PICK OF THE PICS LETTER OF THE DAY Developers are going to ...


Speak Up: Do you think it is unsafe travelling on buses in Darwin?

NO I'd say it's OK. But the amount of alcohol people can consume could make it dangerous for someone travelling on their own.

NO I wouldn't say it's unsafe. There's some stuff you see, but I've never felt unsafe.


YES I don't do

buses. I used to

catch them years

ago but don't any-



they're not safe.


NO If you read in the media, yes. But it probably depends on where you go. I still think the NT is a very safe place. TRISHA BELL, DARWIN CITY


NO It's safe. Since I arrived here in `89 I've been taking the bus and I've always felt safe. OSCAR PARIAM, MARRARA



Developers are going to town

DARWIN today, what is happening with high rises here, developments there and shore cafes for profit?

There is an element in Darwin who, as I see it, don't give a damn where or what they build and I feel sure it is to the detriment of our beautiful city.

I do believe there are a lot of Territorians who put up some fight against these greedy people but alas to no avail.

Our mayor has not made the city her first priority, she prefers the development of various parts of the city, like the cafe at Nightcliff rocks.

The development consent authority can only say yes to all the developers' requests, no thought about the lifestyle that Territorians have worked for.

All the good things the tourists expected to see are getting harder and harder to find; what will happen is that people will say: `Why go to Darwin?' It's looking more and more like a southern city or brick jungle.

Maybe someone out there might be able to tell me when enough is enough as far as our city is concerned.

Don't get me wrong, I am not against development as long as it is for the good, not just for development's sake.

It's about time the government, the council and the development authority had a hard look and listen to the people who put them in the positions of trust and consider what is good for the Territory.

The pensioner, Karama

Gymnast Lachlan Boyle, 11, is doing his best to raise the bar as he prepares for the Northern Territory Gymnastics Championships

at Marrara Indoor Stadium this weekend


ON HOONING HOT SPOTS Install CCTV in the trouble spots to catch them. Isn't Truck City the meeting place for hooning and drifting planning? This has been going on 20 or 30 years. Time to put an end to this. Kerry of Lee Point Village Resort

Why don't they impound the cars of drink drivers for the duration of their licence suspension? Eddie

Reminds me of the cool

hoon days in Darwin in the 1980s ... ahhh those were the days! rev head of Brisbane

Marlow Lagoon + surrounds. Every single night. Cars & bikes. And guess what? The NT is the only jurisdiction left in Aust where even if the driver/rider is hooning or unregistered (and therefore uninsured), if they are hurt taxpayers foot the bill for their treatment and a pension for any dependants if they are killed. Madness. Lou of Palmy

Far too many disease risks are dealt with on a catch-up basis, rather than by inspection. This is the cheapskate approach.


ON DENGUE FIND Far too many disease risks are dealt with on a catch-up basis, rather than by inspection. This is the cheapskate approach. There is every reason to believe foreign powers are attempting to smuggle diseases into Australia. This happened with

bee mites, bananas, coconuts, and in a Sydney dump a cow carcass was discovered whose origin turned out to be the most foot & mouth disease ridden part of South America from which imports are banned. Tony Ryan of local

That's a good find. Good job

to the Dept of Agriculture for keeping a top watch. Chickie of Bellamack

ON UN-FARE CABBIE It is not the driver's fault but also can be the telephone operator's or the passenger's fault by saying a fake destination to make the cab come faster. Be honest when ordering a taxi and there just might be a driver out there who would go the extra distance for a buck. Cabbie T of Wulagi

How rude passengers are on Friday nights. How about the drunk and the disorderly? You all seem to forget that these drivers are all human as well. Not sure what happened here but I'm quite sure there are two sides to a coin. No intelligent Life here of Darwin

In the days before GST this wasn't a big problem, but now earnings are so low you have to expect this. Taxi fares have to be affordable but earnings are poor. Peter of Wulagi

ON NIGHT GOLF Darwin City Council own the golf course that wants to light up the course into the night. Please explain. Pauline of soon to be sleepless in CBD

If lights are installed on the golf course what about the nocturnal animals?

a heap of like-minded people in wishing the best for whatever you decide. Stem Mandorah

Amazing how the left handers get their degrading texts of Tollner printed but send one in support of the man you have no hope.

ON TOLLNER Hang in there Dave, you have plenty of support. Give us back our old Darwin, when political correctness was not paramount. I know I speak for

ON OTHER THINGS Re: Inpex. The reason why they want FIFOs is cos ppl are easier to control when they're in camp. No excuses like sorry I'm late my car wouldn't start,

V1 - NTNE01Z01MA

Caught a stray dog yesterday that ran into our property, fed it and rang council to come and get as it was registered. Rang today to see if they located owners, apparently can't give that info out. Felt like saying I lost 2 hours of my work day, just wanted to know he was safe. Council up here sucks, rescued plenty of dogs back in Adelaide. They had no problem telling me they were reunited.

or can I have Saturday off to take my kids to the footy.

Lee Point Road is becoming unnecessarily burdened with traffic as there is no vehicle access between the southern streets in Muirhead and

Leanyer via Fitzmaurice Drive as an alternative route to/from Hibiscus Shopping Centre. Peter, Muirhead

If you can't smoke in specific public areas then restrictions should also be put on selling

the product in the same areas. A case of the consumers being the bad guys not the peddlers/ dealers. Smokey N.T (non smoker)

To the txtr 4.9.14. I was only going by the radio station in Darwin that mentioned the 1st day of spring. Notice u didn't leave a name & could not even spell mine correctly. Terri from Tiwi

Ha ha, Tony Abbott goes to India! With a little luck, he might contract a rolled-gold

dose of "Delhi belly", and be unable to get his hands on a pack of Lomotil just long enough to completely clean him out of the turgid crap he has been heavily pregnant with for so long! Pete, 11 Mile

Another day ... another moron driving so far up my ass. It's 80km on Girraween Rd, not 100 ... Take note driver of tip truck ... and when in the school zone it's 60! No doubt yr plate number is reflective of u being a complete MORON! Tootsie Roll ... H/Springs


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