Three Ghosts - Lanternfish ESL

Three Ghosts

|The Brown Lady | |Doppelgangers: Our Evil Twins |

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|In 1936, photographers from Country Life Magazine published | |All across the world, many people believe in ghosts. Some German |

|photographs of a ghost descending a staircase –or at least, that’s | |people think there is a particularly evil ghost called a |

|what they say it is. The ghost is claimed to be the Brown Lady of | |doppelganger. |

|Rayhnam Hall. | | |

| | |Doppelganger means ‘double walker’ and it is a ghost that looks |

|The Brown Lady is one of the most famous ghosts in the world. She | |exactly like a person. In other words, it is their double, or |

|has been seen in Rayhnam Hall on many occasions since the 1700s. | |‘evil twin’. |

|She is thought to be the ghost of Dorothy Walpole. | | |

| | |Seeing a doppelganger is considered a bad omen. Some people say |

|In 1849, one witness, a major in the army saw the ghost when he | |that doppelgangers foretell illness. Other people say that if you |

|went to bed one night. Not knowing it was a ghost, he was amazed to| |see your own doppelganger, you will die shortly. |

|see a woman wearing old fashioned clothes. The next night he saw | | |

|the woman again, but was startled when he noticed she had no eyes. | |If relatives or friends see your doppelganger, it can cause harm |

| | |of confusion because they will think the doppelganger is you. |

|When Captain Marryat heard the story of the Brown Lady’s ghost, he | | |

|wanted to investigate the story because he did not believe in | |What can you do if you suspect you looking at somebody’s |

|ghosts. He insisted on sleeping in the haunted room that once was | |doppelganger? Check their shadow: doppelgangers don’t cast shadows|

|Dorothy Walpole’s. | |and they don’t cast reflections in mirrors or water. |

| | | |

|He left the room to see his friends, but when he came back he saw a| |How do you know if you are being followed by a doppelganger? If |

|woman coming towards him. She made no sound with her feet and she | |you suddenly see someone in your peripheral vision, but they are |

|was identical to the woman in the portrait in his room. He fired | |not there when you look directly towards them . . . well, that |

|his gun at the woman, but the bullets passed right through her and | |might be your doppelganger. |

|she disappeared. | | |

Three Ghosts

|The Brown Lady | |Doppelgangers |

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|(1) What magazine published photographs of a ghost in 1936? | |(1) What is the title of the article? |

| | | |

|(2) What is the ghost doing in the photograph? | |(2) What country does the word doppelganger come from? |

| | | |

|(3) Who is the ghost? | |(3) What does doppelganger mean? |

| | | |

|(4) Who saw the ghost in 1849? | |(4) What does a doppelganger look like? |

| | | |

|(5) Why was he amazed? | |(5) What kind of omen is seeing a doppelganger? |

| | | |

|(6) Why was he startled the second time he saw the woman? | |(6) What do some people think it foretells? |

| | | |

|(7) Why did Captain Marryat want to investigate the story of the | |(7) What do some people think will happen if you see your own |

|Brown Lady? | |doppelganger? |

| | | |

|(8) What room did he insist on sleeping in? | |(8) How can you check if somebody is a doppelganger? |

| | |(a) |

|(9) What did he see when he came back from meeting his friends? | |(b) |

| | | |

|(10) What sound did the woman’s feet make? | |(9) How do you know if you are being followed by your |

| | |doppelganger? |

|(11) What did he do to the woman? | | |

| | | |

|(12) What happened to the bullets? | | |

| | | |

|(13) What happened to the woman? | | |

Three Ghosts

|The Tower of London | |The Tower of London |

| | | |

|The Tower of London has a long and bloody history. Built in 1078 by| |(1) What kind of history does the Tower of London have? |

|William the Conqueror, it was originally intended to be a fortress,| | |

|but it ended up being used as a prison for important prisoners. If| |(2) Who built the Tower of London? |

|the queen or king sent you ‘to the tower’ that meant you were being| | |

|imprisoned. | |(3) What was it originally built as? |

| | | |

|It is said to be one of England’s most haunted buildings. The | |(4) What was it used for? |

|building has many towers and each tower has its own ghost story. | | |

| | |(5) What happened to King Edward’s two sons? |

|When King Edward the IV died in 1483, his two sons were imprisoned | | |

|in the tower by their uncle who became king instead of them. They | |(6) What do most people think happened to them in the Tower? |

|were never seen again. Most people think they were murdered in the| | |

|tower, which is now called the Bloody Tower. Over the years, tower | |(7) What is the tower called? |

|guards reported seeing their ghosts until their bones were found in| | |

|1674 and given a proper burial. | |(8) What happened in 1674? |

| | | |

|In another tower, called the White Tower, school children have | |(9) What did school children see in the White Tower? |

|reported seeing a white lady waving at them from a window. Guards | | |

|sometimes have a sudden terrible feeling as they walk in this | |(10) What do guards feel in the White Tower? |

|tower. Many people have reported smelling the cheap perfume of the | | |

|‘white lady’ as they pass through the tower. | |(11) What do many people report smelling? |

Three Ghosts

|Haunted Real Estate | |The Tower of London |

| | | |

|You have found a good deal on a great house, but you wonder why it’s so | |(1) Why are some houses cheap? |

|cheap. Perhaps, it’s haunted. | | |

| | |(2) What kind of laws are there in some states? |

|In some states, there are actually laws that say that you have to tell | | |

|buyers about any ghosts before you sell the house. In California, you | |(3) What law is there in California? |

|also have to tell buyers if anybody has died in the house in the last | | |

|three years. | |(4) Where did Jeff Stambovsky buy his house? |

| | | |

|When Jeff Stambovsky bought an old house on the Hudson River, he had no | |(5) What kind of articles did the previous owners publish? |

|idea that it was haunted. The previous owners had published articles | | |

|saying that there were at least three ghosts in the house dating back to | |(6) Did Jeff believe in ghosts? |

|the Revolutionary War. | | |

| | |(7) Why did Jeff want his money back? |

|Jeff didn’t believe in ghosts, but his wife was scared to live there so | | |

|he took the previous owners to court to get his money back. The judge | |(8) What did the judge say? |

|made the previous owners give the money back because they never disclosed| | |

|that there might be ghosts. | |(9) What kind of people might like to live in a haunted |

| | |house? |

|You might think that having a ghost in a house might decrease the value | | |

|of the property. However, some people actually look for haunted real | |(10) What do some real estate agents specialize in? |

|estate to purchase. They might be writers, artists or just eccentric | | |

|people. | |(11) What kind of haunted houses are worth a lot of money? |

| | | |

|And so, there are some real estate agents that specialize in haunted real| | |

|estate. That is all they sell. In fact, if a haunted house is really | | |

|famous, it may actually be worth more money. | | |


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