XV - Infectious Disease learning modules

Curriculum Vitae


|Year |Degree | | |

|2006 |BA |Molecular Biology and Biochemistry |Middlebury College |

| |Summa cum laude | | |

|2011 |MD |Medicine |Tufts University School of Medicine |

Postdoctoral Training

|Year(s) |Title |Specialty/Discipline |Institution |

| | |(Lab PI for postdoctoral research) | |

|2011-2014 |Intern and Resident |Internal Medicine |Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center |

| | |Clinician Educator Track | |

|2014-2015 |Fellow |Infectious Diseases |Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center |

|2015-2016 |Chief Resident |Internal Medicine |Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center |

|2016-2017 |Fellow |Infectious Diseases |Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center |

Faculty Academic Appointments

|Year(s) |Academic Title |Department |Academic Institution |

|2015-2016 |Instructor in Medicine | |Harvard Medical School |

|2011-2015, 2016-2017|Clinical Fellow in Medicine | |Harvard Medical School |

|2017- |Assistant Professor | |University of Vermont |

Appointments at Hospitals/Affiliated Institutions

|Year(s) |Position Title |Department (Division, if applicable) |Institution |

|2011-2014 |Intern & Resident |Internal Medicine |Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center |

|2014-2015 |Clinical Fellow |Infectious Diseases |Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center |

|2015-2016 |Instructor, Division of Hospital |Internal Medicine |Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center |

| |Medicine | | |

|2016-2017 |Clinical Fellow |Infectious Diseases |Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center |

|2017- |Staff physician |Infectious Diseases |University of Vermont Medical Center |

Major Administrative Leadership Positions


|Year(s) |Position Title |Institution (note if specific department) |

|2013-2016 |Vice-Chair: Housestaff Quality Improvement Council |Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center |

|2015-2016 |Chief Medical Resident |Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center |

|2016-2017 |Director: Infectious Diseases pre-clinical coursework |Harvard Medical School |

Committee Service

|Year(s) of |Name of Committee |Institution/Organization |

|Membership | | |

|Dates of Role(s) |Title of Role(s) |

|2015-2017 |Department of Medicine Intern Selection Committee |Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center |

|2015- 2016 |Department of Medicine Residency Application Folder Review |Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center |

| |Committee | |

|2015- 2016 |Department of Medicine Medical Education Committee |Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center |

|2015-2016 |Medical Peer Review Committee |Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center |

|2016- 2017 |Division of Infectious Diseases Fellowship Selection Committee |Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center |

|2017- |Co-Chair, Vermont Hepatitis C Taskforce |Vermont Department of Public Health |

Professional Societies

|Year(s) of |Society Name | |

|Membership | | |

|Dates of Role(s) |Title of Role(s) |

|2010- |American Medical Association |Member |

|2014- |Infectious Disease Society of America |Member |

Editorial Activities

|Journals for which you serve as a reviewer |

|2016- Reviewer, Medical Teacher |

|2017- Reviewer, Teaching and Learning in Medicine |

|2017- Reviewer: Farrar et al, Manson’s Tropical Diseases, 23rd Edition, Elsevier, 2014 |

|2017- Reviewer: Rothe, Clinical Cases in Tropical Medicine, 1st Edition, Elsevier, 2015 |

|2017- Reviewer: Cohen, Powell, Opal, Infectious Diseases, 4th Edition, Elsevier, 2016 |

Honors and Prizes

|Year |Name of Honor/Prize |Awarding Organization |Achievement for which awarded |

| | | |(if unclear from award title) |

|2006 |Summa cum laude graduation honors |Middlebury College |Highest academic achievement |

|2006 |Phi Beta Kappa honor society |Middlebury College |Academic excellence |

|2011 |William Dameshek Award |Tufts University School of Medicine |Outstanding student in Internal Medicine |

|2011 |Alpha Omega Alpha honor society |Tufts University School of Medicine |Academic accomplishment |

|2012 |Academy of Medical Educators |Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center |Selected as a Resident Member |

|2013 |Outstanding Resident Teacher Award |Harvard Medical School Shapiro Institute for Medical |Given to the resident who, as selected by |

