Mrs. Eaton's Webpage

?????The first petticoats date back to the 16th century. Women used to wear them to make their skirts appear fuller. They were worn below their skirts. Petticoats were like another layer of skirt. The addition of the petticoat would create a dome shape that would make women’s waists look smaller. Even when the fashion changed to slimmer garments, the petticoat still carried on. Today, petticoats are no longer considered old-fashioned. The petticoat helps create the shape on many wedding gowns. 1. Read the following sentence from the passage.They were worn below their skirts.What is a synonym for the word below? A.afterB.betweenC.throughD.beneath2. Read the following sentence from the passage.Even when the fashion changed to slimmer garments, the petticoat still carried on.What is a synonym for the word garments? A.clothesB.fibersC.machinesD.strings3. Read the following sentence from the passage.Today, petticoats are no longer considered old-fashioned.What is a synonym for the word considered? A.regarded asB.sewedC.formedD.made into?????It wasn't like Raef to plead for more time on a project. He would especially never ask Mrs. Evans of all teachers. She was the toughest teacher at the school because she believed that her students should act like adults. Therefore, Mrs. Evans never allowed anyone to make an excuse.?????As Raef walked down the hallway, he thought about how to approach the topic very carefully. He didn't want to make it sound as if he didn't respect Mrs. Evans. In fact, he really was in awe of her way of teaching. Mrs. Evans had a way of teaching a subject so that it was interesting. Learning in her classroom seemed so effortless because she made everything seem clear. She never had to baby any of her students because they knew what she expected from each of them. No one wanted to disappoint her. So as Raef neared Mrs. Evans door, he drew in a deep breath and knocked. 4. Read the following sentence from the passage.He didn't want to make it sound like he didn't respect Mrs. Evans.What is a synonym for the word respect? A.speak toB.admireC.suspectD.fear5. Read the following sentence from the passage.Learning in her classroom seemed so effortless because she made everything seem clear.What is a synonym for the word effortless? A.noisyB.slyC.easyD.risky6. Read the following sentence from the passage.It wasn't like Raef to plead for more time on a project.What is a synonym for the word plead? A.jokeB.trickC.begD.argue?????It is hard to believe that there was a time that electricity was not around in America. Before its invention, people had to use kerosene to light lamps and lanterns. Kerosene comes from a process that changes crude oil or petroleum to something that can be lit safely. It soon became an everyday source of fuel in the 1800s. The popularity of kerosene helped replace whale oil. This, in turn, helped decrease the hunting of whales. Although no longer used as a chief source of fuel in the U.S., kerosene is still used today. It can be found in portable stoves that are used for camping. 7. Read the following sentence from the passage.Although no longer used as a chief source of fuel in the U.S., kerosene is still used today.What is a synonym for the word chief? A.mainB.bossC.instantD.ruler8. Read the following sentence from the passage.It soon became an everyday source of fuel in the 1800s.What is a synonym for the word everyday? A.monC.relaxedD.peaceful9. Read the following sentence from the passage.Kerosene comes from a process that changes crude oil or petroleum to something that can be lit safely.What is a synonym for the word changes? A.createsB.electsC.altersD.cooks?????The best outfit would not be completed without the perfect piece of jewelry. The first pieces were made from materials that could be found in nature. People have used bones, animal teeth, shells, wood, and carved stones. These have decorated the human body for centuries. The earliest pieces of jewelry are believed to be about 100,000 years old. They are beads with holes that suggest they could be strung to make a bracelet or a necklace. As the years passed, the materials also have become more prized, such as gold and diamonds.?????For different cultures, wearing certain jewelry sends a message about someone. For some, it shows wealth and power. Jewelry can be seen as money if rare metals and stones are used in the pieces. In others, jewelry shows the position a person holds in society. This can be displayed by the symbols that are formed in the pieces. In addition, jewelry can be useful. It can hold things together in the form of buckles and clasps. In other instances, pieces of jewelry can be viewed as works of art. There is an appreciation of the form of the jewelry. No matter what a piece of jewelry means, it has been a way for people to express themselves. Therefore, these pieces are valued for different reasons. 