Training-and-exercise-plan-tep-template - Hawaii

-1695453034578Hurricane Erick and Tropical Storm Flossie were two of the stronger storms to enter the Central Pacific in 2019 but did not directly impact Hawaii./NOAA (USGS photo) VolcanosHurricane Erick and Tropical Storm Flossie were two of the stronger storms to enter the Central Pacific in 2019 but did not directly impact Hawaii./NOAA (USGS photo) Volcanos00Hurricane Erick and Tropical Storm Flossie were two of the stronger storms to enter the Central Pacific in 2019 but did not directly impact Hawaii./NOAA (USGS photo) VolcanosHurricane Erick and Tropical Storm Flossie were two of the stronger storms to enter the Central Pacific in 2019 but did not directly impact Hawaii./NOAA (USGS photo) Volcanos4709160297116500-3130552959100State of Hawai‘iHawai‘i Emergency Management AgencyMulti-Year Training and Exercise Plan2020-2022 (January 2020) State of Hawai‘iHawai‘i Emergency Management AgencyMulti-Year Training and Exercise Plan2020-2022 (January 2020) Approved by HI-EMA Executive Officer, Luke Meyers00State of Hawai‘iHawai‘i Emergency Management AgencyMulti-Year Training and Exercise Plan2020-2022 (January 2020) State of Hawai‘iHawai‘i Emergency Management AgencyMulti-Year Training and Exercise Plan2020-2022 (January 2020) Approved by HI-EMA Executive Officer, Luke Meyers32029402462513Senior Leaders discusses during the 2019 Makani Pahili Exercise Executive Education Seminar. (State of Hawaii photo)State of Hawai‘iSenior Leaders discussing during the 2019 Makani Pahili Exercise Executive Education Seminar. (State of Hawaii photo)00Senior Leaders discusses during the 2019 Makani Pahili Exercise Executive Education Seminar. (State of Hawaii photo)State of Hawai‘iSenior Leaders discussing during the 2019 Makani Pahili Exercise Executive Education Seminar. (State of Hawaii photo)343308532639000 left31178500-2168942442430A wildfire in West Maui in July 2019 forced thousands of residents to evacuate. (County of Maui photo)A wildfire in West Maui in July 2019 forced thousands of residents to evacuate. (County of Maui photo)00A wildfire in West Maui in July 2019 forced thousands of residents to evacuate. (County of Maui photo)A wildfire in West Maui in July 2019 forced thousands of residents to evacuate. (County of Maui photo)Approved by HI-EMA Administrator, Luke Meyers as of May 12, 2020This page intentionally left blank.PrefaceThe State of Hawai‘i is especially vulnerable to natural disasters due to its unique geographical setting. That was never more evident than in 2018 when federal emergency and/or disaster declarations were approved for four events in four months as floods and landslides, a volcanic eruption and two hurricanes impacted the state. The citizens of Hawai‘i have demonstrated remarkable resilience in the aftermath of these incidents and other previous disasters. The ever-present threat posed by a number of hazards, compounded by Hawai‘i’s remote geographic location, underscores the need for a comprehensive, all-hazards approach toward emergency preparedness and response. The State of Hawai‘i, in its efforts to prevent, protect, mitigate against, respond to and recover from a broad range of natural and humane incidents, has embraced a capabilities-based approach to training and exercising. As part of this approach, Hawai‘i has identified a need to coordinate planning, training, and exercising to strengthen overall proficiency in executing the 32 “core capabilities” defined in the National Preparedness Goal. Training and exercising play a crucial role in this process and provide Hawai‘i with a strategy for attaining, practicing, validating and improving new capabilities.The Multi-Year Training and Exercise Plan (TEP) is shaped by input from stakeholders across all levels of government, the private sector and non-governmental organizations. It reflects the state’s commitment to providing a culture that promotes continuous learning and improvement. The TEP is a product of the Hawai‘i Emergency Management Agency (HI-EMA) and the state’s Office of Homeland Security (OHS). The mission of the Hawai‘i Emergency Management Agency is to institute training, preparedness and public-information programs in coordination with the state, counties, the federal government, other states and private-sector and nonprofit organization. (Hawai‘i Revised Statutes 127A). The training mission of the state’s OHS is to provide programs, in coordination with county agencies, other state and federal agencies, and the private sector, to educate and train publicly and privately employed workers and the general public to be prepared for potential attacks. (Hawai‘i Revised Statutes 128A-1).Points of Contact (POCs)3747135698500David A. LopezExecutive OfficerHawai‘i Emergency Management Agency 3949 Diamond Head RoadHonolulu, HI 96816808-733-4300, ext. 521 (office)david.a.lopez@Lalo Medina Acting Preparedness Branch Chief/Exercise OfficerHawai‘i Emergency Management Agency 3949 Diamond Head RoadHonolulu, HI 96815808-733-4300 x523 (office)eulalio.medina@Niea GardnerTraining OfficerHawai‘i Emergency Management Agency 3949 Diamond Head RoadHonolulu, HI 96815808-733-4300 x621 (office)37414204030900hyniea.l.gardner@ Dee Cook (Homeland Security-funded trainings)Administrator Office of Homeland Security 3949 Diamond Head RoadHonolulu, HI 96816dolores.m.cook@Colby Stanton Director of ReadinessPacific Area Office (PAO)36633158890FEMA Region IXFort Shafter, Hawaii808-851-7918 (Office)colby.stanton@fema.Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u State of Hawai‘i PAGEREF _Toc2066032 \h iiHawai‘i Emergency Management Agency PAGEREF _Toc2066033 \h iiPreface PAGEREF _Toc2066035 \h ivPoints of Contact (POCs) PAGEREF _Toc2066036 \h vTable of Contents PAGEREF _Toc2066037 \h 1Purpose PAGEREF _Toc2066038 \h 2Methodology PAGEREF _Toc2066039 \h 3Training and Exercise Program Priorities PAGEREF _Toc2066041 \h 4Critical Transportation6State Agency Readiness7Mass Care/Logistics & Supply Chain Management PAGEREF _Toc2066049 \h 10Housing PAGEREF _Toc2066056 \h 11Protection Mission Area12Multi-year Training and Exercise Schedule PAGEREF _Toc2066072 \h 16Acknowledgements PAGEREF _Toc2066085 \h 28Maintenance Section PAGEREF _Toc2066085 \h 28Purpose2536739906522“A secure and resilient nation with the capabilities required across the whole community to prevent, protect against, mitigate, respond to, and recover from the threats and hazards that pose the greatest risk.”- National Preparedness Goal5850020000“A secure and resilient nation with the capabilities required across the whole community to prevent, protect against, mitigate, respond to, and recover from the threats and hazards that pose the greatest risk.”