| | |Education |the 3rd year medical students, was an |

| | | |outstanding teacher |

|2014 |Class of 2014 Resident Teacher Award |Harvard Medical School class of 2014 |Given to the resident who was an |

| | | |exceptional teacher during their medical |

| | | |school experience |

|2014 |Outstanding Resident Teacher Award |Harvard Medical School Shapiro Institute for Medical |Given to the resident who, as selected by |

| | |Education |the 3rd year medical students, was an |

| | | |outstanding teacher |

|2014 |Stoneman Award |BIDMC Department of Medicine |Given to the BIDMC graduating senior |

| | | |resident who has demonstrated excellence |

| | | |in quality improvement |

|2015 |Class of 2015 Resident Teacher Award |Harvard Medical School class of 2015 |Given to the resident who was an |

| | | |exceptional teacher during their medical |

| | | |school experience |

|2016 |Best Clinical Vignette Oral |Society of General Internal Medicine – New England |“It’s Not Leukemia! Non-Oncologic Causes |

| |Presentation |regional conference |of Extreme Leukocytosis for the |

| | | |Internist” |

|2016 |Best Clinical Vignette Oral |Society of General Internal Medicine – New England |“Fatal Pneumococcal Sepsis Causing |

| |Presentation |regional conference |Waterhouse-Friedrichsen Syndrome in an |

| | | |Asplenic Patient” |

|2016 |Best Clinical Vignette Poster |Society of General Internal Medicine – New England |“A rare case of fulminant lymphocytic |

| | |regional conference |myocarditis” |

|2016 |Best Lecture |Harvard Medical School – Physician Education Day |Highest score among all CME lectures given|

| | |“Zika Virus: An Updated Review” |at HMS Physician Education Day |

|2016 |Best Poster |Massachusetts Medical Society Research Symposium |“Fulminant myocarditis” |

|2017 |Best Clinical Vignette |Society of General Internal Medicine – New England |“A Deadly Complication of Constipation – |

| |Oral Presentation |regional conference |Stercoral Colitis” |

|2017 |Travel grant |IDweek 2017, San Diego, CA |“What Are They Here to Learn? Meeting the |

| | | |needs of Residents and Medical Students on|

| | | |an Infectious Disease Service” |

Report of Funded and Unfunded Projects

Current Funded Projects

|Year(s) funded |Role on Project/ Title of Project |

|One sentence description of the purpose of the project |

|2016- |A Phase 1, Randomized, Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial to Evaluate the Safety and Immunogenicity of an Accelerated |

| |Vaccination Schedule with a Zika Virus Purified Inactivated Vaccine plus Alum Adjuvant in Healthy Adults |

| |An effective vaccine against Zika virus is a global priority. Our group has previously developed a vaccine providing 100% protection |

| |from Zika infection in mouse and primate models. I am a co-investigator for this trial. |

| | |

|2017- |A Phase 1 Randomized Placebo-controlled Clinical Trial of the Safety, Pharmacokinetics and Antiviral Activity of PGT121 Monoclonal |

| |Antibody (mAb) in HIV-uninfected and HIV-infected Adults |

| |PGT121 is a promising monoclonal antibody against Human Immunodeficiency Virus that may provide both protection from and treatment |

| |for the virus. Furthermore, if found to be effective, PGT121 will help to elucidating a future target for effective HIV vaccines. I |

| |am a co-investigator in this trial. |

| | |

|2017- |A randomized, parallel-group, placebo-controlled, double-blind Phase 1/2a study in healthy HIV-uninfected adults to assess |

| |safety/tolerability and immunogenicity of 2 different prime/boost regimens: priming with tetravalent Ad26.Mos4.HIV and boosting with |

| |tetravalent As26.Mos4.HIV and either Clade C go140 plus adjuvant OR a combination of MosaIC and Clade C go140 plus adjuvant |

| |An effective HIV vaccine is a global necessity. Our group is exploring multiple promising vaccines and boosters. I am a |

| |co-investigator in this trial. |

| | |

|2018 |Vermont Incarceration System HIV/HBV/HCV Consultation |

| |Regular meeting with VT Corrections physicians to discuss healthcare for inmates with complex infections. |

