
Science Department

|Science – YEAR 9 |

|SEMESTER 1, 2012 - MID TERM 2 |

|Student: ________________________________________________ |

|Teachers: Mr Hasthorpe/ Mr Sleeman/ Mr Turner/ Mr Gillis/ Mr Gary Palmer/ Ms Gerhardy/ Mr Clark |



|Any students suspected of cheating and plagiarism will be referred to the Head of Science. |

|Presentation style is PowerPoint |

|CRITERIA |Grades and descriptors |

| |A |

|Science Understanding|Presents details required (see | |Presents details required | |Details required (see|

| |task sheet) of research isotope | |(see task sheet) of research| |task sheet) of |

| |with clarity and precision | |isotope in logical order | |research isotope are |

| | | | | |not presented or not |

| | | | | |clear or not |

| | | | | |referenced |

|Science Understanding|Accurately and succinctly | |Describes natural radiation | |Description of |

| |describes radioisotope decay | |decay process with equation | |natural radiation |

| |process with equation and | |and/or diagram with labels, | |decay process is not |

| |diagram with labels | |or lacking clarity | |accurate or |

| | | | | |referenced |

|Science Understanding|Accurately and succinctly | |Succinctly explains the use | |Does not provide a |

| |justifies the use of | |of radioisotope decay in a | |clear explanation of |

| |radioisotope decay in a real | |real life application. | |the practical use of |

| |life application. | | | |radioisotope decay |

|Science Inquiry |Discriminating use of sources | |Reliable sources are used | |Sources are used to |

|Skills |and information. In-text | |and contain no factual | |present information |

|Processing and |referencing and reference list | |errors. Harvard style | |and references to |

|evaluating |is comprehensive and complies | |in-text referencing and | |these sources are |

|information |with Harvard style. | |reference list is used | |made but not always |

|Communicating | | | | |clearly |

|Criteria |Grade |

|Science Understanding | |

|Science Inquiry Skills | |

| | |

|Processing and evaluating information | |

|Communicating | |


Comments/ Suggestions for Improvement: _______________________________________


Teacher’s Signature: ________________________________ Date: ____________________

Assessment Task: Presentation: Use of natural radiation

Create a PowerPoint presentation to describe a practical use of a radioisotope and the structure of the isotopes involved, using scientific conventions.

Note: The radioisotope selected may be either one that is naturally occurring, or one that has been prepared specifically for the purpose to which it is being applied.

The topic is related to a use of radioactive decay and does not extend to chain reactions such as those involved in nuclear fission and fusion. Therefore this presentation will not include nuclear power generation or thermonuclear weapons.

Progress check Date:_________________ Due date: ______________________

The PowerPoint presentation should include the following:

Science Understanding Criteria 1

Details of the specific radioisotope being researched:

← Identify whether the radioisotope occurs naturally, or is produced synthetically.

← Show the structure of this radioisotope using a labelled diagram.

← List other isotopes of this element.

← Represent the selected radioisotope using isotope notation.

← Identify the half-life of the radioisotope used.

Science Understanding Criteria 2

The decay process of the radioisotope:

← Explain the decay process that applies to the use of this radioisotope. Include a labelled diagram.

Science Understanding Criteria 3

Justification of the practical application of the selected radioisotope:

Identify a practical use for the radioisotope

← Explain why this specific radioisotope is suitable for this use.

← Describe how the radioisotope is used.

← Explain the specific benefits of this use to the lives of people.

← Describe safety issues arising from the use of this radioisotope.

Use the arguments above to justify the use of this specific radioisotope

Science Inquiry Skills

• Investigating Criteria 1

Using correct conventions:

← Used a range of resources

← Sources are reliable and authorative.

← Specialist terms (e.g. Decay product) are used accuately

← All knowledge is in-text reference in Harvard style

← Reference list is presented Harvard style

← Use Harvard reference generator:


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