



MEDLIHER – Mediterranean Living Heritage

Supervised by

Miss Toujan Bermamet/ Secretary General of Jordan National Commission for UNESCO

Table of Contents

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ……………………………………………………………3

INTRODUCTION …………………….………..………………………………………9

Analysis of current status ……………………………………………………………..10


1. Institutional capacities for safeguarding intangible cultural heritage …..………13

1. a. Competent bodies for safeguarding its intangible cultural heritage ……..……13

1. b. Institutions for training in intangible cultural heritage management and transmission of this heritage ………………………….………………………………14

1. c. Documentation institutions for intangible cultural heritage ………..…………19

2. Legal, technical, administrative and financial capacities and measures available …………………………………………………………………………………………..21

3. Existing inventories on intangible cultural heritage ……………………………..23

4. Involvement of communities ………………………...…………………………….27

5. Promotion, awareness raising, education and other measures ………….………36

6. Bilateral, subregional, regional and international cooperation …………………45

B. CASE STUDY …...…………………………………………………………………49


1. Problems, needs ad possible solutions ……………………………………………..67

2. Priority activities and measures ……………………………………………….…...77

2. a. Priority activities and measures to implement the Convention …………..……78

2. b. Prospective listing ……………………………………………………….………..78

THE PREPERATION TEAM ……………….……………………………………….80


Data Sheet 1: Governmental and nongovernmental bodies specialized in the field of ICH …………………………………………………………………………………...…82

Data Sheet 2: Programmes, projects and activities in the field of ICH ………….145

Writers and Publications in the field of ICH ………………………………………181

Radio Programs on ICH …………………………………………………………….188

Identifying Jordanian National ICH …………………..…………………………...189

Cultural Bodies and Traditional Bands ……………………………………………192

Museums in Jordan ……………………………………………………………….…207

Names of Jordanian Travellers …………………………………………………..…208

Universities ……………………………………………………………………………209

A list of writers and Publications in the field of ICH (Arabic) ……………………213

A report on the contribution of the Circassia in Jordan ……………….….………235

Executive Summary:

The present assessment report will try to give an overview of the current situation of Jordan’s Intangible Cultural Heritage (hereafter ICH) in respect to the 2003 UNESCO Convention for Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage.

Since its establishment, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan has attached great importance to cultural issues at both the governmental and non-governmental levels, and Jordan continues to see the significance of its culture for sustainable development and cultural dialogue. Included in this concept is Cultural Heritage, which shapes the basic elements of identity and social cohesion among the country’s various communities and minorities. The recently-launched Jordanian “National Agenda” clearly defines the main challenges relating to the country’s culture sector, including cultural heritage issues.

Our survey conducted during the first phase of the MedLiHer project explored the strengths and weakness of the various administrative bodies involved in Jordan’s ICH. On the positive side, for example, the survey found official governmental interest in ICH issues, the existence of certain institutions and organizations that contribute to ICH issues in different and divergent ways, and Jordanian laws and legislations that can potentially be developed to deal with ICH issues. On the other hand, the survey revealed that one of the major obstacles toward realizing best practices in this field for Jordan was the lack of a central official umbrella organization for ICH issues. It also became evident, based on the information collected, that there are considerable weaknesses in integrating cultural heritage issues into the national strategic plan. In addition, the survey showed that awareness efforts - at the governmental, institutional and public levels - about the importance of ICH and its great value have not been carried out satisfactorily. It is believed that successful awareness program would enable the Jordanian people to explore the value of their ICH as reflected in the cultural diversity of their society.

Following Jordan’s ratification of the Convention in 2006, efforts have increased to establish an official body for ICH. It was only a couple of weeks ago, in fact, that the Jordanian government approved a proposal to establish just such a unit within the administrative structure of the Ministry of Culture. Although still inactive, the unit will be called the “Directorate of ICH.”

In recent years, some Jordanian universities have established a small number of cultural heritage related academic programs; none, however, devote special attention to ICH. Rather, almost all focus on the management, conservation and restoration of tangible cultural heritage. We believe, however, that by conducting some structural and administrative modifications, such programs have the potential to extend their fields of study to cover ICH issues.

The lack of any official governmental body for ICH has likewise meant the absence of effective Jordanian legislation for the protection and management of ICH. The adaptability of existing legislations in the country would allow for the modification of some constitutional provisions to deal with ICH issues in a way that is harmonious with the Convention.

As for the inventorying of ICH in Jordan, we found that a central entity responsible for documenting or inventorying ICH does not exist. Certain governmental and non-governmental institutions have accomplished some work on ICH, though much of this work is dispersed and characterized by different nomenclatures and titles. Among the previous attempts to deal with ICH, it is remarkable that no unified and constant standards or criteria were followed. Different lists, studies, and treatises on the subject were traced in the history of research on ICH in Jordan. They remain, however, as valuable sources of the country’s ICH and a basis for any future inventory that complies with the Convention. A committee was recently established to determine standards for the inventorying of Jordan’s ICH, and also identifying the organizations and individuals working on ICH, as well as the actual practitioners and tradition bearers.

Because Jordan has witnessed dispersed, individual and often unorganized endeavors aimed at preserving and documenting its ICH, it was impossible to measure whether these attempts satisfied the requirement of the participation of communities, groups, and NGOs in the identification and definition of ICH.

Concerning awareness and promotion of ICH in Jordan, it has become evident in the years after the ratification of the Convention that there is still an inadequate awareness of the importance of safeguarding ICH on the part of both central and local governmental sectors, as well as among the stakeholders themselves. Without targeting a specific social category (i.e., community or group), the country is taking scattered steps toward developing a general awareness of the importance of ICH. It is hoped that the recent establishment of the “Directorate of ICH” will result in serious and planned steps toward realizing this goal—educating the public about efforts to develop and preserve the national ICH. Until now, the media has contributed only indirectly to this field, as media outlets concentrate primarily on describing and documenting some ICH practices for the Jordanian communities, rather than on concentrating on raising awareness about ICH.

Jordan maintains excellent cultural relations with different countries around the world and constantly strives to benefit from its bilateral treaties and relationships with partner countries. Central to our interest are those treaties that include cultural aspects, as it is possible to widen covered areas to include cooperation in the field of ICH. Jordan participates in these mutual cultural exchanges, for example, by sending delegations of Jordanian musicians and bands to perform in the folk festivals of partner countries.

The Cultural Space of the Bedu in Petra and Wadi Ram was taken as a case study. The Cultural Space’s social and cultural functions, its viability, and current risks were reviewed. As this cultural element is on the “Representative List,” it was taken to be a good example of Jordan’s efforts to raise awareness of ICH. From the submitted documentation, we can see the local community’s contribution in safeguarding their ICH.

The survey allowed us to diagnose some problems and priorities to which Jordan has attached great importance. We have noticed that the primary problem is the lack of an official body which can manage ICH in Jordan from different perspectives. The lack of such a body creates further problems and obstacles, namely the lack of a database for listing and identifying the practitioners and researchers of ICH in Jordan; and an overall organizational weakness resulting from minimal financial support and lack of coordination among the various entities, organizations and individuals with a vested interest in Jordan’s ICH. Moreover, attempts by the Jordanian media to raise awareness about ICH are deemed unsatisfactory. Particularly noticeable is the lack of capable advisory and intersectoral administrative bodies that can evaluate the institutions and systems that have worked so far to collect ICH. The lack of awareness programs is considered to be one of the main problems, as Jordanians currently do not understand the real and factual situation and importance of their ICH, or the many threats that face their vibrant, deep-rooted living heritage. Related to the latter issue is the weakness of ICH-related subjects infused into the school curricula, where cultural studies remain focused solely on tangible heritage. In addition, decreasing research interest makes it difficult to determine the appropriate solutions for the different problems facing the decline of a large sector of ICH in Jordan.

The report has also tackled the possible problems that might arise once institutional and official steps have been taken towards inventorying and safeguarding Jordan’s ICH: the commoditization, freezing and distortion or manipulation of the country’s ICH, as well as problems that might be encountered during the future inventorying process. The latter includes different levels of participation among Jordan’s numerous social and ethnic communities, and a concern for inclusivity while handling the ICH inventory. As stated in the report, the ICH safeguarding process in Jordan should consider excluding the safeguarding of certain elements in accordance with the Convention, and be aware of the inappropriate use of ICH and the respect of the issue of cultural property.

While collecting data and information, the surveying team encountered certain problems and obstacles that stemmed from insufficient information available in the Jordanian institutions and organizations surveyed. Moreover, some of the administrative members of certain institutions were not aware of the concept of ICH.


Culture is the reflection of the civilization level of any nation or country; it is the outcome of man's understanding of his heritage, religion and social and physical interaction in every stage of his history at both the individual and group level. This outcome comprises spiritual and intellectual elements and dimensions, technical tools, values, traditions, behaviour conventions and lifestyles, as well as arts, literature and varied forms of creativity.

Our present era holds escalating cognitive challenges accompany the technology challenges. Moreover, the world gross cultural transformation imposes new styles of culture that are inevitable to contact and interact with such as the globalization culture with all its advantages and disadvantages at all theoretical and practical levels posed on the principle of merging originality and contemporariness.

Proceeding from the royal directives to establish a culture based on conscious loyalty to the nation state, to promote the values of rightfulness and openness to other world cultures, to care for culture, heritage and arts; the government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, has continued to preserve, guard and spread tangible and intangible heritage for a long time, this includes scripts, antiques, artistic or archaeological products, practices, skills, knowledge, arts and traditions. In addition, the government has recruited specialists to safeguard and maintain them through a number of ministries and governmental institutions. The private sector and institutions of civil society are also encouraged to participate in safeguarding the cultural heritage of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

In recognition of the importance of heritage and safeguarding it by some countries, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan has authenticated a number of international cultural agreements, and participated actively in planning the cultural strategies and policies at both the Arabic and Islamic levels for culture enhancement, and technology utilization in preserving and introducing it to the children and youth.

Analysis of current status

A number of institutions share the responsibility of managing, safeguarding and utilizing tangible and ICHin Jordan (for example, the Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Tourism, Department of Archeology, Jordanian universities, Ministry of Education and a number of civil society institutions). Unfortunately, the diversity of involved institutions in this issue, has led to an ineffective system in managing the historical heritage. This system is affected greatly by shortage of human and finance resources for this vital and important sector. In spite the large number of legislations and regulations that identify the scope of work, it is a must to overcome one of the obstacles (i.e. the absence of a legislative framework that specifies roles and authorities of the main involved parties, and gives a definition for heritage and historical legacy and heritage compatible with the world best practices.

In light of "MEDLIHER" first stage analysis and after studying the results of conducted surveys, SWOT analysis were identified without specifying a particular body, but showing the big picture of issues related to the topic.

)SWOT Analysis)

|Strengths |Weaknesses |

|Jordan has a huge amount of heritage resources. |Absence of a national umbrella for managing tangible and intangible |

|Royal directives to preserve cultural heritage. |heritage at present. |

|National agenda and Action plans of governments. |Preservation of heritage comes at the minor rank in the national |

|Jordan's approval of a number of international cultural agreements.|economy. |

|Civil society and public sector interest in heritage issues. |Insufficient financial resources. |

|Flexibility and leniency of Jordanian legislation that facilitate |Unavailability of national qualified personnel. |

|heritage preservation. |Redundancy and diversity of legislations and overlapping among |

|Availability of communication networks at national, regional and |authorities of concerned parties. |

|international levels. |Low level of awareness in general, interest in heritage is almost |

|Culture diversity in Jordan. |restricted to academia and researchers. |

| |Non-participation of media in raising the desired awareness. |

|Opportunities |Threats |

|The concern of his Majesty King Abdullah the second for the |Frequent change of responsible political leadership of culture and|

|preservation of tangible and intangible heritage. This is also a |heritage threatens the continuity of executing the vision. |

|concern other princes of the Royal Family. |Lack of qualified human resources. |

|Inclusion of the heritage issue in the national agenda, and connecting |Lack of sufficient financial support especially for awareness |

|heritage and culture with the sustainable development. |raising and promotion of tangible heritage concepts. |

|Setting a national strategy for tangible heritage by Archaeology |Dominance of political events over interest in cultural heritage. |

|Department, and a plan for culture development by the Ministry of |Invasion of global culture via Internet and other ICT techniques. |

|Culture. |Absence of master plan and lack of guidance for locating and |

|The potential for fostering relations with civil society and NGOs, in |preserving heritage. |

|particular those concerned with minorities. | |

|Jordan's well reputation and relations with regional and international | |

|heritage organizations. | |

|Interest of Jordanian universities. | |

|Making use of the role of schools in educating society. | |

|Making use of media in raising the awareness of Jordan culture and | |

|heritage. | |

The current report has been shaped by the definition of Intangible Cultural Heritage (hereinafter ICH) contained within the 2003 UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of ICH. The ICH means the practices, representations, expressions, knowledge, skills – as well as the instruments, objects, artifacts and cultural spaces associated therewith – that communities, groups and, in some cases, individuals recognize as part of their cultural heritage. This intangible cultural heritage, transmitted from generation to generation, is constantly recreated by communities and groups in response to their environment, their interaction with nature and their history, and provides them with a sense of identity and continuity, thus promoting respect for cultural diversity and human creativity. For the purposes of this Convention, consideration is given solely to such ICH as is compatible with existing international human rights instruments, and complies with the requirements of mutual respect among communities, groups and individuals, and of sustainable development. The ‘domain definitions’ of Article 2.2 of the Convention, referred to above, are:

- Oral traditions and expressions, including language as a vehicle of the intangible cultural heritage

- Performing arts

- Social practices, rituals and festive events

- Knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe

- Traditional craftsmanship


1. Institutional capacities for safeguarding intangible cultural heritage

1. a. Competent bodies for safeguarding its intangible cultural heritage

The government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan seeks to adopt a general policy that aims to highlight the role of ICH among society and in sustainable development, and to integrate preserving this heritage in planning programs. It is emphasized in the National Agenda that cultural development is vitally related to political, economic and social development. Also, the National Agenda has identified the greatest challenge that encounters culture in Jordan which lies in the absence of an obvious national policy and strategies that coordinates efforts and provides resources to attain the objectives, thus the national agenda aims at the activation of institutional work through the call to establish a high council for culture and arts to be headed by the minister of culture to draw policies and set strategies related to this sector, and to supervise the supportive account fund that is going to be established, in partnership with the public and private sector to provide financial support and funding individuals and institutions and cultural, artistic centers and relevant projects; to facilitate the establishment of this council, the Cabinet approved, at the beginning of 2010, to formulate a supreme national committee for ICH chaired by the minister of culture and with members of other involved parties, in addition to establishing a directorate for the ICH and cultural diversity within the ministry framework as a step towards setting a national strategy for ICH, at the current time, several institutions locate and preserve ICH in accordance with regulations and legislations that control its work such as the Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Tourism, Ministry of Municipals Affairs, Ministry of Education, Municipality of Greater Amman, and several Jordanian universities such as Jordan University, the Hashemite University, Al Bait University, and King Hussein Ibn Talal University which created Princess Basma Center for ICH, and got the position of tourist for cultural and sustainable tourism, also there are other interested NGOs such as the League of Jordanian Writers, Middle East University and the League of Historians who are interested in the heritage of tribes and their ancestors, besides other charitable societies of minorities in Jordan such as Circassian , Armenians and Duroze who attempt to gather their history. In addition to the abovementioned, a department for documenting history and tangible and ICH has been established in the Royal Court.

1. b. Institutions for training in intangible cultural heritage management and transmission of this heritage

1. b.1 Training institution on cultural heritage management

There are several capacity building of institutions for preserving heritage in general with special care for intangible heritage:

➢ The Hashemite University/ Department of Heritage Management/ Queen Rania Academy for Heritage and Tourism.

This institution grants BA degree in managing and documenting tangible and intangible heritage. It follows a theoretical and practical instructional approach and provides specific courses in heritage gathering, documentation and safeguarding, and then publishing verified articles in local, regional and international magazines. On the practical side, students make field tours holding specific forms, and gather samples according specifications to fill in the forms. Tens of studies have been conducted in this field. Recently, "The Oral Tale Project" is taking place in Zarqa, the selected Jordanian Culture City for 2010.

➢ The Hashemite University/ Reviving Islamic Heritage Center

The center trains students to conduct field studies to learn how to document tangible and intangible heritage. The center applies statistical forms, photographing and writing academic reports to be published in books. A book entitled "Hayyan Al-Mishref" has been published. A project to document Wadi Alaqeb is being conducted (2009-2010).

➢ King Hussein Ibn Talal University

Princess Sumayya Center for ICH has been established. Its objective is to start systematic documentation of ICH in Jordan in accordance with the 2003 Convention. These areas are rich with ICH as they witnessed the significant historical events since the establishment of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

➢ Municipality of Greater Amman/ Department of Master Plan

University students have been involved in some projects related to the documentation of surroundings of heritage buildings, conducted by foreign missionaries that participate in documenting the heritage of Amman, especially the documentation of Zahran Street, where students filled in specific forms in participation with a French Missionary specialized in this domain.

➢ Middle East University- Jacob Naser-Eddeen Center for reviving heritage

This center has been established recently for the purpose of documenting oral heritage in east and south Amman, organizational framework is being set to develop the work of the participating students in the center.

➢ Ministry of Tourism/ Department of Heritage Resources Management

The ministry is considered to be one of the most important bodies that manage all types of heritage especially the intangible heritage as it is responsible for implementing law items and regulations, and empowering local communities with what it implies. One can benefit from the efforts of the ministry and its management experience in managing heritage through the cooperation and coordination agreements approved by the ministry and institutions and universities or international institutions.

➢ Ministry of Education

Department of Curriculum provides curriculum in various fields of specialty, in particular, tangible heritage that includes the surrounding events and tales related to reality. In addition, the Department has heritage specialists, and hires people to provide capacity building to achieve the required goals.

➢ Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs

As little attention is given to intangible heritage and its surrounding, the ministry has devoted its attention to documenting heritage in the municipalities of the ministry.

➢ Ministry of Culture

The ministry plays the most prominent role in preserving intangible heritage. Yet, this role has stopped due to the regression of official concern about intangible heritage. Consequently, some magazines and the “Thesaurus Project” were ceased, which affected intangible heritage negatively. It is hoped that the national committee to be convened for intangible heritage revival and documentation provides competent specialists and financial allocations for this domain.

1. b.2 Institutions for cultural heritage training according to the Convention

Within the management bodies and programs of the Jordanian Government we could not trace any specialized institution, activity, or plans toward establishing programs for capacity building in this field in particular, although it is manifested that the intangible heritage of Jordan in particular and the region in general are in danger of disappearing.

One of the ways to preserve the heritage is to keep accurate records of it. It is necessary in this stage to launch new programs for sending a mobile team of experts to national workshops on the documentation and promotion of intangible cultural heritage. Such workshops will provide knowledge and experience to personnel involved in documentation work on intangible cultural heritage, instruct the participants on how to record the intangible cultural heritage, and promote awareness of the significance of preserving the intangible cultural heritage. For resource management, authorities on national and local levels should recognize and accordingly apply certain principles, e.g. that intangible heritage resources have lasting value in their own right and provide evidence of the origins of the Jordanian society; are valuable, finite, and irreplaceable and should accordingly be managed carefully in order to ensure their survival and transmission

The contribution of programs, projects and activities to raise awareness about the importance of ICH can be represented, including other aspects, in surveying individuals, governments as well and organizations to get their input by giving the chance of participants in these programs, projects and activities to determine priorities and, work with consultants, develop goals, objectives, and strategies toward safeguarding of the country’s ICH. This will lead to strengthening national and regional measures of safeguarding ICH, enhancing capacities at local and national level. Programs, projects and activities can also contribute in the realization of a classification system for ICH; on the basis of a shared methodology among the participants, and taking into account both the UNESCO well-defined cultural policy and orientation in this field.

1. c. Documentation institutions for intangible cultural heritage

The survey of the Jordanian governmental and none governmental cultural sectors has revealed that no central documentation authority for the Jordanian ICH is present. Contact was limited for logistical and operational reasons to national bodies, and inevitably omits too much of what is happening at local level. The use of extant collections likely to contain information on ICH practices and knowledge can be considered as certain existing archives represent an extremely important and valuable resource, for example:

First: Department of National Library. The National Library is the authority that controls the implementation of the copyright law 1992. It aims at the acquisition of the national intellectual outcome either issued in Jordan or abroad, then organizing, publicizing, gathering, and preserving scripts, periodical publications, pictorials, recorded materials, films and others that are related to the national heritage in particular and the Arab World, the Islamic Civilization, and the human heritage in general.

Second: Among the 27 Official and private universities' libraries are: Jordan University, Hashemite University, Yarmuk University, Hussein Ibn Talal University, Mu’ta University, Science and Technology University, National Amman University, Zaituna University, and the Middle East University.

Third: Libraries of the Engineers' Association, Greater Amman Municipality, American Center for Eastern Research, British Centre for Antiquities, French Centre for Far East Research, German Center for Antiquities, Ministry of Municipals Affairs, Abdel-Hameed Shouman Foundation, Jordan’s Writers' Union, Jordan’s Writers' League, and Ministry of Culture.

Fourth: Civil Institutions' Archives: Jordan River Foundation, Sustainable Development Society, Union of Historians of tribes' Heritage, Queen Rania for Tourism and Heritage, Jordanian Studies Center at Yarmuk Universities, Center for Scripts at Jordan University and Circassian Charity Society.

Gathering information procedures:

First: Borrowing books on intangible heritage, and transmitting their contents into cards.

Second: Following the scientific approach research in documentation to ascribe information resources to their true sources.

Third: Reading information and documenting the relevant ones using microfilm display screens for manuscripts.

Fourth: Photocopying documents and articles about ICH, and keeping them for archives.

Suggested procedures for the safeguarding of ICH:

Establishing an ICH library, provide it with specialized personnel, governmental support, and apply modern ICT methods to access and process information.

2. Legal, technical, administrative and financial capacities and measures available

First: Ministry of Culture counts on several specific regulations and conventions such as Safeguarding Culture Act (2006), the 1966 Societies and Social Associations Act and its revision, State Recognition and Motivation Awards 2007, in addition to a number of regulations related to heritage safeguarding and creative people support. These acts are general and not specified to ICH in particular.

Second: Heritage Act has been issued. The Ministry of Tourism is responsible for implementing this Act that aims at ICH safeguarding, developing and preserving for the coming generations. In addition, the Department of Heritage is responsible for tangible heritage safeguarding in accordance with Act No.(21) 1988.

Third: Flexibility to establish NGOs that guard ICH, as regulations permit this. Accordingly, some societies document this type of heritage such as the Society for Sustainable Development/ Amman, and the Society of Heritage Preservation/ Zarqa.

Fourth: As Ministry of Higher Education supports this field, the number of programs specialized in heritage at Jordan University has increased. Furthermore, Yarmuk University Hashemite University, and Hussein Ibn Talal University have devoted their attention to this issue for years.

Fifth: Availability of international organizations in Jordan that try to involve local parties in some projects relevant to ICH, such as IUCN. Thus, there are societies with good international reputation in safeguarding neighboring tangible heritage and environment such as RSCN.

Sixth: Establishing Princess Basma Bint Talal for ICH/Al-Hussein University.

Seventh: Al-Jeel Club preserves the Circassian ICH and utilizes it in festivals and national celebrations; meanwhile it is safeguarded and respected as an indicator of diversity.

*Regarding financial procedures, a governmental budget is allotted to execute and implement the Jordan Heritage Act and Heritage Safeguarding. Part of this budget is for the acting institutions, but it is not restricted to a number, there is a financial support for ICH projects from the following bodies:

- Government budget/ Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Tourism, Ministry of Education, Greater Amman Municipality.

- Charitable Societies,/ Al-Jeel Al-Jadeed Club, National Club

- USAID|JTB (Jordan Tourism Board)/ Tourism Development Project in Jordan.

- Other cooperative projects in partnership with the Ministry of Tourism, the International Bank and the European Union.

The necessity of inventing a law for ICH is becoming as a great demand, as it is self understood, that communities increasingly recognized the significance of ICH in the phenomenon of an integrated ICH in sustainable development. It is thus accepted that, central to the cultural paradigm, is an agent responsible for protecting this heritage on the legislative level.

The absence of a Jordanian ICH authority, which is in the position to manage the Jordanian ICH yielded to the absence of a legislation tackling the ICH matters in Jordan, although it is generally accepted in national and international legal instruments that ICH should constitute cultural significance for present and future generations. Having noted the importance of protecting the local communities’ cultural heritage, Jordan has just started to think in establishing legislation, which is able to provide adequate means for the protection of ICH in particular. Such legislation should pay attention to the whole ICH spectra in Jordan and guarantee its protection and preservation. Moreover, one of the several reasons why law must be taken into account lies in the fact that Jordan ratified primary international conventions in this regard.

3. Existing inventories on intangible cultural heritage

The ICH of Jordan requires to be granted a status, which is equal to that of its tangible culture. As this is not currently the case, this in part reflects difficulties inherent in identifying the existence of, far less capturing ICH. The creation of an accurate inventory of ICH in Jordan will constitute an important step towards safeguarding its future. The nature of ICH in Jordan exhibits a range broadly consistent with the generic UNESCO typology. Within the UNESCO Convention categorization, an inclusive approach to what constitutes ICH in Jordan is advocated which embraces the cultural spaces of well-established non-Arab minority communities. The intended inventory should combine flexibility from the user’s perspective with ease of data entry from the compiler’s perspective. It must also be database based so that a single change of detail effects change across the whole record. After due consideration, the preferred option should be identified as a restricted access with content being uploaded by authorized individuals only. The establishment of an inventory of ICH in line with UNESCO best practice is not, however, a sufficient condition to ensure adequate safeguarding, although it does ensure that those examples of ICH most in need of support can be identified.

Though, after the ratification of Cultural Diversity Convention by the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in 2007, and ICH safeguarding 2006, an ICH committee is convened and chaired by Minister of Education- Head of National Committee for Education, Science and Culture and membership of ministries and civil society institutions in order to set a national strategy for the management of tangible and intangible heritage and start inventorying. In light of coordination between the National Committee for Education, Science and Culture, the Arab Committee for Education, and Ministry of Culture, Documentation of ICH has started according to the ratified agreement, and a plan including items of the inventory lists in Jordanian departments and civil institutions, is set as follows:

- Oral traditions and habits in Jordan

- Public literature and modes of expression

- Social practices, rituals and festive events

- Traditional craftsmanship

- Knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe

A technical team is formed to start registering according to the following directions:

- Each topic of public heritage has its own nature in terms of: type of questions, number of questions, elements and details.

- Questions should be relevant to the topic and cover both its geographical and social dimensions.

- Questions should be written down. They should be well-phrased and prepared to serve the topic.

- Rejection of stereotyping written questions, ( i.e. prepared in advance or written down).

- Questions should be a guide for gathering and introducing ideas.

- Register both geographical and social dimensions for a phenomenon or various phenomena.

- Demonstrating the innermost of historical dimension and social relations for folk holders.

- Inviting public heritage holders to interpret certain phenomena apprehended by the researcher or narrator.

- Fully free from prompting the answer.

-Not giving any comments that may direct answers in a specific direction.

- Complete knowledge of the local history of the topic.

- No inference in tales and no correction to any tracks.

- Request the narrator to give the source, and rejection of general judgment.

- No reliance on memory, the gatherer should record information instantly.

- Tales should be recorded as narrated (i.e. with original texts, dialect, and terminology)

- Gatherers words should be separated from those of narrators’ “heritage holders”.

- Taking some photos.

- If possible, considering samples gathering such as clothes and domestic tools.

- Gatherer should describe: situation, place, attendants’ names, their positions, and their opposition for some information.

When gathering information, the group's culture should be taken into consideration:

- Is it Bedouins, rural, urban or Circassians , Shishanis, Kurds, Druzes, Turkomans, Gypsies, or Christians?

- Recording if the target group is committed to the inherited culture.

- Which culture change took place? When was that and why?

- Was that due to income increase?

Achieved Inventories:

A team for inventories did the inventorying of works related to ICH (210 works) for (155 authors), the culture commissions are: 83 teams, 27 universities, 50 colleges, 27 museums and Jordan Radio: 76 programs and 50 singers. This is done in preparation for inventorying according to the ICH Convention. It is hoped that the establishment of ICH and cultural diversity Directorate in the Ministry of Culture will contribute to regulate inventorying process within a well defined framework and roles.

4. Involvement of communities

The Jordanian society gets their values from a set of Islamic-Arabic-humanistic values, and their development is built by the participation of all categories of the population, and all institutions. They all contribute to the construction and production for the purpose of an integrative social development within a framework of freedom and social equity.

The Jordanian Legislator implies the participation of all Jordanian sectors through many procedures, regulations and rules such as Jordan Constitution, the National Charter, the National Agenda, Amman's Mission, Antiquities Act, Urban Heritage Act, Environment Act, Ministry of Culture Act, and Heritage Act.

Conventions and regulations originating from Jordan Constitution for the purpose of involving the Jordanian citizen in the development process, stated that public work must be structured in institutions, in which people are willing to volunteer to protect general interests and interests of all sectors apart from the family relations and governmental structures and profitable activities.

To develop the capacity of civil society, it is necessary to reinforce its role and potential in promoting democracy culture, human rights. Also, there is a need for recent educational curricula and new creative methods to solve the present problems and incorporating practical methods when introducing certain concepts in curricula such as human rights, pluralism, and diversity.

Develop programs for dialogue and community education to enhance human rights culture, democracy, tolerance and the acceptance of others in worship places and religion and cultural institutions. It should be emphasized that strengthening capacities and resources of civil society is a prerequisite for increased popular participation in decision-making. Therefore, supporting dialogue between institutions of civil society and the government at the national level has been promoted.

Regulations and instructions issued by the official authorities in Jordan has guaranteed the participation of local communities in heritage conservation processes through local associations formed by groups, communities and individuals that are monitored periodically by the concerned party in order to ensure continuity and maintain its legal personality.

Communities and groups are themselves able to identify and promote elements of ICH and thus determine mechanisms and methods for transferring them to future generations. It is impossible to put a legacy in a position to compare with other heritage for the purposes of assessment in terms of quantity, type or importance, the 2003 Convention is clear about the need of participation of individuals and groups in the development of any element of the intangible cultural heritage, as it is alone can deal with the heritage of its own, and it must be recognized that any process to safeguard the ICH must begin with defining the heritage element, and then to make known and document it, then identifying areas for its occurrence, cultural meaning, functions and social use, custodians, and its situation.

In Jordan, processes of identifying areas of occurrence should be accompanied with ascribing the ICH elements of spread prevalent in the country to their geographical places, their holders, and their communities, followed by the processes of conservation, protection and conservation, transport. The final stage, can only be achieved by an educational tutorial, that can be achieved either through formal or informal media; this will lead to revitalizing the heritage item.




As the rest of the world, since Jordan is going through the critical phase of globalization, which is not known what future consequences of are, it must be recognized of the limits of the human awareness of Jordanian citizens and their inability to identify the ICH that forms part of their national identity. Even those who work in this field themselves do not have the experience to enable them to execute the conservation and preservation, in addition to the scarcity of scientific instruments, which blocks the way to achieve the desired goal.

The involvement of communities and groups in cultural documentation is an important issue for the detection of new methodologies that enable their members to follow what fits the specificities of their heritage.

In addition, organizing workshops on the modalities for establishing the inventory for the same communities that bear the ICH, a platform for the development of participatory methods to reach the best ways in heritage conservation and preservation, and support the adults of the campaign of ICH in these communities to be teachers and trainers of the ICH in their communities, and strengthening the relationship between the communities bearing the heritage and institutions concerned with heritage research, according to Article VI of the first item of the Jordanian Constitution, that states "the Jordanians are equal before the law without discrimination on the rights and duties on grounds of race, language or religion".

Accordingly, laws, rules, and regulations are set to govern "the establishment of research centers and institutes, either individually or in groups, or universities and laws for the formation of cultural associations in the respective local areas of Jordan, which operate freely within the overall framework of the state. It should be noted here that centers and studies in most of Jordanian universities and associations dealing with cultural heritage have already been set up, (See attached list).

As well as The Jordanian state has paid special attention to the freedom of researchers, whether individuals or groups and developed a series of conventions, instruments, and national constitutions that include conditions and policies of social and behavioral management to regulate the relation between man and heritage.

Many heritage researchers in Jordan became well-known (see attached list), but was limited to individual efforts, that lack official collective action.

Before 2005, Jordan has recognized the importance of preserving intangible heritage. The first experience of Jordan was the nomination of cultural space of the Bedouins of Petra and Wadi Rum in the list of urgent conservation. This space has been announced as a masterpiece of human cultural heritage in 2005 by UNESCO Director-General. Thus, maintenance of ICH has been launched. The beginning was in the continuity of an action plan for maintenance of the cultural space of the Bedouins of Petra and Wadi Rum.

The action plan began in 2007 and ended in 2008 as a project. It was prepared to be built based on local initiatives to protect, promote and develop a "cultural space of the Bedouins in Petra and Wadi Rum".

The Action Plan focused on two projects:

• Collection and transfer of the oral heritage for future generations

• Transfer and knowledge adoption, how to deal with camels, and how to weave, as the two pillars of nomadic culture.

It was designed to highlight the oral cultural heritage of the Bedouins communities in Petra and Wadi Rum and to reconstruct cultural pride and interest in the place among Bedouins communities. This was achieved by the support, maintenance and revival of oral intangible heritage of the Bedouins in Petra and Wadi Rum. Members of the community were assigned to transfer local heritage to future generations. Establishing pilot projects facilitate the construction of programs in the long term and act as a catalyst for the consultative process to protect, document, and transfer oral intangible Bedouins heritage.

It was through this project a national committee for ICH derived from the Jordanian National Commission for Education, Science and Culture at the Ministry of Education and work on preparing a national strategy for intangible cultural heritage.

Universities in Jordan have been involved in this issue through the establishment of the Centre for Her Royal Highness Princess Basma Bint Talal for the ICH research at the University of Al-Hussein Bin Talal, the one which guards the south of Jordan in general and Petra and Wadi Rum in particular. The Centre has become a model to be followed in other universities all throughout Jordan. The functions are:

1- Support the process of identification and documentation of ICH in Jordan in order to recognize the constituent elements of the ICH and to understand the heritage change processes through:

- Facilitating ICH documentation through the dissemination of technical knowledge and provision of equipment and necessary infrastructure.

- Carrying out conservation and restoration and conversion of digital multimedia data on the ICH at risk.

- Creating inventories for the preparation of nominations for inclusion on those lists.

- Building a portal on the Internet to facilitate communication between the concerned organizations and relevant ICH institutions that already exist.

2. Preparation and operation of programs and educational resources in order to ensure the continued transfer of intangible heritage.

- Development of curricula to spread ICH among the young and educating people about its importance.

- Provide training courses for professionals in the maintenance of the Intangible Cultural Heritage.

- Developing online training programs (i.e. via Internet through utilizing ICT).

3. Promote the dissemination of ICH in order to raise public awareness in particular, the young generation of the importance of ICH through the following:

- Encourage organizing public events such as performing arts and exhibitions.

- Preparation of cultural content that can be used as promotional or commercial awareness.

- Publication of books and audio-visual materials on ICH.

4. Encourage public institutions to adopt legal and management systems and appropriate formulation of various policies for ICH protection.

5. Strengthen international and regional cooperation among concerned organizations of the ICH in order to exchange information and knowledge on the maintenance of the ICH through the following:

- Create a network of ICH national and international practitioners, experts, and officials.

- Hire a number of ICH specialists in order to ensure the effective implementation of conservation activities.

- Build a portal on the web that would facilitate communication between the bodies of Jordanian and non-Jordanian and archives on ICH that already exist.

For years, ICH efforts were scattered, individual, and not clearly defined in terms of this heritage for the absence of a single body responsible for collecting and documenting it. Studies centers at universities have worked individually as centers for documenting the heritage in the north at Yarmouk University.

The associations concerned with the heritage of different ethnic origins in Jordan, such as Circassians, Armenians, and Druze associations have established learning centers to teach their languages, and preserve their heritage, that urged the establishment of a special body for heritage with instructions and regulations of their own to form an umbrella for formal work, that is the Directorate of the ICH of the Ministry of Culture.

The mechanism of this Directorate will depend in particular on the departments of culture, individuals and communities in all regions of the Kingdom for the collection and preservation of cultural heritage for each society and to ensure their active participation. Instructions of this Directorate will be embedded in its vision: traditional oral terms and expressions, language used, performing arts, social practices, rituals and rites ceremonial, knowledge, practices concerning nature and the universe, and traditional crafts and folklore.

The establishment of educational model depends on recognizing the value of heritage, and the development of a legal basis to create ideal conditions for children and young people to learn the heritage and transmitting it, as well as the cooperation and coordination between different ministries, such as education, culture, social development, municipalities, government agencies and NGOs, cultural centers and schools, will lead to establish an institutionalized system that includes the abovementioned authorities, in addition to other pillars of this system. This system will require development of a financial system for non-formal education for heritage at the national level.

Other factors of support to include heritage in the educational systems is to establish a network that includes different types of schools and other cultural and educational institutions. The network is to develop ICH educational strategies and policies for children and youth and ensure their transmission. This will create favorable conditions for the participation of these groups of people in traditional events. Moreover, school will be a source or a cultural center not only to educate the ordinary subjects, but also to teach patterns and other learning materials that include the ICH of the country itself.

In this framework, the institutional management can ensure that school celebrations are in the heritage domain, and develop educational programs and incorporate ICH elements into school curricula, such as the inclusion of crafts, traditional singing, and probably develop a separate curriculum on heritage.

Work has been initiated on the integration of ICH concepts in school curriculum through the development of teachers’ competencies in using instructional strategies that aim to integrate this heritage both through additional activities or strengthening links between schools and communities to raise awareness in the importance of this heritage and linking it to the national identity. A range of teaching aids and audio-visual materials to be employed in teaching the concepts of national heritage will then be produced.

5. Promotion, awareness raising, education and other measures

➢ Educational awareness programs to disseminate information for the public, particularly the young and integration of intangible heritage in the curricula

The need for a coordinating umbrella of formal and systematic methodology to preserve and document intangible heritage is required. Nevertheless, there are a number of scattered individual efforts in this area.

1. Ministry of Education

• Holding a workshop on best practices for intangible heritage integration in school curricula in collaboration with the UNESCO Office in Amman.

• Forming a committee of experts to develop the basic principles of the integration of the ICH in school curricula and to enable schools to learn about the local traditions and make more room for the transfer of knowledge based on the intangible heritage.

• The Curriculum Directorate provides professional programs in several fields, especially in the field of tangible heritage, which usually includes the space surrounding the reality of events and related stories. It also provides specialists in the field of heritage and hires others from outside the Directorate to provide skillful competencies to achieve what is required.

➢ Institutions working in the field of intangible heritage and their achievements:

• The Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities organizes local festivals and promotes cooperation and interaction with the community and the establishment of festivals and poetry evenings.

• The Jordanian Writers Association publishes collections of stories and narratives about Jordan and gives lectures on heritage.

• The Ministry of Culture is implementing a project to document the Arab cultural, intellectual, and scientific artifacts, in cooperation with national institutions, and individuals as well as the establishment of traditional and popular festivals like Jerash festival.

• USAID works with the local community, local groups, and institutions for the promotion of Wadi Rum as one of the heritage sites in the world, and coordinates to host “Widad Kawar for Traditional Heritage, Textiles and Jewelry” in a museum and display them to the common people.

• Al-jeel Al-jadeed Club maintains the cultural heritage of Caucasian dance, singing, language, customs and traditions and disseminates them to interested individuals.

• The National Bank promotes money of “Amman through the ages” through a historical museum of the Bank. It also distributes "The Museum brochure."

• The Abdul Hameed Shoman Foundation holds symposia, scientific and cultural workshops in cooperation with universities and national institutions, and scientific and cultural centers.

• The Al-Ghad Newspaper publishes at least one topic about heritage in every issue of the newspaper.

• Radio and television programs present the Jordanian heritage, such as: Know your country - My Home (the Arab Home) festivals (Festival of Heritage) - Revival of Old Traditional Occupations.

• Radio and Television provide programs about heritage that include sections on the customs, traditions of the country, and achievements through exchanging programs with developed countries such as France.

• Jordanian newspaper issue weekly addendum dealing with different cultural issues in Jordan. They sometimes publish some articles on ICH in Jordan, either at the theoretical or practical level (For more information see these two links:

• As for museums, the survey has revealed that the Jordanian museums are still unable to deal with issues related to ICH in Jordan. Still, the museum is considered as an institution, The addition of the living heritage- such as some ICH elements in society- the types of groups responsible for them now may have dynamic impact on both. (Obstacles).

Measures to promote the ICH:

• Enthusiasm for intangible heritage comes from the belief that mechanisms for the transfer of knowledge can be applied to various practices, and that the educational system can be defined as potential mechanisms through which the transfer of knowledge of various aspects of the ICH could be achieved. The National Committee formed by the Ministry of Education the capacity of curriculum into account and the extent of their interest in teaching students local traditions of their countries and widen the circle of knowledge transfer based on the intangible cultural heritage.

➢ It is also believed that education (i.e. formal and non-formal) plays an important role in promoting awareness of ICH importance and emphasizes the need to transfer it within and outside the framework of societies. For this reason, Work on ICH integration of in school curricula may be implemented at all educational level (i.e. Basic and Secondary Education, and Adult Education within the framework of non-formal education. All parties, communities and groups concerned with the ICH may share and cooperate together to establish, prepare, and implement educational projects in order to safeguard this heritage and maintain it. The following are some of them:

[pic]1) Students are aware of the importance of ICH in addition to their possession of sufficient information on the Convention of the intangible cultural heritage. At the level of higher education, one of the objectives of the Convention can be achieved through the investment of students' capabilities in Jordanian universities to find a means of publicity that promotes community's awareness of the importance of intangible cultural heritage, and then rely on these methods in promotional activities within and outside Jordan. Students may contribute in these activities, such as animated cartoons, brochures, posters and educational materials and toys.

Experts could be invited to meet students and advise them on how to develop the use of ICH educational materials and promotional activities and the Convention on safeguarding this heritage. Authors of school-textbooks and curricula prepare drafts for curricula then reviewed by experts. After that, they are piloted in classrooms. Following this process, awareness of educators of the national ICH can be enhanced. Experts play an important role in helping teachers to devise effective methods of teaching to integrate the ICH in various subjects, too. Moreover, the local practitioners of ICH participate in some lessons in the classroom and give them additional information to give back value and importance of the local culture.

2) The process and method of ICH presentation of concepts and elements to students show the importance of these elements, especially since they have already learned them from their parents or perhaps their elders, along with helping other students to recognize the inherited heritage they have never heard of before from their families.

3) School is assumed to undertake the burden in assigning students to conduct field studies and research on their intangible cultural heritage, and exhibits on the heritage in participation with other schools and the community. School also helps students to identify tools to enable them to get to know their heritage and present it to revive and promote it.

4) School students’ participation in annual national competitions on their heritage encourages them to identify and appreciate their heritage. Prizes will motivate the winners to do a qualitative research in collaboration with the adults who tell their intangible heritage.

5) The findings of the students’ research and field studies in collaboration could be gathered in books to be published in cooperation with ICH practitioners.

