Good night images for whatsapp free


Good night images for whatsapp free

Nice good night pictures find a nice good night pictures or send to a person you love. If you are still far from your love for this night. You are going to sleep, don't forget to say good night with a beautiful wallpaper of love that he will like and will give you both the desire to sleep to dream each other ... Beautiful Good Night Images Good night, I wish you, it would be nice that you were with me. When the moon shines through the window, I think: Oh, alas, you're not mine. I wish you a good night, the light is now made. Dream that nice, sleep well, because soon it will be again tomorrow. A star travels through time and space, a beautiful dream in its tail. This dream is mine for you, it should tell you I love you. Sleep well the mouse. I'm the angel watching you. She loves you day and night. Whoever pushes you into your dream ? I love you so much ? you don't believe it. Bright star light, free star light. Dreams come true tonight. So, lie down and fall asleep, my thought will be with you. Don't cry, as this wonderful day is about to end. 'Cause the night's great, too. One of these is this good night greeting from me. Did you watch the moon? Do you recognize the man who lives there? He sends you some stars that say to you: Think of me. I'll send you a cloud that covers you, a star that lights up the night, the moon that protects you, sweet dreams and good night. Quietly, so as not to wake you, a hindrance will hide in your phone. SomeoneYou like it, you wish for a good night. Good night to say it's not difficult, but to write to you all more, I want to send you a kiss, but my cell phone messed up. I wish you sweet dreams, why aren't you with me? My eyes are closed, but the last thought is what you are. Here is a short message that promises you a good night, bringing the best dreams to you, someone wrote you thinking about you. Sleep well my angel, sleep well. I'll be with you in the dream. Kiss your lips and soften your dream. I'm a little lovely kiss. Close your eyes and bring you to the land of dreams. Now for this hour it is right and without reason a message for the good night, because I thought very firmly of you. I'll visit you in tonight's dream and stay with you all night and tomorrow you'll be your thought with me, I'll come to you again next night. The moon in the sky, says good night, a star watches over your dreams. Tomorrow the sun will smile again and a guardian angel will protect you. You're not gonna be alone tonight, put your head on the pillows, it's full of 1000 kisses, cuddle and I'll be very close to you. In the evening, quietly and silently, a bussi went on the way. Secretly she flew to you and you know what, it was mine. Dream sweet! A little sweet and cute looking at you. She's watching you tonight and wish you a good night. A sheep is jumping over the fence and wishes you a sweet dream. Beautiful dreams, good night, up tothe light awakens. If a message does not come from afar, guessing the content is not difficult. I thought about you and wish you a good night. Without you, my bed is so empty. Without you, I'm running behind my dreams. My thoughts are with you. I miss you, come to me tonight. Sit by the window, watch the night, just think about you today. At some point later, I'll definitely fall asleep, but even then you'll be in my dreams. I miss you. You like to watch the stars tonight, they shine, even beautiful and if you think of me tonight, everyone shines for you. In a dark night, a thought is guarded that often thinks of you and gives you warmth. It's night and my heart comes to you, don't hold me, don't stop me. He sits on your chest like a rock that sinks into yours. Only then come to rest at the bottom of your eternal. We can't face the night, but we can light a candle. The moon in the sky shines for you, tells you that you don't forget me! He brings you a message and whispers to you: "In this world, few are like you!" I wish you a good night, the light is now made. Dream that nice, sleep well, because soon it will be again tomorrow. A little kiss sent to me makes you a path. He meets you gently and whispers gently: I love you and good night. It is so beautiful when someone thinks about you and gives you a good greeting at night. Your greeting made me happy. I wish you a good night. The moon shines extralight, the sandman flies superbecause it must remember to give you the most beautiful dream! I'd like to be a crocodile toy, then I'd be with you every night. She'd sleep in your crib and snore under your blanket! I'm sending you a good night kiss, it would be so beautiful, you'd be with me. but if it is near or far, it remains like that, I love you! sleeping is very difficult for me. I miss your beautiful words very much. You put me under your spell and it's really amazing! I can't eat anything in the morning because I love you! I can't eat at noon because I love you! I can't eat anything at night because I love you! I can't sleep at night because I'm hungry! Last night, the erotic mails would have made you feel obcited by sleep. That's why I write you 1000 sheep, then you can sleep better safely. a star travels through time and space, in its tail a beautiful dream. This dream is mine for you, it should tell you that I love you. I want to cover you and wake you up with a kiss in the morning. I'll protect you all night until the sun shines in the morning. I'm the angel watching over you. She loves you day and night. It pushes you into your dream ? I love you so much ? you don't believe it! I want to feel your warmth and kidnap you in the kingdom of pleasure. I will write something else to you: I always want to be with you! Dad, open the closet door before I dare? How come? all that can kill can also opencloset door. Sleep well. Now that nights are getting colder, spiders hide, often looking for warmth in their beds. Good night. Since you've come home and want to clean up, but you've stumbled so unfavorable that you've suddenly covered in bed. You can't do anything. Good night! Did you know that when sleeping was a punishment? ... how stupid we were! In this sense, I wish you a good night! It is no longer called sleep, but desired for state of complete relaxation without a background of thought. Good night. This moment, when you're finally really in bed and then you realize you have to pee! Is it really possible to exclude that we humans do not need hibernation? I find that in the meantime increasingly doubtful. Why am I awake when I go to bed and I'm completely tired when I get up? I hate my life. Since he almost falls asleep and then sheep number 14923 but still hangs on the damn fence and falls on his face. I'd like to be a crocodile toy, then I'd be with you every night. She'd sleep in your crib and snore under your blanket! Sleeping is really hard for me, I miss your beautiful smile very much! I've been mesmerized. It's not a lie. Black night, closed windows. Bad faces, ice cream. Luxurious mouths, sleepless nights. Nothing is as bad as a life without you! Good night, my sweet heart, I already feel the pain of separation. Sleep well and dream about me ? as I would like to be with you now! My last thought belongs to you because you are not close enoughI dream of you and I fall asleep now. I wish you could stay with me! Let me fall asleep in your arms, then I will grow you in your dreams in the seventh heaven! You want pleasant sweet dreams! My sweet dream, I love you and I want to see you again, that's why I'm going to bed now. My heart beats so much in me and so often thinks of you alone. Now sleep sweet and dream well, I would like to be with you! As beautiful as the glittering dew, as the glittering snow in the sun. It's so good at night when I see you in my dreams. I'll fall asleep. I'll always be with you. Here's one last kiss, because now I have to go to bed. Good night. My treasure! I'll send you a wonderful dream in time and space. I dream of friends, dances, laughter and all those who make you happy. Wish you a good night, sweetie, that's all for you. He sends you a big kiss because he has to think about you all the time. Something I wanted to resist, even today to get the phone. But one thing didn't leave me alone, the kiss of good night, you'll get it. Such a small angel comes quietly in your room. He comes to you and whispers gently: Have a good night. I'm cold, the bed is empty. You beside me: how beautiful it would be! I wish you the sweetest dreams! Now that nights are getting colder, spiders hide, often looking for warmth in their beds. Good night. 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