- National Preparedness GoalThe purpose of the Multi-year Training and Exercise Plan (TEP) is to document the state’s overall training and exercise program priorities. These priorities are linked to core capabilities essential to achieving the National Preparedness Goal, and are informed by the State of Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Analysis (THIRA)/Stakeholder Preparedness Review (SPR), After-Action Reports/Improvement Plans, the Training and Exercise Planning Workshop (TEPW), and other requirements set forth by senior leadership, statute and grant guidance. The Multi-year TEP lays out a combination of progressively building exercises – along with the associated training requirements – which address the priorities identified throughout the year. A progressive, multi-year exercise program enables organizations to participate in a series of increasingly complex exercises, with each successive exercise building upon the previous one until mastery is achieved. Further, by including training requirements in the planning process, our organization can address known shortfalls prior to exercising capabilities.Included in this Multi-year TEP is a training and exercise schedule, which provides a listing of proposed activities scheduled for the calendar years 2020 through 2022.MethodologyThe following sources were used to help identify risks and establish priorities for this TEP include the following: 2018 Hawai‘i State Hazard Mitigation Plan (SHMP) The SHMP identifies the major natural hazards that affect our state, assesses the risk that each hazard poses, analyzes the vulnerability of our people, property and infrastructure to the specific hazard, and recommends actions that can be taken to reduce the risk and vulnerability to the hazard.2018 Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment and Stakeholder Preparedness Review (THIRA/SPR)The THIRA/SPR identifies hazards of greatest concern to the state, assesses the state’s capabilities to address those hazards, identifies gaps and strategies for addressing those gaps. 2018 Hawai‘i Joint Counterterrorism Awareness Workshop Series (JCTAWS)JCTAWS is a nationwide initiative designed to improve the ability of local jurisdictions to prepare for, protect against, and respond to complex terrorist attacks.After-Action Report/Improvement Plan (AAR/IP): 2018 DisastersA consolidated AAR/IP was produced for the state response to the 2019 disasters including the April 2018 floods, the May 2018 Kīlauea Eruption and the responses to Hurricanes Lane and Olivia. Input from State of Hawai‘i Departments, county emergency management agencies and non-governmental partners through the Training and Exercise Planning Workshop.The purpose of the Emergency Management Performance Grant Program (EMPG) is to provide Federal funds to states to assist state, local, territorial and tribal governments in preparing for all hazards. The state training and exercise program utilizes the Homeland Security and Exercise Evaluation Program (HSEEP) methodology and process to plan, develop and conduct all exercise and training. State Training and Exercise Planning Workshop (TEPW)The TEP is a product of the Training and TEPW, which was hosted by the HI-EMA hosted on October 10, 2019. Participants included representatives from the state, county and federal agencies, as well as from nonprofit organizations and the private sector. The sources above were presented to participants, as well as existing state emergency management and homeland security priorities. Group discussions were held to validate proposed training and exercise priorities and identify specific capability elements to sustain and build through the training and exercise programs. TEPW participants then reviewed the schedule of planned training and exercises to de-conflict events. Future TEPWs will be conducted on the 1st Quarter of the year (Jan-Mar), rather than the 4th Quarter of the year (Oct-Dec) due to continuous improvement of our training and exercise program. The next TEPW is scheduled for January 12, 2021.Training and Exercise Program PrioritiesIdentification of Program PrioritiesThe 2020 – 2022 Training and Exercise Program priorities for the current training and exercise cycle were determined by the state and counties, and the supporting core capabilities are based on stakeholder input provided at the TEPW. The priorities focus on threats and hazards from our State Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA) and areas identified for improvement in After Action Reports/Improvement Plans (AAR/IPs) from real events and exercises. A Corrective Action Program (CAP) is being implemented that will track and validate corrective actions in future exercises. Grant funding requirements and other reports, such as the State Preparedness Report (SPR), were also considered when determining the program priorities.Factors for Consideration in Developing Exercise Program PrioritiesProgram Priorities for the 2020 to 2022 Training and Exercise Cycle The state’s priorities for training and exercise reflect core capabilities determined to present the greatest challenges to the state’s preparedness. In addition, the state has identified a set of core capabilities that are standing priorities for training and exercise due to their criticality across all mission areas and/or their importance to ensuring success in other capability areas. Response Mission AreaCritical TransportationLogistics and Supply Chain ManagementMass Care ServicesRecovery Mission AreaHousingProtection Mission AreaCybersecurity (Homeland Security)Physical Protective Measures (Homeland Security)Risk Management for Protection Programs and Activities (Homeland Security)Common Core CapabilitiesPlanningOperational CoordinationOperational Communication Critical TransportationThe 2015 State of Hawai‘i Catastrophic Hurricane Annex and subsequent planning efforts during the last training and exercise cycle (2017-2019) to examine the state’s critical transportation systems and their dependencies, brought into sharp focus the magnitude of the logistical challenges the state will face following a major disaster. As a result, major planning initiatives are underway to address these issues and it is a priority of the training and exercise program to support the development of those plans. Debris ManagementThe training and exercise program will support statewide debris management planning. Debris management will be a focus of the state’s annual hurricane exercise for the 2020 – 2022 cycle. The debris management exercise objective is to develop a tactical debris management plan. In addition, mutually develop at the same time the state debris management operational support plan based on the anticipated requests or deficiencies