6) Exhibitions organized at schools can be of great benefit for teachers to issue helpful ICH guides. These guides may include a case study on some groups in different regions of Jordan.

➢ The role of community centers, museums, archives and other bodies in promoting awareness of ICH

• It is too difficult to come into clear conclusion on the role of the community centers, museums, archives, and other bodies in promoting awareness of ICH in Jordan due to the obscurity of the term “ICH”. Yet, this issue receives great attention of the government of Jordan as cooperation with local community is among its priorities to safeguard ICH and support sustainable development. For instance, community centers participate in enhancing awareness in the importance of participation in stating and implementing purposeful plans. This will be helpful in eliminating problems in tourism. Planning also leads to obtaining tourism profits and their effects on citizens.

• Community centers can also play an essential role in the awareness process about individual participation in planning for social events. Similar agencies to these centers could grant them to support awareness activities identified and implemented by the citizens themselves. Their efforts in awareness could be effective as they have partnerships with local civil organizations, working societies, and government agencies.

➢ Contribution of media in promoting awareness (radio, television, films, documentary films, Internet, specialized publications…etc.)

ICT nowadays has facilitated, enriched ICH. It also has taught people about its importance through:

1. Films, documentary films, radio that may provide public people with information about the importance of ICH. Some documentary films about Jordanian ICH and without the Jordanian awareness of ICH concept in the Convention, these concepts are well-known to them. Radio and Television always broadcast documentary films about public life in Jordan. After Jordan’s ratification of the Convention, meetings were held with Jordanian experts to explain the main issues related to the Convention and ICH.

• Modern technology provides enhanced means of awareness-raising, maintenance and renewal of the intangible cultural heritage, in particular elements at risk of erosion and disappearing. It can also facilitate educational opportunities and enhanced educational and cultural exchange

3. A website service will create databases for resources of ICH -be available for public input- that can enhance the process of awareness. Digital media can assist in the representation of space and cultural heritage, as well as those involving the use of GIS and cellular phones.

➢ The leading role in vision and awareness enhancement of ICH of events that constitute a source of income for Jordan

• Vision and enhanced awareness of ICH can be a source of income. The main factors that contribute to the success of any project should be taken into account and be a source of income, with the participation of society, particularly those concerned with culture such as artisans themselves as they are the best who know about the craft. Conditions also should be established so that the involved people in folklore can access it, benefit from it in their own cultures, and continue to strengthen and create new cultural values

• If we list some of the details to address the ICH and income generation, we can differentiate between the performing arts for commercial purposes and those for non-profit. The Jordanian element of the performing arts for the purposes of profit is “Dabka” performed on ceremonial occasions at weddings as a source of income. Another element of the performing arts is a non-profit tales and forgotten folk tales, and can be converted to an income-generating if deployed in different ways through books, movies, or plays. In the area of crafts, young people may find difficulty in carrying out the craft if they do not have sufficient financial return. Therefore, it is hard for any specialist craftsmen to find a young man inherits a particular traditional craft.

• Many of handicrafts in Jordan are in distress. Their work requires time and labor and that makes it unprofitable. For example, traditional embroidery and Bedouins carpets weaving in Jordan is in a critical state. Machine weaving and embroidery are faster and cheaper. Another problem is difficulty in obtaining good quality tools and machinery that are handmade. This is similar to the problem of teamwork performing arts that may be weakened by insufficient price to members of the supporters. Therefore, awareness must be launched about the opportunities available for the use of ICH in economic development.

This goal can be achieved by conducting case studies and reference materials that reflect national and international initiatives in addition to participating with the business sectors that support ICH development. Furthermore, these should be taken into consideration: the promotion and strengthening of traditional skills and practices, tourism programs, and promotional initiatives, ensuring that the ICH is in a strategy of cultural tourism. The country should ensure the inclusion of exchanging opportunities available to aspects of the ICH in its strategic plan for cultural exchange. Authorities should encourage practitioners to implement projects on ICH in trade fairs and the integration of skills / offers traditional displays in experimental tourism, adventure, and nature.

← Element of "cultural space for Petra and Wadi Rum" in the representative list of ICH of mankind, and its role in ensuring a better view of Jordan's ICH awareness of its significance, and encouraging dialogue which respects cultural diversity.

5 Jordan is convinced that the representative list of ICH may indirectly develop ideas on possible ways to benefit from the forces of globalization to promote understanding and respect for the intangible heritage of the other between and within groups and communities. Publication of the representative list may draw attention to the ways in which people from different cultural heritages can lead to forms of cultural diversity in general. And can earn every society some evidence of cultural differences, which should be recognized as one of the fundamental human rights.

That mutual understanding of the heritage of others, civilizations and cultures will have less space in an attempt to claim the same perfection, but achieved this perfect interaction with the heritage of other peoples. At the local level of Jordan, the inclusion of "cultural space for Petra and Wadi Rum" on the Representative List should encourage groups in Jordanian society for the transfer of heritage and recognize the importance of their intangible cultural heritage


6. Bilateral, subregional, regional and international cooperation

Jordan is concerned about cultural exchange at the dual, regional and international exchange, this includes all cultural domains with all their elements and aspects, 61 agreements and executive programs have been signed.

There is an intensive cooperation between Jordan and other neighboring countries (dual agreements) as culture is shred with these countries, and in this framework, we point to the executive program for culture cooperation with Syria (2008-2010), with Iraq (2008-2010), Egypt (2007-2009), Kuwait (2008-2010), Tunesia (2009-2010). This cooperation includes dual agreements for ICH through exchange of folkloric teams during international festivals, crafts exhibition exchange, participation in music festivals that are held in the participating countries. Relations between Jordan and Muslim and Arab countries are strong through the Arab Committee for Education, Science and Culture, the Islamic Committee for Education, Science and Culture. There is also cultural cooperation with many institutions such as the Arabic Institute in Paris, and the Arabic Institute in Africa. At the national level there is a memorandum of cooperation and understanding between the Union of Jordanian Writers and Authors and the Hashemite University and the University of Al-Hussein Bin Talal and the Hijaz Railway Corporation and the Middle East University for Graduate Studies and the University of Al al-Bayt in the preservation of tangible heritage and ICH in Jordan.

At the international level there is cooperation in the fields of culture, the Jordan signed several international cultural conventions with UNESCO, and ratified the agreement on the Protection of Cultural Property in the event of armed conflict on 2/10/1957, and ratified the agreement on the means of prohibiting and preventing the import and export and transfer of cultural property illegally on 15/3/1974, and the Protection of Cultural and Natural Heritage on 5/5/1975, and ratified the Convention on the conservation of ICH on 24/3/2006, and the agreement on the protection and promotion of the diversity of Cultural Expressions on 16/2/2007, and the agreement on the protection of underwater cultural heritage on 2/12/2009. Also, Hussein Bin Talal University signed in March 2009 a memorandum of understanding with the National Hindi Art and Cultural Heritage in New Delhi, the Convention will help in providing the university with expertise for the management of cultural heritage both tangible and intangible, whether for capacity-building or raising awareness of the importance of the heritage and its value.

Also the Ministry of Culture signed a memorandum of understanding with the Arab World Institute in Paris in 2007, and with the Arab Society for Music in 2008. There is an agreement between the Ministry of Culture and the Italian I World institution to implement the project "the diversity of the Intangible Cultural Heritage" within the Euro-Mediterranean partnership.

Besides, there is cooperation at the international level in the following programs:

- Executive program for cultural exchange between the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and the Republic of India for the years 2007-2008




















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- Executive Program for Cultural and Scientific Cooperation between the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and the People's Republic of China for the years 2007-2008.

- A program for cultural scientific exchange between the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and the Republic of South Korea for the years 2007-2009.

- Executive Program for Cultural and Scientific Cooperation between the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and the Republic of Bulgaria for the years 2007-2008.

- Executive Program for Cultural and Scientific Cooperation between the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and the Republic of Chile for the years 2008-2010.

- Executive program for scientific and cultural cooperation between the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and the Republic of Azerbaijan for the years 2007-2009.

- Cultural cooperation agreement between the Kingdom of Jordan and the Federative Republic of Brazil in 2008.

- Cultural cooperation agreement between Jordan and Argentina in October of 2008.

There are centers and programs at some Arab and foreign embassies and cultural attaché in Amman responsible for implementing activities and programs related to heritage, tangible and intangible in terms of monitoring, documentation and studies, including:

- The American Center for Oriental Studies (ACOR)

- The British Centre for Antiquities and History (BCRL)

- The French Center for Antiquities (IFAPO)

- The German Centre for the Antiquities of the Holy Land

It is noted on the bilateral cooperation between Jordan and some countries of the region or outside the region that the cultural agreements for the most part is between the governments and not between specialized local cultural centers and specialized regional or international cultural entities.

These agreements may include what is understood as benefit from the experiences of others, but the share of ICH of these agreements is very little or almost confined to participating festivals, exhibitions, and the agreements do not include an overall benefit for the exchange of experiences on the capacity-building level regarding intangible heritage or even documentation or studies about it, also there are no (MOU) with the institutions directly involved in the intangible heritage with an exception of the (MOU) between Al-Hussein Bin Talal University and the Hindi Heritage Foundation


“The cultural space of the Bedouins in the regions of Petra and Wadi Rum”

UNESCO masterpiece of the oral and intangible heritage of humanity

On 25 November 2005, UNESCO’s Director-General, Mr Koïchiro Matsuura, proclaimed the “The Cultural Space of the Bedouins in Petra and Wadi Rum” a Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity. The aim of the Proclamation is to encourage governments, NGOs and local communities to identify, preserve and promote their intangible heritage. The Proclamation also encourages individuals, groups, institutions and organizations to make outstanding contributions to managing, safeguarding and promoting the intangible cultural heritage.

The cultural space of the Bedouins in Petra and Wadi Rum comprises of the living relationship Bedouins communities maintain with the spaces they inhabit and practice, and from which they derive resources as mobile pastoralists and –today more and more- as agriculturalists, as people engaged in tourism-related activities. Natural and man-made elements determine and inspire specific social, spiritual and artistic expressions that become defining features of a tribe’s identity. This identity, in turn, shapes the relationship of Bedouins tribes from the Petra and Wadi Rum maintain with neighboring communities of settled agriculturalists higher up on the Jordanian plateau, and their role as mediators between foreign visitors and the place.

In line with this philosophy, community-based associations in the regions of Petra and Wadi Rum have entrusted the Jordan Hashemite Fund for Human Development (JOHUD) – the largest NGO in Jordan with a national network of 50 community development centers (CDCs) - with preparing an action plan to safeguard, promote and develop their cultural space in the core areas of Petra and Wadi Rum. This 24-month action plan focuses on the preservation and intergenerational transmission of oral and intangible heritage, on the preservation and enhancement of women’s traditional weaving skills as a source of economic development, and on activities related to camel husbandry and use, two “pillars of Bedouins culture”.

Bedouins' oral and intangible cultural expressions are very rich and too broad to be encompassed in a single action plan. Therefore, it has been agreed with local communities and other institutional partners that different safeguarding and development activities will be conducted as a series of projects undertaken at the community level (see annex) following the criteria set forth in the Convention for the Safeguarding of the ICH that Jordan has ratified.

This action plan proposes to focus on the following components:

1/ Oral expressions.

- Poetry;

- Song, music and dance;

- Story-telling (particularly place-related oral history and mythologies);

- Place-naming.

2/ Pillars of Bedouins culture:

- Tent-making and weaving crafts;

- Camel husbandry and use.

Geographical and demographic scope of the project

• Petra is a World Heritage Site. The Petra National Park was created in 1993 and extends from the main archaeological site down to the Araba Valley (or Wadi Araba). It is currently administered by the Petra Regional Authority (PRA) with important involvement from the Ministry of Tourism, the Department of Antiquities, and the Petra National Trust (NGO).

inhabitants) the largest of six main towns, two of which (Umm Sayhun and Beidha) are strictly Bedouins settlements, while the others are ancient villages of agriculturalists amongst whom some Bedouins have recently settled. The main Bedouins tribal groups are the Ammarin in and around Beidha (village, tents and caves), the Bdul in the village of Umm Sayhun and in caves in some marginal areas of the Petra archaeological site, and the Sa’idiyin on the Western slopes of the Sharah mountains and in the Wadi Araba.

• The region of Wadi Rum is characterized by a weak demography. It is one of Jordan’s most fragile terrains. The Jordanian Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature (RSCN) declared part of it a Protected Area in 1998. The whole region is currently administered by the Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority (ASEZA) with involvement from several ministries or departments (Tourism, Antiquities, etc.).

Five Bedouins -built settlements (the main ones being Diseh, Rum village and Shakriyeh) and an undetermined number of tents (that varies according to seasons) are scattered over the area, while cave-dwelling is much less developed than in and around Petra. The total population, overwhelmingly members of Bedouins tribes, is estimated at less than 18,000. The tribal groups living in Wadi Rum are several sections of the large Huweitat tribe (Swelhiyin, Dbur, Qeidman, etc.), and the Zalabiah and Zawaydah tribal groups.


There are four sets of identifiable risks weighing over the cultural space of the Bedouins in the regions of Petra and Wadi Rum:

1. Bedouins knowledge, know-how and oral traditions in general are rapidly disappearing due to major changes in the lifestyle of these communities:

- From nomadism to sedentarisation;

- From pastoralism to other economic activities;

- From oral knowledge to widespread literacy;

- From camel to modern technologies, and into the ICT society.

2. Local versions of place and history, based on a practice of the places as pastoral nomads and on oral culture, are being erased by new modes of knowing and of relating to the sites:

- Scientific discourses (archaeological-historical, environmental, technical);

- Official versions of History;

- New approach to religion;

- Tourism-related narratives.

Development and management plans adopted to preserve man-made and/or natural heritage and to manage tourism growth (1984 in Petra, 1996 in Wadi Rum) have largely ignored the local interdependencies and complementarities between Bedouins communities and the sites. This process resulted in marginalizing the local communities through:

- Limiting their traditional access to resources without efficiently providing for alternative development options;

- Partly evicting them physically from the sites without solving land-related and conservation/preservation issues;

- Weakening Bedouins representation vis-à-vis the local authorities;

- Multiplying areas of conflict deriving from the multiple uses of the sites.

Misperceptions and misrepresentations of the Bedouins fail to consider that Bedouins culture is diverse, alive and adapting. Stereotypes are prevalent:

- Among urbanized Jordanians who promote abstract Bedouins values but view those Bedouins who still lead a pastoral life as socially backwards;

- In local ethnographies that freeze Bedouins culture in time, that only exalt the heritage of Bedouins tribes deemed ‘noble’, and that fail to account for regional and tribal cultural diversity;

- Among foreign visitors to Jordan who have difficulties reconciling their vision of the Bedouins as unchanging nomads with the realities of modern Bedouins culture;

- In the context of the commodification of Bedouins culture for tourism purposes.

The philosophy underpinning this action plan is that, rather than bemoaning the passing of traditional nomadic pastoralism, Bedouins communities should be empowered to make the best out of changes. Bedouins lifestyle is by nature adaptive and flexible. Households can now afford to keep permanent built structures, while at the same time integrating themselves as livestock specialists in areas where the communities spend the greater portion of the year. Alternatively, they can diversify their economic activities and intelligently recycle items of their tangible and intangible culture in the framework of tourism development projects and nature conservation efforts. Many of them have already spontaneously taken that direction, and many households now combine pastoral and tourism-related activities. In this context, this action plan aims to provide greater support to local organizations which combine celebration and transmission of oral and intangible culture with a process of locally-managed development through small-scale income generation initiatives related to camel use and to weaving.

Jordan has limited resources from which to drive economic growth and to alleviate poverty. Across the Kingdom, the natural assets have been harnessed to attract visitors and to help stimulate local enterprise. In addition to being affected by modernity in much the same way as the other Bedouins communities of Jordan, tribes in the Petra and Wadi Rum areas have experienced the development of tourism in what used to be their tribal territories. The Bdul, who used to dwell among the rock-carved monuments of ancient Petra, were removed from the site in 1985 to a small settlement nearby. They later came to an agreement with the authorities to keep using some of the Nabateans caves for small businesses (souvenir shops, coffee-houses, and restaurants) geared towards the tourism market. Women, in addition to livestock rearing, are actively involved in the tourism market. Similarly, members of the Ammarin tribal unit do not anymore live in the caves that they used to occupy in Beidha, an archaeological site to the north of Petra. But several of them have developed small businesses for the tourists, including accommodation in a Bedouins-style campsite and eco-tours. Tourism has also re-boosted camel husbandry among the Sa’idiyin tribe in the Wadi Araba. In Wadi Rum, several tribal groups (Zalabiah, Zawaydah, Swelhiyin, etc.) have modified their economic activities and residential patterns to make them fit the new possibilities offered by the tourism economy. While women take care of the livestock, tribesmen work as desert or rock climbing guides, as cameleers and Jeep drivers. They also maintain Bedouins-style campsites for tourists. Tourism is a major incentive for many households to live most of the year in an encampment although they own a house in a village. In all cases, a limited number of women manufacture handicraft to be sold as souvenirs. Today, the prospect of deriving an income from hosting or guiding tourists is essential to the survival of the Bedouins’s sense of place. Tourism has become an integral component of their cultural space.

Like any major factor of change, tourism is both a risk and also a chance for the sustainability of the Bedouins cultural heritage. Currently, because pastoralism coexists with tourism, various imaginations of the places and related oral expressions (place naming, mythologies, etc.) are also able to coexist. But in the economically dominant context of tourism, the expressions, knowledge and know-how connected to pastoral life are at greater risk of disappearing. Additionally, some aspects of Bedouins intangible culture (particularly song, dance, coffee ritual, etc.) are being folklorised by an inevitable process of commodification. They are at risk of losing their connections with the practices of everyday life or of festive social occasions. The challenge that this action plan addresses is to help Bedouins communities find a suitable way of making tourism a chance for the sustainability of their cultural space.

Following the Proclamation by UNESCO of the cultural space of Bedouins in Petra and Wadi Rum as a Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity in November 2005, JOHUD, the Jordanian NGO responsible for preparing the dossier, carried out a new row of consultations with community-based organizations (see list annexed) and relevant national bodies in order to refine an action plan. It was decided that the action plan submitted to UNESCO should be part of a broader and longer-term program with the general aim of locating culture and heritage in development for all Bedouins communities in the areas of Petra and Wadi Rum. The current action plan will be carried out by organisations already involved in the preservation of the cultural identity of the Bedouins communities.

The set of actions comprise of two projects, each divided into components:

- 1. Oral expressions

Component 1 – Identifying and supporting practitioners

Component 2 - Intergenerational transmission

Component 3 - Archive and documentation centre

Component 4 – Research program

- 2. Pillars of Bedouins culture

Component 1 - Camel husbandry and use

Component 2 – Weaving

In order to establish project coordination at the grass-root level the following working groups, that eventually became steering committees, were established. They will keep working in the years to come to ensure the future of preservation and maintenance of Bedouins intangible heritage:

Petra area:

1. Ms. Najwa Elbedour – manager of JOHUD CDC in Showbak

2. Head of the Ammarin Cooperative Society

3. Mr. Ead Shte'an Ammarin – Ammarin Cooperative Society

4. Mr. Muhsen Elbdul – Head of the Bdul Cooperative Society

5. Mr. Salameh Ead Al- Bdul – Al Kaznah Cooperative Society

Rum area:

1. Ms. Khawla Zawaydeh - local leader of JOHUD CDC in Disi

2. Mr. Mohammad Ead Alzalabyeh – Head of the Wadi Rum Cooperative Society

3. Mr. Salem Alzalabyeh – Valley of the Moon Cooperative Society

4. Mr. Abed Elrahman Alhasassin – Productive Village Cooperative Society

5. Mr. Awad Almezaneh from the Visitor Centre in Rum

6. Ms. Sameha Al Zalabiyeh, Head of Burda Women Cooperative Society

In 2006, 2007 and 2008, these committees met several times to coordinate the various activities undertaken under the project.

Among others, these meetings allowed to identify synergies with other ongoing projects in the areas and possible sources of funding for future activities:

– The USAID-Siyaha Project for tourism development and more particularly its camel component

– The Fair Trade Jordan Initiative

– A North South walking trail that would include the project areas

– An initiative by the Jordanian Ministry of Culture to support a festival of local cultural heritage in the south of Jordan

The first Festival of Bedouins Cultural Heritage was held in Deeseh on 13-14th December 2007 as part of the project. It was organised by JOHUD in close cooperation with the Deeseh Youth Club and involved several other local societies. Its objectives were to:

Provide a venue for the expression of intangible heritage (in particular oral poetry and 'samer' performances)

Promote camel-related practices

Support traditional handicraft such as weaving

A steering committee was established to:

Organise all activities related to the festival

Take care of relations with participants and visitors

Follow-up for other festivals

An information committee in charge of communication with the media and the tourism sector

A cultural committee took care of relations with poets and samer groups and of programming

A financial committee ensured that expenses were shared between JOHUD and the Deeseh Youth Club, donors were contacted to fund prizes for camel races, poetry, and samer contests (see details of expenses attached).

Activities of the festival:

1/ Evening of Bedouins ICHin which 8 poets from Jordan and Saudi Arabia took part in poetry contest. Popular songs accompanied by oud were played, 5 groups took place in a samer contest, and a conference on Bedouins intangible heritage was given.

400 people attended the evening from the area, Aqaba and from among the foreigners that were visiting Jordan.

2/ Festival of handicraft and culture:

Show casing the Bedouins traditional way of life: a Bedouins tent was erected and furnished with traditional items such as hand-woven rugs and camel gears. A local lady was spinning and weaving while coffee was offered to guests.

A selection of traditional and modern handicraft made by local women societies was on sale: embroidery, jewellery, leather products, woven items, local/traditional food products and herbs.

A show of camels fully equipped with their woven gear was performed.

1000 visitors attended the event.

3/ Camel race in which 50 contestants from Jordan and Saudi Arabia took place and 20 prizes were distributed. 1000 people attended it.

Outcomes of the festival:

The festivals was not designed primarily as tourists’ attractions but as a festive event that provided a time and place of encounter for the various Bedouins communities of the south of Jordan, of cultural and educational intergenerational transmission, and of cross-cultural communication between Bedouins and other visitors. The event thus contributes significantly to the aims and objectives of the UNESCO proclamation.

5 local societies cooperated

The was a large participation from members of Deeseh community and visitors from outside

Excellent attitude from the part of the local people and expectations for next festival

What is next?

To ensure the viability of the festival, a partnership was established between the Deeseh Youth Club, JOHUDs CDC in Deeseh and the Jordanian Ministry of Culture. The second edition of the festival is planned for Autumn 2009 with more activities (see below under Camel section)

2 Oral expressions

Lists of experts were established for place naming, practitioners for dance, music, song, poetry and storytelling, knowledge-bearers for camel husbandry and weaving (see annexes).

A methodology was designed for training young people on interviewing and recording and for conducting a survey of place-names.

After an initial training session (see below), two teams set out to conduct recorded interviews with knowledge-bearers on:

– place names and associated stories and the changes that have occurred recently. Names were recorded on maps

– traditional 'Nabatean' poetry

– story telling

– testimonies on various aspects of the tangible and intangible aspects of Bedouins culture such as the practices and signification of making and offering coffee, the particulars of the Bedouins tent and associated practices, traditional rock climbing skills, etc.

– local history.

Several hours of recording were conducted that have been partially transcribed and edited. More is ongoing in view of collating tangible parts in a book.


4 Digital Heritage

5 Sessions of training in recording oral heritage were conducted with volunteers from local Bedouins tribes. Objectives were to equip a group of committed hardworking volunteers from Deeseh/Rum and Wadi Mousa with certain skills that would enable them to orally document and preserve the history and culture of their area and people.

6 Trainers were Dr. Sa'id Abu 'Athra/ JOHUD and Hiba Aloul/ PBYRC.

7 Session 1:

An introductory training on the following skills took place in Disi on 10-11 February 2007 and Wadi Musa on 4-5 march 2007:

a. Writing, listening and note taking

b. Communication

c. Interviewing

Session 2:

Took place on May 28-29 and May 30-31 in Al-Deeseh/ JOHUD's Community Development Centre and Wadi Mousa/ Hussein Bin Talal University.

Sessions objectives:

1. The importance of Oral History: A brainstorming session where the participants shares their thoughts, ideas and opinions on why it is important to preserve and promote our history and culture in the light of the new century and open media channels.

2. Interviewing skills: Basic practical interviewing skills; going through the stages of doing a successful interview; preparing and researching before the interview, writing the interview questions, during the interview, and post interview follow-up.

3. Digital Recording: Getting to know the tool kit in hand, how to use it and how to handle it before, during, and after the interview.

4. Role playing: Participants got into pairs or groups of 3 and conducted interviews with each other using the digital recording devices; as means to practice their interviewing skills as well as getting more familiar with the tool kits in hand.

5. Feedback: Share thoughts and comments on the experience of conducting interviews using the digital kits with the trainer and with the other groups; how it felt, mistakes they made, difficulties faced… etc

6. Voice editing: Theory on audio formats and how to convert audio files from one format to the other using different computer software's. How to download the interviews to the computer, how to convert audio formats, how to edit the voice and the interview sound bites, and how to save the project in the final audio format and organize it so they could archive it and easily access it.

7. Field interviews: Participants formed groups of 2 and 3, identified the person to be interviewed and the subject on which the interview would be, and interviewed prominent figures from their communities using the digital recording devices.

8. Practice: After the interviews, participants got back to the workshop, and practiced downloading their interviews, editing them, saving and archiving them several times, learning from their mistakes and the mistakes of their colleagues each time and doing it all in a better and more efficient way.

8 Archive and Documentation Centre

Initial steps were taken locally to upgrading (Beidha) or create (Deeseh, Umm Sayhoun) community-based small-scale museums of living Bedouins presence to preserve, enrich and transmit traditions.

Collectors of ancient and modern items from within Bedouins communities have been identified and several have agreed to lend these items for permanent or temporary exhibitions.

Identification of existing audio-visual material is ongoing by members of the local community in view of securing copies for the centres.

Recordings, transcripts and other material collected have been archived in the centres.

Scholarly Research Program

After the project was introduced to academics through information sessions, a partnership was established with Al-Hussein Bin Talal University (Maan and Wadi Musa) to:

- Prepare a round-table on intangible heritage

- Introduce the concept of intangible heritage into their 'museum studies' curriculum

- Work towards the establishment of a national research program

- Scholarly Research Program is to be emphasised in the national strategy (see3.8)


10 Camel Husbandry

The intergenerational transmission of knowledge and practices associated with camel husbandry and use were promoted on the occasion of the Deeseh festival that celebrated the camel and its role in Bedouins culture. It incorporated a wide variety of cultural forms (races, handicraft, song, camel-inspired poetry and storytelling) and activities (camel rides for adults and children, live demonstration of weaving camel gears, competitions between camel riders and breeders to demonstrate obedience and the use of camels, and displays of skill from the badia police.

These races revived a tradition going back for generations, and attracted a wide range of Bedouins contestants and a huge audience – local, national, regional and internationals. There is great potential to develop the event as a major tourist attraction while retaining the unique flavor of the cultural celebration – owned and managed by local people. There are plans to repeat the races annually, and it is hoped that this initial investment in hard and soft infrastructures for a parallel camel festival will ensure that this also is part of the camel-racing calendar.

For the coming festival, additional activities are planned:

o Multi-media display – telling the story of the life cycle of the camel and explaining the unique characteristics that enable it to survive in the desert

o Display on the domestication of the camel and its role in the nomadic culture and in the trade history between Arabia and the Mediterrean

o Exhibition of work from Bedouins schoolchildren – celebrating the camel in their lives– poems, stories, images, songs and music

o Exhibition of camel-related photos from archive photos taken by early European travellers through to images by local photographers in the present day and photo contest

o Exhibition of livelihood opportunities derived from the camel – and in particular the recent revived interest in the health inducing properties of camel milk

o Fair trade market – with local producers selling direct to customers, with new products (e.g. camel bone carvings, camel-skin water containers etc)

o Camel hair costumes – from Kashmir-style soft woven products to coarse blankets

o A forum for ideas and exchange of experience for a wide range of people interested in Bedouins culture and camel husbandry and use

It is anticipated that the preparation of the next festival will leave the static exhibition in the archive and documentation centre in Deeseh after the festival is over, to provide a permanent display concerning the role of the camel in Bedouins culture.


Weaving is the activity in which less progress was achieved under the project. It proved not only difficult to identify the few remaining practitioner's, but also to motivate younger women from the communities. So far, what has been achieved is:

– A list of collector of Bedouins weaving (local and national)

– A list of practitioner's

– Identification of traditional patterns and techniques

– A workshop held with Burdah Women Cooperative on the skills of weaving camel gears

– A small collection of traditional weaving items to be displayed in the Archive and Documentation centres in Deeseh and Beidha

– Several interviews with elder women ( knowledge bearers ) were recorded on the weaving styles, patrons, tools and materials from all the targeted tribes in both Wadi Rum And Petra (Zawaydeh, Zalabieh, Ammarin and Bdul)


1. Problems, needs and possible solutions

First: General problems

Jordan suffers from many problems and obstacles in the field of intangible cultural heritage at both official and private levels, the most prominent are the following:

1 - The lack of a Jordanian formal umbrella that deal with intangible cultural heritage, and most efforts in this area are generally individual and scattered efforts.

2 - There is no legislation that addresses this heritage, and works to maintain and develop it.

3 - Lack of official concern for the intangible cultural heritage, despite the fact that this heritage is a major factor in keeping the national identity of the community.

4 - The lack of a national database of specialists and those interested in dealing with various aspects of the intangible cultural heritage at both official and private sectors.

5 – Absence of national institutions and specialized centers that deal with documentation of intangible cultural heritage and preserving it for future generations, despite the fact that Jordan is full of cultural diversity resulting from the depth of history and civilization, and the diversity and multi-ethnic cultures that make up a mosaic of Jordanian society.

6 - Scarcity of financial resources allocated to document the intangible cultural heritage, preserve and develop at both the official and private sector.

7– Absence of coordination between public and private sectors in the field of conservation and development of ICH.

8 –Regression of interests in ICH, especially among the youth and younger generations, and this is resulting mainly from lack of concern about this heritage and its importance at both official and private level, besides, these groups go for all that is modern, and the marginalization of heritage by the globalization of culture and the accelerated development in the information age. This problem is one the most problems, the continuation of the situation of young men and boys as it is now will lead to erase this legacy of the Jordanian society in a few years, for youth and boys are the backbone of the future.

9 - Severe shortage in Tangible and Intangible Cultural Heritage items and materials in school curricula and university courses.

10 – Absence of criticism and trained critics in the field ICH, as criticism and its methods contribute mainly to preserve this heritage and develop it at the national level.

11 - The poor performance of the Jordanian official and private media in the intangible cultural heritage. On the contrary, the focus is on modern art, it is known that media is a pillar for the conservation of this heritage and its promotion and instilling it in the hearts of the members of the society, and thus to maintain and develop it.

12 - Lack of cultural structures of infrastructure in more than two thirds of the provinces of the Kingdom, these cultural structures are collecting specialists and those who are interested in the cultural heritage and promoting it through exhibitions and musical and artistic performances.

Second: Issues related with the articles of the Convention on Intangible Cultural Heritage

a) The jeopardy of Commoditizing ICH:

Some issues, which require to be addressed in determining which aspects of ICH to safeguard and how to do so, should be discussed, i.e. what are the risks of commoditization and its effects on ICH and what should be done in respect of this tendency, especially in respect of e.g. income generating ICH elements?

b) Freezing vs. reviving the ICH elements:

Should active ‘preservation’ of ICH freeze the ‘living’ element? In this context, a question should be answered whether if an ICH element is no longer ‘evolving’, is it still ICH or has it become frozen?

c) Distorting the ICH elements.

The bureaucratic effects on inventorying and safeguarding ICH elements must be avoided to prevent possible distorting of the ICH.

d) Inventorying of ICH in Jordan:

d1) the different levels of participation:

An inventory of ICH in Jordan should not discriminate between the different levels of participation in or influence of different examples of ICH, e.g. those that have had little or no impact on the wider community, and have remained isolated, would also be included.

d2) Inclusivity of ICH elements vs. cultural diversity:

With reference to the 2003 UNESCO Convention the scope of ICH in Jordan is a very broad one. Any inventorying method should consider the ‘inclusivity’ of all ICH elements on the Jordanian soil. Accordingly, this will allow for the incorporation of a diverse range of practices and knowledge that exist within Jordan to reflect at the end the UNESCO definitions. The inventory should be a reflection of ‘living’ practices and knowledge rather than a record of the history of intangible culture. Another relevant issue is related to the language; oral traditions and expressions that will be recorded and safeguarded through the Jordanian inventory should not be restricted to the indigenous Arabic dialects of Jordan, but it should go beyond that to reach the languages of the ethnic minorities, i.e. Chercassians, Chechnians, Armenians and Druze communities etc would be equally considered to be within the scope of ICH in Jordan.

d3) levels of participation:

There should be no discrimination on the grounds of levels of participation in or influence of different ICH examples on the wider community. Consideration should be given to tensions between the fragility of ICH most in need of safeguarding and the negative transformational potential of safeguarding itself.

e) The Challenge of "safeguarding"

In addition to inventorying, one of the main challenges encountering Jordan’s ICH is the Safeguarding. We believe that through education a reasonable result can be reached. Moreover, local authorities and other public bodies can facilitate the safeguarding of ICH by providing the framework for a support. The authorities can be in the position to stimulate the community based safeguarding.

f) Threats related to awareness-raising

f1) Inclusion or exclusion of certain aspects or elements of the intangible heritage should be excluded in the

As it is evident from Article 2 in the Convention, living culture that advocates religious fanaticism, apartheid, mutilation of women, or that severely harms other groups or individuals by other means, is excluded from safeguarding, and, accordingly, no awareness steps should be taken to revive elements related to the mentioned aspects.

f2) Inappropriate use of ICH or access to it:

Central point to any safeguarding or awareness process of ICH is the question: how best to protect intangible heritage against misappropriation and illegitimate use. The preservation of original records and items of ICH is an ongoing effort. It is imperative however, that awareness procedures should respect issues around the property and intellectual rights. For example, proper authorization must be acquired for the sharing of information gathered during the awareness projects and documentation activities. Any steps toward disseminations or awareness should take into account the intellectual, legal and moral implications of holding and providing access to personal information. However, the digitization and dissemination of traditional cultural expressions can lead to their misappropriation and misuse.

f3) Ethical problems:

One of the important points is to address ethical questions emanating from the relationship between the representative of the official bodies of the government and the holders of the knowledge. When promoting ICH many ethical questions should be taken into consideration, e.g.

1) The use of heritage and the past is not separable from the social ethics that dominate a particular society.

2) The respect of local identities

3) The violation of human rights in the evaluation of the safeguarding process.

4) The discussion about the values and norms involved in ICH should be left to the communities and its members; i.e. any ICH element should be presented in relation to the way it is used in the community. Undervaluing the ICH elements and its bearers should be avoided.

5) Be aware of the fact that traditional communities often have a stake in the ways in which knowledge about them and their traditional expression are presented interpreted and used in a proper and adequate manner.

7) The attribution of an ICH element to its appropriate community, group or person.

8) Any project, which seeks the documentation of a certain ICH element, should receive permission from the community, group or individual concerned, based on recognition, respect and cooperation.

9) Avoiding the mistreatment of ICH bearers and practitioners through the media.

10) Avoiding the mistreatment of the ICH material collected by researchers.

Proposed solutions

First: General proposed solutions

1 – Creating a unified official umbrella to deal with intangible cultural heritage that includes collection, documentation, awareness raising, training, promotion, safeguarding and development.

2 – Develop legislative framework concerned with maintaining the intangible cultural heritage, which can benefit from the experience of the developed countries that have introduced laws to protect and safeguard such heritage, such as Japan.

3 – The importance official and national attention to this heritage and providing financial support.

4 – Create a library and specialized centers in the field of intangible cultural heritage, supported by public and private sectors

5- Creating a comprehensive national database contains information on the various items of intangible cultural heritage of Jordan, and about bodies, associations, centers and institutions interested in this heritage, as well as data on experts, professionals and interested people, and provides the necessary support to achieve this.

6 – Paying attention bodies, experts and interested people in the intangible cultural heritage and invest them, and provide support to them.

7 - Re-formulation of the Intangible Cultural Heritage and link between originality and modernity in order to preserve the heritage and develop it.

8 - Provision of modern techniques in documenting the intangible cultural heritage.

9 - The importance of giving attention by various media types, print, audio, visual and electronic to intangible cultural heritage, and in this respect a magazine or a periodical dealing with various aspects of the intangible cultural heritage could be published.

10 - Calling education institutions and higher education institutions to include intangible cultural heritage items and materials within the framework of the various educational curricula.

11 - Inviting the various components of the Jordanian society to develop modern methods to preserve their heritage through festivals and varied exhibitions contribute to its dissemination, promotion and development.

Second: the proposed solutions in accordance with the Convention of Intangible Cultural Heritage

1) The establishment or designation of an intersectoral administrative body or bodies for the purposes of assessing relevant institutions and traditional safeguarding systems to evaluate their usefulness in inventorying ICH and identify best practice and areas for improvement. It will be capable to draw up inventories of ICH and developing safeguarding policies. In addition, raising awareness about the importance of ICH and to encouraging public participation in inventorying and safeguarding ICH could be one of its main tasks

2) Establishing advisory bodies, comprising cultural practitioners, researchers, NGOs, civil society, local representatives and relevant others, for the purpose of consultation on inventorying and safeguarding ICH;

3) Establishing local support teams including community representatives, cultural practitioners and others with specific skills and knowledge in training and capacity building to assist in inventorying and safeguarding specific cases of ICH.

4) Establishing awareness programs on the importance of ICH:

Systematic awareness programs are needed to realize the purpose of preserving the Jordanian ICH as well as to create the incentives among Jordanians to be aware of the importance of ICH. Respected ministries in the country, i.e. the Ministries of Education, Culture, Tourism and Antiquities, and Higher Education, should take this responsibility, as they deal with a large sector of the Jordanian population on different levels.

Any awareness process should consider the following points/conditions:

a) Maximize media involvement by developing a communications plan.

b) Include ICH in all aspects of government heritage policy and planning

c) It should seek for the Jordanian public to identify and discuss phenomena, which have positive or negative effects on cultural diversity and its continuous development in general and on the vitality and the transmission of the ICH in particular.

d) It is expected that awareness-building programs should address the public, particularly the young people to raise the understanding and importance of such heritage at the local, regional and national levels and in ensuring mutual appreciation for such heritage.

e) Any awareness process in Jordan should coincide with a law or legislations on ICH.

5) Infusion of ICH elements into the Jordanian school curricula:

The Jordanian Curriculum guidelines show that there is already considerable scope for the curriculum to be a tool for the dissemination of ICH relevant knowledge. Moreover, the curriculum is currently evolving in a way that seems consciously to be placing more emphasis on transmitting Jordan’s ICH through education.

7) Encouraging academic institutions in Jordan to focus on the ICH issues within their academic programs and research focal points.

8) Encouraging Jordanian universities to establish research centers relevant to ICH.

9) The government should take a leading role in establishing financial programs the ensure supporting ICH documentation, inventorying and safeguarding.

9) The government should create managerial programs and activities that ensure the best practices and good results in terms of inventorying and safeguarding.

10) The government should consider the establishment of a “Living Human Treasures” program.

11) Organizing workshops and conferences on ICH issue that reflect the best practices on the implementation of the Convention.

12) Involvement of NGOs in the process of inventorying and safeguarding Jordanian ICH.

13) Ensuring the participation of local communities, groups and individuals in inventorying, safeguarding and awareness raising programs.

14) Establishing measures to regulate the usage of ICH in the tourism sector, to avoid the commoditization of a certain ICH element.

2. Priority activities and measures

2.a. Priority activities and measures to implement the Convention

- Enhancing the institutional capacity of the Ministry of Culture to enable the establishment of the Directorate of Cultural Diversity and Cultural Heritage on scientific and administrative, legal and financial basis that meet the requirements of the implementation of international conventions in general, and meet the requirements of the national agenda in particular.

- Establish a national library dedicated to ICH so as to collect all data and information related to ICH in the Kingdom of Jordan.

- Train the team that was formed to begin the development of inventories.

- Develop programs for education and awareness in schools and universities and the community.

- Train on the preparation of (nomination files).

2. b. Prospective listing

a. Representative List of the ICH:

1) Knowledge of traditional Bedouin carpet weaving techniques

2) Traditional Jordanian costume

3) Traditional embroidery of Jordan

4) Traditional children games in Jordan

5) The cultural space of rural life in northern Jordan

6) Traditional Jordanian cuisine

7) Oral heritage and cultural manifestations of Circassian and Chechnians of Jordan

8) The cultural space of the Bedouins of the North-Eastern Jordanian Badia / desert

9) The polyphonic rural singing of the northern rural areas of Jordan

10) The wedding songs in Jordan

11) The knowledge of water distribution in Southern Jordan, i.e. Petra and Wadi Musa

12) The healing craft through amulets

13) The peasants' songs of Jordan.

