Business Planning for Government and ... - Harvard University



Online Host: Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health

April 13-23, 2021



Online Host: Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

April 13-23, 2021



1. Please TYPE or PRINT.

2. Applicants should provide all information requested.

3. Applications should be received no later than March 30, 2021.

4. We encourage all applicants to secure their financial sponsorship as early in the application process as possible.


(as it appears on your passport):_________________________________________________ Gender:

Dr./Ms./Mr. First Middle Last

Business Title/Designation (Director of . . ., Manager of . . ., etc.):

Business Address (#, street, city, country):

Country: Work Phone:

Fax: Email:

Mobile Phone: Alternate email:

English is my native language. My previous training has been in English.

A copy of my TOEFL score is enclosed. An English-speaking member of my organization

will certify my ability in English.

Financial Support (please check one)

Please note tuition payment is due in full on or before April 5, 2021.

I will be funding myself: Upon admission to the course, I will provide evidence of sufficient funds to cover required fees and living expenses. (Self-funded participants are financed by funds from personal savings, friends and/or relatives.)

I will be funded by: I will provide a letter of commitment from my funder detailing the level of support provided. (Funded participants are financed by funds from agencies, organizations, or employers.)

Funding Agency: ______________________________________________________________________________

Funding Address (#, street, city, country): __________________________________________________________


Funding Contact Name: ____________________________ Contact’s Email: ______________________________

Contact’s Telephone: ____________________________ & Fax: _______________________________________


Required Information – your application will not be reviewed with out these materials

- A current curriculum vitae that details your work experience.

- A brief statement (250 words) outlining how you would benefit from attending this workshop.

How did you hear about this workshop?

____ Colleague. His/Her Name: ________________________________________________________

____ Professional Association. Name: ___________________________________________________

____ On the Internet/ Web site: _________________________________________________________

____ Other. Please explain: ____________________________________________________________

Special accommodation for a disability

___ I have a disability that will require an accommodation during the workshop. (If yes, please explain below.)

I verify that all statements in this application are true and correct. If accepted, I agree to pay the tuition as described on page one of this application brochure. My typed name below shall have the same force and effect as my written signature.

Signature of Applicant Date

If you have not heard from us within three weeks of sending this application,

please contact our office.



|Purpose—A Successful Course Targeting Current Needs | |Online Educational Approach | | |

|How should we plan for human resources needs for epidemics and | |This interactive, online course offers a blend of theory and practice, geared to| | |

|pandemics? How can pandemics like COVID-19 be included in strategic planning| |an audience focused upon implementation rather than research. Included | | |

|for HRH? How do we continue to prioritize human resources development in | |throughout the course are both prerecorded and synchronous lectures, polling, | | |

|reaching the Sustainable Development Goals1 (SDGs) and achieving Universal | |online Q&A, breakout groups, case studies, problem sets, and preparation of | | |

|Health Coverage2 (UHC)? This successful course is specifically designed to | |group and individual case presentations. Virtual classroom points will most | | |

|address the above questions by providing participants with new and | |often be made through interactive learning methods, rather than through | | |

|innovative ways of addressing human resources policy and management issues. | |lectures. Facilitated online discussion among experienced participants is | | |

|Individuals and country teams will learn from experts as well as peers from | |expected throughout. Participants are encouraged to have on hand their own | | |

|other nations and will develop their own draft country strategic plans for | |country material and resources on health systems related to the process of human| | |

|human resources as well as crisis management. | |resources development and management; and useful in responding to the COVID-19 | | |

| | |pandemic. | | |

|The SDG health objectives and UHC require a focus on human resources, | | | | |

|critical to improving health outcomes for all--now even more complicated due| |About the Course Directors | | |

|to COVID and other outbreaks. A lack of human resources capacity is a major | |Dr. Thomas J. Bossert is director of the International Health Systems Program at| | |

|barrier to the achievement of these goals. Health officials in all | |the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health as well as a Senior Lecturer on | | |

|countries need to recruit and retain skilled health workers at all levels. | |Health Policy in the Department of Global Health and Population. He led the | | |

|They also need to strengthen educational and management systems and to | |development of the Assessing Financing, Education, Management and Policy Context| | |

|creatively finance all of the above. | |for Strategic Planning of Human Resources for Health for WHO and has taught | | |

| | |courses on strategic planning in several countries for WHO and UNICEF. | | |

|This course has been designed to provide those working in the health sector | |Additionally, he has directed technical assistance projects and applied research| | |

