'The American dream is dead

"The American dream is dead." – Donald Trump

Donald Trump visits Birch Run Presidential candidate and business mogul Donald Trump talks about illegal immigration during his visit to the Saginaw and Genesee County Republican Party Lincoln Day fundraiser at the Expo Center in Birch Run on Aug. 11, 2015.

Here are some standout quotes from Trump's speech:

"We're going to have a little fun tonight. We're going to talk about some terrible things, but we're going to have fun anyway. Not a lot of good things happening, if you want to know the truth."

"What have I been talking about for years? China devaluing their currency. They did it again to us today, folks. They're taking your jobs, they're taking your money, they're taking everything. And, by the way, we owe them $1.4 trillion. How do you do that? That's like a magic act. We owe China $1.4 trillion. And I love China. Nothing wrong with China. Their leaders are so much smarter than ours. Mexico's leaders are so much smarter than ours. They laugh at our people."

"I love the Mexican people. They have tremendous spirit. Amazing spirit. They have amazing spirit. They're great. I was just telling the press, there was a poll in Nevada that was just done. I'm leading in the Hispanic vote, and I'm going to win the Hispanic vote. I'm also leading in the regular vote."

"The deficits are incredible. The deficits with China are mind-boggling. We had a GDP in the first quarter that went down. In other words, we're a country with more people pouring in, many of whom are illegal, by the way. And if it weren't for me, the words 'illegal immigrant' wouldn't be spoken right now."

"Believe me, other countries are sending over people that they don't want. They don't want to use their prisons."

"We have to build a wall. The wall will be big; it will be powerful. And, by the way, I'm all for legal immigration. That's what it's all about."

"The media. Look at all those people back there. Scavengers. They're like scavengers. The media just doesn't tell it like it is."

"The American dream is dead. But I'm going to make it bigger and better and stronger than ever before."

"So Ford is building a $2.5 billion plant in Mexico. How is that good for us? I'm going to say, I'm not going to approve the deal. I'm not going to let it happen. I don't care."

"Let's look at this horrendous deal we're making with Iran. This deal is one of the more incompetent things I've ever seen. It's going to lead to nuclear proliferation. You're going to have countries that never even thought of going nuclear that go nuclear."

"We have so many problems. Obamacare is a disaster. It has to be repealed and replaced."

"The good news is we have tremendous potential. But if we don't get going quickly, we're never going to bring it back. It's going to be too far."

"I love people. I love this country. We are going to make it so strong and so powerful and so respected all over the world. We're going to bring our jobs back. We're going to bring our money back. We're going to save social security. You are going to love President Trump."


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