ESL conversation lesson on Indiana Jones


STUDENT A’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student B)

|1) |Do you like Indiana Jones? |

|2) |Why do you think the Indiana Jones movies are so popular? |

|3) |Do you think Harrison Ford can be a good action hero at the age of 65? |

|4) |What is your favourite Indiana Jones movie? |

|5) |Do you think Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is a good name for a movie? |

|6) |If you could write your own part and be in an Indiana Jones movie, what kind of character and role would you have? |

|7) |Are Indiana Jones movies good or bad for kids? |

|8) |What memories do you have of watching any of the previous three Indiana Jones movies? |

|9) |If a younger actor played the next Indiana Jones, who would you want to play the part? |

|10) |What questions would you like to ask Harrison Ford about Indiana Jones? |

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STUDENT B’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student A)

|1) |If there was an Indiana Jones movie set in today’s times. What do you think the story would be about? |

|2) |Is Indiana Jones one of the greatest ever heroes? |

|3) |If you could choose the name for the next Indiana Jones movie, what would you choose? |

|4) |What do you think it would be like to have Indiana Jones as your best friend? |

|5) |Indiana Jones, James Bond or Rambo – who’s best? |

|6) |Can you hum the Indiana Jones theme tune? What do you think of it? |

|7) |Would you like to accompany Indiana Jones in one of his adventures? |

|8) |What changes would you like to make to an Indiana Jones story? |

|9) |What kind of child do you think Indiana Jones was? |

|10) |What questions would you like to ask Steven Spielberg about Indiana Jones? |


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