identified in the county debris management tactical plans. Port RestorationPort restoration will be a focus of the state’s annual hurricane exercise for the 2020 – 2022 cycle. The port restoration exercise objective for 2020 is to develop a port restoration plan that has the capability to restore sea port operations at the Port of Honolulu. The state exercise objective is to develop a port restoration operational support plan that has the capability to restore sea port operations at the Port of Honolulu. The focus on sea port restoration will continue next year 2021 and expand to neighbor island commercial sea ports. Rationale for Critical Transportation FocusHawai‘i Emergency Management Agency Critical Systems Analysis (2016)State of Hawai‘i Hazard Mitigation Plan (2018)State of Hawai‘i Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (2018)State and County debris plans Supporting TrainingDebris Management Planning Workshops (See Multi-year Training and Exercise Schedule)Port Restoration Planning Workshops (See Multi-year Training and Exercise Schedule)Supporting ExercisesDebris Management Tabletop Exercise (See Multi-year Training and Exercise Schedule)State/C&C of Honolulu Port Restoration Tabletop Exercise (See Multi-year Training and Exercise Schedule)State Agency ReadinessOn August 11, 2015, Gov. David Ige signed Administrative Directive No. 15-01, requiring each state agency and department in the Executive Branch to establish minimum emergency management requirements. An ongoing focus for the Hawai‘i Emergency Management Agency has been on providing training and exercise support to help departments meet these requirements and improve their readiness to execute their emergency and essential functions during a disaster requiring state support. Specifically, the training and exercise program seeks to increase the capabilities of state agencies in the areas of planning, operational coordination, situation assessment and operational communication. Continuity of Operations PlanningThe Administrative Directive requires all state agencies to maintain a Departmental Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) and a Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP). While departments have made progress in developing EOPs, continuity planning remains a major gap. Continuity planning will be a priority for the training program, and the exercise program will focus on creating opportunities for departments to test and validate completed plans. State Emergency Response Team CurriculumThe Administrative Directive requires each department to identify Emergency Management Officers (EMO) and State Emergency Support Function (SESF) representatives. These positions, along with HI-EMA staff, collectively make up the State Emergency Response Team (SERT). HI-EMA will sustain and continue to expand the SERT curriculum to ensure SERT members understand their roles and how they fit into state plans. The state will continue regular delivery of State Emergency Response Team (SERT) Orientation and WebEOC Training. New priorities include the development of training on State Emergency Response Function (SESF) roles, adding an emergency management component of new employee orientation statewide and drills to maintain familiarity with SEOC operations. Senior Leader Role in Emergency Response/RecoveryContinue to educate the senior leadership in the Hawaiian Islands and potential members of the Unified Coordination Group on their role in a catastrophic incident and what types of challenges they can expect and decisions that they may have to make, by discussing selected critical issues i.e. post disaster housing and decision points. Corresponding Core CapabilitiesPlanningOperational CoordinationOperational CommunicationSituation AssessmentRationale for Focus on State Agency ReadinessAdministrative Directive No. 15-01 of Hawai‘i Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (2018)HI-EMA Training Survey (October 2016)State of Hawai‘i Emergency Operations Plan (May 2017)After-Action Report/Improvement Plan (AAR/IP): 2018 DisastersAfter-Action Report/Improvement Plan (AAR/IP): 2019 Makani Pahili 2019 ExerciseSupporting Training The following courses will be considered for the HI-EMA Staff, Emergency Management Officers and the State Emergency Response Team (SERT) curriculum. Independent Study CoursesCourse Number and TitleLink/InformationIS-100 Introduction to Incident Command System ICS for Single Resources and Initial Action Incidents National Incident Management System (NIMS) National Response Framework, An Introduction Development Series (EMI Online) Continuity of Operations Awareness Course Introduction to Continuity of Operations IS-2200 Basic Emergency Operations Center Functions IS-908 Emergency Management for Senior Officials Classroom CoursesClassroom courses available that support the development of SERT membersCourse Number and TitleLink/InformationState Emergency Response Teamready.WebEOC, Parts I & IIready.ICS-300 Intermediate ICS for Expanding Incidents Advanced ICS Senior Officials Workshop for All-Hazards Preparedness Crisis Leadership and Decision Making Operations and Planning for All Hazards ExercisesStatewide WebEOC Workshop – Makani Pahili Hurricane Exercise (See Multi-year Training and Exercise Schedule)Distance Tsunami Drill – (See Multi-year Training and Exercise Schedule)Local Tsunami Drill – (See Multi-year Training and Exercise Schedule)Executive Senior Leader Workshop – (See Multi-year Training and Exercise Schedule)Senior Leader Seminar – Makani Pahili Hurricane Exercise – (See Multi-year Training and Exercise Schedule)-857253679494Operations Section Chief Vic Gustafson gives instructions to the State Emergency Response Team at the State Emergency Operations Center. Emergency Support Function representatives from state agencies activated during the multiple disasters in 2018, which included flooding, mudslides and landslides, Kīlauea Volcano’s eruption at the summit and the lower east rift zone on the Big Island and Hurricanes Lane and Olivia. (State of Hawaii photo) 00Operations Section Chief Vic Gustafson gives instructions to the State Emergency Response Team at the State Emergency Operations Center. Emergency Support Function representatives from state agencies activated during the multiple disasters in 2018, which included flooding, mudslides and landslides, Kīlauea Volcano’s eruption at the summit and the lower east rift zone on the Big Island and Hurricanes Lane and Olivia. (State of Hawaii photo) Mass Care/Logistics and Supply Chain ManagementThe ability to deliver mass care services will continue to be a top priority for the current training and exercise cycle. Assumptions contained in the 2015 State of Hawai‘i Catastrophic