Name: Daniel Robert Coquillette Born ... - Harvard Law School

Name: Daniel Robert Coquillette


Positions: The J. Donald Monan, S.J., University Professor of Law

Boston College (since 1996)

The Lester Kissel Visiting Professor of Law, Harvard Law School (since 2001)

Reporter, Committee on Rules of Practice and Procedure,

Judicial Conference of the United States (since 1985)

Education: Harvard Law School. 1969-1971

J.D. 1971 Magna Cum Laude

Admitted with advanced standing to the second year in 1969.

Chosen on class rank for Law Review, 1970. Third Year Paper designated a "student paper of high excellence" and deposited in the Harvard Library by Professor Milton Katz, 1971.

Editor, Harvard Law Review, vol. 84.

Oxford University, Fulbright Scholar, Hutchins Scholar (University College), 1966-1969

B.A. (Jurisprudence) 1969, translated to M.A. (Oxon), 1980

Senior Editor, Journal of the Oxford University Law Society,

vols. 4, 5 (1968-1969)

Member of Gray's Inn, Inns of Court

President, Eldon Law Society (1969)

Williams College, 1962-1966

A.B. 1966 Summa Cum Laude with Highest Honors in English Literature

Phi Beta Kappa (Junior Year)

Kaufman Prize in English

Sentinel of the Republic Prize in Political Science

Francis Sessions Hutchins Memorial Scholar

Books: 1. Law in Colonial Massachusetts (Boston, 1984), Volume Editor, Colonial Society Research Volume, University of Virginia Press. Author, "Introduction: The 'Countenance of Authoritie'" and "Justinian in Braintree: John Adams, Civilian Learning, and Legal Elitism, 1758-1775."

2. The Civilian Writers of Doctors' Commons, London (Berlin, 1988), Duncker & Humbolt Publishers (Comparative Studies in Continental and Anglo-American Legal History, Henkel Foundation, Prof. Dr. Knut Wolfgang Norr, gen. ed.).

3. Francis Bacon (Stanford, Edinburgh, 1992). Stanford University Press, Edinburgh University Press.

4. Lawyers and Fundamental Moral Responsibility (Cincinnati, 1995). Anderson Publishing Co.

5. Moore's Federal Practice, 3d ed. (with G.P. Joseph, S. Schreiber, J.S. Solovy, G.M. Vario, Board of Editors, New York, 1997). 28 Volumes. Author, "Scope and Purpose of Rules" (Chapter 1), "One Form of Action" (Chapter 2), with R.M. Bloom, "Commencement of Action" (Chapter 3). Matthew Bender.

6. Working Papers of the Committee on Rules of Practice and Procedure: Special Studies of Federal Rules Governing Attorney Conduct (Washington, D.C., 1997) (Author, Studies I, IIA, III, IV, V, VI; Marie Leary, Studies IIB, VII), Administrative Office of the United States Courts.

7. Lex Mercatoria and Legal Pluralism: A Late Thirteenth-Century Treatise and its Afterlife (with M. Basile, J. Bestor, and C. Donahue, Jr.). (Cambridge, Mass. 1998.) The Ames Foundation of Harvard Law School.

8. The Anglo-American Legal Heritage (Durham, N.C., 1999) Carolina Academic Press.

9. The Federal Rules of Attorney Conduct (with J. McMorrow) (New York, San Francisco, 2001), LexisNexis and Matthew Bender.

10. The Anglo-American Legal Heritage (2d ed., Durham, N.C., 2004) Carolina Academic Press.

11. Real Ethics for Real Lawyers, Carolina Academic Press, 2005.

12. Portrait of a Patriot: The Major Political and Legal Papers of Josiah Quincy Junior (with Neil Longley York), Virginia, 2005.

Volume One, The Political Commonplace Book and the London Journal

Books Pending

Publication: 1. Portrait of a Patriot: The Major Political and Legal Papers of Josiah Quincy Junior (with Neil Longley York), Virginia, 2006.

Volume Two, The Southern Journal (1773) and the Law Commonplace (1763)

2. Portrait of a Patriot: The Major Political and Legal Papers of Josiah Quincy Junior (with Neil Longley York), Virginia, 2006.

Volume Three and Four, The Law Reports

3. The Intellectual Sword: A History of Harvard Law School, Cambridge, 2008.

Volume I: The Nineteenth Century

4. The Intellectual Sword: A History of Harvard Law School, Cambridge, 2008.

Volume II: The Twentieth Century


Publications: 1. With Professor David L. Shapiro, "The Fetish of Jury Trial in Civil Cases: A Comment on Rachal v. Hill," 85 Harvard Law Review 442 (December, 1971). Cited with approval by the Opinion of the Court, Supreme Court of the United States (Stewart, J.) in Parkland Hosiery Co., Inc. v. Shore, 439 U.S. 322, 333 (1978).

2. Editor, "The United Nations, Twenty-Fourth Session," 11 Harvard International Law Journal 428 (1970).

3. "Slicing the Big Tomato" (Orientation Speech to the Entering Class, Boston University Law School). Bostonia 50, no. 1 (Autumn 1976): 14-15.