|with tools and skills to understand, assess and formulate strategies to | |in Latin America, Asia, and Africa on decentralization, institutional | | |

|improve human resources for health. Until recently human resources training| |transformation, and health policy reform. | | |

|has focused on personnel management and on static models of planning for the| | | | |

|public sector. This course, however, has been formulated to incorporate new| |Dr. Diana Bowser has her primary academic appointment at Brandeis University as | | |

|tools and skills to help you create innovative strategies applicable in both| |associate professor and is the Course Director for Global Executive Courses | | |

|the public and private sectors. | |within the International Health Systems Program. She has 19 years of experience | | |

| | |in health system analysis related to health economics, health policy, and using | | |

|Who Should Join: | |econometric methods to evaluate health system changes in Latin America, Africa, | | |

|This eight-day (over two weeks) course is designed for individuals working | |and the United States. She has provided technical assistance and conducted | | |

|in either the public sector or private sector who are managing and/or | |research with funding from USAID, DFID, WHO, the Global Fund, Save the Children,| | |

|developing strategies and policies for human resources development. We are | |Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, IADB, NIH, and the World Bank. She has worked| | |

|seeking experienced mid-level to senior level participants working in the | |closely with the following governments on these policy issues: Nigeria, Rwanda, | | |

|health sector. Applicants from both government and non-governmental | |Ethiopia, Ghana, Namibia, Swaziland, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Honduras, Belize, | | |

|organizations will benefit from this course. We encourage participation by | |Saint Lucia, Dominica, Ukraine, Kosovo, Bangladesh, and Malaysia. | | |

|teams of participants who can work together in the course to develop draft | | | | |

|strategic plans for their own organizations or countries. | |Costs | | |

| | |Tuition: US$ 1,995 | | |

|Course participants will: | | | | |

|learn how to effectively assess the human resource situation in your | |Note: Teams of four or more representing the same organization will receive a | | |

|country/area; | |$200 discount off each tuition payment. | | |

|examine the financing, education and labor market for effective human | | | | |

|resource strategies; | |Financial Assistance may be obtained from your employer or a funding | | |

|learn tools to develop human resources policies (pay for performance, | |organization. Applicants are also encouraged to contact these suggested | | |

|strategic planning, priority setting); | |organizations: The World Bank, USAID (United States Agency for International | | |

|apply human resource strategies to other system topics (UHC, quality, | |Development), Sida (Swedish International Development Authority) and the World | | |

|politics, etc.); | |Health Organization. Please note that Harvard University and the School of | | |

|learn critical leadership, negotiation and conflict resolution strategies. | |Public Health do not provide scholarships or financial assistance for workshops.| | |

| | | | | |

|Course Topics | | | | |

|The curriculum of the course includes the following: | |Online Platform | | |

|COVID-19 | |Canvas and Zoom platforms will be used to deliver course content, video and | | |

|Financing Assessment for Human Resources | |audio conferencing. Daily start time is 8:00 am (USA). | | |

|Education Assessment and Human Resources | | | | |

|Management Capacity and Human Resources | |Application | | |

|Strategic Planning and Human Resources | |Please complete and email this application form, a recent CV, and a statement of| | |

|Health Status and Human Resources | |personal benefit no later than March 30, 2021, as online space is limited. | | |

|Pay for Performance | |Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis. You should receive information | | |

|Labor Market Approach | |regarding your acceptance within three weeks of submitting your application. | | |

|Leadership and Institutional Change | |Please note that in order to guarantee your place in the course, payment in full| | |

|Conflict Resolution for Human Resources | |is due on or before April 5, 2021. | | |

| | | | | |

|1 World Health Organization, 2016, "Health Workforce Requirements for | | | | |

|Universal Health Coverage and the Sustainable Development Goals. Human | | | | |

|Resources for Health Observer – Issue 17; Stenberg, K., Hanssen, O., Edejer,| | | | |

|T.T., et al. | | | | |

|2 Financing Transformative Health Systems Towards Achievement of the Health | | | | |

|Sustainable Development Goals: a Model for Projected Resource Needs in 67 | | | | |

|Low-Income and Middle-income Countries. Lancet Global Health, 2017; 5(9): | | | | |

|e875-e887. doi 10.1016/s2214-109x(17) 30263 | | | | |

Please email the completed application, curriculum vitae and statement to:

Betty McNally, Program Manager

Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health Email:

International Health Systems Program

665 Huntington Avenue, Building 1-1206 Internet:

Boston, Massachusetts 02115 USA


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