10. Read the following sentence from the passage.Jewelry can be seen as money if rare metals and stones are used in the pieces.What is a synonym for the word rare? A.shinyB.familiarC.uncommonD.interesting11. Read the following sentence from the passage.In addition, jewelry can be useful.What is a synonym for the word useful? A.stunningB.sparklyC.wastedD.practical12. Read the following sentence from the passage.The best outfit would not be completed without the perfect piece of jewelry.What is a synonym for the word completed? A.greatB.finishedC.celebratedD.original13. Read the following sentence from the passage.As the years passed, the materials also have become more prized, such as gold and diamonds.What is a synonym for the word prized? A.plainB.generousC.valuedD.clean?????Glaciers are large bodies of snow that last longer than a year. They can form at the north and south poles and at very high points such as on mountain ranges. Each year, the layers of snow press on the older layers of snow—changing them to ice. The packing of the snow removes any air between the layers. This process continues for years. This makes the glacier dense and makes it look blue.?????After the glacier becomes too heavy with snow and ice, it might spread apart. Or it could slide down a slope when there is too much pressure on the bottom of the glacier. Because a glacier is so firmly packed, it moves easily without being broken. Its top layers may be weak because it has not been pressed down as closely. Therefore, it is not safe to walk on top of a glacier. 14. Read the following sentence from the passage.Or it could slide down a slope when there is too much pressure on the bottom of the glacier.What is a synonym for the word pressure? A.warmthB.strainC.frostD.sheets15. Read the following sentence from the passage.Because a glacier is so firmly packed, it moves easily without being broken.What is a synonym for the word firmly? A.freelyB.gentlyC.coldlyD.tightly16. Read the following sentence from the passage.They can form at the north and south poles and at very high points such as on mountain ranges.What is a synonym for the word form? A.shrinkB.developC.splitD.repair17. Read the following sentence from the passage.This makes the glacier dense and makes it look blue.What is a synonym for the word dense? A.sharpB.solidC.dampD.dull?????Capturing moments on film is an essential part of going on trips. The first camera that used film in a roll was the 1888 Kodak portable box camera. But this camera was too big and expensive for the average American family to use. So in 1900, Kodak made the Brownie camera. It was a smaller, more portable version.?????At just $1, most people could buy the Kodak Brownie camera. It was cheap and easy to use. Kodak’s slogan was, "You press the button. We do the rest." People would buy a camera that already was loaded with film. After taking their pictures, they sent both the camera and the film back to the factory. The film was developed in the factory. Then, the factory put more film in the camera and returned it along with the printed photos. Now, families could record their travels to show folks back home where they had been. 18. Read the following sentence from the passage. "Capturing moments on film is an essential part of going on trips."Which word is a synonym of the word essential? A.importantB.minorC.impossibleD.new19. Read the following sentence from the passage."At just $1, most people could buy the Kodak Brownie camera. It was cheap and easy to use."Which word is an antonym for cheap? A.cuteB.hardC.costlyD.enormous20. To make perfume, parts of flowers are crushed to release their scent.Which of the following would be a synonym for crushed? A.attachedB.mashedC.fixedD.grown21. Directions:?Select the correct answer from the drop-down plete the passage using a synonym for the word?demand.Grandma's Rules?????"Are you finished eating, dear?" my grandmother asked me while wiping the corners of her mouth with her napkin.?????I nodded and pushed out my chair, eager to go play outside.?????"Well, I??that you bring your plate into the kitchen before you go anywhere," she nodded toward the door.?????I knew better than to complain.?Grandma never let me get away with whining.?She believed that doing chores would help me become a responsible adult.22. Gorillas in the Mist by Dian Fossey is about a remarkable woman's thirteen-year adventure in remote African rain forests with the greatest of the great apes. Which of the following would be an antonym for remarkable? A.excitingB.boringC.impossibleD.interesting23. Riley had never baked a cake in her life. However, she wanted to attempt making one for Mother's Day.Which of the following would be a synonym for attempt? A.becomeB.catchC.tryD.purchase24. Directions:?Select the correct text in the story.Which word in the passage is an antonym for the word?ordinary?? ? ?Randy met his new neighbor, Mr. Raab.?Randy learned that Mr. Raab is an?outstanding?person.?Mr. Raab is a Holocaust survivor from Poland.?In 1945, he came to the United States.?Soon after, he joined the U.S. Navy.?In 2005, he survived Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans where he waited for several?exhausting?days in his?horrifying?apartment to be rescued.?Randy knew that he would enjoy getting to know Mr. Raab and hearing his?humbling?stories. 