1 - INTRODUCTION - California State University, Northridge


|(1) Focus of your portfolio: The goal of SED 514 is to equip teachers with technical and pedagogical skills to enhance teaching and|

|learning. You will prepare a 514-portfolio (electronic or paper) of your work, illustrating how computer technologies can be used |

|to improve the teaching and learning of a particular unit within your discipline. By the time you are done with this class, you |

|will have collected and developed resources that will benefit you and your students. Please note that many of the activities in |

|this portfolio may be also used as artifacts for your professional teaching portfolio (PDP) . |

| |

|Complete the title page of the portfolio that includes a photograph of you, your name, school, subject taught, and topic for |

|portfolio. |

|Identify the subject and topic for which your 514-portfolio will be developed. Briefly describe the significance of this topic with|

|respect to your curriculum. |

|Name |Subject taught |topic(s) for portfolio |

|[pic]Yeondo Hua |Mathematics @ not teaching at a school yet |Technology in math classrooms |

The significance of this topic with respect to curriculum:

Math, we can all agree, is the basis for all science, and is also one of the primary subject that students are enforced to learn all through out their elementary, secondary, and some college years. We can also all agree that science and technology are so closely linked to each other and work together like threads and needles. As I have mentioned before, as the basis for all science, math education must be tagged along with at least some education of technology. The need for uses and applications of technology in math classrooms are becoming more essential and important, especially in today’s society where all sorts of technological tools such as internet, cell phones, ipods, word processors, and etc. are becoming essential requirements in communications, in learning and teaching, and in working fields as well. The demand from, as well as the need for, the students to learn through the use of technology is highly measured and the teachers must promote the use of technological tools when interacting with students in communications (with both students and parents), lectures, projects, and monitoring student progress.

(2) Documenting your work with screen capture: Screen capture programs allow the user to take pictures of anything on their screen and save them as graphics files. Download a screen capture program for your home computer and use it to take pictures of items required in this portfolio.

• Demonstrate competency with a screen-capture utility by inserting a .jpg file of keyboard shortcuts, contextual help menu, of the operating system you are using.

Screen capture for Mac Help:

Note that virtually all programs and operating systems have help menus and keyboard shorcuts. Consult these electronic help menus when you need to know how to perform a particular operation.

|(3) Backing-up and transporting your files: Always backup your files!!! You can: (a) save them on USB drive or portable hard drive,|

|(b) upload (ftp) them to your CSUN account (uDrive), (c) move them to an Internet hard drive, or (d) send them as attached files |

|accompanying email messages. Do one of the following: |

| |

|Save your work to your uDrive. The uDrive is an extra storage area that provides additional disk space for campus users who wish to|

|store their desktop files and folders on a remote server. Include a screen capture. |

| |

|Develop an Internet hard drive using the Yahoo briefcase or similar resource. You can send your files to your Internet hard drive |

|and then retrieve them at home or school. Include a screen capture. |

Screen capture of my uDrive:


Screen capture of my USB folder:


Screen captures of my Hotmail briefcase (e-mail box):



|(4) Learning about your students. Most secondary school teachers must learn the names of 150-200 students at the beginning of each |

|academic year. This formidable task is made much easier using a photographic seating chart. *TPE-tip Teachers may use photographic |

|seating charts, combined with student information surveys to learn about their students early in the semester (TPE 8). Make certain|

|to check with your school regarding policies for photographing students. |

| |

|Use a digital camera to make a seating chart for one of the classes you teach or for this class at CSUN. |

