
Table S1: Classes and properties of POUMTermsDescriptionMain ClassPlantSampleRecord of the plant sample.SpeciesRecord of the scientific name of the plant sample.DescriptionGeneral characteristics of each part of a plant species (tree, bark, fruit, flower, leaf).TaxonRankTaxonomical information of scientific names.ImgPropertiesDetails of plant images.HabitatDetails of plant habitats.DistributionLocation of plant samples.PartsDescription of the parts of plants and plant samples (tree, bark, fruit, flower, leaf).Sub ClassLeafDescription of the leaf of the plant and plant sample.StemDescription of the stem of the plant and plant sample.FruitDescription of the fruit of the plant and plant sample.FlowerDescription of the flower of the plant and plant sample.WholeDescription of the tree of the plant and plant sample.Object PropertyconsistOfComponents of the plant samples.isSpeciesDetails of the scientific name of the plant samples.hasDescDescription of a plant species.ofComponents of the plants.hasImgProperties of the plant sample’s images.livesInLocation of the plant sample.hasRankDetails of the hierarchy of a scientific name.hasSampleInformation of collected samples of the plants.isBelongToRefers to level of a rank to the upper level of the taxonomical hierarchy.hasSpeciesRefers to the species level of the taxonomical hierarchy.hasClassRefers to the class level of the taxonomical hierarchy.hasDivisionRefers to the division level of the taxonomical hierarchy.hasFamilyRefers to the family level of the taxonomical hierarchy.hasGenusRefers to the genus level of the taxonomical hierarchy.hasHabitatHabitat of the plant species.isAComponents of the plants’ parts.isCitedFromReference for where the data of plants are obtainedData PropertysampleIdUnique identifier for plant samples.plantNameCommon name for plants.scientificNameScientific name of plant species.scientificNameAuthorshipFull name of the author.yearPublishedYear when the scientific name is published.ClassClass of the plant’s scientific name.DivisionDivision of the plant’s scientific name.FamilyFamily of the plant’s scientific name.GenusGenus of the plant’s scientific name.KingdomKingdom of the plant’s scientific name.OrderOrder of the plant’s scientific name.taxonRankRank of each level in taxonomical hierarchy.SpeciesSpecies of the plant’s scientific name.fileFormatFile format of the image.imgSizeMemory size of the image.imgObjectObject of the image.imgPathLocation of the image saved in folder.habitatTypeCondition of the habitat’s environment.typeOfSoilType of the habitat’s soil.waterUsageAmount of water use for plants.geoSpatialCoordinatesDecimal latitude(s) and longitude(s) of places of origin of the material in the collection.geoSpatialCoveragePlace names from which material in the collection originated from.leafArrangementArrangement of leaf in a stemleafBaseType of leaf’s base.leafMarginType of leaf’s edge.leafShapeType of leaf’s shape.leafWidthWidth of a leaf.leafLengthLength of a leaf.leafSurfaceType of leaf’s surface.leafTipType of leaf’s tip.leafTypeType of a leaf (compound/single).leafVenationType of leaf’s veins.barkColorColor of the bark.barkSurfaceType of bark’s texture.fruitColorColor of a fruit.flowerColorColor of a flower.infloresecenceTypeShape of a flower.petalNumNumber of petals.treeHeightHeight of a tree. ................

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