Notes from the Homelessness consultation

Notes from Southend Homeless Action Network (SHAN) MeetingHeld at SCF’s Plaza Centre on Tuesday 9th January 2018Attendees (25): Dave Tarr (Teen Challenge); Arumas Butkus (Teen Challenge); Acting Inspector Ian Hughes (Essex Police); Kelly Clarke (SoS Borough Council [SBC]); Glyn Halksworth (SBC, Drug and Alcohol Commissioner); Alison Ponto (Rosemead); Brenda Phillips; Trish Carpenter (Citizen’s Advice, SoS); Beth ?? (Citizen’s Advice, SoS); Trisha North (SoS Adult & Community College [SACC]); Damian ?? (SoS Adult & Community College [SACC]); Hem Patel (57 West, and Manager of the Westcliff Free Church Winter Night Shelter); Michael Morgan; Katie Gardner (SBC); Karla Bryan (One Love); Zoey Smith (One Love); Colin Ball (One Love); Paul Slennett (Southend Christian Bookshop and a Street Pastor); Salvo; Peter Courtenay (Street Pastor); Del Thomas (Street Spirit); Laura Page (MIND); Gary Turner (HARP); John Simmons (Co-Ordinator, SoS Churches Winter Night Shelters & Chair, Management Group, SoS Street Pastors) [Notes]; and John Barber (Chair). Apologies: Rev. Melanie Smith (SoS Foodbank); Julie McEvoy (57 West, and Deputy Manager of the Belle Vue Baptist Winter Night Shelter); Cllr Mark Flewitt (SBC); N.B. Action Points are in bold underlined italics.1. Welcome and Introductions.John B. welcomed all to the meeting and reminded all present about the “Rules of Engagement” for these meetings:- We are SHAN; we are about Southend; the Homeless; and Action; and are a Network of concerned people working to move the homeless onto a better place.We don’t discuss individual cases at the meetings, although anonymous examples can be given to make a point.We don’t have a go at each other for perceived shortcomings.He then thanked SCF for their hospitality.Please send all additions and amendments to the Contact List to John B. asap.Everyone then briefly introduced themselves by name, role and organisation. 2. Minutes and Action Points from our last meeting (14/11/17).a) The minutes were accepted.b) Matters Arising:-John B. mentioned that the Rough Sleeper leaflet had been updated to version 3.4 and is now available at . He has already been told about some minor changes, so is hoping to update to version 3.5 by the end of January. John asked that he is informed asap about anything else that needs to be changed. He is not proposing this time to print the leaflet but if that is something others wish to do and pass them on, then please let him know.Gary Turner again apologised for not sending the promised HARP Facts Sheet to John B. He will do it asap.John B. reported that he had needed to ring 999 after an incident at the Winter Night Shelter that he manages and the police hadn’t turned up despite a follow-up call. He had e-mailed Ian Hughes and Bill Potter about this and wanted to mention that he had received a good response.John B. also wanted to thank Bill Potter for his participation in SHAN over the years and to send him all our best wishes for a long and happy retirement.John B. reported that he had rung and e-mailed Southend Healthwatch about attending SHAN, but had not received a reply. Kelly Clarke offered to contact them.3. Sleep and Homelessness (John Barber).John B. said that Lisa was unable to attend as planned.John B. reported that several guests in the Winter Night Shelters have problems sleeping e.g. because they snore (or even have sleep apnoea); or are disturbed by snoring.John S. said that in the shelter he helps at, they provide ear plugs and eye masks, and also offer nasal strips and chin straps. All these help to some extent.John B. will ask Lisa to try and attend the next SHAN.4. Homelessness as it affects the LGBT community (John Barber).John B. apologised that Gina Costin (from TRANSPIRE) couldn’t be here either.Gary Turner reported that some of the HARP Staff had met her at The Bradbury; a very useful session.John S. reported that there had been two transgender guests and a few gay guests over the years, and there was a transgender guest very recently.It emerged that there is a lot of information on the Homeless Link website.Glyn Halksworth suggested that Stonewall would be another useful source of information.Ian Hughes mentioned that licensing of premises (e.g. to ensure that the toilets are labelled and used correctly) would be key; again, there is a lot of information on-line.John S. reported that there is a special Winter