Come, Enter the Mikvah

IS THERE A BLOOD CURSE OVER PLANET EARTH?Based on excerpts from L.A. Marzulli’s book UFO Disclosure – the 70 Year Cover-Up Exposed (Copy write: 2018) From Chapter 4, pages 66-71: “Do the One Billion Abortions Worldwide Have Something to Do With What We Are Seeing?” “I remember reading in the Bible about the children of Israel sacrificing their children to the ancient Canaanite gods like Baal. I was appalled and wondered how people could do this abominable thing? Fast forward to the present day where according to the latest statistics there are now 1 BILLION ABORTIONS that have taken place since the landmark case known as Roe vs Wade. This is unprecedented in all of history. Never has there been this kind of wholesale slaughter of babies in their mother’s womb. We know from the Book of Enoch I that the angles who sinned and took wives, having children by them in the days of Noah, were also responsible for showing women how to kill the child in the womb. There are approximately 7 billion people on our round sphere called Planet Earth. It’s hard for me to grasp the 1 billion number! I can see a football stadium and know that it holds let’s say 80,000 people. I can see that, and in my mind’s eye I can imagine 12 or more of them and get a million people. However, I can’t get my head around 1 billion. That’s out of reach.” Remember, his book was written in 2018. How many more than a billion babies have not just been killed in their mother’s wombs, but allowed to die after their birth so that their organs can be “harvested.” There are women who have babies for organ harvesting just to get the money, so they have one baby after another. L.A. Marzulli goes on to write: “…I use the word holocaust because that is what it is – it is an ongoing unprecedented deliberate killing of babies on a global scale never before seen in the history of mankind. A while back there were some very brave researchers who had a hidden camera with them. They had a meeting with a woman who was involved in the `abortion industry.’ As this doctor was munching on lettuce and sipping her wine, she’s casually relating how she won’t crush the head of the `fetus’ if she’s trying to get a certain body part to sell… …she’s a monster who ranks right up there with the Nazi Doctor Megele who practiced his barbaric medical experiments on Jews in Auschwitz.” [Yedidah: After the end of WWII, Mengele was brought into the U.S. many times by the military and the CIA to teach his “methods” of experimentation on human beings, especially the mind control, to be carried out by others like him. Out of Mengele’s instructions came the Monarch Mind Control, the CIA’s MK Ultra, and other programs they used for fragmenting the minds of children for creating “Manchurian Candidates” for their “use.”] L.A.: “Satanists and occultists use a blood sacrifice to open the gateways to the demonic realm…This is deliberate, and those who follow the dark path of the Dragon, or Satan, will spill blood deliberately to charge themselves with as much demonic power as possible…Make no mistake about it, those who practice the dark arts know the power of blood sacrifice.” “Having made my case for the life is in the blood and how the spilling of blood opens doorway to the Satanic world, is it a stretch to post that the 1 billion aborted babies have created a blood curse on the entire planet that…cannot be undone? I do think that Christians who pray and fast together can make a difference and create an open door to God’s throne room, but only in a certain area where this is happening and only if people understand.” (Ephesians 6:10-18) “There is a blood curse on this planet and we made it so. Whether people want to believe it or not, I would state emphatically that it is true. And now I bring a very troubling conclusion to what the consequences of these 1 billion abortions might be.Have We Lost Our Covering? When I was filming in Portugal, I had no idea of the ancient goddess worship that was rife in the country before the Christian era. The goddess was Moura, also known as the Mother Goddess. According to the legend, she and other godesses worshipped in Portugal had the ability to open or close portals and gateways and also the ability to spin the sun.” On October 13, 1917, 70,000 people gathered to see the Virgin Mary. What they saw was reported as the sun spinning. Yet, closer examination from pictures and eye witnesses proved it to be a UFO. L.A. was in Portugal filming his Fatima series, exposing the hoax of the spinning sun. Most likely the fake Virgin Mary that appeared to the 3 children between May 13, 1917 and October 13, 2017 was an apparition of the goddess over Portugal, Moura. L.A. was in a hotel room in Portugal, lying in bed at 3:00 AM, and was hit with intense spiritual warfare. He wrote: “It was then that I learned of the ancient principality which I believe still