4. "Mosses from an Old Manse: Another Look at Some Historic Property Cases About the Environment," 64 Cornell Law Review 761 (June, 1979). Based on a presentation to the Advanced Program on Law and Economics, University of California at Berkeley, March 10, 1977. Selected by a peer review committee for republication "as one of the better land use and environment law articles of 1979-1980" in the 1981 Land Use and Environment Law Review. Republished again in The International Library of Essays in Law and Legal Theory (ed. T.D. Campbell, Australian National University), Dartmouth Publishing Co. (U.K.) 1992.

5. "Equity Before 1530," Dictionary of the Middle Ages, American Council of Learned Societies (1981), National Endowment for the Humanities project.

6. "Legal Ideology and Incorporation I: The English Civilian Writers, 1531-1607," 61 Boston University Law Review 315 (March, 1981).

7. "Legal Ideology and Incorporation II: Sir Thomas Ridley, Charles Molloy, and the Literary Battle for the Law Merchant, 1607-1676," 61 Boston University Law Review 315 (March, 1981).

8. "Ideology and Incorporation III: Reasoned Regulated — The Post-Restoration English Civilians, 1653-1735," 67 Boston University Law Review 289 (March, 1987).

9. "Ideology and Incorporation IV: The Nature of Civilian Influence on Modern Anglo-American Commercial Law," 67 Boston University Law Review 877 (November, 1987).

10. "Can Ethics Be Taught By Law Schools?" Syllabus 18, no. 1 (March, 1987), 1.8.

11. With Mary P. Squiers and Stephen N. Surbin, "The Role of Local Rules," ABA Journal, January, 1989, 62.

12. "The Mystery of the New Fashioned Goldsmiths: From Usury to the Bank of England (1622-1694)." In The Growth of the Bank as Institution and the Development of Money-Business Law, edited by Vito Piergiovanni, 91-117. Comparative Studies in Continental and Anglo-American Legal History, Band 12. Berlin: Duncker & Humboldt, 1993. [Also appears in Miscellanea Domenico Maffei Dicato Historia Ius Studium," vol. 4, 523-550. Goldbach, Germany: Keip Verlag, 1995.]

13. With Mary P. Squiers. "Rule 4 — Summons" and "Rule 4.1 — Service of Other Process." Volume 2, Moore's Federal Practice, 2nd ed., edited by James Wm. Moore and Jo Desha Lucas, 4-1 - 4-476, 4.1-1 - 4.1-6. New York: Matthew Bender, 1994.

14. "Uncivil Law," interview by John Ombelets. Boston College Magazine 53 (Winter 1994): 40-47.

15. "Radical Lawmakers in Colonial Massachusetts: The 'Countenance of Authoritie' and the Lawes and Libertyes." The New England Quarterly 67 (June 1994): 179-206. [Also appears in Studi in Memoria Di Gino Gorla, 1605-1633. Tomo II: Dialogo Tra Ordinamenti, Diritto dei Commerci E Diritto Europa Iura Naturalia E Diritti Fondamentali. Italy, 1994, and in translation as "Giuristi Radicali Nel Massachusetts Coloniale: 'Countenance of Authority' Lawes and Libertyes." In Il Diritto dei Nuovi Mondi: Atti del Convegno promosso dall'Instituto di Diritto Privato delle Facoltà di Giurisprudenza: Genova, 5-7 novembre 1992, 113-143. Milan: Casa Editrice Dott. Antonio Milani, 1994.]

16. "Professionalism: The Deep Theory." North Carolina Law Review 72 (June 1994): 1271-1277.

17. "First Flower—The Earliest American Law Reports and the Extraordinary Josiah Quincy Jr. (1744-1775)," 30 Suffolk University Law Review 1 (1996).

18. "Incipit Lex Mercatoria, Que, Quando, Ubi, Inter Quos Et De Quibus Sit. El Tratado De Lex Mercatoria En El Little Red Book De Bristol," Carlos Petit, ed., Marcial Pons, Ediciones Juridicas Y Sociales, S.A. 143 (1997).

19. "The Lessons of Anglo-Saxon 'Justice'," 2 The Green Bag (2d Series), no. 3, (1999) 251.

20. "James Bar Ames," Biographical History of Legal Science (R. Domingo, ed., 2001).

21. "The Legal History of the Twentieth Century," 31 International Journal of Legal Information 211 (2003).

22. “‘The Purer Fountains:’ Bacon and Legal Education”, in Francis Bacon and the Refiguring of Early Modern Thought: Essays to Commemorate the Four Hundredth Anniversary of the Advancement of Learning (1605-2005)

Ashgate, 2005.

23. “Toward an Ecclesiastical Professional Ethic: Lessons from the Legal Profession” (with Judith McMorrow), in Church Ethics And Its Organizational Context: Learning from the Sex Abuse Scandal in the Catholic Church

(J. Bartunek, ed.), 2005

24. “‘Mourning Venice and Genoa’: Joseph Story, Legal Education, and the Lex Mercatoria”, in From Lex Mercatoria to Commercial Law

(V. Piergiovanni, ed.), Berlin, 2005.


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