The position - James Madison University

The positionThe Alternative Break Program (ABP) is seeking a cohort of outstanding leaders for our 2019 Alternative Weekend Breaks (AWBs). AWB Leaders work in pairs to plan and execute impactful, educational, and joyful service-learning experiences for a team of their peers, working with community partners in the surrounding area.About CS-LCommunity Service-Learning cultivates positive social change through mutually beneficial service partnerships, critical reflection, and the development of engaged citizens. We value:Humility?Intentionality?Equity?AccountabilityService?Relationships?LearningAbout ABPSince 1992, thousands of Dukes have served as participants in the Alternative Break Program (ABP). We’ve been named Program of the Year by Break Away twice. In 2017, we were the 7th largest Alternative Break program in the country. We currently run weekend, winter, spring, and May breaks, as well as a break for incoming New Dukes over the summer.Breakers meet community needs, build mutually beneficial relationships, and develop leadership skills and active citizenship. All Alternative Breaks at JMU are organized around the following 8 Quality Components: ?Strong Direct Service?Full Engagement?Education?Orientation?Training?Reflection?Reorientation?Diversity and Social JusticeAs an AWB Leader, you would…Serve as a co-leader for a weekend experience.Attend weekly trainings leading up to your break.Develop a relationship with the community and housing partners prior to the weekend break.Serve as the primary contact with the community partner and provide regular updates to ABP.Plan and facilitate at least one pre-break meeting, which will include educational materials and activities as well as orientation to the community partner.Meet with co-leader at least 4 times outside of trainings prior to facilitating your break.Serve as primary driver of JMU 12-passenger van for weekend break.Buy groceries and plan six meals to feed the group using JMU funds. Provide ABP with timely and accurate information for administration and assessment.Facilitate a weekend break that runs from Friday afternoon/evening to Sunday afternoon/evening. Plan and facilitate “pre-flection” on Friday evening and critical reflection on Saturday evening and Sunday after completing service.Promote, model, and strictly enforce the ABP alcohol and drug free policy – zero tolerance policy for alcohol and drug use, purchase, or possession – during the entire ABP plete pre- and post- break assessments and ensure participants complete post-break survey.Attend and inform participants of Community Celebration after your break.Pick up and return materials (cooler, shirts, RECEIPTS, paperwork, etc.) to the CS-L office in a timely manner.Must-HavesYou’ll be a JMU student in Fall 2019 You can commit approximately 5 hours/week to planning a break and leading pre-break activities.You enjoy working collaboratively.You’re a strong communicator.You have very few conflicts with the Key Dates listed below.You’re committed to the 8 Quality Components and share CS-L’s Values.nice-to-havesYou’ve participated in an Alternative Break or have other prior service experience.You’ve led an Alternative Break or have other prior leadership experience.You’re familiar with one or more of the social issues addressed by our community partners.You have prior experience teaching, training, or leading critical reflection.Key DatesAll dates are subject to change. Failure to notify ABP of conflicts in advance could jeopardize your ability to lead a break.September 13, leader InterviewsSeptember 20, Leader Match Social, Time and Location TBDMondays (September 23-October 28), AWB Leader Training, 6-7:30 pm SSC 2100October 4-6, Leader Retreat, Brethren WoodsDecember 4, AWB Community Celebration, 7-8:30pm SSC 1075AccessibilityThe Alternative Break Program (ABP) is committed to diversity and social justice and strives to be accessible to and inclusive of students of all abilities. If you have a documented disability (or think you may have a disability) and, as a result may need reasonable accommodations to participate in or lead an Alternative Break, please contact the Office of Disability Services (ODS) as soon as possible. To receive accommodations, you must be appropriately registered with ODS. The ODS works confidentially in partnership with students, faculty, and other University departments to ensure equal access through Universal Design and reasonable accommodations. The office is located in the Student Success Center, Suite 1202. You may contact them by phone at 540-568-6705 or through email at Students are also invited to discuss potential accommodations with ABP staff at any point in the application process.Demographic informationName: Click or tap here to enter text.JAC#: Click or tap here to enter text.Address: Click or tap here to enter text.Email: Click or tap here to enter text.Cell Phone: Click or tap here to enter text.Current Academic Level: Click or tap here to enter text.T-Shirt Size: Click or tap here to enter text.I will be a full-time student for both fall and spring semesters.?Yes?No (explain) Click here to enter text.Have you