25. ?????We can all help protect our fragile coral reefs. Just remember some rules if you ever go to see them. Do not stand on or touch them because that could crush them. Do not leave litter on the beach because it may find its way into the ocean and harm the ocean life. Which of the following words is an antonym for the word fragile? A.weakB.sturdyC.imaginaryD.natural26. Directions:?Select the correct answer from the drop-down plete the passage using a synonym for the word?exciting.Astronomy?????Astronomy is the study of outer space and objects in space.?Astronomy is one of the oldest sciences, but it has developed rapidly in recent years.?In olden times, astronomers, or people who studied astronomy, simply observed the sky at night to learn about space.?Today, it is possible for astronauts to go into outer space in spaceships.?How?it must be to visit outer space!27. Directions:?Select the correct answer from the drop-down menu.The author wants to use a synonym for the word?abandoned?to complete the second sentence.?Which word is the best synonym for?abandoned?Rena found an abandoned puppy in her driveway.?She asked her parents if she could keep the puppy since it had been??.28. With small, nimble steps, the woman skipped over the puddle without getting wet.Which of the following would be a synonym for nimble? A.gracefulB.largeC.youngD.late29. ?????Great white sharks are still mysterious creatures to scientists. These sharks live alone and roam the ocean, constantly searching for food. There are many things people do not know about great white sharks. For example, we do not know how long they live or how to tell their age. from of the following is a synonym for the word constantly as used in the passage above? A.alwaysB.hungryC.unknownD.scary30. Before Emmanuel could ride his bike, he had to mend the hole on the front tire.Which of the following would be a synonym for mend? A.repairB.grantC.jiggleD.release31. ?????Animals that live in the desert have found ways to adapt to their environment. The weather in the desert is too hot and dry for many animals. Some desert animals never drink. They eat seeds and plants that contain mostly water. Many animals are nocturnal, which means they sleep during the hot day and only come out at night to eat and hunt. Some animals rarely spend any time above ground. Spadefoot toads spend nine months of every year underground! from mbgnet.sets/desert/animals/ Which of the following words is a synonym for the word adapt? A.sleepB.adjustC.adviseD.continue32. People admired Taylor's style of painting because she made everything look beautiful.Which of the following would be a synonym for style? A.shadeB.brushC.pictureD.manner33. Rick and Judy had a long discussion over where they would like to move.Which word is a synonym for discussion? A.farewellB.celebrationC.conversationD.hardship34. ?????Centipedes are not insects. They are more closely related to lobsters, crayfish, and shrimp. However, unlike their marine cousins, centipedes live only on the land. They are often found in moist habitats or areas of high humidity.?????They have bodies that are divided into segments. Each segment has a pair of legs. Some centipedes have only 15 pairs of legs. Some have more than 180 pairs.What is a synonym for the word marine? A.seaB.airC.landD.soldier35. Nectarines grow on trees and are a bit like peaches without the fuzz. They are related to peaches, cherries, and plums.Which of the following would be a synonym for related? A.motherB.toldC.differentD.similar36. No matter how Jacob tried, the sponge wouldn't absorb all of the spilled water on the floor.Which of the following would be a synonym for absorb? A.squeezeB.soak upC.stunD.bend out?????The crowd went wild when Brady Lewis scored the last goal of the soccer game. It was not only the last point but it was the winning point. The Ranger Eagles had finally defeated the Oaklawn Bears. This was the first time in the Eagle school’s history that they had done something better than the Bears.?????Overjoyed by their win, the team threw the contents of the water cooler on their coach. It was finally a time of celebration. While the Eagles rejoiced, the Bears were disappointed. All of the players had a grim look of disappointment on their faces. Once the Bears’ coach saw this, he was embarrassed. No team of his should show such poor sportsmanship. In a cheerful voice, he said, "We played a remarkable game, but we have to show the Eagles that they played a great game. They deserve this win."?????The coach then led his team to the Eagles’ side and reached out to shake the hands of the Eagles’ players. This was a moment that both teams would never forget. 