Hurricane Annex show that mass care support requirements following a major disaster would be extensive. Given Hawaii’s isolation, dependency on imports for critical supplies, reliance on a single hub port and a just-in-time logistics system, the ability to deliver essential mass care services in inexorability linked to logistics and supply chain management.Training will support stakeholder engagement and understanding of their roles and responsibilities. The formalization of plans and mass care operational coordination structures will be supported by workshops, with a goal of testing plans in more complex exercises as plans are developed. Sheltering will continue to be a focus, with greater emphasis on post-impact shelters, as well as points of distribution and feeding. Rationale for Mass Care/Logistics and Supply Chain Management FocusMakani Pahili 2017 Shelter Resourcing Workshop After Action Report/Improvement PlanState of Hawai‘i Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (2018)State of Hawai‘i 2015 Catastrophic Hurricane AnnexFY18/FY19 Emergency Management Performance GrantSupporting Training CoursesThe following in-person trainings or workshops are scheduled or planned (see Appendix A): L 411 Mass Care/Emergency Assistance for Field Operations MGT 319-Medical Countermeasures Points of Dispensing (POD) Planning and ResponseG 418 Mass Care/Emergency Assistance Planning and OpsMedical Reserve Corps (MRC) TrainingsCardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) TrainingsCounty specific POD workshopsThe following independent study training courses are available online and will be promoted to stakeholders: Independent Study Course Number and TitleLink/InformationIS-235 Emergency Planning Overview of Mass Care/Emergency Assistance Guides to Points of Distribution following classroom-based training courses will be promoted to mass care stakeholders: Classroom Course Number and TitleLink/InformationE/L-0411 Mass Care/Emergency Assistance for Field Operations G-108 Community Mass Care and Emergency Assistance 319-Medical Countermeasures Points of Dispensing (POD) Planning and ResponseG 418 Mass Care/Emergency Assistance Planning and OpsStop the Bleed trainings Supporting ExercisesThe following exercises are scheduled or planned (see Appendix A): MP21 POD/Logistic Distribution Management WorkshopsCounty Points of Distribution (POD) ExercisesShelter Activation DrillsHousingThe training and exercise program will support housing recovery planning. Housing will be the focus of a Pacific Executive Leaders Program (PELP) in 2020 and HI-EMA will hold housing workshops to present lessons learned from the 2018 eruption aimed to drive the development of state and county housing task forces. As the State and County recovery coordination structures are stood-up, HI-EMA will support the creation and delivery of housing focused table-top experiments and exercises. The housing objective is to develop coordination structures and then plans at both the state and county levels. The State of Hawai’i will work to build its housing recovery capacity by engaging with FEMA, other federal agencies (e.g. the Small Business Administration (SBA), the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)), and non-governmental organizations. Rationale for Housing FocusThe Kīlauea eruption of 2018 was the first disaster since Hurricane Iniki in 1992, and the first since the release of the National Recovery Framework, that has entailed a prolonged and complicated recovery period. One of the many gaps in the state’s recovery capabilities that the disaster revealed was the lack of readiness to address post-disaster housing, both on a temporary and long-term basis. This capability gap is not unique to Hawai’i and was evident across jurisdictions impacted by catastrophic hurricanes in 2017 and 2018. As a result, FEMA added a requirement into its FY18 and FY19 Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) Program that states should include housing as a component of their training and exercise programs. Additional documents supporting a focus on Housing include: After-Action Report/Improvement Plan (AAR/IP): 2018 DisastersState of Hawai‘i Hazard Mitigation Plan (2018)State of Hawai‘i Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (2018)FY18/FY19 Emergency Management Performance GrantSupporting TrainingThe following in-person trainings or workshops are scheduled or planned (see Appendix A): L-210 Recovery from Disaster: The Local Community Role Housing Workshops The following training courses are available online and will be promoted to stakeholders: Independent Study Course Number and TitleLink/InformationIS-403 Introduction to Individual Assistance IS-772 IA PDA Orientation IS-2900 National Disaster Recovery Framework (NDRF) Overview The following classroom-based training courses will be promoted to stakeholders: Classroom Course Number and TitleLink/InformationE-0089 NDRS Leadership WorkshopE/L-209 State Recovery Planning and Coordination E/L-210 Recovery from Disaster: The Local Community RoleE-357 State Individual Assistance OperationsSupporting ExercisesThe following exercises are scheduled or planned (see Appendix A): Annual Hawaiian Islands Regional Senior Executive Workshop Annual State of Hawaii Agencies and Departments Leadership Workshop Housing-Specific PELPC&C of Honolulu Recovery Tabletop Exercise - (2021 TBD)Makani Pahili 21 - Housing WorkshopProtection Mission AreaCybersecurityThe State Office of Homeland Security (OHS) has identified the following priorities related to cybersecurity: Implement risk-informed guidelines, regulations, and standards to ensure the security, reliability, integrity, and availability of critical information, records, and communications systems and services through collaborative cybersecurity initiatives and efforts.Implement and maintain procedures to detect malicious activity and to conduct technical and investigative-based countermeasures, mitigation and operations against malicious actors to counter existing and emerging cyber-based threats, consistent with established protocols.Provide cyber security awareness training and education based on levels of expertise.Coordinate with Department of Education/University/Academia to build the cyber resiliency for the state.Establish a baseline of current cyber state with critical lifelines critical infrastructure plete Cyber Security Response Plan.Rationale for Cybersecurity FocusThe Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cyber Security stresses the Cyber Security threat exploits the increased complexity and connectivity of critical infrastructure systems thus putting the nation and the state of Hawai‘i’s security, economy and public safety and health