Current Unfunded Projects

|Year(s) funded |Role on Project/ Title of Project |

|One sentence description of the purpose of the project |

|2016- |The role of statins on the incidence of Lyme disease |

| |Lyme disease is caused by the bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi; this pathogen has a restricted metabolome and HMG-CoA-Reductase, the |

| |target of statins, is a critical enzyme it possesses which is necessary for membrane stability. I am conducting a retrospective |

| |review on 3.5M patient encounters over 15 years to see if statin use decreases the risk of Lyme disease. |

| | |

|2016- |Wellness in Residency |

| |Working with the Medicine Residency leadership at BIDMC to describe a comprehensive approach to support resident wellness and prevent|

| |burnout |

Report of Local Teaching and Training

Teaching of Students in Courses

|Year(s) |Course Title |Location |

| |Type of student/audience |Level of Effort |

|2014- |“How to be a highly effective teacher” |Harvard Medical School |

| |HMS Medical Education interest group |90 minute session, 3 times per year |

| | | |

|2015- |“How to Teach on the Wards” |Harvard Medical School |

| |Third year medical students |90 minute session, twice per year |

| | | |

|2015-2016 |Assistant Infectious Disease Theme Faculty |Harvard Medical School |

| |Core Course: “Homeostasis I” | |

| |First year medical students |90 minute lectures, 3 times per year |

| | | |

|2016- |Infectious Disease Theme Faculty |Harvard Medical School |

| |Core Courses: “Homeostasis I”, “Homeostasis II”, and “Immunity in | |

| |Defense and Disease” | |

| |First year medical students |90 minute lectures, 8 times per year |

| | | |

|2016- |“Drug Essentials on the Wards: Approach to Antibiotics” |Harvard Medical School |

| |Core Course: “Transition to the Primary Clinical Experience” | |

| |Second year medical students |1 hour lecture, once per year |

| | | |

|2016- |Core Faculty: Principal Clinical Experience Case Conference |Harvard Medical School |

| |Third year medical students |2 hour conference, once monthly |

| | | |

|2017- |“General Teaching Strategies” |Boston Children’s Hospital, Division of General Internal Medicine |

| |Medical Students, Interns, and Residents |1 hour lecture, once per year |

Formal Teaching of Residents and Clinical Fellows

|Year(s) |Title |Location |

|Type of student/audience |Level of Effort |

|2014 |Harvard-Combined Infectious Diseases Forum |Brigham and Woman’s Hospital |

| |MGH, BWH, and BIDMC Infectious Diseases Fellows and Faculty |1 hour session, twice yearly |

| | | |

|2015-2016 |Intern and Resident Report |Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center |

| |BIDMC Internal Medicine Interns and Residents |1 hour session, several times per week |

| | | |

|2015-2016 |Clinico-Pathologic Conference |Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center |

| |Erythema Nodosum Leprosum | |

| |Neurowhipple’s Disease | |

| |Department of Medicine |Two 1 hour sessions |

| | | |

|2015- 2016 |Morbidity and Mortality Conference |Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center |

| |Internal Medicine residency program |1 hour session, once monthly |

| | | |

|2016 |“How to write a successful clinical vignette and make an academic |Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center |

| |poster” | |

| |Internal medicine residents |1 hour session |

| | | |

|2016- |Thorndike Conference |Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center |

| |Internal medicine residents, Harvard Medical Students |1 hour session, twice per year |

| | | |

|2017- |Resident Ambulatory Curriculum: “Hepatitis C Virus” |Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center |

| |Internal medicine residents |1 hour session, once per month |

Clinical Supervisory and Training Responsibilities

|Year(s) |Type of responsibility |Level of Effort |

|2015-2016 |Ward Attending, General Inpatient Medicine, BIDMC |8 weeks |

|2015- 2017 |Teaching Attending, BIDMC |28 weeks |

Formal Teaching of Peers (e.g., CME and other continuing education courses)

|Year(s) |Title(s) or topic(s) or talks |Number of talks in a single course |

|Course Name (Sponsor, if any) |Location(s) (city or country) |

|2015- |Hematology/Inflammation Module Faculty |8 hours daily for 1 week per year |

| |“Physiology on the Fly” |Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratories, Bar |

| |A comparative and clinical physiology course for Hospitalists |Harbor, ME / Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center |