holds sway over Portugal today.”Why Did This Happen? I was intruding on the goddess’ land while making the Fatima films. She had legal right to be there and was empowered; I was an intruder and had no legal right to be there. She had been worshipped there for thousands of years. She knew what I was trying to expose and so came against me. All my spiritual warfare training did little to stop the attack. However, eventually it subsided. I relate this story to get to the heart of this…and ask this question: With 1 billion aborted babies and their blood being spilled over the entire planet, is it possible that we have lost our covering? It is possible that God can no longer move and protect us legally because Satan and his dark forces now have the legal right to do what they please! This is the only explanation I can come up with to explain why Christians are being abducted. We are warned that in the last days: `They will have a form of religion but deny the power thereof...’ (KJV) Many pastors yearn for revival ad so do I. However, there is a blood curse on the land which…is stopping any revival from happening. Could this be the reason that in America we don’t see healings or miracles? Are we, in fact, praying under a brass heaven where our prayers are heard but not much can be done because of the blood curse? …Frankly I hope it isn’t. However, we are living in unprecedented times with the killing of 1 billion babies world-wide through legal abortions. Is this the reason why Christians are being taken against their will? … If I’m right in this, it is trouble beyond anything I can imagine.” [Yedidah: America funds abortions worldwide in third world nations, of course, using tax payer money. The trafficking of baby body parts is huge, not just from America, but other nations, too, like China. America conducts more abortions than any other nation, however, Israel, proportionately for its size, statistically conducts the most abortions. Tel Aviv is known as the abortion capital of the world. It is also known as the LGTBQ capital of the world. Israel is not a “holy land.” But, truly no nation on earth is innocent of this evil.] Since L.A. wrote the book, America has turned the sale of baby body tissues into a commercial business that is out in the open, with over 300 America products using these tissues as “artificial food flavoring” and for other purposes, like in make-up and other body products. Baby tissues are in ALL vaccines. Aborted babies are for sale to Satanists for cannibalizing, also for the selling of their blood as a power-enhancer and “fountain of youth.” Plus, unwanted babies have been born, left in dark rooms to die so that the organs could be harvested “fresh.” Yes, this is a world-wide sacrifice to Satan and his forces, calling for them to come into the earth to rule earth. Russ Dizdar talks about the preparation of a once-human army that has been programmed from childhood to serve Satan. (The Black Awakening) It is also a fact that war is a sacrifice to Satan when it is planned for evil purposes to advance the agenda of the fallen ones. This is true of WWI, WWII, and America’ wars since – all planned out in fine detail from 1871 for the purpose of the world government and planet takeover by the world ruler (anti-messiah). The horrendous loss of life under Mao Tze Tung, Adolf Hitler, Stalin, and Pol Pot, were also part of the plans, especially the slaughtering by Stalin and Hitler. Thus the deaths of 350 million America has also been planned -- so far back that Jeremiah wrote about it in detail, along with Isaiah, other Tenach-age Prophets, as well as the Apostle Yochanan/John. The infamous American funding of both sides of the wars has made millionaires into billionaires and controllers of little into controllers of much. The sacrificing of babies to the gods goes way back before the Flood. We know about during the time of Jeremiah, the time before the Babylonian captivity. But, the northern kingdom of the House of Israel was so evil in child sacrifice that Yahuwah had to disperse them into the nations AMONG the gentiles. He never lost track of the lineages. That’s why we’re here! We’re back in the days of sacrificing to the gods and the chief god, Lucifer/Satan, at a time when our lives can reverse the curses on our family lineage by our laying down our lives 100% to do the will of Elohim. L.A. Marzulli questioned why people professing to be Christians are being abducted, taken up into space ships by varying types of Nephilim/mutates/aliens, and forced to breed with the ship’s crew, or at least let them take some of the seed to use in “DNA manipulation experiments.” Because of the church’s shallow gospel, i.e. “pray this prayer and go to heaven when you die” gospel, few are truly born again. “Asking Jesus into your heart” can lead to salvation, but is that really the way Yahuwah intended it to be? There’s