Night Shelter in London for LGBTIQ+ homeless people; the Outside Project uses a converted coach. See or TheOutsideProject for more details.5. Teen Challenge in Southend (David Tarr).David introduced himself: he is the Outreach Director for Teen Challenge (T/C) London (10 years in post); he covers London and the Home Counties. He was an alcoholic and heroin addict, but has been clean for 13 years now.T/C London has a 29 bed hostel and is one of 6 centres across the UK.T/C is a faith (Christian) based detox and rehab programme that is in 4 phases over, normally, 18 months:-a 30 day assessment;3 months detox;3 months rehab; and 4 months supported living.All the phases are fully supported by T/C.The programme is free if the participant is eligible for benefits.There is an 80% success rate for those who continue with the programme for 5 years. However, 6/10 leave the programme.After the programme T/C support participants onto training courses (inc. C&G).T/C has a weekly Drop-In at King’s Road URC from 1400 - 1600 on Wednesdays.In some cities, they work with gang membersArumas talked about his story: he’s from Lithuania; he went through the programme in 2009 - 10 and has been clean since then. He was linked to a Lithuanian Church and then set up a rehab centre for Eastern Europeans. They have particular difficulties with language, alcohol and drugs and often become homeless. He moved to Leigh-on-Sea about 6 months ago. Paul Slennett paid tribute to the work of T/C citing the example of the previous minister of Thundersley Congregational Church who was helped by T/C to become clean after being a heroin addict for 14 years.Ian Hughes asked if T/C would share info. about the attendees at the Drop-In. David said not yet. Kelly Clarke offered to meet with David outside the meeting to discuss this.Zoey Smith said One Love regularly help a number of addicts. Could David come to the soup kitchen on a Monday or Thursday evening? If not, has he any leaflets (inc. some in Russian)? David said he would provide some leaflets to them and also to the Winter Night Shelters (via John S.).6. Resident Issues (Brenda Phillips). Brenda said that she was a resident on the Genesis Housing estate between Baxter Avenue and Boston Avenue.Her issue is not with homeless people but with the way they are being treated.Several homeless people have been sleeping and/or taking drugs on the estate for months; complaints to Genesis achieved nothing until the residents went to the ECHO - they then acted.Brenda mentioned, in particular, the bin shed at Alexander Court; it doesn’t have a door but is being used for sleeping, as a shooting gallery and as a toilet. The residents complained to the Police and to Genesis who batted it to and fro between them until Brenda Cc’d John B. Then Genesis brought in security (from 23/12/17 - 01/01/18) and the bin shed was cleared (on 02/01/18).Brenda wanted to be clear that it’s not just her estate that is having the problem, and she isn’t blaming the homeless people and certainly doesn’t want them to be criminalised because it’s not criminal to be homeless.Michael Morgan interjected to say that there no public toilets that homeless people can use in Southend (especially for women). After some discussion, Glyn Halksworth said he would follow this up.There was a short debate about if there were any “safe spaces” in Southend that could be used by rough sleepers; suggestions were the premises recently vacated by 57 West (available at ?500pm), the two big shopping centres and empty shops in the High Street.Gary Turner asked that Streetlink (.uk) is used to report rough sleepers; reports are sent to the Council and then to Family Mosaic for action.Brenda mentioned that an 83 year old neighbour was very intimidated by the rough sleepers. At a meeting at the Civic Centre they were told no CPNs would be issued because their names were not known. Why didn’t Genesis apply for the CPNs?Ian Hughes responded that there is nothing worse than being passed from pillar to post. He said that Genesis were under an obligation to put in preventative measures. He added that there are problems in all the tower blocks not just Elizabeth Tower. They have done patrols around the estate and, with Genesis, have dealt with the drug dealers/users in Elizabeth Tower. It was suggested that Brenda ask Genesis to put a door on the bin shed and encourage the Rough Sleepers to go to HARP for help.7. Police Update (Acting Inspector Ian Hughes).Ian reported that Operation Irvine (from November 20th right through December) had seen additional police visibility in the High Street during the run up to Christmas. It included partnership working with other agencies (e.g. the Council, HARP, Family Mosaic and the Storehouse) and occasional visits to the Winter Night Shelters. It had received some really positive feedback and there were 78 interactions (not individuals).Criminal Behaviour Warnings and Notices have been issued with positive requirements as have 15 Criminal Behaviour Orders.The Police are working with the Complex Needs Panel to offer solutions to individuals to help them change their lives. It’s a long-term strategy and some prefer to carry on with their chosen life-style.Ian also asked that we use Streetlink to report any rough sleepers.Ian asked that any incidents at the WNSs are reported using 999 and that the Managers report them fully and stress the severity and urgency. PCSOs will continue to visit the WNSs whenever possible. Zoey Smith asked if One Love could have a Townlink radio. Ian suggested they contact Barry Davies (at SBC’s CCTV Centre). However, he stressed that it is not a way of bypassing the 999 system.8. Council Update (Glyn Halksworth).Dual Diagnosis:Happy to report that STARS and EPUT are now working together better to help clients with this diagnosis.Rough Sleeper Count:It has gone up locally and nationally. [Post meeting: Southend: from 44 to 72].Glad to see that the Government are beginning to take this seriously.Private Rented Sector (PRS) Review:SBC are looking at licensing the PRS, rent control, and closer working with SEAL and other landlords.Homeless Reduction Act:This comes into effect in April and has doubled the “period of duty” from 28 to 56 days.One main aim is to prevent homelessness.Staffing is an issue they are trying to rectify.Housing Strategy:A draft paper is being discussed at the Cabinet Meeting today.It covers homelessness, land use, South Essex Homes, etc.SBC were aware that they didn’t have one vision in this area; this is the first attempt at getting that.It will lead to a Housing Strategy and then a Homeless Prevention Strategy.High Street Patrols:These are carrying on as and when resources are available from SBC and other plex Needs Panel:This is an accredited MEAM Partner.Their work has been nominated for a LGA award.The Complex Needs Hostel has secured funding for 7 years.A draft paper is being discussed at the Cabinet Meeting today.It covers homelessness, land use, South Essex Homes, etc.SBC were aware that they didn’t have one vision in this area; this is the first attempt at getting that.It will lead to a Housing Strategy and then a Homeless Prevention Strategy.9. The Churches Winter Night Shelters (John Simmons).John S. gave a brief update:-As at Sunday night (07/01/18) they had been open for 40 nights.At 20 bedspaces per night = 800 potential bedspaces of which 716 had been filled (90%).61 guests had stayed at least one night; 6 of them for more than 28 nights.50 males, 10 females, 1 n/k (no info. captured!).10 were under 25 and 6 were over 54.48 were from the UK.37 admitted to having mental health problems.About 15 guests had been “housed” (although a few were back on the streets).Volunteers have given 5900 hours of their time which if paid at the Adult Living Wage (?7.50ph) would have cost ?44,500.No serious incidents. 10. AOB.Michael Morgan asked if the Council could publish a list of “rogue” landlords.Glyn Halksworth responded that this was part of the PRS review.Colin Ball asked about:CBOs: are they aimed at individuals or areas?Ian Hughes said they are made against individuals; dispersal orders cover areas.The Rough Sleeper Count: how was it determined?Glyn Halksworth said it was from input from a large number of partners which was discussed and agreed at a meeting on 17/11/17.Colin responded that One Love weren’t asked, or invited to the meeting. WNS guests who were housed: how many were helped by HARP?John Simmons said almost all of them; a few had been helped by Family Mosaic or gone into the PRS.11.SHAN Meetings for 2018 will be on:- Tuesday 9th January; Tuesday 13th March; Tuesday 8th May; Tuesday 10th July; Tuesday 11th September; and Tuesday 13th November.All meetings are 11:00 - 13:00 at The Plaza Centre (600 Southchurch Road, SS1 2PT). ................

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