14) The Jordanian folkloric dance

15) The cosmovision and knowledge of astrology among some individuals in Jordan

16) The places of memory and living heritage of the Beduins and peasants of Jordan

17) Traditions and practices associated to Moslem and Christian fests

18) The Bedouin tent and its design

19) The folkloric novel of Jordan

20) Traditions and practices associated to pastoral life in Jordan

b) List of ICH in need of urgent safeguarding

1) Traditional music and musical instruments in Jordan

2) The tribal jurisprudence and tribunals in Jordan

3) The popular isophony of the Bedouin and rural areas in Jordan

4) Traditional medicine and traditional healers in Jordan

5) The folkloric poetry of Jordan


The team is headed by Miss Toujan Bermamet/ Secretary General of Jordan National Commission for UNESCO. The following are the members of the team:

1. Dr. Hani Alamad

2. Dr. Hani Hayajneh

3. Dr. Mohammad Waheeb

4. Dr. Ahmed Rashid

5. Dr. Mohammad Ghawanmeh

6. Dr. Salah Saed

7. Mr. Mohammad Aljazi

8. Dr. Riyad Hamoudeh

9. Mr. Nasser Seder (Coordinator)

10. Dr. Nael Hjazin

11. Mrs. Abeer Murrar

12. Dr. Mohammad Al- Salamat

13. Dr. Mohammad Al- Khatib

14. Mr. Marzouq Al- Zyoud

15. Mr. Mohammad Qbeilat

16. Miss Maha Al- Zoabi

17. Mrs. Safa Al- Shaar

18. Mrs. Elham Sadiq

19. Mrs. Shifa Merei

20. Mrs. Wardeh Salameh

21. Mr. Ahmed Rahahleh


Data Sheet 1: Governmental and nongovernmental

bodies specialized in the field of ICH

- Data sheet 2 -

Programmes, projects and activities in the field of intangible cultural heritage

|- Data sheet 1- |

|Governmental and nongovernmental bodies |

|specialized in the field of intangible cultural heritage |

|This data sheet, preferably filled in electronically[1], is aimed at extensive data-gathering within the framework of the assessments on national capacities |

|for implementing the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage (please refer to the background document to guide national |

|assessments[2]). It will provide comprehensive information on any institutions/organizations active in the field of intangible cultural heritage as referred |

|to in the assessment guidelines. |

|1. Name |

|Please provide the full official name of the institution/organization, in its original language as well as in French and/or English. |

|Ministry of Culture |

|وزارة الثقافة |

|2. Address |

|Please provide the complete postal address of the institution/organization, as well as additional contact information such as its telephone or fax numbers, |

|e-mail address, website, etc. |

|Postal address: Amman P.O Box 6140 |

|Country: Jordan |

|Website: .jo |

|Tel: 00962 6 5696218 |

|Fax: 00962 6 5696598 |

|E-mail: info@.jo |

|3. Status |

|Specify whether the institution/organization is a governmental entity (ministry, university, museum, etc.) or a non-governmental entity (such as |

|associations, organizations, community centres, grassroots associations, clubs, guilds, steering committees, etc.) and indicate its recognized legal |

|personality. |

| governmental, please specify: Ministry |

|non-governmental, please specify:       |

|4. Date of its founding or approximate duration of its existence |

|Please state when the institution/organization came into existence. |

|In 1988 |

|5. Geographical scope |

|Please identify the geographical scope where the institution/organization actively operates. Please indicate whether it is primarily local, national, |

|sub-regional or international in scope and specify the location (name of city(es), district(s), country(ies)). |

| local |

|national |

|regional |

|international |

|Please specify: |

|      |

|6. Activities in the field of safeguarding intangible cultural heritage |

|6.a. Domain(s) in which the institution/organization is active |

|Please check one or more boxes to indicate the primary domains in which the institution/organization is most active. If its activities involve domains other |

|than those listed, please check “other domains” and indicate which domains are concerned. |

| oral traditions and expressions |

|performing arts |

|social practices, rituals and festive events |

|knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe |

|traditional craftsmanship |

|other domains - please specify:       |

|6.b. Primary safeguarding activities in which the institution/organization is involved |

|Please check one or more boxes to indicate the institution/organization’s primary safeguarding activities. If its activities involve safeguarding measures |

|not listed here, please check ‘other safeguarding measures’ and specify which ones are concerned. |

| identification, documentation, research (including inventory-making) |

|preservation, protection |

|promotion, enhancement |

|transmission, formal or non-formal education |

|revitalization |

|other safeguarding measures - please specify:       |

|6.c. Description of the institution/organization’s activities |

|Briefly describe the recent activities and relevant experience in safeguarding intangible cultural heritage. Please provide information on the personnel and |

|membership of the institution/organization, describe its competence and expertise in the domain of intangible cultural heritage and explain how its personnel|

|or members acquired such competence. |

|Promoting cultural activities in Jordan and build the capacity of communities to manage cultural activities to influence the quality of human life and |

|respect cultural diversity and reflect the values of dialogue. |

|7. Experiences in cooperating with communities, groups and intangible cultural heritage practitioners |

|Briefly describe any experiences of the institution/organization in cooperating in a spirit of mutual respect with communities, groups and, where |

|appropriate, individuals that create, maintain and transmit intangible cultural heritage. |

|There is cooperation between the MOC and the NGOs in the field of cultural heritage. Bearing in mind that all these NGOs are registered at the MOC. |

|- Data sheet 2 - |

|Programmes, projects and activities in the field of intangible cultural heritage |

|This data sheet, preferably filled in electronically[3], is aimed at extensive data-gathering within the framework of the assessments on national capacities |

|for implementing the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage (please refer to the background document to guide national |

|assessments[4]). It will provide comprehensive information on any programmes, projects and activities related to intangible cultural heritage, in particular |

|to its safeguarding, as referred to in the assessment guidelines. |

|1. Name of the programme, project or activity |

|Please provide the full name in its original language as well as in French and/or English. |

|The renovation of Wasfi Altal House Project |

|مشروع ترميم بيت وصفي التل وتحويله الى دارة وصفي وسعدية التل |

|2. Competent body involved |

|This section should provide the name and contact information of the competent body (agency, museum, institution, manager, etc.) with responsibility for the |

|programme, project or activity. |

|Name of the competent body: Ministry of Culture |

|Name of a contact person: Hikmat Alnawayseh |

|Postal address: Amman P.O Box 6140 |

|Country: Amman – Jordan |

|Website: : .jo |

|Tel: 00962- 6- 5696218 |

|Fax: 00962 6 5696598 |

|E-mail: : info@.jo |

| |

|3. Geographical scope |

|This section should identify the locations in which the programme, project or activity is carried out. Please indicate whether it is primarily local, |

|national, sub-regional or international in scope and specify the location (name of city(es), district(s), country(ies)). |

| local |

|national |

|sub-regional |

|international |

|Please specify:       |

|4. Domain(s) represented by the programme, project or activity |

|Identify the domain(s) of intangible cultural heritage included within the programme, project or activity, which might include one or more of the domains |

|identified in Article 2.2 of the Convention. |

| oral traditions and expressions |

|performing arts |

|social practices, rituals and festive events |

|knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe |

|traditional craftsmanship |

|other domains - please specify:       |

|5. Community, group or, if applicable, individuals concerned |

|Identify clearly the community(ies), group(s) or, if applicable, individuals concerned with the programme, project or activity. |

|Local community, groups and individuals. |

|6. Description of the programme, project or activity |

|Please provide a succinct description of the programme, project or activity and its main elements. If it is completed or in-progress, please describe what |

|actually happened or is underway. If it is only planned, describe what is intended and can reasonably be expected to happen within its scope. |

|More specifically, you may wish to : |

|describe the situation that led to the creation of the programme, project or activity—what safeguarding needs were identified and by whom, and how priorities|

|and objectives were identified and established; |

|describe the specific safeguarding measures the programme, project or activity includes and why they were selected. You may also wish to underline any |

|innovative methods or modalities involved, if any; |

|in case of commercial/touristic activities related to intangible cultural heritage, address to what extent it contributes to its safeguarding, being aware |

|that commercial and/or touristic activities may also, under specific circumstances, threaten the viability of intangible cultural heritage. |

|If already completed, please show how the programme, project or activity has demonstrated effectiveness in contributing to the viability of the intangible |

|cultural heritage concerned. If it is still underway or planned, show how it can reasonably be expected to contribute substantially to the viability of the |

|intangible cultural heritage concerned. Please explain how the results of the programme, project or activity have been or will be assessed. |

|This project is interested in heritage and introducing the life style of political figures for the new generations. |

|7. Community participation and consent |

|Please describe how the community, group or, if applicable, individuals concerned have participated (or will participate) in the programme, project or |

|activity at all stages of planning and implementation and how they have consented to it. |

|Recognizing the life of Wasfi Altal the former foreign minister and one of the most prominent political figures in Jordan. |

|- Data sheet 2 - |

|Programmes, projects and activities in the field of intangible cultural heritage |

|This data sheet, preferably filled in electronically[5], is aimed at extensive data-gathering within the framework of the assessments on national capacities |

|for implementing the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage (please refer to the background document to guide national |

|assessments[6]). It will provide comprehensive information on any programmes, projects and activities related to intangible cultural heritage, in particular |

|to its safeguarding, as referred to in the assessment guidelines. |

|1. Name of the programme, project or activity |

|Please provide the full name in its original language as well as in French and/or English. |

|Al-Samer Festival for Culture, Arts and Heritage |

|مهرجان السامر للثقافة والفنون والتراث |

|2. Competent body involved |

|This section should provide the name and contact information of the competent body (agency, museum, institution, manager, etc.) with responsibility for the |

|programme, project or activity. |

|Name of the competent body: Ministry of Culture |

|Name of a contact person: Yousef Al-Shamari |

|Postal address: Amman P.O Box 6140 |

|Country: Jordan |

|Website: : .jo |

|Tel: 00962- 6- 5696218 |

|Fax: 00962 6 5696598 |

|E-mail: : info@.jo |

|3. Geographical scope |

|This section should identify the locations in which the programme, project or activity is carried out. Please indicate whether it is primarily local, |

|national, sub-regional or international in scope and specify the location (name of city(es), district(s), country(ies)). |

| local |

|national |

|sub-regional |

|international |

|Please specify: Southern region |

|4. Domain(s) represented by the programme, project or activity |

|Identify the domain(s) of intangible cultural heritage included within the programme, project or activity, which might include one or more of the domains |

|identified in Article 2.2 of the Convention. |

| oral traditions and expressions |

|performing arts |

|social practices, rituals and festive events |

|knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe |

|traditional craftsmanship |

|other domains - please specify:       |

|5. Community, group or, if applicable, individuals concerned |

|Identify clearly the community(ies), group(s) or, if applicable, individuals concerned with the programme, project or activity. |

|Researchers and specialist from the Universities and cultural institutions. |

|Jordanian Artists Association. |

|National Center for Culture and Performing Arts. |

|Greatest Amman Municipality. |

|6. Description of the programme, project or activity |

|Please provide a succinct description of the programme, project or activity and its main elements. If it is completed or in-progress, please describe what |

|actually happened or is underway. If it is only planned, describe what is intended and can reasonably be expected to happen within its scope. |

|More specifically, you may wish to : |

|describe the situation that led to the creation of the programme, project or activity—what safeguarding needs were identified and by whom, and how priorities|

|and objectives were identified and established; |

|describe the specific safeguarding measures the programme, project or activity includes and why they were selected. You may also wish to underline any |

|innovative methods or modalities involved, if any; |

|in case of commercial/touristic activities related to intangible cultural heritage, address to what extent it contributes to its safeguarding, being aware |

|that commercial and/or touristic activities may also, under specific circumstances, threaten the viability of intangible cultural heritage. |

|If already completed, please show how the programme, project or activity has demonstrated effectiveness in contributing to the viability of the intangible |

|cultural heritage concerned. If it is still underway or planned, show how it can reasonably be expected to contribute substantially to the viability of the |

|intangible cultural heritage concerned. Please explain how the results of the programme, project or activity have been or will be assessed. |

|This festival is organized annually to gather all Jordanian popular poets and Nabati poetry which belongs to Bedouins. |

|7. Community participation and consent |

|Please describe how the community, group or, if applicable, individuals concerned have participated (or will participate) in the programme, project or |

|activity at all stages of planning and implementation and how they have consented to it. |

|      |

|- Data sheet 2 - |

|Programmes, projects and activities in the field of intangible cultural heritage |

|This data sheet, preferably filled in electronically[7], is aimed at extensive data-gathering within the framework of the assessments on national capacities |

|for implementing the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage (please refer to the background document to guide national |

|assessments[8]). It will provide comprehensive information on any programmes, projects and activities related to intangible cultural heritage, in particular |

|to its safeguarding, as referred to in the assessment guidelines. |

|1. Name of the programme, project or activity |

|Please provide the full name in its original language as well as in French and/or English. |

|Khalidiya Festival For Popular Poetry |

|مهرجان الخالدية العربي للشعر الشعبي والنبطي |

|2. Competent body involved |

|This section should provide the name and contact information of the competent body (agency, museum, institution, manager, etc.) with responsibility for the |

|programme, project or activity. |

|Name of the competent body: Ministry of Culture |

|Name of a contact person: Faisal Ejayyan |

|Postal address: : Amman P.O Box 6140 |

|Country: Jordan |

|Website: : .jo |

|Tel: 00962- 6- 5696218 |

|Fax: 00962 6 5696598 |

|E-mail: : info@.jo |

|3. Geographical scope |

|This section should identify the locations in which the programme, project or activity is carried out. Please indicate whether it is primarily local, |

|national, sub-regional or international in scope and specify the location (name of city(es), district(s), country(ies)). |

| local |

|national |

|sub-regional |

|international |

|Please specify: Arab World |

|4. Domain(s) represented by the programme, project or activity |

|Identify the domain(s) of intangible cultural heritage included within the programme, project or activity, which might include one or more of the domains |

|identified in Article 2.2 of the Convention. |

| oral traditions and expressions |

|performing arts |

|social practices, rituals and festive events |

|knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe |

|traditional craftsmanship |

|other domains - please specify:       |

|5. Community, group or, if applicable, individuals concerned |

|Identify clearly the community(ies), group(s) or, if applicable, individuals concerned with the programme, project or activity. |

|Researchers and specialist from the Universities and cultural institutions. |

|Jordanian Artists Association. |

|National Center for Culture and Performing Arts. |

|Greatest Amman Municipality. |

|All popular poetry writers are invited to participate in this festival. |

|6. Description of the programme, project or activity |

|Please provide a succinct description of the programme, project or activity and its main elements. If it is completed or in-progress, please describe what |

|actually happened or is underway. If it is only planned, describe what is intended and can reasonably be expected to happen within its scope. |

|More specifically, you may wish to : |

|describe the situation that led to the creation of the programme, project or activity—what safeguarding needs were identified and by whom, and how priorities|

|and objectives were identified and established; |

|describe the specific safeguarding measures the programme, project or activity includes and why they were selected. You may also wish to underline any |

|innovative methods or modalities involved, if any; |

|in case of commercial/touristic activities related to intangible cultural heritage, address to what extent it contributes to its safeguarding, being aware |

|that commercial and/or touristic activities may also, under specific circumstances, threaten the viability of intangible cultural heritage. |

|If already completed, please show how the programme, project or activity has demonstrated effectiveness in contributing to the viability of the intangible |

|cultural heritage concerned. If it is still underway or planned, show how it can reasonably be expected to contribute substantially to the viability of the |

|intangible cultural heritage concerned. Please explain how the results of the programme, project or activity have been or will be assessed. |

|This festival is organized annually to gather all Arab popular poets and Nabati poetry which belongs to Bedouins. |

|7. Community participation and consent |

|Please describe how the community, group or, if applicable, individuals concerned have participated (or will participate) in the programme, project or |

|activity at all stages of planning and implementation and how they have consented to it. |

|Popular poetry fans and Bedouins are participating in this event every year. |

|- Data sheet 2 - |

|Programmes, projects and activities in the field of intangible cultural heritage |

|This data sheet, preferably filled in electronically[9], is aimed at extensive data-gathering within the framework of the assessments on national capacities |

|for implementing the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage (please refer to the background document to guide national |

|assessments[10]). It will provide comprehensive information on any programmes, projects and activities related to intangible cultural heritage, in particular|

|to its safeguarding, as referred to in the assessment guidelines. |

|1. Name of the programme, project or activity |

|Please provide the full name in its original language as well as in French and/or English. |

|The Expanded Thesaurus (Maknaz) Project |

|مشروع المكنز |

|2. Competent body involved |

|This section should provide the name and contact information of the competent body (agency, museum, institution, manager, etc.) with responsibility for the |

|programme, project or activity. |

|Name of the competent body: AHS Foundation |

|Name of a contact person: Hani Al-A'mad |

|Postal address: Amman P.O Box 6140 |

|Country: Jordan |

|Website: |

|Tel: 00962- 6- 5696218 |

|Fax: 00962 6 5696598 |

|E-mail: : info@.jo |

|3. Geographical scope |

|This section should identify the locations in which the programme, project or activity is carried out. Please indicate whether it is primarily local, |

|national, sub-regional or international in scope and specify the location (name of city(es), district(s), country(ies)). |

| local |

|national |

|sub-regional |

|international |

|Please specify: Arab World |

|4. Domain(s) represented by the programme, project or activity |

|Identify the domain(s) of intangible cultural heritage included within the programme, project or activity, which might include one or more of the domains |

|identified in Article 2.2 of the Convention. |

| oral traditions and expressions |

|performing arts |

|social practices, rituals and festive events |

|knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe |

|traditional craftsmanship |

|other domains - please specify:       |

|5. Community, group or, if applicable, individuals concerned |

|Identify clearly the community(ies), group(s) or, if applicable, individuals concerned with the programme, project or activity. |

|      |

|6. Description of the programme, project or activity |

|Please provide a succinct description of the programme, project or activity and its main elements. If it is completed or in-progress, please describe what |

|actually happened or is underway. If it is only planned, describe what is intended and can reasonably be expected to happen within its scope. |

|More specifically, you may wish to : |

|describe the situation that led to the creation of the programme, project or activity—what safeguarding needs were identified and by whom, and how priorities|

|and objectives were identified and established; |

|describe the specific safeguarding measures the programme, project or activity includes and why they were selected. You may also wish to underline any |

|innovative methods or modalities involved, if any; |

|in case of commercial/touristic activities related to intangible cultural heritage, address to what extent it contributes to its safeguarding, being aware |

|that commercial and/or touristic activities may also, under specific circumstances, threaten the viability of intangible cultural heritage. |

|If already completed, please show how the programme, project or activity has demonstrated effectiveness in contributing to the viability of the intangible |

|cultural heritage concerned. If it is still underway or planned, show how it can reasonably be expected to contribute substantially to the viability of the |

|intangible cultural heritage concerned. Please explain how the results of the programme, project or activity have been or will be assessed. |

|The goal behind this project is the development of an extensive Arabic thesaurus that would encompass all fields of knowledge - something that most libraries|

|and information centers in the Arab world lack – to serve as the basic instrument of subjective analysis of information retrieval devices, and to keep |

|abreast with developments taking place in information technology. In mid 1993, an agreement for developing an extensive trilingual (Arabic – English – |

|French) Arab thesaurus was concluded between AHS Foundation, the Dubai Municipality, and Jum’ah Al-Majid Center for Culture and Heritage in Dubai, UAE. By |

|mid 1995, the first paperback edition of the thesaurus was issued, containing some 48,000 terms. The electronic version was issued in mid 2001 on CD, and it |

|contained some 50,000 terms. This version is marked by a set of technical specifications that were specifically added to suit the purposes of this issue of |

|the thesaurus as well as to make search and retrieval easier for persons doing the indexing and cataloging. |

|7. Community participation and consent |

|Please describe how the community, group or, if applicable, individuals concerned have participated (or will participate) in the programme, project or |

|activity at all stages of planning and implementation and how they have consented to it. |

|      |

|- Data sheet 2 - |

|Programmes, projects and activities in the field of intangible cultural heritage |

|This data sheet, preferably filled in electronically[11], is aimed at extensive data-gathering within the framework of the assessments on national capacities|

|for implementing the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage (please refer to the background document to guide national |

|assessments[12]). It will provide comprehensive information on any programmes, projects and activities related to intangible cultural heritage, in particular|

|to its safeguarding, as referred to in the assessment guidelines. |

|1. Name of the programme, project or activity |

|Please provide the full name in its original language as well as in French and/or English. |

|Arabic Data Bank Project |

|مشروع الذخيرة العربية |

|2. Competent body involved |

|This section should provide the name and contact information of the competent body (agency, museum, institution, manager, etc.) with responsibility for the |

|programme, project or activity. |

|Name of the competent body: Ministry of Culture |

|Name of a contact person: Salah Jarrar |

|Postal address: Amman P.O Box 6140 |

|Country: Jordan |

|Website: |

|Tel: +962 6 4636391 |

|Fax: +962 6 4641334 |

|E-mail: contact@dakhira.jo |

|3. Geographical scope |

|This section should identify the locations in which the programme, project or activity is carried out. Please indicate whether it is primarily local, |

|national, sub-regional or international in scope and specify the location (name of city(es), district(s), country(ies)). |

| local |

|national |

|sub-regional |

|international |

|Please specify:       |

|4. Domain(s) represented by the programme, project or activity |

|Identify the domain(s) of intangible cultural heritage included within the programme, project or activity, which might include one or more of the domains |

|identified in Article 2.2 of the Convention. |

| oral traditions and expressions |

|performing arts |

|social practices, rituals and festive events |

|knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe |

|traditional craftsmanship |

|other domains - please specify:       |

|5. Community, group or, if applicable, individuals concerned |

|Identify clearly the community(ies), group(s) or, if applicable, individuals concerned with the programme, project or activity. |

|Researchers and specialist from the Universities and cultural institutions. |

|6. Description of the programme, project or activity |

|Please provide a succinct description of the programme, project or activity and its main elements. If it is completed or in-progress, please describe what |

|actually happened or is underway. If it is only planned, describe what is intended and can reasonably be expected to happen within its scope. |

|More specifically, you may wish to : |

|describe the situation that led to the creation of the programme, project or activity—what safeguarding needs were identified and by whom, and how priorities|

|and objectives were identified and established; |

|describe the specific safeguarding measures the programme, project or activity includes and why they were selected. You may also wish to underline any |

|innovative methods or modalities involved, if any; |

|in case of commercial/touristic activities related to intangible cultural heritage, address to what extent it contributes to its safeguarding, being aware |

|that commercial and/or touristic activities may also, under specific circumstances, threaten the viability of intangible cultural heritage. |

|If already completed, please show how the programme, project or activity has demonstrated effectiveness in contributing to the viability of the intangible |

|cultural heritage concerned. If it is still underway or planned, show how it can reasonably be expected to contribute substantially to the viability of the |

|intangible cultural heritage concerned. Please explain how the results of the programme, project or activity have been or will be assessed. |

|This project is aiming at providing researchers with the essential references in language, literature and cultural heritage, science and other studies of |

|ancient and modern Jordan, and to provide scholars, researchers and interested parties, Jordanians, Arabs and foreigners with a comprehensive database in |

|these fields. |

|7. Community participation and consent |

|Please describe how the community, group or, if applicable, individuals concerned have participated (or will participate) in the programme, project or |

|activity at all stages of planning and implementation and how they have consented to it. |

|      |

|- Data sheet 1- |

|Governmental and nongovernmental bodies |

|specialized in the field of intangible cultural heritage |

|This data sheet, preferably filled in electronically[13], is aimed at extensive data-gathering within the framework of the assessments on national capacities|

|for implementing the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage (please refer to the background document to guide national |

|assessments[14]). It will provide comprehensive information on any institutions/organizations active in the field of intangible cultural heritage as referred|

|to in the assessment guidelines. |

|1. Name |

|Please provide the full official name of the institution/organization, in its original language as well as in French and/or English. |

|Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities |

|وزارة السياحة والآثار |

|2. Address |

|Please provide the complete postal address of the institution/organization, as well as additional contact information such as its telephone or fax numbers, |

|e-mail address, website, etc. |

|Postal address: Amman 11118, Jordan |

|Country: Jordan |

|Website: tourism.jo |

|Tel: 06/4603360 |

|Fax: 06/4648465 |

|E-mail: contacts@.jo |

|3. Status |

|Specify whether the institution/organization is a governmental entity (ministry, university, museum, etc.) or a non-governmental entity (such as |

|associations, organizations, community centres, grassroots associations, clubs, guilds, steering committees, etc.) and indicate its recognized legal |

|personality. |

| governmental, please specify: Ministry |

|non-governmental, please specify:       |

|4. Date of its founding or approximate duration of its existence |

|Please state when the institution/organization came into existence. |

|In 1964 |

|5. Geographical scope |

|Please identify the geographical scope where the institution/organization actively operates. Please indicate whether it is primarily local, national, |

|sub-regional or international in scope and specify the location (name of city(es), district(s), country(ies)). |

| local |

|national |

|regional |

|international |

|Please specify: |

|      |

|6. Activities in the field of safeguarding intangible cultural heritage |

|6.a. Domain(s) in which the institution/organization is active |

|Please check one or more boxes to indicate the primary domains in which the institution/organization is most active. If its activities involve domains other |

|than those listed, please check “other domains” and indicate which domains are concerned. |

| oral traditions and expressions |

|performing arts |

|social practices, rituals and festive events |

|knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe |

|traditional craftsmanship |

|Other domains - please specify: |

|6.b. Primary safeguarding activities in which the institution/organization is involved |

|Please check one or more boxes to indicate the institution/organization’s primary safeguarding activities. If its activities involve safeguarding measures |

|not listed here, please check ‘other safeguarding measures’ and specify which ones are concerned. |

| identification, documentation, research (including inventory-making) |

|preservation, protection |

|promotion, enhancement |

|transmission, formal or non-formal education |

|revitalization |

|other safeguarding measures - please specify:       |

|6.c. Description of the institution/organization’s activities |

|Briefly describe the recent activities and relevant experience in safeguarding intangible cultural heritage. Please provide information on the personnel and |

|membership of the institution/organization, describe its competence and expertise in the domain of intangible cultural heritage and explain how its personnel|

|or members acquired such competence. |

| * Local festivals ( Al Sayf Ma'ana Ahla) |

|* Bazaars and exhibitions |

|7. Experiences in cooperating with communities, groups and intangible cultural heritage practitioners |

|Briefly describe any experiences of the institution/organization in cooperating in a spirit of mutual respect with communities, groups and, where |

|appropriate, individuals that create maintain and transmit intangible cultural heritage. |

|Making festivals and strengthening cooperation with the local community, and presenting some traditions narrated by old people. |

|- Data sheet 2 - |

|Programmes, projects and activities in the field of intangible cultural heritage |

|This data sheet, preferably filled in electronically[15], is aimed at extensive data-gathering within the framework of the assessments on national capacities|

|for implementing the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage (please refer to the background document to guide national |

|assessments[16]). It will provide comprehensive information on any programmes, projects and activities related to intangible cultural heritage, in particular|

|to its safeguarding, as referred to in the assessment guidelines. |

|1. Name of the programme, project or activity |

|Please provide the full name in its original language as well as in French and/or English. |

|Cultural Heritage Tourism and Urban Development Project (CHTUDP) third Tourism Project |

|مشروع تطويرالمدن و الإرث الثقافي السياحي |

| |

|This project is implemented in cooperation with the World Bank and the EU to promote investment in tourism. |

|There are other projects to support the local community |

|2. Competent body involved |

|This section should provide the name and contact information of the competent body (agency, museum, institution, manager, etc.) with responsibility for the |

|programme, project or activity. |

|Name of the competent body: Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities |

|Name of a contact person: Eng. Rana Hadad |

|Postal address: Amman 11118 Jordan |

|Country: Jordan |

|Website: tourism.jo |

|Tel: 06/4603360 |

|Fax: 06/4648465 |

|E-mail: contacts@.jo |

|3. Geographical scope |

|This section should identify the locations in which the programme, project or activity is carried out. Please indicate whether it is primarily local, |

|national, sub-regional or international in scope and specify the location (name of city(es), district(s), country(ies)). |

| local |

|national |

|sub-regional |

|international |

|Please specify:       |

|4. Domain(s) represented by the programme, project or activity |

|Identify the domain(s) of intangible cultural heritage included within the programme, project or activity, which might include one or more of the domains |

|identified in Article 2.2 of the Convention. |

| oral traditions and expressions |

|performing arts |

|social practices, rituals and festive events |

|knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe |

|traditional craftsmanship |

|other domains - please specify:       |

|5. Community, group or, if applicable, individuals concerned |

|Identify clearly the community(ies), group(s) or, if applicable, individuals concerned with the programme, project or activity. |

|The local community |

|Groups ( associations ) |

|Individuals (LED) |

|Supporting minorities and participating in festivals. |

|6. Description of the programme, project or activity |

|Please provide a succinct description of the programme, project or activity and its main elements. If it is completed or in-progress, please describe what |

|actually happened or is underway. If it is only planned, describe what is intended and can reasonably be expected to happen within its scope. |

|More specifically, you may wish to : |

|describe the situation that led to the creation of the programme, project or activity—what safeguarding needs were identified and by whom, and how priorities|

|and objectives were identified and established; |

|describe the specific safeguarding measures the programme, project or activity includes and why they were selected. You may also wish to underline any |

|innovative methods or modalities involved, if any; |

|in case of commercial/touristic activities related to intangible cultural heritage, address to what extent it contributes to its safeguarding, being aware |

|that commercial and/or touristic activities may also, under specific circumstances, threaten the viability of intangible cultural heritage. |

|If already completed, please show how the programme, project or activity has demonstrated effectiveness in contributing to the viability of the intangible |

|cultural heritage concerned. If it is still underway or planned, show how it can reasonably be expected to contribute substantially to the viability of the |

|intangible cultural heritage concerned. Please explain how the results of the programme, project or activity have been or will be assessed. |

|Evening amusement parties, meetings to enjoy poetry organized for the local community members. |

|Support provided for creative and constructive projects to revitalize local communities' cultural heritage. |

|Making festivals to revitalize the cultural heritage. |

|Documenting individuals and communities cultural heritage by making videos during some occasions such as the season of the harvest. |

|7. Community participation and consent |

|Please describe how the community, group or, if applicable, individuals concerned have participated (or will participate) in the programme, project or |

|activity at all stages of planning and implementation and how they have consented to it. |

|Planning: Cooperating with individuals, groups and communities to highlight the cultural heritage and focus on its importance for nations. |

|Participation: All activities won't become successful unless the individuals and the local communities are involved in carrying out these projects. |

|- Data sheet 1- |

|Governmental and nongovernmental bodies |

|specialized in the field of intangible cultural heritage |

|This data sheet, preferably filled in electronically[17], is aimed at extensive data-gathering within the framework of the assessments on national capacities|

|for implementing the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage (please refer to the background document to guide national |

|assessments[18]). It will provide comprehensive information on any institutions/organizations active in the field of intangible cultural heritage as referred|

|to in the assessment guidelines. |

|1. Name |

|Please provide the full official name of the institution/organization, in its original language as well as in French and/or English. |

|The National Centre for Culture and Arts- King Hussein Foundation |

|المركز الوطني للثقافة والفنون/ مؤسسة الملك حسين |

|2. Address |

|Please provide the complete postal address of the institution/organization, as well as additional contact information such as its telephone or fax numbers, |

|e-mail address, website, etc. |

|Postal address:P.O Box 926687 Amman 11110 Jordan |

|Arjan- Opposite the Physical Education College- Ibn Haytham Street Building 70 |

|Country: Jordan |

|Website: .jo |

|Tel: 96265690292/3 |

|Fax: 96265690291 |

|E-mail: info@.jo |

|Reem.arida@.jo |

|3. Status |

|Specify whether the institution/organization is a governmental entity (ministry, university, museum, etc.) or a non-governmental entity (such as |

|associations, organizations, community centres, grassroots associations, clubs, guilds, steering committees, etc.) and indicate its recognized legal |

|personality. |

| governmental, please specify:       |

|non-governmental, please specify:       |

|The National Centre for Culture and Arts operates under the King Hussein Foundation which was established by a Royal Decree |

|4. Date of its founding or approximate duration of its existence |

|Please state when the institution/organization came into existence. |

|In 1987 |

|5. Geographical scope |

|Please identify the geographical scope where the institution/organization actively operates. Please indicate whether it is primarily local, national, |

|sub-regional or international in scope and specify the location (name of city(es), district(s), country(ies)). |

| local |

|national |

|regional |

|international |

|Please specify: The 12 Governorates of Jordan, Europe, USA |

|Most of the Arab Countries |

|6. Activities in the field of safeguarding intangible cultural heritage |

|6.a. Domain(s) in which the institution/organization is active |

|Please check one or more boxes to indicate the primary domains in which the institution/organization is most active. If its activities involve domains other |

|than those listed, please check “other domains” and indicate which domains are concerned. |

| oral traditions and expressions |

|performing arts |

|social practices, rituals and festive events |

|knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe |

|traditional craftsmanship |

|other domains - please specify: Archaeology; Culture Research Management |

|6.b. Primary safeguarding activities in which the institution/organization is involved |

|Please check one or more boxes to indicate the institution/organization’s primary safeguarding activities. If its activities involve safeguarding measures |

|not listed here, please check ‘other safeguarding measures’ and specify which ones are concerned. |

| identification, documentation, research (including inventory-making) |

|preservation, protection |

|promotion, enhancement |

|transmission, formal or non-formal education |

|revitalization |

|other safeguarding measures - please specify: Archaeology conservation publication |

|6.c. Description of the institution/organization’s activities |

|Briefly describe the recent activities and relevant experience in safeguarding intangible cultural heritage. Please provide information on the personnel and |

|membership of the institution/organization, describe its competence and expertise in the domain of intangible cultural heritage and explain how its personnel|

|or members acquired such competence. |

|The National Center for Culture and Arts (NCCA) of King Hussein Foundation was established in 1987 with the aim of developing an understanding and awareness |

|of the value of the arts in the educational process and to promote social development issues in addition to enhancing the theater and dance movements in |

|Jordan and the region. |

| |

|It provides professional training for children & youth in theater and dance on a regular basis accredited by The Kennedy Center for the Performing Art in |

|Washington, the Jordanian Ministry of Education and the Royal Academy of Dance in Britain. NCCA holds annually the Arab Children Congress which was |

|establishes by Her Majesty Queen Noor Al Hussein in 1980. |

| |

|The NCCA established the National Interactive Theater Troupe in 1989 which produces plays that deal with contemporary issues related to comprehensive |

|socio-economic development utilizing the interactive theater methodology. The troupe tours extensively in Jordan and participates in local, regional and |

|international festivals with productions of interactive theater, puppet shows and musicals. |

| |

|In 1996, The NCCA established the Dance Theater Troupe which comprises of 20 male & female performers who are trained in classical ballet, jazz & |

|contemporary dance techniques, in addition to traditional Jordanian folk dance. The troupe performs in local, regional & international events, performing in |

|various dance styles & techniques. |

| |

|The NCCA has established a wide network with various regional and international organizations and is actively engaged in promoting cross cultural |

|understanding through conducting comprehensive cultural exchange programs and co-productions in theater & dance such as the musical play " walking the winds:|

|Arabian Tales" which was premiered at the Kennedy Center in Washington and Opera Abu Hassan produced in cooperation with the French Embassy in Jordan. |

| |

|Vision: |

|To become the cultural hub locally & regionally for cultural enrichment & social change. |

| |

|Mission: |

|• Serve as the national resource & regional model for incorporating the performing arts in all levels of education and social development. |

|• Promote and develop cross cultural understanding and peace building. |

|• Provide a working environment conducive to creativity, leadership & innovation. |

|• Make culture and art accessible to all. |

|NCCA has actively participated in various national initiatives; heading the cultural committee in The National Plan of Action for Children (2004-2013) |

|organized by the National Council for Family Affairs & UNICEF; drafting the cultural section for the National Agenda 2006 & was the leading organization that|

|introduced Theater Arts as a main subject within the school curricula for Grades 1-10 for the Ministry of Education. PAC also devised the curricula for the |

|Theater Department of the Arts & Design College at the University of Jordan. |

| |

|Due to the reputable achievements and programs of NCCA throughout the years, NCCA was selected as the Middle East regional partner by The Danish Center for |

|Culture and Development (DCCD) that aims to network various organizations in the Levant area with Scandinavian organizations to create bridges of |

|communication & exchanges of experiences. NCCA represents the Jordanian chapter and is a full member of the International Association of Theatre for Children|

|and Young People (ASSITEJ), an organization that includes 80 countries from all over the worlds; an active member of The International Association for the |

|Biennial of Young Artists from Europe and the Mediterranean (BJCEM) which was founded in July 2001 in Sarajevo, during the X Edition of the Biennial with the|

|aim of strengthening the relationships between Europe and the Mediterranean area and a member of the Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for the |

|Dialogue between cultures ;the first common institution jointly established and financed by all 35 members of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership . |

|•The International Association of Theater for Children and Young people (ASSITEJ) |

|•The International Center for Theater in Education (ICTIE) - United Kingdom |

|•The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts- Washington DC |

|•The Advisory Committee of the Hague Appeal for Peace, Global Campaign for Peace Education- New York |

|•The International Association for the Biennial of Young Artists from Europe and the Mediterranean (BJCEM) – Athens, Greece |

|•The Royal Academy of Dance- Great Britain |

|•The Arab Alliance of Women in Music - Jordan - |

|•The University of Jordan Arts and Design College-Theater Faculty |

| |

|7. Experiences in cooperating with communities, groups and intangible cultural heritage practitioners |

|Briefly describe any experiences of the institution/organization in cooperating in a spirit of mutual respect with communities, groups and, where |

|appropriate, individuals that create, maintain and transmit intangible cultural heritage. |

|The International Arab Children Congress: NCCA has been organizing the annual International Arab Children Congress since 1996 which was initiated by Her |

|Majesty Queen Noor Al-Hussein following the 1980 Arab summit conference in Amman. Her Majesty wanted to give youth of age 14-16 the same opportunity as |

|Nations’ Leaders to express their needs and aspirations & to be heard by decision makers in the Arab world. The IACC gathers youth from the Arab world for a |

|week of visiting learning & cultural interaction especially designed to promote creativity peace, cross cultural understanding tolerance & solidarity amongst|

|the Arab youth. |

|In 2004 the IACC hosted international participants from Europe, Asia, Africa & America thus expanding the congress to become a valuable international event |

|that contributes in bridging cultures, alleviating stereotype images and raising awareness on democratic principles & human rights. |

|- Data sheet 2 - |

|Programmes, projects and activities in the field of intangible cultural heritage |

|This data sheet, preferably filled in electronically[19], is aimed at extensive data-gathering within the framework of the assessments on national capacities|

|for implementing the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage (please refer to the background document to guide national |

|assessments[20]). It will provide comprehensive information on any programmes, projects and activities related to intangible cultural heritage, in particular|

|to its safeguarding, as referred to in the assessment guidelines. |

|1. Name of the programme, project or activity |

|Please provide the full name in its original language as well as in French and/or English. |

|The National Interactive Theatre Troupe الفريق الوطني للمسرح التفاعلي |

|The International Arab Children Congressمؤتمر الأطفال العرب الدولي |

|Misk Dance Troupe – Folkloreفرقة مسك – فلكلور |

|The Musical Play “ Petra Rocks” المسرحية الغنائية "البتراء إن حكت" |

|2. Competent body involved |

|This section should provide the name and contact information of the competent body (agency, museum, institution, manager, etc.) with responsibility for the |

|programme, project or activity. |

|Name of the competent body: The National Centre For Culture and Arts |

|Name of a contact person: Lina Attel, Founder & Director General |

|Postal address: Arjan- Ibn Al- Haytham Street Building 70 |

|P.O Box: 926687 Amman 11110 Jordan |

|Country: JORDAN |

|Website: .jo |

|Tel: 962 6 5690292 |

|Fax: 962 6 5690292 |

|E-mail: lina.attel@.jo |

|3. Geographical scope |

|This section should identify the locations in which the programme, project or activity is carried out. Please indicate whether it is primarily local, |

|national, sub-regional or international in scope and specify the location (name of city(es), district(s), country(ies)). |

| local |

|national |

|sub-regional |

|international |

|Please specify:       |

|4. Domain(s) represented by the programme, project or activity |

|Identify the domain(s) of intangible cultural heritage included within the programme, project or activity, which might include one or more of the domains |

|identified in Article 2.2 of the Convention. |

| oral traditions and expressions |

|performing arts |

|social practices, rituals and festive events |

|knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe |

|traditional craftsmanship |

|other domains - please specify:       |

|5. Community, group or, if applicable, individuals concerned |

|Identify clearly the community(ies), group(s) or, if applicable, individuals concerned with the programme, project or activity. |

|Children |

|Youth & adults |

|Families |

|Women |

|Decision Makers |

|6. Description of the programme, project or activity |

|Please provide a succinct description of the programme, project or activity and its main elements. If it is completed or in-progress, please describe what |

|actually happened or is underway. If it is only planned, describe what is intended and can reasonably be expected to happen within its scope. |

|More specifically, you may wish to : |

|describe the situation that led to the creation of the programme, project or activity—what safeguarding needs were identified and by whom, and how priorities|

|and objectives were identified and established; |

|describe the specific safeguarding measures the programme, project or activity includes and why they were selected. You may also wish to underline any |

|innovative methods or modalities involved, if any; |

|in case of commercial/touristic activities related to intangible cultural heritage, address to what extent it contributes to its safeguarding, being aware |

|that commercial and/or touristic activities may also, under specific circumstances, threaten the viability of intangible cultural heritage. |

|If already completed, please show how the programme, project or activity has demonstrated effectiveness in contributing to the viability of the intangible |

|cultural heritage concerned. If it is still underway or planned, show how it can reasonably be expected to contribute substantially to the viability of the |

|intangible cultural heritage concerned. Please explain how the results of the programme, project or activity have been or will be assessed. |

|International Arab Children Congress |

|NCCA has been organizing the annual International Arab Children Congress since 1996 which was initiated by Her Majesty Queen Noor Al-Hussein following the |

|1980 Arab summit conference in Amman. Her Majesty wanted to give youth of age 14-16 the same opportunity as Nations’ Leaders to express their needs and |

|aspirations & to be heard by decision makers in the Arab world. The IACC gathers youth from the Arab world for a week of visiting learning & cultural |

|interaction especially designed to promote creativity peace, cross cultural understanding tolerance & solidarity amongst the Arab youth. |

|In 2004 the IACC hosted international participants from Europe, Asia, Africa & America thus expanding the congress to become a valuable international event |

|that contributes in bridging cultures, alleviating stereotype images and raising awareness on democratic principles & human rights. |

|website : |

|The National Interactive Theater Troupe |

|The National Center for Culture and Arts (NCCA) houses a permanent professional touring Interactive Theater Troupe which was established in 1989 & is the |

|first of its kind in Jordan. The troupe is pioneer in producing plays that deal with contemporary social issues related to socio-economic development |

|utilizing a unique theater methodology which engages the audience directly in the action through their active interaction with the actors in role within the |

|drama. The troupe performs locally, regionally & internationally and tours to remote rural areas to ensure its outreach to grass root communities. |

|For more information please contact us at 5690292 or email us at theater@.jo |

|MISK Dance Troupe |

|NCCA established the Dance Theater Troupe (MISK) in 1996, the only troupe of its kind in Jordan. The troupe comprises of 20 members who are professionally |

|trained in classical ballet, jazz & contemporary dance techniques in addition to traditional Jordanian folk dance. The troupe performs extensively locally |

|and internationally combining the traditional Jordanian culture & heritage within a modern and professional context that embodies the spirit of history & |

|modernity. |

|For more information , please contact us at 569092 or email us at ballet@.jo |

|7. Community participation and consent |

|Please describe how the community, group or, if applicable, individuals concerned have participated (or will participate) in the programme, project or |

|activity at all stages of planning and implementation and how they have consented to it. |

|The programs were very successful and well received by the target group |

|- Data sheet 1- |

|Governmental and nongovernmental bodies |

|specialized in the field of intangible cultural heritage |

|This data sheet, preferably filled in electronically[21], is aimed at extensive data-gathering within the framework of the assessments on national capacities|

|for implementing the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage (please refer to the background document to guide national |

|assessments[22]). It will provide comprehensive information on any institutions/organizations active in the field of intangible cultural heritage as referred|

|to in the assessment guidelines. |

|1. Name |

|Please provide the full official name of the institution/organization, in its original language as well as in French and/or English. |

|The Managing Directorate of Curricula and Textbooks/ Ministry of Education |

|إدارة المناهج والكتب المدرسية/ وزارة التربية والتعليم |

|2. Address |

|Please provide the complete postal address of the institution/organization, as well as additional contact information such as its telephone or fax numbers, |

|e-mail address, website, etc. |

|Postal address: : P.O Box 93063 Amman 11191, Jabal Al-Hussein |

|Country: Jordan |

|Website: .jo |

|Tel: 4617304-9 |

|Fax: 4637569 4645888 |

|E-mail: cuuric@.jo |

|3. Status |

|Specify whether the institution/organization is a governmental entity (ministry, university, museum, etc.) or a non-governmental entity (such as |

|associations, organizations, community centres, grassroots associations, clubs, guilds, steering committees, etc.) and indicate its recognized legal |

|personality. |

| governmental, please specify: Managing directorate in the Ministry of Education. |