something that has been removed that is a necessity for a true new birth: Repentance! Repentance and separation, turning one’s back on the kingdom of darkness in all ways, is mandatory for a true new birth. It has nothing to do with accepting a belief system into your heart (mind/emotions – your soul). The true new birth as a transforming act of the Spirit is rarely taught. [Refer to: “The True New Birth”/Mikvah of Eternal Salvation] In a true new birth, the Spirit does 40 things that change us into a totally new creation (II Corinthians 5:17) so that even our DNA changes – “all things become new.” The first thing a truly born again person wants to do is go out and save the world. You can’t shut up a really born again person--they want everyone to know the power of the Savior to set us free. Religion dulls that zeal and stifles the working of the Spirit within us. Religion is man’s control that usurps Elohim’s control. Get out of it! The incredible apathy, even rejection of Yahushua Messiah who spoke creation into existence twice, and will do it a third time soon, who formed Adam and Eve out of the clay, breathed into their nostrils the breath of life, walked with them in the Garden, is a mind-boggling overwhelming reality. Yet they think they have eternal life. The Word means almost nothing anymore to Christians in the West, so they deny the miraculous, the prophetic, the absolutes, the way of discipleship, and even the reality of Satan. Thus, with this type of lukewarm-at-the-best Christianity, the doors are open for the fallen ones of Satan’s forces to abduct and use “Christians” over and over, and then their children too over and over. A whole new race of Nephilim is being produced! Are the heavens “brass” over our heads? The denial, by the majority of Christians and Messianics in western Greco-Roman culture of the book of Acts for today, the apathy of believers towards the gifts of the Spirit in general, is closing the gate on the Spirit’s ability to continue to work with a professing “believer.” The fallen angels, Nephilim, alien mutates, etc. are territorial! Yahuwah gave some of His angels the right to rule over individual nations after the tower of Babel incident, as Deuteronomy 32:7 tells us. Psalm 82 tells us they got power-hungry and rebelled. They became the “principalities and powers of the air.” They’ve extended their authority over mankind in their regions. They stake out their territory and anyone coming into it has no right to do anything they don’t like without them letting us know we’ve crossed into their territory. Often in buying a new house, or a new piece of property, we must do spiritual warfare and claim the territory for Yahuwah and Yahushua. If it’s ours we have that right. But, if we go into their territory and do not have right to be there, they will attack and sometimes it’s really bad. Remember that Satan is the “god of this world” and those ancient powers over nations are under his authority by their choice. We have to know from Abba what authority we have and what we don’t have. Those who understand the use of Yahuwah’s authority and the perimenters we must stay in don’t have to get emotional. We just speak the Word and “they legally” back off. The story in Luke 10:1-19 is a good example. As Pastor Shook said one time in a meeting in Fort Worth, “If you do things the Bible way, you’ll get the Bible result.” That’s for sure! Doing things the “Bible-way” from Genesis to Revelation, not picking and choosing verses out of context! My years as a minister in the Charismatic movement, taught me that we can’t do things the Pentecostal way or the Charismatic way of man’s reasoning – for often their methodology draws the evil ones more than runs them off. As one example, the going to “ley lines” to do intercession leaves most intercessors holding the bag to pay the price for their foolishness. There is methodology that is considered “common” that religious man teaches that actually draw spirits to go and harm the intercessor and/or their family. A true intercessor is taught exclusively by Yahuwah! They go on assignment with one to two others at the most. It isn’t a party! Abba has trusted me with much intercession, especially since 2006, and by my only going, speaking, and doing what the Spirit said to do and speak, He has trusted me with some very big assignments. I’m glad that in a lot of them, I had wonderful back-ups with me. True intercession must be done in site. True intercession is not yelling at the devil, but proclaiming the will of Yahuwah into places that has not heard His Word for centuries, or never heard it. It is also proclaiming His prophetic Word into the earth so that He can come and fulfill it. I know that may sound weird, but there are prophecies that He has given to His prophets millennium ago, but for them to be fulfilled now, He has to have portals opened for Him. I am simply