Local Invited Presentations

|Year(s) |Title of presentation/ Type of presentation |

|Department and Institution where presented (Sponsor, if any) |

|2013-2017 |“Dissecting the Habits of Highly Effective Educators” |

| |Medical Education Interest Group, Harvard Medical School |

| | |

|2013, 2015 |“Adverse-Event Reporting at BIDMC” |

| |Intern and Fellow Graduate Medical Education Orientation |

| | |

Report of Regional, National and International Invited Teaching and Presentations

Invited Presentations and Courses


|Year(s) |Title of presentation or name of course/ Type of presentation/role(s) (note if presentation the result of a selected abstract) |

|Location (Sponsor, if any) |

|2011, 2014, 2017 |Course director: “The Past, Present, and Future of Infectious Disease” |

| |36 hours of class time over one month for 40 premedical students. |

| |Middlebury College, Middlebury, VT |

| | |

|2016- |Course director: “Comparative Physiology” |

| |Intensive one week annual course for 25 medical and surgical residents on comparative and clinical physiology |

| |Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratories, Bar Harbor, ME |

| | |

|2016 |“Zika Virus: what the Obstetrician needs to know” |

| |Invited lecture to the OB/GYN Residency Program at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA |

| |Invited lecture to the Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility Fellows and Faculty at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA |

| | |

|2016 |Grand Rounds: “Zika Virus” |

| |Invited Grand Rounds lecturer to the OB/GYN Department at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA |

| | |

|2016 |“The past, present, and future of syphilis” |

| |Invited lecture for the OB/GYN residency program at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA |

| | |

|2016 |Medical Grand Rounds: “Emerging Infectious Diseases” |

| |Invited Grand Rounds lecturer to Department of Medicine, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center – Plymouth, Plymouth, MA |

| | |

|2016- |“Zika Virus: an Updated Review” |

| |Invited lecture at Harvard Medical School Physician Education Day– Royal Sonesta Hotel, Cambridge, MA |

| | |

|2016 |“What is the Value of Teaching Students How to Teach?” |

| |Invited CME lecture to Harvard Medical School 3rd year clerkship directors |

|2017 |“The Rise of Mosquito-Borne Illness in a Warming World” |

| |Invited lecture at Middlebury College, Middlebury, VT |

| | |

|2017 |“Zika Update and Other New Infectious Diseases” |

| |Invited lecture at Harvard Medical School Physician Education Day– Royal Sonesta Hotel, Cambridge, MA |

| | |

|2017 |Medical Grand Rounds “Bacteriophage therapy: anachronism, medical trivia, or coming soon to a hospital near you?” |

| |Invited Grand Rounds lecturer to Department of Medicine, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center – Plymouth, Plymouth, MA |

| | |


|Year(s) |Title of presentation or name of course/ Type of presentation/role(s) (note if presentation the result of a selected abstract) |

|Location (Sponsor, if any) |

|2016 |“From Learning Theory to Learning Success: Dissecting the Habits of Highly Effective Educators” / Workshop Facilitator |

| |Association of Program Directors – Internal Medicine National Meeting. Las Vegas, NV. |

| | |

|2016 |“Zika Virus: an Updated review” |

| |Update in Internal Medicine course, Boston, MA. Hosted by Harvard Medical School and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center |

| | |

|2016 |“Challenging Cases in Infectious Diseases” |

| |Update in Internal Medicine course, Boston, MA. Hosted by Harvard Medical School and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center |

| | |

|2017 |“From Learning Theory to Learning Success: Dissecting the Habits of Highly Effective Educators” / Workshop Facilitator |

| |Society of Hospital Medicine National Conference. Las Vegas, NV. |

|2018 |“Tick-Tock: It’s not the Crocodile. Tick Borne Illnesses” |

| |Invited/funded lecture at Society of Hospital Medicine National Conference. Orlando, FL. |


|Year(s) |Title of presentation or name of course/ Type of presentation/role(s) (note if presentation the result of a selected abstract) |