|non-governmental, please specify:       |

|4. Date of its founding or approximate duration of its existence |

|Please state when the institution/organization came into existence. |

|In 1950 |

|5. Geographical scope |

|Please identify the geographical scope where the institution/organization actively operates. Please indicate whether it is primarily local, national, |

|sub-regional or international in scope and specify the location (name of city(es), district(s), country(ies)). |

| local |

|national |

|regional |

|international |

|Please specify: |

|      |

|6. Activities in the field of safeguarding intangible cultural heritage |

|6.a. Domain(s) in which the institution/organization is active |

|Please check one or more boxes to indicate the primary domains in which the institution/organization is most active. If its activities involve domains other |

|than those listed, please check “other domains” and indicate which domains are concerned. |

| oral traditions and expressions |

|performing arts |

|social practices, rituals and festive events |

|knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe |

|traditional craftsmanship |

|other domains - please specify:       |

|6.b. Primary safeguarding activities in which the institution/organization is involved |

|Please check one or more boxes to indicate the institution/organization’s primary safeguarding activities. If its activities involve safeguarding measures |

|not listed here, please check ‘other safeguarding measures’ and specify which ones are concerned. |

| identification, documentation, research (including inventory-making) |

|preservation, protection |

|promotion, enhancement |

|transmission, formal or non-formal education |

|revitalization |

|other safeguarding measures - please specify:       |

|6.c. Description of the institution/organization’s activities |

|Briefly describe the recent activities and relevant experience in safeguarding intangible cultural heritage. Please provide information on the personnel and |

|membership of the institution/organization, describe its competence and expertise in the domain of intangible cultural heritage and explain how its personnel|

|or members acquired such competence. |

|The Managing Directorate of Curricula and Textbooks has been including cultural heritage concepts in the curricula and textbooks - where appropriate - to |

|transmit these concepts to generations. |

|7. Experiences in cooperating with communities, groups and intangible cultural heritage practitioners |

|Briefly describe any experiences of the institution/organization in cooperating in a spirit of mutual respect with communities, groups and, where |

|appropriate, individuals that create, maintain and transmit intangible cultural heritage. |

|The Managing Directorate of Curricula and Textbooks participated in many workshops and seminars on this context. It participated actively in a national |

|workshop on the inclusion of national cultural heritage concepts in the curricula and textbooks. |

|- Data sheet 2 - |

|Programmes, projects and activities in the field of intangible cultural heritage |

|This data sheet, preferably filled in electronically[23], is aimed at extensive data-gathering within the framework of the assessments on national capacities|

|for implementing the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage (please refer to the background document to guide national |

|assessments[24]). It will provide comprehensive information on any programmes, projects and activities related to intangible cultural heritage, in particular|

|to its safeguarding, as referred to in the assessment guidelines. |

|1. Name of the programme, project or activity |

|Please provide the full name in its original language as well as in French and/or English. |

|Inclusion of national cultural heritage in the curricula and textbooks |

|إدماج مفاهيم التراث الثقافي الوطني في المناهج والكتب المدرسية |

|2. Competent body involved |

|This section should provide the name and contact information of the competent body (agency, museum, institution, manager, etc.) with responsibility for the |

|programme, project or activity. |

|Name of the competent body: The Managing Directorate of Curricula and Textbooks/ Ministry of Education |

|Name of a contact person: Director of the Managing Directorate of Curricula and Textbooks |

|Postal address: P.O Box 93063 Amman 11191, Jabal Al-Hussein |

|Country: Jordan |

|Website: .jo |

|Tel: 4617304-9 |

|Fax: 4637569 4645888 |

|E-mail: cuuric@.jo |

|3. Geographical scope |

|This section should identify the locations in which the programme, project or activity is carried out. Please indicate whether it is primarily local, |

|national, sub-regional or international in scope and specify the location (name of city(es), district(s), country(ies)). |

| local |

|national |

|sub-regional |

|international |

|Please specify:       |

|4. Domain(s) represented by the programme, project or activity |

|Identify the domain(s) of intangible cultural heritage included within the programme, project or activity, which might include one or more of the domains |

|identified in Article 2.2 of the Convention. |

| oral traditions and expressions |

|performing arts |

|social practices, rituals and festive events |

|knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe |

|traditional craftsmanship |

|other domains - please specify:       |

|5. Community, group or, if applicable, individuals concerned |

|Identify clearly the community(ies), group(s) or, if applicable, individuals concerned with the programme, project or activity. |

|Curricula members who are interested in this field within their specializations in: history; national and civil education; Arabic language; art; Islamic |

|education; and other scientific subjects. |

|School students, teachers, parents and those who are interested in this field. |

|6. Description of the programme, project or activity |

|Please provide a succinct description of the programme, project or activity and its main elements. If it is completed or in-progress, please describe what |

|actually happened or is underway. If it is only planned, describe what is intended and can reasonably be expected to happen within its scope. |

|More specifically, you may wish to : |

|describe the situation that led to the creation of the programme, project or activity—what safeguarding needs were identified and by whom, and how priorities|

|and objectives were identified and established; |

|describe the specific safeguarding measures the programme, project or activity includes and why they were selected. You may also wish to underline any |

|innovative methods or modalities involved, if any; |

|in case of commercial/touristic activities related to intangible cultural heritage, address to what extent it contributes to its safeguarding, being aware |

|that commercial and/or touristic activities may also, under specific circumstances, threaten the viability of intangible cultural heritage. |

|If already completed, please show how the programme, project or activity has demonstrated effectiveness in contributing to the viability of the intangible |

|cultural heritage concerned. If it is still underway or planned, show how it can reasonably be expected to contribute substantially to the viability of the |

|intangible cultural heritage concerned. Please explain how the results of the programme, project or activity have been or will be assessed. |

| The project is still in its first phases. The Managing Directorate of Curricula and Textbooks has included cultural heritage concepts in the curricula and |

|textbooks in the subjects of: National and Civil Education; Arabic Language; Art; Islamic education; Music and Science in line with the Jordanian Curriculum |

|guidelines which indicate that there is already considerable scope for the curriculum to be a tool for the dissemination of ICH relevant knowledge. Moreover,|

|the curriculum is currently evolving in a way that seems consciously to be placing more emphasis on transmitting Jordan’s ICH through education. |

|A national workshop was held and a work paper on the status of the national heritage in the curricula and textbooks in Jordan was produced. The other phases |

|of the project will be completed later. |

|7. Community participation and consent |

|Please describe how the community, group or, if applicable, individuals concerned have participated (or will participate) in the programme, project or |

|activity at all stages of planning and implementation and how they have consented to it. |

|The project is one of the important national projects in this field. The general framework and the general and specific outcomes of curricula and textbooks |

|will be reviewed. Then the textbooks will be reviewed to include or expand inclusion of national cultural heritage concepts where appropriate. |

|- Data sheet 1- |

|Governmental and nongovernmental bodies |

|specialized in the field of intangible cultural heritage |

|This data sheet, preferably filled in electronically[25], is aimed at extensive data-gathering within the framework of the assessments on national capacities|

|for implementing the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage (please refer to the background document to guide national |

|assessments[26]). It will provide comprehensive information on any institutions/organizations active in the field of intangible cultural heritage as referred|

|to in the assessment guidelines. |

|1. Name |

|Please provide the full official name of the institution/organization, in its original language as well as in French and/or English. |

|Jordan River Foundation |

|مؤسسة نهر الأردن |

|2. Address |

|Please provide the complete postal address of the institution/organization, as well as additional contact information such as its telephone or fax numbers, |

|e-mail address, website, etc. |

|Postal address: P O box 2943 Amman - 11181 /Jordan |

|Country: Jordan |

|Website: jordanriver.jo |

|Tel: +692-6-4613081 |

|Fax: +692-6-4613083 |

|E-mail: Rositza_haddadin@showroom..jo |

|3. Status |

|Specify whether the institution/organization is a governmental entity (ministry, university, museum, etc.) or a non-governmental entity (such as |

|associations, organizations, community centres, grassroots associations, clubs, guilds, steering committees, etc.) and indicate its recognized legal |

|personality. |

| governmental, please specify:       |

|non-governmental, please specify: It is registered as an association. |

|4. Date of its founding or approximate duration of its existence |

|Please state when the institution/organization came into existence. |

|In 1995 |

|5. Geographical scope |

|Please identify the geographical scope where the institution/organization actively operates. Please indicate whether it is primarily local, national, |

|sub-regional or international in scope and specify the location (name of city(es), district(s), country(ies)). |

| local |

|national |

|regional |

|international |

|Please specify: |

|      |

|6. Activities in the field of safeguarding intangible cultural heritage |

|6.a. Domain(s) in which the institution/organization is active |

|Please check one or more boxes to indicate the primary domains in which the institution/organization is most active. If its activities involve domains other |

|than those listed, please check “other domains” and indicate which domains are concerned. |

| oral traditions and expressions |

|performing arts |

|social practices, rituals and festive events |

|knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe |

|X traditional craftsmanship |

|other domains - please specify:       |

|6.b. Primary safeguarding activities in which the institution/organization is involved |

|Please check one or more boxes to indicate the institution/organization’s primary safeguarding activities. If its activities involve safeguarding measures |

|not listed here, please check ‘other safeguarding measures’ and specify which ones are concerned. |

| identification, documentation, research (including inventory-making) |

|preservation, protection |

|promotion, enhancement |

|transmission, formal or non-formal education |

|revitalization |

|other safeguarding measures - please specify:       |

|6.c. Description of the institution/organization’s activities |

|Briefly describe the recent activities and relevant experience in safeguarding intangible cultural heritage. Please provide information on the personnel and |

|membership of the institution/organization, describe its competence and expertise in the domain of intangible cultural heritage and explain how its personnel|

|or members acquired such competence. |

|The number of beneficiaries from Bani Hameedah Weaving Project is 271 women. |

|The number of beneficiaries from Jordan River Design Project is 247 women. |

|The number of beneficiaries from Al Rayyan Valley is 15 women. |

|7. Experiences in cooperating with communities, groups and intangible cultural heritage practitioners |

|Briefly describe any experiences of the institution/organization in cooperating in a spirit of mutual respect with communities, groups and, where |

|appropriate, individuals that create, maintain and transmit intangible cultural heritage. |

|There is cooperation in training activities with interested bodies especially in he domain of handicrafts. |

|- Data sheet 2 - |

|Programmes, projects and activities in the field of intangible cultural heritage |

|This data sheet, preferably filled in electronically[27], is aimed at extensive data-gathering within the framework of the assessments on national capacities|

|for implementing the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage (please refer to the background document to guide national |

|assessments[28]). It will provide comprehensive information on any programmes, projects and activities related to intangible cultural heritage, in particular|

|to its safeguarding, as referred to in the assessment guidelines. |

|1. Name of the programme, project or activity |

|Please provide the full name in its original language as well as in French and/or English. |

|Jordan River Designs Project مشروع تصاميم نهر الاردن |

|Hameedah Weaving Project for Women مشروع نساء بني حميدة |

|Al Rayyanm Valley for Making Baskets. مشروع وادي الريان لصناعة السلال |

|2. Competent body involved |

|This section should provide the name and contact information of the competent body (agency, museum, institution, manager, etc.) with responsibility for the |

|programme, project or activity. |

|Name of the competent body: Jordan River Foundation |

|Name of a contact person: Rositza Haddadin |

|Postal address: 2943 Amman -11181 Jordan |

|Country: Jordan |

|Website: jordanriver.jo |

|Tel: 692-6-4613081 |

|Fax+692-6-4613083 |

|E-mail: Rositza_Haddadin@showroom..jo |

|3. Geographical scope |

|This section should identify the locations in which the programme, project or activity is carried out. Please indicate whether it is primarily local, |

|national, sub-regional or international in scope and specify the location (name of city(es), district(s), country(ies)). |

| local |

|national |

|sub-regional |

|international |

|Please specify: |

|The capital Amman/ Jordan River Design Project. |

|Madaba/ Makawer/Bani Hameedah Weaving Project for Women. |

|Jordan Valley/Al Rayyan/ Al Rayyanm Valley for Making Baskets. |

|4. Domain(s) represented by the programme, project or activity |

|Identify the domain(s) of intangible cultural heritage included within the programme, project or activity, which might include one or more of the domains |

|identified in Article 2.2 of the Convention. |

| oral traditions and expressions |

|performing arts |

|social practices, rituals and festive events |

|knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe |

|traditional craftsmanship |

|other domains - please specify:       |

|5. Community, group or, if applicable, individuals concerned |

|Identify clearly the community(ies), group(s) or, if applicable, individuals concerned with the programme, project or activity. |

|The local community participates in Makawer/Bani Hameedah Weaving Project for Women and Al Rayyanm Valley for Making Baskets and the beneficiaries live near |

|these centres. |

|The Jordan River Design Project also involves the local community, but the beneficiaries live in different locations in Eastern Amman. |

|6. Description of the programme, project or activity |

|Please provide a succinct description of the programme, project or activity and its main elements. If it is completed or in-progress, please describe what |

|actually happened or is underway. If it is only planned, describe what is intended and can reasonably be expected to happen within its scope. |

|More specifically, you may wish to : |

|describe the situation that led to the creation of the programme, project or activity—what safeguarding needs were identified and by whom, and how priorities|

|and objectives were identified and established; |

|describe the specific safeguarding measures the programme, project or activity includes and why they were selected. You may also wish to underline any |

|innovative methods or modalities involved, if any; |

|in case of commercial/touristic activities related to intangible cultural heritage, address to what extent it contributes to its safeguarding, being aware |

|that commercial and/or touristic activities may also, under specific circumstances, threaten the viability of intangible cultural heritage. |

|If already completed, please show how the programme, project or activity has demonstrated effectiveness in contributing to the viability of the intangible |

|cultural heritage concerned. If it is still underway or planned, show how it can reasonably be expected to contribute substantially to the viability of the |

|intangible cultural heritage concerned. Please explain how the results of the programme, project or activity have been or will be assessed. |

|The projects were launched according to a study conducted on women's needs in these regions and their skills. |

|The idea of Al Rayyan Valley Project is based on training women to make baskets using the leaves of banana trees that are abundant in this region. |

|These projects also have a developmental aim which is to conserve heritage .The Foundation offers training for women in all technical and administrative |

|fields to guarantee sustainability of such projects. |

|7. Community participation and consent |

|Please describe how the community, group or, if applicable, individuals concerned have participated (or will participate) in the programme, project or |

|activity at all stages of planning and implementation and how they have consented to it. |

|The projects carried out by the Foundation offer the beneficiaries an opportunity to increase their income and improve living conditions of their families. |

|Moreover, the projects are run by women who are members of the staff responsible for these projects. |

|- Data sheet 1- |

|Governmental and nongovernmental bodies |

|specialized in the field of intangible cultural heritage |

|This data sheet, preferably filled in electronically[29], is aimed at extensive data-gathering within the framework of the assessments on national capacities|

|for implementing the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage (please refer to the background document to guide national |

|assessments[30]). It will provide comprehensive information on any institutions/organizations active in the field of intangible cultural heritage as referred|

|to in the assessment guidelines. |

|1. Name |

|Please provide the full official name of the institution/organization, in its original language as well as in French and/or English. |

|Greater Amman Municipality |

|أمانة عمان الكبرى |

|2. Address |

|Please provide the complete postal address of the institution/organization, as well as additional contact information such as its telephone or fax numbers, |

|e-mail address, website, etc. |

|Postal address: PO.Box132 Amman. 11118 |

|Country: Jordan |

|Website: .jo |

|Tel: 4636111 |

|Fax: 4649420 |

|E-mail: info@.jo |

|3. Status |

|Specify whether the institution/organization is a governmental entity (ministry, university, museum, etc.) or a non-governmental entity (such as |

|associations, organizations, community centres, grassroots associations, clubs, guilds, steering committees, etc.) and indicate its recognized legal |

|personality. |

| governmental, please specify: Municipality |

|non-governmental, please specify:       |

|4. Date of its founding or approximate duration of its existence |

|Please state when the institution/organization came into existence. |

|In 1909 |

|5. Geographical scope |

|Please identify the geographical scope where the institution/organization actively operates. Please indicate whether it is primarily local, national, |

|sub-regional or international in scope and specify the location (name of city(es), district(s), country(ies)). |

| local |

|national |

|regional |

|international |

|Please specify: |

|-Sharing in all activities, competitions, and conferences in an international level like the prize of international leadership on 2007 in planning cities |

|and improve them from (Amman Comprehensive map ) |

|- The City Prize 2007 of Asia content “ Most cities of commitment to change her citizens’ life to better life” |

|6. Activities in the field of safeguarding intangible cultural heritage |

|6.a. Domain(s) in which the institution/organization is active |

|Please check one or more boxes to indicate the primary domains in which the institution/organization is most active. If its activities involve domains other |

|than those listed, please check “other domains” and indicate which domains are concerned. |

| oral traditions and expressions |

|performing arts |

|social practices, rituals and festive events |

|knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe |

|traditional craftsmanship |

|other domains - please specify:       |

|6.b. Primary safeguarding activities in which the institution/organization is involved |

|Please check one or more boxes to indicate the institution/organization’s primary safeguarding activities. If its activities involve safeguarding measures |

|not listed here, please check ‘other safeguarding measures’ and specify which ones are concerned. |

| identification, documentation, research (including inventory-making) |

|preservation, protection |

|promotion, enhancement |

|transmission, formal or non-formal education |

|revitalization |

|other safeguarding measures - please specify:       |

|6.c. Description of the institution/organization’s activities |

|Briefly describe the recent activities and relevant experience in safeguarding intangible cultural heritage. Please provide information on the personnel and |

|membership of the institution/organization, describe its competence and expertise in the domain of intangible cultural heritage and explain how its personnel|

|or members acquired such competence. |

|Amman, an organized, attractive, safe, liveable city of heritage and authenticity; Amman is a city with a soul. |

|It has missions which are: |

|-To provide high quality municipal services of excellence and to focus on urban development that brings balance between modernity and authenticity. |

|-To adopt initiatives which improve the quality of lives for local community focusing on the humanization aspects. This mission will be achieved through good|

|planning, optimal investment of resources, and building partnership with stakeholders. |

|_ To dedicate cultural heritage folklore through special band for folklore and art . |

|7. Experiences in cooperating with communities, groups and intangible cultural heritage practitioners |

|Briefly describe any experiences of the institution/organization in cooperating in a spirit of mutual respect with communities, groups and, where |

|appropriate, individuals that create, maintain and transmit intangible cultural heritage. |

|It has co-operation with local community and establishments which related by involving the folklore band in their ceremonies . |

|- Data sheet 2 - |

|Programmes, projects and activities in the field of intangible cultural heritage |

|This data sheet, preferably filled in electronically[31], is aimed at extensive data-gathering within the framework of the assessments on national capacities|

|for implementing the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage (please refer to the background document to guide national |

|assessments[32]). It will provide comprehensive information on any programmes, projects and activities related to intangible cultural heritage, in particular|

|to its safeguarding, as referred to in the assessment guidelines. |

|1. Name of the programme, project or activity |

|Please provide the full name in its original language as well as in French and/or English. |

|Jordanian House of Art |

|بيت الفن الأردني |

|2. Competent body involved |

|This section should provide the name and contact information of the competent body (agency, museum, institution, manager, etc.) with responsibility for the |

|programme, project or activity. |

|Name of the competent body: Educational Programm Sector . |

|Name of a contact person: Miss Shima Al Tal . |

|Postal address: P.O Box. 132 |

|Country: Amman – Jordan |

|Website: There is no website. |

|Tel: 4624749 |

|Fax: 4624748 |

|Email: Shima.70@ |

|3. Geographical scope |

|This section should identify the locations in which the programme, project or activity is carried out. Please indicate whether it is primarily local, |

|national, sub-regional or international in scope and specify the location (name of city(es), district(s), country(ies)). |

| local |

|national |

|sub-regional |

|international |

|Please specify:       |

|4. Domain(s) represented by the programme, project or activity |

|Identify the domain(s) of intangible cultural heritage included within the programme, project or activity, which might include one or more of the domains |

|identified in Article 2.2 of the Convention. |

| oral traditions and expressions |

|performing arts |

|social practices, rituals and festive events |

|knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe |

|traditional craftsmanship |

|other domains - please specify: |

|5. Community, group or, if applicable, individuals concerned |

|Identify clearly the community(ies), group(s) or, if applicable, individuals concerned with the programme, project or activity. |

|Students and the local community. |

|6. Description of the programme, project or activity |

|Please provide a succinct description of the programme, project or activity and its main elements. If it is completed or in-progress, please describe what |

|actually happened or is underway. If it is only planned, describe what is intended and can reasonably be expected to happen within its scope. |

|More specifically, you may wish to : |

|describe the situation that led to the creation of the programme, project or activity—what safeguarding needs were identified and by whom, and how priorities|

|and objectives were identified and established; |

|describe the specific safeguarding measures the programme, project or activity includes and why they were selected. You may also wish to underline any |

|innovative methods or modalities involved, if any; |

|in case of commercial/touristic activities related to intangible cultural heritage, address to what extent it contributes to its safeguarding, being aware |

|that commercial and/or touristic activities may also, under specific circumstances, threaten the viability of intangible cultural heritage. |

|If already completed, please show how the programme, project or activity has demonstrated effectiveness in contributing to the viability of the intangible |

|cultural heritage concerned. If it is still underway or planned, show how it can reasonably be expected to contribute substantially to the viability of the |

|intangible cultural heritage concerned. Please explain how the results of the programme, project or activity have been or will be assessed. |

|Jordanian House of Art is a small museum which includes rural room, music room, Amman Gallery , the first TV and Radio broadcasting room, handicrafts and |

|modern art room. |

|This museum was established in 2002 and it has some updates but not so much as it takes time to add any thing to this small museum |

|7. Community participation and consent |

|Please describe how the community, group or, if applicable, individuals concerned have participated (or will participate) in the programme, project or |

|activity at all stages of planning and implementation and how they have consented to it. |

|There is care about this issue and most people come and visit this museum from tourists and community |

|- Data sheet 1- |

|Governmental and nongovernmental bodies |

|specialized in the field of intangible cultural heritage |

|This data sheet, preferably filled in electronically[33], is aimed at extensive data-gathering within the framework of the assessments on national capacities|

|for implementing the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage (please refer to the background document to guide national |

|assessments[34]). It will provide comprehensive information on any institutions/organizations active in the field of intangible cultural heritage as referred|

|to in the assessment guidelines. |

|1. Name |

|Please provide the full official name of the institution/organization, in its original language as well as in French and/or English. |

|Al-Hussein Bin Talal University |

|جامعة الحسين بن طلال |

|2. Address |

|Please provide the complete postal address of the institution/organization, as well as additional contact information such as its telephone or fax numbers, |

|e-mail address, website, etc. |

|Postal address: P. O. Box 20 Al-Hussein Bin Talal University |

|Country: Jordan/ Ma'an |

|Website: ahu.edu.jo |

|Tel: 03/2179000 |

|Fax: 03/2155116 |

|E-mail: salaah58@ |

|3. Status |

|Specify whether the institution/organization is a governmental entity (ministry, university, museum, etc.) or a non-governmental entity (such as |

|associations, organizations, community centres, grassroots associations, clubs, guilds, steering committees, etc.) and indicate its recognized legal |

|personality. |

| governmental, please specify: University |

|non-governmental, please specify:       |

|4. Date of its founding or approximate duration of its existence |

|Please state when the institution/organization came into existence. |

|In 1999 |

|5. Geographical scope |

|Please identify the geographical scope where the institution/organization actively operates. Please indicate whether it is primarily local, national, |

|sub-regional or international in scope and specify the location (name of city(es), district(s), country(ies)). |

| local |

|national |

|regional |

|international |

|Please specify: |

|      |

|6. Activities in the field of safeguarding intangible cultural heritage |

|6.a. Domain(s) in which the institution/organization is active |

|Please check one or more boxes to indicate the primary domains in which the institution/organization is most active. If its activities involve domains other |

|than those listed, please check “other domains” and indicate which domains are concerned. |

| oral traditions and expressions |

|performing arts |

|social practices, rituals and festive events |

|knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe |

|traditional craftsmanship |

|other domains - please specify: Any other domain that focuses on documenting intangible cultural heritage through Princess Basma bint Talal Center for |

|Intangible Cultural Heritage. |

|6.b. Primary safeguarding activities in which the institution/organization is involved |

|Please check one or more boxes to indicate the institution/organization’s primary safeguarding activities. If its activities involve safeguarding measures |

|not listed here, please check ‘other safeguarding measures’ and specify which ones are concerned. |

| identification, documentation, research (including inventory-making) |

|preservation, protection |

|promotion, enhancement |

|transmission, formal or non-formal education (In the future) |

|revitalization |

|other safeguarding measures - please specify:       |

|6.c. Description of the institution/organization’s activities |

|Briefly describe the recent activities and relevant experience in safeguarding intangible cultural heritage. Please provide information on the personnel and |

|membership of the institution/organization, describe its competence and expertise in the domain of intangible cultural heritage and explain how its personnel|

|or members acquired such competence. |

|Al-Hussein Bin Talal University was established by a Royal Decree in April 1999. It is located in the southern part of Jordan, where almost all educational |

|disciplines are needed, particularly tourism, hotel management, science, computer engineering, education, and mining engineering. |

|Al-Hussein Bin Talal University is a Jordanian University and is keen to participate in the national |

|development by graduating highly qualified students and positively interacting with local communities and human culture within futuristic vision that |

|concentrates on quality, excellence and current era necessities. |

|Princess Basma Center for Intangible Cultural Heritage was founded in Al-Hussein Bin Talal University. The Center programmes and plans are being set to |

|document heritage using modern scientific methods. |

|7. Experiences in cooperating with communities, groups and intangible cultural heritage practitioners |

|Briefly describe any experiences of the institution/organization in cooperating in a spirit of mutual respect with communities, groups and, where |

|appropriate, individuals that create, maintain and transmit intangible cultural heritage. |

|The Centre will soon reveal its programmes, plans and projects to the national and international institutions. |

|- Data sheet 2 - |

|Programmes, projects and activities in the field of intangible cultural heritage |

|This data sheet, preferably filled in electronically[35], is aimed at extensive data-gathering within the framework of the assessments on national capacities|

|for implementing the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage (please refer to the background document to guide national |

|assessments[36]). It will provide comprehensive information on any programmes, projects and activities related to intangible cultural heritage, in particular|

|to its safeguarding, as referred to in the assessment guidelines. |

|1. Name of the programme, project or activity |

|Please provide the full name in its original language as well as in French and/or English. |

|Princess Basma bint Talal Center for Intangible Cultural Heritage |

|مركز سمو الأميرة بسمة بنت طلال للتراث الثقافي غير المادي |

|2. Competent body involved |

|This section should provide the name and contact information of the competent body (agency, museum, institution, manager, etc.) with responsibility for the |

|programme, project or activity. |

|Name of the competent body: Al-Hussein Bin Talal University/ Princess Basma bint Talal Center for Intangible Cultural Heritage |

|Name of a contact person: Dr. Salah Sa'eed/ Head of the Center |

|Postal address: : Al-Hussein Bin Talal University/ Ma'an-Jordan/ P. O. Box 20 |

|Country: Jordan |

|Website: Under construction |

|Tel: 0795911482 |

|Fax: 03/2155116 |

|E-mail: salaah58@ |

|3. Geographical scope |

|This section should identify the locations in which the programme, project or activity is carried out. Please indicate whether it is primarily local, |

|national, sub-regional or international in scope and specify the location (name of city(es), district(s), country(ies)). |

| local |

|national |

|sub-regional |

|international |

|Please specify: South of Jordan/ Wadi Mousa is the first phase. |

|4. Domain(s) represented by the programme, project or activity |

|Identify the domain(s) of intangible cultural heritage included within the programme, project or activity, which might include one or more of the domains |

|identified in Article 2.2 of the Convention. |

| oral traditions and expressions |

|performing arts |

|social practices, rituals and festive events |

|knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe |

|traditional craftsmanship |

|other domains - please specify:       |

|Shrines |

|Nabatean poetry |

|Folkloric tales |

|Oral water distribution (based on astronomy-stars) |

|5. Community, group or, if applicable, individuals concerned |

|Identify clearly the community(ies), group(s) or, if applicable, individuals concerned with the programme, project or activity. |

|It targets all interested parties: local communities, groups and individuals. |

|6. Description of the programme, project or activity |

|Please provide a succinct description of the programme, project or activity and its main elements. If it is completed or in-progress, please describe what |

|actually happened or is underway. If it is only planned, describe what is intended and can reasonably be expected to happen within its scope. |

|More specifically, you may wish to : |

|describe the situation that led to the creation of the programme, project or activity—what safeguarding needs were identified and by whom, and how priorities|

|and objectives were identified and established; |

|describe the specific safeguarding measures the programme, project or activity includes and why they were selected. You may also wish to underline any |

|innovative methods or modalities involved, if any; |

|in case of commercial/touristic activities related to intangible cultural heritage, address to what extent it contributes to its safeguarding, being aware |

|that commercial and/or touristic activities may also, under specific circumstances, threaten the viability of intangible cultural heritage. |

|If already completed, please show how the programme, project or activity has demonstrated effectiveness in contributing to the viability of the intangible |

|cultural heritage concerned. If it is still underway or planned, show how it can reasonably be expected to contribute substantially to the viability of the |

|intangible cultural heritage concerned. Please explain how the results of the programme, project or activity have been or will be assessed. |

|Princess Basma Center for Intangible Cultural Heritage was established in Al-Hussein Bin Talal University in Ma'an. It was the result of the great importance|

|of heritage and its role in maintaining the national identity and due to the efforts to safeguard intangible cultural heritage for the coming generations |

|which can be lost in a changeable environment. |

|It is a specialized research center in the field of heritage and it has a number of tasks, mainly to support the identification and documentation of |

|intangible heritage in Jordan in order to identify the elements of the components of the intangible cultural heritage; understand the change processes of |

|heritage over time, by facilitating documentation of cultural heritage through the dissemination of technical knowledge and provide equipment and the |

|necessary infrastructure; carry out conservation, restoration and digital conversion of multimedia data relating to endangered heritage; develop inventories |

|for the preparation of nominations for inclusion on such lists; as well as to create an online portal on the internet that would facilitate communication |

|between the organizations concerned and the role of conservation competent heritage of the Intangible Cultural already in place. |

|7. Community participation and consent |

|Please describe how the community, group or, if applicable, individuals concerned have participated (or will participate) in the programme, project or |

|activity at all stages of planning and implementation and how they have consented to it. |

|The main trend is to involve the local community with its all components in the project. The project programmes and plans will take into consideration making|

|use of different capacities available in the community. |

|- Data sheet 1- |

|Governmental and nongovernmental bodies |

|specialized in the field of intangible cultural heritage |

|This data sheet, preferably filled in electronically[37], is aimed at extensive data-gathering within the framework of the assessments on national capacities|

|for implementing the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage (please refer to the background document to guide national |

|assessments[38]). It will provide comprehensive information on any institutions/organizations active in the field of intangible cultural heritage as referred|

|to in the assessment guidelines. |

|1. Name |

|Please provide the full official name of the institution/organization, in its original language as well as in French and/or English. |

|Jordan Radio and Television Corporation |

|مؤسسة الإذاعة والتلفزيون الأردنية |

|2. Address |

|Please provide the complete postal address of the institution/organization, as well as additional contact information such as its telephone or fax numbers, |

|e-mail address, website, etc. |

|Postal address: P.O Box 1041 Amman |

|Country: Jordan |

|Website: .jo |

|Tel: 00962 6 4774111 |

|Fax: 00962 6 4744662 |

|E-mail: rj@.jo |

|3. Status |

|Specify whether the institution/organization is a governmental entity (ministry, university, museum, etc.) or a non-governmental entity (such as |

|associations, organizations, community centres, grassroots associations, clubs, guilds, steering committees, etc.) and indicate its recognized legal |

|personality. |

| governmental, please specify: Corporation |

|non-governmental, please specify:       |

|4. Date of its founding or approximate duration of its existence |

|Please state when the institution/organization came into existence. |

|In 1966 |

|5. Geographical scope |

|Please identify the geographical scope where the institution/organization actively operates. Please indicate whether it is primarily local, national, |

|sub-regional or international in scope and specify the location (name of city(es), district(s), country(ies)). |

| local |

|national |

|regional |

|international |

|Please specify: |

|      |

|6. Activities in the field of safeguarding intangible cultural heritage |

|6.a. Domain(s) in which the institution/organization is active |

|Please check one or more boxes to indicate the primary domains in which the institution/organization is most active. If its activities involve domains other |

|than those listed, please check “other domains” and indicate which domains are concerned. |

| oral traditions and expressions |

|performing arts |

|social practices, rituals and festive events |

|knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe |

|traditional craftsmanship |

|other domains - please specify:       |

|6.b. Primary safeguarding activities in which the institution/organization is involved |

|Please check one or more boxes to indicate the institution/organization’s primary safeguarding activities. If its activities involve safeguarding measures |

|not listed here, please check ‘other safeguarding measures’ and specify which ones are concerned. |

| identification, documentation, research (including inventory-making) |

|preservation, protection |

|promotion, enhancement |

|transmission, formal or non-formal education |

|revitalization |

|other safeguarding measures - please specify:       |

|6.c. Description of the institution/organization’s activities |

|Briefly describe the recent activities and relevant experience in safeguarding intangible cultural heritage. Please provide information on the personnel and |

|membership of the institution/organization, describe its competence and expertise in the domain of intangible cultural heritage and explain how its personnel|

|or members acquired such competence. |

|Began work on Jordanian television studio, one program a year for three hours a day, black and white, and then the Channel began broadcasting foreign |

|programs and Arabic in 1972. In April 1974, it began to broadcast in colors. In 1975, covering the Kingdom, it began to broadcast for six hours a day, |

|including foreign news bulletins in English and French. |

|  |

|On the first of September 1985, there was integration between the radio and television in a single institution. |

|  |

|In 1989 began a weekly television news program of the week's events in signals language for the deaf, and became a network television broadcasting |

|approximately 80% of the Kingdom and 90% of the population and the number of transmitters and relay television across the Kingdom and 42 stations. |

|  |

|In 27.04.1993 the Arabian Canal was opened and in 25/5/1998 began to transmit the Parliamentary sessions in addition to events, local and global. |

|  |

|In January of 2001, Radio and Television Corporation restructured the terms of the integration of programs of both channels. |

|Jordan TV and Radio are broadcasting many cultural programmes dealing with all domains of the intangible cultural heritage: traditions, costumes, habits, |

|handicrafts, folk;ore,….etc |

|7. Experiences in cooperating with communities, groups and intangible cultural heritage practitioners |

|Briefly describe any experiences of the institution/organization in cooperating in a spirit of mutual respect with communities, groups and, where |

|appropriate, individuals that create maintain and transmit intangible cultural heritage. |

|There is a high level of cooperation with the local communities to prepare these cultural programmes because it's their heritage. |

|- Data sheet 2 - |

|Programmes, projects and activities in the field of intangible cultural heritage |

|This data sheet, preferably filled in electronically[39], is aimed at extensive data-gathering within the framework of the assessments on national capacities|

|for implementing the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage (please refer to the background document to guide national |

|assessments[40]). It will provide comprehensive information on any programmes, projects and activities related to intangible cultural heritage, in particular|

|to its safeguarding, as referred to in the assessment guidelines. |

|1. Name of the programme, project or activity |

|Please provide the full name in its original language as well as in French and/or English. |

|Know Your Country Programmeاعرف بلدك |

|My Home بيتي |

|Festivals مهرجانات |

|Revitalization of Traditional Crafts إحياء المهن التراثية القديمة |

|There is a list of programmes ( in Arabic) for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage attached to the report |

|2. Competent body involved |

|This section should provide the name and contact information of the competent body (agency, museum, institution, manager, etc.) with responsibility for the |

|programme, project or activity. |

|Name of the competent body: Jordan Radio and Television Corporation |

|Name of a contact person: Mrs Manal Khalaf |

|Postal address: P.O Box 1041 Amman |

|Country: Jordan |

|Website: .jo |

|Tel: 00962 6 4773111 |

|Fax: 00962 6 4744662 |

|E-mail: khalafmanal@ |

|3. Geographical scope |

|This section should identify the locations in which the programme, project or activity is carried out. Please indicate whether it is primarily local, |

|national, sub-regional or international in scope and specify the location (name of city(es), district(s), country(ies)). |

| local |

|national |

|sub-regional |

|international |

|Please specify: |

|Cooperation with the International Arab Radios Union |

|International – French Cooperation |

|4. Domain(s) represented by the programme, project or activity |

|Identify the domain(s) of intangible cultural heritage included within the programme, project or activity, which might include one or more of the domains |

|identified in Article 2.2 of the Convention. |

| oral traditions and expressions |

|performing arts |

|social practices, rituals and festive events |

|knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe |

|traditional craftsmanship |

|other domains - please specify: Discovery of extinct careers, folkloric songs and traditional hand games. |

|5. Community, group or, if applicable, individuals concerned |

|Identify clearly the community(ies), group(s) or, if applicable, individuals concerned with the programme, project or activity. |

|T.V spectators |

|6. Description of the programme, project or activity |

|Please provide a succinct description of the programme, project or activity and its main elements. If it is completed or in-progress, please describe what |

|actually happened or is underway. If it is only planned, describe what is intended and can reasonably be expected to happen within its scope. |

|More specifically, you may wish to : |

|describe the situation that led to the creation of the programme, project or activity—what safeguarding needs were identified and by whom, and how priorities|

|and objectives were identified and established; |

|describe the specific safeguarding measures the programme, project or activity includes and why they were selected. You may also wish to underline any |

|innovative methods or modalities involved, if any; |

|in case of commercial/touristic activities related to intangible cultural heritage, address to what extent it contributes to its safeguarding, being aware |

|that commercial and/or touristic activities may also, under specific circumstances, threaten the viability of intangible cultural heritage. |

|If already completed, please show how the programme, project or activity has demonstrated effectiveness in contributing to the viability of the intangible |

|cultural heritage concerned. If it is still underway or planned, show how it can reasonably be expected to contribute substantially to the viability of the |

|intangible cultural heritage concerned. Please explain how the results of the programme, project or activity have been or will be assessed. |

|There are many programmes that cover traditions, habits, culture, handicrafts, civilization and achievements of Jordan. These programmes aim to promote |

|tourism in Jordan and to safeguard tangible and intangible heritage, i.e. the programmes deal with all domains of intangible cultural heritage in Jordan. |

|7. Community participation and consent |

|Please describe how the community, group or, if applicable, individuals concerned have participated (or will participate) in the programme, project or |

|activity at all stages of planning and implementation and how they have consented to it. |

|Jordan TV spectators, researchers, scholars and interested parties. |

|- Data sheet 1- |

|Governmental and nongovernmental bodies |

|specialized in the field of intangible cultural heritage |

|This data sheet, preferably filled in electronically[41], is aimed at extensive data-gathering within the framework of the assessments on national capacities|

|for implementing the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage (please refer to the background document to guide national |

|assessments[42]). It will provide comprehensive information on any institutions/organizations active in the field of intangible cultural heritage as referred|

|to in the assessment guidelines. |

|1. Name |

|Please provide the full official name of the institution/organization, in its original language as well as in French and/or English. |

|Al-Jeel Al-Jadeed Club |

|نادي الجيل الجديد |

|2. Address |

|Please provide the complete postal address of the institution/organization, as well as additional contact information such as its telephone or fax numbers, |

|e-mail address, website, etc. |

|Postal address: P. O. Box 1721 Amman 11118 Jordan |

|Country: Jordan |

|Website: |

|Tel: 0096265810611 |

|Fax: 0096265810612 |

|E-mail: info@ |

|3. Status |

|Specify whether the institution/organization is a governmental entity (ministry, university, museum, etc.) or a non-governmental entity (such as |

|associations, organizations, community centres, grassroots associations, clubs, guilds, steering committees, etc.) and indicate its recognized legal |

|personality. |

| governmental, please specify:       |

|non-governmental, please specify: Club |

|4. Date of its founding or approximate duration of its existence |

|Please state when the institution/organization came into existence. |

|In 1950 |

|5. Geographical scope |

|Please identify the geographical scope where the institution/organization actively operates. Please indicate whether it is primarily local, national, |

|sub-regional or international in scope and specify the location (name of city(es), district(s), country(ies)). |

| local |

|national |

|regional |

|international |

|Please specify: |

|Amman – 7th Circle – Ibrahim Qatan St. |

|6. Activities in the field of safeguarding intangible cultural heritage |

|6.a. Domain(s) in which the institution/organization is active |

|Please check one or more boxes to indicate the primary domains in which the institution/organization is most active. If its activities involve domains other |

|than those listed, please check “other domains” and indicate which domains are concerned. |

| oral traditions and expressions |

|performing arts |

|social practices, rituals and festive events |

|knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe |

|traditional craftsmanship |

|other domains - please specify: Safeguarding the Circassian heritage and folklore such as playing music, musical instruments, habits and traditions, |

|traditional costumes, folkloric performance (dancing) and the Circassian language (an unwritten language). |

|6.b. Primary safeguarding activities in which the institution/organization is involved |

|Please check one or more boxes to indicate the institution/organization’s primary safeguarding activities. If its activities involve safeguarding measures |

|not listed here, please check ‘other safeguarding measures’ and specify which ones are concerned. |

| identification, documentation, research (including inventory-making) |

|preservation, protection |

|promotion, enhancement |

|transmission, formal or non-formal education |

|revitalization |

|other safeguarding measures - please specify:       |

|6.c. Description of the institution/organization’s activities |

|Briefly describe the recent activities and relevant experience in safeguarding intangible cultural heritage. Please provide information on the personnel and |

|membership of the institution/organization, describe its competence and expertise in the domain of intangible cultural heritage and explain how its personnel|

|or members acquired such competence. |

| |

|Al Jeel Al Jadeed Circassian club was established in 1950. It was one of the first cultural clubs in the Kingdom. Over the past six decades, it has served |

|as an academy teaching thousands of young Circassians about their roots and traditions . |

| |

|The activities: |

|Establishment of a non-profit folkloric playing band to safeguard the Circassian heritage. |

|Children band for learning the principles of Circassian folkloric performance (dancing). |

|Note: All members, trainers and persons in charge are experienced volunteers. |

|7. Experiences in cooperating with communities, groups and intangible cultural heritage practitioners |

|Briefly describe any experiences of the institution/organization in cooperating in a spirit of mutual respect with communities, groups and, where |

|appropriate, individuals that create, maintain and transmit intangible cultural heritage. |

|Participating in the activities of associations and companies that support charitable activities. |

|Participating in all national occasions of humane aims. |

|Participating in the commemoration of the expulsion of Circassians from their country. |

|Participating in upgrading Jordan national heritage. |

|Commemorate the establishment of Amman City by founding a Circassian village as built by ancestors when they came to Amman. |

|- Data sheet 2 - |

|Programmes, projects and activities in the field of intangible cultural heritage |

|This data sheet, preferably filled in electronically[43], is aimed at extensive data-gathering within the framework of the assessments on national capacities|

|for implementing the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage (please refer to the background document to guide national |

|assessments[44]). It will provide comprehensive information on any programmes, projects and activities related to intangible cultural heritage, in particular|

|to its safeguarding, as referred to in the assessment guidelines. |

|1. Name of the programme, project or activity |

|Please provide the full name in its original language as well as in French and/or English. |