at risk. Presidential Policy Directive PPD-41 provides details for cyber and cyber security. TrainingAdditional trainings for this Core Capability can be found at frt/npccatalogCourse Number and TitleLinksAWR-136 Essentials of Community Cyber Security 384 Community Preparedness for Cyber Incident Physical and Cyber Security for Critical Infrastructure SafetySchool safety has become a priority for Homeland Security programs. Those of outside of educations understand there is no greater imperative than keeping students safe. Hawaii schools are experiencing more threats, and at the same, time more threats are being reported. The Hawaii State Fusion Center sponsors SafeKekei for reporting incidents. The schools have processes and procedures, however, staffing in the Security Office is a concern. The Office of Homeland Security is supporting Department of Education with the STOP Grant with the goal to assist with an intervention program to help prevent an incident and to assist in providing support to youth who portray behavior contrary to school guidelines. The Office of Homeland Security supports the DOE with their annual Emergency Preparedness Program.TrainingAdditional trainings for this Core Capability can be found at frt/npccatalogCourse Number and TitleLinksMGT 361 Managing Critical Incidents at Institutions of Higher Learning MGT 467 Sports and Special Events Public Information and Emergency NotificationMGT 412 Sports Venue Evacuation and Protective Action CourseActive Shooter Training Honolulu Police DepartmentOperational CoordinationThe following objectives have been identified in support of Operational Coordination related to homeland security.Process for mobilization of resources to support different homeland security scenarios – e.g. active shooter; complex coordinated attack; explosion; vehicle ramming. Process for allocating limited resources for events (Chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear defense [CBRNE], canine, etc.)Continue support to the responder community with command, control and coordination processes through planning, training, and exercises.Rationale for Operational Coordination FocusThe Joint Counterterrorism Awareness Workshop identified several areas of improvement. Training and ExerciseAdditional training is available at frt/npccatalog. Course Number and TitleLinkISC-300 Intermediate ICS for Expanding Incidents ICS-400 Advanced ICS for Command and General StaffPER 335 Complex Coordinate Terrorist AttackPER 340 Active Threat Integrated Response Course (ATRIC)Development of complex coordinated attack tabletop exercise (2020)Critical Infrastructure The prevention and protection of critical infrastructure is a priority for OHS. Areas requiring attention include but not limited to:Update/reassess the Critical Infrastructure Assessments for the State of Hawai‘i.Develop countermeasures for systems, networks, assets based on assessment of critical infrastructure.Through the Fusion Center identify and assess the threats to state of Hawai‘i; provide materials and products for federal, state, private and public sector for information and steps to assess and reduce risk.Rationale for Infrastructure Systems FocusIdentify the lifelines and their criticality to the state and the nation. TrainingAdditional trainings can be found at frt/npccatalog. Course Number and TitleLinkPER-330: Surface Transportation Emergency Preparedness and Security – Mass Transit and Passenger Rail: Strategic Overview of Disaster Management for Water and Wastewater UtilitiesAWR 213 Critical Infrastructure and Resilience Awareness5398143245485Former Hawaii Emergency Management Agency Administrator Thomas Travis addressing a question/answer during the 2019 Makani Pahili Exercise Statewide Operational Coordination Seminar on June 6, 2019. (State of Hawaii photo)00Former Hawaii Emergency Management Agency Administrator Thomas Travis addressing a question/answer during the 2019 Makani Pahili Exercise Statewide Operational Coordination Seminar on June 6, 2019. (State of Hawaii photo)Multi-year Training and Exercise ScheduleThe Multi-year Training and Exercise Schedule includes emergency management events submitted by agencies and organizations around the state. The details are subject to change. The Hawai‘i Emergency Management Agency also has an online calendar for which agencies and organizations can submit entries . Submissions can be e-mailed to Lalo Medina, HI-EMA’s Training Exercise Officer at eulalio.medina@January 2020DATETYPECORE CAPABILITIESEVENTLOCATIONSPONSORCONTACTJan 07TRMedia Crisis Communications TrainingFord IslandNOAA808-973-5275Jan 15TRWebEOC IState EOCHI-EMA808-733-4300Jan 15TRCenter for Disease ControlFusion CenterOHS808-628-2323Jan 15EXPOD Transportation ExerciseMauiMEMA808-270 7285Jan 16EXTable-Top ExerciseUSAG-HI EOC, Wheeler Army Air.USAG-HI808-656-0221Jan 13-17EXSNS Transport Full-Scale ExerciseDistrict Health OfficesDOH808-587-6569Jan 14-16TROPSEC Level II MTTOahuIMCOM-P808-438-1802Jan 14-17TRDefense Support to Civil Auth. II Crs.OahuPACOM808-477-9397Jan 16EXRail Tabletop ExerciseHARTDEM808-723-8965Jan 17EXKalaupapa Airport ExerciseMauiMEMA808-270 7285Jan 22TRWebEOC IIState EOCHI-EMA808-733-4300Jan 23EXHousingRegional Senior Executive WorkshopDepartment Leadership WorkshopHPA, Aloha Tower CampusNPS/HI-EMA808-733-4300Jan 24EXAerial Photography SAREXStatewideCAP310-497-3804Jan 22/29TRCity Closed Medical POD TrainingDEM EOCDEM808-723-8965Jan 27-31TR/EXDDASS Financial Mgmt. Assist. Tng TTXHING, KapoleiDCO-E/USARPAC808-787-5903Jan 28-30TRHousing-Specific Focused PELP OahuFEMA808-851-7900Jan 29TRSERT OrientationBuilding 303HI-EMA808-733-4300Jan 31-Feb 7EXCST Full-Scale ExerciseMauiMEMA808-270 7285Jan TBDTRCertification of Hawaii Bomb SquadTBDOHS808-369-3570Jan TBDTRTemporary Power TrainingTBDUSACE808 835-4721Jan TBDTRICS-300/IntermediateTBDDEM808-723-8965Jan TBDTREO146 HSEEP Training CourseHilo EOCHCCDA808-935-0031February 2020DATETYPECORE CAPABILITIESEVENTLOCATIONSPONSORCONTACTFeb 3TRAWR 345 Unmanned Aircraft Systems in Disaster ManagementOahu DOD Training ClassroomOHS808-369-3570Feb 3-5EXEPLO-DSCA WorkshopTBDDCO-E808-787-0046Feb 3-7TRCrisis and Emergency Risk Communication (CERC)Hawaii, Kauai, Maui, OahuDOH808-587-6569Feb 4EXCritical TransportationMP20 Debris Management WorkshopHawaii CountyHI-EMA808-733-4300Feb 4-6EXRegional Cyber WorkshopHonoluluFEMA808-851-7900Feb 5TRWebEOC IState EOCHI-EMA808-733-4300Feb 5TRUSSS Deep/Dark NetFusion CenterOHS808-628-2323Feb 5-6TRPER 335 Complex Coordinated Terrorist Attack TrainingHiltonOHS808-369-3570Feb 6EXCritical TransportationMP20 Debris Management WorkshopKauai CountyHI-EMA808-733-4300Feb 12TRWebEOC IIState EOCHI-EMA808-733-4300Feb 13TRHI-EMA Staff TrainingState EOCHI-EMA808-733-4300Feb 