

(Managed by The Sonepat Hindu Educational & Charitable Society)

(Approved by AICTE, Affiliated to DCRUST, Murthal )

Industrial Area, Sonepat (Haryana)-131001

Phone (0130) 2212756 Telefax: 2212755

E-mail: hce.snp@ Website:

Application form for admission to B.Tech (1st Year)/ B.Tech (2nd Year LEET)

1. Name of candidate(Block Letters) :__________________________________

(as on matriculation certificate)

2. Date of Birth:________________________ 3. Sex:______________________

3. Father’s Name & Occupation :______________________________________

4. Mother’s Name & Occupation:______________________________________

5. Correspondence Address: _________________________________________________


State______________ Pin________________Ph. No.___________

6. Permanent Address:_______________________________________________________


State______________ Pin________________Ph. No.___________

7. Category(Tick the applicable one) : General SC ST OBC [pic] Others

If, others please specify__________________

8.a) Academic Qualifications :

|Examination |Roll No. |Passing |Subjects |Board |Marks Obtained |Max Marks |% Marks |

| | |Year | | | | |Obtained |

|10th | | | | | | | |

|10+2 | | | | | | | |

|Diploma(Branch) | | | | | | | |

|Any Other | | | | | | | |

8.b) Details of compulsory subjects :

|Name of subject |Marks Obtained |Max Marks |% Marks Obtained |

|Physics | |100 | |

|Mathematics | |100 | |

|Chemistry/Biology/Bio Tech/Comp Sc./Physical Ed. | |100 | |

|Total | |300 | |

8.c) Qualifying Examination Details: JEE OLET(LEET)

Rank_______________________ Roll No.____________________

9. Is there any gap in your academic career? Yes/No (if yes, give affidavit)

10. Choice of Course :

|S.No. |Name of Branch |Order of Preference(1,2,3,4,5,6) |

|1. |Electronics & Communication Engineering | |

|2. |Computer Science and Engineering | |

|3. |Information Technology | |

|4. |Electrical Engineering | |

|5. |Civil Engineering | |

|6. |Mechanical Engineering | |

11. Aadhar No………………………………………………………………….

12. Parental Annual Income……………………………………………………


I hereby declare that the statements made in the form are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. If any

information is found incorrect, my admission is liable to be cancelled. I fulfill the eligibility criteria for admission to

B. Tech Course.

Signature of the Candidate


“I hereby solemnly affirm and declare that the information provided by me in the admission form is correct and

I have not concealed any relevant fact. I undertake to abide by all the rules and instructions of the University,

State Govt. and the College. I am taking admission in the College provisionally at my own risk and responsibility

subject to the confirmation of my admission by the University and the State Govt. If at any stage, I am declared

ineligible and if my admission is cancelled by the University of the State Govt. ab-initio under the rules, I will

have no claim, whatsoever, against the College/University/State Govt.”

Signature of the Parent/Guardian Signature of the Candidate

Date: _____________________ Mobile no:__________________

Mobile no:__________________

Mobile no of local guardian(if any): _____________________

Enclosures: Kindly enclose attested copy of following documents:

1. Matriculation certificate

2. Qualifying Examination i.e. 10+2/Intermediate/Senior Secondary School Examination / Diploma certificate

3. JEE \ OLET (LEET) -2020 Rank Card


Please affix a recent photograph of candidate





| | | | |Details of Marks |

|Examination |Examination |Passing Year |Subjects | |

|Passed |Authority | | | |

| | | | |Marks Obtained |Total |% |

|10th | | | | | | |

|10+2 | | | | | | |

|Diploma(Branch) | | | | | | |

|Any Other | | | | | | |


| | | | |Details of Marks |

|Examination |Examination |Passing Year |Subjects | |

|Passed |Authority | | | |

| | | | |Marks Obtained |Total |% |

|10th | | | | | | |

|10+2 | | | | | | |

|Diploma(Branch) | | | | | | |

|Any Other | | | | | | |


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