37. Read the following sentence from the passage.It was finally a time of celebration.What is a synonym for the word celebration? A.wisdomB.successC.merrimentD.education38. Read the following sentences from the passage.In a cheerful voice, he said, "We played a remarkable game, but we have to show the Eagles that they played a great game. They deserve this win."What is a synonym for the word remarkable? A.amazingB.joyfulC.heavyD.fresh39. Read the following sentence from the passage.The Ranger Eagles had finally defeated the Oaklawn Bears.What is a synonym for the word defeated? A.failedB.beatenC.droppedD.left?????During the 1800s, much of what is now the U.S was yet unexplored. The Oregon Trail allowed people to explore these new regions. The trail stretched from Missouri to areas of Oregon and California. It was the main passage from one side of the U.S. to the other.?????Thousands of families journeyed along the Oregon Trail. It would take them four to six months to complete the almost 2000 miles to the west. The best time to start was in the months of April and May. This was because there would be grass for the animals to eat during the trip. Also, it gave the travelers time to reach their destination before winter arrived.?????Expeditions by Lewis and Clark and by fur traders helped establish a route to the west. However, not until 1836 were wagons used on the trail. They were led by a couple, Marcus and Narcissa Whitman. Their journey showed that families could travel with wagons to the west. Following this trip, in 1843, there was the “Great Migration.” The “Great Migration” had around 800 people or more who made the move to Oregon. With these families taking the lead, the west began to take shape. 40. Read the following sentence from the passage.Thousands of families journeyed along the Oregon Trail.What is a synonym for the word journeyed? A.slippedB.fellC.visitedD.traveled41. Read the following sentence from the passage.Expeditions by Lewis and Clark and by fur traders helped establish a route to the west.What is a synonym for the word establish? A.startB.wreckC.leapD.crush42. Read the following sentence from the passage.The trail stretched from Missouri to areas of Oregon and California.What is a synonym for the word stretched? A.delayedB.gaveC.extendedD.offered?????When it's hot outside and you've been sweating, you get thirsty. Why? Thirst is a sign of dehydration. Dehydration means that your body doesn't have enough water in it to keep it working right. A person gets water by drinking and eating. You lose water when you sweat, go to the bathroom, or throw up. You even lose a little water when you breathe.?????Our bodies need water to work properly. Usually, you can make up for the water you lose—like when you come in from outside and have a long, cool drink of water. If you don't replace the water your body has lost, you might start feeling sick. And if you go too long without the water you need, you can become very ill and might need to go to the hospital.This information was provided by KidsHealth, one of the largest resources online for medically reviewed health information written for parents, kids, and teens. For more articles like this one, visit or .?1995-2007. The Nemours Foundation43. Read the following sentence from the passage."If you don't replace the water your body has lost, you might start feeling sick."What is a synonym for the word replace? A.put backB.forgetC.leave outD.ignore44. Read the following sentence from the passage."Our bodies need water to work properly."Which word is an antonym of properly? A.honestlyB.quicklyC.incorrectlyD.sadly?????When a ship is wrecked in a body of water, it is called a shipwreck. According to the United Nations, there are about three million ships that are on the floor of the ocean. There are many reasons why ships have accidents. The ships may have been poorly designed. Or there could have been mistakes in navigation by people. In other cases, the weather may have been unsafe, or the ships may have been in a war. No matter how the ships wreck, there are still things to be discovered within those ships. A lot of the shipwrecks held treasures that are still sought after. 45. Read the following sentence from the passage.Or there could have been mistakes in navigation by people.What is a synonym for the word mistakes? A.surprisesB.valuedC.blundersD.important46. Read the following sentence from the passage.A lot of the shipwrecks held treasures that are still sought after.What is a synonym for the word treasures? A.plantsB.risksC.creaturesD.riches47. Read the following sentence from the passage.In other cases, the weather may have been unsafe, or the ships may have been in a war.What is a synonym for the word unsafe? A.breezyB.chillyC.dangerousD.peacefulA King Penguin's New Suit?????The king penguin is the second-largest penguin. It is about 3 feet tall and weighs around 30 pounds. It has white feathers on its belly. Black and gray feathers cover its back. King penguins also have bright orange patches of feathers on their neck and on the sides of their head. These penguins live on beaches out in the open. They live in large colonies of tens of thousands of penguins. The colonies are found on islands near Antarctica.?????Recently, a special king penguin was discovered. It had dark feathers covering its entire body. This penguin is very rare. It is estimated that 1 