19-21TRMGT346 EOC Operations & Planning for all HazardsMauiOHS808-369-3570Feb 19TRWEBEOC/ESF Level IIIState EOCHI-EMA808-733-4300Feb 20EXTable-Top ExerciseUSAG-HI EOC, Wheeler Army AirUSAG-HI808-656-0221Feb 24-26TRMGT346 EOC Operations & Planning for all Hazards KauaiOHS808-369-3570Feb 26TR3DFusion CenterOHS808-628-2323Feb 27EXCritical TransportationMP20 Debris Management WorkshopMaui CountyHI-EMA808-733-4300Feb 27TRHI-EMA Staff TrainingState EOCHI-EMA808-733-4300Feb 26-28EXCity Closed Medical PODs ExerciseManoa Valley District ParkDEM808-723-8965TBDEXCritical TransportationDebris Management WorkshopCity & County of HonoluluHI-EMA808-733-4300TBDTRHonolulu IMT-Situation Unit LeaderTBDDEM808-723-8965Feb TBDTRMedical Reserve Corps (MRC) OrientationMauiDOH808-243-8649Feb TBDEXMP20 STAFFEX/H.OPORD DevelopmentStateHING808-672-1202Feb TBDEXLOADEXDCO-EOahu808-787-0046Feb TBDTRTRMRC CPR TrainingHDHOHawaii County808-974-6010Feb TBDTRTRPsychologic First AidMDHOMaui County808-243-8640March 2020DATETYPECORE CAPABILITIESEVENTLOCATIONSPONSORCONTACTMar 2-6TRTraditional PELPHiloFEMA808-851-7900Mar 3EXCritical TransportationMP20 Port Restoration WorkshopBuilding 303HI-EMA808-733-4300Mar 4TRWebEOC IState EOCHI-EMA808-733-4300Mar 10-11TRIncident Command System (ICS-300)KauaiOHS808-369-3570Mar 11TRWebEOC IIState EOCHI-EMA808-733-4300Mar 12-13TRIncident Command System (ICS-400)KauaiOHS808-369-3570Mar 12TRHI-EMA Staff TrainingState EOCHI-EMA808-733-4300Mar 18TRWEBEOC/ESF Level IIIState EOCHI-EMA808-733-4300Mar 18TRDOH Laboratory Response ProgramFusion CenterOHS808-628-2323Mar 18-20TRMGT 361 - Managing Critical Incidents at Institutions of Higher LearningOahu West Hawaii UniversityOHS808-369-3570Mar 18-20TRMGT455 Radiological Operations Support Specialist Training (ROSS)City & County/State OahuOHS808-369-3570Mar 19TRHI-EMA Staff TrainingState EOCHI-EMA808-733-4300Mar 19EXTable Top ExerciseWheeler Army AirfieldUSAG-HI808-656-0221Mar 24-25TRIncident Command System (ICS-300)MauiOHS808-369-3570Mar 26-27TRIncident Command System (ICS-400)MauiOHS808-369-3570Mar TBDTRCommunity Assessment for Public Health Emergency (CASPER) TrainingOahuDEM/DOH808-723-8965808-587-6569Mar TBDTRHonolulu IMT - Operations Sec. ChiefTBDDEM808-723-8965Mar TBDTRG0191 EOC/ICS CMD System InterfaceHiloHCCDA808-935-0031Mar TBDEXMedical Countermeasure D. DrillMauiMDHO808-243-8640Mar TBDEXPoint of Dispensing Tabletop (TTX)HawaiiHDHO808-974-6010Mar TBDEXExtreme EventHawaiiHDHO808-974-6010Mar TBDEXElectronic Call Down DrillKauaiDKHO808-241-3420Mar TBDTRMRC OrientationHawaiiHDHO808-974-6010Mar TBDTRMRC TrainingMauiMDHO808-243-8640Mar TBDTRStop the BeedOahuDOH808-587-6569Mar TBDTRMedical Reserve Corps OrientationHawaiiHDHO808-974-6010Mar TBDTRPoints of Distribution (POD) Functional ExerciseMauiMDHO808-243-8640April 2020DATETYPECORE CAPABILITIESEVENTLOCATIONSPONSORCONTACTApr 1TRSERT Orientation (Cancelled)State EOCHI-EMA808-733-4300Apr 1TRPER 228 – Advanced Forensics Investigation for Hazardous Environ.Oahu Aloha StadiumOHS808-369-3570Apr 1-3TRWebEOC I (Cancelled)State EOCHI-EMA808-733-4300Apr 8TRFEMA PresentationFusion CenterOHS808-628-2323Apr 8TRHI-EMA Staff Training (Cancelled)State EOCHI-EMA808-733-4300Apr 9TRPER 228 – Advanced Forensics Investigation for Hazardous EnvironmentsOahu Aloha StadiumOHS808-369-3570Apr 6-8TRMGT 319-Medical Countermeasures Points of Dispensing (POD) Planning and ResponseMauiOHS808-369-3570Apr 13-14TRAHIMT Training Course (O-305)KauaiOHS808-369-3570Apr 13-17EXDistance Tsunami Drill (Cancelled)State EOCHI-EMA808-733-4300Apr 16EXTable Top ExerciseEOC, Wheeler Army AirfieldUSAG-HI808-656-0221Apr 16TRWebEOC II (Cancelled)State EOCHI-EMA808-733-4300Apr 15TRMGT 319 - Medical Countermeasures POD Planning and Response OahuOHS808-369-3570Apr 16-17EXD14 ADDS, Honolulu 2020 (Drill)Barbers Point, HIUSCG808-535-3306Apr 22--24TRWEBEOC/ESF Level III (Cancelled)State EOCHI-EMA808-733-4300Apr 22TRHI-EMA Staff Training (Cancelled)State EOCHI-EMA808-733-4300Apr 23TRDOH Disease Investigation BranchFusion CenterOHS808-628-2323Apr 29EXKapalua AirportMauiDOT-A808-838-8702Apr 30TRHonolulu IMT - ICS 400TBDDEM808-723-8965Apr TBDTRHonolulu IMT – SOFRTBDDEM808-723-8965Apr TBDEXICS FE Planning P ExerciseMauiMDHO808-243-8640Apr TBDTRPoints of Distribution (POD) ExerciseMauiMEMA808-270 7285May 2020DATETYPECORE CAPABILITIESEVENTLOCATIONSPONSORCONTACTMay 2EXSector Honolulu SAREX #2 FSE 2020Hawaii CountyUSCG808-535-3306May 5EXCritical TransportationMP20 Debris Management Workshop(Cancelled)Hawaii CountyHI-EMA808-733-4300May 5-6TRPER-307 Intro to IND Effects and Response StrategiesOahuOSH808-369-3570May 6-9EXD14 Response Trailer, Honolulu 2020City & County of HonoluluUSCG808-535-3306May 6EXCritical TransportationMP20 Debris Management Workshop(Cancelled)Maui CountyHI-EMA808-733-4300May 6TRWebEOC IState EOCHI-EMA808-733-4300May 7EXCritical TransportationMP20 Debris Management Workshop(Cancelled)Kauai CountyHI-EMA808-733-4300May 7TRHI-EMA Staff Training (Cancelled)State EOCHI-EMA808-733-4300May 12-14TRMaturing Public Private Partnership ProgramsOahuOHS808-369-3570May 13TRWebEOC II (Cancelled)State EOCHI-EMA808-733-4300May 16EXSpring Commencement ExerciseUniversity of HawaiiUH EMO808-956-773May 19EXCritical TransportationMP20 Port Restoration Workshop(Cancelled)Building 303HI-EMA808-733-4300May 20TRWEBEOC/ESF Level III (Cancelled)State EOCHI-EMA808-733-4300May 20 (T)TRHurricane OutlookTBDNOAA808-973-5275May 21TRHI-EMA Staff Training (Cancelled)State EOCHI-EMA808-733-4300May 21EXTable Top ExerciseEOC, Wheeler Army AirfieldUSAG-HI808-656-0221May TBDEXCritical TransportationDebris Management WorkshopCity & County of HonoluluHI-EMA808-733-4300May TBDTRMRC Citizen PreparednessHawaii CountyHDHO808-974-6010May TBDTRStop the BleedMauiMDOH808-587-6569May TBDTRShelter TrainingOahuDOH & ARC808-587-6569May TBDTRG0775 EOC Management and Ops.Hilo EOCHCCDA808-935-0031May TBDTRVIED Search ProceduresOahuOHS808-369-3570May TBDTRBMAPOahuOHS808-369-3570May TBDTRShelter Activation DrillKauaiKMRC/ARC808-241-3420June 2020DATETYPECORE CAPABILITIESEVENTLOCATIONSPONSORCONTACTJun 3TRWebEOC I (Cancelled)State EOCHI-EMA808-733-4300Jun 4EXActive Shooter Full-Scale ExerciseStar of HonoluluUSCG808-842-2687June 9EXSituational AssessmentMP 20 Statewide WebEOC Workshop (Cancelled)Building 303HI-EMA808-733-4300Jun 10EXMP20 Senior Leader Workshop (Cancelled)TBDHI-EMA808-733-4300Jun 10TRCPHC Tropical Storm OutlookFusion CenterOHS808-628-2323Jun 8-12/15-17EXMakani Pahili 2020 Exercise/Support (Cancelled)State EOCHING/HI-EMA808-733-4300Jun 17TRWebEOC II (Cancelled)State EOCHI-EMA808-733-4300Jun 17-19EXD14 Response Trailer Drill Big Island Kona, Hawaii CountyUSCG808-535-3306Jun 18TRHVX (web-based Hurrevac)State EOCHI-EMA808-733-4300Jun 23-24TRIncident