|Location (Sponsor, if any) |

|2012 |“Medical Education Web-Based Platforms” |

| |Invited lecture at Ho Chi Minh City School of Medicine and Pharmacy. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam |

| | |

|2012 |“Cutting-Edge Medical Education Techniques in the 21st Century” |

| |Invited lecture at Ho Chi Minh City School of Medicine and Pharmacy. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam |

| | |

|2016 |“Controlling Zika Virus: Update on Prevention Strategies and Vaccination” |

| |Invited lecture at the Radiological Society of North America Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL |

| | |

|2017, 2018 |“Screening, Prevention and Treatment of HCV: A Shifting Paradigm for Primary Care” |

| |Annual Principles of Prevention in Primary Care Practice conference. Boston, MA. Hosted by Harvard Medical School. |

Report of Clinical Activities and Innovations

Current Licensure and Certification

|Year |Type of License or Certification |

|2015- |Medical License, Commonwealth of Massachusetts |

|2015- |American Board of Internal Medicine |

|2015- |DEA Controlled Substance full registration |

|2015- |DEA Buprenorphine Waiver |

|2017- |Medical License, State of Vermont |

|2017- |Medical License, State of New York |

Report of Education of Patients and Service to the Community

|Year(s) |Organization or institution / Role (Sponsor, if any) |

| |One sentence description (optional) |

|2013 |Book drive for University of Juba College of Medicine in South Sudan, Africa |

| |Led a book drive to supply the UJCM, with 850 medical books collected and shipped to South Sudan |

Report of Scholarship

Peer reviewed publications

|Group peer reviewed publications in three categories under the following headings: |

| |

| |

|Hwang S, Abozed M, Hale A, Eisenberg R, Dvorak T, Yao K, Pfannl R, Mignano J, Zhu J, Price L, Strauss G, Wu J. Adjuvant Gamma Knife radiosurgery following surgical resection |

|of brain metastases: a 9-year retrospective cohort study. Journal of NeuroOncology. 2010; 98(1):77-82 |

| |

|Barber G, Ganatra R, Bortinger J, Hale A. Stongyloidiasis with severe malnourishment and the syndrome of inappropriate Anti-diuretic hormone following suboptimal |

|anthelminthic therapy: a case report and review of the literature. Infectious Diseases in Clinical Practice. December 30, 2015 |

| |

|Hale A, Nall R, Mukamal K, Libman H, Smith C, Sternberg S, Kim H, Kriegel G. The Effects of Resident Peer- and Self- Chart Review on Outpatient Laboratory Result Follow-up. |

|Academic Medicine. 2016 May;91(5):717-22 |

| |

|Hale A, Glassman R, Fessler D, Mukamal K, Stead W. Meeting the needs of the resident learner on a subspecialty elective rotation. International Journal of Medical Education. |

|2016; 7:115-118 |

| |

|Hale A, Geerling J, Pfannl R, Schmolze D, Karchmer AW. A 63 Year Old Man with Rapidly Progressive Dementia (a case of CNS Whipple’s disease). Clinical Infectious Disease. |

| (2016) 63 (1):138-139 |

| |

|Hale A, Kirby J, Albrecht M. Fatal spontaneous Clostridium bifermentans necrotizing endometritis: a case report and literature review of the pathogen. Open Forum Infectious |

|Diseases. (Spring 2016) 3 (2) |

| |

|Hale A, LaSalvia M, Kirby B, Kimball A, Baden R. Fatal purpura fulminans and Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome from fulminant Streptococcus pneumoniae sepsis in an asplenic |

|young adult. IDCases. Aug 16; 6: 1-4 |

| |

|Foster G, Fessler D, Kociol R, Witkins A, Hale A. Blastomycosis masquerading as severe community acquired pneumonia in a non-endemic region: a case report and literature |

|review. Infectious Diseases in Clinical Practice. Published online August 25, 2017. DOI 10.1097/IPC.0000000000000533 |

| |

|Parris J, Hale A. Death and Dignity: Exploring Physicians’ Responsibilities after a Patient’s Death. American Journal of Medicine. Published online May 11, 2017. |