|1. Teaching Circassian folklore and dancing and safeguarding them. |

|تعليم الرقص والفلكلور الشركسي والمحافظة عليه |

| |

|2. Teaching Circassian singing and playing music and safeguarding them. |

|تعليم العزف والغناء الشركسي والمحافظة عليه |

| |

|3. Teaching Circassian language. تعليم اللغة الشركسية |

|2. Competent body involved |

|This section should provide the name and contact information of the competent body (agency, museum, institution, manager, etc.) with responsibility for the |

|programme, project or activity. |

|Name of the competent body: Al-Jeel Al-Jadeed Club |

|Name of a contact person: Eng. Hesham Farouqa |

|Postal address: P. O. Box 1721 Amman 11118 Jordan |

|Country: Jordan |

|Website: |

|Tel: 009625810611 |

|Fax: 009625810612 |

|E-mail: info@ |

|3. Geographical scope |

|This section should identify the locations in which the programme, project or activity is carried out. Please indicate whether it is primarily local, |

|national, sub-regional or international in scope and specify the location (name of city(es), district(s), country(ies)). |

| local |

|national |

|sub-regional |

|international |

|Please specify: Amman - Jordan |

|4. Domain(s) represented by the programme, project or activity |

|Identify the domain(s) of intangible cultural heritage included within the programme, project or activity, which might include one or more of the domains |

|identified in Article 2.2 of the Convention. |

| oral traditions and expressions |

|performing arts |

|social practices, rituals and festive events |

|knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe |

|traditional craftsmanship |

|other domains - please specify: |

|5. Community, group or, if applicable, individuals concerned |

|Identify clearly the community(ies), group(s) or, if applicable, individuals concerned with the programme, project or activity. |

|Jordanian citizens from Caucasian origins (Circassians, Chechens, Daghestanis, Abadha). |

|6. Description of the programme, project or activity |

|Please provide a succinct description of the programme, project or activity and its main elements. If it is completed or in-progress, please describe what |

|actually happened or is underway. If it is only planned, describe what is intended and can reasonably be expected to happen within its scope. |

|More specifically, you may wish to : |

|describe the situation that led to the creation of the programme, project or activity—what safeguarding needs were identified and by whom, and how priorities|

|and objectives were identified and established; |

|describe the specific safeguarding measures the programme, project or activity includes and why they were selected. You may also wish to underline any |

|innovative methods or modalities involved, if any; |

|in case of commercial/touristic activities related to intangible cultural heritage, address to what extent it contributes to its safeguarding, being aware |

|that commercial and/or touristic activities may also, under specific circumstances, threaten the viability of intangible cultural heritage. |

|If already completed, please show how the programme, project or activity has demonstrated effectiveness in contributing to the viability of the intangible |

|cultural heritage concerned. If it is still underway or planned, show how it can reasonably be expected to contribute substantially to the viability of the |

|intangible cultural heritage concerned. Please explain how the results of the programme, project or activity have been or will be assessed. |

|Setting up an integrated programme to safeguard and disseminate the Caucasian cultural heritage (such as habits and traditions, dancing, playing music, |

|singing and the language). |

|Al Jeel Al Jadeed Circassian Dance Troupe, which regularly participated in the Jerash Festival for nearly three decades, has also performed in several |

|international festivals in Cyprus, France, Russia, Tunisia, Turkey, the UAE and the US. |

|All those involved in the production, including over 100 performers, trainers, administrative staff and sound and lighting technicians, are volunteers. |

| |

|The dances conveyed messages such as Yeslameh, which depicts a love story between a princess and a commoner, and Qafa, a royal dance celebrating life and |

|liberty, characterised by fast-paced movements in harmony with quick, lively music. |

|Abkhaz is another dance, during which boys and girls challenge each other’s dancing skills, while Thaparefa narrates how knights - both men and women - |

|defended their land. |

|7. Community participation and consent |

|Please describe how the community, group or, if applicable, individuals concerned have participated (or will participate) in the programme, project or |

|activity at all stages of planning and implementation and how they have consented to it. |

|Participating in all national, humane and charitable activities. The Caucasian folkloric activities were accepted by the Jordanian society and the |

|governmental and non-governmental associations. |

|- Data sheet 1- |

|Governmental and nongovernmental bodies |

|specialized in the field of intangible cultural heritage |

|This data sheet, preferably filled in electronically[45], is aimed at extensive data-gathering within the framework of the assessments on national capacities|

|for implementing the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage (please refer to the background document to guide national |

|assessments[46]). It will provide comprehensive information on any institutions/organizations active in the field of intangible cultural heritage as referred|

|to in the assessment guidelines. |

|1. Name |

|Please provide the full official name of the institution/organization, in its original language as well as in French and/or English. |

|Jordan Ahli Bank Numismatic Museum |

|متحف البنك الأهلي الأردني للنميات |

|2. Address |

|Please provide the complete postal address of the institution/organization, as well as additional contact information such as its telephone or fax numbers, |

|e-mail address, website, etc. |

|Postal address: P.O Box 3103 Amman 11181 Jordan |

|Country: Amman, Al-Shumisani, next to General Management for Jordan Ahli Bank. |

|Website: |

|Tel: 5687090 |

|Fax: 5685848 |

|E-mail: museum@.jo |

|3. Status |

|Specify whether the institution/organization is a governmental entity (ministry, university, museum, etc.) or a non-governmental entity (such as |

|associations, organizations, community centres, grassroots associations, clubs, guilds, steering committees, etc.) and indicate its recognized legal |

|personality. |

| governmental, please specify:       |

|non-governmental, please specify: It’s a museum/ Jordan Ahli bank |

|4. Date of its founding or approximate duration of its existence |

|Please state when the institution/organization came into existence. |

|In 1999 |

|5. Geographical scope |

|Please identify the geographical scope where the institution/organization actively operates. Please indicate whether it is primarily local, national, |

|sub-regional or international in scope and specify the location (name of city(es), district(s), country(ies)). |

| local |

|national |

|regional |

|international |

|Please specify: |

|With many countries as Japan, Germany, Italy, Britain, America, Australia and Canada |

|6. Activities in the field of safeguarding intangible cultural heritage |

|6.a. Domain(s) in which the institution/organization is active |

|Please check one or more boxes to indicate the primary domains in which the institution/organization is most active. If its activities involve domains other |

|than those listed, please check “other domains” and indicate which domains are concerned. |

| oral traditions and expressions |

|performing arts |

|social practices, rituals and festive events |

|knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe |

|traditional craftsmanship |

|other domains - please specify: Old coins, old weighs, medals, old seals, the precious stones and bank notes. |

|6.b. Primary safeguarding activities in which the institution/organization is involved |

|Please check one or more boxes to indicate the institution/organization’s primary safeguarding activities. If its activities involve safeguarding measures |

|not listed here, please check ‘other safeguarding measures’ and specify which ones are concerned. |

| identification, documentation, research (including inventory-making) |

|preservation, protection |

|promotion, enhancement |

|transmission, formal or non-formal education |

|revitalization |

|other safeguarding measures - please specify:       |

|6.c. Description of the institution/organization’s activities |

|Briefly describe the recent activities and relevant experience in safeguarding intangible cultural heritage. Please provide information on the personnel and |

|membership of the institution/organization, describe its competence and expertise in the domain of intangible cultural heritage and explain how its personnel|

|or members acquired such competence. |

|The Jordan Ahli Bank Numismatic Museum is the first of its kind in the country with collections numbering over 40000 coins. It is a specialized museum |

|containing coin collections spanning nearly 2500 years, the earliest dating back to 600 B.C and the latest coming from recent commemorative issues. The |

|museum boasts one of the best Umayyad copper coin collections in the world. In addition, the museum has an outstanding collection of Mesopotamian, |

|Phoenician, Roman, Byzantine, and Islamic weights. Furthermore, the Museum has collections of Nabatean and Decapolis and Provincial Arabia, many of which are|

|still unpublished. The library of the museum is a specialized one containing books by leading international numismatists plus numismatics periodicals. As a |

|part of its role, the museum has dedicated one floor of its buildings for a lecture hall furnished with the latest equipments. |

|7. Experiences in cooperating with communities, groups and intangible cultural heritage practitioners |

|Briefly describe any experiences of the institution/organization in cooperating in a spirit of mutual respect with communities, groups and, where |

|appropriate, individuals that create, maintain and transmit intangible cultural heritage. |

|Many groups of students from public and private schools and students from the Jordanian universities and from international universities visit the museum. |

|Scientists, researchers and graduate-studies students benefit a lot from the museum and the library. |

|- Data sheet 2 - |

|Programmes, projects and activities in the field of intangible cultural heritage |

|This data sheet, preferably filled in electronically[47], is aimed at extensive data-gathering within the framework of the assessments on national capacities|

|for implementing the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage (please refer to the background document to guide national |

|assessments[48]). It will provide comprehensive information on any programmes, projects and activities related to intangible cultural heritage, in particular|

|to its safeguarding, as referred to in the assessment guidelines. |

|1. Name of the programme, project or activity |

|Please provide the full name in its original language as well as in French and/or English. |

|Exhibitions in: the University of Jordan and Greater Amman Municipality |

|إقامة معارض في الجامعة الأردنية وفي أمانة عمان الكبرى |

|2. Competent body involved |

|This section should provide the name and contact information of the competent body (agency, museum, institution, manager, etc.) with responsibility for the |

|programme, project or activity. |

|Name of the competent body: Jordan Ahli Bank |

|Name of a contact person: Dr. Nayef Goussous |

|Postal address: P.O Box 3103 Amman 11181 Jordan |

|Country: Jordan , Amman |

|Website: |

|Tel: 5687090 |

|Fax: 5685848 |

|E-mail: museum@.jo |

|3. Geographical scope |

|This section should identify the locations in which the programme, project or activity is carried out. Please indicate whether it is primarily local, |

|national, sub-regional or international in scope and specify the location (name of city(es), district(s), country(ies)). |

| local |

|national |

|sub-regional |

|international |

|Please specify:       |

|4. Domain(s) represented by the programme, project or activity |

|Identify the domain(s) of intangible cultural heritage included within the programme, project or activity, which might include one or more of the domains |

|identified in Article 2.2 of the Convention. |

| oral traditions and expressions |

|performing arts |

|social practices, rituals and festive events |

|knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe |

|traditional craftsmanship |

|other domains - please specify: Exhibitions |

|5. Community, group or, if applicable, individuals concerned |

|Identify clearly the community(ies), group(s) or, if applicable, individuals concerned with the programme, project or activity. |

|Students and the local community. |

|6. Description of the programme, project or activity |

|Please provide a succinct description of the programme, project or activity and its main elements. If it is completed or in-progress, please describe what |

|actually happened or is underway. If it is only planned, describe what is intended and can reasonably be expected to happen within its scope. |

|More specifically, you may wish to : |

|describe the situation that led to the creation of the programme, project or activity—what safeguarding needs were identified and by whom, and how priorities|

|and objectives were identified and established; |

|describe the specific safeguarding measures the programme, project or activity includes and why they were selected. You may also wish to underline any |

|innovative methods or modalities involved, if any; |

|in case of commercial/touristic activities related to intangible cultural heritage, address to what extent it contributes to its safeguarding, being aware |

|that commercial and/or touristic activities may also, under specific circumstances, threaten the viability of intangible cultural heritage. |

|If already completed, please show how the programme, project or activity has demonstrated effectiveness in contributing to the viability of the intangible |

|cultural heritage concerned. If it is still underway or planned, show how it can reasonably be expected to contribute substantially to the viability of the |

|intangible cultural heritage concerned. Please explain how the results of the programme, project or activity have been or will be assessed. |

|Exhibitions that show the old coins of Amman over different historical centuries including old pictures of the money that hold Amman city and an explanation|

|about these pictures in both Arabic and English language, in addition to distributing brochures. The bank also sponsors writers’ publications and finances |

|educational projects to fund public gardens. Many, upon visiting the museum, have been drawn to the subject of numismatics because coins are historical |

|documents containing a wealth of information. |

|7. Community participation and consent |

|Please describe how the community, group or, if applicable, individuals concerned have participated (or will participate) in the programme, project or |

|activity at all stages of planning and implementation and how they have consented to it. |

|There is an interest about these issues but there is no interest to share in or attend such museums or exhibitions. |

|- Data sheet 1- |

|Governmental and nongovernmental bodies |

|specialized in the field of intangible cultural heritage |

|This data sheet, preferably filled in electronically[49], is aimed at extensive data-gathering within the framework of the assessments on national capacities|

|for implementing the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage (please refer to the background document to guide national |

|assessments[50]). It will provide comprehensive information on any institutions/organizations active in the field of intangible cultural heritage as referred|

|to in the assessment guidelines. |

|1. Name |

|Please provide the full official name of the institution/organization, in its original language as well as in French and/or English. |

|Ramtha Group for Jordanian Folklore |

|فرقة الرمثا للفلوكلور الشعبي الأردني |

|2. Address |

|Please provide the complete postal address of the institution/organization, as well as additional contact information such as its telephone or fax numbers, |

|e-mail address, website, etc. |

|Postal address: Ramtha P.O Box 522 |

|Country: Jordan – Ramtha |

|Website: There is no website. |

|Tel: 00962 2 27382301 / 00962 795557282 |

|Fax: 00962 7382301 |

|E-mail : AHD- R82@ |

|3. Status |

|Specify whether the institution/organization is a governmental entity (ministry, university, museum, etc.) or a non-governmental entity (such as |

|associations, organizations, community centres, grassroots associations, clubs, guilds, steering committees, etc.) and indicate its recognized legal |

|personality. |

| governmental, please specify:       |

|X non-governmental, please specify: A folklore group that maintains the Jordanian folkloric heritage. |

|4. Date of its founding or approximate duration of its existence |

|Please state when the institution/organization came into existence. |

|In 1987 |

|5. Geographical scope |

|Please identify the geographical scope where the institution/organization actively operates. Please indicate whether it is primarily local, national, |

|sub-regional or international in scope and specify the location (name of city(es), district(s), country(ies)). |

| local |

|national |

|regional |

|international |

|Please specify: |

|Ramtha Group is located in Ramtha city in the north of Jordan and is about 85 Km. away from the capital Amman and is on the Syrian – Jordanian borders from |

|the north. |

|6. Activities in the field of safeguarding intangible cultural heritage |

|6.a. Domain(s) in which the institution/organization is active |

|Please check one or more boxes to indicate the primary domains in which the institution/organization is most active. If its activities involve domains other |

|than those listed, please check “other domains” and indicate which domains are concerned. |

| oral traditions and expressions |

|performing arts |

|social practices, rituals and festive events |

|knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe |

|traditional craftsmanship |

|other domains - please specify: There are other activities of Ramtha group such as holding session and giving lectures and exhibitions that serves culture |

|and highlights heritage as there is an infrastructure of a stereo recording of the songs of the group |

|6.b. Primary safeguarding activities in which the institution/organization is involved |

|Please check one or more boxes to indicate the institution/organization’s primary safeguarding activities. If its activities involve safeguarding measures |

|not listed here, please check ‘other safeguarding measures’ and specify which ones are concerned. |

| identification, documentation, research (including inventory-making) |

|preservation, protection |

|promotion, enhancement |

|transmission, formal or non-formal education |

|revitalization |

|other safeguarding measures - please specify:       |

|6.c. Description of the institution/organization’s activities |

|Briefly describe the recent activities and relevant experience in safeguarding intangible cultural heritage. Please provide information on the personnel and |

|membership of the institution/organization, describe its competence and expertise in the domain of intangible cultural heritage and explain how its personnel|

|or members acquired such competence. |

|The group won the encouraging award of the state in the field of arts and heritage that was granted for the first time in 2001 and now it presents folkloric |

|dance such as the Jordanian traditional wedding and the harvest time and other traditional songs such as Alsamer, Aljoufiyah and Alhjeini. The group consists|

|of children group, youth group and a musical group and it includes distinguished singers on the Jordanian level and professors specialized in music and |

|arts. |

|7. Experiences in cooperating with communities, groups and intangible cultural heritage practitioners |

|Briefly describe any experiences of the institution/organization in cooperating in a spirit of mutual respect with communities, groups and, where |

|appropriate, individuals that create maintain and transmit intangible cultural heritage. |

| The group participated in fifteen festivals from 1985 to 2007 in addition to participating continuously in all festivals that the local community organise |

|such as Jerash festival , Jordan festival, Sahel Houran festival, Alazraq festival, Alkerak festival, Jadarah festival, Alaqaba festival and Alfuheis |

|festival. |

|- Data sheet 2 - |

|Programmes, projects and activities in the field of intangible cultural heritage |

|This data sheet, preferably filled in electronically[51], is aimed at extensive data-gathering within the framework of the assessments on national capacities|

|for implementing the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage (please refer to the background document to guide national |

|assessments[52]). It will provide comprehensive information on any programmes, projects and activities related to intangible cultural heritage, in particular|

|to its safeguarding, as referred to in the assessment guidelines. |

|1. Name of the programme, project or activity |

|Please provide the full name in its original language as well as in French and/or English. |

| Reusing the traditional customs as new customs while maintaining the same type and design |

|إحياء الأزياء التراثية بصناعة حديثة بنفس الروح والمضمون |

|2. Competent body involved |

|This section should provide the name and contact information of the competent body (agency, museum, institution, manager, etc.) with responsibility for the |

|programme, project or activity. |

|Name of the competent body: Ramtha Cultural Handicrafts Association |

|Name of a contact person: Sameerah Muhammed Alzahrawi |

|Postal address: Ramtha 522 |

|Country: Jordan Ramtha |

|Website: There is no website. |

|Tel: 00962777057996 / 00962796356956 / 0096278703649 |

|Fax: 00962273823001 |

|E-mail: AHD_R82@ |

|3. Geographical scope |

|This section should identify the locations in which the programme, project or activity is carried out. Please indicate whether it is primarily local, |

|national, sub-regional or international in scope and specify the location (name of city(es), district(s), country(ies)). |

| local |

|national |

|sub-regional |

|international |

|Please specify: Exhibitions, modelling and bazaars for the local community and in the neighbouring countries and participations in all local festivals and |

|some international festivals. |

|4. Domain(s) represented by the programme, project or activity |

|Identify the domain(s) of intangible cultural heritage included within the programme, project or activity, which might include one or more of the domains |

|identified in Article 2.2 of the Convention. |

|oral traditions and expressions |

|performing arts |

|social practices, rituals and festive events |

|knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe |

|traditional craftsmanship |

|Other domains - please specify: Manufacturing the modern customs following olds traditional designs and presenting and disseminating them to the local, |

|regional and international society to follow up the modern styles using the old traditional type. |

|5. Community, group or, if applicable, individuals concerned |

|Identify clearly the community(ies), group(s) or, if applicable, individuals concerned with the programme, project or activity. |

| The project is connected with all individuals of the society to get any piece of information or heritage and after working on manufacturing the modern |

|designs with the same type, they are promoted and disseminated through the local society, its individuals, the relevant institutions, the Ministry of Culture|

|and the Ministry of Tourism. |

|Associations, groups and local community institutions that are interested in this field. |

|Managing festivals, modelling centres and clothes factories. |

|6. Description of the programme, project or activity |

|Please provide a succinct description of the programme, project or activity and its main elements. If it is completed or in-progress, please describe what |

|actually happened or is underway. If it is only planned, describe what is intended and can reasonably be expected to happen within its scope. |

|More specifically, you may wish to : |

|describe the situation that led to the creation of the programme, project or activity—what safeguarding needs were identified and by whom, and how priorities|

|and objectives were identified and established; |

|describe the specific safeguarding measures the programme, project or activity includes and why they were selected. You may also wish to underline any |

|innovative methods or modalities involved, if any; |

|in case of commercial/touristic activities related to intangible cultural heritage, address to what extent it contributes to its safeguarding, being aware |

|that commercial and/or touristic activities may also, under specific circumstances, threaten the viability of intangible cultural heritage. |

|If already completed, please show how the programme, project or activity has demonstrated effectiveness in contributing to the viability of the intangible |

|cultural heritage concerned. If it is still underway or planned, show how it can reasonably be expected to contribute substantially to the viability of the |

|intangible cultural heritage concerned. Please explain how the results of the programme, project or activity have been or will be assessed. |

|The project started in 1/7/2009 in cooperation with the local community institutions that worked on collecting the traditional customs and manufacturing new |

|dresses following the old traditional type through the local community women to revitalize the old heritage to the new generations who do not have an idea |

|about this heritage. There is cooperation with the local community institutions and individuals to provide material and logistic support and the required |

|human cadres such as female trainers, workers, models and volunteers. There is also cooperation with schools in Ramtha to present the products by the female |

|students. There is lack of material support, logistic support and media support that hinder this project which was successful and appreciated by the new |

|generations. |

|7. Community participation and consent |

|Please describe how the community, group or, if applicable, individuals concerned have participated (or will participate) in the programme, project or |

|activity at all stages of planning and implementation and how they have consented to it. |

| The project was highly appreciated and admired by the local community and has helped to get the licence and approvals and female volunteers were involved |

|in this project whether they were ladies or school and university students. There was work to provide all available support such as halls and rooms to |

|manufacture and collect the traditional customs and holding bazaars and exhibitions to disseminate this new product in the local and international society. |

| |

|- Data sheet 1- |

|Governmental and nongovernmental bodies |

|specialized in the field of intangible cultural heritage |

|This data sheet, preferably filled in electronically[53], is aimed at extensive data-gathering within the framework of the assessments on national capacities|

|for implementing the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage (please refer to the background document to guide national |

|assessments[54]). It will provide comprehensive information on any institutions/organizations active in the field of intangible cultural heritage as referred|

|to in the assessment guidelines. |

|1. Name |

|Please provide the full official name of the institution/organization, in its original language as well as in French and/or English. |

|The Society for the Development & Rehabilitation of the Rural Woman. |

|جمعية تنمية وتأهيل المرأة الريفية الأردنية |

|2. Address |

|Please provide the complete postal address of the institution/organization, as well as additional contact information such as its telephone or fax numbers, |

|e-mail address, website, etc. |

|Postal address: PO. Box : 5125 Amman -Jordan |

|Country: Amman - Jordan |

|Website: .jo |

|Tel: 06-5537298/ 5532948 - 0796009393 |

|Fax: 5532948-5537248 |

|E-mail: seeta@.jo |

|info@.jo |

|3. Status |

|Specify whether the institution/organization is a governmental entity (ministry, university, museum, etc.) or a non-governmental entity (such as |

|associations, organizations, community centres, grassroots associations, clubs, guilds, steering committees, etc.) and indicate its recognized legal |

|personality. |

| governmental, please specify:       |

|non-governmental, please specify: Society |

|4. Date of its founding or approximate duration of its existence |

|Please state when the institution/organization came into existence. |

|In 1990 |

|5. Geographical scope |

|Please identify the geographical scope where the institution/organization actively operates. Please indicate whether it is primarily local, national, |

|sub-regional or international in scope and specify the location (name of city(es), district(s), country(ies)). |

| local |

|national |

|regional |

|international |

|Please specify: |

|The Society organized fashion shows of cultural Thoab and uniform at China, Canada, Switzerland , the Arabian Gulf States, Italy and Europe. |

|6. Activities in the field of safeguarding intangible cultural heritage |

|6.a. Domain(s) in which the institution/organization is active |

|Please check one or more boxes to indicate the primary domains in which the institution/organization is most active. If its activities involve domains other |

|than those listed, please check “other domains” and indicate which domains are concerned. |

| oral traditions and expressions |

|performing arts |

|social practices, rituals and festive events |

|knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe |

|traditional craftsmanship |

|other domains - please specify: |

| |

|The Society make changes on the traditional Thoab and updates them with new fashion styles. |

| |

|and handmade crafts are decorated and sold in a modernized fashion and style. |

|6.b. Primary safeguarding activities in which the institution/organization is involved |

|Please check one or more boxes to indicate the institution/organization’s primary safeguarding activities. If its activities involve safeguarding measures |

|not listed here, please check ‘other safeguarding measures’ and specify which ones are concerned. |

| identification, documentation, research (including inventory-making) |

|preservation, protection |

|promotion, enhancement |

|transmission, formal or non-formal education |

|revitalization |

|other safeguarding measures - please specify: |

|The Society carries out different activities at schools and holds festivals. |

|6.c. Description of the institution/organization’s activities |

|Briefly describe the recent activities and relevant experience in safeguarding intangible cultural heritage. Please provide information on the personnel and |

|membership of the institution/organization, describe its competence and expertise in the domain of intangible cultural heritage and explain how its personnel|

|or members acquired such competence. |

|Each employee is fully aware of the history of each Thoab , and knows the related poems to its style and decoration. |

|7. Experiences in cooperating with communities, groups and intangible cultural heritage practitioners |

|Briefly describe any experiences of the institution/organization in cooperating in a spirit of mutual respect with communities, groups and, where |

|appropriate, individuals that create, maintain and transmit intangible cultural heritage. |

|At hotels, embassies, women’s Day from the Nabateans, Petra and the Black Iris. |

|- Data sheet 2 - |

|Programmes, projects and activities in the field of intangible cultural heritage |

|This data sheet, preferably filled in electronically[55], is aimed at extensive data-gathering within the framework of the assessments on national capacities|

|for implementing the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage (please refer to the background document to guide national |

|assessments[56]). It will provide comprehensive information on any programmes, projects and activities related to intangible cultural heritage, in particular|

|to its safeguarding, as referred to in the assessment guidelines. |

|1. Name of the programme, project or activity |

|Please provide the full name in its original language as well as in French and/or English. |

|1. Jordan, History and Culture Over Centuries.الأردن: تاريخ وثقافة عبر قرون |

|2. A Show was organized in Germany- Berlin in 1969 . معرض تم تنظيمه في ألمانيا/ برلين عام 1969 |

|2. Competent body involved |

|This section should provide the name and contact information of the competent body (agency, museum, institution, manager, etc.) with responsibility for the |

|programme, project or activity. |

|Name of the competent body: The Society for the Development & Rehabilitation of the Rural Woman/ the Jordanian Canadian College of the Board Branch. |

|Name of a contact person: Seeta Al Hanity Al Hadeed. |

|Postal address: PO.Box : 5125 Amman , Jordan |

|Country: Amman. Jordan |

|Website: .jo |

|Tel: 079-6009393 , 06-5530132 |

|Fax: 06-5532948 |

|E-mail: info@.jo |

|seeta@.jo |

|3. Geographical scope |

|This section should identify the locations in which the programme, project or activity is carried out. Please indicate whether it is primarily local, |

|national, sub-regional or international in scope and specify the location (name of city(es), district(s), country(ies)). |

| local |

|national |

|sub-regional |

|international |

|Please specify:       |

|4. Domain(s) represented by the programme, project or activity |

|Identify the domain(s) of intangible cultural heritage included within the programme, project or activity, which might include one or more of the domains |

|identified in Article 2.2 of the Convention. |

| oral traditions and expressions |

|performing arts |

|social practices, rituals and festive events |

|knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe |

|traditional craftsmanship |

|other domains - please specify:       |

|5. Community, group or, if applicable, individuals concerned |

|Identify clearly the community(ies), group(s) or, if applicable, individuals concerned with the programme, project or activity. |

|USAID, organizing workshops- providing machines and new supplies to improve ladies’ work . |

|6. Description of the programme, project or activity |

|Please provide a succinct description of the programme, project or activity and its main elements. If it is completed or in-progress, please describe what |

|actually happened or is underway. If it is only planned, describe what is intended and can reasonably be expected to happen within its scope. |

|More specifically, you may wish to : |

|describe the situation that led to the creation of the programme, project or activity—what safeguarding needs were identified and by whom, and how priorities|

|and objectives were identified and established; |

|describe the specific safeguarding measures the programme, project or activity includes and why they were selected. You may also wish to underline any |

|innovative methods or modalities involved, if any; |

|in case of commercial/touristic activities related to intangible cultural heritage, address to what extent it contributes to its safeguarding, being aware |

|that commercial and/or touristic activities may also, under specific circumstances, threaten the viability of intangible cultural heritage. |

|If already completed, please show how the programme, project or activity has demonstrated effectiveness in contributing to the viability of the intangible |

|cultural heritage concerned. If it is still underway or planned, show how it can reasonably be expected to contribute substantially to the viability of the |

|intangible cultural heritage concerned. Please explain how the results of the programme, project or activity have been or will be assessed. |

|It aims at developing and rehabilitating the rural woman in Jordan. |

|7. Community participation and consent |

|Please describe how the community, group or, if applicable, individuals concerned have participated (or will participate) in the programme, project or |

|activity at all stages of planning and implementation and how they have consented to it. |

|      |

|- Data sheet 1- |

|Governmental and nongovernmental bodies |

|specialized in the field of intangible cultural heritage |

|This data sheet, preferably filled in electronically[57], is aimed at extensive data-gathering within the framework of the assessments on national capacities|

|for implementing the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage (please refer to the background document to guide national |

|assessments[58]). It will provide comprehensive information on any institutions/organizations active in the field of intangible cultural heritage as referred|

|to in the assessment guidelines. |

|1. Name |

|Please provide the full official name of the institution/organization, in its original language as well as in French and/or English. |

|USAID/Jordan Tourism Development Project II (Siyaha) |

|مشروع تطوير السياحة في الأردن (٢) |

|ممول من الوكالة الأمريكية للتنمية الدولية |

|2. Address |

|Please provide the complete postal address of the institution/organization, as well as additional contact information such as its telephone or fax numbers, |

|e-mail address, website, etc. |

|Postal address: P.O. Box 941407 Amman, 11194 |

|Country: Jordan |

|Website: |

|Tel: 962-6-5200555 |

|Fax: 962-6-5200556 |

|E-mail: ctaminian@ |

|3. Status |

|Specify whether the institution/organization is a governmental entity (ministry, university, museum, etc.) or a non-governmental entity (such as |

|associations, organizations, community centres, grassroots associations, clubs, guilds, steering committees, etc.) and indicate its recognized legal |

|personality. |

| governmental, please specify:       |

|X non-governmental, please specify: USAID Funded Project |

|4. Date of its founding or approximate duration of its existence |

|Please state when the institution/organization came into existence. |

|August 2005 |

|5. Geographical scope |

|Please identify the geographical scope where the institution/organization actively operates. Please indicate whether it is primarily local, national, |

|sub-regional or international in scope and specify the location (name of city(es), district(s), country(ies)). |

| local |

|X national |

|regional |

|international |

|Please specify: |

|Jordan |

|6. Activities in the field of safeguarding intangible cultural heritage |

|6.a. Domain(s) in which the institution/organization is active |

|Please check one or more boxes to indicate the primary domains in which the institution/organization is most active. If its activities involve domains other |

|than those listed, please check “other domains” and indicate which domains are concerned. |

| oral traditions and expressions |

|performing arts |

|X social practices, rituals and festive events |

|X knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe |

|X traditional craftsmanship |

|X other domains - please specify: Development and presentation of archaeological sites, museums, cultural heritage institutions, and world heritage sites. |

| |

|6.b. Primary safeguarding activities in which the institution/organization is involved |

|Please check one or more boxes to indicate the institution/organization’s primary safeguarding activities. If its activities involve safeguarding measures |

|not listed here, please check ‘other safeguarding measures’ and specify which ones are concerned. |

| identification, documentation, research (including inventory-making) |

|preservation, protection |

|X promotion, enhancement |

|transmission, formal or non-formal education |

|revitalization |

|X other safeguarding measures - please specify: Interpretation of sites (interpretive programs in archaeological and cultural heritage sites). |

|6.c. Description of the institution/organization’s activities |

|Briefly describe the recent activities and relevant experience in safeguarding intangible cultural heritage. Please provide information on the personnel and |

|membership of the institution/organization, describe its competence and expertise in the domain of intangible cultural heritage and explain how its personnel|

|or members acquired such competence. |

|The USAID/Jordan Tourism Development Project II is a $28 million, five-year project (2008-2013) that is working to improve Jordan’s competitiveness as an |

|international tourism destination. The project works in partnership with the Ministry of Tourism & Antiquities on such initiatives as developing a new |

|national hotel classification system, improving tourism research and destination marketing, enhancing ecotourism, developing better handicrafts and upgrading|

|vocational training in tourism. The USAID/Jordan Tourism Development Project II is supporting the ministry in developing tourist sites by upgrading |

|archaeological site management, interpretation and investment promotion at key sites, especially Petra and the Amman Citadel. |

| |

|The project builds on the work of the first USAID/Jordan Tourism Development Project (2005-2008), which supported tourism development in Madaba, Wadi Rum and|

|Amman, and is expanding into new technical and geographical areas. |

| |

|To achieve its goals, the project is focusing on nine main initiatives: |

| |

|1. Strengthening legal and institutional capacities |

|2. Enhancing visitor experiences |

|3. Destination and product marketing |

|4. Human resources development |

|5. Quality assurance and enhancement |

|6. Handicraft sector development |

|7. Industry development |

|8. Tourism awareness |

|9. Gender and environment |

|7. Experiences in cooperating with communities, groups and intangible cultural heritage practitioners |

|Briefly describe any experiences of the institution/organization in cooperating in a spirit of mutual respect with communities, groups and, where |

|appropriate, individuals that create, maintain and transmit intangible cultural heritage. |

|USAID/JTD is engaged with the Heritage Company for Embroidery which strives to house Mrs. Wedad Kawar’s private collection of 2000 traditional costumes, |

|weavings, utensils, furnishings, jewelry and amulets in a museum. The museum will allow public access to the collection and preserve and promote the rich art|

|and cultural heritage of the region. |

|USAID/JTD is collaborating with local community members and other local groups and institutions to nominate Wadi Rum as one of the world heritage sites under|

|the UNESCO world heritage convention. This argument is based on both natural and cultural values of Wadi Rum as an iconic desert sandstone land form and a |

|world class site for rock art and Thamudic inscriptions. The final nomination dossier was submitted by the end of January, 2010 and JTD is currently awaiting|

|UNESCO’s inspection process to commence. |

| |

|- Data sheet 2 - |

|Programmes, projects and activities in the field of intangible cultural heritage |

|This data sheet, preferably filled in electronically[59], is aimed at extensive data-gathering within the framework of the assessments on national capacities|

|for implementing the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage (please refer to the background document to guide national |

|assessments[60]). It will provide comprehensive information on any programmes, projects and activities related to intangible cultural heritage, in particular|

|to its safeguarding, as referred to in the assessment guidelines. |

|1. Name of the programme, project or activity |

|Please provide the full name in its original language as well as in French and/or English. |

|Heritage Company for Embroidery |

|شركة التراث للتطريز |

|2. Competent body involved |

|This section should provide the name and contact information of the competent body (agency, museum, institution, manager, etc.) with responsibility for the |

|programme, project or activity. |

|Name of the competent body: Heritage Company for Embroidery |

|Name of a contact person: Mrs. Widad Kawar |

|Postal address: P.O. Box 222 Amman, 11118 |

|Country: Jordan |

|Website: |

|Tel: +962-6-5677644 |

|Fax: +962-6-5698907 |

|E-mail: kamelak@.jo |

|3. Geographical scope |

|This section should identify the locations in which the programme, project or activity is carried out. Please indicate whether it is primarily local, |

|national, sub-regional or international in scope and specify the location (name of city(es), district(s), country(ies)). |

| local |

|X national |

|sub-regional |

|international |

|Please specify: Jordan |

|4. Domain(s) represented by the programme, project or activity |

|Identify the domain(s) of intangible cultural heritage included within the programme, project or activity, which might include one or more of the domains |

|identified in Article 2.2 of the Convention. |

|X oral traditions and expressions |

|performing arts |

|X social practices, rituals and festive events |

|knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe |

|X traditional craftsmanship |

|other domains - please specify:       |

|5. Community, group or, if applicable, individuals concerned |

|Identify clearly the community(ies), group(s) or, if applicable, individuals concerned with the programme, project or activity. |

|Private collector (Mrs. Widad Kawar) |

|6. Description of the programme, project or activity |

|Please provide a succinct description of the programme, project or activity and its main elements. If it is completed or in-progress, please describe what |

|actually happened or is underway. If it is only planned, describe what is intended and can reasonably be expected to happen within its scope. |

|More specifically, you may wish to : |

|describe the situation that led to the creation of the programme, project or activity—what safeguarding needs were identified and by whom, and how priorities|

|and objectives were identified and established; |

|describe the specific safeguarding measures the programme, project or activity includes and why they were selected. You may also wish to underline any |

|innovative methods or modalities involved, if any; |

|in case of commercial/touristic activities related to intangible cultural heritage, address to what extent it contributes to its safeguarding, being aware |

|that commercial and/or touristic activities may also, under specific circumstances, threaten the viability of intangible cultural heritage. |

|If already completed, please show how the programme, project or activity has demonstrated effectiveness in contributing to the viability of the intangible |

|cultural heritage concerned. If it is still underway or planned, show how it can reasonably be expected to contribute substantially to the viability of the |

|intangible cultural heritage concerned. Please explain how the results of the programme, project or activity have been or will be assessed. |

|The Wedad Kawar private collection is the most complete of Palestinian, Jordanian and other Arab costumes from the 19th and 20th centuries. Over a period of |

|50 years the collection has grown to contain more than 2000 costumes, weavings, utensils, furnishings, jewelry and amulets. It also includes a collection of |

|old books and photographs. The Heritage Company for Embroidery strives to house Mrs. Wedad Kawar’s private collection in a museum. The museum will allow |

|public access to the collection and preserve and promote the rich art and cultural heritage of the region. The Kawar family (owners of the company) purchased|

|and renovated a 550 m² building which will serve as the museum facility. This building is located in the heart of Amman. |

|Wedad Kawar started collecting out of a passion to preserve a disappearing rich textile and embroidery heritage. For her, this was a personal endeavour |

|towards preserving a major aspect of Arab history for the present and future generations. |

| |

|This private collection is currently housed in the family home; therefore, access to the wider public has been limited and the collection has not received |

|any professional care in textile preservation so far. |

|USAID/JTDII is currently funding the development of this museum through supporting exhibition design, facility and operations planning by a foreign design |

|firm; and participating in fundraising activities to secure funds for the implementation of the construction work based on the conceptual and detailed |

|designs. The museum will become a pioneer project in Jordan in terms of content and in terms of providing the visitors with a unique museum experience based |

|on international standards and practices. |

|Most important, the museum will capture the intangible cultural heritage of Jordan, Palestine, and other Arab countries, institutionalize a private |

|collection and allow public access to it, provide archival material and resources on Arab heritage, provide a living example of public engagement in |

|preserving Arab heritage, celebrate women’s roles in society, preserve the collection from deterioration, and provide a unique visitor experience. |

|7. Community participation and consent |

|Please describe how the community, group or, if applicable, individuals concerned have participated (or will participate) in the programme, project or |

|activity at all stages of planning and implementation and how they have consented to it. |

|This private collection is currently housed in the family home; therefore, access to the wider public has been limited and the collection has not received |

|any professional care in textile preservation so far. |

|- Data sheet 1- |

|Governmental and nongovernmental bodies |

|specialized in the field of intangible cultural heritage |

|This data sheet, preferably filled in electronically[61], is aimed at extensive data-gathering within the framework of the assessments on national capacities|

|for implementing the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage (please refer to the background document to guide national |

|assessments[62]). It will provide comprehensive information on any institutions/organizations active in the field of intangible cultural heritage as referred|

|to in the assessment guidelines. |

|1. Name |

|Please provide the full official name of the institution/organization, in its original language as well as in French and/or English. |

|Roman Army and Chariot Experience, RACE, organized by the Jerash Heritage Co.Ltd. |

|2. Address |

|Please provide the complete postal address of the institution/organization, as well as additional contact information such as its telephone or fax numbers, |

|e-mail address, website, etc. |

|Postal address: P.O.Box 1074, Jerash 26111 |

|Country: Jordan |

|Website: |

|Tel: +962 79 5599822 to the Chairman Stellan Lind, office +962 2 634 2471 |

|Fax: +962 2 6342481 |

|E-mail: stellan@cyberia.jo |

|3. Status |

|Specify whether the institution/organization is a governmental entity (ministry, university, museum, etc.) or a non-governmental entity (such as |

|associations, organizations, community centres, grassroots associations, clubs, guilds, steering committees, etc.) and indicate its recognized legal |

|personality. |

| governmental, please specify:       |

|X non-governmental, please specify: Private company in cooperation with NGO Jordan Living History Association. |

|4. Date of its founding or approximate duration of its existence |

|Please state when the institution/organization came into existence. |

|In 2004, performances started in 2005 |

|5. Geographical scope |

|Please identify the geographical scope where the institution/organization actively operates. Please indicate whether it is primarily local, national, |

|sub-regional or international in scope and specify the location (name of city(es), district(s), country(ies)). |

| local |

|X national |

|regional |

|international |

|Please specify: |

|      |

|6. Activities in the field of safeguarding intangible cultural heritage |

|6.a. Domain(s) in which the institution/organization is active |

|Please check one or more boxes to indicate the primary domains in which the institution/organization is most active. If its activities involve domains other |

|than those listed, please check “other domains” and indicate which domains are concerned. |

| oral traditions and expressions |

|X performing arts |

|X social practices, rituals and festive events |

|knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe |

|traditional craftsmanship |

|X other domains - please specify: Roman re-enactment performances |

|6.b. Primary safeguarding activities in which the institution/organization is involved |

|Please check one or more boxes to indicate the institution/organization’s primary safeguarding activities. If its activities involve safeguarding measures |

|not listed here, please check ‘other safeguarding measures’ and specify which ones are concerned. |

| identification, documentation, research (including inventory-making) |

|preservation, protection |

|promotion, enhancement |

|transmission, formal or non-formal education |

|revitalization |

|other safeguarding measures - please specify:       |

|6.c. Description of the institution/organization’s activities |

|Briefly describe the recent activities and relevant experience in safeguarding intangible cultural heritage. Please provide information on the personnel and |

|membership of the institution/organization, describe its competence and expertise in the domain of intangible cultural heritage and explain how its personnel|

|or members acquired such competence. |

|The unique Graeco Roman historical site in Jerash, the biggest and best preserved Roman provincial city in the world needed to come alive. In cooperation |

|with the Jordan Ministry of Tourism and Jordan Tourism Board we started daily performances of Roman legionaries, gladiators and racing chariots in the |

|hippodrome in 2005. The performances are unique in the world and have drawn attention from world media and film companies making documentaries about the |

|Roman heritage in the Middle East. More details are to be found on the website and by googeling on “jerash chariots”. YouTube under the same name is also a |

|good source. |

|7. Experiences in cooperating with communities, groups and intangible cultural heritage practitioners |

|Briefly describe any experiences of the institution/organization in cooperating in a spirit of mutual respect with communities, groups and, where |

|appropriate, individuals that create, maintain and transmit intangible cultural heritage. |

|RACE has for six years cooperated with government institutions such as the Jordan Department of Antiquities, Jordan Tourism Board, and with NGOs such as |

|Jordan Living History Association and SIYAHA. Add to that University of Exeter, England, on research on chariots racing and of course the local community in |

|that some 65 people are employed in the operation, making it the biggest employer all categories in the Jerash Governate. |

|- Data sheet 2 - |

|Programmes, projects and activities in the field of intangible cultural heritage |

