
Better Language, Better Communication, Better Business

Professional Background Information


Richard Lian

(Qingsong Lian)

Address: Suite 11C, SZ Development Bank Building, 171 Taoyuan Rd., Nanshan,

Shenzhen 518052, PR China

Telephone: 13713628570

Email (MSN): richlqs@


I. Translation & Quality Assurance

II. Consecutive Interpretation

III. Copy Writing; Typesetting & DTP


1. Legal & financial translations:

• External Partner, CLS Communication 2 years, since 2006

CLS Communication is a leading language service provider focusing on finance and life sciences. cls-

Language Pair(s)/quality assurance: English to Chinese; French to Chinese

Contents translated/quality assurance: Legal documents; news letters on financial products; solution proposals

End clients: UBS, ABN Amro, Credit Swiss, Swiss Reinsurance, etc.

• Translation Contractor, Expert Language Consultants 3 years, since 2004

Expert Language Consults is a Hong Kong-based language service provider working with several high-profile publications in HKSAR. language-

Language Pair(s): English to Chinese; Chinese to English

Contents translated: Legal magazine articles; financial reports

End clients: Law Society of Hong Kong; Hong Kong Securities Institute; Banking Today

2. Human resources and management:

• Official Translation Service Provider, Hay Group China Office 3 years, since 2005

Hay Group is a global leader in HR consulting and training services.

Language Pair(s): English to Chinese

Contents translated: Training courses

• Translation Vendor, DDI Asia China Office 1 year ( 2005- 2006)

DDI is a global leader in HR consulting and training services.

Language Pair(s): English to Chinese

Contents translated: Training courses

• Chief Translator, China Edition of Harvard Business Management Practice

2 years (2004-2006)

Harvard Business Management Practice provides articles contributed by world-class business thought leaders and published by HBS Publishing sino-

Language Pair(s): English to Chinese

Contents translated: Articles contributed by world-class business thought leaders

• Translation Vendor, First Priority Consulting 10 years, since 1998

First Priority Consulting is China’s leading business training provider serving MNCs and major domestic companies.

Language Pair(s): English to Chinese; Chinese to English

Contents translated: Training manuals; books related to business/personal/management skills; website contents; solution proposals; business contracts

• Translation Contractor, Chief Executive China 7 years (1996 –2003)

Chief Executive China is a magazine that publishes articles by well-known experts on business and management topics.

Language Pair(s): English to Chinese

Contents translated: Articles contributed by well-known business writers

3. Technical translation:

• Translation Contractor, Logos Language Services 2 years, since 2006

Logos is a world leader in translation, localization and content management.

Language Pair(s): Italian to Chinese; English to Chinese

Contents translated: Press releases; fashion; user manuals for electric; mechanical and automotive systems

End clients: Italian Government (Invest in Italy), Dolce & Gabbana, GSG International, Synova, Pomini (Techint Technologies), Brevini Power Transmission, Same Deutz-Fahr

• Translation Vendor, Thermo Fisher Scientific 2 years, since 2006

Thermo Fisher Scientific is a world leader in analytical instrumentation and informatics.

Language Pair(s): English to Chinese; Chinese to English

Contents translated: Marketing leaflets; case studies

• Translation Contractor, Verztec Consulting Pte Ltd. 3 years, since 2005

Verztec is a Singapore-based comprehensive translation and localization company.

Language Pair(s): English to Chinese; Chinese to English

Contents translated: Financial product descriptions; technical manuals; science theses; auditing reports; E-learning materials

End clients: Société Générale, ST Engineering, Cisco, Siemens, Greenwich Investment, Foton; FM Global; World Plumbing Review; Oxford University

4. Other fields:

• Translation Contractor, Forbes Life 1.5 years (June 2005 – November 2006)

Forbes Life is a publication under Forbes, focusing on quality lifestyles for well-heeled business leaders.

Language Pair(s): English to Chinese

Contents translated: Lifestyle articles

• Translation Contractor, Gallup China 4 years, since 2004

Gallup is a world leader in polling, marketing research and other consulting

Language Pair(s): English to Chinese; Chinese to English

Contents translated: Research data; service proposals; survey reports


BA in English Language & Literature, Nankai University;

Master of Business Administration, Nankai University


Logos Language Services

CLS Communications

Forbes China

Global Sources Media Group

Haworth (Shanghai)

Hay Group China

PAEN Communications

Veztec Consulting Pte Ltd

DDI Asia China Office

First Priority Consulting

Gallup Research Company (China) Limited

Harvard Business Management Practice

Language Expert Consultants (HK)

Society of HR Management


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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