|DOI:  |

| |

|Hale A, Freed J, Ricotta D, Farris G, Smith C. Twelve tips for effective body language for medical educators. Medical Teacher. Published online May 14, 2017. DOI: |

| |

| |

|Susheela A, Hale A. Patients with Common Variable Immunodeficiency Paradoxically Have Increased Rates of Autoimmune Disorders. BMJ Case Reports. Published online October 13, |

|2017.  DOI:10.1136/bcr-2017-221657 |

| |

|Modjarrad K, Lin L, Stephenson K, George SL, Eckels KH, La Barrera R, Jarman RG, Sondergaard E, Ansel J, Tennant J, Mills K, Koren M, Robb M, Barrett J, Thompson J, Dawson P,|

|Hale A, Tan CS, Walsh SW, Meyer K, Brien J, Crowell T, Bricault C, Abbink P, Boyd M, Larocca RA, Mosby K, Blazevic A, Basil A, Walsh M, Tonwe V, Hoft D, Thomas SJ, Barouch |

|DH, Michael NL. A purified Inactivated Zika Virus Vaccine. Accepted at The Lancet November 7, 2017. |

| |

Non-peer reviewed scientific or medical publications/materials

|Group materials into the following categories: |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|Hale A, Goldberger A. An interesting case of right heart strain and chronic pulmonary embolus. EKG and case published electronically on Wave Maven |

|ecg.bidmc.harvard.edu/maven in May, 2013. Case #451 |

| |

|Hale A, Goldberger A. A classic case of biatrial enlargement. EKG and case published electronically on Wave Maven ecg.bidmc.harvard.edu/maven in June, 2014. Case |

|#468 |

| |

|Lucier D, Hale A, Jani S, Torous J, Tess A. HouseStaff Quality Improvement Council. Massachusetts Board of Registration in Medicine, Quality and Patient Safety |

|Division, FIRST Newsletter. April, 2015: 4-5. eohhs/docs/borim/newsletters/qps-may-2015.pdf |

| |

|Hsieh G, Hale A, Goldberger A. A classic case of dilated cardiomyopathy with pulmonary emboli. EKG and case published electronically on Wave Maven |

|ecg.bidmc.harvard.edu/maven in September, 2015. Case #480 |

| |

|Hale A, Rencic J. Gastrointestinal bleeding due to Peptic Ulcer Disease. i-Human, March, 2016. Available from i- |

| |

|Sanders L, Hale A. Contributor and featured in the New York Times column Diagnosis in the article “The Danger of Strep Throat Run Amok”. May 11, 2016. Available at:|

| |

| |

|Hale A, Glassman R, Fessler D, Stead W. Introduction to Infectious Endocarditis. An online introductory lecture on YouTube, used as flipped-classroom material for |

|Harvard Medical School. Available at: |

| |

|Sanders L, Hale A, Geerling J. Contributor and featured in the New York Times Magazine column Diagnosis in the article “Why Did This Man Lose His Memory, Words and |

|Even His Ability to Walk?” April 13, 2017. Available at |

| |

Professional educational materials or reports, in print or other media

|For each item indicate: |

| |

| |

|Hale, A. . Created March, 2017 | |

|Founded, designed and created a comprehensive curriculum on essential topics in infectious diseases with self-driven, active-learning modules. The modules | |

|are used for core-curriculum content for medical students and residents on the ID elective at UVMMC and BIDMC, as pre-session “flipped classroom” materials| |

|at Harvard Medical School, and as core-curriculum at Scottish Livingstone Hospital in Botswana, Africa. Current traffic about 500 views per month. | |

| | |

|Hale A, MacIver B, Herzig S, Freed J, Silva P, Osborne A, Hagen S, Lipsitz L, Rogers A, Evans D, Zeidel M. Syllabus for the Mount Desert Island Biological | |

|Laboratory course “Comparative Physiology”. Produced annually since 2016. The course is for 25 physician residents to use model organisms to directly study| |

|clinically relevant physiology. The course syllabus describes the model organisms, the experiments and the science behind them, and the clinical relevance.| |

|110 pages | |

Abstracts, Poster Presentations and Exhibits Presented at Professional Meetings

|List abstracts published and exhibits presented at meetings during the last 3 years which have not already been published as full length manuscripts. May |

