San Marcos Homeowners Association

San Marcos Homeowners Association

Monthly Board Meeting Minutes

August 14th, 2012


260 South Arizona Avenue

Chandler, Arizona

Board of Directors Present: Bart Salzman Dick Petticrew Jesse Eckenrod

Greg Iiames Brent Grimes

Homeowners Present: Brock Yuskin Alison Yuskin Stacy Williams

Ken Torres

Recorded by Brent Grimes

Meeting Called to order at 6:30PM

Others Present: Renee and Phil (Elan Management)

Last Meeting Notes Approved. Bart made a motion, seconded by Greg. Unanimous Vote to approve by all board members.

1. Dick recapped a letter received from a church with notice regarding engineering drawings and a layout of the property. Property bounds SME to the NW of our subdivision, along Frye, just west of the North entrance to SME. There is an existing house on the property, currently occupied by the 7th Day Aventis Church. Dick attended the meeting held by the church. Board agreed to call the phone number listed on the letter and inquire where the church is at in their current plans of development.

2. Follow up to the hearing impaired signs on Jay Street. Signs have been removed.

3. Wall behind Hartford was previously damaged by the owner’s palm trees. This is fixed and painted. We still have 2 gallons of paint for future repairs on hand.

4. Greg: Treasurer’s Report:

-Assessments are 2.2% over budget, mostly due to actively following up with delinquent accounts.

-YTD, Expenses are 18.4% under budget, or $8807.

-Greg motioned to move $10K from the operating budget to the reserve account.

This will still leave 3 ½ months in the operating budget.

Motion second by Dick with a unanimous board vote.

5. Brief discussion on insurance and extermination. Bee hive addressed and removed from the PECOS monument wall.

6. Motion to accept the May, June and July financials by Greg. Second by Dick with unanimous board vote.

7. Motion by Greg to accept the 2010/2011 Compilation Report. Second by Dick with unanimous board vote.

8. Greg reviewed the 2013 proposed budget.

-Budget proposes to lower the HOA monthly dues from a current of $32 per month to $28 per month. Board to review the proposed budget. Renee will put into a P/L format and the proposal will be reviewed at the next Board Meeting in October.

9. WE CARE Committee Update:

-Added a few new members to the Committee. Bart proposed to spend $60 to buy new shirts for the new members. Second by Greg with unanimous board vote.

-2 properties were addressed on 8-04 with general lawn clean up.

-2 more properties are targeted during August for general lawn clean up and weed removal.

10. ACC / Renee:

One board member must chair the Architectural Committee.

10. Beautification Committee / Dick:

No new updates

11. Social / Bart:

-Annual picnic proposed date is Saturday, November 10, 2012

-Budget proposed $250.00

-Motion by Bart. Second by Dick with unanimous board vote.

12. Mgt Status Report / Renee:

Discussion regarding the three dead trees on the North end of Evergreen. Coy needs to check all trees monthly to ensure proper watering.


-Tree maintenance proposal from Tree Doctors was reviewed.

-Discussion on the three dead trees as mentioned above. Trees need to be removed.

-Discussion on tree maintenance and rotation program.

-Evergreen to be trimmed by 11-15 to allow residents to decorate for the holidays.

-Motion by Bart to trim the #1 priority trees per the estimate by Tree Doctors and be complete by 11-15. (91 Elms + Frye Trees). This will be $4,400.00

Second by Dick with unanimous board vote.

14. Review of the Reserve Study quotes (Bart). Motion by Greg to spend up to $700.00 for RDA to conduct a Reserve Study. This will be funded out of the Reserve Account in SME.

Second by Brent. Board Votes:

Bart: Yes

Brent: Yes

Jesse: Yes

Greg: Yes

Dick: No

Motion carries.


-Review of the Architectural Review Committee. 1 Board Member to serve as the chair of the committee. Bart made a motion to incorporate the guidelines. Second by Greg with unanimous board vote.

-Stacey and Tonya want to remain on the committee. Dawn understands, as she is gone so often, that as someone must be removed and replaced with board member (per new state law), she agreed in email with Bart to be removed from ACC. Motion by Brent to remove Dawn from the committee and appoint Jesse Eckenrod as the chair of the committee. Second by Dick with unanimous board vote.

-October 27th, 2012 will be the next Yard Sales in the SME Community. Motion by Bart, Second by Dick with unanimous board vote.

-950 South Evergreen: House has been painted by the renter. House does not match with the previously approved colors in our neighborhood. Owner has been contacted and stated he did not authorize the painting of the house. Renter states she will not repaint. ACC form received and denied based on the color not being an approved color for houses. Owner does not want to appeal the denial. Renee will send a letter to the owner giving the owner 60 days to rectify the problem. If the problem is not fixed, letter will state that further action, up to and including legal action will be taken.

Motion by Brent, Second by Greg with unanimous vote.

13. Next meeting will be Tuesday, October 16th. 6:30PM at Gangplank.

Meeting adjourned at 8:20PM


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