Guests: See sign in sheet (attached)

Council Present: Glenn Hibbs, Paul Schlader, Dan Millward, and Bob West

Mayor Heater called meeting to order at 6:00 PM

Prayer: Mayor Heater

Pledge of Allegiance

Approve Amended Agenda (Action): Motion by Paul Schlader and seconded by Bob West. Roll call vote: Glenn Hibbs aye, Paul Schlader aye, Dan MiIllward aye and Bob West aye.

Approve Minutes from Emergency City Council Meeting on January 16, 2019, Regular City Council Meeting on February 13, 2019 and Regular City Council Meeting on February 27,2019 (Action) - Motion was made by Bob West and seconded by Dan Millward. Roll call vote: Glenn Hibbs aye, Paul Schlader aye, Dan Millward aye and Bob West aye.

Follow up agenda items:

A. Discuss gaps and needs analysis on water billing- The maintenance department will conduct an audit of meters in the city on March 15, 2019 weather permitting – Betty reported due to the amount of snow in the alleys, the maintenance department will be beginning the audit process in April.

B. Update on AT&T – Betty stated this discussion has been tabled as there are currently no updates to provide.

C. Update on Bryan Drive – Mayor Betty Heater and Paul Schlader will review RFP applications and provide feedback to the city council members. Completed. Mayor Betty Heater stated this is an action item listed below and will discuss at that time.

D. Update on St. Mary’s Clinic- Stephanie verified that St. Mary’s Clinic had submitted the check, building permit as well as thumb drives with the building specs. Bob stated City Hall will need to pay the $3233.40 check to the Division of Building Safety in Boise, ID.

E. Update on Kamiah Gun Club- Paul will contact Alison Brandt to discuss ideas provided in the training with Dan and Michele Chadwick regarding the lease language modifications. Paul reported he had spoken to Alison and a drafted lease has been provided to the city council members. He requested the city council members review the draft and requested this discussion be placed as an action item on the following city council meeting agenda.

F. Water and Garbage Ordinance Review – Mayor Betty Heater reported this as an on-going agenda item. Bob West requested Stephanie to schedule a workshop to begin the process.

G. Update on City Website – Mayor Betty Heater reported this is an on-going agenda item. She stated Stu Bryant has been updating as he has time.

H. Update on Sidewalks – Mayor Betty Heater stated there are currently no updates to discuss.

I. Discuss Cammack Contract – Mayor Betty Heater stated this discussion is listed in action items.

J. Update on $312.00 purchase for filter elements and desiccant for WWTP Air Control Unit- Mike Stanton reported the new filter elements and desiccant arrived today and he has installed them. He stated the WWTP is back up and running correctly. Dan Millward expressed his appreciation for the process that was taken to get this taken care of.

Action Items:

A. Approve Monthly and Interim Bills (Action)- Motion was made to approve the monthly and interim bills by Glenn Hibbs and seconded by Paul Schlader. Roll call vote: Glenn Hibbs aye, Paul Schlader aye, Dan Millward aye and Bob West aye.

B. Approve Monthly Financial Reports (Action)- Motion to approve the monthly financial reports was made by Dan Millward and seconded by Glenn Hibbs. Roll call vote: Glenn Hibbs aye, Paul Schlader aye, Dan Millward aye and Bob West aye.

C. Approve Cammack Contract (Action)- Mayor Betty Heater presented the Cammack contract to the city council members for approval. Stephanie verified that Alison Brandt, City Attorney, has reviewed the contract and Cammack has modified the contract per Alison’s request. Motion to approve the Cammack contract was made by Bob West and seconded by Paul Schlader. Roll call vote: Glenn Hibbs aye, Paul Schlader aye, Dan Millward aye and Bob West aye.

D. Discuss request for snow removal concerns (Action)- Paul Schlader stated he had spoken to Father Sipho and he would like to request maintenance to make a second pass by the Catholic Church to plow the berm of snow the plow leaves behind. Mike Stanton verified this is typically the maintenance departments practice, however; this last storm the plow driver did not. Mike stated he will discuss with his maintenance crew to resolve. Paul Schlader stated he will follow up with Father Sipho to let him know the council has reviewed and maintenance will take care of it. Bob West inquired about the parking lot at the Credit Union. Mike verified the Credit Union is plowed by an independent contractor.