|also list all abstracts or exhibits, regardless of date or publication as full-length manuscript, which received special recognition at a meeting (e.g., |

|juried poster presentation, meeting commendation). |

|Hale A, Glassman R, Fessler D, Stead W. What are they here to learn? Meeting the needs of the resident trainee during a subspecialty elective. Presented as|

|a poster presentation at Harvard Medical School Medical Education Day, Boston, MA, October 22, 2013 |

| |

|Nall R; Kriegel G; Kim H; Sternberg S; Allen-Dicker J; Germansky K; Heckman J; Roach K; Kothari D; Ford C; Strnad L; Reigh E; Tachjian A; McGinty S; Hale |

|A. Resident Practice – Lab Follow-Up Project. Poster presentation at the Silverman Symposium at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. March, 2013 |

| |

|Snyder G, Hale A, the CAUTI implementation team. Minimizing CAUTI [catheter associated urinary tract infection] risk through implementation of a |

|team-generated, nurse-directed protocol. Poster presentation at the Silverman Symposium at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center on May 5, 2014 |

| |

|Torous J, Lucier D, Hale A, Tess A. House Staff Adverse Event Reporting at BIDMC. Poster presentation at the Silverman Symposium at Beth Israel Deaconess |

|Medical Center. May 5, 2014 |

| |

|Hale A, Lucier D, Tess A. The House Staff Quality Improvement Council. Poster presentation at the Silverman Symposium at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical |

|Center. May 5, 2014 |

| |

|Torous J, Lucier D, Hale A, Jani S, Solis-Cohen L, Tess A. “What do front-line clinicians think about my project?” Housestaff QI Council Consultations for |

|QI and Safety Projects. Poster presentation at the Silverman Symposium at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. April 9, 2015 |

| |

|Hale A, Jani S, Lucier D, Tess A. The HSQIC Experience: Creating a Quality Improvement Education Curriculum for House Staff. Poster presentation at the |

|Silverman Symposium at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. April 9, 2015 |

| |

|Hale A, Nall R, Mukamal K, Kim H, Sternberg S, Kriegel G. Resident peer chart review: an effective approach for quality improvement and medical education. |

|Presented as a poster at the Society of General Internal Medicine (SGIM) regional meeting in New Haven, CT in February, 2013, and the SGIM national meeting|

|in Denver, Colorado, in April, 2013 |

| |

|Mittel A, Hale A, Nizamuddin J, Monaghan S, Shaefi S. A Novel Case of Fatal Toxic Shock and Capillary Leak Syndrome from Clostridium Endometritis. Poster |

|presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Anesthesiologists. October 24, 2015, San Diego, CA |

| |

|Punjabi P, Hale A. Autoimmune Pancreatitis in a Young Man. Poster presentation at New England Regional Society of General Internal Medicine meeting. March |

|11, 2016, New Haven, CT |

| |

|Barber G, Hale A. The High Cost of Undertreated Duodenal Strongyloidiasis. Oral presentation at New England Regional Society of General Internal Medicine |

|meeting. March 11, 2016, New Haven, CT |

| |

|Foster G, Hale A. Pulmonary Blastomycosis Masquerading as Community Acquired Pneumonia in a Healthy Immunocompetent Adult. Oral presentation at New England|

|Regional Society of General Internal Medicine meeting. March 11, 2016, New Haven, CT |

| |

|Rebagey G, Hale A. A Case of Group A Strep Causing Lemierre’s Disease and Non-Rheumatic Myocarditis. Poster presentation at New England Regional Society of|

|General Internal Medicine meeting. March 11, 2016, New Haven, CT |

| |

|Mensah E, Rapoport A, Hale A. Sporotrichosis Infection in a Guatamalan Woman. Poster presentation at New England Regional Society of General Internal |

|Medicine meeting. March 11, 2016, New Haven, CT |

| |

|Tosh A, Hale A. Central Nervous System Whipple’s Disease. Poster presentation at New England Regional Society of General Internal Medicine meeting. March |

|11, 2016, New Haven, CT |

| |

|Petri C, Hale A. Causes of Extreme Leukocytosis (WBC greater than 100). Oral presentation at New England Regional Society of General Internal Medicine |

