Grammar: Present perfect simple vs


Present Perfect Simple vs. Present Perfect Continuous

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|Formación |

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|Present perfect simple |

|Affirmative: Subject + have/has + past participle + complements |

|E.g. He has eaten pizza |

|Negative: Subject + have not (haven’t)/ has not (hasn’t) + past participle + complements |

|E.g. He hasn’t eaten pizza |

|Interrogative: Have/has + subject + past participle + complements |

|E.g. Has he eaten pizza? |

|Present perfect continuous |

|Affirmative: Subject + have/has + been + gerund + complements |

|E.g. He has been eating pizza |

|Negative: Subject + have (haven’t)/ has (hasn’t) + been + gerund + complements |

|E.g. He hasn’t been eating pizza |

|Interrogative: Have /has + subject + been + gerund + complements |

|E.g. Has he been eating pizza? |

|Usos |

|Ambos tiempos se utilizan para expresar que una acción empezó en el pasado y aún continua o acaba de terminar. En muchos casos, ambas |

|formas son correctas, pero suelen diferir en el significado. |

|1- Present perfect simple |

|Describe una acción que comenzó en el pasado y que acaba de finalizar. Pone el énfasis en el resultado y no en la acción en sí misma. |

|I have read a book (destaco que he leído un libro, que lo he terminado, y no el hecho de haber dedicado un tiempo a la lectura). |

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|También indica cuántas veces ocurre una acción. |

|They have played two concerts this week |

|En aquellos verbos en los que no se utiliza la forma continua hay que recurrir en todos estos supuestos al "present perfect simple". |

|2- Present perfect continuous |

|Esta forma verbal se emplea cuando interesa destacar la acción en sí misma más que el resultado. Normalmente no se precisa si la acción |

|ha finalizado o no (la acción comenzó en el pasado y puede que acabe de terminar o que incluso continúe). |

|I have been reading a book (resalto lo que he estado haciendo; no indico si he finalizado el libro o no). |

|Aunque también puede indicar la duración de una acción que comenzó en el pasado (y que acaba de finalizar o aún continúa). |

|I have been playing tennis for two hours |

|I have been living in France since 1998 |

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|**En el siguiente ejemplo se puede observar la diferencia entre estas dos formas verbales: |

|I have done my homework (indico que ya lo he finalizado) |

|I have been doing my homework (indico la actividad que he estado desarrollando; no informo de si he terminado mis deberes o no) |


1. Write these sentences in affirmative, negative and interrogative in the given tenses.

➢ Tom / buy / a present (present perfect simple)




➢ Tom / buy / a present (present perfect continuous)




2. Choose the correct tense in these sentences

1. This evening I _____________ two letters to my parents

a. have written

b. have been writing

2. My daughter ___________ letters to her friends for hours

a. has written

b. has been writing

3. This morning I _____________ breakfast for my wife

a. have prepared

b. have been preparing

4. Today Lucy ____________ her boyfriend three times

a. have phoned

b. have been phoning

5. Why are you so dirty? I __________________ in the garden

a. have worked

b. have been working

6. This week my team ____________ one match

a. has won

b. has been wining

7. The police _____________ the murderer

a. has arrested

b. has been arresting

8. My kids _______________ at the beach all morning

a. have played

b. have been playing

3. Complete this text with the correct form:

A murder has happened in an old house and Sherlock Holmes is the detective in charge of the investigation. He is now in the dining room interviewing one of the suspects.

Holmes: Where ___________________ (be) today between 16.00 and 17.00?

Mrs. Poppy: I __________________ (walk) around the garden all the afternoon because it was sunny .Suddenly I ________________ (hear) a shot inside. Then I ________________ (get) into the house and _______________ (see) Mr. Blackberry bleeding on the floor.

Holmes: What do you know about your cleaning woman?

Mrs. Poppy: Mrs. Daisy ___________________ (clean) all the morning. Then she _________________ (read) a book in her bedroom because I ____________ (be) with her in her room. But she _______ always _________ (complain) about her salary… She had good reasons to kill him….

4. Complete this quiz using present perfect simple or present perfect continuous.


1. _______ you ever _______ quietly around your house just to hear a conversation that didn’t concern you? (move)

a) Yes, I like spying my family

b) Just if the topic is interesting

c) No, never

2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend __________________ for one hour on the phone. Are you dying to know who is he/she talking to? (talk)

a) Of course! It’s my boyfriend/girlfriend

b) I don’t mind… but I would ask him/her just in case….

c) No. It’s not my business

3. Your neighbor tells you she ____________________ with another neighbor because of the loud music. Do you try to get more information about the matter? (argue)

a) Yes. Neighbors are like friends. We have to help one another

b) If she tells me the problem, I will listen to her

c) No, I don’t want more problems in my life

4. _______ you ever ___________ your friend’s facebook pictures? (check)

a) Yes, every day

b) I check them when pictures are interesting

c) I don’t have time for those things

5. You __________________ your best friend’s boyfriend walking hand in hand with another girl. Do you follow them? (see)

a) Yes. I need to sort out this

b) No, but I would call my best friend

c) No, she needs to find it out by herself

|Results |

|A: You could become the best spy ever! You really like to know every gossip and your passion is to be up-to-date on this matter. |

|B: Maybe it is not you favourite hobby, but you have good qualities to become a spy. If you try it hard, you can get it! |

|C: Forget it! You have nothing to do with this. If you spied another person, you would be found out. |


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