Action Items-

a. Paul Schlader will follow up with Father Sipho regarding snow removal at the Catholic Church per his request.

b. Mike Stanton will discuss snow removal at the Catholic Church with the maintenance staff.

E. Approve April as Fair Housing Month (Action)– Mayor Betty Heater read off the Fair Housing Month proclamation and requested approval from the city council members. Motion to approve April as Fair Housing Month was made by Bob West and seconded by Paul Schlader. Roll call vote: Glenn Hibbs aye, Paul Schlader aye, Dan Millward aye and Bob West aye.

F. Approve Parade Permit for Goldwing Club on June 7, 2019 (Action)- Motion to approve the Parade Permit for the Goldwing Club on June 7, 2019 was made by Dan Millward and seconded by Glenn Hibbs. Roll call vote: Glenn Hibbs aye, Paul Schlader aye, Dan Millward aye and Bob West aye.

G. Approve rate increase for CEDA-(Action)- Bob West stated CEDA is raising the cost of their services. He stated the City of Kamiah is currently paying an annual fee of $796.00. He stated CEDA will be raising the annual fee of $150.76 over a 5-year period. Motion was made to approve the annual increase costs to CEDA by Dan MIllward and was seconded by Paul Schlader. Roll call vote: Glenn Hibbs aye, Paul Schlader aye, Dan Millward aye and Bob West aye.

H. Approve City of Kamiah Resolution 2006-2 (Action)- Mayor Betty Heater presented Resolution 2006-2 to the city council members for approval. Bob stated he had spoken to Sheriff Davis and he was willing to be the Local Emergency Response Authority for Hazardous Substance contact person. Motion to use Lewis County Sheriff Department as the authority for the Local Emergency Response for Hazardous Substance Materials was made by Bob West and was seconded by Paul Schlader. Roll call vote: Glenn Hibbs aye, Paul Schlader aye, Dan Millward aye and Bob West aye.

Action Items:

a. Stephanie will forward Resolution 2006-2 to Alison Brandt for modification of authority to Lewis County Sheriff Department and Dan Musgrave as the backup.

I. Approve City of Kamiah Resolution 2016-1 (Action)- Bob West made the motion to move into Execution Session at the end of the meeting for discussion. The city council agreed to table until Mike Boyer can attend the meeting.

J. Approve purchase of Idaho State Code Books – $635.46 (Action) – Motion to approve the purchase of the Idaho State Code books to update the library was made by Bob West and was seconded by Dan Millward. Roll call vote: Glenn Hibbs aye, Paul Schlader aye, Dan Millward aye and Bob West aye.

K. Approve termination of Alison Brandt’s contract for Prosecution Services-(Action)- Motion to approve the termination of Alison Brandt’s prosecution services contract was made by Paul Schlader and was seconded by Glenn Hibbs. Roll call vote: Glenn Hibbs aye, Paul Schlader aye, Dan Millward aye and Bob West aye.

L. Approve amended contract for Alison Brandt – (Action) – Motion to approve the amended contract was made by Bob West and seconded by Dan Millward. Roll call vote: Glenn Hibbs aye, Paul Schlader aye, Dan Millward aye and Bob West aye.

M. Approve application for catering permit for CVRA Club March 23, 2019 (Action)- Motion to approve the catering permit for the CVRA club on March 23, 2019, was made by Paul Schlader and seconded by Glenn Hibbs. Roll call vote: Glenn Hibbs aye, Paul Schlader aye, Dan Millward aye and Bob West aye.

N. Approve Kidder Harris Highway District chip seal project request- (Action) – Mike Stanton reported this was a budgeted item. Mike stated Kidder Harris Highway District is waiting for approval from the city council to begin stock piling rock chips. Mike suggested to begin chip sealing on Main St. and for the city council to budget funds each year to ensure all the streets in the city are repaired. Motion to approve Kidder Harris Highway District’s request for stock piling was made by Dan Millward and seconded by Paul Schlader. Roll call vote: Glenn Hibbs aye, Paul Schlader aye, Dan Millward aye and Bob West aye.

O. Approve Kidder Harris request to widen the corner above old landfill site- (Action) – Mike Stanton verified this is on the S Corner by the cell phone towers. Motion was made to approve Kidder Harris request to widen the corner above old landfill site was made by Bob West and seconded by Dan Millward. Roll call vote: Glenn Hibbs aye, Paul Schlader aye, Dan Millward aye and Bob West aye.

