved to approve, Walter seconded and motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote.

Diane asked about getting estimates to finish the ceiling in the community room. Council approval was given.

Smestad moved to amend the 2008 budget to increase the building inspector fee to $600.00, Walter seconded and motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote.

Diane asked for permission to pay year-end bills, Walter moved to approve, Hoff seconded and motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote.

Diane passed along information to council about a grant the Fire Department received for $22,000.00 for turnout gear, laptop, projector, education courses and certification videos.


o up to 2000.00 from Enterprise Fund to the General Fund

o up to 1500.00 from police budget to Police Vehicle Reserve

o $5000 from street repairs to Highway Equipment Reserve

o unspent highway funds to Highway Equipment Reserve

o $1064 from Maintenance Fee to Enterprise Maintenance Reserve Fund

o up to $62,000 from Enterprise Fund to Enterprise Maintenance Reserve Fund

Smestad moved to approve these transfers, Walter seconded and motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote.

Guy Smestad addressed council asking to have one Street Improvement special assessment removed from his property located on Colton’s 4th Addition, Lots 5 & 6 Block 2. Diane will check with attorney for legal advice on the matter.

Diane presented a Joint Powers Agreement between Ward County and the City of Burlington regarding the 2008 election. Smestad moved to approve, Walter seconded and motion carried on a unanimous roll-call vote.

Walter moved to adjourn, Hoff seconded and motion carried.


|11509 |Burlington Post Office |160.00 |

|11510 |void |0.00 |

|11511 |Xcel Energy |2,147.21 |

|11512 |Office Max |7.88 |

|11513 |Burlington Post Office |5.21 |

|11514 |Cindy Bader |559.09 |

|11515 |Clint Cogdill |966.30 |

|11516 |Keith Crabb |968.53 |

|11517 |Diane Fugere |973.39 |

|11518 |Jesse Perkins |900.47 |

|11519 |Linda Schwandt |200.00 |

|11520 |Rod Schwandt |45.00 |

|11521 |State Disbursement Unit |181.00 |

|11522 |Visa |934.11 |

|11523 |Alltel |111.63 |

|11524 |Cindy Bader |549.61 |

|11525 |Clint Cogdill |982.30 |

|11526 |Keith Crabb |968.53 |

|11527 |Diane Fugere |973.39 |

|11528 |Cari Olson |175.73 |

|11529 |Jesse Perkins |900.47 |

|11530 |Delvin Stemen |608.47 |

|11531 |State Disbursement Unit |181.00 |

|11532 |AFLAC |70.40 |

|11533 |NDPERS |1,088.57 |

|11534 |Prudential |150.71 |

|11535 |UCB |2,879.52 |

|11536 |Behms |135.20 |

|11537 |Black Mt. Software |1,547.00 |

|11538 |Blue Cross/Blue Shield |904.45 |

|11539 |Bremer Insurance |23.00 |

|11540 |Burlington Electric |225.58 |

|11541 |Circle Sanitation |3,206.25 |

|11542 |Flower Box |52.00 |

|11543 |General Trading |237.93 |

|11544 |Harleys |23.95 |

|11545 |Hawkins |1,006.77 |

|11546 |Jost Construction |31.35 |

|11547 |Matthew Bender |47.15 |

|11548 |Minot Daily News |58.30 |

|11548 |MFOA |30.00 |

|11550 |Northwest Tire |120.00 |

|11551 |One Call Concepts |8.68 |

|11552 |Pringle & Herigstad |150.00 |

|11553 |Q Business Source |108.00 |

|11554 |Rough Rider Industries |7.11 |

|11555 |Service Master |106.81 |

|11556 |SRT |374.66 |

|11557 |Sundre Sand & Gravel |447.08 |

|11558 |Ward County Auditor |160.00 |

Respectfully submitted,

_______________________________ _______________________________

Diane Fugere, Auditor Jerome Gruenberg, Mayor


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