Believer’s Living Hope:

Believer’s Living Hope:

Christians Dealing with Difficult Times

1 Peter 1:3-7


There is a beautiful story told by a preacher who admits that he is not connoisseur of great art. He shares, however, that from time to time a painting or picture will really speak a clear, strong message to him. Once he saw a picture of an old burned-out mountain shack. All that remained was the chimney...the charred debris of what had been that family's sole possession.

In front of this destroyed home stood an old grandfather-looking man dressed only in his underclothes with a small boy clutching a pair of patched overalls.

It was evident that the child was crying. Beneath the picture were the words which the artist felt the old man was speaking to the boy. They were simple words, yet they presented a profound theology and philosophy of life. Those words were, "Hush child, God ain't dead!" 

That vivid picture of a burned-out mountain shack, that old man, the weeping child, and those words "God ain't dead" burned into his thoughts. Instead of it being a reminder of the despair of life, it has come, for him, to be a reminder of hope!

We all need reminders that there is hope in this world. In the midst of all of life's troubles and failures, we need mental pictures to remind us that all is not lost as long as God is alive and in control of His world. 

[The next few weeks I will be presenting a series of sermons from 1st Peter. Today’s as you have likely surmised is on the hope that Christians have]

1. Our Source of Hope- v.3

A. God is the source of our hope (Titus 1:2)

B. He gives

1. Mercy

2. New birth

3. Living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ (Col 1:27)

[As God’s children we have an inheritance waiting for us in heaven]

2. Inheritance of Hope- v.4

A. It is imperishable and undefiled (Matt 6:19-20)

B. It will not fade away

C. It is a reservation waiting for you in heaven (Col 1:5)

[Our hope is not like that of the world who hopes on luck or fate. Our hope is assured]

3. Assurance of Hope- v.5

A. Can rejoice though distressed by trials (James 1:2)

B. Trials are but temporary and of this world

C. We have hope because it is assured (Rom 4:18)

Testimony- Randy Southall

[Having faith in difficult times proves our hope]

4. Faith is Proof of Hope- v.6-7

A. Faith is tested and proven in trials (Heb 10:23)

B. Faith is more precious than gold

C. The outcome of faith is salvation (1 Pet 1:9)


Trials and difficulties are going to come our way. God provides a way to not only endure hardships and tough times, but a way to be able to have the joy and peace He gives in our lives despite our temporary circumstances.

The apostle Paul gives a wonder prescription on dealing with tribulations in Romans 12:12.

• Rejoice in hope

• Persevere in tribulation

• Constant in prayer

Maybe your life is going pretty good right now. Pray for those who are experiencing difficulty, reach out with genuine compassion and love, let His light shine through your life.

Maybe your life feels like a tiny boat in a stormy sea. Know that God gives hope. Know that in Christ you have a reservation in heaven beyond the tempest. Know that you can have assurance of that salvation. Know that a faith proven by trials is more precious than gold.

Let’s Pray


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