Command System (ICS-300)Hawaii CountyOHS808-369-3570Jun 24TRWEBEOC/ESF Level III (Cancelled)State EOCHI-EMA808-733-4300Jun 25-26TRIncident Command System (ICS-400)Hawaii CountyOHS808-369-3570Jun TBDTRConference: Health and Disaster Impacts of Climate ChangeOahuDOH808-587-6569Jun TBDTRPsychological First AidOahuDOH808-587-6569Jun TBDTRStop the BleedOahuDOH808-587-6569Jun TBDTRMedical Reserve Corps OrientationOahuDOH808-587-6569Jun TBDTREmergency CommunicationsOahuOHS808-369-3570July 2020DATETYPECORE CAPABILITIESEVENTLOCATIONSPONSORCONTACTJul 1TRSERT Orientation (Cancelled)State EOCHI-EMA808-733-4300Jul 1-31EXD14 RIMPAC FSE 2020Hawaiian IslandsUSCG808-535-3306Jul 7-9TRHousing210 Recovery from Disaster: The Local Community RoleOahuCCSR808-768-2277Jul 8TRWebEOC I (Cancelled)State EOCHI-EMA808-733-4300Jul 13-17EXGarrison Full Scale ExerciseGarrison HawaiiIMCOM-P808-438-0611Jul 15TRWebEOC II (Cancelled)State EOCHI-EMA808-733-4300Jul 22TRWEBEOC/ESF Level III (Cancelled)State EOCHI-EMA808-733-4300Jul 27-31EXCST ExerciseKauaiKEMA808 241-1850Jul 29-30TRPER 335 – Complex Coordinated Terrorist AttackOahuOHS808-369-3570Jul TBDTRG0548 COOP Managers Tng. CourseHilo EOCHCCDA808-935-0031August 2020DATETYPECORE CAPABILITIESEVENTLOCATIONSPONSORCONTACTAug 3-4TRMGT 412 – Sports Venue Evacuation and Protective Action CourseOahuOHS808-369-3570Aug 4EXCritical TransportationMP20 Debris Management Workshop(Cancelled)Hawaii CountyHI-EMA808-733-4300Aug 3-4EXCritical TransportationMP20 Debris Management WorkshopMaui CountyHI-EMA808-733-4300Aug 5TRWebEOC I (Cancelled)State EOCHI-EMA808-733-4300Aug 5-6TRMGT 467 - Sports and Special Events Public Info. & Emergency NotificationOahuOHS808-369-3570Aug 6EXCritical TransportationMP20 Debris Management Workshop(Cancelled)Kauai CountyHI-EMA808-733-4300Aug 11-12TRAWR 136/MGT 384 – Intro to Cyber Security Community Preparedness for Cyber IndicatorsOahuOHS808-369-3570Aug 12TRWebEOC II (Cancelled)State EOCHI-EMA808-733-4300Aug 13-14TRMGT 376 – Physical and Cyber Security and Resilience Awareness SecurityOahuOHS808-369-3570Aug 18EXCritical TransportationMP20 Port Restoration WorkshopBuilding 303HI-EMA808-733-4300Aug 19TRWEBEOC/ESF Level III (Cancelled)State EOCHI-EMA808-733-4300Aug TBDEXCritical TransportationDebris Management WorkshopCity & County of HonoluluHI-EMA808-733-4300Aug 20EXSector Honolulu AMSTEP FE 2020Honolulu HarborUSCG808-535-3306Aug 20EXTable-Top ExerciseEOC, Wheeler Army AirfieldUSAG-HI808-656-0221Aug 25TRHI-EMA Staff TrainingVirtualHI-EMA808-733-4300Aug TBDTRG-191 Incident Command System/EOC IntegrationTBDDEM808-723-8965September 2020DATETYPECORE CAPABILITIESEVENTLOCATIONSPONSORCONTACTSep 2TRWebEOC I (Cancelled)State EOCHI-EMA808-733-4300Sep 3TRHI-EMA Staff TrainingVirtualHI-EMA808-733-4300Sep 8EXCritical TransportationMP20 Debris Management Workshop (Cancelled)Kauai CountyHI-EMA808-733-4300Sep 9TRWebEOC II (Cancelled)State EOCHI-EMA808-733-4300Sep 9-11TRMGT 323 – Instructor Development Workshop TrainingOahuOHS808-369-3570Sep 16TRWEBEOC/ESF Level III (Cancelled)State EOCHI-EMA808-733-4300Sep 22-23TRIncident Command System (ICS-300)OahuOHS808-369-3570Sep 17 – Oct 8 TR2020 National Preparedness SymposiumVirtualFEMA(301) 447-1000Sep 24-25TRIncident Command System (ICS-400)OahuOHS808-369-3570Sep TBDTRMedical Reserve Corps OrientationOahuDOH808-587-6569Sep TBDTRPsychological First AidOahuDOH808-587-6569Sep TBDTRG-358 Evac. and Re-Entry Planning Crs.Hilo EOCHCCDA808-935-0031Sep TBDTRG-358 Evac. and Re-Entry Planning Crs.OahuOHS808-369-3570Sep TBDTRHonolulu IMT - Public Info. OfficerTBDDEM808-723-8965October 2020 – December 2020DATETYPECORE CAPABILITIESEVENTLOCATIONSPONSORCONTACTOct 1TRSERT Orientation (Cancelled)State EOCHI-EMA808-733-4300Oct 7TRWebEOC I (Cancelled)State EOCHI-EMA808-733-4300New Date Jan 12, 2021EXTraining & Exercise Planning Workshop (TEPW)Building 303HI-EMA808-733-4300Oct 14TRWebEOC II (Cancelled)State EOCHI-EMA808-733-4300Oct 20EXLocal Tsunami Drill ExerciseState EOCHI-EMA808-733-4300Oct 21TRWEBEOC/ESF Level III (Cancelled)State EOCHI-EMA808-733-4300Oct 31EXHonolulu Inter. Airport ExerciseOahuDOT-A808-838-8702Oct TBDEXGround Team SAREXStatewideCAP310-497-3804Oct TBDTRAWR 213 – Critical Infrastructure and Resilience Awareness SecurityOahuOHS808-369-3570Oct TBDTRMGT 317 – Disaster Management for Public ServicesOahuOHS808-369-3570Oct TBDTRPER 330 - Surface Transportation EM Preparedness & Security - Mass Transit & Passenger Rail (STEP-PT)City & County HonoluluOHS808-369-3570Oct TBDTRPER 331 - Surface Transportation EM Preparedness & Security - Senior Officials (STEP-SR)City & County HonoluluOHS808-369-3570Oct TBDTRHonolulu IMT - ICS 300TBDDEM808-723-8965Nov 4TRWebEOC IState EOCHI-EMA808-733-4300Nov 4EXCritical TransportationMP20 Debris Management WorkshopHawaii CountyHI-EMA808-733-4300Nov 5EXCritical TransportationMP20 Debris Management WorkshopMaui CountyHI-EMA808-733-4300Nov 6EXCritical TransportationMP20 Debris Management WorkshopKauai CountyHI-EMA808-733-4300Nov 17EXCritical TransportationMP20 Port Restoration WorkshopBuilding 303HI-EMA808-733-4300Nov 18TRWebEOC IIState EOCHI-EMA808-733-4300Nov 25TRWEBEOC/ESF Level IIIState EOCHI-EMA808-733-4300Nov 30EXKona Airport ExerciseHawaii CountyDOT-A808-838-8702Nov TBDEXCritical TransportationDebris Management WorkshopCity & County of HonoluluHI-EMA808-733-4300Nov TBDTRStop the BleedOahuDOH808-587-6569Nov TBDTRG0418 Mass Care/Emergency Assistance Planning and Ops.Hilo EOCHCCDA808-935-0031Nov TBDTRG0418 Mass Care/Emergency Assistance Planning and Ops.OahuOHS808-369-3570Nov TBDTRHonolulu IMT - O-305 CourseTBDDEM808-723-8965Nov TBDTRHonolulu IMT - Honolulu Marathon ExerciseTBDDEM808-723-8965Dec 2TRWebEOC IState EOCHI-EMA808-733-4300Dec 8EXCritical TransportationMP20 Debris Management TTXBuilding 303HI-EMA808-733-4300Dec 9TRWebEOC IIState EOCHI-EMA808-733-4300Dec 15EXCritical TransportationMP20 Port Restoration TTXBuilding 303HI-EMA808-733-4300Dec 16TRWEBEOC/ESF Level IIIState EOCHI-EMA808-733-4300Dec 19EXSpring Commencement ExerciseUniversity of HawaiiUH EMO808-956-773Dec TBDTRMedical Reserve Corps OrientationOahuDOH808-587-6569TBDEXNational Level Exercise 2020StateFEMA808-851-7906January 2021 – December 2021DATETYPECORE CAPABILITIESEVENTLOCATIONSPONSORCONTACTJan 12EXPlanningTEPW Training & Exercise Planning Workshop (TEPW)StateHI-EMA808-733-4300Jan 27TRSERT OrientationState EOCHI-EMA808-733-4300Jan TBDEXCritical TransportationMP21 Port Restoration WorkshopHawaii CountyHI-EMA808-733-4300Jan TBDEXCritical TransportationMP21 Port Restoration WorkshopMaui CountyHI-EMA808-733-4300Jan TBDEXCritical TransportationMP21 Port Restoration WorkshopKauai CountyHI-EMA808-733-4300Jan TBDEXCritical TransportationMP21 Port Restoration WorkshopC&C of HonoluluHI-EMA808-733-4300Jan 