|This data sheet, preferably filled in electronically[63], is aimed at extensive data-gathering within the framework of the assessments on national capacities|

|for implementing the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage (please refer to the background document to guide national |

|assessments[64]). It will provide comprehensive information on any programmes, projects and activities related to intangible cultural heritage, in particular|

|to its safeguarding, as referred to in the assessment guidelines. |

|1. Name of the programme, project or activity |

|Please provide the full name in its original language as well as in French and/or English. |

|Roman Army and Chariot Experience, RACE - organized by the Jerash Heritage Co.Ltd. |

|2. Competent body involved |

|This section should provide the name and contact information of the competent body (agency, museum, institution, manager, etc.) with responsibility for the |

|programme, project or activity. |

|Name of the competent body: Jerash Heriateg Co.Ltd |

|Name of a contact person: Mr.Stellan Lind, Founder and Chairman |

|Postal address: P.O.Box 1074, Jerash 26111 |

|Country: Jordan |

|Website: |

|Tel: +962 79 5599 822 to Stellan Lind |

|Fax: +962 2 634 2481 |

|E-mail: Stellan@cyberia.jo |

|3. Geographical scope |

|This section should identify the locations in which the programme, project or activity is carried out. Please indicate whether it is primarily local, |

|national, sub-regional or international in scope and specify the location (name of city(es), district(s), country(ies)). |

| local |

|national |

|sub-regional |

|international |

|Please specify:       |

|4. Domain(s) represented by the programme, project or activity |

|Identify the domain(s) of intangible cultural heritage included within the programme, project or activity, which might include one or more of the domains |

|identified in Article 2.2 of the Convention. |

| oral traditions and expressions |

|performing arts |

|social practices, rituals and festive events |

|knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe |

|traditional craftsmanship |

|other domains - please specify:       |

|5. Community, group or, if applicable, individuals concerned |

|Identify clearly the community(ies), group(s) or, if applicable, individuals concerned with the programme, project or activity. |

|The Jerash community in that some 65 people are employed and engaged in the daily historical performances |

|6. Description of the programme, project or activity |

|Please provide a succinct description of the programme, project or activity and its main elements. If it is completed or in-progress, please describe what |

|actually happened or is underway. If it is only planned, describe what is intended and can reasonably be expected to happen within its scope. |

|More specifically, you may wish to : |

|describe the situation that led to the creation of the programme, project or activity—what safeguarding needs were identified and by whom, and how priorities|

|and objectives were identified and established; |

|describe the specific safeguarding measures the programme, project or activity includes and why they were selected. You may also wish to underline any |

|innovative methods or modalities involved, if any; |

|in case of commercial/touristic activities related to intangible cultural heritage, address to what extent it contributes to its safeguarding, being aware |

|that commercial and/or touristic activities may also, under specific circumstances, threaten the viability of intangible cultural heritage. |

|If already completed, please show how the programme, project or activity has demonstrated effectiveness in contributing to the viability of the intangible |

|cultural heritage concerned. If it is still underway or planned, show how it can reasonably be expected to contribute substantially to the viability of the |

|intangible cultural heritage concerned. Please explain how the results of the programme, project or activity have been or will be assessed. |

|The unique Graeco Roman historical site in Jerash, the biggest and best preserved Roman provincial city in the world needed to come alive. In cooperation |

|with the Jordan Ministry of Tourism and Jordan Tourism Board we started daily performances of Roman legionaries, gladiators and racing chariots in the |

|hippodrome in 2005. The performances are unique in the world and have drawn attention from world media and film companies making documentaries about the |

|Roman heritage in the Middle East. More details are to be found on the website and by googeling on “jerash chariots”. YouTube under the same name is also a |

|good source. |

|7. Community participation and consent |

|Please describe how the community, group or, if applicable, individuals concerned have participated (or will participate) in the programme, project or |

|activity at all stages of planning and implementation and how they have consented to it. |

|RACE has 65 employees from Jerash and is thereby the biggest employer in the region. All employees work actively to continuously develop and improve the |

|presentations. |

|- Data sheet 1- |

|Governmental and nongovernmental bodies |

|specialized in the field of intangible cultural heritage |

|This data sheet, preferably filled in electronically[65], is aimed at extensive data-gathering within the framework of the assessments on national capacities|

|for implementing the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage (please refer to the background document to guide national |

|assessments[66]). It will provide comprehensive information on any institutions/organizations active in the field of intangible cultural heritage as referred|

|to in the assessment guidelines. |

|1. Name |

|Please provide the full official name of the institution/organization, in its original language as well as in French and/or English. |

|The University of Jordan |

|الجامعة الأردنية |

|2. Address |

|Please provide the complete postal address of the institution/organization, as well as additional contact information such as its telephone or fax numbers, |

|e-mail address, website, etc. |

|Postal address: Amman - Queen Rania Street - Jubaiha |

|Country: Jordan |

|Website: |

|Tel: 00962-6-5355000 |

|Fax: 00962-6-5355511 |

|E-mail: Admin@ju.edu.jo |

|3. Status |

|Specify whether the institution/organization is a governmental entity (ministry, university, museum, etc.) or a non-governmental entity (such as |

|associations, organizations, community centres, grassroots associations, clubs, guilds, steering committees, etc.) and indicate its recognized legal |

|personality. |

|X governmental, please specify: University |

|non-governmental, please specify:       |

|4. Date of its founding or approximate duration of its existence |

|Please state when the institution/organization came into existence. |

|In 1962 |

|5. Geographical scope |

|Please identify the geographical scope where the institution/organization actively operates. Please indicate whether it is primarily local, national, |

|sub-regional or international in scope and specify the location (name of city(es), district(s), country(ies)). |

|X local |

|national |

|regional |

|international |

|Please specify: |

|6. Activities in the field of safeguarding intangible cultural heritage |

|Professors conduct researches and studies in the field of tangible and intangible heritage. Study of crafts and industries - knowledge - authentication. |

|6.a. Domain(s) in which the institution/organization is active |

|Please check one or more boxes to indicate the primary domains in which the institution/organization is most active. If its activities involve domains other |

|than those listed, please check “other domains” and indicate which domains are concerned. |

| oral traditions and expressions |

|X performing arts |

|social practices, rituals and festive events |

|knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe |

|traditional craftsmanship |

|other domains - please specify: The university professors conduct researches and studies in the field of tangible and intangible heritage. |

|6.b. Primary safeguarding activities in which the institution/organization is involved |

|Please check one or more boxes to indicate the institution/organization’s primary safeguarding activities. If its activities involve safeguarding measures |

|not listed here, please check ‘other safeguarding measures’ and specify which ones are concerned. |

|X identification, documentation, research (including inventory-making) |

|X preservation, protection |

|X promotion, enhancement |

|transmission, formal or non-formal education |

|X revitalization |

|other safeguarding measures - please specify:       |

|6.c. Description of the institution/organization’s activities |

|Briefly describe the recent activities and relevant experience in safeguarding intangible cultural heritage. Please provide information on the personnel and |

|membership of the institution/organization, describe its competence and expertise in the domain of intangible cultural heritage and explain how its personnel|

|or members acquired such competence. |

| Part of the activities at the University of Jordan: |

|Considering documents and manuscripts and others related to culture and heritage. |

|Oral performance arts. |

|Issue of a series of studies and books, for example: Research in Folklore Literature 2008 by Dr. Hani Alamad and issued by Greater Amman Municipality. |

|Documentation of Heritage. |

|7. Experiences in cooperating with communities, groups and intangible cultural heritage practitioners |

|Briefly describe any experiences of the institution/organization in cooperating in a spirit of mutual respect with communities, groups and, where |

|appropriate, individuals that create maintain and transmit intangible cultural heritage. |

|Considering old and new documents and manuscripts as the University of Jordan is considered a depository Center in the eastern part of the Arab world. |

|Researchers of the University made field visits to various areas of the kingdom including Eastern Badia, documenting the tangible and intangible heritage |

|within the research limits and the relationship with the respondents was good, consistent fruitful. |

|- Data sheet 1- |

|Governmental and nongovernmental bodies |

|specialized in the field of intangible cultural heritage |

|This data sheet, preferably filled in electronically[67], is aimed at extensive data-gathering within the framework of the assessments on national capacities|

|for implementing the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage (please refer to the background document to guide national |

|assessments[68]). It will provide comprehensive information on any institutions/organizations active in the field of intangible cultural heritage as referred|

|to in the assessment guidelines. |

|1. Name |

|AL-Hekmeh Welfare Society |

|جمعية الحكمة الخيرية |

|2. Address |

|Please provide the complete postal address of the institution/organization, as well as additional contact information such as its telephone or fax numbers, |

|e-mail address, website, etc. |

|Postal address: P. O. Box 2216, Postal Code 13110, Zarqa, Jordan . |

|Country: Jordan |

|Website: none. |

|Tel: +692-5-3852905. |

|Fax: none. |

|Email: alhekmehwelfaresociety@ |

|3. Status |

|Specify whether the institution/organization is a governmental entity (ministry, university, museum, etc.) or a non-governmental entity (such as |

|associations, organizations, community centres, grassroots associations, clubs, guilds, steering committees, etc.) and indicate its recognized legal |

|personality. |

| governmental, please specify:       |

|non-governmental, please specify: It is registered as a welfare society. |

|4. Date of its founding or approximate duration of its existence |

|Please state when the institution/organization came into existence. |

|In 1972 |

|5. Geographical scope |

|Please identify the geographical scope where the institution/organization actively operates. Please indicate whether it is primarily local, national, |

|sub-regional or international in scope and specify the location (name of city(es), district(s), country(ies)). |

| local |

|national |

|regional |

|international |

|Please specify:       |

|6. Activities in the field of safeguarding intangible cultural heritage |

|6.a. Domain(s) in which the institution/organization is active |

|Please check one or more boxes to indicate the primary domains in which the institution/organization is most active. If its activities involve domains other |

|than those listed, please check “other domains” and indicate which domains are concerned. |

| oral traditions and expressions |

|performing arts |

|social practices, rituals and festive events |

|knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe |

|traditional craftsmanship |

|other domains - please specify:       |

|6.b. Primary safeguarding activities in which the institution/organization is involved |

|Please check one or more boxes to indicate the institution/organization’s primary safeguarding activities. If its activities involve safeguarding measures |

|not listed here, please check ‘other safeguarding measures’ and specify which ones are concerned. |

| identification, documentation, research (including inventory-making) |

|preservation, protection |

|promotion, enhancement |

|transmission, formal or non-formal education |

|revitalization |

|other safeguarding measures - please specify:       |

|6.c. Description of the institution/organization’s activities |

|Briefly describe the recent activities and relevant experience in safeguarding intangible cultural heritage. Please provide information on the personnel and |

|membership of the institution/organization, describe its competence and expertise in the domain of intangible cultural heritage and explain how its personnel|

|or members acquired such competence. |

|Conducting training in computer skills, workshops in family health, mother and children health, awareness of the law of family protection, awareness of the |

|law of welfare societies, educational courses in rooting of social values and cultural heritage among the youth and seminars in prevention of smoking and |

|drugs risks. |

|Conducting festivals of national occasions, cultural heritage, etc. |

|Conducting cultural events with the partnership of the civil community institutions. |

|The society includes nine members forming the management board and about 350 members forming the general assembly. |

|The society has good experience in enhancing cultural heritage and looking forward to achieve and sustain quality assurance to implementing competitive and |

|productive activities. |

|7. Experiences in cooperating with communities, groups and intangible cultural heritage practitioners |

|Briefly describe any experiences of the institution/organization in cooperating in a spirit of mutual respect with communities, groups and, where |

|appropriate, individuals that create, maintain and transmit intangible cultural heritage. |

|There is a mutual and active cooperation in conducting cultural activities with interested bodies especially in the local community of Zarqa governorate. |

|- Data sheet 2 - |

|Programmes, projects and activities in the field of intangible cultural heritage |

|This data sheet, preferably filled in electronically[69], is aimed at extensive data-gathering within the framework of the assessments on national capacities|

|for implementing the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage (please refer to the background document to guide national |

|assessments[70]). It will provide comprehensive information on any programmes, projects and activities related to intangible cultural heritage, in particular|

|to its safeguarding, as referred to in the assessment guidelines. |

|1. Name of the programme, project or activity |

|Please provide the full name in its original language as well as in French and/or English. |

|Rooting of social values and cultural heritage among the youth |

|تجذير القيم الاجتماعية والتراث الثقافي لدى الشباب |

|2. Competent body involved |

|This section should provide the name and contact information of the competent body (agency, museum, institution, manager, etc.) with responsibility for the |

|programme, project or activity. |

|Postal address: P. O. Box 2216, Postal Code 13110, Zarqa, Jordan . |

|Country: Jordan |

|Website: none. |

|Tel: +692-5-3852905. |

|Fax: none. |

|Email: alhekmehwelfaresociety@ |

|3. Geographical scope |

|This section should identify the locations in which the programme, project or activity is carried out. Please indicate whether it is primarily local, |

|national, sub-regional or international in scope and specify the location (name of city(es), district(s), country(ies)). |

| local |

|national |

|regional |

|international |

|Please specify:       |

|4. Domain(s) represented by the programme, project or activity |

|Identify the domain(s) of intangible cultural heritage included within the programme, project or activity, which might include one or more of the domains |

|identified in Article 2.2 of the Convention. |

| oral traditions and expressions |

|performing arts |

|social practices, rituals and festive events |

|knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe |

|traditional craftsmanship |

|other domains - please specify:       |

|5. Community, group or, if applicable, individuals concerned |

|Identify clearly the community(ies), group(s) or, if applicable, individuals concerned with the programme, project or activity. |

|The members forming the general assembly of the society and the local community of Zarqa governorate. |

|6. Description of the programme, project or activity |

|Please provide a succinct description of the programme, project or activity and its main elements. If it is completed or in-progress, please describe what |

|actually happened or is underway. If it is only planned, describe what is intended and can reasonably be expected to happen within its scope. |

|More specifically, you may wish to : |

|describe the situation that led to the creation of the programme, project or activity—what safeguarding needs were identified and by whom, and how priorities|

|and objectives were identified and established; |

|describe the specific safeguarding measures the programme, project or activity includes and why they were selected. You may also wish to underline any |

|innovative methods or modalities involved, if any; |

|in case of commercial/touristic activities related to intangible cultural heritage, address to what extent it contributes to its safeguarding, being aware |

|that commercial and/or touristic activities may also, under specific circumstances, threaten the viability of intangible cultural heritage. |

|If already completed, please show how the programme, project or activity has demonstrated effectiveness in contributing to the viability of the intangible |

|cultural heritage concerned. If it is still underway or planned, show how it can reasonably be expected to contribute substantially to the viability of the |

|intangible cultural heritage concerned. Please explain how the results of the programme, project or activity have been or will be assessed. |

|This programme is needed to fill in the generation gap to allow the involvement of the youth in the cultural heritage events. |

|Employing certain techniques such as educational courses in order to promote rooting of social values and cultural heritage among the youth. |

|7. Community participation and consent |

|Please describe how the community, group or, if applicable, individuals concerned have participated (or will participate) in the programme, project or |

|activity at all stages of planning and implementation and how they have consented to it. |

|There is a mutual and active cooperation in conducting cultural activities with interested bodies especially in the local community of Zarqa governorate. |

|- Data sheet 1- |

|Governmental and nongovernmental bodies |

|specialized in the field of intangible cultural heritage |

|This data sheet, preferably filled in electronically[71], is aimed at extensive data-gathering within the framework of the assessments on national capacities|

|for implementing the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage (please refer to the background document to guide national |

|assessments[72]). It will provide comprehensive information on any institutions/organizations active in the field of intangible cultural heritage as referred|

|to in the assessment guidelines. |

|1. Name |

|Please provide the full official name of the institution/organization, in its original language as well as in French and/or English. |

|Jordanian Hashemite Fund For Human Development |

|الصندوق الأردني الهاشمي للتنمية البشرية |

|2. Address |

|Please provide the complete postal address of the institution/organization, as well as additional contact information such as its telephone or fax numbers, |

|e-mail address, website, etc. |

|Postal address: P.O.BOX 5118 Amman 11183 |

|Country: JORDAN |

|Website: .jo |

|Tel: 009625560741 |

|Fax: 009625515950 |

|E-mail: info@.jo |

|3. Status |

|Specify whether the institution/organization is a governmental entity (ministry, university, museum, etc.) or a non-governmental entity (such as |

|associations, organizations, community centres, grassroots associations, clubs, guilds, steering committees, etc.) and indicate its recognized legal |

|personality. |

| governmental, please specify:       |

|non-governmental, please specify: |

|NGO non-governmental organization |

|4. Date of its founding or approximate duration of its existence |

|Please state when the institution/organization came into existence. |

|JOHUD came into existence in 1977 |

|5. Geographical scope |

|Please identify the geographical scope where the institution/organization actively operates. Please indicate whether it is primarily local, national, |

|sub-regional or international in scope and specify the location (name of city(es), district(s), country(ies)). |

| local |

|national |

|regional |

|international |

|Please specify: |

|JOHUD is a national non-governmental organization with 52 community Development Centres located all around JORDAN |

|6. Activities in the field of safeguarding intangible cultural heritage |

|6.a. Domain(s) in which the institution/organization is active |

|Please check one or more boxes to indicate the primary domains in which the institution/organization is most active. If its activities involve domains other |

|than those listed, please check “other domains” and indicate which domains are concerned. |

| oral traditions and expressions |

|performing arts |

|social practices, rituals and festive events |

|knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe |

|traditional craftsmanship |

|other domains - please specify |

|JOHUD, the Jordanian Hashemite Fund for Human Development, is a leading non-profit, non-governmental organization, dedicated to promoting rights-based |

|sustainable human development in Jordan and the region. Active across Jordan through a network of 52 Community Development Centres, JOHUD helps people work |

|together to ensure equal access to resources and thus help them reach their potential and contribute to healthy and fulfilled lives. JOHUD works in |

|partnership with local communities, through extensive volunteer networks, local community based organisations and a large range of governmental, |

|international and non-governmental partners. |

|6.b. Primary safeguarding activities in which the institution/organization is involved |

|Please check one or more boxes to indicate the institution/organization’s primary safeguarding activities. If its activities involve safeguarding measures |

|not listed here, please check ‘other safeguarding measures’ and specify which ones are concerned. |

| identification, documentation, research (including inventory-making) |

|preservation, protection |

|promotion, enhancement |

|transmission, formal or non-formal education |

|revitalization |

|other safeguarding measures - please specify: |

|Identifying and supporting practitioners |

|Intergenerational transmission |

|Archive and documentation centre |

|Research program |

|The importance of oral and intangible heritage and its effect on development.. |

|Traditional handicraft industry as a mean of tourism development |

|Jordan roll to include oral and intangible heritage within Development and management plans adopted to preserve man made and/or natural heritage. |

|The importance and roll of a scholarly research program in preserving Jordanian Cultural heritage. |

|The roll of NGO's and cooperative societies in the making of regulations and laws for the preservation of oral and intangible heritage. |

|6.c. Description of the institution/organization’s activities |

|Briefly describe the recent activities and relevant experience in safeguarding intangible cultural heritage. Please provide information on the personnel and |

|membership of the institution/organization, describe its competence and expertise in the domain of intangible cultural heritage and explain how its personnel|

|or members acquired such competence. |

| |

|On 25 November 2005, UNESCO’s Director-General, Mr Koïchiro Matsuura, proclaimed the “The Cultural Space of the bedu in Petra and Wadi Rum” a Masterpiece of |

|the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity. The aim of the Proclamation is to encourage governments, NGOs and local communities to identify, preserve and |

|promote their intangible heritage. The Proclamation also encourages individuals, groups, institutions and organizations to make outstanding contributions to |

|managing, safeguarding and promoting the intangible cultural heritage. |

| |

|In line with this philosophy, community-based associations in the regions of Petra and Wadi Rum have entrusted the Jordan Hashemite Fund for Human |

|Development (JOHUD) – the largest NGO in Jordan with a national network of 50 community development centres (CDCs) - with preparing an action plan to |

|safeguard, promote and develop their cultural space in the core areas of Petra and Wadi Rum. This 24-month action plan focuses on the preservation and |

|intergenerational transmission of oral and intangible heritage, on the preservation and enhancement of women’s traditional weaving skills as a source of |

|economic development, and on activities related to camel husbandry and use, two “pillars of bedu culture”. |

| |

|The cultural space of the bedu in Petra and Wadi Rum comprises of the living relationship bedu communities maintain with the spaces they inhabit and |

|practice, and from which they derive resources as mobile pastoralists and –today more and more- as agriculturalists, as people engaged in tourism-related |

|activities. Natural and man-made elements determine and inspire specific social, spiritual and artistic expressions that become defining features of a |

|tribe’s identity. This identity, in turn, shapes the relationship bedu tribes from the Petra and Wadi Rum regions maintain with neighbouring communities of |

|settled agriculturalists higher up on the Jordanian plateau, and their role as mediators between foreign visitors and the place. |

| |

|Bedu’s oral and intangible cultural expressions are very rich and too broad to be encompassed in a single action plan. Therefore, it has been agreed with |

|local communities and other institutional partners that different safeguarding and development activities will be conducted as a series of projects |

|undertaken at the community level following the criteria set forth in the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage that Jordan has|

|ratified. |

| |

|This action plan proposes to focus on the following components: |

| |

|1/ Oral expressions. |

|Poetry; |

|Song, music and dance; |

|Story-telling (particularly place-related oral history and mythologies); |

|Place-naming. |

| |

|2/ Pillars of bedu culture: |

|Tent-making and weaving crafts; |

|Camel husbandry and use. |

|7. Experiences in cooperating with communities, groups and intangible cultural heritage practitioners |

|Briefly describe any experiences of the institution/organization in cooperating in a spirit of mutual respect with communities, groups and, where |

|appropriate, individuals that create, maintain and transmit intangible cultural heritage. |

|Jordanian Hashemite Fund for Human Development (JOHUD) – the largest NGO in Jordan As the only network of its kind in the country, the fifty-two Community |

|Development Centres (CDC’s) network, established by JOHUD across Jordan, works in close partnership with community based organisations, societies and |

|councils, especially in underprivileged rural and remote areas. Through its CDC’s, JOHUD implements its model of integrated development activities ranging |

|from youth participation, women’s advocacy and rights, early childhood development, to economic empowerment and ICT for Development. Each CDC plans its |

|activities according to the socio-economic, needs and priorities of the local community. In this way, each CDC acts as a vibrant reference point for the |

|community it serves. Through its participatory approach to sustainable human development, the CDC network empowers local communities to become more |

|self-reliant economically, politically and socially and raises awareness for the importance of Intangible cultural heritage. |

|- Data sheet 2 - |

|Programmes, projects and activities in the field of intangible cultural heritage |

|This data sheet, preferably filled in electronically[73], is aimed at extensive data-gathering within the framework of the assessments on national capacities|

|for implementing the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage (please refer to the background document to guide national |

|assessments[74]). It will provide comprehensive information on any programmes, projects and activities related to intangible cultural heritage, in particular|

|to its safeguarding, as referred to in the assessment guidelines. |

|1. Name of the programme, project or activity |

|Please provide the full name in its original language as well as in French and/or English. |

|Action plan for the safeguarding, promotion and development of |

|“The cultural space of the bedu in the regions of Petra and Wadi Rum” |

|UNESCO masterpiece of the oral and intangible heritage of humanity |

|خطة عمل صون وتطوير "الحيز الثقافي لبدو البتراء ووادي رم" |

|2. Competent body involved |

|This section should provide the name and contact information of the competent body (agency, museum, institution, manager, etc.) with responsibility for the |

|programme, project or activity. |

|Name of the competent body:Jordanian Hashemite Fund For Human Development |

|Name of a contact person: Mohammad s.Aljazi |

|Postal address: pox 5118 |

|Country: Jordan |

|Website: .jo |

|Tel: 0096265825241 |

|Fax: 009625827350 |

|E-mail: info@.jo |

|3. Geographical scope |

|This section should identify the locations in which the programme, project or activity is carried out. Please indicate whether it is primarily local, |

|national, sub-regional or international in scope and specify the location (name of city(es), district(s), country(ies)). |

| local |

|national |

|sub-regional |

|international |

|Please specify: the regions of Petra and Wadi Rum in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan |

|4. Domain(s) represented by the programme, project or activity |

|Identify the domain(s) of intangible cultural heritage included within the programme, project or activity, which might include one or more of the domains |

|identified in Article 2.2 of the Convention. |

| oral traditions and expressions |

|performing arts |

|social practices, rituals and festive events |

|knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe |

|traditional craftsmanship |

|other domains - please specify: Digital Heritage, Place naming, archiving and document center, scholarly research program Camel Husbandry and use |

|5. Community, group or, if applicable, individuals concerned |

|Identify clearly the community(ies), group(s) or, if applicable, individuals concerned with the programme, project or activity. |

|Community-based associations: The Ammarin Cooperative Society, The Wadi Rum Cooperative Society, The Diseh Youth Club, The Burdah Women Cooperative Society, |

|The Bdul Cooperative Society |

|6. Description of the programme, project or activity |

|Please provide a succinct description of the programme, project or activity and its main elements. If it is completed or in-progress, please describe what |

|actually happened or is underway. If it is only planned, describe what is intended and can reasonably be expected to happen within its scope. |

|More specifically, you may wish to : |

|describe the situation that led to the creation of the programme, project or activity—what safeguarding needs were identified and by whom, and how priorities|

|and objectives were identified and established; |

|describe the specific safeguarding measures the programme, project or activity includes and why they were selected. You may also wish to underline any |

|innovative methods or modalities involved, if any; |

|in case of commercial/touristic activities related to intangible cultural heritage, address to what extent it contributes to its safeguarding, being aware |

|that commercial and/or touristic activities may also, under specific circumstances, threaten the viability of intangible cultural heritage. |

|If already completed, please show how the programme, project or activity has demonstrated effectiveness in contributing to the viability of the intangible |

|cultural heritage concerned. If it is still underway or planned, show how it can reasonably be expected to contribute substantially to the viability of the |

|intangible cultural heritage concerned. Please explain how the results of the programme, project or activity have been or will be assessed. |

|This action plan focused on the following components: |

| |

|1/ Oral expressions. |

|Poetry; |

|Song, music and dance; |

|Story-telling (particularly place-related oral history and mythologies); |

|Place-naming. |

| |

|2/ Pillars of bedu culture: |

|Tent-making and weaving crafts; |

|Camel husbandry and use. |

| |

|The set of actions comprise of two projects, each divided into components: |

| |

|- 1. Oral expressions |

|Component 1 – Identifying and supporting practitioners |

|Component 2 - Intergenerational transmission |

|Component 3 - Archive and documentation centre |

|Component 4 – Research program |

| |

|- 2. Pillars of bedu culture |

|Component 1 - Camel husbandry and use |

|Component 2 – Weaving |

|7. Community participation and consent |

|Please describe how the community, group or, if applicable, individuals concerned have participated (or will participate) in the programme, project or |

|activity at all stages of planning and implementation and how they have consented to it. |

|Festival of Bedu Cultural Heritage |

|The first Festival of Bedu Cultural Heritage was held in Disi on 13-14th Decembre 2007 as part of the project. It was organised by JOHUD in close cooperation|

|with the Disi Youth Club and involved several other local societies. Its objectives were to: |

|Provide a venue for the expression of intangible heritage (in particular oral poetry and 'samer' performances) |

|Promote camel-related practices |

|Support traditionnal handicraft such as weaving |

|Activities of the festival: |

|1/ Evening of bedu intangible cultural heritage in which 8 poets from Jordan and Saudi Arabia took part in a poetry contest. Popular songs accompanied by oud|

|were played, 5 groups took place in a samer contest, and a conference on bedu intangible heritage was given. |

|400 people attended the evening from the area, Aqaba and from among the foreigners that were visiting Jordan. |

|2/ Festival of handicraft and culture: |

|Showcasing the bedu traditional way of life: a bedu tent was errected and furnished with traditionnal items such as hand-woven rugs and camel gears. A local |

|lady was spinning and weaving while coffee was offered to guests. |

|A selection of traditionnal and modern handicraft made by local women societies was on sale: embroidery, jewelery, leather products, woven items, |

|local/traditionnal food products and herbs. |

|A show of camels fully equipped with their woven gear was performed. |

|1000 visitors attended the event. |

|3/ Camel race in which 50 contestants from Jordan and Saudi Arabia took place and 20 prizes were distributed. It was attended by 1000 people. |

|Outcomes: |

|The festivals was not designed primarily as tourists’ attractions but as a festive event that provided a time and place of encounter for the various bedu |

|communities of the south of Jordan, of cultural and educational intergenerational transmission, and of cross-cultural communication between bedu and other |

|visitors. The event thus contributes significantly to the aims and objectives of the UNESCO proclamation. |

|5 local societies cooperated |

|The was a large participation from members of Disi community and visitors from outside |

|Excellent attitude from the part of the local people and expectations for next festival |

|Oral expressions |

|Lists of experts were established for place naming, practitioners for dance, music, song, poetry and story telling, knowledge-bearers for camel husbandry and|

|weaving (see annexes). |

|A methodology was designed for training young people on interviewing and recording and for conducting a survey of place-names. |

|After an initiatial traning session (see below), two teams set out to conduct recorded interviews with knowledge-bearers on: |

|place names and associated stories and the changes that have occurred recently. Names were recorded on maps |

|traditionnal 'Nabatean' poetry |

|story telling |

|testimonies on various aspects of the tangible and intangible aspects of bedu culture such as the practices and signification of making and offering coffee, |

|the particulars of the bedu tent and associated practices, traditionnal rock climbing skills,etc. |

|local history. |

|Several hours of recording were conducted that have been partially transcribed and edited. More is ongoing in view of collating this material in a book. |

|Digital Heritage |

|Sessions of training in recording oral heritage were conducted with volunteers from local bedu tribes. Objectives were to equip a group of committed |

|hardworking volunteers from Disi/Rum and Wadi Mousa with certain skills that would enable them to orally document and preserve the history and culture of |

|their area and people. |

|Trainers were Dr. Sa'id Abu 'Athra/ JOHUD and Hiba Aloul/ PBYRC. |

|Session 1: |

|An introductory training on the following skills took place in Disi on 10-11 February 2007 and Wadi Musa on 4-5 march 2007: |

| |

|Writing, listening and note taking |

|Communication |

|Interviewing |

|Session 2: |

|Took place on May May 28-29 and May 30-31 in Al-Disi/ JOHUD's Community Development Center and Wadi Mousa/ Hussein Bin Talal University. |

|Sessions objectives: |

|1. The importance of Oral History: A brainstorming session where the participants shares their thoughts, ideas and opinions on why it is important to |

|preserve and promote our history and culture in the light of the new century and open media channels. |

|2. Interviewing skills: Basic practical interviewing skills; going through the stages of doing a successful interview; preparing and researching before the |

|interview, writing the interview questions, during the interview, and post interview follow-up. |

|3. Digital Recording: Getting to know the tool kit in hand, how to use it and how to handle it before, during, and after the interview. |

|4. Role playing: Participants got into pairs or groups of 3 and conducted interviews with each other using the digital recording devices; as means to |

|practice their interviewing skills as well as getting more familiar with the tool kits in hand. |

|5. Feedback: Share thoughts and comments on the experience of conducting interviews using the digital kits with the trainer and with the other groups; how it|

|felt, mistakes they made, difficulties faced… etc |

|6. Voice editing: Theory on audio formats and how to convert audio files from one format to the other using different computer softwares. How to download the|

|interviews to the computer, how to convert audio formats, how to edit the voice and the interview sound bites, and how to save the project in the final audio|

|format and organize it so they could archive it and easily access it. |

|7. Field interviews: Participants formed groups of 2 and 3, identified the person to be interviewed and the subject on which the interview would be, and |

|interviewed prominent figures from their communities using the digital recording devices. |

|8. Practice: After the interviews, participants got back to the workshop, and practiced downloading their interviews, editing them, saving and archiving them|

|several times, learning from their mistakes and the mistakes of their colleagues each time and doing it all in a better and more efficient way. |

|Archive and Documentation Center |

|Initial steps were taken locally to upgrading (Beidha) or create (Disi, Umm Sayhoun) community-based small-scale museums of living bedu presence to |

|preserve, enrich and transmit traditions. |

|Collectors of ancient and modern items from within bedu communities have been identified and several have agreed to lend these items for permanent or |

|temporary exhibitions. |

|Identification of existing audio-visual material is on-going by members of the local community in view of securing copies for the centers. |

|Recordings, transcripts and other material collected have been archived in the centers. |

|Camel Husbandry |

|The intergenerational transmission of knowledge and practices associated with camel husbandry and use were promoted on the occasion of the Disi festival that|

|celebrated the the camel and its role in bedu culture. It incorporated a wide variety of cultural forms (races, handicraft, song, camel-inspired poetry and |

|story telling) and activities (camel rides for adults and children, live demonstration of weaving camel gears, competitions between camel riders and breeders|

|to demonstrate obedience and the use of camels, and displays of skill from the badia police. |

|These races revived a tradition going back for generations, and attracted a wide range of bedu contestants and a huge audience – local, national, regional |

|and internationals. There is great potential to develop the event as a major tourist attraction while retaining the unique flavor of the cultural celebration|

|– owned and managed by local people. There are plans to repeat the races annually, and it is hoped that this initial investment in hard and soft |

|infrastructures for a parallel camel festival will ensure that this also is part of the camel racing calendar. |

|For the coming festival, additionnal activities are planned: |

|Multi-media display – telling the story of the life cycle of the camel and explaining the unique characteristics that enable it to survive in the desert |

|Display on the domestication of the camel and its role in the nomadic culture and in the trade history between Arabia and the Mediterrean |

|Exhibition of work from bedu schoolchildren – celebrating the camel in their lives– poems, stories, images, songs and music |

|Exhibition of camel-related photos from archive photos taken by early European travelers through to images by local photographers in the present day and |

|photo contest |

|Exhibition of livelihood opportunities derived from the camel – and in particular the recent revived interest in the health inducing properties of camel milk|

| |

|Fair trade market – with local producers selling direct to customers, with new products (eg camel bone carvings, camel-skin water containers etc) |

|Camel hair costumes – from kashmir-style soft woven products to coarse blankets |

|A forum for ideas and exchange of experience for a wide range of people interested in bedu culture and camel husbandry and use |

|It is anticipated that the preparation of the next festival will leave the static exhibition in the archive and documentation center in Disi after the |

|festival is over, to provide a permanent display concerning the role of the camel in bedu culture. |

|3 Weaving |

|Weaving is the activity in which less progress was achieved under the project. It proved not only difficult to identify the few remaining practionners, but |

|also to motivate younger women from the communities. So far, what has been achieved is: |

| |

|A list of collector of bedu weaving (local and national) |

| |

|A list of practionners |

| |

|Identification of traditionnal patterns and techniques |

| |

|A workshop held with Burdah Women Cooperative on the skills of weaving camel gears |

| |

|A small collection of traditionnal weaving items to be displayed in the Archive and Documentation centers in Disi and Beidha |

| |

| |

|- Data sheet 1- |

|Governmental and nongovernmental bodies |

|specialized in the field of intangible cultural heritage |

|This data sheet, preferably filled in electronically[75], is aimed at extensive data-gathering within the framework of the assessments on national capacities|

|for implementing the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage (please refer to the background document to guide national |

|assessments[76]). It will provide comprehensive information on any institutions/organizations active in the field of intangible cultural heritage as referred|

|to in the assessment guidelines. |

|1. Name |

|Please provide the full official name of the institution/organization, in its original language as well as in French and/or English. |

|The Hashemite University: Queen Rania Institute for Tourism and Heritage - Ministry of Culture. |

|الجامعة الهاشمية – معهد الملكة رانيا للسياحة والتراث |

|2. Address |

|Please provide the complete postal address of the institution/organization, as well as additional contact information such as its telephone or fax numbers, |

|e-mail address, website, etc. |

|Postal address: P.O Box 150459 Zarqa 13115 Jordan |

|Country: Jordan |

|Website: hu.edu.jo |

|Tel: +962 (5) 3903333 |

|Fax: 962 (5) 3826613 |

|E-mail: huniv@hu.edu.jo |

|3. Status |

|Specify whether the institution/organization is a governmental entity (ministry, university, museum, etc.) or a non-governmental entity (such as |

|associations, organizations, community centres, grassroots associations, clubs, guilds, steering committees, etc.) and indicate its recognized legal |

|personality. |

|X governmental, please specify: Institute in the university |

|non-governmental, please specify:       |

|4. Date of its founding or approximate duration of its existence |

|Please state when the institution/organization came into existence. |

|In 1992 |

|5. Geographical scope |

|Please identify the geographical scope where the institution/organization actively operates. Please indicate whether it is primarily local, national, |

|sub-regional or international in scope and specify the location (name of city(es), district(s), country(ies)). |

|X local |

|national |

|regional |

|international |

|Please specify: |

|      |

|6. Activities in the field of safeguarding intangible cultural heritage |

|6.a. Domain(s) in which the institution/organization is active |

|Please check one or more boxes to indicate the primary domains in which the institution/organization is most active. If its activities involve domains other |

|than those listed, please check “other domains” and indicate which domains are concerned. |

| oral traditions and expressions |

|performing arts |

|social practices, rituals and festive events |

|knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe |

|traditional craftsmanship |

|X other domains - please specify: Documentation of the folk tale in Zarqa Governorate 2010. |

|6.b. Primary safeguarding activities in which the institution/organization is involved |

|Please check one or more boxes to indicate the institution/organization’s primary safeguarding activities. If its activities involve safeguarding measures |

|not listed here, please check ‘other safeguarding measures’ and specify which ones are concerned. |

|X identification, documentation, research (including inventory-making) |

|preservation, protection |

|X promotion, enhancement |

|transmission, formal or non-formal education |

|X revitalization |

|other safeguarding measures - please specify:       |

|6.c. Description of the institution/organization’s activities |

|Briefly describe the recent activities and relevant experience in safeguarding intangible cultural heritage. Please provide information on the personnel and |

|membership of the institution/organization, describe its competence and expertise in the domain of intangible cultural heritage and explain how its personnel|

|or members acquired such competence. |

|Project for the documentation of the folk tale in Zarqa Governorate 2010. |

|It includes staff specialized in the field of architectural and environmental heritage, and how to deal with it develop and maintain it. |

|7. Experiences in cooperating with communities, groups and intangible cultural heritage practitioners |

|Briefly describe any experiences of the institution/organization in cooperating in a spirit of mutual respect with communities, groups and, where |

|appropriate, individuals that create maintain and transmit intangible cultural heritage. |

| The community participation in the workshops held in the institution and that is interested in local heritage and their contribution to the development of |

|plans to maintain and develop it. |

|- Data sheet 1- |

|Governmental and nongovernmental bodies |

|specialized in the field of intangible cultural heritage |

|This data sheet, preferably filled in electronically[77], is aimed at extensive data-gathering within the framework of the assessments on national capacities|

|for implementing the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage (please refer to the background document to guide national |

|assessments[78]). It will provide comprehensive information on any institutions/organizations active in the field of intangible cultural heritage as referred|

|to in the assessment guidelines. |

|1. Name |

|Please provide the full official name of the institution/organization, in its original language as well as in French and/or English. |

|Ahli Club of Jordan |

|النادي الأهلي الرياضي الثقافي، الاجتماعي |

|2. Address |

|Please provide the complete postal address of the institution/organization, as well as additional contact information such as its telephone or fax numbers, |

|e-mail address, website, etc. |

|Postal address: 141118 Bayader Wadi Al-Seer |

|Country: Jordan/ Amman |

|Website: ahliclub.jo |

|Tel: 5823126 |

|Fax: 5861411 |

|E-mail: Info@ahliclub.jo |

|3. Status |

|Specify whether the institution/organization is a governmental entity (ministry, university, museum, etc.) or a non-governmental entity (such as |

|associations, organizations, community centres, grassroots associations, clubs, guilds, steering committees, etc.) and indicate its recognized legal |

|personality. |

| governmental, please specify:       |

|non-governmental, please specify: Club |

|4. Date of its founding or approximate duration of its existence |

|Please state when the institution/organization came into existence. |

|31/5/1994 |

|5. Geographical scope |

|Please identify the geographical scope where the institution/organization actively operates. Please indicate whether it is primarily local, national, |

|sub-regional or international in scope and specify the location (name of city(es), district(s), country(ies)). |

| local |

|national |

|regional |

|international |

|Please specify: |

|      |

|6. Activities in the field of safeguarding intangible cultural heritage |

|6.a. Domain(s) in which the institution/organization is active |

|Please check one or more boxes to indicate the primary domains in which the institution/organization is most active. If its activities involve domains other |

|than those listed, please check “other domains” and indicate which domains are concerned. |

| oral traditions and expressions |

|performing arts |

|social practices, rituals and festive events |

|knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe |

|traditional craftsmanship |

|other domains - please specify: Sports – Cultural – Social |

|6.b. Primary safeguarding activities in which the institution/organization is involved |

|Please check one or more boxes to indicate the institution/organization’s primary safeguarding activities. If its activities involve safeguarding measures |

|not listed here, please check ‘other safeguarding measures’ and specify which ones are concerned. |

| identification, documentation, research (including inventory-making) |

|preservation, protection |

|promotion, enhancement |

|transmission, formal or non-formal education |

|revitalization |

|other safeguarding measures - please specify:       |

|6.c. Description of the institution/organization’s activities |

|Briefly describe the recent activities and relevant experience in safeguarding intangible cultural heritage. Please provide information on the personnel and |

|membership of the institution/organization, describe its competence and expertise in the domain of intangible cultural heritage and explain how its personnel|

|or members acquired such competence. |

|Participation in local festivals with Circassian Folklore Band. |

|Participation in festivals held by the UNESCO. |

|Participation in the celebration held in the Egyptian Opera House to enhance the cultural cooperation between the two countries. |

|7. Experiences in cooperating with communities, groups and intangible cultural heritage practitioners |

|Briefly describe any experiences of the institution/organization in cooperating in a spirit of mutual respect with communities, groups and, where |

|appropriate, individuals that create, maintain and transmit intangible cultural heritage. |

|Wide experiences in the field of Circassian culture, heritage and art in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture and the UNESCO. |

|- Data sheet 1- |

|Governmental and nongovernmental bodies |

|specialized in the field of intangible cultural heritage |

|This data sheet, preferably filled in electronically[79], is aimed at extensive data-gathering within the framework of the assessments on national capacities|

|for implementing the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage (please refer to the background document to guide national |

|assessments[80]). It will provide comprehensive information on any institutions/organizations active in the field of intangible cultural heritage as referred|

|to in the assessment guidelines. |

|1. Name |

|Please provide the full official name of the institution/organization, in its original language as well as in French and/or English. |

|Royal Film Commission – Jordan |

|الهيئة الملكية الأردنية للأفلام |

|2. Address |

|Please provide the complete postal address of the institution/organization, as well as additional contact information such as its telephone or fax numbers, |

|e-mail address, website, etc. |

|Postal address: P.O. Box 811991, Amman - 11181 |

|Country: Jordan |

|Website: film.jo |

|Tel: 00962 6 464 22 66 |

|Fax: 00962 6 464 22 99 |

|E-mail: info@film.jo |

|3. Status |

|Specify whether the institution/organization is a governmental entity (ministry, university, museum, etc.) or a non-governmental entity (such as |