in every 250,000 penguins might have some dark feathers where the feathers are typically white. However, there is no evidence of another penguin with dark feathers completely covering its normally white sections. The difference in this penguin's coloring does not seem to have any harmful effects on it. It is a very healthy penguin.48. Read the following sentence from the passage. It is estimated that 1 in every 250,000 penguins might have some dark feathers where the feathers are typically white.Which word is an antonym for typically? A.unusuallyB.quiteC.alwaysD.normally49. Read the following sentence from the passage.The difference in this penguin's coloring does not seem to have any harmful effects on it.Which word is an antonym of harmful? A.interestingB.beautifulC.helpfulD.damaging50. Read the following sentence from the passage.Recently, a special king penguin was discovered. Which word or phrase is an antonym of the word recently? A.long agoB.currentlyC.just nowD.finally51. Read the following sentence from the passage.It had dark feathers covering its entire body. Which word is a synonym for entire? A.backB.partC.wholeD.huge52. Read the following sentence from the passage.However, there is no evidence of another penguin with dark feathers completely covering its normally white sections.What is a synonym for sections? A.areasB.bodiesC.wingsD.beaches53. Read the following sentence from the passage.They live in large colonies of tens of thousands of penguins. Which word is a synonym for colonies? A.groupsB.pairsC.forestsD.houses54. Read the following sentence from the passage.This penguin is very rare. Which word is an antonym for rare? A.uncommonB.happyC.ordinaryD.intelligent?????Mr. Sanchez looked upon his students and wondered how he could ever select a student for the special lunch tomorrow. It was for the top student in each of the classes in 5th grade. The problem for Mr. Sanchez was that all of his students had great promise to be at the top of the class. He could not base his choice on grades alone. This was his problem.?????Mr. Sanchez pushed up his glasses and nervously scratched his head. This was a really tricky problem. All of the students looked at him with brilliant eyes, trying to stand out from one another. They had all heard of the lunch the next day and wanted to be picked. No one dared to break the silence for fear of messing up his or her chance of going. Each kid had the notion that Mr. Sanchez would choose him or her. There was something special about each and every one of them. Mr. Sanchez cleared his throat with a small cough and raised his hand. He was finally going to make his choice. 55. Read the following sentence from the passage.All of the students looked at him with brilliant eyes, trying to stand out from one another.What is a synonym for the word brilliant? A.quickB.tidyC.brightD.misty56. Read the following sentence from the passage.Each kid had the notion that Mr. Sanchez would choose him or her.What is a synonym for the word notion? A.ideaB.hobbyC.problemD.question57. Read the following sentence from the passage.Mr. Sanchez looked upon his students and wondered how he could ever select a student for the special lunch tomorrow.What is a synonym for the word select? A.chooseB.limitC.removeD.say?????It is very important to go outside to get exercise every day. This helps keep your body healthy and prevents you from getting sick easily. Your growth is also affected by exercise. It promotes stronger bones and muscles and helps control body fat for leaner bodies. It might also give you a brighter attitude because you will be well rested. Being well rested may help you get a better grade on a very hard test. This is because you can study and concentrate better because of exercise.?????There are a lot of things you can do to stay active. You can play basketball, soccer, or tennis. You can even go walking, running, or skating. In addition to outdoor activity, it is helpful to have good eating habits. With exercise and healthy eating habits, you can do almost anything. 58. Read the following sentence from the passage.Being well rested may help you get a better grade on a very hard test.What is a synonym for the word hard? A.difficultB.fortableD.simple59. Read the following sentence from the passage.There are a lot of things you can do to stay active.What is a synonym for the word stay? A.breakB.lodgeC.stopD.remain60. Read the following sentence from the passage.It promotes stronger bones and muscles and helps control body fat for leaner bodies.What is a synonym for the word control? A.manageB.improveC.increaseD.encourageAnswers1. D 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. C 6. C 7. A 8. B 9. C 10. C 11. D 12. B 13. C 14. B 15. D 16. B 17. B 18. A 19. C 20. B 21. -- 22. B 23. C 24. -- 25. B 26. -- 27. -- 28. A 29. A 30. A 31. B 32. D 33. C 34. A 35. D 36. B 37. C 38. A 39. B 40. D 41. A 42. C 43. A 44. C 45. C 46. D 47. C 48. A 49. C 50. A 51. C 52. A 53. A 54. C 55. C 56. A 57. A 58. A 59. D 60. A ................

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