|meeting. March 11, 2016, New Haven, CT |

| |

|Sidiqui B, Hale A. Massive Anterior Mediastinal Seminoma Causing Pulmonary Artery Compression. Poster presentation at New England Regional Society of |

|General Internal Medicine meeting. March 11, 2016, New Haven, CT |

| |

|Kimball A, Hale A. Fatal Pneumococcal Sepsis and Waterhouse-Friedrickson Syndrome in an Asplenic patient. Oral presentation at New England Regional Society|

|of General Internal Medicine meeting. March 11, 2016, New Haven, CT |

| |

|Roberts J, Hale A. Cryptococcal Pneumonia and Fungemia in an HIV-negative Patient with Advanced Cirrhosis. Poster presentation at New England Regional |

|Society of General Internal Medicine meeting. March 11, 2016, New Haven, CT |

| |

|Bier B, Hale A. Fulminant Lymphocytic Myocarditis in a Previously Healthy Woman. Poster presentation at New England Regional Society of General Internal |

|Medicine meeting. March 11, 2016, New Haven, CT, as well as at Massachusetts Medical Society Research Poster Symposium on December 2, 2016, Boston, MA. |

| |

|Cooke A, Hale A. A Good Case: Good’s Syndrome and Immunodeficiency in a Patient with Thymoma. Poster presentation at New England Regional Society of |

|General Internal Medicine meeting. March 11, 2016, New Haven, CT |

| |

|Triot A, Hale A. Finding the Needle in a Haystack: a Case of Tuberculosis Meningitis. Poster presentation at New England Regional Society of General |

|Internal Medicine meeting. March 11, 2016, New Haven, CT |

| |

|Salber G, Hale A. Hypervirulent Klebsiella Pneumoniae. Poster presentation at New England Regional Society of General Internal Medicine meeting. March 11, |

|2016, New Haven, CT |

| |

|Yang L, Hale A. Cats and Cirrhosis Do Not a Happy Couple Make: Sepsis After Cat Bite in a Patient with Cirrhosis. Poster presentation at New England |

|Regional Society of General Internal Medicine meeting. March 11, 2016, New Haven, CT |

| |

|Zhu C, Hale A. Granulomatous Mastitis. Poster presentation at New England Regional Society of General Internal Medicine meeting. March 11, 2016, New Haven,|

|CT |

| |

|Rakowsky S, Hale A. A Deadly Complication of Constipation – Stercoral Colitis. Oral presentation at New England Regional Society of General Internal |

|Medicine meeting. March 10, 2017, Boston, MA. Poster presentation at the National Society of General Internal Medicine meeting, April 19, 2017, Washington |

|DC. |

| |

|Feld J, Hale A. A Clostridial Consequence of Colonoscopy. Poster presentation at New England Regional Society of General Internal Medicine meeting. March |

|10, 2017, Boston, MA |

| |

|Susheela A, Hale A. Celiac Disease Presenting as Cirrhosis in a Young Patient with Common Variable Immunodeficiency. Oral presentation at New England |

|Regional Society of General Internal Medicine meeting. March 10, 2017, Boston, MA |

| |

|Salber G, Halaby R, Hale A. An Unusual Case of Non-ST Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction. Poster presentation at New England Regional Society of |

|General Internal Medicine meeting. March 10, 2017, Boston, MA |

| |

|Punjabi P, Hale A. Once Bitten, Twice Shy: Infection in a Middle Aged Woman After a Monkey Bite. Poster presentation at the National Society of Hospital |

|Medicine conference in Las Vegas, NV, May 2017. |

| |

|Hale A. What Are They Here to Learn? Meeting the needs of Residents and Medical Students on an Infectious Disease Service. Poster presentation at ID Week |

|in San Diego, CA, October 2017. |

1) Porter LB, Kozakewich E, Hale A. A “Retro” Case: Critically Advanced HIV/AIDS Presenting with Five Simultaneous Opportunistic Infections and Brain Lymphoma. Poster presentation at Vermont American College of Physicians annual meeting, Stowe, VT, October 2017.


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