|associations, organizations, community centres, grassroots associations, clubs, guilds, steering committees, etc.) and indicate its recognized legal |

|personality. |

| governmental, please specify: (a governmental institution established according to law no. 27 in the year 2003) |

|non-governmental, please specify |

|4. Date of its founding or approximate duration of its existence |

|Please state when the institution/organization came into existence. |

| The RFC was established in 2003 in accordance with the Royal Film Commission Law no. 27. It gained momentum in 2005, as it started organising different |

|workshops and films screenings in and out of Amman. |

|5. Geographical scope |

|Please identify the geographical scope where the institution/organization actively operates. Please indicate whether it is primarily local, national, |

|sub-regional or international in scope and specify the location (name of city(es), district(s), country(ies)). |

| local |

|national |

|regional |

|international |

|Please specify: |

|The RFC is active in capacity building in the field of audiovisual arts and the different skills related to filmmaking, as well as in promoting the film |

|culture of the Jordanian public, and promoting Jordan as an attractive filming location, both locally and nationally. It also cooperates with partners on the|

|regional and international level. Some of the workshops organised by the RFC are destined to aspiring Arab (and not only Jordanian) filmmakers. We |

|participate in different film festivals around the world, and continuously receive experts (filmmakers, educators, producers) from around the world). |

|6. Activities in the field of safeguarding intangible cultural heritage |

|6.a. Domain(s) in which the institution/organization is active |

|Please check one or more boxes to indicate the primary domains in which the institution/organization is most active. If its activities involve domains other |

|than those listed, please check “other domains” and indicate which domains are concerned. |

| oral traditions and expressions |

|performing arts |

|social practices, rituals and festive events |

|knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe |

|traditional craftsmanship |

|other domains - please specify: audiovisual and cinema |

|6.b. Primary safeguarding activities in which the institution/organization is involved |

|Please check one or more boxes to indicate the institution/organization’s primary safeguarding activities. If its activities involve safeguarding measures |

|not listed here, please check ‘other safeguarding measures’ and specify which ones are concerned. |

| identification, documentation, research (including inventory-making) |

|preservation, protection |

|promotion, enhancement |

|transmission, formal or non-formal education |

|revitalization |

|other safeguarding measures - please specify:       |

|6.c. Description of the institution/organization’s activities |

|Briefly describe the recent activities and relevant experience in safeguarding intangible cultural heritage. Please provide information on the personnel and |

|membership of the institution/organization, describe its competence and expertise in the domain of intangible cultural heritage and explain how its personnel|

|or members acquired such competence. |

| The RFC recently initiated a project (in development) in partnership with the French National Centre for Cinematography (CNC) to establish an archiving |

|system of Jordan’s audiovisual material. This will include training relevant personnel in institutions such as the National Library and the Jordanian |

|Television on archiving and preservation skills. |

|7. Experiences in cooperating with communities, groups and intangible cultural heritage practitioners |

|Briefly describe any experiences of the institution/organization in cooperating in a spirit of mutual respect with communities, groups and, where |

|appropriate, individuals that create, maintain and transmit intangible cultural heritage. |

|The bulk of RFC’s activities (film screenings and filmmaking workshops, etc.) are community-based. Our scope of activities extends outside of Amman and into |

|the Kingdom’s different governorates in partnership with local public and private organisations. |

|- Data sheet 1- |

|Governmental and nongovernmental bodies |

|specialized in the field of intangible cultural heritage |

|This data sheet, preferably filled in electronically[81], is aimed at extensive data-gathering within the framework of the assessments on national capacities|

|for implementing the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage (please refer to the background document to guide national |

|assessments[82]). It will provide comprehensive information on any institutions/organizations active in the field of intangible cultural heritage as referred|

|to in the assessment guidelines. |

|1. Name |

|Please provide the full official name of the institution/organization, in its original language as well as in French and/or English. |

|Jordanian Syndicate of Artists |

|نقابة الفنانين الأردنيين |

|2. Address |

|Please provide the complete postal address of the institution/organization, as well as additional contact information such as its telephone or fax numbers, |

|e-mail address, website, etc. |

|Postal address: 9102376 Lweibdeh Amman |

|Country: Jordan |

|Website: |

|Tel: 4646810 |

|Fax: 4646810 |

|E-mail: info@ |

|3. Status |

|Specify whether the institution/organization is a governmental entity (ministry, university, museum, etc.) or a non-governmental entity (such as |

|associations, organizations, community centres, grassroots associations, clubs, guilds, steering committees, etc.) and indicate its recognized legal |

|personality. |

| governmental, please specify:       |

|non-governmental, please specify: Syndicate |

|4. Date of its founding or approximate duration of its existence |

|Please state when the institution/organization came into existence. |

|In 1997 |

|5. Geographical scope |

|Please identify the geographical scope where the institution/organization actively operates. Please indicate whether it is primarily local, national, |

|sub-regional or international in scope and specify the location (name of city(es), district(s), country(ies)). |

| local |

|national |

|regional |

|international |

|Please specify: |

|      |

|6. Activities in the field of safeguarding intangible cultural heritage |

|6.a. Domain(s) in which the institution/organization is active |

|Please check one or more boxes to indicate the primary domains in which the institution/organization is most active. If its activities involve domains other |

|than those listed, please check “other domains” and indicate which domains are concerned. |

| oral traditions and expressions |

|performing arts |

|social practices, rituals and festive events |

|knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe |

|traditional craftsmanship |

|other domains - please specify:       |

|6.b. Primary safeguarding activities in which the institution/organization is involved |

|Please check one or more boxes to indicate the institution/organization’s primary safeguarding activities. If its activities involve safeguarding measures |

|not listed here, please check ‘other safeguarding measures’ and specify which ones are concerned. |

| identification, documentation, research (including inventory-making) |

|preservation, protection |

|promotion, enhancement |

|transmission, formal or non-formal education |

|revitalization |

|other safeguarding measures - please specify:       |

|6.c. Description of the institution/organization’s activities |

|Briefly describe the recent activities and relevant experience in safeguarding intangible cultural heritage. Please provide information on the personnel and |

|membership of the institution/organization, describe its competence and expertise in the domain of intangible cultural heritage and explain how its personnel|

|or members acquired such competence. |

|The Syndicate takes care of the artistic production in Jordan and takes part in the activities related to safeguarding heritage through different activities |

|such as acting, singing and theatre. |

|7. Experiences in cooperating with communities, groups and intangible cultural heritage practitioners |

|Briefly describe any experiences of the institution/organization in cooperating in a spirit of mutual respect with communities, groups and, where |

|appropriate, individuals that create, maintain and transmit intangible cultural heritage. |

|The Syndicate cooperates with the governmental media such as the television, newspapers and the Ministry of Culture. |

|- Data sheet 1- |

|Governmental and nongovernmental bodies |

|specialized in the field of intangible cultural heritage |

|This data sheet, preferably filled in electronically[83], is aimed at extensive data-gathering within the framework of the assessments on national capacities|

|for implementing the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage (please refer to the background document to guide national |

|assessments[84]). It will provide comprehensive information on any institutions/organizations active in the field of intangible cultural heritage as referred|

|to in the assessment guidelines. |

|1. Name |

|Please provide the full official name of the institution/organization, in its original language as well as in French and/or English. |

|The Orthodox Society |

|الجمعية الارثوذكسية |

|2. Address |

|Please provide the complete postal address of the institution/organization, as well as additional contact information such as its telephone or fax numbers, |

|e-mail address, website, etc. |

|Postal address: 910665/ 11191 Amman - Luweibdeh |

|Country: Jordan |

|Website: orthodox@cyberia.jo |

|Tel: 4651666/4651600 |

|Fax: 4651669 |

|E-mail: orthodox@cyberia.jo |

|3. Status |

|Specify whether the institution/organization is a governmental entity (ministry, university, museum, etc.) or a non-governmental entity (such as |

|associations, organizations, community centres, grassroots associations, clubs, guilds, steering committees, etc.) and indicate its recognized legal |

|personality. |

| governmental, please specify:       |

|non-governmental, please specify: Society |

|4. Date of its founding or approximate duration of its existence |

|Please state when the institution/organization came into existence. |

|In 1993 |

|5. Geographical scope |

|Please identify the geographical scope where the institution/organization actively operates. Please indicate whether it is primarily local, national, |

|sub-regional or international in scope and specify the location (name of city(es), district(s), country(ies)). |

| local |

|national |

|regional |

|international |

|Please specify: |

|Aqaba, Al Fuheis, Al Hosson and Al Mafraq |

|6. Activities in the field of safeguarding intangible cultural heritage |

|6.a. Domain(s) in which the institution/organization is active |

|Please check one or more boxes to indicate the primary domains in which the institution/organization is most active. If its activities involve domains other |

|than those listed, please check “other domains” and indicate which domains are concerned. |

| oral traditions and expressions |

|performing arts |

|(social practices, rituals and festive events |

|knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe |

|traditional craftsmanship |

|other domains - please specify:       |

|6.b. Primary safeguarding activities in which the institution/organization is involved |

|Please check one or more boxes to indicate the institution/organization’s primary safeguarding activities. If its activities involve safeguarding measures |

|not listed here, please check ‘other safeguarding measures’ and specify which ones are concerned. |

| identification, documentation, research (including inventory-making) |

|preservation, protection |

|promotion, enhancement |

|transmission, formal or non-formal education |

|revitalization |

|other safeguarding measures - please specify:       |

|6.c. Description of the institution/organization’s activities |

|Briefly describe the recent activities and relevant experience in safeguarding intangible cultural heritage. Please provide information on the personnel and |

|membership of the institution/organization, describe its competence and expertise in the domain of intangible cultural heritage and explain how its personnel|

|or members acquired such competence. |

|The Orthodox Society in Jordan |

| |

|The Orthodox Society was established in 1992 |

| |

|The main objectives are: |

|To protect the Orthodox holy places as a Christian heritage, and to conserve the bequeathed properties, as a religious endowment for present & future |

|generations. |

|To preserve, maintain and develop Orthodox in situations and estates. |

|To serve the interests of the Orthodox communities and to improve religious, social & cultural services for them |

|To participate in inter- denominational dialogues. |

|7. Experiences in cooperating with communities, groups and intangible cultural heritage practitioners |

|Briefly describe any experiences of the institution/organization in cooperating in a spirit of mutual respect with communities, groups and, where |

|appropriate, individuals that create, maintain and transmit intangible cultural heritage. |

|      |

|- Data sheet 1- |

|Governmental and nongovernmental bodies |

|specialized in the field of intangible cultural heritage |

|This data sheet, preferably filled in electronically[85], is aimed at extensive data-gathering within the framework of the assessments on national capacities|

|for implementing the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage (please refer to the background document to guide national |

|assessments[86]). It will provide comprehensive information on any institutions/organizations active in the field of intangible cultural heritage as referred|

|to in the assessment guidelines. |

|1. Name |

|Please provide the full official name of the institution/organization, in its original language as well as in French and/or English. |

|Jordan Badia Research and Development Center |

|مركز بحوث وتنمية البادية الأردنية |

|2. Address |

|Please provide the complete postal address of the institution/organization, as well as additional contact information such as its telephone or fax numbers, |

|e-mail address, website, etc. |

|Postal address: P.O Box 902 Al-Jubaiha 11941 Amman |

|Country: Jordan |

|Website: .jo |

|Tel: (+962 6) 5340401 |

|Fax: (+962 6) 5335284 |

|E-mail: bedp@.jo & info@.jo |

|3. Status |

|Specify whether the institution/organization is a governmental entity (ministry, university, museum, etc.) or a non-governmental entity (such as |

|associations, organizations, community centres, grassroots associations, clubs, guilds, steering committees, etc.) and indicate its recognized legal |

|personality. |

| governmental, please specify:       |

|X non-governmental, please specify: Center |

|4. Date of its founding or approximate duration of its existence |

|Please state when the institution/organization came into existence. |

|In 1992 |

|5. Geographical scope |

|Please identify the geographical scope where the institution/organization actively operates. Please indicate whether it is primarily local, national, |

|sub-regional or international in scope and specify the location (name of city(es), district(s), country(ies)). |

|X local |

|national |

|regional |

|international |

|Please specify: |

|      |

|6. Activities in the field of safeguarding intangible cultural heritage |

|Documentation and development of heritage sites in the Jordanian Badia |

|Development and the development of handicrafts. |

|6.a. Domain(s) in which the institution/organization is active |

|Please check one or more boxes to indicate the primary domains in which the institution/organization is most active. If its activities involve domains other |

|than those listed, please check “other domains” and indicate which domains are concerned. |

| oral traditions and expressions |

|performing arts |

|social practices, rituals and festive events |

|knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe |

|traditional craftsmanship |

|other domains - please specify:       |

|6.b. Primary safeguarding activities in which the institution/organization is involved |

|Please check one or more boxes to indicate the institution/organization’s primary safeguarding activities. If its activities involve safeguarding measures |

|not listed here, please check ‘other safeguarding measures’ and specify which ones are concerned. |

|X identification, documentation, research (including inventory-making) |

|preservation, protection |

|X promotion, enhancement |

|transmission, formal or non-formal education |

|X revitalization |

|other safeguarding measures - please specify:       |

|6.c. Description of the institution/organization’s activities |

|Briefly describe the recent activities and relevant experience in safeguarding intangible cultural heritage. Please provide information on the personnel and |

|membership of the institution/organization, describe its competence and expertise in the domain of intangible cultural heritage and explain how its personnel|

|or members acquired such competence. |

|The center was established in 1992, under a memorandum of understanding signed between the Supreme Council for Science and Technology and the British Royal |

|Geographical Center of as a joint initiative in science and technology in order to study Jordan North-Eastern Badia in cooperation with Centre for |

|Development and Research of Overseas in the Graham University (Britain). The aim of Jordan Badia Research and Development Center is to develop the Jordanian |

|Badia within the framework of sustainable development by linking the economies of the Jordanian Badia with the national economy, and indicate ways to promote|

|the desired development, and the improvement of life quality for the Badia population without affecting their traditional life style. |

|The Center also works on : |

|Documentation of folklore in the Jordanian Badia. |

|Organizing a museum to display the works of natural and environmental life in the Badia. |

|7. Experiences in cooperating with communities, groups and intangible cultural heritage practitioners |

|Briefly describe any experiences of the institution/organization in cooperating in a spirit of mutual respect with communities, groups and, where |

|appropriate, individuals that create maintain and transmit intangible cultural heritage. |

|Researchers of the University made field visits to various areas of the kingdom including Eastern Badia, documenting the tangible and intangible heritage |

|within the research limits and the relationship with the respondents was good, consistent and fruitful. |

|- Data sheet 1- |

|Governmental and nongovernmental bodies |

|specialized in the field of intangible cultural heritage |

|This data sheet, preferably filled in electronically[87], is aimed at extensive data-gathering within the framework of the assessments on national capacities|

|for implementing the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage (please refer to the background document to guide national |

|assessments[88]). It will provide comprehensive information on any institutions/organizations active in the field of intangible cultural heritage as referred|

|to in the assessment guidelines. |

|1. Name |

|Please provide the full official name of the institution/organization, in its original language as well as in French and/or English. |

|Jordanian Writers Society |

|رابطة الكتاب الأردنيين |

|2. Address |

|Please provide the complete postal address of the institution/organization, as well as additional contact information such as its telephone or fax numbers, |

|e-mail address, website, etc. |

|Postal address: Amman P.O Box 9509 |

|Country: Jordan |

|Website: & |

|Tel: 00962 6 4621724 |

|Fax: 00962 6 4637041 |

|E-mail: jowriter@ |

|3. Status |

|Specify whether the institution/organization is a governmental entity (ministry, university, museum, etc.) or a non-governmental entity (such as |

|associations, organizations, community centres, grassroots associations, clubs, guilds, steering committees, etc.) and indicate its recognized legal |

|personality. |

| governmental, please specify:       |

|non-governmental, please specify: Society |

|4. Date of its founding or approximate duration of its existence |

|Please state when the institution/organization came into existence. |

|In 1974 |

|5. Geographical scope |

|Please identify the geographical scope where the institution/organization actively operates. Please indicate whether it is primarily local, national, |

|sub-regional or international in scope and specify the location (name of city(es), district(s), country(ies)). |

| local |

|national |

|regional |

|international |

|Please specify:       |

|6. Activities in the field of safeguarding intangible cultural heritage |

|6.a. Domain(s) in which the institution/organization is active |

|Please check one or more boxes to indicate the primary domains in which the institution/organization is most active. If its activities involve domains other |

|than those listed, please check “other domains” and indicate which domains are concerned. |

| oral traditions and expressions |

|performing arts |

|social practices, rituals and festive events |

|knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe |

|traditional craftsmanship |

|other domains - please specify: Publishing Books, Organizing Lectures. |

|6.b. Primary safeguarding activities in which the institution/organization is involved |

|Please check one or more boxes to indicate the institution/organization’s primary safeguarding activities. If its activities involve safeguarding measures |

|not listed here, please check ‘other safeguarding measures’ and specify which ones are concerned. |

| identification, documentation, research (including inventory-making) |

|preservation, protection |

|promotion, enhancement |

|transmission, formal or non-formal education |

|revitalization |

|other safeguarding measures - please specify:       |

|6.c. Description of the institution/organization’s activities |

|Briefly describe the recent activities and relevant experience in safeguarding intangible cultural heritage. Please provide information on the personnel and |

|membership of the institution/organization, describe its competence and expertise in the domain of intangible cultural heritage and explain how its personnel|

|or members acquired such competence. |

|The Society aims: |

|Stimulate the intellectual and literature activities and expand work to broaden and deepen the reader knowledge about Jordanian intellectual culture. |

|Work to provide appropriate conditions for the growth of potential Jordanian writers and develop the areas of creativity and expression in an atmosphere of |

|intellectual freedom. |

|Inspire the humanitarian aspects and the national literary heritage of Jordan and place it into the of world literature. |

|Promotion of welfare of literary studies, intellectual organizations and provide assistance to writers who do research and studies in the areas of |

|intellectual, literary consistent with the objectives of the Society. |

|Activities : |

|Organizing literary evenings for all writers and non-members of the Jordanian Writers Society who are over the age of 18. They included short stories, |

|children literature, drama, and articles. |

|Intellectual workshops, seminars, lectures and conferences. |

|Evenings of short stories and poetry for the members of the Society. |

|Publications. |

|7. Experiences in cooperating with communities, groups and intangible cultural heritage practitioners |

|Briefly describe any experiences of the institution/organization in cooperating in a spirit of mutual respect with communities, groups and, where |

|appropriate, individuals that create, maintain and transmit intangible cultural heritage. |

|By inviting the key persons in this field to deliver public lectures for the local community. |

|- Data sheet 1- |

|Governmental and nongovernmental bodies |

|specialized in the field of intangible cultural heritage |

|This data sheet, preferably filled in electronically[89], is aimed at extensive data-gathering within the framework of the assessments on national capacities|

|for implementing the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage (please refer to the background document to guide national |

|assessments[90]). It will provide comprehensive information on any institutions/organizations active in the field of intangible cultural heritage as referred|

|to in the assessment guidelines. |

|1. Name |

|Please provide the full official name of the institution/organization, in its original language as well as in French and/or English. |

|American Center of Oriental Research |

|المركز الأمريكي للبحوث الشرقية |

|2. Address |

|Please provide the complete postal address of the institution/organization, as well as additional contact information such as its telephone or fax numbers, |

|e-mail address, website, etc. |

|Postal address:P.O Box 2470 Amman 11181 |

|Country: Jordan |

|Website: |

|Tel: 5346117 |

|Fax: 5344181 |

|E-mail: acor@ |

|3. Status |

|Specify whether the institution/organization is a governmental entity (ministry, university, museum, etc.) or a non-governmental entity (such as |

|associations, organizations, community centres, grassroots associations, clubs, guilds, steering committees, etc.) and indicate its recognized legal |

|personality. |

| governmental, please specify:       |

|non-governmental, please specify: Non profit research center |

|4. Date of its founding or approximate duration of its existence |

|Please state when the institution/organization came into existence. |

|In 1968 |

|5. Geographical scope |

|Please identify the geographical scope where the institution/organization actively operates. Please indicate whether it is primarily local, national, |

|sub-regional or international in scope and specify the location (name of city(es), district(s), country(ies)). |

| local |

|national |

|regional |

|international |

|Please specify: |

|Jordan |

|6. Activities in the field of safeguarding intangible cultural heritage |

|6.a. Domain(s) in which the institution/organization is active |

|Please check one or more boxes to indicate the primary domains in which the institution/organization is most active. If its activities involve domains other |

|than those listed, please check “other domains” and indicate which domains are concerned. |

| oral traditions and expressions |

|performing arts |

|social practices, rituals and festive events |

|knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe |

|traditional craftsmanship |

|other domains - please specify: Archaeology; Culture Research Management |

|6.b. Primary safeguarding activities in which the institution/organization is involved |

|Please check one or more boxes to indicate the institution/organization’s primary safeguarding activities. If its activities involve safeguarding measures |

|not listed here, please check ‘other safeguarding measures’ and specify which ones are concerned. |

| identification, documentation, research (including inventory-making) |

|preservation, protection |

|promotion, enhancement |

|transmission, formal or non-formal education |

|revitalization |

|other safeguarding measures - please specify: Archaeological conservation publication |

|6.c. Description of the institution/organization’s activities |

|Briefly describe the recent activities and relevant experience in safeguarding intangible cultural heritage. Please provide information on the personnel and |

|membership of the institution/organization, describe its competence and expertise in the domain of intangible cultural heritage and explain how its personnel|

|or members acquired such competence. |

|The American Center of Oriental Research (ACOR) in Jordan promotes research and publication across disciplines with a special emphasis on archaeology in the |

|region. |

|ACOR’s main activities include a fellowship program for scholars, archaeological excavation and restoration projects, other academic programs and a summer |

|intensive Arabic language institute handled through CAORC. From time to time ACOR hosts public lectures, usually on archaeological topics. |

|It has one of the best libraries for archaeology and Middle Eastern studies in Jordan. Eligible scholars may reside in the ACOR hostel. |

|It is a private, non-profit organization supported by contributions from foundations, corporations and individuals and by funds generated by the Amman |

|operation. |

|Sites: Amman Citadel, Pella, Umm Qais, Madaba, Agaba, Petra |

|7. Experiences in cooperating with communities, groups and intangible cultural heritage practitioners |

|Briefly describe any experiences of the institution/organization in cooperating in a spirit of mutual respect with communities, groups and, where |

|appropriate, individuals that create, maintain and transmit intangible cultural heritage. |

|Work closely with the Department of Antiquities, Ministry of Tourism & Antiquities, Petra Development & Tourism Regional Authority |

| |

|- Data sheet 1- |

|Governmental and nongovernmental bodies |

|specialized in the field of intangible cultural heritage |

|This data sheet, preferably filled in electronically[91], is aimed at extensive data-gathering within the framework of the assessments on national capacities|

|for implementing the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage (please refer to the background document to guide national |

|assessments[92]). It will provide comprehensive information on any institutions/organizations active in the field of intangible cultural heritage as referred|

|to in the assessment guidelines. |

|1. Name |

|Please provide the full official name of the institution/organization, in its original language as well as in French and/or English. |

|Jordan Society for Sustainable Development (JSSD ( |

|الجمعية الأردنية للتنمية المستدامة |

|2. Address |

|Please provide the complete postal address of the institution/organization, as well as additional contact information such as its telephone or fax numbers, |

|e-mail address, website, etc. |

| |

|Postal address: 84025-Amman /11181 Jordan |

|Country: Jordan : |

|Website: : jssd- |

|Tel: +962 6 5660606 |

|Fax: +962 6 5660608 |

|E-mail: info@jssd- |

|3. Status |

|Specify whether the institution/organization is a governmental entity (ministry, university, museum, etc.) or a non-governmental entity (such as |

|associations, organizations, community centres, grassroots associations, clubs, guilds, steering committees, etc.) and indicate its recognized legal |

|personality. |

| governmental, please specify:       |

|X non-governmental, please specify: Society |

|The main researchers are : Abdel Aziz Mahmoud. Phd / director of the Heritage Revival Center |

|Muhammad Waheep Phd. / Dean of Queen Rania Institute for heritage |

|4. Date of its founding or approximate duration of its existence |

|Please state when the institution/organization came into existence. |

|In 1997 |

|5. Geographical scope |

|Please identify the geographical scope where the institution/organization actively operates. Please indicate whether it is primarily local, national, |

|sub-regional or international in scope and specify the location (name of city(es), district(s), country(ies)). |

|X local |

|national |

|regional |

|international |

|Please specify: |

|6. Activities in the field of safeguarding intangible cultural heritage |

|6.a. Domain(s) in which the institution/organization is active |

|Please check one or more boxes to indicate the primary domains in which the institution/organization is most active. If its activities involve domains other |

|than those listed, please check “other domains” and indicate which domains are concerned. |

| oral traditions and expressions |

|performing arts |

|social practices, rituals and festive events |

|knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe |

|traditional craftsmanship |

|other domains - please specify: |

|Its mission is: Promotion, support and implementation of principles, policies and practices that lead to sustainable development in Jordan's local |

|environment and communities at both governmental and public levels to preserve Jordan's natural and cultural resources in order to meet the needs of the |

|present and future generations. |

|JSSD is interested in documenting the environmental heritage and conducting seminars and lectures to safeguard it. |

|6.b. Primary safeguarding activities in which the institution/organization is involved |

|Please check one or more boxes to indicate the institution/organization’s primary safeguarding activities. If its activities involve safeguarding measures |

|not listed here, please check ‘other safeguarding measures’ and specify which ones are concerned. |

|X identification, documentation, research (including inventory-making) |

|preservation, protection |

|X promotion, enhancement |

|transmission, formal or non-formal education |

|X revitalization |

|other safeguarding measures - please specify:       |

|6.c. Description of the institution/organization’s activities |

|Briefly describe the recent activities and relevant experience in safeguarding intangible cultural heritage. Please provide information on the personnel and |

|membership of the institution/organization, describe its competence and expertise in the domain of intangible cultural heritage and explain how its personnel|

|or members acquired such competence. |

|JSSD has conducted two pioneering projects on the national level that support the efforts for the protection of the biodiversity in Jordan (Assessment of |

|Species of Diversity in the Southern Araba Rift Vally, Aqaba Birds Observatory). |

|It also conducted : |

|- A survey, anthropology and enrichment project in Ruwaishid province within the ecosystems rehabilitation project 2008-2010. |

|- Local environmental studies |

|7. Experiences in cooperating with communities, groups and intangible cultural heritage practitioners |

|Briefly describe any experiences of the institution/organization in cooperating in a spirit of mutual respect with communities, groups and, where |

|appropriate, individuals that create maintain and transmit intangible cultural heritage. |

| - Visiting different parts of the Kingdom and cooperating with the local community to conduct the field and environmental studies that have impacts on |

|these areas. |

| |

|- Data sheet 1- |

|Governmental and nongovernmental bodies |

|specialized in the field of intangible cultural heritage |

|This data sheet, preferably filled in electronically[93], is aimed at extensive data-gathering within the framework of the assessments on national capacities|

|for implementing the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage (please refer to the background document to guide national |

|assessments[94]). It will provide comprehensive information on any institutions/organizations active in the field of intangible cultural heritage as referred|

|to in the assessment guidelines. |

|1. Name |

|Please provide the full official name of the institution/organization, in its original language as well as in French and/or English. |

|Abdul Hameed Shoman Foundation |

|مؤسسة عبد الحميد شومان |

|2. Address |

|Please provide the complete postal address of the institution/organization, as well as additional contact information such as its telephone or fax numbers, |

|e-mail address, website, etc. |

|Postal address: P.O Box 940255 - Amman 11194-Jordan |

|Country: Jordan |

|Website: |

|Tel: 4645150 |

|Fax: 4633565 |

|E-mail: ahsf@.jo |

|3. Status |

|Specify whether the institution/organization is a governmental entity (ministry, university, museum, etc.) or a non-governmental entity (such as |

|associations, organizations, community centres, grassroots associations, clubs, guilds, steering committees, etc.) and indicate its recognized legal |

|personality. |

| governmental, please specify:       |

|non-governmental, please specify: Foundation |

|4. Date of its founding or approximate duration of its existence |

|Please state when the institution/organization came into existence. |

|In 1978 |

|5. Geographical scope |

|Please identify the geographical scope where the institution/organization actively operates. Please indicate whether it is primarily local, national, |

|sub-regional or international in scope and specify the location (name of city(es), district(s), country(ies)). |

| local |

|national |

|regional |

|international |

|Please specify: |

|It is a national foundation that has scientific and cultural ties with other organizations interested in research in the Arab World. |

|6. Activities in the field of safeguarding intangible cultural heritage |

|6.a. Domain(s) in which the institution/organization is active |

|Please check one or more boxes to indicate the primary domains in which the institution/organization is most active. If its activities involve domains other |

|than those listed, please check “other domains” and indicate which domains are concerned. |

| oral traditions and expressions |

|performing arts |

|social practices, rituals and festive events |

|knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe |

|traditional craftsmanship |

|other domains - please specify: |

| |

|The Foundation supports scientific research, organizes lectures and cultural seminars and it offers awards for literature and cultural works. It also has a |

|rich library open for all researchers and for those who like to enjoy reading. |

|6.b. Primary safeguarding activities in which the institution/organization is involved |

|Please check one or more boxes to indicate the institution/organization’s primary safeguarding activities. If its activities involve safeguarding measures |

|not listed here, please check ‘other safeguarding measures’ and specify which ones are concerned. |

| identification, documentation, research (including inventory-making) |

|preservation, protection |

|promotion, enhancement |

|transmission, formal or non-formal education |

|revitalization |

|other safeguarding measures - please specify:       |

|6.c. Description of the institution/organization’s activities |

|Briefly describe the recent activities and relevant experience in safeguarding intangible cultural heritage. Please provide information on the personnel and |

|membership of the institution/organization, describe its competence and expertise in the domain of intangible cultural heritage and explain how its personnel|

|or members acquired such competence. |

|Since it was established in 1978, the foundation practices its cultural and scientific activities such as scientific research, offering awards for Arab |

|researchers and writers, and it is equipped with highly competent staff that is ready to provide their service for visitors. |

|7. Experiences in cooperating with communities, groups and intangible cultural heritage practitioners |

|Briefly describe any experiences of the institution/organization in cooperating in a spirit of mutual respect with communities, groups and, where |

|appropriate, individuals that create maintain and transmit intangible cultural heritage. |

|The foundation has strong cooperation with all cultural and scientific bodies in Jordan. |

|It supports national cultural forums and centres. |

|The foundation supports seminars, scientific and cultural workshops in the universities and scientific centres. |

|It supports publishing national books. |

Writers who contributed to documenting intangible cultural heritage

1. Ibrahim Ahmad Melhem

2. Ibrahim Batarseh

3. Ibrahim Salman Alqudah

4. Ihsan Alfarhan

5. Ahmad Alkhalileh

6. Ahmad Abu Khousah

7. Ahmad Toufeeq Hijazi

8. Ahmad Hammoodeh

9. Ahmad Wasfi Zakariah , Ahmad Ghassan Spano

10. Ahmad Alrabaia'a

11. Ahmad Alrababa'a , Ahmad Hammoodeh

12. Ahmad Ali Mahlab

13. Ahmad Uwedi Alabbadi

14. Ahmad Muhammad Ateyat

15. Ihsan Muhammad Alhassan

16. Ikhlas Saleem Alaranki

17. Adeeb Eid Suleiman Aladeeli

18. Elias Hannah Alamat

19. Amal Harakeh

20. Ahmad Mubarak

21. Archimandrite Poulus Salman

22. Imtiaz Nader

23. Imstief Suleiman Imstief

24. Anton Jousan, Sami Alnahas

25. Iyad Abd Almajeed Ibrahim

26. Bassam Alqudah

27. Bashar Muhammad Abu Nuseir Almasarweh

28. Tahseen Altal

29. Tamam Ibrahim Khaleel

30. Tahani Mutafa

31. Tawdudd Abd Alhadi

32. Tawfeeq Abu Alrub

33. Tayseer Mahameed Alabadi

34. Jameel Tareq Abd Alhameed

35. Jameel Ayad Alwahidi

36. Jammel Muhammad Sha'aban

37. Josef Fakhouri

38. Husein Juma'a

39. Husein Taha Mhadeen

40. Hamad Alzeid

41. Hannah Ammari

42. Hannah Teuimeh Alraihat

43. Hanan Sulieiman Malkawi

44. Khaled Alhamzah

45. Khaled Alkaraki

46. Khaz'al Almajidi and Zuliekhah Abu Reisheh

47. Khalaf Khaleel Haddadeen

48. Khalaf Sharari Alkharshah

49. Khawulah Abd Alhaleem Aldabbas

50. Khaleel Abd Alkareem Alsa'ad

51. Rabeh Dirwash

52. Rami Mahmoud Mousah Abu Alhaija

53. Rakad Minawer Shafi Almai'ouf Alsarahan

54. Radwan Hamdan

55. Zuhoor E'isah Abd Alraheem Badran

56. Zahar Alannabi

57. Ziad Mahmoud Ali Abu Ghaneimah

58. Rox Ben Za'ed Alouzaizi

59. Ra'ouf Abu Jaber

60. Zaidan kafafi and Aqel Biltaji

61. Sa'ad Abu Deiyah Alfanatsah

62. Sa'ad Khalaf Alafnan

63. Sultan Treikhem Almuthehn Alsarhani

64. Sultan Alma'ni

65. Suleiman Alanfas Malfi Alsharari

66. Suleiman Ayoub Oweis

67. The poet Fayyadh Hamdan Abu Hdeib Alabadi

68. Shatha Ahmad Abd Alsattar Aldailami and Barlin Lawand

69. Saleh Khriesat

70. Salah Mustafa Alfawwal

71. Dhaif Allah Alhmood

72. A'ref Abu Karaki and Muhammad Bani Younes

73. A'raf Ala'ref

74. A'tef Muhammad Said Alshayyab

75. A'tef Muhammad Nahar Alrousan

76. Abbas Hadadeen

77. A'idah Alnajar

78. Abd Alkhlaq Yousef Alkhatatneh

79. Abd Alra'ouf Alrawabdeh

80. Abd Allah Alsalem Alshaheen

81. Abd Allah Rasheed

82. Abd Allah Karam Almanzalawi

83. Abd Allah Musalam Suleiman Alkasasbeh

84. Abd Alazeez Mahmoud

85. Abd Alazeez Mahmoud and Abd Alrahman Alatyat

86. Abd Alrahman Altamimi

87. Abd Alfattah Alrashdan

88. Abd Alqader ben Hamad Aljazeeri

89. Abd Alqader Mari'i khaleel and Dr. Yahay Alqasem

90. Abd Allateef Albarghouthi

91. Ablah Ibraheem Hamarneh

92. Abeer Alnawaiseh

93. Akashah Abd Almannan Altibi

94. Ali Khaled Abu Hamad

95. Ali Obeid Alsai'i

96. Alian Aljaloudi

97. Alian Rezeq Alkhawaldeh

98. Imad Altwal Alazeezat

99. Azzam Abu Alhamam Almutawer

100. Omar Abd Alrahman Alsarisi

101. Oudeh Alqosous

102. E'isah Hasan Aljarajrah

103. Ghassan Alhasan

104. Ghassan Ali Alnaizi Altal

105. Farouq Sa'ad Farhan Abu Jaber

106. Fayez Abu Alka's

107. Firas Dmeithan Almajali

108. Faraj Freij Alazazmeh

109. Farahan Abd Alazeez Almaslat

110. Firyal Alrabadi

111. Fawzi Alkhutabah

112. Fawzi Ali Shihab Malkawi

113. Fawzi Radwan Alarabi

114. Kana'n Izzat

115. Luqman Radwan Khaled Shatanawi

116. Muhammad Ibrahim Aldwiek

117. Muhammad Abu Soufah

118. Majd Eddeen Khairi Khamash

119. Muhammad Jameel Almadani

120. Maddallah Awad Alali

121. Muhammad Ahmad Oqleh Almomani

122. Muhammad Rashed Bani Amer

123. Muhammad Shihadeh Sa'ad Momani

124. Muhammad Abd Alkareem Mahfthah

125. Muhammad Hassan

126. Muhammad Hussein Mahasneh

127. Muhammad Khreisat

128. Muhammad Khawaldeh

129. Muhammad Zuheir Masharqah

130. Muhammad Sa'id Mubaidh

131. Muhammad Suleiman Alfares

132. Muhammad Ali Aloudat

133. Muhammad Awadh Alzubeidi

134. Muhammad Ghawnmeh

135. Muhammad Fanatel Alhajaya

136. Muhammad Taher Alkurdi

137. Mahmoud Alabidi, Hisham Yaghi , Mahmoud Saif Eddeen

i. Alirani, Abd Alrahman Yaghi and Eisa Alna'ouri

138. Mahmoud Hamed Radaideh

139. Mahmoud Hassan Faleh Mheidat

140. Mahmoud Ramadan Aldiki Aljabour

141. Mahmoud Mifleh Albaker

142. Mustafa Khaled Eisa

143. Mifleh Ata Allah Almimer Alfayez

144. Mifleh Aludwan

145. Mufeed Sarahan

146. Mousah Ali Janeb

147. Nader Mousah Aljitawi

148. Nader Ibrahim Bani Naser

149. Nadia Abd Alhameed Aldimerdash

150. Naseem Muhammad Alakash

151. Najeeb Suleiman Alqusoos

152. Nawal Fawaz Zinati

153. Nayef Alnawaiseh

154. Nisreen Alkhateeb

155. Hala Kheled Abd Alnabi Almasri

156. Hani Subhi Alamad

157. Hani Ali Alhindi

158. Hind Abu Alsha'ar

159. Hania Alayed

160. Hana' Sadeq

161. Haitham Ali Hijazi

162. Wafa' Hashem Husein

163. Mirvat Darweish

164. Yaser Salameh

165. Yaqoub Kamel Aldajani, Farouq Abd Alhaleem Badran, Mustafa

i. Darweish A'adi and Muhammad Abd Alghani Almasri

166. Yahya Ababneh

167. Younes Muhammad Alshdeifat

168. Fawaz Mahmoud Aqeel

169. Ahmad Alrabab'a

170. Fahmi Shammah

171. Suleiman Mousah

Circassian writers who wrote about the Circassian literature and worked on disseminating it

1. Kouba Sha'ban

2. Shwakat Almufit

3. Atef Alhaj Tas

4. Daoud Ahmad Libzo

5. Rozi Ahmad Bolad

6. His excellence Mohammed Kheir Mamser

7. Adel Othman Hamkari

8. Jawdat Alkhatib

9. Faisal Qat

10. Muhye Eddeen Qandoor

11. Muhammad Azoqa

12. Nathem Qasem Qardan

13. Zahrah Omar Abshatsah

14. Sameer Shams Eddeen Haratouqa

15. Muhammad Kheir Janakat

16. Ahmad Abd Alrazzaq Hakouz

17. Eisa Tammash

18. Dr. Janseit Shami

19. Shawkat Muhammad Almufti Habajouqah

20. Muhammed Kheir Hagandouqah

21. Ismae'il Janbeik

22. Jawdat helmi Nashkho

23. Amjad Mahmoud Jamoukhah

24. Muhammad Ali Wardem

25. Ahmad Muahjer

26. Dr. Satna Shami

27. Adnan Younes Manthahab

28. Atef Alhaj Tas Yakhoul

29. Faisal Habatoush Khout

30. The educational researcher Muhammad Kheir Eisa Janeb

31. Midhat Yousef Bazadough

32. Muhammad Kheir Khawaj

33. Sami Alsa'id

34. Arsalan Ramadan Bakaj

35. Dr. Hussein Omar Touqah

36. Dr. Lana Mamkig

37. Dr. Ahmad Sharkas

European Writers who wrote about the Circassians and their customs and ways of life

1. Laurence Olieven

2. Kondar

3. Robenson Louis

4. Jeraih Heil

5. Hass Newton

6. Freer

7. Arkseen Stewart

Circassians who worked in various means of media

1. Muhammad Kheir Qubertai

2. Ali Asa'ad

3. Ihsan Ramzi Shuqoum

4. Muhammad Sha'ib Hamazouq

5. Jowdat Nashkhwah

6. Radhi Abd Alkareem Alkhas

7. Dr. Amjad Qourshah

Circassians artists who contributed to enriching the modern artistic life in Jordan

1. Amal Jalouqah

2. Fareedon Abedah

3. Huda Alhaj Qasem

4. Hiam Abatha

5. Shorouq Shabsough

6. Makram Haghndouqah

7. Janet Joumbolat

8. Ouhood Shuqum

9. Jan Habajouqah

10. Azmi Aljouqah

11. Farouq Lambaz

12. Fakhri Shakouj

13. Dr. Ashraf Abatha

14. Ameeneh Bazzouqah

15. Tamer Bashto

16. Edgar Almbwah

17. Obaidah Oumar

18. Ina'am Qarden and Houriah Alkhas

19. Fawzi Muhajer

20. Muhammad Ali Yzao

21. Muhammad Azeez Abdah

22. Khaleel Bakeer Shajam

23. Mamdooh Shardam

24. Zuheir Ibraheem Bouqa

25. Atef Ibrahim

26. Khaleel Qarden

27. Barhoom Tassi

28. Nadeem Shagour

In the libraries surveyed the following books were registered:

|No. |Field |Number of books |

|1. |Books on folk medicine |59 |

|2. |Books on clans, tribal laws, tribal customs traditions |75 |

|3. |Books on public proverbs ,arts and songs |48 |

|4. |Public heritage |41 |

|5. |Cultural variety |3 |

|6. |History |23 |

|7. |Religion |2 |

Jordan Radio

Programs on intangible cultural heritage that are broadcasted by Jordan Radio:

1. From the Badia

2. Public models

3. From the heritage

4. Spotlights on heritage

5. Everyday's tale

6. Tales from the Badia

7. Arab cities

8. Jordanian features

9. Events of Jordan's history

10. Our country

11. Traditions of Ramadan

12. Models of Ramadan

13. Ramadan's nights

14. Popular heritage encyclopedia

15. Spotlights on heritage

16. Personalities and places

17. Jordan's personalities and history

18. Archive of Jordan

19. Models of Jordan

20. The Jordanian public heritage

21. Visitors' views of Jordan

22. From the public heritage

23. Nights of the countryside

24. The public poetry

25. Jordan all over the history

26. Personalities of Jordan

27. Writers from Jordan

28. The modern Hashemite

29. Memories' tales

30. Melodies from my country

31. Jordanian tales

32. The Circassian art

33. From the Circassian heritage

34. From the heritage

35. Epic of the Arabs and Nabataeans

36. Diaries of a teacher in the Badia

37. The world of tourism

38. Quotations from the heritage

39. Jordan in theses.

40. The history of Jordan

41. An artist from Jordan

42. The Arab writers

43. Political features

44. A tour in Jordanian books

Identifying Jordanian National Intangible Heritage in light of

UNESCO Convention for the conservation of intangible heritage. (2003)

Prepared by Professor Hani Al –Amad

Guidelines for field work and methodology of collecting texts

• Every topic related to national heritage has its own nature in term of questions, its elements and details.

• Questions should relate to the topic including the geographic and social dimensions.

• Questions should be written and designed to fit the topic.