Screen capture of the seating chart:


|(5) Searching / Identifying Plagiarism. The ease of information access can accelerate the learning process, but it can also be |

|counter-productive by facilitating plagiarism. Discuss the importance of intellectual honesty with your students and illustrate how|

|you can easily identify work plaigiarized from sites on the Internet. |

| |

|Using an advanced search engine with Boolean search features (such as Altavista), find text from one of your students or from a |

|website related to your field that appears to be plagiarized. Copy and paste the text and the URLs of both pieces in question. |

|Alternatively, you may wish to use an online plagiarism detection service such as |

|(6) History of computers / graphic search engines. Answer the following questions using information from technology education |

|websites or other online resources. Make certain that all information is in your own words. No credit can be given for information |

|that is identical to that of another student or a web page. |

| |

|Contributors to the development of the computer: Select five individuals who have made significant contributions to the development|

|of the computer. List the contribution(s) of each individual and briefly describe its importance. See technology education |

|websites. Use a graphic search engine to find pictures of each. |

| |

|Computer Generations: Computer historians have classified computers into "generations" in an effort to identify the major |

|technological advances upon which the computers are built. Briefly identify the major features of each of the first five |

|generations of computers. See technology education websites. Use a graphic search engine to find pictures of each. |

|Photo |Contributions to the development of computer |

|[pic][pic] |In 1944, Grace Hopper (on left) and Howard Aiken (on right) began inventing the Mark series of computers |

| |at Harvard University. The fist one, named Mark I, was 55 feet long by 8 feet high and it weighed 5 |

| |tons, containing about 760,000 separate pieces. It was well operated by the US Navy for gunnery and |

| |ballistic purposes until 1959. |

|[pic] |In 1953, IBM (International Business Machines) came into the history of modern computers. According to |

| |IBM, IBM’s 701 EDPM was the first computer made successful for general purposes. The 701’s invention was|

| |an effort of the Korean War for Thomas Johnson Watson, Jr. wanted to invent a “defense calculator” to aid|

| |UN’s policing of Korea. |

|[pic] |In 1964, Douglas Engelbart made the first prototype computer mouse to use with a GUI (graphical user |

| |interface), ‘windows”. |

| |Engelbart said about his invention that, “It was nicknamed the mouse because the tail came out the end.” |

|[pic] |On August 12, 1981, IBM introduced its new “Personal Computer” wth a brand new operating system from |

| |Microsoft and a 16-bit computer operating system called MS-DOS 1.0. IBM approached Bill Gates and |

| |Microsoft and with Gates’ ideas of what would make a great home computer, and Microsoft’s several |

| |versions of Basic written into ROM chip, and through many inventors and Ph.D doctors of computers, the |

| |IBM PC project was complete, making a fortune from the licensing of MS-DOS for Bill Gates. |

|[pic] |In 1983, December, Apple Computers’ “1984” Macintosh television commercial came out and it was a real big|

| |hit. The founders of Apple that invented this computer were Steve Jobs and John Sculley, however, they |

| |didn’t get along so well and they later split after the Apple “Lisa” project when Sculley boot Steve Jobs|

| |off this project. Jobs then held hands with Jeff Raskin to manage Apple “Macintosh” project and was |

| |determined that the new “Mac” was going to have a graphical user interface like the “Lisa” at LOWER cost.|

|gen-eration |Photo of key component |Features |

|First |[pic][pic] |The first computers used vacuum tubes for circuitry and magnetic drums for memory, and |

| | |were often enormous, taking up entire rooms. They were very expensive to operate and in |

| | |addition to using a great deal of electricity, generated a lot of heat, which was often |

| | |the cause of malfunctions. First generation computers relied on machine language to |

| | |perform operations, and they could only solve one problem at a time. Input was based on |

| | |punched cards and paper tape, and output was displayed on printouts. The UNIVAC and ENIAC|

| | |computers are examples of first-generation computing devices. The UNIVAC was the first |

| | |commercial computer delivered to a business client, the U.S. Census Bureau in 1951. |

|Second |[pic] |Transistors replaced vacuum tubes and ushered in the second generation of computers. The |

| | |transistor was invented in 1947 but did not see widespread use in computers until the |

| | |late 50s. The transistor was far superior to the vacuum tube, allowing computers to |

| | |become smaller, faster, cheaper, more energy-efficient and more reliable than their |

| | |first-generation predecessors. Though the transistor still generated a great deal of heat|

| | |that subjected the computer to damage, it was a vast improvement over the vacuum tube. |