29EXLogistics and Supply Chain ManagementMP21 POD/Logistic Distribution Management WorkshopStateHI-EMA808-733-4300Apr 7TRSERT OrientationState EOCHI-EMA808-733-4300Apr 15EXDistance Tsunami DrillState EOCHI-EMA808-733-4300Apr TBDEXCritical TransportationMP21 Port Restoration WorkshopHawaii CountyHI-EMA808-733-4300Apr TBDEXCritical TransportationMP21 Port Restoration WorkshopMaui CountyHI-EMA808-733-4300Apr TBDEXCritical TransportationMP21 Port Restoration WorkshopKauai CountyHI-EMA808-733-4300Apr TBDEXCritical TransportationMP21 Port Restoration WorkshopC&C of HonoluluHI-EMA808-733-4300Apr 09EXLogistics and Supply Chain ManagementMP21 POD/Logistic Distribution Management WorkshopStateHI-EMA808-733-4300May 11-15 EXOperational CoordinationMakani Pahili 2021 ExerciseStateHI-EMA808-733-4300May 11Logistics and Supply Chain ManagementMP21 Temporary Power TTXStateHI-EMA808-733-4300May 13HousingMP21 Housing WorkshopStateHI-EMA808-733-4300May 14EXMP21 Senior Leader Executive SeminarStateHI-EMA808-733-4300Jul 12-17EXVG21 Van Guard Full-Scale ExerciseStateHING808-672-1202Jul TBDEXCritical TransportationMP21 Port Restoration WorkshopHawaii CountyHI-EMA808-733-4300Jul TBDEXCritical TransportationMP21 Port Restoration WorkshopMaui CountyHI-EMA808-733-4300Jul TBDEXCritical TransportationMP21 Port Restoration WorkshopKauai CountyHI-EMA808-733-4300Jul TBDEXCritical TransportationMP21 Port Restoration WorkshopC&C of HonoluluHI-EMA808-733-4300Jul 09EXLogistics and Supply Chain ManagementMP21 POD/Logistic Distribution Management WorkshopStateHI-EMA808-733-4300Jul 7TRSERT OrientationState EOCHI-EMA808-733-4300Sep 30EXKahului Airport ExerciseMauiDOT-A808-838-8702Oct 6TRSERT OrientationState EOCHI-EMA808-733-4300Oct 21EXLocal Tsunami DrillStateHI-EMA808-733-4300Oct TBDEXCritical TransportationMP21 Port Restoration WorkshopHawaii CountyHI-EMA808-733-4300Oct TBDEXCritical TransportationMP21 Port Restoration WorkshopMaui CountyHI-EMA808-733-4300Oct TBDEXCritical TransportationMP21 Port Restoration WorkshopKauai CountyHI-EMA808-733-4300Oct TBDEXCritical TransportationMP21 Port Restoration WorkshopC&C of HonoluluHI-EMA808-733-4300Oct 11EXLogistics and Supply Chain ManagementMP21 POD/Logistic Distribution Management WorkshopStateHI-EMA808-733-4300Dec 08EXCritical TransportationMP21 Port Restoration TTXBuilding 303HI-EMA808-733-4300Dec 16EXLogistics and Supply Chain ManagementMP21 POD/Logistic Distribution Management TTXStateHI-EMA808-733-4300January 2022 – December 2022DATETYPECORE CAPABILITIESEVENTLOCATIONSPONSORCONTACTJan 11EXPlanningTEPW Training & Exercise Planning Workshop (TEPW)StateHI-EMA808-733-4300Jan 26TRSERT OrientationState EOCHI-EMA808-733-4300Jan TBDEXHousingMP22 Housing WorkshopHawaii CountyHI-EMA808-733-4300Jan TBDEXHousingMP22 Housing WorkshopMaui CountyHI-EMA808-733-4300Jan TBDEXHousingMP22 Housing WorkshopKauai CountyHI-EMA808-733-4300Jan TBDEXHousingMP22 Housing WorkshopC&C of HonoluluHI-EMA808-733-4300Apr 6TRSERT OrientationState EOCHI-EMA808-733-4300Apr 14EXOperational CoordinationDistance Tsunami DrillState EOCHI-EMA808-733-4300Apr TBDEXHousingMP22 Housing WorkshopHawaii CountyHI-EMA808-733-4300Apr TBDEXHousingMP22 Housing WorkshopMaui CountyHI-EMA808-733-4300Apr TBDEXHousingMP22 Housing WorkshopKauai CountyHI-EMA808-733-4300Apr TBDEXHousingMP22 Housing WorkshopC&C of HonoluluHI-EMA808-733-4300May 09-13 EXOperational CoordinationMakani Pahili 2021 ExerciseStateHI-EMA808-733-4300May 14EXPlanningMP22 Senior Leader Executive SeminarStateHI-EMA808-733-4300Jul TBDEXHousingMP22 Housing WorkshopHawaii CountyHI-EMA808-733-4300Jul TBDEXHousingMP22 Housing WorkshopMaui CountyHI-EMA808-733-4300Jul TBDEXHousingMP22 Housing WorkshopKauai CountyHI-EMA808-733-4300Jul TBDEXHousingMP22 Housing WorkshopC&C of HonoluluHI-EMA808-733-4300Jul 09EXLogistics and Supply Chain ManagementMP21 POD/Logistic Distribution Management WorkshopStateHI-EMA808-733-4300Jul 7TRSERT OrientationState EOCHI-EMA808-733-4300Oct 6TRSERT OrientationState EOCHI-EMA808-733-4300Oct 20EXOperational CoordinationLocal Tsunami DrillStateHI-EMA808-733-4300Oct TBDEXHousingMP22 Housing WorkshopHawaii CountyHI-EMA808-733-4300Oct TBDEXHousingMP22 Housing WorkshopMaui CountyHI-EMA808-733-4300Oct TBDEXHousingMP22 Housing WorkshopKauai CountyHI-EMA808-733-4300Oct TBDEXHousingMP22 Housing WorkshopC&C of HonoluluHI-EMA808-733-4300Dec 08EXHousingMP22 Housing WorkshopBuilding 303HI-EMA808-733-4300AcknowledgementsHostsHawai‘i Emergency Management AgencyState of Hawai‘i Homeland Security OfficeCountiesHawai‘i County Civil Defense AgencyCity and County of Honolulu Department of Emergency ManagementMaui Emergency Management AgencyKaua‘i Emergency Management AgencyState of Hawai‘iDepartment of Accounting and General ServicesDepartment of Accounting and General Services - ASODepartment of Accounting and General Services - ETSDepartment of Accounting and General Services - Public WorksDepartment of AgricultureDepartment of Budget and FinanceDepartment of Business, Economic Development & Tourism - State Energy OfficeDepartment of Commerce and Consumer AffairsDepartment of DefenseDepartment of HealthDepartment of Human Resources DevelopmentDepartment of Human ServicesDepartment of Human Services - Benefit, Employment and Support Services DivisionDepartment of Human Services - Hawai‘i Public Housing AuthorityDepartment of Land and Natural Resources - Division of Forestry and WildlifeDepartment of Public SafetyDepartment of TransportationGovernor's OfficeHawai‘i Air National Guard 201 Air Operations UnitHawai‘i National GuardHawai‘i Radio Amateur Civil Emergency ServicesHawai‘i State Fusion CenterHawai‘i State Public Library SystemPublic Utilities CommissionState Procurement OfficeUniversity of Hawai‘iFederal/MilitaryFederal Emergency Management Agency9th Mission Support Command (Army Reserve)201st Air Operations Group /HIANGCivil Air PatrolDefense Coordinating ElementNOAA National Weather ServicePearl Harbor Defense Logistics AgencyPearl Harbor Naval ShipyardU.S. Coast Guard District 14U.S. Indo-Pacific CommandU.S. Army Pacific CommandPrivate Industry, Non-Profit Agencies, Nongovernmental AgenciesAmerican Amateur Radio ClubAmerican Red CrossChaminade University of HonoluluHawai‘i Voluntary Organizations Active in DisastersHawaii Healthcare Emergency Management CoalitionHawaiian AirlinesHawaiian Electric CompaniesDelta AirlinesMaintenance SectionThe Training and Exercise Plan (TEP) is a living document owned by HI-EMA Preparedness Branch that will be updated and refined annually. The plan covers the overall training and exercise program priorities for a three-year period, with the acknowledgment that priorities may be adjusted to address changing circumstances. ................

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