• Written Questions should not be typically prepared.

• Questions should reflect the targeted ideas.

• The level of geographic and social prevalence of the phenomenon/phenomena should be monitored.

• The depth of historic and social ties of folklore should be stressed.

• Using folkloric national campaigns to interpret some phenomena that may be familiar for the researcher or the narrator.

• It is prohibited to give hint or insinuation for answers.

• It is not allowed to give any remarks that could lead to guess answers.

• It is imperative to be fully aware of the topic's history and literature on the local level.

• It is not acceptable to interfere in the sayings or to correct the tracks.

• The narrator or the teller should mention the source of the information, and no general rules are accepted.

• It is preferable not to depend mainly on memory, as the data collector should record the information regularly.

• The story should be recorded in its original text, its terminology and dialect.

• It is imperative to distinguish between the sayings given by the data collector and the sayings uttered by the narrator of the heritage.

• It is necessary to use some photos.

• It is important to collect samples of the targeted elements such as fashions, household items ……..etc.

• The data collector should describe the context and the place in details, name people who were present, point out to their positions and careers and refer to their views (agreement or disagreement) related to collected information.


• Common traditions and customs in the Jordanian society.

• Folkloric literature and forms of expressions.

• Folkloric arts and performance traditions.

• Folkloric handicrafts, artisanship and traditional vocations.

• Knowledge and practices related to nature and universel

Guidelines for field work and methodology for collecting data

When collecting the targeted material, the culture of the group should be identified:

• Is it nomadic, rural or urban?

• Does the group belong to: The Circassians, the Chechens, the Kurds, the Druze, the Turkmen or the gypsies?

• Is the group Christian?

• Is the targeted group committed to its inherited culture?

• What is the type of the cultural change that has occurred? When did it happen? What are the reasons behind the change? Is it education, the income increase or other reasons?

Common Traditions and Customs in the Jordanian Society

• Customs of birth: Pregnancy, craving for food, childbirth, midwife, hospital, teaching children ,congratulations, the death of the baby, the mother, presents, visits, death of the mother, the umbilical cord, sex of the baby, taking care of the baby, breast feeding, baby drinks, bottle feeding, naming the baby, common names, Abd and Ahmed, surnames, distributing food, immolation, baptizing the Christian baby .

• Raising up children , the baby bath, clothes, learning to speak, weaning, naming children (the eldest, the middle and the youngest)

• baby boy born after baby girl ),teaching kids, KG , circumcision , its tools and date, wastes, side effects, celebrations, giving money as gift ,adulthood ( of the boy and the girl).

• Marriage Traditions: Choosing the bride, engagement, Al Jaha, the wedding contract, the marriage official who makes the marriage contract, the engagement ceremony, the relationship between the fiancés, the dowry, the bride’s clothes, Henna, the bridegroom’s bath, lunch banquet, the marriage party, the decorations, fireworks, offering money, giving birth. Musical bands taking part in the party, ceremonies in hotels, the kind of food served in the day after the wedding party, marriage of relatives , marriage by force, marriage age, bachelors, delay of marriage, rumors…etc.

• Life after marriage: Change in appearance and behavior (man and woman), the working woman, family problems, ceremonies related to newly weds, the widow, having many wives, divorce and dowry.

• Traditions related to death: Signs of dying , death, will of the dead person ,dreams of death, burial rituals, reciting verses from the holy Quran, crying , preparing the dead person, his belongings, the funeral , the cemetery, condolences, distributing food for the poor as a charity for the dead person, Thursday to remember the dead people.

• Islamic Holidays and Festivals (Eids & other Occasions): The beginning of Hijri year, Ashora’a, the birth of Prophet Mohammed (Peace be upon Him), Al Isra’a and Al Mi’raj, Mid –Sha’aban, the holy month of Ramadan, observing the crescent, fasting and other customs such as Ramadan banquets, charity banquets, Al Athan (call for prayer), Al Sohour, special recipes and dishes for Ramadan, sweets. Eid Al Fitr prayer, Eid sweets and pastry, Eid clothes and games, visits, Eid Al Adha (Sacrifice), Pilgrimage customs, Eid Al Adha prayer, sacrificing and distributing immolations.

• Christian Occasions and festivals: Elevation of the Cross, Ascension Thursday, Christmas, the New Year, Epiphany, Palm Sunday and Easter.

• National and international Occasions: The Valentine Day, the Mother’s Day, the Labor Day.

• Special Seasons: Cultivation time, seedtime, the harvest, the sale of the crops.

Cultural Bodies and Traditional Bands by Governorate

Amman Governorate

• Jordanian Hashemite Folkloric Band Mobile No. 795429442

• Ma’an Band for Arts Mobile No. 795556554

• Jordanian Saudi Association for Heritage

• Balqa Band for Traditional and Dramatic Arts Mobile No. 777358900

• Association of Traditional Heritage and Literature

• Society of Makers of Traditional Handicrafts

• Art and Music Association for Safeguarding Jordanian Singing Heritage

• Band of Jordanian Caucasian Society for Culture Mobile No. 777789365

• Lilac Band for Arts Mobile No. 788481225

• Free Theatre Band Mobile No.795723410

• Toqous Band Mobile No. 776127080

• Fawanees (Lanterns) Theatre Band Tel. No. 4644856

• Ahfad Dramatic Band Mobile No. 7776930191

• Society/Band of Quesma for Traditional Arts Mobile No. 777462717

• Society/Band of Tafila for Traditional Arts Mobile No. 795336090

• Modern Theatre Band Mobile No. 79696199

• Jordanian Forum Band for Music Mobile No. 776311454

• Cultural Forum Band for the Blind Mobile No. 79808995

• Al-Hanoona Band for Traditional Culture Mobile No. 79584708

• Al-Jeel Club Band Mobile No. 777331369

• Ahli Club Band Mobile No. 796666248

Irbid Governorate

• Ramtha Traditional Folklore Band Mobile No. 785960668

• Jordanian Band for Dramatic Arts Mobile No. 777855554

• Aqaba Band for Traditional Arts Mobile No. 77974280

• Irbid Band for Arabic Music Mobile No. 795743535

• Society of the Preservation of Arabic Calligraphy and Decorative Arts

• Moghayar/ Rahoob Band for the Revival of Jordanian Heritage Mobile No. 795718535

• Art Theatre Band Mobile No. 785709195

• Children Orchestra and Choral Mobile No. 795743535

• Hakama Band for Dramatic Arts Mobile No. 777320181

• Mahabeesh Jordanian Band Mobile No. 777298651

• Band of Folkloric Theatre Association Mobile No. 786131595

• Al-Huson Forum Band for Culture and Arts (Deyon) Tel. 02-7010383

Jerash Governorate

• Al-Hussein Musical Band Mobile No. 777488973

• Jerasia Association for Fine Arts

• Jerash Society for Handicrafts

Ajloun Governorate

• Kofranja Band for Traditional and Dramatic Arts Mobile No. 776099264

Zerqa Governorate

• Zerqa Band for Traditional and Dramatic Arts Mobile No.795002753

• Society of the Revival of Jordanian Traditional Samer

• Union of Historians of Tribes Heritage

• Bani Ma'roof Band Mobile No. 796759518

• Jordanian Band for Traditional Arts

• Al-Rozana Band (Christian Youth Society) Mobile No. 795828890

Mafraq Governorate

• North Badia Band for Traditional Arts Mobile No. 795972459

• National Cultural Forum of Jordanian Bedouins

Madaba Governorate

• Madaba Band for Traditional and Dramatic Arts Mobile No. 777904642

Tafila Governorate

• Al-Hasa Band for Samer and Traditional Arts Mobile No. 785226291

• Tafila Mountains Band for Jordanian Artistic Heritage Mobile No. 777518137

• Dhana Band for Traditional Folklore

• Band of Dramatic and Traditional Arts

Kerak Governorate

• Mo'ta Forum for Culture and Arts

• Kerak Band for Dramatic and Traditional Arts Mobile No. 795909888

• Band of Dramatic and Traditional Arts Mobile No. 796130719

Ma'an Governorate

• Ma'an Band for Traditional Arts Mobile No. 777147089

• Petra Band for Traditional Folklore

• Band of the South for Drama

• Jordanian Band for the Revival of Traditional Heritage

• Al-Rajef Band for the Revival of Heritage

Aqaba Governorate

• Aqaba Society for Culture, Heritage and Arts

• Aqaba Naval Band for Traditional Arts

• Hajjanah Society for Culture and Arts

• Badia Society for Culture and Traditional Arts

• Al-Reesha Band for Traditional Arts

Balqa Governorate

• Green Valley Band for Traditional Arts

• Salt Band for Traditional Arts

• Society of Jordanian Heritage House "Beit Al-Toraath"

• Dead Sea Band for Traditional Arts

• Deir Allah Band for Heritage and Traditional Arts

• Salt Young-ladies Band for Traditional Arts

• Al-Sahel Band for Dramatic and Traditional Arts

Azraq Governorate

• Band of Azraq Club for Folklore Mobile No. 799998754

1. Petra

|مركز سمو الأميرة بسمة بنت طلال للتراث الثقافي غير المادي Her Royal Highness Princess Basma Bint Talal Centre of the Intangible Cultural Heritage |

| |رقم وتاريخ التسجيل: Number and date of |رقم (189) تاريخ 16/7/2009 No. (189) Date 16/7/2009 |

| |registration: | |

| |اسم وعنوان رئيس الهيئة: Name and |د. Dr. صلاح سعيد Salah Said |

| |address of the President: | |

| |العنوان: Address: |البتراء Petra |

| |تاريخ الانتخاب: Date of election: | |

| |الأعضاء Members | |

| |الاهداف: Objectives: |التوعية بأهمية صون التراث الثقافي غير المادي. Raising awareness of the importance of the safeguarding of the |

| | |intangible cultural heritage. |

| | |تقوية التعاون الإقليمي والدولي. Strengthening regional and international cooperation. |

| | |تعزيز أنشطة الصون باستخدام تكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصال. Promoting conservation activities using information |

| | |and communication technology. |

| | |صون التراث الثقافي غير المادي وأرشفته وجعله متاحا للباحثين والمشتغلين في هذا المجال. Safeguarding the |

| | |intangible cultural heritage, archive and make it available to researchers and professionals in this area. |

| | |القيام بأبحاث تتصل بالتراث الثقافي غير المادي في الأردن Conducting research related to the intangible cultural |

| | |heritage in Jordan |

| |النشاطات: Activities: | |

| |ملحوظات Notes | |

|الرابطة العربية للثقافة والتواصل الحضاري " بيت الأ نباط" Arab Association for Culture and cultural exchange "Bait Al-Anbat" |

| |رقم وتاريخ التسجيل: Number and date of |رقم 118ه No. 118 |

| |registration: | |

| |اسم وعنوان رئيس الهيئة: Name and address of the|د. Dr. باسم الطويسي On behalf of Tweisi |

| |President: | |

| |العنوان: Address: |مديرية ثقافة معان Ma'an Culture Department |

| |تاريخ الانتخاب: Date of election: |2000-05-18 00:00:00 18-5-2000 |

| |الأعضاء Members | |

| |الاهداف: Objectives: |الاهتمام بالحركة الثقافية الاردنية Following up the cultural movement of Ma'an. |

| | |الاسهام في نشر الوعي بقيمة المدن التراثية في الاردن ورعايتها Contributing to public awareness of the |

| | |value of historic cities in Jordan. |

| | |الاسهام في نشر قيم الوعي بالتكوين التاريخي والحضاري والانساني للثقافة العربية Contributing to public |

| | |awareness of the value of the historical and humanitarian Arab Culture. العمل على ابراز قيمة البعد |

| | |الثقافي في التنسيق السياحي |

| |النشاطات: Activities: |اقامة برنامج تأهيل ثقافي للعاملين في القطاعات السياحية من خلال عقد دورة تعليم اللغتين الايطالية و |

| | |الفرنسية Teaching Italian and French for workers in the field of cultural tourism. |

| | |مراسلة مائة مدينة اردنية و عربية و مطالبتها بتسمية شوارع و مرافق عامة باسم الانباط و رموزهم الحضارية |

| | |Contacting hundreds Jordanian and Arab cities to name streets after the Nabataeans and cultural symbols |

| | |تنظيم المؤتمر الاول لبحوث و دراسات الانباط في مدينة البتراء بالتعاون مع جامعة مؤتة و محل تنظيم اقليم |

| | |البتراء Organizing the first conference of the Nabataeans researches and studies in Petra, in |

| | |collaboration with the University of Mutah. |

| |ملحوظات Notes | |

|فرقة البتراء للفلكلور الشعبي Petra Band for Popular Folklore | |

| |رقم وتاريخ التسجيل: Number and date of |2006-05-14 00:00:00 رقم 185ف No. 185 14-5-2006 | |

| |registration: | | |

| |اسم وعنوان رئيس الهيئة: Name and address of the|طلال هلالات Talal Helalat | |

| |President: | | |

| |العنوان: Address: | | |

| |تاريخ الانتخاب: Date of election: | | |

| |الأعضاء Members | | |

| |الاهداف: Objectives: | | |

| |النشاطات: Activities: | | |

| |ملحوظات Notes | | |

|قوافل: هيئة البتراء للإشعاع الحضاري والمحافظة على التراث Convoys (Quawafil): Petra Commission for Heritage Safeguarding |

| |رقم وتاريخ التسجيل: Number and date of | |

| |registration: | |

| |اسم وعنوان رئيس الهيئة: Name and address of the|د. Dr. زياد السلامين 0777336281 Ziad anthems 0777336281 |

| |President: | |

| |العنوان: Address: | |

| |تاريخ الانتخاب: Date of election: | |

| |الأعضاء Members | |

| |الاهداف: Objectives: |1. 1. التعريف بالتراث الحضاري والثقافي الاردني وابراز مساهمة الاردن في الارث الثقافي العالمي. |

| | |Highlighting the cultural heritage of Jordan and highlight the contribution of Jordan in the |

| | |world's cultural heritage. |

| | |2. 2. تعزيز الوعي والثاقفة السياحية للشباب من خلال ابراز دور السياحة في التعريف بالتراث الحضاري في |

| | |الاردن. Promoting awareness and the cultural tourism for young people by highlighting the role of |

| | |tourism in the cultural heritage in Jordan. |

| | |3. 3. تشجيع المحتمع المحلي على الانخراط في المسيرة الثقافية. Encouraging the local involvement in |

| | |the cultural process. |

| | |4. 4. التوعية بمحورية المحافظة على البيئة. Raising awareness of the environmental conservation. 5. |

| | |6. 5. دعم الحوار بين الثقافات والشعوب وتعزيز احترام مبدأ الرأي والرأي الآخر. Supporting the |

| | |dialogue between cultures and peoples and promoting respect for the principle of opposing opinions.|

| | | |

| | |7. 6. دعم المواهب والابداعات الشبابية. Supporting the talent and creativity of youth. |

| | |8. 7. منح الشباب فرصة المشاركة في المسيرة الثقافية وتعزيز روح المبادرة لديهم. Giving young people |

| | |the opportunity to participate in the cultural activities. |

| |النشاطات: Activities: | |

| |ملحوظات Notes | |

|فرقة الراجف لاحياء التراث Alrajef Band for Reviving Heritage |

| |رقم وتاريخ التسجيل: Number and date of |2006-06-20 00:00:00 رقم 186ف No. 186 P 20-6-2006 |

| |registration: | |

| |اسم وعنوان رئيس الهيئة: Name and address of the|فهد الرواجفة Fahd Alroajefah |

| |President of the Board: | |

| |العنوان: Address: | |

| |تاريخ الانتخاب: Date of election: | |

| |الأعضاء Members | |

| |الاهداف: Objectives: | |

| |النشاطات: Activities: | |

| |ملحوظات Notes | |

2-معان 2 – Ma'an

|رابطة ابناء الجنوب للابداع التراثي The Inhabitants of the South Association for Heritage Innovation |

| |رقم وتاريخ التسجيل: Number and date of |رقم 117ر    7/6/2000 No. 117 R. 7/6/2000 |

| |registration: | |

| |اسم وعنوان رئيس الهيئة: Name and address of the|احمد ابراهيم مصطفى خشمان     خلوي 777625396 Ahmed Khashman |

| |President: | |

| |العنوان: Address: |معان Ma'an |

| |تاريخ الانتخاب: Date of election: |2000-10-04 00:00:00 14/10/2000 |

| |الأعضاء Members | |

| |الاهداف: Objectives: |استقطاب الابداعات والمواهب التراثية من ابناء البادية الجنوبية. Attract creative and talented people in |

| | |the field of heritage from southern desert. |

| | |تطوير وصقل المواهب الصاعدة. Develop and improve the talented people. |

| | |احياء التراث الفلكلوري للبادية الجنوبية. Revive the heritage of the Southern Desert folklore. |

| | |جمع وتدون ما قيل من اشعار لابناء البادية الجنوبية. Collect and record the southern desert popular |

| | |poetry.تبني الابداعات والمواهب الصاعدة. |

| |النشاطات: Activities: |إحياء أمسيات شعرية خاصة بالشعر النبطي. The revival of Nabati poetry. |

| |ملحوظات Notes | |

|فرقة الجنوب للعروض المسرحية The Band of South for Theatrical Performances |

| |رقم وتاريخ التسجيل: Number and date of registration:|رقم 120ف     تاريخ التسجيل 26/8/1992 No. 120 26/8/1992 |

| |اسم وعنوان رئيس الهيئة: Name and address of the |مشعل الكفاوين       تلفون 0777629496 Meshaal Alkfawin |

| |President: | |

| |العنوان: Address: |مديرية ثقافة معان Culture Department in Ma'an |

| |تاريخ الانتخاب: Date of election: |1999-08-19 00:00:00 19/8/1999 |

| |الأعضاء Members | |

| |الاهداف: Objectives: |العمل على احياء التراث الشعبي وتطويره. Reviving the cultural heritage. |

| | |تفعيل الحركة الفنية والمسرحية في المدينة والمحافظة. Activating the art movement and drama in the |

| | |city. توفير الظروف الملائمة للمبدعين ودعم |

| | |العمل على غرس روح الانتماء الوطني بين الاعضاء وحثهم على العمل التطوعي لخدمة المجتمع. Encouraging |

| | |the members to volunteer for community service. |

| |النشاطات: Activities: | |

| |ملحوظات Notes | |

|فرقة معان للفنون الشعبية Ma'an Band for Folk Art |

| |رقم وتاريخ التسجيل: Number and date |رقم 139ف No. 139 |

| |of registration: | |

| |اسم رئيس الهيئة: The name of the |عبد الرحمن علي الخطيب Abdul Rahman Ali Al-Khatib |

| |President: | |

| |العنوان: Address: |مديرية ثقافة معان Culture Department, Ma'an |

| |تاريخ الانتخاب: Date of election: |1999-04-06 00:00:00 6/4/1999 |

| |الأعضاء Members | |

| |الاهداف: Objectives: |العمل على جمع الاغاني والاشعار والاهازيج الشعبية وتدينها في كتيبات.Collecting popular songs and |

| | |poems. |

| | |تعريف الناس بالالوان الفولكلورية الاردنية. Raising awareness in CH. |

| | |العمل على تعميق الحس الوطني الفولكلوري في نفس كل اردني. Promoting the sense of national folklore. |

| |النشاطات: Activities: |المشاركة في مهرجانات الاسماعليلية (مصر)، أضواء الفاتح (ليبيا)، بصرى (سوريا)، بابل (العراق)، العقبة، |

| | |جرس وغيرها. Participating in festivals of: Alasmalilih (Egypt), the lights Al-Fateh (Libya), Bosra |

| | |(Syria), Babylon (Iraq), Aqaba and others. |

| |ملحوظات Notes | |

|الفرقة الاردنية لاحياء التراث الشعبي/معان The Jordanian Band for Folk Heritage / Ma'an |

| |رقم وتاريخ التسجيل: Number and date of registration: |2005-7-4رقم 179 ف No. 179 4/7/2005 |

| |اسم وعنوان رئيس الهيئة: Name and address of the President: |سعد عبد القادر  777966246 Saad Abdul-Qader |

| |العنوان: Address: |معان Ma'an |

| |تاريخ الانتخاب: Date of election: | |

| |الأعضاء Members | |

| |الاهداف: Objectives: | |

| |النشاطات: Activities: | |

| |ملحوظات Notes | |

|جمعية الاصيل للثقافة والفنون Al-Aseel Association for Culture and Arts |

| |رقم وتاريخ التسجيل: Number and date of registration: |رقم 164ج No. 164 |

| |اسم وعنوان رئيس الهيئة: Name and address of the President: |عماد هويمل Emad Hoeml |

| |العنوان: Address: |مديرية ثقافة معان Culture Department, Ma'an |

| |تاريخ الانتخاب: Date of election: |2000-07-27 00:00:00 27/7/2000 |

| |الأعضاء Members | |

| |الاهداف: Objectives: | |

| |النشاطات: Activities: | |

| |ملحوظات Notes | |

2. العقبة Aqaba

|جمعية الهجانة للثقافة والتراث Al-Hajjanh Society for Culture and Heritage |

| |رقم وتاريخ التسجيل: Number and date of registration: |2005-09-26 00:00:00 رقم 184ج No. 184 |

| | |26/9/2005 |

| |اسم وعنوان رئيس الهيئة: Name and address of the President: |احمد الصويلحين       خلوي : 0795135578 |

| | |Ahmed Alsoelhin |

| |العنوان: Address: |العقبة Aqaba |

| |تاريخ الانتخاب: Date of election: | |

| |عدد الأعضاء Number of Members | |

| |الاهداف: Objectives: | |

| |النشاطات: Activities: | |

| |ملحوظات Notes | |

|فرقة العقبة البحرية للفنون الشعبية Aqaba Marine Band for Folk Arts |

| |رقم وتاريخ التسجيل: Number and date of registration: |رقم  لا يوجد  تاريخ التسجيل 29/7/2001 29/7/2001 |

| |اسم وعنوان رئيس الهيئة: Name and address of the President: |عماد الكباريتي     خلوي 0795506174 Emad Kabariti|

| |العنوان: Address: |مركز معان الثقافي Ma'an Cultural Center |

| |تاريخ الانتخاب: Date of election: | |

| |الأعضاء Members | |

| |الاهداف: Objectives: | |

| |النشاطات: Activities: | |

| |ملحوظات Notes | |

3. الكرك Karak

|فرقة السماكية للفنون الشعبية Al-Samakiah Band for Folk Arts |

| |رقم وتاريخ التسجيل: Number and date of registration: |رقم 161ف No. 161 |

| |اسم رئيس الهيئة: The name of the President: |اسامة حجازين Osama Hijazin |

| |العنوان: Address: |مديرية ثقافة الكرك Culture Department, Karak |

| |تاريخ الانتخاب: Date of election: |2000-06-11 00:00:00 11/6/2000 |

| |الأعضاء Members | |

| |الاهداف: Objectives: |احياء التراث الشعبي. Reviving folklore. |

| | |تنمية المواهب الفنية لدى الشباب. Promoting the artistic talent among young people. |

| |النشاطات: Activities: |عقد دوارت موسيفية لتدريب أعضاء الفرقة. Training members of the band. |

| |ملحوظات Notes | |

|جمعية ابناء حمود لاحياء التراث الثقافي والتاريخي Abnaa Hammoud Society for Reviving the cultural and historical heritage |

| |رقم وتاريخ التسجيل: Number and date of registration: |2005-07-19  رقم 181 ج No. 181 19/7/2005 |

| |اسم وعنوان رئيس الهيئة: Name and address of the President: |حاكم هلسه  776644336 Hakem Halasa |

| |العنوان: Address: |الكرك Karak |

| |تاريخ الانتخاب: Date of election: | |

| |الأعضاء Members | |

| |الاهداف: Objectives: | |

| |النشاطات: Activities: | |

| |ملحوظات Notes | |

|منتدى جماعة درب الحضارات Path of Civilizations Forum |

| |رقم وتاريخ التسجيل: Number and date of registration: | |

| |اسم وعنوان رئيس الهيئة: Name and address of the |نايف النوايسة 0795512095 Nayef Alnoaisah |

| |President: | |

| |العنوان: Address: | |

| |تاريخ الانتخاب: Date of election: | |

| |الأعضاء Members | |

| |الاهداف: Objectives: | |

| |النشاطات: Activities: |1. 1. جمع الأشعار غير المنشورة Collecting the unpublished poems. |

| | |2. 2. إعداد أطلس تراثي عن منطقة الجنوب Preparing Atlas for the |

| | |South Heritage. |

| |ملحوظات Notes | |

|الجمعية النسائية الأردنية للمحافظة على التراث Jordanian Women's Association for Heritage Conservation |

| |رقم وتاريخ التسجيل: Number and date of registration: |رقم 146ج  14-10-1996 No. 146 14/10/1996 |

| |اسم وعنوان رئيس الهيئة: Name and address of the President: |سعاد الحباشنه  795929266 Souad Habashneh |

| |العنوان: Address: | |

| |تاريخ الانتخاب: Date of election: |1999-07-06 1999-07-06 |

| |الأعضاء Members | |

| |الاهداف: Objectives: | |

| |النشاطات: Activities: | |

| |ملحوظات Notes | |

|فرقة الكرك للفنون المسرحية والشعبية Karak Band for Performing and Folk Arts |

| |رقم وتاريخ التسجيل: Number and date of registration: |رقم ف143   17-8-1994 No. P-143 17.8.1994 |

| |اسم وعنوان رئيس الهيئة: Name and address of the President: |يحيي القسوس  795909888 Yahia Qosous |

| |العنوان: Address: |الكرك Karak |

| |تاريخ الانتخاب: Date of election: | |

| |الأعضاء Members | |

| |الاهداف: Objectives: | |

| |النشاطات: Activities: | |

| |ملحوظات Notes | |

|منتدى مؤتة للثقافة والتراث Muta Forum for Culture and Heritage |

| |رقم وتاريخ التسجيل: Number and date of registration: | |

| |اسم وعنوان رئيس الهيئة: Name and address of the President: |غالب الصرايرة Ghalib Sarayreh |

| |العنوان: Address: |جامعة مؤتة Mutah University |

| |تاريخ الانتخاب: Date of election: |2000-09-17 00:00:00 17/9/2000 |

| |الأعضاء Members | |

| |الاهداف: Objectives: | |

| |النشاطات: Activities: | |

| |ملحوظات Notes | |

4. الطفيلة Tafila

|جمعية الطفيلة للثقافة والتراث الشعبي Tafila Association for Culture and Folklore |

| |رقم وتاريخ التسجيل: Number and date of |رقم 110ف No. 110 P |

| |registration: | |

| |اسم وعنوان رئيس الهيئة: Name and address|جبل التاج أو الجوفة- حي الطفايلة |

| |of the President: | |

| |العنوان: Address: |1999-02-27 00:00:00 Al-Joufah |

| |تاريخ الانتخاب: Date of election: |27/2/1999 |

| |الأعضاء Members |علي سليمان الحراسيس Ali Suleiman Harasis |

| |الاهداف: Objectives: |تنمية الحس الوطني وتعميق الاعتزاز والانتماء للوطن. Deepening the sense of national |

| | |pride and belonging to the homeland. |

| | |تطوير وصقل فنوننا الشعبية والفلكلورية واعداد الشباب المهتم بهذه الفنون حفاظا عليها. |

| | |Developing and improving our art and popular folk. |

| | |العمل على تعزيز روابط المحبة بين الشباب الاردني. Strengthening the relationships among|

| | |the young people of Jordan. |

| |النشاطات: Activities: | |

| |ملحوظات Notes | |

|فرقة جبال الطفيلة للتراث الفني الاردني Mountains Band for Artistic Heritage of Jordan |

| |رقم وتاريخ التسجيل: Number and date of |2006-04-18  رقم 184ف No. 184 18/4/2006 |

| |registration: | |

| |اسم وعنوان رئيس الهيئة: Name and address of |ثائر يحيى السقرات 0777518137 Thaer Yahya Alsagrat |

| |the President: | |

| |العنوان: Address: | |

| |تاريخ الانتخاب: Date of election: | |

| |الأعضاء Members | |

| |الاهداف: Objectives: | |

| |النشاطات: Activities: | |

| |ملحوظات Notes | |

|ملتقى الطفيلة الثقافي Tafila Cultural Forum |

| |رقم وتاريخ التسجيل: Number and date|رقم 164م 1-6-1996 No. 164 1/6/1996 |

| |of registration: | |

| |اسم وعنوان رئيس الهيئة: Name and |ابراهيم السقرات  0777417457 Ibrahim Alsagrat |

| |address of the President: | |

| |العنوان: Address: |مديرية ثقافة الطفيلة Culture Department, Tafila |

| |تاريخ الانتخاب: Date of election: |1999-09-26 26/9/1999 |

| |الأعضاء Members | |

| |الاهداف: Objectives: |تنشيط الحركة الفكرية والثقافية في المحافظة. Stimulating the intellectual and cultural movement. |

| | |تنمية الابداعات الادبية والعلمية والفنية والثقافية لدى ابناء المحافظة وتبنيها. Developing of the |

| | |literary, scientific, artistic and cultural creativity. |

| | |العمل على انشاء متحف للتراث الشعبي ودعم الحرف والصناعات التقليدية. Establishing a museum for |

| | |folklore and supporting the traditional crafts and industries. |

| | |إقامة أسبوع ثقافي بعنوان "أيام الطفيلة الثقافية". Celebrating the cultural week entitled "Days of |

| | |Tafila cultural values." |

| |النشاطات: Activities: |توزيع جائزة تيسير السبول السنوية. The annual Tayseer Sboul Award. |

| | |إقامة محاضرات وندوات ثقافية. Holding lectures and cultural seminars. |

| | |إقامة أمسيات شعرية وقصصية. Holding poetry and short stories sessions. |

| | |إقامة معرض فني سنوي لفناني المحافظة The establishment of an annual art exhibition for artists of |

| | |Tafilah. |

| |ملحوظات Notes | |

|ملتقى بصيرا الثقافي Bsera Cultural Forum |

| |رقم وتاريخ التسجيل: Number and date of registration: |رقم 222م  30-01-2002 No. 222 30/01/2002 |

| |اسم وعنوان رئيس الهيئة: Name and address of the President: |عدنان السعودي  0777407980 Adnan Saudi |

| |العنوان: Address: |الطفيلة Tafila |

| |تاريخ الانتخاب: Date of election: | |

| |الأعضاء Members | |

| |الاهداف: Objectives: | |

| |النشاطات: Activities: | |

| |ملحوظات Notes | |

5. بدو الجنوب Bedouins of the south

|ملتقى ابناء الثورة العربية الكبرى من ابناء البادية الجنوبية Sons of the Great Arab Revolt Forum - The Southern Badia. |

| |رقم وتاريخ التسجيل: Number and date of registration: |2006-04-12 00:00:00 رقم 246م No. 246 |

| | |12/4/2006 |

| |اسم وعنوان رئيس الهيئة: Name and address of the President: | |

| |العنوان: Address: | |

| |تاريخ الانتخاب: Date of election: | |

| |الأعضاء Members | |

| |الاهداف: Objectives: | |

| |النشاطات: Activities: | |

| |ملحوظات Notes | |

6. الشوبك Shobak

|منتدى الشوبك الثقافي Shobak Cultural Forum |

| |رقم وتاريخ التسجيل: Number and date of registration: |25/2/1996 رقم 158م 25/2/1996 No. 158 |

| |اسم وعنوان رئيس الهيئة: Name and address of the President: |صالح محمد الرواشدة 0795958958 Saleh Mohammed Al-Rawashdeh |

| |العنوان: Address: |الشوبك Shobak |

| |تاريخ الانتخاب: Date of election: | |

| |الأعضاء Members | |

| |الاهداف: Objectives: | |

| |النشاطات: Activities: | |

| |ملحوظات Notes | |

|بيت الشوبك الثقافي Shobak Cultural House |

| |رقم وتاريخ التسجيل: Number and date of registration: |10/6/2008 رقم 134هـ 10/6/2008 No. 134 |

| |اسم وعنوان رئيس الهيئة: Name and address of the President: |جاد حمد عبد القادر الطورة 0777309535 Jad Hamad Abdul Qadir |

| | |Ataiwrh |

| |العنوان: Address: |الشوبك Shobak |

| |تاريخ الانتخاب: Date of election: | |

| |الأعضاء Members | |

| |الاهداف: Objectives: | |

| |النشاطات: Activities: | |

| |ملحوظات Notes | |


Museums in Jordan

- Jordan Archaeological Museum Tel. 4638795/ Al Qala’ah mount

- Haya Cultral Center , Tel : 665195

- Jordan Folklore Museum, Tel : 4651742, near the Roman Theater

- Museum of Folklore Life

- Museum of the Folklore jewelry and fashion / The eastern part of

the Roman Theatre

- Museum of ancient coins

- Martyr's Memorial / Tel: 5664240/Amman

- Museum of / University of Jordan

- Museum of the Folklore life/ University of Jordan

- National Museum of Fine Arts/ Tel: 4630128/ Al Wabdeh Mount.

- Irbid Archaeological Museum/South distict of Irbid-Ground Floor

- Museum of Umm Qais/ Um Qais.

- Museum of Jerash/Jerash

- Ajloun Archaeological Museum / Ajloun Castle\

- Al Karak Archaeological Museum

- Salt Archaeological Museum/ Al Salt New Commercial Center.

- Museum of Jordanian Heritage/ Al Yarmoak University.

- Museum of Folklore life / Salt/ Salt Cultural Center.

- Archaeological Museum / Madaba

- Museum of ancient Petra/Inside the natural rock within one of the Nabataeas caves in Petra

- Petra Nabatean Museum / Al Petra

- Museum of the Aqaba Region / Al Shareaf Hussain bin Ali Palace in Aqaba Region

- Al Mazar Islamic museum / Al Mazar- Al Karak

- Museum of the textbook / Cummunity College in Salt.

- Museum of political life




Baldaniat Jordan in the books of travelers and geographers/ collected by Ahmad Al khatib.

Throughout Jordan from the Views of travelers / Suliman al Mousa.

Jordan in the legacy of geographers and the Arab travelers/Al Mahdi Al Rawdiah.

Jordan in the books of Muslim geographers travelers till 1881 Ahmad Awaidy Al Alabbadi.

Trips in the east of Jordan in 1972. Tours and discoveries from the east side of the Dead Sea and the River Jordan / Trastram H, Ahmad Al Awaidy Alabbadi 1987 / Amman

Perkhart Trips / Noor Arafat. (1784-1817) / 1969/ Department of Culture and Arts

The land of Gilead, and trips in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Palestine 1880/ Olivant Lawrens /Translated by: Ahmad Awaidy Alabbadi

Discoveries in the east of Jordan. Extracts from the book of Hath Mo’ab Conndar. S / Translated by Ahmad Awaidy Alabbadi, 1881-1882

Trips in the east of Jordan: The land of Mo'ab: Travels and discoveries in Jordan and the eastern side of the Dead Sea / Trastram, H/ / Ahmad Al Alabbadi. Published by Alahliah 2005Amman.

The ruins of the East Bank of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. A summarized illustrated guide. Author: Demtrios Bramki /Publisher Anton Nazzal / Date of publishing: 1995, Amman.

The Jordan Valley and Petra. Author: Waleam Leaby, Hoaskanz, Ahmad Awaidy Alabbadi Frankleen,

Beyond Jordan: Life and Adventures /Amman/ Leen Ronson/Al Ahlia Publisher/ !980, 2005

The Cultural and archaelogical list Dornemann, Rudolph Henry 1970 -

Public and Private Universities and colleges

Public Universities :

- University of Jordan / Tel: 962-6- 5355000

- Yarmouk University / Irbid/ Tel: 9626-2-7211111

- Mou'ata University / Karak/ Tel: 962-3-2372380

Science and Technology University / Irbid/ Tel: 962-2-7201000

Hashmia University / Zarqa/ tel: 962-5-3903333

Aal Al Bait University / Al Mafraq/ Tel: 962-2-6297000

Balqa Applied University / al Salt / Tel : 962-5-3491111

Al Hussain Bin Talal University /Ma'an / Tel: 962-3-2179000

Tafilah Technology University / Al Tafilah /Tel: 2250326

German Jordanian University / Amman /Tel; 5300666

Private Universities:

Applied Science Private University / Amman/ 5609999 - Amman Al Ahliyya Private University/ Amman Tel:(053500211),(053500212),(053500213)

- Philadelphia Private University / Tel (026374444),(026300200)

- Isrra'a Private University / Amman/ Tel:24711710, 4711705

- Alzaitoonah Jordanian Private University /Amman. Tel; 4291511, 2491375

- Petra Private University / Amman/ Tel; 5715561, 5715553

-Al Razi College/ Irbid / Tel: 02-7271185, 02-7271187

- Ibn Khaldoon College/ Irbid /Tel: 02-7274731, 02-72474733

-Mafraq Private College./ Al Mafraq/Tel :02-6232043

- Ammoan College for Hotel Education/ Amman/5th circle /Tel: 5671131, 5680090

-Institute of Banking Studies/ Shmisani/Tel:536395

- Jordanian college for Technology and Science/Irbid /Aidoon St. /Tel:02-7251511, 02-7251512, 02-771583

- Jordanian Canadian College/ Amman - University of Jordan/Tel: 009626-5344396

Amman College/Amman/Jabal Al Hussain /Tel: 4639124,4639125

- Amman College for Technological engineering/ Amman / Marka/Tel: 4894291

Princess Alia college/Amman/ Al Shmisani/Tel:56661888

Salt college/ Salt/ Al Manshia /Tel: 05-355573

Zarqa’ Public college /Al Zarqa/Tel : 05-3989591

-Irbid College/ Irbid / Eastern District , Tel: 02-7278210

- Al Husson college for Engineering careers / Irbid /Al Hosson/Tel: 02-7010398

- Karak college/ Al Karak/ZahoomTel:03-2386319

- Tafeleah college for Engineering careers / Tafeleah/Al Eiss/Tel:03-2250326

- Ma'an College/Ma'an/ tel:03-2132299

- Shobak college/Al Shobak/Tel: 03-2164018

- Faculty of Dawa and Fundamentals of Religion/ Tla'a al Ali/ Tel5537901

College of Jordan Royal Geographic Centre / Al Jubaiha/ Tel: 5349198

Islamic Science college/Al-Waibdeh/Tel: 4622958

Princess Rahma College for Social Services / Allan/ Tel: 05-3510035

Queen Noor Technical College/ North of Marka/Tel: 9248448

Aqaba College/ al Aqaba/ Tel: 03-2019625

Wadi El Sear / Beader wadi el sair/ Tel: 5856112

Amman Training College/ Al Mgablean/Tel: 4205501

College of Medical Support/ Yajoaz / Al Zarqa/ Tel: 053743034

Medical Careers College / Irbed/ Tel; 02-7070475

Rufaida Al-Aslameah College/ Tel: 05-3743010

Nusaiba Al Mazenia College / Tel: 02-7070475

Faculty of medical services for Supporting careers / North of Marka/ Tel: 4892732

Al Shareef Naser Bin Jamil College for Comunication / Al Zarqa/Tel: 05-3998743

Prince Hassan for Islamic Sciences College/ Al-Zarqa/Tel: 05-3998743

Prince Al Hussain bin Abdulah Militarily Technical College / Al Zarqa/ Tel: 05-3980650

Prince Faisal Technical College / North of Marka. Salla al Jaow/ Tel: 4896351-ext, 5345

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والبحوث وم

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- العشائر الاردنية بين الماضي والحاضر/ دار العكش، الزرقاء: 2000

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نوال فواز زيناتي/ تغير انماط الزعامة في مجتمع بدوي مستقر: دراسة ميدانية لاحدى قرى شمال

الاردن/ جامعة اليرموك، اربد: 1991

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- الطفل في الحياة الشعبية الاردنية/ وزارة الثقافة، عمان: 1997

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- فيض القرآن في علاج المسحور في مخاطبة الجان و دعوتهم الى الرحمن للخروج من الأبدان لعلاج و فك السحر لعلاج و إخراج المس لعلاج الحسد و العين/ دار الإسراء للنشر و التوزيع، عمان: 1995

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هاني صبحي العمد/- السلط ملامح من الحياة اليومية للمدنية من خلال البلدية للسنوات 1923-1925/

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- ملامح من الحياة اليومية للمدنية من خلال سجل البلدية لسنة 1982: دراسة

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- الامثال الشعبية في الاردن:1973

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الواصفات: الثقافة العربية/الشعر العربي/ الروايات العربية/ القصص القصيرة/ الفنون التشيكيلية/ التراث/ الاردن

نوع الوثيقة: BK

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يونس محمد الشديفات/ عادات الدفن النبطية في خربة الذريح: دراسة مقارنة

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بعض برامج التلفزيون الأردني المتعلقة بالتراث الثقافي غير المادي

- اعرف بلدك

- من تراث الريف والبادية

- ارضنا

- واحة التراث

- بوح البادية

- عادات وتقاليد

- ذاكرة مكان

- اسم ومكان

- حدائق اردنية

- نسمات اردنية

- مدينة وتاريخ

- وديان اردنية

- سحر الجمال

- بيتي

- يسعد صباحك

- يوم جديد

- الزراعة والبيئة

- البتراء اعجوبة على مر الزمان

- رحلة في وادي القمر رم

- البتراء مدينة الحلم والدهشة

- قناديل

- وطن وتراث

- متحف في الهواء الطلق

- ارض الاسلام: التاريخ والحضارة

- حدث هنا

- ثغور اردنية

- معالم اردنية

- شجرة الفهود

- يوميات نكرة

- سحر الجمال الارزق

- الطريق السلطاني

- رحلة وادي القمر رم

- في ربوع الاردن

- الايدي المباركة- الصناعات التقليدية

- صيد السمك وصناعة القوارب

- فلم وثائقي- ندى بنت الصحراء

- صوت ومكان- ديانا كرزون

- ضانا قرية على طريق الحياة

- ازهار الاردن البرية- الجبال

- في ذاكرة مكان- رقم ذاكرة الزمان- سحر المكان

- الاشجار التاريخية في الاردن

- البتراء مدينة الحلم والدهشة

- حلوة يا بلدي- مترجم

- البتراء اسطورة المكان وعبقرية الانسان

- الطائر الوردي في مواطنه

- اعرف بلادك- البحر الميت

بعض البرامج الإذاعية المتعلقة بالتراث الثقافي غير المادي

- من التراث

- من البادية

- ونة قلب

- ديرتنا

- حكايا اردنية

- ذاكرة الاذاعة

- شبابيك: صناعة تقليدية ورسم

- فنون- الغناء

- من وثائقنا

- عيون الشاعر

- المجلة الموسيقية

- عالم السياحة

- مجلة الاذاعة

- ذاكرة المكان

- اوراق اردنية

- صفحات من تاريخ الاردن

- حكايا اردنية- ضانا

- الشاهد والتاريخ- الازرق

- مشروع قناة البحرين الاحمر والميت- بلسم من الجنوب

- وثائق فرنسي- البتراء

- برنامج عن البتراء- مترجم

- واقع المياه في الاردن

- الوديان- وادي البطم

- فلم وثائقي- الاسواق التقليدية

- فلم وثائقي- وادي رم اكتشاف نفق ام قيس


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MEDLIHER – Mediterranean Living Heritage

national assessments on the state of

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Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria


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