an obedient servant. He sent me to Alaska in 2006. I did what He asked. But, upon leaving, I asked Him if I did any good for His entrance. He showed me a vision of a door that was open about 2 inches. He said “You opened the door for Me; now I can go through it.” The sin of Adam and Eve didn’t just shut off their right to live in His portal and be immortal beings, they shut off His ability to interact with them as He did before. Messiah’s death reopened that portal – (Philippians 3:20-21). He comes as He is allowed by those who are aligned to Him. His true children are calling “Come Yahushua Come.” It is their love and obedience to Him as good children that will open the door, even just a crack, so that Yahushua can descend. L.A. had no way to take down the principality over Portugal. Many wrongly- taught intercessors are trying to cast down the principalities over their nation. It’s not going to work. Yahuwah has allowed them to rule because they people want them to rule. Ever wonder why the fallen ones were allowed to return in 1896? Yes, some of the chained ones returning because man willed it, man called for it. Yahuwah says “you can have what you want – for a short time.” In the meantime, His children are the main targets of their hate. Messiah said “You will be hated by all men for My Name’s sake.” Learn from the Spirit your rights over yourself, over your family, and over the righteous prayer requests of others. You have territorial rights in your home, your work area, your car - you have rights of proclamation over your little ones. You also have clout with Abba about your adult children. But just know that He will not violate their will or anyone’s will – not until Messiah comes that is. He will not force Himself on anyone. When Messiah comes, holding the title deed of the earth in His hand, He will enforce His right to be here with all of His set-apart ones from Adam onward. We cannot pray all-encompassing prayers and get answers. For example, it is futile to pray that abortion is stopped, or that everyone gets saved, or that all hungry people get food, or all sick people get healed. We pray for what is at hand for us to pray - specifics. We pray as we are led by the Spirit. For He only answers prayers that align with His will! Everyone has a free will. Most of the world’s people don’t want to get “saved.” And even some actually like being sick because they get the sympathy they want. This emphasizes our boundaries--only what the Spirit lays on our spirit, or is commanded in the Word, is what we pray for, say, and do. It is the faith of the one receiving that brings the miracle, as well as the faith of the one ministering. “Your faith has made you whole,” Messiah said over and over.We were saved to be vessels through whom the Spirit can pour out His power, through whom others can be reconciled to Yahuwah by the blood of the Lamb. To be such a vessel, we have to be empty. We have to be pure and undefiled, contrite, submitted and usable, like the bottle in the article “The Purpose for the Bottle Has Changed.” Is there a brass dome over earth and our prayers are not getting through? For the most part, yes! Our prayers being answered depends on Yahuwah knowing us personally. He has to initiate the prayer for us to get the answer. (I John 5:14-15) It is a horrible thing that in America there are so many in top government positions, so many in Hollywood, and so many citizens in general, who proudly boast about abortions, who make jokes about it, who make fun of cannibalizing aborted babies. 2018 or 2019: When the New York historic decision was announced allowing full-term abortions, those in the legislature stood and cheered. Satanism is the fastest growing religion in America, especially among the youth and in the military. Some have asked me the same questions L.A. is asking. Perhaps you’ve wondered why prayers are not being answered like they used to be--we’re not seeing the power of the Spirit demonstrated as we used to. People’s lack of faith in the miraculous has a lot to do with it. But, what about the blood curse that encircles the earth? How much does that affect Yahuwah’s ability to answer prayer? Jeremiah preached for 23 years, yet only a few took him seriously, so Yahuwah had to tell Jeremiah to stop praying for the people! (Jeremiah 7:27-29; 14:11; 15:1…) Yahuwah can only do what His children allow Him to do by their humble childlike trusting faith. Yes, we’re under a blood curse. But, there is a remnant rising that the curse cannot take down. He can trust this remnant to carry out His will! (Daniel 11:32) This remnant of the modern-day Natzarim is tiny, but they are united and under the control of the Spirit of Yahuwah. I like to think of them as the new breed of Gideon’s 300. I hope that’s you! In His love, YedidahDecember 28, 2019 ................

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