The English Blog

TWO TELEPHONE CALLS Call 1Fill in the gaps in the transcripts.SARAH: KRS, Sarah Smith 1)________. How can I help you?KEVIN: Good morning, 2)________ I speak to Serge Petit, please?SARAH: Certainly. Could I ask 3)________ calling?KEVIN: Yes, my name is Kevin Dash from NovaTech 4)________ London.SARAH: Thank you. I’ll put you 5)________ immediately. (…) I’m sorry, he’s not 6)________ at the moment.KEVIN: Would it be possible for him to call me 7)________ as soon as possible?SARAH: Of course! If you give me your telephone number, I’ll leave a note for 9)________ to call you.KEVIN: My direct 9)________ is 0-0-4-4 for the UK, 79-23-66-78.SARAH: Thank you, Mr Dash. He will call you back as 10)________ as possible.KEVIN: Thanks, goodbye.Call 2Choose the right word.KEVIN: Good morning, Kevin Dash 1) speaking/talking/calling.NADIA: Hello, 2) I call/I’m calling from ExpoTeam. We are organizing a trade show in Moscow and we 3)?should/would/will like to know if you are interested 4) about/in/to receiving some 5)?information/informations about this event.KEVIN: I think you 6) need/are needing to speak to our Marketing Manager, Ann Parker.Unfortunately, she’s not 7) into/in/on the office today.NADIA: All right. Can I have her email 8) address/address/addres, please? I’d like to send her a presentation about the trade show.KEVIN: No problem. It’s Could you 9) spelling/spell/to spell it, please?KEVIN: Of course! It’s A-N-N “dot” P-A-R-K-E-R “at” NovaTech “dot” co “dot” uk.NADIA: Fine, I’ll send her an email today.KEVIN: Thank you 10) for call/for calling/to call.NADIA: Thanks, have a nice day!TWO TELEPHONE CALLS Call 1SARAH: KRS, Sarah Smith speaking. How can I help you?KEVIN: Good morning, could I speak to Serge Petit, please?SARAH: Certainly. Could I ask who’s calling?KEVIN: Yes, my name is Kevin Dash from NovaTech in London.SARAH: Thank you. I’ll put you through immediately. (…) I’m sorry, he’s not available at the moment.KEVIN: Would it be possible for him to call me back as soon as possible?SARAH: Of course! If you give me your telephone number, I’ll leave a note for him to call you.KEVIN: My direct line is 0-0-4-4 for the UK, 79-23-66-78.SARAH: Thank you, Mr Dash. He will call you back as soon as possible.KEVIN: Thanks, goodbye.Call 2KEVIN: Good morning, Kevin Dash speaking.NADIA: Hello, I’m calling from ExpoTeam. We are organizing a trade show in Moscow and we would like to know if you are interested in receiving some information about this event.KEVIN: I think you need to speak to our Marketing Manager, Ann Parker. Unfortunately, she’s not in the office today.NADIA: All right. Can I have her email address, please? I’d like to send her a presentation about the trade show.KEVIN: No problem. It’s Could you spell it, please?KEVIN: Of course! It’s A-N-N “dot” P-A-R-K-E-R “at” NovaTech “dot” co “dot” uk.NADIA: Fine, I’ll send her an email today.KEVIN: Thank you for calling.NADIA: Thanks, have a nice day! ................

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