previously led an Alternative Break??Yes (which breaks?) Click here to enter text.?No Leader Training AVailabilityAll required key dates are listed above. Leaders must be present for all trainings and events. Trainings will take place on Monday nights from 6 – 7:30 PM in the CS-L Office on the 2nd floor of the Student Success Center. Will you able to attend all of the required key dates?? Yes? NoIf you answered “no,” please explain:Are you aware of any conflicts that would prevent you from attending Monday trainings from 6 – 7:30 PM?? Yes? NoIf you answered “yes,” please list your conflicts.Break AvailabilityWhich of the following weekends are you available? Please select all that apply.?November 1st-November 3rd, 2019?November 15th-November 17th, 2019?I am not available for any of the weekends listed above.BREAK PREFERENCESPlease indicate your levels of interest and experience with the following social issues. Checking off a box indicated that you DO have interest or you DO have experience with that particular social issue. After indicating this, please use the ranking columns to order your interest in each social issue from 1 = highest interest to 8 = lowest interest, and your experience with each social issue from 1 = greatest experience to 8 = least experience. Please do not feel stressed out by this section! We will merely be using your responses to assign you to an Alternative Break that has a social issue focus that will either benefit you or your potential participants.Social IssueInterest?Interest RankExperience?Experience RankAccess & abilities?#?#Animal welfare?#?#Education?#?#Environmental justice?#?#Food security?#?#Homelessness?#?#Rebuilding?#?#Sustainable farming?#?#Co-Leader PreferenceDo you have a co-leader preference?? Yes? NoIf you answered “yes,” who?Click or tap here to enter text.Leadership QualitiesFor each continuum, please mark where you would identify yourself. There are no wrong answers here!“I tend to / I am often . . .”Go Along-----------?--------------?--------------?--------------?--------------?-----------Take ChargeQuiet-----------?--------------?--------------?--------------?--------------?-----------TalkativeSupportive-----------?--------------?--------------?--------------?--------------?-----------ChallengingIndecisive-----------?--------------?--------------?--------------?--------------?-----------AssertiveAsk Questions-----------?--------------?--------------?--------------?--------------?-----------Make StatementsCooperative-----------?--------------?--------------?--------------?--------------?-----------CompetitiveIntroverted-----------?--------------?--------------?--------------?--------------?-----------ExtrovertedReflective-----------?--------------?--------------?--------------?--------------?-----------ReactiveGuarded-----------?--------------?--------------?--------------?--------------?-----------OpenCalm-----------?--------------?--------------?--------------?--------------?-----------ExcitableInhibited-----------?--------------?--------------?--------------?--------------?-----------AnimatedTask-Oriented-----------?--------------?--------------?--------------?--------------?-----------People-OrientedPragmatic-----------?--------------?--------------?--------------?--------------?-----------IdealistBig Picture-----------?--------------?--------------?--------------?--------------?-----------Detail-OrientedTalk Business-----------?--------------?--------------?--------------?--------------?-----------Share FeelingsReserved-----------?--------------?--------------?--------------?--------------?-----------OutgoingWant Facts-----------?--------------?--------------?--------------?--------------?-----------Want OpinionsRestrained-----------?--------------?--------------?--------------?--------------?-----------EmotionalFoot Solider-----------?--------------?--------------?--------------?--------------?-----------VisionaryTenacious-----------?--------------?--------------?--------------?--------------?-----------FlexibleShort AnswersDescribe any past and/or current leadership experiences, and please include examples of times you facilitated learning or reflection with a group. (250-word limit)Click or tap here to enter text.An important part of service leadership is knowing oneself. Please tell us about your strengths and weaknesses. (250-word limit)Click here to enter text.What other key commitments do you have this semester, and how do you plan to balance the responsibility of leading an AWB with your other obligations?Click here to enter text. AgreementUpon selection of being an Alternative Weekend Break Leader . . . ?I will attend all leader training sessions, including a weekend retreat.?I will complete the Alternative Weekend Break Leader roles and responsibilities to the best of my ability.?I certify that the information provided is accurate and complete.-13649145500Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Signature (typed name)DatePlease return completed electronic applications to, by 11:59pm on Sunday, September 8. Applications received after this deadline will not be considered. ................

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