P. Approve cost to replace influent flow meter for WWTP – $7500.00 (Action)- Mike stated this influent flow meter is the main meter that the City of Kamiah bills the EKSI and Pine Ridge Water District’s readings into the WWTP. He stated this meter is 16 years old and starting to have issues. He reported the meter has begun to read erratically within the past few weeks. Motion to approve the purchase of the new influent flow meter for WWTP for $7500.00 was made by Dan Millward and was seconded by Glenn Hibbs. Roll call vote: Glenn Hibbs aye, Paul Schlader aye, Dan Millward aye and Bob West aye.

Q. Discuss repair bill from Joe Hall Ford –(Action)- Bob West stated he has reviewed the packet received from Mr. Boyer. Bob West stated he feels that Mr. Boyer being the EMT’s representative should be reviewing this documentation and reaching out to outside entities get this matter handled. Mayor Betty Heater stated she has been working with Mike to look at options. Paul Schlader recommended contacting Alison Brandt to send Joe Hall a letter. Dan Millward stated he would like to work with Mayor Betty Heater and Mike Boyer to see what can be done as well. Bob West requested Mayor Betty Heater and Mike Boyer provide an update at the next meeting.

R. Approve Grant letter for Kamiah Ambulance Radios – (Action) -Mayor Betty Heater stated Mike Boyer has been working with Damon Keen to write a grant for 25 new radios for the EMS staff. Motion to approve the grant letter for the Kamiah Ambulance radios was made by Paul Schlader and seconded by Dan Millward. Roll call vote: Glenn Hibbs aye, Paul Schlader aye, Dan Millward aye and Bob West aye.

S. Approve Division of Building Safety Application for Plan Review -$8083.50 (Action) – Bob West reported the St. Mary’s request for CUP was approved for their $5,000,000.00 project beginning this spring at the Public Hearing on 3-6-19. He stated their portion of the costs for the site review plan was $8,148.25. He stated the city will be submitting a check to Meridian for the amount of $3,233.00. Stephanie verified St. Mary’s has turned in their building permit, check and plans. Motion to approve the Division of Safety Application for Plan Review was made by Bob West and seconded by Paul Schlader Roll call vote: Glenn Hibbs aye, Paul Schlader aye, Dan Millward aye and Bob West aye.

T. Approval to waive park fees for the Kiwanis Easter Egg Hunt, April 20, 2019-(Action) – Motion to waive the park fees for the Annual Kiwanis Easter Egg Hunt on April 20, 2019 was made by Dan Millward and seconded by Glenn Hibbs. Roll call vote: Glenn Hibbs aye, Paul Schlader aye, Dan Millward aye and Bob West aye.

U. Approve to RFP proposal – Mayor Betty Heater stated she had met with Mike Stanton and Paul Schlader to review the RFP proposals that were submitted for the Bryan Drive Booster Drive project. She stated after review and scoring, Keller Associates was chosen with the highest rating. Motion to approve Keller Associates for the Bryan Drive Booster Station was made by Bob West and seconded by Paul Schlader. Roll call vote: Glenn Hibbs aye, Paul Schlader aye, Dan Millward aye and Bob West aye.

Public Comments:

A. Tonya Boyer stated she feels that the EMS staff would appreciate Mike Boyer be at the meeting when they discuss the Resolution 2016-1.

B. Henry Bailey stated the city council tabled the discussion around Resolution 2016-1 due to staff inability to attend the meeting, and the same respect should be given to Mike Boyer. He stated if this is an employee issue, he should be involved.

C. Maple Stuivenga stated the Resolution 2016-1 was approved in an Executive Session and was just handed to them. She stated she would like to request EMS’s feelings to be considered when approving this Resolution. She agreed as well that Mike Boyer should be involved in the conversations around the Resolution. Mayor Betty Heater stated she will ensure transparency to the citizens of Kamiah.

D. Mayor Betty Heater stated she would like to have legal council here for an Executive Session as well as Mike Boyer. The city council agreed.

E. Tim Smith requested feedback as to why decisions are made behind closed doors that affect the public. Mayor Betty Heater clarified that all personnel issues are not allowed to be discussed in public.

Adjourned at 6:44 PM.

__________________________________ ___________________________

Betty Heater, Mayor Stephanie Dyche, City Clerk


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