
Grammar ReviewVerb Tenses1“Where’s Polly?”“She _____ . ”is in her room studyingin her room is studyingstudies in her roomhas in her room studied2.“Hello? Alice? This is Jeff. How are you?”“Jeff? What a coincidence! I _____ about you when the phone rang.”was just thinkingjust thoughthave just been thinkingwas just thought3.“When is Mr. Fields planning to retire?”“Soon, I think. He _____ here for a long time. He’ll probably retire either next year or the year after that.”workedhad been workinghas been workingis working4.“Why did you buy all this sugar and chocolate?”“I _____ a delicious dessert for dinner tonight.”makewill makeam going to makewill have made 5.Next week when there _____ a full moon, the ocean tides will be higher. is beingiswill bewill have been6.Fish were among the earliest forms of life. Fish _____ on earth for ages and age.existedare existingexisthave existed7.The phone _____ constantly since Jack announced his candidacy for president this morning. has been ringingranghad runghad been ringing8The earth _____ on the sun for its heat and light.is dependdependinghad dependdepends9.I don’t feel good. I _____ home from work tomorrowam stayingstaywill have stayedstayed10.If coastal erosion continues to take place at the present rate, in another fifty years this beach ____ anymore. doesn’t existisn’t going to existisn’t existingwon’t be existing Nouns and Pronouns1Bob got fired. It’s going to be difficult for him to find _____ job.otheranotherthe otherthe another2.There _____ available in his area of specializationlittlefewa littlea few3.The English _____ strong traditions. has manyhave muchhave manyhas much4.Each of the reference _____ available in the school library.books on that list isbooks on that list arebook on that list isbook on that list are5.Several _____ sleeping under the treeof lions werelion wasof the lions loins were6.Our weather is cloudy in the winter. We don’t have _____many sunshinesmany sunshinemuch sunshinesmuch sunshine7.Snow and rain _____ of nature.are phenomenonare phenomenais phenomenais phenomenon8Knowing several_____ helpful if you work for an international corporation. languages arelanguage islanguages is language are9.Each of the _____ own cage.birds has theirbird has itsbirds have theirbirds has its10.The swimming team has done well this year. All of _____ have trained very hard.their membersits membersit’s memberstheirs membersModals1To stay alive, people _____ breathe oxygen.must/have tomust notdon’t have to2.If you have an aquarium, you _____ give your tropical fish too much food or they’ll die. must/have tomust notdon’t have to3.Larry drove all night to get here for his sister’s wedding. He _____ exhausted by the time he arrived. ought to becould bemust have beenwill have been4.“You haven’t eaten anything since yesterday afternoon. You ______ be really hungry!”“I am.”mightwillcanmust5.“I left a cookie on the table, but now it’s gone. What happened to it?”“I don’t know. One of the children _____ it.”may have eatencould eathad to eatshould have eaten6.“We _____ be here. That sign says NO TRESPASSING.”It’s too late now. We’re already here.” couldn’tdon’t have tomight notaren’t supposed to7.“Harry’s new jacket doesn’t seem to fit him very well.”“He _____ it on before he bought it.”must have triedwas able to tryshould have triedmay have tried8“Do you like to play tennis?”“Yes. When I worked at the embassy, I _____ meet a friend at five every afternoon for a game.”wouldshouldhad betterwould rather9.“Are you going to have a big birthday party for your father?”“Not this year, but next year. He ______ 50 years old then.”should bemust bewill behas to be10.“How did you get my telephone number? It’s not listed in the phone book, so you _____ have found it in the directory.”“I got it from your mother.” may notwon’tmight notcouldn’tThe Passive1The current constitutional problem is _____ by the top legal minds in the country.studyingbeing studyingbeing studiedbeen studied2.The child’s arm was swollen because he _____ by a bee.stunghad stunghad been stunghad being stung3.Let’s go ahead and do it now. Nothing _____ by waiting.accomplishesaccomplishedhas accomplishedwill be accomplished4.A shortage of water is a problem in many parts of the world. In some areas, water _____ from the ground faster than nature can replenish the supply.is being takenhas been takingis takinghas taken5.The Mayan Indians _____ an accurate and sophisticated calendar more than seven centuries ago. were developeddevelopedare developedhave been developed6.Fortunately, the hospital’s new air-conditioning system _____ when the first heat wave of the summer arrived.had installedinstalledhad been installedhas been installing7.“_____ about the eight o’clock flight to Chicago?”“Not yet.”Has been an announcement madeHas an announcement madeHas an announcement been madeHas been made an announcement8It’s hard to believe that my application for a scholarship _____ . I was sure I’d get it. I don’t know now id I’ll go to school next year. was denieddeniedwas denyinghas denied9.As the fairy tale goes, the prince _____ into a frog by an evil magician, and only a kiss from a beautiful princess could restore him to original state.turnedwas turningwas turnedhad been turning10.When I woke up and looked outside, the landscape had changed. The ground had been lightly _____ with a dusting of snow during the night.coveringcovercoverscoveredNoun Clauses1Do you know _____? I myself have no idea. how many years the earth ishow old the earth ishow long is the earthhow much time has been the earth2.When I was little, my father gave me some advice. He said _____ talk to strangers.I shouldn’tthat shouldn’tdon’tthat I don’t3.A fortune-teller predicted _____ inherit a lot of money before the end of the year. that I wouldthat Iwhat I willwhat I 4.“Officer, can you tell me how to get to Springfield?”“Sure. What part of Springfield _____ to go to?”do you wantyou wantthat you wantwhere you want5.How do you like your new school? Tell me _____.who in your class iswho your class is inwho is in your classyour class who is in it6.“This restaurant is very expensive!”“It is, but order ______ want. Your birthday is a very special occasion.”what is it youwhat do youwhatever youwhatever you do7.“What did your grammar teacher want to talk to you about?”“I did badly on the last test. She _____ studied for it.”said why hadn’t Iasked why hadn’t Isaid why I hadn’tasked why I hadn’t8“This cake is terrible. What happened?”“It’s my grandmother’s recipe, but she forgot to tell me how long _____ it.” did I bakeshould I bake do I baketo bake9.“Somebody forgot this hat. I wonder _____.”whose is this hatwhose hat this iswhose hat isis this whose hat10.It is hoped that all present-day communicable diseases will be conquered. However, _____ about certain diseases is still not sufficient to prevent them from spreading easily among he population.what we knowwhat do we knowwhat we know thatthat we know whatAdjective Clauses1“Who is eligible for the scholarship?”“Anyone _____ scholastic record is above average can apply for the scholarship.”who has ahas awho’s awhose2.The severe drought _____ occurred last summer ruined the corn corp.that itwhich ititthat3.People who exercise frequently have greater physical endurance than those _____.who doesn’tthat doesn’twhich don’twho don’t4.The missing man’s family is desperately seeking anyone _____ information about his activities. hashavingwho havehave5.The chemistry book _____ was a little expensive.that I bought itI bought thatWhat I boughtI bought6.The problem _____ never occurred. I hadn’t expected itwho I had expectedthat I had expected itI had expected7.“How’s your class thisterm?”“Great. I have seventeen students, most of _____ speak English very well.”whothosewhomwhich8“Is Dr. Brown the person _____ you wish to speak?”“Yes, please.”thatwhomto thatto whom9.“Will everyone like the book?”“No. Only people _____ interested in anthropology.”arewho arein whom arethat is10.Little Women, _____ in 1868, is my sister’s favorite book. is a novel publisheda novel publisheda novel was publishedwas a novel published ................

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