| | |Second-generation computers still relied on punched cards for input and printouts for |

| | |output. The first computers of this generation were developed for the atomic energy |

| | |industry. |

|Third |[pic] |The development of the integrated circuit was the hallmark of the third generation of |

| | |computers. Transistors were miniaturized and placed on silicon chips, called |

| | |semiconductors, which drastically increased the speed and efficiency of computers. |

| | |Instead of punched cards and printouts, users interacted with third generation computers |

| | |through keyboards and monitors and interfaced with an operating system, which allowed the|

| | |device to run many different applications at one time with a central program that |

| | |monitored the memory. Computers for the first time became accessible to a mass audience |

| | |because they were smaller and cheaper than their predecessors. |

|Fourth |[pic] |The microprocessor brought the fourth generation of computers, as thousands of integrated|

| | |circuits were built onto a single silicon chip. What in the first generation filled an |

| | |entire room could now fit in the palm of the hand. The Intel 4004 chip, developed in |

| | |1971, located all the components of the computer - from the central processing unit and |

| | |memory to input/output controls - on a single chip. In 1981 IBM introduced its first |

| | |computer for the home user, and in 1984 Apple introduced the Macintosh. Microprocessors |

| | |also moved out of the realm of desktop computers and into many areas of life as more and |

| | |more everyday products began to use microprocessors. |

|Fifth |[pic] |Fifth generation computing devices, based on artificial intelligence, are still in |

| | |development, though there are some applications, such as voice recognition, that are |

| | |being used today. The use of parallel processing and superconductors is helping to make |

| | |artificial intelligence a reality. Quantum computation and molecular and nanotechnology |

| | |will radically change the face of computers in years to come. The goal of |

| | |fifth-generation computing is to develop devices that respond to natural language input |

| | |and are capable of learning and self-organization. |

|(7) Making computers accessible to students: Given the importance of computers in business and society, it is important that we |

|provide students who have special needs access via specialized software and hardware. Describe three data input or output devices, |

|or three OS or software options that may be used to make computers more accessible to students with specific physical handicaps. |

|*TPE-tip If you have students with special needs in your class, you may wish to develop lesson plans illustrating how you have made|

|your curriculum accessible to them using adaptive hardware and/or software. (TPE4) |

| |

|Experiment with the universal access features associated with your computer's operating system and research third-party hardware |

|and software solutions for those with special needs. Describe three hardware or software solutions and explain how they may help |

|students with specific special needs. |

1st. Speech Recognition & Talking Alerts

Speakable items lets you command and control the computer using your voice, without requiring you to train the computer. Students can use commands to open and close programs, navigate the menu bar, switch between programs, control application-specific items, to enter keyboard shortcuts and speak front window controls such as check box names, radio button names, list items and buttons.

2nd. Text-to-Speech

Text-to-Speech allows computers to speak the alert messages that appear on the screen. There are 26 different voices to choose from. Students can set their computers to speak alert messages using the Talking Alerts section of the Speech System Preferences pane. In some application programs, the computer can also read text contained in documents out loud.

3rd. Keyboard Navigation

Keyboard navigation allows you to navigate the operating system and applications using the keyboard. Keyboard shortcuts can help students to quickly perform tasks on their computers by pressing keys on the keyboard.

|(8) Computer knowledge. Teachers should be conversant with computer terminology and concepts that pertain to the use of technology |

|in their classrooms. |

| |

|Review the list of computer terms and concepts for educators and then take this online quiz. Retake the quiz until you understand |

|the terms and concepts and score 90% or better. Include a screen shot of your first and final test results. *TPE-tip If you have |

|access to an online test-generation system such as WebCT, Blackboard, or Quizmaker, you may wish to develop online self-quizes for |

|your students. (TPE2, TPE3) |

• Online Quiz:

On my first try I have received a score of 80%, and by the third try, I was able to receive a score of 93.33%. However, just out of curiosity, I have re-answered the remaining questions that were incorrect, and on my 5th try, received a score of 1((%.

Screen capture of the quiz with 90% or higher:







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